
Describe and explain how you will teach a strategy to your students that encourages relationships that are accepting and responsive to student diversity.

Part 3: Peer-to-Peer Relationships (3o InTASC)
How do you model and encourage effective peer-to-peer relationships? Describe and explain how you will teach a strategy to your students that encourages relationships that are accepting and responsive to student diversity. Target the choices you make to the age/content that you teach. If you teach adolescents, you might focus on the power of language to include or exclude. If you teach young children, you might focus on strategies for learning to include others in games at recess. Choose one idea and develop it well, ensuring that you are detailing both why you have chosen it and how you would enact it.

Part 4: Family/Student Support (3a InTASC)
You will write this piece of your advocacy action plan as a recommendation to your administration or school grade level team to support family/community collaboration to meet student learning needs. If you work in an educational setting outside of a school, please adjust the audience of your piece accordingly (you might write this for a manager or supervisor instead of principal).

Reflecting on the resources and community supports that you identified during the course readings and activities, identify three effective ways to involve or include families in your students’ learning experiences. Address how these will provide opportunities for family engagement that may not be typically present in your school/educational setting (do not just report on what currently exists in the school site). Be sure that these are approaches that foster collaboration with families and can or would be supported by your school/educational site.

Part 5: Identifying Your Role as an Educational Advocate for Students
Throughout this course, you have developed a set of skills that deepens your understanding about your students and their lives and the impact that your teaching has on their experiences. What are you going to do with this knowledge? Educators are advocates for their students by default—you can choose to be proactive with this knowledge and work in areas/issues that are particularly meaningful for you. What role do you choose to take? How do you intend to advocate for your students? Identify at least two ways that you believe you can be a voice for your students and discuss how you envision yourself taking on this role.

What are the things that are important for online learning?

I have been a teacher for many years and my philosophy is shaped based on my personal experience, as well as, truly caring for students’ academic growth.  I was fortunate to experience success with teaching my special needs students online due to the schools sudden closing.

I found myself asking the questions, “What are the things that are important for online learning?” This list you are about to read are their most important things I have implemented within the classes that I taught for many years, as well as, considered for online learning.

  • Positive and Fair– Students perform better when teachers are positive. It encourages them to be stronger in their weaker areas. When teacher is fair, students know that the teacher cares for their academic success.


  • Differentiate Instructions- Even though you teach on one grade level, students are not on the same academic level. It is very important to address the student’s needs on their academic level for their academic growth. It’s best practice to differentiate students’ learning based on the data that identify what level they are on.


  • Facilitators- When teachers facilitate students’ learning, it allows students to think critically.


  • Professionalism- Teachers follow a Code of Ethics that displays their true character.


  • Hold High Expectations – When teachers hold high expectations to students, it helps students to achieve a goal of excellent.


  • Communicators and collaboration- Communication and collaboration focuses on the essential needs of the students to prepare them to reach a higher standard.


  • Assessments what was taught – Researchers has shown that assessing students learning helps to gauge learning progression.


  • Reteach when needed – After assessments, it may be necessary to reteach students if needed.


  • Challenge students to engage learning – Teacher should keep students engage in learning by implementing strategies to help the students display creativity and solve problems.


  • Professionally developers – The one constant in education is change that requires teachers to continually develop their skills to reach the needs of their students.


  • Technology – Make sure I understand what’s needed for my student’s success in the area of technology.

What arguments-implicit and explicit-does the banner or flag make?

Choose a flag, banner, or symbol of your own liking that speaks strongly to you and then study it carefully and critically.

1. What arguments-implicit and explicit-does the banner or flag make?

2. What are its appeals and who does it seem to address?

3. How do you respond to the image or symbol, and why?

4. Are your responses based primarily on emotion, on logic and reason, on ethical considerations?

5. Then write a paragraph in which you analyze your connection to this imagery. Be sure to include a picture of the flag, banner, or image you chose to critique.

6. Upload your written response as a Word document.

Briefly describe the respiratory system.

Case Study 2:

Cigarette smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death in the United States, causing an estimated 438,000 deaths—or about 1 out of every 5 smokers—each year (Woloshin, Schwartz, & Welch, 2008).

