
Identify and analyse the likely key non-price determinants of supply for the chosen good or service over the next ten years and to correctly identify and assess whether those determinants are likely to increase or decrease supply or stayed relatively constant over the period.


The task is to produce a ten-year market forecast for a good or service of your choice. You can choose another service or goods or I would like to have the market forecast on a service – a licensed residential care service for children in out of home care (northern NSW). The children will need to be in the care of the state (NSW). The service would be residential home set up with 24/7 carers and adhere to the NSW Child Safe Standards for Permanent Care (November 2015).
Please use graphs, tables and figures where relevant.

This assessment will draw heavily on the material presented in Modules 2 and 3. I I can supply all powerpoint slides for modules 2 and 3.

Read these requirements carefully and make sure the brief is formed to include each element
In this forecast you should:

1. Clearly introduce a good or service and position it within a broader market context

2. Identify and analyse the key non-price determinants of demand for the chosen good or service and to correctly identify whether those determinants are likely to increase or decrease demand.

3. Identify and analyse the likely key non-price determinants of supply for the chosen good or service over the next ten years and to correctly identify and assess whether those determinants are likely to increase or decrease supply or stayed relatively constant over the period.

4. Combine the effects of demand and supply on the overall market position and communicate this clearly via the demand and supply framework.

Bring together your demand and supply forecasts, and therefore draw a conclusion about the overall market price/quantity at the end of the decade.

5. Note any potential risks and/or opportunities related to your good or service. Pay particular attention to risks and/or opportunities from a sustainability / sustainable development perspective.

How will you help entrepreneurs open a new business to help create new jobs and assist in innovation in the United States so we can remain economically strong?

Term Project Essay

Term Project Instructions:
You are required to select a well-known company that you want to research and then answer the questions that follow. Pick a well-known company that you like such as Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Tesla, Nike, Bank of America, McDonalds, etc. You have to be able to find a Value Line report on your company.
• The project must be typed on an 8 ½” x 11” document, utilizing one-inch margins, double spaced and 12-point font.


Page I- Value Line (One Page)
Obtain the one-page copy of the Value Line report of your company from the Reference Section of the library and include a copy in your term project. The Reference Desk has a copy of the Value Line book. You need to use the book and make a copy from here. You may also be able to obtain this online but make sure it is the one-page report in format similar to the example on the course site. (Please take a look at the Walmart Value Line icon on our course home page to see what a Value Line report looks like). Use this one-page Value Line report to answer the following questions. Use a current Value Line report that is no more than 18 months old.

1- You are a stockbroker at Merrill Lynch. Give three well thought out reasons as to why you would call your clients to sell them this stock. Remember, you work on full commission and have to be very persuasive while doing what is in the ‘best interests’ of the clients.

2- Explain and detail the earnings per share of this company over the last five years. What kind of trend do you notice? Why is this happening?

3- Summarize what the write up on the bottom half of the Value Line states.

4- What rating does the Value Line give in the upper left? Do you agree with this? Why or why not? (The ratings go from 1 to 5 with 1 being the best rating).


Page II- Company Website (One Page)
Company Website
1- What is your opinion of your company’s mission statement and why is it important? (Do not copy the mission statement).

2- Discuss four ways the company has been innovative over the years.

3- You are the new CEO of the company. Discuss four innovative ideas you will present to the Board of Directors to increase sales and customer satisfaction.

4- As the new CEO, how are you going to motivate employees to take the company to the next level? List four ways you are going to do this. You cannot give pay raises.


Part III- The 4 P’s of Marketing (One Page)
1- Discuss how the 4 P’s of marketing relate to your company’s products or services. Discuss each of the 4 P’s and do not give a definition of what the 4 P’s are.


Page IV- Ethics and Social Responsibility (One Page)
1-Look at your company’s website and what is your opinion of what it states about ethics and social responsibility. Do not copy the ethics or social responsibility policy.

2- Why should a company be ethical and socially responsible?

