
Convert above table into 1NF. Convert 1NF to 2NF. Convert 2NF to 3NF.

Data base management system


A database of company stores employees and their contact information. Without any normalization, all information is stored in one table as shown below.

10 John Smith 7272826385,
20 Harry Potter 8574783832 NJ
30 Sam Houston 7390372389,



  1. Convert above table into 1NF:
    1. Each table cell should contain a single value.
    2. Each record needs to be unique.
  1. Convert 1NF to 2NF
    1. Rule1 – be in 1NF
    2. Rule 2- Single Column Primary Key
  2. Convert 2NF to 3NF
    1. Rule 1- Be in 2NF
    2. Rule 2- Has no transitive functional dependencies

HINT: see examples here:

Think back to the job or activity that you found to be the most motivational in your life. Describe the aspects of the job that made it so exciting for you. What type, or types, of motivational techniques were used in that job or activity? If you are the manager in your current job, how could you apply those techniques in that environment?

Organizational behavior week -8 Activity -8

Think back to the job or activity that you found to be the most motivational in your life. Describe the aspects of the job that made it so exciting for you. What type, or types, of motivational techniques were used in that job or activity? If you are the manager in your current job, how could you apply those techniques in that environment?

Watch the video and write a lone page double spaced summary here. Write a one page double spaced summary essay based on the video.

Watch the videos and write a summary on it

This assignment is for 2 different videos/topics. Watch the video and write a lone page double spaced summary here. This assignment requires you to write a one page double spaced summary essay based on the video. A summary is an essay the restates, in your own word, what you understood of the presentation. Afterwards watch the other video and do the same

Each summary must be at least 200 words.

Suppose you were put in charge of testing whether a new law reduced crime. Describe the “best” research method for evaluating the effectiveness of this new law. Provide details and be specific.

Applied Statistics in Criminology I

1. Provide an indepth discussion of levels of measurement. In doing so, be sure to delineate the differences among the various levels of measurement. Additionally, provide at least three examples of each level of measurement (and the examples can NOT come from your book/notes). (5 points)

2. Calculate the mean, the median, the mode, and the standard deviation for the following data. Make sure to show ALL of your work if you wish to receive full credit. (5 points)

  • 10
  • 12
  • 14
  • 12
  • 10
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 17
  • 22

3. Discuss the interface between statistics and criminological theory and research. Be sure to talk about how statistics can be used to test theories. (5 points)

4. Suppose you were put in charge of testing whether a new law reduced crime. Describe the “best” research method for evaluating the effectiveness of this new law. Provide details and be specific. (5 points)

5. You have been designated as an expert in SPSS. As a result, you are responsible for teaching a group of students the basic insandouts of using SPSS. Provide an overview of the basics of SPSS. (5 points)

6. Select your area of research interest. Then, design a study that could be conducted to address an issue related to it. You have a lot of leeway in this answer, but make sure that it does not overlap with your response to question #4. (5 points)

For each, explain why they are examples of that particular form of learning. Identify your unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response.

Writing Question

In this response paper, you need to identify new real world examples that aren’t mentioned in my lecture or the textbook of:

  1. Habituation
  2. Classical Conditioning
  3. Operant Conditioning
  4. Observational Learning

For each, explain why they are examples of that particular form of learning.

For your example of classical conditioning, make sure to identify your unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response.

For operant conditioning, note if your example includes a positive or negative reinforcer or punishment and/or a learning schedule.

For habituation and observational learning, you just need to describe why your examples fit these types of learning.

Ideally, your examples will be drawn from your own life. The goal of the assignment is to help you notice how wide spread, relevant, and universal these learning principles are!

It needs to be 750 words, any formatting you like.

Define a problem and develop three research objectives. Identify and define the constructs you need to measure to address the research question and develop a questionnaire you would use in a research project to address the research objective.

Questionnaire Project- Marketing Research

You are a leader in the area of financial literacy and behavior, or in health disparities and behaviors. You are to define a problem and develop three research objectives. Identify and define the constructs you need to measure to address the research question and develop a questionnaire you would use in a research project to address the research objective.

Write two different professional communications, and analyze the different contexts, strategies, and processes required to complete the tasks.

Professional Memo/Letter Writing


Write two different professional communications, and analyze the different contexts, strategies, and processes required to complete the tasks. One communication should be to an internal audience. The second communication should be to an external audience. The third piece a Cover Letter, Self-Analysis, or Reflection in which you describe in detail your design choices, strategies, and specific audience and context considerations for each memo. You may draw ideas from the options provided below. However, I highly recommend you adapt/invent your own situation.* See below for audience and “rhetorical situation” considerations.