Mr. Amos is 57 years old and has been smoking for the past 30 years of his life. A recent doctor’s visit revealed that Mr. Amos has stage-3 lung cancer, characterized by his symptoms of nagging chest pain, fatigue, coughing up blood, substantial weight loss, and increased carbon dioxide levels in his blood. The doctor informed Mr. Amos that had he quit his smoking habit several years ago, he would have reduced his risk for developing lung cancer later in life. Mr. Amos immediately began treatment for the lung cancer that had metastasized to his lymph nodes.

Answer the following 3 questions regarding this case study:

Briefly describe the respiratory system. What main components in cigarettes affect the respiratory system? Explain the effect of 2 compounds on specific organs, cells, and processes in the respiratory system.
There are alternate mechanisms of transporting carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) in the blood. Explain how smoking might lead to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the blood.
Can smoking affect other organ systems of the body? Give specific examples, and briefly explain your answer.
Follow these guidelines for your APA research paper:

Utilize at least 2 credible sources to support the arguments presented in the paper. Make sure you cite them appropriately within your paper, and list the references in APA format on your Reference page.
In accordance with APA formatting requirements, your paper should include an Abstract, Title, and Reference page; should be double-spaced; and should include a running head and page numbers. Your paper should be 2–3 pages in length, not counting the Title page, Abstract, and Reference page

Explain what nutrition is and why it is important.

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, address the following:

Explain what nutrition is and why it is important.
Describe the characteristics of a healthy diet and provide supporting examples.
Identify at least two (2) factors (other than culture) that can impact a person’s food choices and provide a specific example for each.
Research a culture (e.g., ethnic, religious, dietary) where specific food restrictions are dictated and address the following:
Describe the restrictions.
Explain how the restrictions could make it difficult for an individual to achieve a healthy diet.
What dietary alternatives could be incorporated to overcome the dietary restrictions?
Cite at least 3 credible references and present the resources in APA format on the References page.

Subject: Human Nutrition

Please follow the instructions in the APA template attached

Demonstrate a critical application of different models of, and approaches to, strategic management, and interpret these as bases of strategic choice.

Demonstrate a critical application of different models of, and approaches to, strategic management, and interpret these as bases of strategic choice.ii.Analyse an aviation organisation’s competitive environment including competitive positions and core competences.
Task A: Undertake a strategic audit to establish the key SWOT of Gulf Air using the attached template. (70%)
Task B: Based onthe outcomes onyour strategic audit above (task A), comment on the current strategic positionof Gulf Air in the aviation market. (30%)
Your analysis should focus on both the internal and external environment of Gulf Air and can include elements of the airlines present competitive position, available resources, core competencies and the external market-place.
Your assignment submission should be presented in an academic report format with clear references and submitted online.

Explain the primary responsibilities and priorities of the IRB.

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, conduct research on the topic of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and address the following:

Explain the primary responsibilities and priorities of the IRB.

Identify an organization, such as a research hospital or pharmaceutical company, that involves human research subjects including all of the following at-risk populations:
cognitively impaired subjects

Describe the organization’s specific guidelines/policies regarding conducting research on each of the at-risk, human populations listed above.

Be sure to include APA citations for any resources you used as references.

Subject: Human Growth and Development
Please follow the instructions in the APA template attached

What statuses would you—or would you not—confer upon such groups?

