
Would you consider implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, or would you continue to use applications, such as Microsoft Office (e.g., Word, Excel, Access), to manage your business processes?

Discussion Board Question

When you started your small business, you managed all business processes on your own. Now, your business is expanding and you have hired employees to help. Would you consider implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, or would you continue to use applications, such as Microsoft Office (e.g., Word, Excel, Access), to manage your business processes? Be sure to explain the reasons behind your choice.

Research an article regarding how Artificial Intelligence systems are going to change acquisition and fulfillment in the future.

Economics Question

Research an article regarding how Artificial Intelligence systems are going to change acquisition and fulfillment in the future. As your topic might be very new, use the web or the library. Note that you need to make sure to support your position on what will change in the future.

Read the articles below about the topic.

You need to make sure to identify the author’s point of view, and the bias of the author. Remember to include a link to the article.

Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page.

Write the Method section of your research paper to include participants, measures, procedure, research design, and data analysis. On a second document take 3 of the articles used in the literature review and summarize them.

PSYC 431 – Senior Research Seminar in Psychology

The introduction criteria were Write a concise introduction to your research project that includes: Introduction of the problem area, The importance of the problem/topic, an Introduction of the independent and dependent variables and their relationship, Statistics of the number of people or events affected by the problem, Objectives of the research study, and A thesis statement. Then Write 5 literature reviews that gather background information on the topic and represent a comprehensive review of the research in that topic area, record the source of data as transition statements that connect the different research studies and lead logically into the hypotheses written in the style described in the Seventh Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) for writing term and research papers. Then, Write the Method section of your research paper to include participants, measures, procedure, research design, and data analysis. Then on a second document take 3 of the articles used in the literature review and summarize them.

Explain the government structure in the United States to include a discussion about constitutional democracy and federalism. How do the principles of federalism impact policing?

CMRJ302: The police in American Society

Answer the following:

1. Explain the government structure in the United States to include a discussion about constitutional democracy and federalism.

2. How do the principles of federalism impact policing?

3. What rights and protections are afforded to American citizens in the Bill of Rights?

Compare and contrast and discuss the intersections of varied historical experiences. Compare and contrast how the various targeted groups resisted and challenged these varied forms of oppression. How does this approach to history inform your understanding and analysis of current social justice issues today?

History Question


1. Demonstrate your developing critical thinking skills by identifying and discussing systems and institutions of oppression and their impact on targeted groups based on race, class, gender/sexuality and/or ethnicity during the covered time period in California history. Compare and contrast and discuss the intersections of varied historical experiences. Compare and contrast how the various targeted groups resisted and challenged these varied forms of oppression. How does this approach to history inform your understanding and analysis of current social justice issues today?

(Utilize any relevant assigned materials from week 1 to the present)

B) Instructions:

1. Submit your essay on CANVAS, under the Essay Assignment icon. Submit in PDF format only (if using Google docs, Note book or Word, convert to PDF and then submit).

2. Name, date and class at top of page with Essay #1 as the title.

3. Write essay prompt/question in bold and respond below.

Identify the section(s) with which you agree and disagree.

Media research 70

See the following review-

Identify the section(s) with which you agree and disagree.

State 4 reasons why people engage in business. Outline four ways in which a business can be socially. Highlight four benefits that a community should derive from the study of business.

Introduction to business

1. State 4 reasons why people engage in business.

2. Outline four ways in which a business can be socially.

3. Highlight four benefits that a community should derive from the study of business.

Who is represented as playing a role in the city? Are they politicians, business people, activists, or others from civil society? What is being covered and what is being left out? What is the sequence of stories? Which topics are given priority? How much space is dedicated to certain topics compared to others?

Media analysis

The goal of this assignment is to explore local media sources to get a sense of the city at the current moment.Reading newspaper articles, informed blogposts (with dates!), and local websites will give you a certain perspective on who is powerful, what problems are, and what responses might be. You should begin with the most legitimate local sources: Newark Star-Ledger; the Trentonian; Paterson Times; The Hudson Reporter, DNA Info,,, and Philadelphia Inquirer.

1) Choose five of what you deem to be the most important articles/sources.

2) Each individual team member should type a bibliographic entry for each story/source.

