
Write a short paper comparing the tutorials you identified. Explain which tutorial you preferred based upon how it helped you answer the following questions: How does virtual memory extend the memory available to applications? What are the drawbacks of a page fault when a virtual memory page is not resident?

Search the Internet to find two tutorials on virtual memory as it is used in modern workstations, servers, or mobile devices.

Write a short paper comparing the tutorials you identified. Explain which tutorial you preferred based upon how it helped you answer the following questions:

How does virtual memory extend the memory available to applications?
What are the drawbacks of a page fault when a virtual memory page is not resident?
A complete paper will include:

-The answers to the above questions
-A description of the tutorial that best helped you answer those questions and why you preferred it
-Any challenges you are having with understanding virtual memory. If you are having difficulty, you can simply write a paragraph or two about any areas of virtual memory you still do not understand and your plan for how you will master those areas. If you are confident in what you have learned, use that portion of your paper to talk about any benefits of virtual memory you found.

A complete paper will include:

-The answers to the above questions
-A description of the tutorial that best helped you answer those questions and why you preferred it
-Any challenges you are having with understanding virtual memory. If you are having difficulty, you can simply write a paragraph or two about any areas of virtual memory you still do not understand and your plan for how you will master those areas. If you are confident in what you have learned, use that portion of your paper to talk about any benefits of virtual memory you found.

Discuss your own views about cybercrimes and punishment. Provide your own judgments about deterrent effects against committing cybercrimes such as sending out spam, launching denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, distributing malware, or committing credit card fraud.

Discuss your own views about cybercrimes and punishment. Provide your own judgments about deterrent effects against committing cybercrimes such as sending out spam, launching denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, distributing malware, or committing credit card fraud. Should society strive to increase perceptions of the possibility of being caught and more harshly punished? Please elaborate with classical theoretical perspectives.

Write an essay outlining the brief history of and improvement of patient care in Ontario focusing around technology and the widening scope of practice for paramedics In Ontario, Canada. This should be mentioning the BHP ( Base Hospital System ), BLS and ALS

Write an essay outlining the brief history of and improvement of patient care in Ontario focusing around technology and the widening scope of practice for paramedics In Ontario, Canada. This should be mentioning the BHP ( Base Hospital System ), BLS and ALS and how technology such a stretchers, ambulances, cardiac monitors and other pieces of technology increase the quality of care provided and how it is affecting the mortality rates. What this looks like moving forward and how the science of paramedicine changes daily. It needs just a few loose references and can be relaxed into more of an opinion piece as long as the viewpoint is pro universal and progressive healthcare as it relates to Canada through the eyes of a paramedic. Citing can be done in APA or MLA which ever is easiest. Does not need to be super technical in the details but it should come from an understanding of the health care system as a whole. Abbreviations are okay once used and clarified previously in the paper. Lastly the paper should mostly focus on perspective of Primary Care and Advanced Care Paramedics with maybe a little bit of reference to Critical Care Air Paramedics

Do you believe children today still experience this type of epiphany from their daily experience within a technologically infused society? Consider the role of technology and the impact of the vanishing “nuclear family.”

Both James Joyce’s “Araby” and Annie Dillard’s “The Chase” portray the coming of age of two young protagonists.  Joyce’s “Araby” portrays the coming of age of a young boy who lives in an impoverished town.  Though he navigates through his young life filled with dreams and aspirations of beauty and promise, he eventually encounters disappointment at the bazaar.  Similarly, Dillard presents what she believes to be a prescription for living fully.  During the chase, Dillard discovers a dichotomous view of life.  She views adulthood from a child’s perspective and reveals her epiphany.  But she also encounters a powerful disillusionment.

Your assignment is to focus on the theme of innocence and the impact of epiphanies.  Both of these young protagonists experience an important awareness that is critical to their transformation from childhood to adulthood.  But they experience this necessary insight through interacting with life. Do you believe children today still experience this type of epiphany from their daily experience within a technologically infused society? Consider the role of technology and the impact of the vanishing “nuclear family.”


Your answer to the bolded and underlined question becomes your thesis statement.  Take a clear stance for or against children experiencing a powerful epiphany in the modern age. Then support your stance with clear, relevant quotes from both stories. You might consider some of the following elements of society:


Family—How is the role of family leading to or detracting from childhood epiphanies?

Friends—Are friends still a crucial element in a child’s life? If so, how?

Influential people or role models—media personalities, neighbors, teachers, coaches, etc.

Social sites—How have these replaced, if at all, children’s games that often led to discovery

and new insight? Has the internet removed much of the necessary romanticism or fantasy play crucial to a child’s development?

Games—How have video games enhanced or removed a child’s ability to experience life and gain

new awareness?

Conversations—Have phones removed a child’s need for privacy or have they provided an outlet?