Instructions: After reading the Lesson Three material, go the the following link and watch the TED Talk by Sam Harris entitled Science Can Answer Moral Questions: Afterward, please write an essay addressing the following questions. 1. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of association are all values that we as Americans hold dear. Yet, we sometimes encounter ethical quandaries when individuals or groups who seek to proliferate ideas that the majority would consider nefarious demand statuses of recognition and privilege normally reserved for more widely-accepted perspectives. Consider this article on the implications of 501(c)(3) tax status awards for racist, white-nationalist propaganda organizations. Consider the arguments on both sides of this public debate. On one hand, you have the argument that all Americans (and organizations) should be afforded equal rights, notwithstanding different points of view (remember Evelyn Beatrice Hall: “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it”). On the other hand, you have the arguments that government tax incentives should not be subsidizing hate groups, and that the groups in question are unworthy of non-profit status because they operate in a deceptive manner (with misleadingly benign names) and are not really “educating” as the spirit of the law intended. What say you on this issue? Did the IRS err in these cases? To what rights are such groups entitled? What statuses would you—or would you not—confer upon such groups? 2. Suppose that someone who reads your answers to the first part of this assignment accuses you of bias. Another reader states that your answer is “just your opinion,” and that there is nothing that makes your opinion more valid than anyone else’s. Defend your position. How would you counter such charges? What makes your answer more than just opinion? Submission Instructions: This assignment should at a minimum contain 2,000 words of content (double spaced). Word count does not include headings, cover pages, references, or question text (if you choose to include it in your paper); I am looking for 2,000 words of substance. Your paper should be in APA format including a properly formatted cover page (abstracts are optional) and a reference page with at least three (3) NEW references (“new” here means references that you have not already used in previous assignments in this course). Providing additional references to your assignments demonstrates your desire to conduct additional research on the topic area, and can improve your research skills. With all assignments, include properly formatted in-text citations within the body of your work for each of your listed references so the reader can ascertain your original thoughts or ideas as well as the portion of your work that is credited to credible sources. It is very important to identify work from other sources to ensure that proper credit is provided to researchers in the field. This assignment uses Turn It In for originality verification. Submit the weekly written assignment as an MS Word attachment (.doc or .docx format). A recommended font is 12pt Times New Roman. DO NOT include discussion board answers with your formally written assignment submission. Rubric for this assignment found in the Resources section.

Summarize the article’s main finding and highlight the contribution you deem most impor-tant and most surprising

2020 | Home assignment | retake examBA-BPOLO2010U: Quantitative Methods for Business and Social ScienceGeneral instructionsContent and format:•The assignment is individual and should be maximum 10 CBS standard pages. Please follow CBSguidelines regarding all content.–This is an upper limit, fewer pages are fine.–The R-code that you provide in the Appendix does not counttowards your page limit.•Please do not include the text of the questions in your answer submission, but do include the exact question number. Submit the final document with the subquestions following the order from the exam sheet.•Please respond to all questions to the best of your knowledge and do it in your own words.•Do not plagiarize and keep in mind that this is an individual assignment!•In case you are using a particular idea/comment from somewhere, please add a reference. Use anystyle, but be consistent (Chicago, APA, etc.). You do not need to cite calculation methods from thebook or lecture slides, such as the standard error calculation, or the formula for the mean.•Ifyouareaskedtocalculatesomething, describehowyoucalculateditandputtheresultsincontext.Elaborate on your answers in order to show that you are able to explain statistical results and ableto make substantive interpretations.•Remember to report relevant output in the exam document. You can just copy-paste it directly fromRor add the figures, you do not need to spend much time on formatting tables for this exam as longas the results you present are readable and understandable.•Everything must be handed in as one.pdffile (including appendix of R code appendix).Notes on data and R code as appendix:•All data needed is available on the courseCanvaspage.•For answers that involve data analysis, you need to supply working R code that produces the results.•You should copy-paste the R script (in the “source pane”) as text in the Appendix. For the R codeplease avoid screenshots.•Do not include substantive interpretation as comment in the script/appendix.•You can briefly annotate your script (i.e., ## recoded variable to range from x to x, or ## producingfigure 2) and/or mark to which subquestion the code refers, although it is not mandatory.Final remarks:•While this is a take-home assignment and exam, hopefully you will find the topics engaging. Examscan be overwhelming,but results emerge eventually.