3- What four steps would you take to improve the ethics of your company?

4-Your company is about to go bankrupt and tens of thousands of jobs are at stake. Should the US government spend billions of dollars to bail out your company like GM and Bank of America? Is this ethical because of poor management and competition? What about the US taxpayer?


Page V- President of the United States (One Page)
You have just been elected President of the United States of America and you have to get the economy going and reduce unemployment. Discuss what your plan is regarding each of the following four concepts:
1- Should the United States continue running federal budget deficits or have a balanced budget?

2- Do you favor free trade with other countries or protectionism?

3- Should federal income taxes be increased or decreased to help the economy?

4-How will you help entrepreneurs open a new business to help create new jobs and assist in innovation in the United States so we can remain economically strong?

In an effort to help everyone learn from each article, provide a review of the reading and include the original text of the questions.

Pick One – Differential Association and Learning

Review the three articles included in the Sage companion site.

  • to an external site.


Pick one of the three articles, review the article, respond to the three questions included in the companion site.
In an effort to help everyone learn from each article, provide a review of the reading and include the original text of the questions.

  • website for the articles:

How do you think Flexible Classrooms influence student’s engagement and learning? What does the teacher say Becky .Fisher say about “Every kid is an island”. What did she mean?

When Coopertative Learning Works – EDU 130

Below is a youtube Link video to watch then answer questions


Below are the questions :
1. How do you think Flexible Classrooms influence student’s engagement and learning?
2. What id you like about these classrooms.
3. What does the teacher say Becky .Fisher say about “Every kid is an island”. What did she mean?
4. How do you feel about this classroom setting single rows setting one child behind the other, no contact?
5. What did you like about “flexible classrooms”? Give details.

Develop any accompanying documents required, including recruitment advert, participant information sheet, consent form, questionnaire/interview scheduled/data collection tool and debrief sheet.


Develop any accompanying documents required, including recruitment advert, participant information sheet, consent form, questionnaire/interview scheduled/data collection tool and debrief sheet.

What were your initial course goals? How did you accomplish those goals? What course concept do you think will be the most useful in your career? Review the Organization Behavior (OBLD 317) learning outcomes, how well did you meet these?

9.5 Reflection Analysis: Final (PLG1)

Along that train of thought, craft a third and final Reflection Analysis addressing the following:

  • What were your initial course goals?
  • How did you accomplish those goals?
  • What course concept do you think will be the most useful in your career?
  • Review the Organization Behavior (OBLD 317) learning outcomes, how well did you meet these?



Identify the professional qualifications, skills, and competencies required for psychologists to work as counselling psychologists (CLOs 1, 2), and describe what registration requirements and professional memberships are involved in that endorsement (CLO 4).

Counselling psychologist

Identify the professional qualifications, skills, and competencies required for psychologists to work as counselling psychologists (CLOs 1, 2), and describe what registration requirements and professional memberships are involved in that endorsement (CLO 4).

Considering your answer above, reflect on how the professional skills and competencies of counselling psychologists relate to your own personal development and career aspirations (CLO 6).

See the below resources for the reflective assignment:

  • to an external site.
  • Psychology Board (Ahpra)

Identify the KPIs and other metrics to monitor the effectiveness of marketing campaign activities. Provide a summary of the resources and expenses required to execute the marketing plan.

9.3 – Research Paper: Marketing Plan

After completing the module readings, do the following:

  • Identify the KPIs and other metrics to monitor the effectiveness of marketing campaign activities.
  • Provide a summary of the resources and expenses required to execute the marketing plan.
  • Include a table summarizing what needs to happen, when, and who’s responsible for the marketing activities to occur over the next year (assuming that the plan will be updated on an annual basis).
  • Conclude by discussing any significant risks or threats associated with executing the marketing plan and the contingency plans for addressing how they will be managed.