  • The 3 parts to this assignment should be submitted with page breaks as one single document (PDF or Word only)
    • 2 professional communications (business memo or letter), in real-world formatting. These must be at least 300 words each (closer to 400 is recommended).
    • Part 3: Self-reflection (2-3 pages or 600-900 words) that describes in detail your design choices, strategies, and specific audience and context considerations for each memo. You may also include reflections on their pre- or post-writing process, or other similar observations. One good question to consider answering in this Part 3 is, what is it about your memos that will make them effective and successful toward their audience, and why?

Relevant Learning Outcomes from Class Syllabus

  • Craft effective business messages for specific audiences and purposes
  • Place professional communication within generic and cultural contexts
  • Assess business communication for quality of content and design
  • Demonstrate a clear, concise and appropriate writing style to summarize issues and support decision making by others

Possible Memo Tasks

(internal = from an organization member, to their colleagues)

(NOTE: These are just ideas, that should be built upon, not used without development)

  • Write a memo (or appropriate written document) to HR to report harassment and/or microaggressions in the workplace. Learning how to articulate and describe these incidents, how to recognize and act upon them, would be some of the goals for this type of document. Attention to audience, establishment of credibility, appropriate conventions of writing this kind of document would be delicate and important to focus on.
  • Write a persuasive letter to your workplace advocating that they do more to stand up for anti-racism and advocate for people of color. For example, consider the practice of displaying Black Lives Matter support signs in stores, or campaigns to support Black-Owned Businesses. Think carefully about your audience, corporate culture, plain language, and ethos/pathos/logos. The New York Times article “What Do I Do if My Employer Does Something I Can’t Abide shows the difficulties an employee faces in such situations. Other sources to consider for ideas include those that examine the gap between companies’ words and their actions regarding racism and anti-racism, for example, “Corporate Hypocrisy on Racism by Robert Reich.
  • To increase productivity: Your workplace has decided to address the use of social media and personal cell phone use during business meetings and work hours. While you are not proposing banning all personal communication, the productivity on a certain project has stalled. You need to address your colleagues and report the rising concerns, inspire more focused productivity at important meetings, and warn of possible measures in the future.
  • To join a committee: You need more people to join a task force to restructure the workflow. The problem is that your co-workers are already overwhelmed with their workplace procedures and the last call for committee work yielded no results. Draft an effective internal memo to the workplace that will garner a positive reaction from your audience.
  • Create your own scenario, audience, situation within a company or organization. Come up with a situation that would require you to address people within the workplace, addressing them professionally, bringing them awareness of an ongoing/important issue, or urging them to take a particular action. You may construct an audience and context for this: Perhaps you could write from the perspective of someone at the job you built Project 1 around.

Possible Memo Tasks

(external = from within an organization, to outside recipients)

  • To recruit guest speakers: You are in charge of a professional development day and need to recruit guest speakers from the local university to address your coworkers. The position will not be paid, but the department has demonstrated interest in working with your company in exchange for increased internship and recruitment opportunities for their students. This will be read widely by both your superiors/coworkers and will be distributed widely in the school. Expect the news to be received positively by your audience.
  • To inform of policy change: You need to inform existing clients of a policy change in communication. Your office has eliminated all administrative assistant positions and asks all clients to contact their representative directly. Create a form letter that could be sent to all clients explaining the reason/benefits of the change and how the new process should work. Expect backlash of negative feelings about the change from your audience.
  • Statements of Support: A document similar to one or more messages/statements that businesses issued in 2020 in response to BLM, police brutality, and anti-racism. Craft a statement of your own for a business within your chosen industry. This may require industry research. See the Business Insider article, “Companies like Netflix, McDonald’s, and Target are speaking out …” for a few ideas and background.
  • To reconnect: Write an email intended to be sent in bulk to a group of clients, in which you address the goals of the new quarter. This can be from any perspective of business (marketing, accounting, management, finance, etc.). The goal is to not only inform your clients of what to expect in the upcoming months but inspire further business or communication with them.
  • To update: Write a message to be posted on your company blog/public site, explaining the benefits of the blogging platform to replace inter-office memos and mass mailings to clients and customers. This will be the first blog post in your company blog, and you must assume that some readers will be unfamiliar and resistant to the change.
  • Create your own scenario, audience, situation directed from within a company or organization, toward an external person or persons. Consider a circumstance where a company might need to address a person, group, organization, community, etc., and how to write effectively to address that circumstance.

Part 3 (Self-Analysis, Cover Letter, or Reflection)

Address parts of the Rhetorical Situation in detail, such as the audience context considerations for each memo. Describe your process, too: How you arrived upon your idea and why, how you drafted and revised, who offered you feedback and guidance, and how the memos evolved from your initial idea.

