
Choose one myth and explain the reasons why you chose that particular myth. In your opinion, what kind of important insight or wisdom does it contain for your own person?

“The Adventures of Perseus” From Metamorphoses

Choose one myth and explain the reasons why you chose that particular myth. In your opinion, what kind of important insight or wisdom does it contain for your own person? Moreover, why do you think the ancients told that story? What kind of lesson you think it provides for an ancient and/or modern audience in general?

You need to talk about a specific ‘mythical’ story, not provide just the discussion of the characteristics of one God or Goddess. Of course, within the story, you can discuss the mythical characters and their personality.

No citations or bibliography required, just state clearly what myth you are referring to. Of course making reference to ancient sources and secondary sources also with quotes, it will better the quality of your paper. For bibliographical references you can use any style (Chicago, MLA, etc.) as long as you are consistent.

Identify the well-being initiatives discussed in this case study and indicate their role in an effective HR environment. What are the notable areas that Celtic appears to have failed to address?

HR Management

Read the case given below and answer the questions:

Celtic Packaging who had introduced several the initiatives that were advocated in the previous year. Celtic is a consumer packaging manufacturer based in South Wales which employs approximately 450 staff in a manufacturing plant producing rigid plaster containers for the food manufacturing industry. Most of its workforce is employed on its 24-hour, 7-days-a-week production line, working 12-hour shifts in four shift teams. In the first half of 2007, Celtic had undertaken a workplace health audit, funded by a partnership between the local authority and a local university, to assess both the reported and actual health of its workforce and its link to workplace productivity. The local authority was keen for Celtic to be involved because it represented a sizeable employer in the area. Celtic was similarly keen to become involved in the project because senior management felt it might provide some solutions to a range of employment problems it was experiencing at the time, including unacceptable levels of employee sickness absence and turnover which were impacting on productivity, product quality and the company finances. Whilst the work that much of the workforce does is largely repetitive and routine, training employees to work a particular piece of machinery can be time-consuming and costly. Subsequently, absence and turnover have sizeable financial implications. Moreover, the hiring of inexperienced temps at short notice to work on the production line often has a negative impact on both productivity and quality. Senior management at Celtic also saw their involvement in the initiative as an opportunity to develop its focus on corporate social responsibility, as part of a wider marketing strategy, and to improve relations with the local community and position Celtic as an employer of choice in the area.

Celtic draws many of its semi-skilled and unskilled workers from an area of relative deprivation with high levels of unemployment and poor health. The workplace health audit found that most of the workforce displayed low levels of physical health, even among younger workers.

Following analysis of the audit and staff survey findings, Celtic decided to fund a series of staff seminars, presented by health care experts and academics from the university, on health issues ranging from smoking to heart disease. Surprised by the level of staff interest in the seminars, senior management, with the assistance of local authority occupational health practitioners, decided to introduce a wider range of workplace initiatives with the following objectives:

  • to improve employee quality of life both inside and outside of the workplace
  • to raise staff awareness of health and well-being issues
  • to improve the health and physical fitness of its employees
  • to reduce the incidence of work-related injury and illness
  • to improve productivity, employee attendance and staff morale.

These broad objectives continue to inform Celtic’s approach to workplace well-being. the company has invested heavily in its program, not least in building an on-site gymnasium for use by both staff and their families. Several long-term sickness absentees have successfully used the facility, with the guidance of a workplace well-being advisor, to rehabilitate themselves and return to work. The company now employs a full-time well-being advisor with whom workers can discuss health problems and who undertakes risk assessments, supports workers in stopping smoking and ensures early intervention in alleviating workplace injury and illness. For example, a number of workers had been to see the advisor whilst suffering from repetitive strain injuries and she was able to offer advice on how to minimize pain and reduce strain in carrying out their work. The advisor also carries out routine health checks, offers counselling to deal with workplace stress or other mental health concerns and runs a slimming club and regular seminars advising on healthy eating. The staff canteen now offers only healthy options, and all employees are entitled to two free meals per shift. Outside of the workplace, the company has developed a relationship with a nearby leisure center who provides a range of regular activities and classes which staff can undertake at reduced prices, including tennis, badminton, tai chi, yoga and climbing. The company advisor runs a few staff sports leagues, for example five-a-side football and badminton, to promote healthy competition among employees. The company has also set up a ‘cycle to work’ scheme to allow employees to take advantage of tax and NI savings on bike purchases to commute to work.

Importantly, the well-being initiatives have been put in place as part of a wider set of HR policies and practices designed to engage staff, for example, the establishment of a company council, an employee suggestion scheme and more formal performance management practices.

To monitor the impact of the well-being initiatives, Celtic conducts an annual health audit and employee attitude survey. Senior management has been very pleased with the results of the well-being program and cites the following outcomes as an indication of its continued success:

  • employee absenteeism well below the sector average
  • reduced cost of hiring temporary workers
  • increase in reported employee satisfaction.
  • increased productivity
  • reduced employee turnover and intention to quit.