3) Briefly respond to the questions below in 200 words:

  • Who is represented as playing a role in the city? Are they politicians, business people, activists, or others from civil society?
  • What is being covered and what is being left out?
  • What is the sequence of stories? Which topics are given priority? How much space is dedicated to certain topics compared to others?
  • What connections can you make to other things you’ve learned about your city (statistics, background reading, observation)?

Share one activity or example in the article that you found helpful. Ask yourself these questions and share the answers: Is it similar to what you do? What is unique about their suggestions?

12 questions

Q1-What ideas did you try or have you tried before with your kids?

Q2Look at these preschoolers playing. Write down one thing that may be of interest to them. Then suggest something you could do to take advantage of their interest and develop their language and literacy skills

Q3- What expressive (listening) and receptive (speaking) language skills does Elmo demonstrate? Watch the below Video

Q4- Now share a tip on the reflection forum about listening to children’s stories and how you might “spotlight” them for others in the classroom community. These questions can help you think about tips to share:

Q5- Name five ways conversation and storytelling help children develop literacy skills.

Q6- Watch how this teacher engages the child’s interest while reading the book.

Q7-Share a tip on the Discussion Forum of the strategy that you find most helpful. These questions can help you think about tips to share:


Q8- Which of the following is an example of environmental print?

  • Street signs
  • Both of these
  • Food labels

Q9- Post one of your own “writing tricks” of the trade on the reflection forum.


Q10-How old might this child be based on the writing you see? How do you know?

  • 3-4 years old
  • 5

Q11- Share one activity or example in the article that you found helpful. Ask yourself these questions and share the answers: Is it similar to what you do? What is unique about their suggestions? Read the responses of other participants and expand on their thoughts as well.


Q12- Which of the following is one of “The Magic Six” skills that support reading success?

  • Comprehension and text structure
  • Communication and speaking
  • Vocabulary
  • All of these
  • Writing
  • Phonological Awareness
  • Print and alphabet knowledge

Analyze your chosen documents using the skills highlighted in the Historical Thinking, Sourcing, and Historical Context videos from the playlist.

History project

Project: The student will be responsible for choosing an event in American History approved by the instructor and create an argument on its significance using historical evidence of at least one primary and one secondary source. The student will also analyze and interpret the primary and secondary sources by explaining how the material impacted the chosen event. (Learning Objectives 2 and 3)

The LIFE history project is an opportunity for you to explore a topic, group, event, or time period that interests you the most as found in the LIFE Magazine archive on Google Books. The goal of this history project is two-fold: first, it gives you an opportunity to explore a topic of your choice in more depth. Secondly, this project gives us a chance to dig deeper to truly understand events in American History beyond the textbook as Americans experienced it. Below are the instructions for our project. If you have any questions, please let me know.

1. Explore the LIFE Magazine archive in Google Books. Choose a topic from the magazine to conduct your research on – keep in mind that it needs to be American History focused and must be within the time frame of this course. You can select a topic from anywhere in the magazines – the images, articles, advertisements, etc. You’ll need to specifically reference your LIFE Magazine selection in the beginning of your paper so that I can find it (Be specific about where you’ve found it). The goal here is to pick a topic by reading through a magazine through the eyes of someone in the past. What better way to do so than to read the same magazines that people read almost 80+ years ago!

2. Watch the videos in this YouTube playlist on the types of sources, how to conduct historical research, and how to analyze documents. These videos should guide you through the process of locating academically credible documents and sources.

3. Conduct the research – you need to locate at least one primary and one secondary source directly related to your topic. You must ensure that your sources meet the criteria for primary\secondary sources and that they pass the C.R.A.P. test. Both of these sources are in addition to the LIFE Magazine article you’ve chosen in step one.

4. Analyze your chosen documents using the skills highlighted in the Historical Thinking, Sourcing, and Historical Context videos from the playlist.

5. Write up your project according to the following criteria:

  • Write a 500 -1000 word (overall) synthesis of your topic and sources.
  • Your analysis should begin with a brief overview or summarization of your chosen topic (be sure to specifically reference where you found your topic from the LIFE Magazine archive).
  • Next, you will provide a description and analysis of each of your sources.
  • Lastly, you’ll need to corroborate all of your chosen sources and discuss how they relate or add information\perspective to your topic. Specifically, I am asking you to evaluate your sources in the context of the topic (i.e. Why is your primary source important to research being conducted on your topic? What do each of these sources do for us in terms of research?)