As a final step in the marketing plan project, review all feedback received throughout the term, and update your plan accordingly. As you might imagine, given the dynamic nature of marketing, a feedback and revision loop is necessary to ensure that you have a sustainable strategy!  A strategy that provides customer solutions, meets company requirements…and takes into account society’s long-term interests. This is known as the Societal Marketing Concept.


Create a new organizational design for your current working environment (different from what they are using now). Explain why this type of design best fits the industry your current organization competes in.

9.3 – Presentation 3

Organizational design is organizational design and structure. 

  1. Create a new organizational design for your current working environment (different from what they are using now).
  2. Explain why this type of design best fits the industry your current organization competes in.
  3. Describe how your new organizational design structure is different from the previous one.
  4. The video should include a PowerPoint presentation and voice narration. It must also include at least two outside sources correctly cited and referenced (in Writing Style Guide format).



Is the review logically organized? Does it offer a balanced critical analysis of the literature? Is the majority of the literature of recent origin? Is it empirical in nature?

MGMT 650 Critical Review Assignment

The article for this assignment is provided in the syllabus, under week 9. This is not a group project and it must be done independently.

Read through this outline carefully. When your instructor grades your submission, they will be looking to see if you followed the provided format: you can lose points if you do not. If you have any questions about what to do or need interpretation of the instructions, please post them in the Questions breakout room so that all students can benefit from the information.

Mastery of statistics involves not only the ability to generate sound statistical data, but also the ability to critically evaluate the statistical analysis of others. The latter is the focus of the Critical Review assignment in MGMT 650. A review, or critique, is not a summary or a simple retelling of the major findings in a research article. It is much more. It assesses how well the researcher carries out the required steps in the research process.


Elements of the critique

Summary of the article (Discuss what the article is about) This part SHOULD NOT include any of your personal input but rather just summarize what the author did in his/her research.

  • Research Topic
    • What question is the researcher trying to answer?
  • Research Methodology
    • How did the researcher study the topic? Survey? Experiment? Statistical Analysis?
    • Briefly answer who, what, where, and when, and how.
  • Major Conclusions
    • What does the author conclude?
    • What recommendations does he make?

This section should be about 1.5 pages in general.

The next part is the key of the critique.  This next sections of your paper gives an assessment of how well the research was conducted based on what you learned.  Remember you can use your own personal experience and outside articles to help you support your point of view in this section of the assignment.

In-depth critique of the article (Discuss how well the research is conducted in your own words)

Write a brief paragraph for each of the following listed elements in your own words:

  • Purpose
    • Is the research problem clearly stated? Is it easy to determine what the researcher intends to research?
  • Literature Review
    • Is the review logically organized?
    • Does it offer a balanced critical analysis of the literature?
    • Is the majority of the literature of recent origin?
    • Is it empirical in nature?
  • Objectives/hypotheses
    • Has a research question or hypothesis been identified?
    • Is it clearly stated?
    • Is it consistent with discussion in the literature review?
  • Ethical Standards Applied
    • Were the participants fully informed about the nature of the research?
    • Was confidentiality guaranteed?
    • Were participants protected from harm?
  • Operational Definitions
    • Are all terms, theories, and concepts used in the study clearly defined?
  • Methodology
    • Is the research design clearly identified?
    • Has the data gathering instrument been described?
    • Is the instrument appropriate? How was it developed?
    • Were reliability and validity testing undertaken and the results discussed?
    • Was a pilot study undertaken?
  • Data Analysis/Results
    • What type of data and statistical analysis was undertaken? Was it appropriate?
    • How many of the sample participated? Significance of the findings?
  • Discussion
    • Are the findings linked back to the literature review?
    • If a hypothesis was identified was it supported?
    • Were the strengths and limitations of the study including generalizability discussed?
    • Was a recommendation for further research made?
  • References
    • Were all the books, journals and other media alluded to in the study accurately referenced?
  • Conclusion
    • Considering all of the evaluation categories, is the article well or poorly researched?


The following online article may be helpful to you. Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 1:

Quantitative research