  1. Identify the well-being initiatives discussed in this case study and indicate their role in an effective HR environment.(4 Marks)
  2. What are the notable areas that Celtic appears to have failed to address?(4Marks)
  3. What are the potential long-term implications of the approach to employee well-being that Celtic has adopted?(3.5Marks)
  4. What  according to you should organizations consider while they want happy employees at the workplace? ?(3.5Marks)

How can entrepreneurs overcome some of the disadvantages inherent to starting a business?

Small Business Management

How can entrepreneurs overcome some of the disadvantages inherent to starting a business? Select one disadvantage from the list below and share an idea to mitigate the risk presented.

  • No brand recognition
  • Extensive time requirements
  • Difficult financing
  • Lack of experience by the entrepreneur and employees
  • Management requirements

What is the linear regression equation produced by your model? Evaluate. the quality of the model. What is the .12 value? Which. independent variables are significant?

Climate Change

There have been many studies documenting that the average global temperature has been increasing over the last century. The consequence; of a continued rise in global temperature will be dire. Rising sea levels and an increased frequency of extreme weather events will affect billions of people. In this problem. we 11 study the relationship between average global temperature and several other factors. The file ClimateChange.csv, which is available in the Online Companion, contains climate data from May 1983 to December 2008. The variables are described in Table 22.2.

a) Start by splitting the dataset into a training set, consisting of observations up to and including 2006, and a testing set, consisting of observations after 2006. You will use the training set to build your model, and the testing set to evaluate the predictive ability of your model. Then, build a linear regression model to predict Temp, using all of the other variables as independent variables (except Year and Month). You should use the training set that you just created to build the model.

  • i) What is the linear regression equation produced by your model?
  • ii) Evaluate. the quality of the model. What is the .12 value? (Note that this is called ‘Multiple R-squared” in some software output,) Which. independent variables are significant?

Briefly explain any steps you are taking, or plan to take, to gain hands-on experience in your program of study.

Strategic Market Analyst/Director of 10U Programs 

Executive format programs have an applied learning component (internship/practicum) that is an integral (essential) part of the established curriculum. These programs require the student take part in an internship (that is offered by the sponsoring employer through a cooperative agreement with the school), job shadow experience, or job reflection experience.

The INTR course serves as one way to help students reflect and connect their coursework to their practical work experience. This course is one of several integrated components that connect the practical experience to the curriculum. In this course, students can choose to participate in an alternative work-study, internship, cooperative education, or Curricular Practical Training (CPT) in an area directly related to the student’s course of study.

Due to the embedded practical experience component in the curriculum, students must identify their work-study, internship, cooperative education experience by the start of the term.

Please answer the following questions to identify what you have done to prepare for success in your INTR course this semester.

Question 1 – Briefly explain any steps you are taking, or plan to take, to gain hands-on experience in your program of study. (50 – 100 words)

Question 2 – State two goals you hope to achieve through applying your coursework this term to your workplace experience. (50 – 100 words)

Create a 4- to 5-page BCC Enterprise Information Security Organizational Budget in Microsoft® Word or Microsoft® Excel® that includes at least three of the identified information security initiatives.

Information Security Budget

Assignment Content

This week you will use information from the previous weeks to complete the BCC Information Security Budget. The chief information security officer (CISO) is tasked with developing a budget to reduce costs and security risks.

Part 1

Create a 4- to 5-page BCC Enterprise Information Security Organizational Budget in Microsoft® Word or Microsoft® Excel® that includes at least three of the identified information security initiatives. The BCC Enterprise Information Security Budget must include the following:

  • Description of the BCC information security department
  • Current situation
  • Personnel
  • Operational situation
  • Operating budget
  • Future requirements

Summary of the information security initiatives planned for implementation, including any additional hardware/software purchases (including financial management tools), personnel, and training requirements

Estimated schedule for the planned implementation of information security objectives

Estimated annual operating budget for the next five years

Part 2

Create a 7- to 9-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on a budget plan for an intrusion prevention system (IPS). The purpose of the budget plan is to provide a recommendation to senior leadership on the costs associated with implementing the IPS software. The IPS budget plan should include the following:

  • Title slide
  • Summary of the initiative and product
  • Cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
  • Total cost of ownership (TCO)
  • Return on investment (ROI)
  • Solution alternatives (if any)
  • Recommendation

Do you think that leadership in the hospital will be happy with the plans that Marge has made? Do you see where there may be a problem when human resources hears about these plans?

Nursing Question


An experienced registered professional nurse has just been promoted to the nurse manager of a nursing unit. The nurse had been a very effective leader on the unit prior to the promotion of becoming the nurse manager. What are the essential characteristics of an effective leader that the new nurse manager needs to incorporate into the nursing unit culture?

