Describe any legal and ethical issues involved in the crisis situation (e.g., describe issues related to confidentiality and privacy, mandated reporting, any court proceedings that did or could have occurred related to the crisis, police or law enforcement involvement, etc.). Use the ACA Code of Ethics to discuss this.
Crisis Memoir
This Paper should be on a book titled “I Am Jess”. This book is a true story discussing a woman’s relationship. The paper should focus on emotional and mental abuse that is discussed, more so than the physical abuse itself.
Crisis Memoir Analysis (100 points) Students will read a book that is a memoir (i.e., true story) of the author’s crisis experience. The memoir should be one of the crisis topics we cover in this course. These include; sexual assault, intimate partner violence, substance abuse, chronic and terminal illness, the crisis of death, child abuse (physical, sexual and neglect), school based crisis, and disaster. Students may select a memoir of their choice but must receive the instructor’s approval by the third week of class.
After reading the memoir, students will complete an analysis including the components listed below. Papers will be a minimum of 10 pages and will be in APA 7 th edition formatting. A minimum of 5 empirical articles must be cited within the paper and a reference list must be included. DO NOT choose a fictional novel; this must be a true story.
a. Introduce the protagonist
b. Describe the crisis the protagonist experienced
c. Provide information from the literature (empirical articles), books, and our textbook and discuss what you have learned about this type of crisis. How does the protagonist’s experience match up with research on this topic? This information (i.e., what is typically expected after such a crisis) should be compared and contrasted with the experiences of the protagonist.
d. Describe any legal and ethical issues involved in the crisis situation (e.g., describe issues related to confidentiality and privacy, mandated reporting, any court proceedings that did or could have occurred related to the crisis, police or law enforcement involvement, etc.). Use the ACA Code of Ethics to discuss this.
e. Describe the cultural, developmental, and environmental influences – How did the person’s environment, culture, and development impact the crisis situation and the person’s response to and ability to cope and heal from the crisis? Consider the person’s resources related to each of these factors.
f. Describe the services the protagonist received to related to the crisis. In addition, describe the following:
- i. How could a clinical mental health/school/pastoral counselor be helpful to the protagonist in the midst of his or her crisis?
- ii. What specific types of assessments and interventions might you have used with this person?
- iii. Whose help might you enlist when helping this person? What types of referrals might you offer him or her?
g. Describe your personal experience of reading this person’s crisis experience. Reflect on what it might be like for you to hear this person describe his or her story to you in person. How would you manage your personal response to the client’s experience with remaining in the role of a helper to the client?