Self-Analysis content should include:

  1. How do your memos reflect your knowledge/assumptions about your audience? Their education, expertise, and values? What evidence is there for this in the memos’ text?
  2. Where and how do you write with an outcome, or purpose, in mind? How do you emphasize your audience’s connection to that outcome? What’s the “so what?” Where and how are outcomes described in Specific, Realistic or other “SMART” terms?
  3. Look through your work, and identify instances where you suggest outcome/course of action, emphasize the importance of the issue to your audience’s interests, or consider their education, expertise, and values. If these elements are unclear, or need to be incorporated, then try to revise to include them.

Select your topic or research question (Define). Search relevant information from journals, conference papers, reports, thesis/dissertations, presentations, websites, databases, etc. (Search). Document references found applicable to the topic (use citation manager or similar tools if available) (Analyze).

Literature Review Project Assignment Instructions


You will select an engineering research topic/question and write a literature review on the selected topic.

The objective of writing a literature review is to provide insights of state-of-the-art knowledge on a topic from established work in literature. To write a literature review is to summarize and synthesize the findings, results, arguments, and ideas of others without adding new contributions.

Upon completion of this project, you will have enlarged knowledge on the topic and skills on information seeking, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis.



Most literature reviews follow an introduction-body-conclusion format. The organization of the literature review (body) can be in different forms.

  • Chronological
  • Thematic
  • Methodological
  • Theoretical


For this assignment you will:

  • Select your topic or research question (Define).
  • Search relevant information from journals, conference papers, reports, thesis/dissertations, presentations, websites, databases, etc. (Search).
  • Document references found applicable to the topic (use citation manager or similar tools if available) (Analyze).
  • Organize references into sub-topics (Evaluate).
  • Document results and findings through a summary of each reference (work done, results, findings, issues, etc.) (Synthesize)
  • Summarize the results/findings and make recommendations (Conclude).


Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

If the interest rate was 8%, how much would you have been prepared to bid for the prize? Explain your reasoning.

Lottery Prize Discussion Question – CLO 1

Several years ago, the Wall Street Journal reported that the winner of the Massachusetts State Lottery prize had the misfortune of being both bankrupt and in prison for fraud. The balance of the prize was $9,420,713, to be paid in 19 equal annual installments (there were 20 installments, but the winner had already received the first payment). The bankruptcy court judge ruled that the prize should be sold off to the highest bidder and the proceeds were to be paid to the creditors.

  • If the interest rate was 8%, how much would you have been prepared to bid for the prize? Explain your reasoning.
  • Enhance Reinsurance Company was reported to have offered $4.2 million. Find the return that the company was looking for.

Article Source:

Knecht, G. B. (1994, Aug 29). Do not pass go, do not collect ten million, go directly to jail. Wall Street Journal

If we agree that he is correct, the whole idea of culture seems to slip through our fingers. How could we ever know if it were present or absent? If all of its elements are replaceable, what is it, and where is it?

Lomawaima’s article


So strict and unforgiving a linkage of culture and identity often leaves Indian people with a pervasive legacy of insecurity and pain. Admitting to such sentiments, moreover, may only create more “evidence” of one’s insufficient Indianans for others to attack. Young people do not learn well when they are frightened — nor do adults or elders. The judgment that “he is not one of us” is a severe enough price that many people of Indian heritage with the potential to make significant contributions to Indian communities may choose not to participate in their traditional cultures at all, rather than risk the effort and be rejected for demonstrated lack of competence. There is probably no surer recipe for extinguishing a culture than this. This is not to say that Indian communities should abandon culture as a standard of identity. But perhaps they would do well to remember their histories — and their futures — as they think about how they use culture to define the boundaries of their communities in the present.

In reviewing cultural definitions of identity, it sometimes appears that they present an insoluble dilemma. One the one hand, many Indian people agree that their identities are closely bound up with distinctive ways of being in the world. Yet this is a position that easily edges over into an unrealistic demand that “authentic” Indian life ways must embody the farthest, most exotic extreme of otherness (such that no Indian person could ever satisfy the requirements). And there are good reasons why Indian communities might want to forgive themselves, and others, for the cultural losses they have suffered.

On the other hand, unless one is willing to surrender cultural definitions altogether, one must still ask: just how closely can Indian groups resemble their non-Indian neighbors and still embody a separate people, an Indian people? James Clifford, following his observations at the Mashpee trial, concluded that “all the critical elements of identity are in specific conditions replaceable: language, land, blood, leadership, reli-gion. Recognized, viable tribes exist in which any one or even most of these elements are missing, replaced, or largely transformed.”‘”

If we agree that he is correct, the whole idea of culture seems to slip through our fingers. How could we ever know if it were present or absent? If all of its elements are replaceable, what is it, and where is it? If all the ele-ments that compose a culture can disappear, while the cultural identity somehow remains, is there anyone who is not Indian? These are questions with no obvious answers, and to which we must return in a later chapter.