Part I

You are working with the newly promoted nurse. Her name is Marge. She asks you if you would be interested in assisting her in collecting evidence on the best ways to be proactive in preparation for the fall influenza season. This year, Marge wants to offer a flu vaccine clinic for the local community shelter staffed by everyone on this unit. You are willing to help Marge, and you inform her you will assist her with developing a plan of action. 1) So far, what kind of leadership qualities has Marge exhibited?

Part II

Marge speaks to you later on during the shift. She states that she has decided to offer these clinics every Saturday and expects everyone to sign up for 4 hour rotations. Marge states, “of course, I cannot pay the staff for their time, it’s our professional duty as nurses to help our community.” She asks you to be in charge of scheduling your staff members who work with you on the day shift to work the first two Saturdays.

2) Considering the recent conversation with Marge, how would you respond?

3) Are there problems with the plans Marge has just discussed involving you?

4) What kind of Leadership theory do you feel that Marge is utilizing now?

5) Do you think that leadership in the hospital will be happy with the plans that Marge has made? Do you see where there may be a problem when human resources hears about these plans?

Explain how a contemporary influence makes either a positive or a negative contribution to peer influence on adolescent sexual decision making. Analyze risk factors associated with the contemporary influences you have chosen.


Adolescent sexual decision making is a very complex phenomenon. It is a time when individuals may become interested in more intimate relationships and experimentation. During this stage, adolescents may contemplate whether to engage in intercourse or abstain from sexual relations. Many factors may influence an adolescent’s sexual decision making including biological, social, cultural, familial, and experiential factors. Making good decisions and responsible choices about sexual activity during adolescence can have immediate and lasting implications on an individual’s overall health outcomes. For this reason, it is important for social workers to possess an understanding of the context of decision making and social influences as well as educate adolescents on appropriate support programs available to them.

For this Discussion, you explore the contemporary influences on adolescent sexual decision making.


Required Readings

To prepare: Find one example of an influence on adolescent sexual decision making in contemporary society that is directed at adolescent audiences. Examples may include websites, magazines, music, film, television, or advertising.


  • Explain how a contemporary influence makes either a positive or a negative contribution to peer influence on adolescent sexual decision making.
  • Analyze risk factors associated with the contemporary influences you have chosen.

Active transport does not require energy to move substances across the cell membrane. False or True?

Discussion essay

Question 1

Active transport does not require energy to move substances across the cell membrane.

Select one:

  • a.False
  • b.True

Question 2

An example of co-transport is

Select one:

  • a.Na+-K+ pump
  • b.Na+-glucose transport
  • c.Na+-H+ pump
  • d.Ca++-pump

Question 3

Many substances are removed from the cell to outside by

Select one:

  • a.Phagocytosis
  • b.Exocytosis
  • c.Chemotaxis
  • d.Pinocytosis

Develop interdisciplinary research skills and familiarity with feminist theories and modes of inquiry. Describe women’s historical and contemporary contributions to culture and society.


At the conclusion of the semester students will be able to
1. Develop interdisciplinary research skills and familiarity with feminist theories and modes of inquiry.

2. Describe women’s historical and contemporary contributions to culture and society.

3. Demonstrate oral communication, writing, and critical thinking skills.

4. Apply what is learned in the classroom into own spoken word/hip hop piece/production and own lives.

PART 1: Research Paper
1) Students will research a female hiphop or spoken word artist (local, national or global) from 1960present day [See link]. You will explore how she campaigned social change. What issue(s) did she address? How effective has she been? What is her impact on bringing wreck? Explore the impact and intersection of gender, race and sexuality on her message. This is NOT a biography cut & paste project.

Select a Female Hip Hop/Spoken Word Artist She must have at least 1215published/performed pieces that follow the criteria for the genre.

Select a social issue she addresses in her lyrics.

Annotate the lyrics using course material Joan Morgan, Gwendolyn Pough

Use gender theory such as (black) feminism, and intersectionality, critical gender theory, African Critical Race Theory, Queer Theory, NewColonialism to analyze the lyrics.
Issues to Keep in the forefront of your critical analysis

2) Write a 911 page (typed, 12 size font, proper margin spacing, doublespaced) to introduce your project. You are required to use all textbooks are primary sources and 6 additional sources. Paper should include:

Background of the Problem “She” confronted History, causal factors (e.g. racism, abuse, patriarchy, power, capitalism, etc.) What where reasons for tackling the issue? What were some of her obstacles? What are her successes? What could she do differently?

Large Gender Issues For project/Paper tied to Hip Hop: Feminist; Public sphere vs. Black public sphere vs. subaltern counterpublic; Capitalism; Queering

Heteronormativity; Patriarchy; Colonialism/Colonialization; Hegemony; Narrative; Standpoint theory; Subjugated knowledge; Politics Representation; Politics of Respectability; Sexism; Racism; Ethic of Love vs. Ethic of Domination; Power; Empowerment

  • a. Utilize a theoretical perspective to analyze the issue.
  • b. Bibliography (APA, Chicago Style, or MLA format)
  • c. Citations required (footnotes or parenthetical notation
  • d. Grammar is critical.