1Question 1: Sustainable food choicesYou will be discussing the analysis and results presented inHansen, P. G., Schilling, M., & Malthesen, M.S. (2019). Nudging healthy and sustainable food choices: three randomized controlled field experimentsusing a vegetarian lunch-default as a normative signal. Journal of Public Health.1The first step will be tocarefully read the paper. All main analysis in this paper uses methodology that has been covered in yourcoursework.Question 1.1:Summarize the article’s main finding and highlight the contribution you deem most impor-tant and most surprising.Question 1.2:Compare any two experiments of the paper in your own words: who are the treated units,what is the response variable and what is the treatment? Discuss the role of randomization and thedifferences in the treatment choices. Why did the authors rely on multiple experiments?Question 1.3:Discussconsiderationsofinternalandexternalvaliditythroughoutthewholestudy(allthreeexperiments), highlighting potential trade-offs in general and how they relate to the studies carried out.Question 1.4:The paper presents group differences in a plot and discusses these in text. Pick one compar-ison and carry out step-by-step the hypothesis testing (with the𝛼value of your choice) for a differencein proportion.Question 1.5:The paper discusses some differences between men and women. Present a brief outline ofa study that you would design to get a more detailed view of these differences and the potential reasonsbehind them.Question 2: Personality traits and political attitudesYouwillbeworkingwithpartsofthedatafromVitriol, J.A., E.G.Larsen&S.G.Ludeke. 2020. JustasWEIRD?Personality Traits and Political Attitudes Among Immigrant Minorities. Journal of Research in Personality85:2Reading the paper can help you with giving better answers, however, the questions and tasks can becarried out without that.You will have at your disposal a subset of some questions used in the paper (Immigrant panel (LISS-Ipanel) in the Netherlands) in thetraits.Rdatafile (ortraits.csvfile). Not all respondents or itemsare included in the data, thus your results will not be comparable to the ones in the paper. This is not areproduction exercise. The dataset is described below (see next page).Before starting your work, you will have to take two decisions:1.from the five Personality Trait variables (see table and/or paper), select one as your trait of coreinterest. We will refer to this as “main predictor” in the tasks.2.fromIdeology,PoliticalTrust,andSatisfactionwithDemocracyselectoneasyourresponse/dependentvariable for the regression tasks. We will refer to this as “response/dependent” variable in thetasks.You do not have to give a reason why you chose what you chose, simply state your choice. You shouldanswer the following data analysis and interpretation related questions/tasks below. Please rememberthe coding of the response/dependent variables.1The article is also made available on Canvas.2The article is also made available on Canvas. When you load the data, you should have 815 rows and 12 columns.2

Variable nameDescriptiondutchDutch (1) or other (0)fgFirst generation immigrant (1), (0) for other,can be Dutch or multiple generationsnwNon-Western immigrant background (1), (0) for other,can be Dutch or Western backgroundopennessPersonality trait: Openness to Experience, [0, 1] continuous, from low to highconscientiousnessPersonality trait: Conscientiousness, [0, 1] continuous, from low to highextraversionPersonality trait: Extraversion, [0, 1] continuous, from low to highagreeablenessPersonality trait: Agreeableness, [0, 1] continuous, from low to highneuroticismPersonality trait: Neuroticism, [0, 1] continuous, from low to highideologyRespondent’s ideology, [0-10] continuous, from left to rightpolparVoted in elections (1), (0) otherwisepoltrPolitical trust, [0-10] continuous, from low to highstfdemSatisfaction with democracy, [0-10] continuous, from low to highQuestion 2.1:Is the proportion of non-voters among first generation immigrants statistically significantlydifferent from 0.25? Carry out a hypothesis test step-by-step with your own calculations (you can use R forthese) and also present the formulas you used. Use an𝛼level of 0.05. Do your conclusions change if youuse an𝛼level of 0.1? Compare your results with the output from anRfunction that you find appropriateto answer this question. Please use two-tailed tests.Question 2.2:Is the average level of agreeableness statistically significantly different between Dutch andnon-Dutch respondents? Present the hypothesis test either by carrying it out step-by-step or by relyingon a built in function for mean differences. Use an𝛼level of 0.05. Do your conclusions change if you usean𝛼level of 0.1? Please use two-tailed tests.Question 2.3:Summarize your main predictor (chosen above) variable using the appropriate measuresof central tendency and spread. Create a univariate summary plot and interpret what it displays. Cre-ate a plot that summarizes the bivariate relationship between the response/dependent variable and thechosen main predictor. Summarize the relationship through a correlation coefficient.Question 2.4:For your response/dependent variable, calculate the standard error of the mean, constructa 95% confidence interval for the mean and interpret these two uncertainty measures (standard error andconfidence interval). Do this relying on your own calculations (you can use R for these) and also presentthe formulas you used.Question 2.5:Run a linear regression where your chosen response/dependent variable is a function ofall five personality traits and the dutch, fg, and nw variables. Interpret the model results in substantiveterms and discuss measures of uncertainty and hypothesis test for the coefficients of interest.Question 2.6:Extend the previous model in a way that can answer if there are heterogeneous effects onyour response/dependent variable regarding your chosen main predictor and non-Western background.Report the model results in a table format and interpret the terms of interest and what this means foryour substantive conclusions. It is recommended, but not mandatory to offer a visual display of therelationship.For most of this question you have to carry out the analysis inR. This code has to be included as Ap-pendix and should produce the results featuring in your report. If something is reported in the text (alsofigures/tables used), it has to be included in the code.3

Question 3: Polls and election results in 2015 and 2019We have looked at how well polls or betting markets predict electoral outcomes in the US. In thepoll-dk-comp.Rdata(orpoll-dk-comp.csv) file you have Danish political party support polling numbers.This dataset covers two parties, three polling companies, and two pre-election periods (2015 and 2019).The dataset is described below.3Variable name DescriptionidID for each pollpollingfirmPolling firm conducting the pollpoll_dateDate of data collection (character)nSample sizeparty_oSupport forDansk Folkeparti(in %)party_vSupport forVenstre(in %)party_o_res_15Election result forDansk Folkeparti(in %), 2015party_v_res_15Election result forVenstre(in %), 2015party_o_res_19Election result forDansk Folkeparti(in %), 2019party_v_res_19Election result forVenstre(in %), 2019Using the concepts and metrics discussed in the course, analyzing solely the data at hand and relyingon your own analysis, answer the following questions. Please always describe how did you reach yourconclusion and what data/metric supports the conclusion. Depending on the measures you consider orangle you take in your analysis, there might be different answers to these questions. This is normal, butthis is also why it is essential to describe why you chose those measures, how you made the comparisonsand how they substantiate your conclusion.Question 3.1:In which pre-election did YouGov perform better, 2015 or 2019? How about Voxmeter?Question 3.2:Relying on polls from both companies carried out in the last week before the elections (both2015 and 2019), which party’s electoral result was better predicted?Question 3.3:Relying on all polls, how did the quality of prediction change as we got closer to the 2015election date? Please use at least one visualization to substantiate your conclusions. How was this dif-ferent in 2019? Discuss the potential differences or similarities.Question 3.4Does the poll’s sample size matter for the quality of predictions, and if so, are there between-party differences in how important these are? Discuss the potential role of the timing of polls as well,relating your answer to point 3.3.For most of this question you have to carry out the analysis inR. This code has to be included as Ap-pendix and should produce the results featuring in your report. If something is reported in the text (alsofigures/tables used), it has to be included in the code.3When you load the data, you should have 56 rows and 10 columns.4

Describe conversations, discussions, actual contract.

Read the peppercorn Dinning Case and think like an OD practitioner. tart by analyzing the situation. Please be sure to answer the following questions:
How would you enter the contract? Describe conversations, discussions, actual contract.
As the OD practitioner, you want good quality data. How will you collect the data such as survey(s), interview questions, and who will you observe and why?
What are the different organizational levels within Peppercorn?
How does your plan compare to what this OD did?
The case study should have an APA title page and an APA reference page. The APA title page and APA reference page DO NOT count towards the minimum word requirement! Your body of work needs to be a minimum of 500 words in length. At least 3 sources are needed. Note that an APA abstract page is NOT required!
Font Type: Times New Roman
Font Size: 12 point
Margins: 1 inch on all sides
Spacing: Double-spacing
Justification: Left
Paragraph Indentation: Use the Tab key to indent all paragraphs one half-inch from the left margin