Develop your topics in coherent paragraphs.  You are encouraged to provide outside sources as support for your ideas.  If you include research, follow MLA format when including parenthetical citations.  Also, include a Works Cited page (even if you do not include research).  Use the concepts you have learned in both the feedback included in your previous essays and the lessons on proper use of grammar and citation of outside sources to write a clear, well-developed essay.  You must also attach an outline to the final draft.  Remember that anything short of five to six pages will adversely affect the overall grade of your masterpiece.  This is your chance to exhibit your insightful critical thinking skills.  Be creative with this assignment and analyze Joyce’s “Araby” or Dillard’s “The Chase” from a unique perspective.  Strive for originality and profundity.

Demonstrate your learning, as described in the Course Learning Objectives section of this syllabus. Emphasis will be on the understanding of the problems, critical evaluation as well as the ability to clearly communicate proposed solutions.

You will be responsible for a final term paper or, which focuses on a topic of
your choice related to one of the Change Management business topics that we have discussed in our
course. Apply this topic to a
specific change that you are currently experiencing or leading or one you have been through recently.
This may be related to your career, workplace, or personal life. This assignment requires you to
demonstrate your learning, as described in the Course Learning Objectives section of this syllabus.
Emphasis will be on the understanding of the problems, critical evaluation as well as the ability to
clearly communicate proposed solutions. Your final project is your major contribution, where you will
exhibit your learning.
The project should reveal additional information beyond that covered in the textbook. Your own
analysis, summary, and conclusions will increase the value of your paper. Your Term Paper must be 5
to 7 full double-spaced pages of content (excluding cover and reference pages).
At least two scholarly sources other than the textbook must be used to write the paper. Use proper intext references to your sources when quoting directly or indirectly, and an end of paper reference list.
APA format must be used. Plagiarism is not allowed and will be the basis for failure

What is the difference in self-care knowledge and attitude between American and Saudi students in the U.S.? How do Saudi male students perceive personal hygiene as compared to female students?

Oral diseases tend to be linked to specific behaviors of an individual. That is why specific infectious disease prevalence had declined when personal hygiene was improved. Oral and hand hygiene are examples of activities that have been noted to impact the health of individuals (Cruz & Bashtawi, 2015). This research will analyze the nature of self-practice among Saudi students in the U.S. and how it affects their overall health. There is a difference in how Saudi students approached self-care and hygiene, as compared to other students. The reason as to why this difference exists needs to be further analyzed. It will help in identifying measures that will ensure they are also updated on hygienic practices.

The prevalence of tooth decay in children aged 12-14 years was quite high, at 93.7%, among Saudi students (Al Subait et al., 2016). When compared to male students, female students had a better understanding of oral hygiene, which is why more of them brushed their teeth frequently as needed (Al Subait et al., 2016). Therefore, there is a difference in how males and females approach hygiene (Cruz et al., 2015).

Self-practice may also relate to how an individual care for the skin in response to the U.V. rays. Most skin diseases are caused by exposure to the U.V. radiation, which damages the cells and impacts its growth (Al Ghamdi et al., 2015). Without the right knowledge on what products to use and the right attitude towards the associated risk, individuals will not be motivated to take protective measures. Among the Saudi students living in the U.S., little is known regarding their level of awareness and behaviors that relate to exposure to the sun and protection against the U.V. rays (Al Ghamdi et al., 2015). Hand Hygiene is yet also a focus for many researchers. It is also impacted by the level of knowledge held by Saudi students in the U.S. (Hamadah et al., 2015).

Also, students need to understand the importance of personal hygiene when interacting with others as it will prevent the transmission of infections (Alsager et al., 2018). Therefore, it has already been established that self-care relates to having sufficient knowledge and better attitudes towards hygiene. Unfortunately, there is a gap in the literature concerning the steps taken to improve these factors among Saudi students in the U.S.  The current research aims to identify the difference that exists in self-care knowledge and attitude between the American and Saudi students in the U.S. It is an essential consideration since the results will help in improving the hygiene practices of students, thereby dealing with the spread of infectious diseases in the Universities.

Primary Question: What is the difference in self-care knowledge and attitude between American and Saudi students in the U.S.?

Null hypotheses: There is no difference in self-care knowledge and attitude between American and Saudi students in the U.S.

Hypotheses: When compared to the Americans, Saudi students lack sufficient knowledge relating to hygiene, which triggers a negative attitude that impacts their self-care practice.

Secondary Question: How do Saudi male students perceive personal hygiene as compared to female students?

Take the characters in Oedipus Rex and Medea, and consider the following: Who is the protagonist? Defend your choice. Why do they do what they do? Are they self-motivated, or manipulated by outside forces? Are they capable of change or growth? Why or why not?

Take the characters in Oedipus Rex and Medea, and consider the following:

  1. Who is the protagonist? Defend your choice.
  2. Why do they do what they do? Are they self-motivated, or manipulated by outside forces?
  3. Are they capable of change or growth? Why or why not?
  4. Do their actions impact others? If so, who and how?
  5. Which characters are tragic, and which are merely pathetic?

(Plays discussed: Oedipus Rex and Medea)

  1. Lysistrata and Oedipus: a study in contrasts
  1. Both Oedipus and Lysistrata had well-defined goals. In what ways did their goals dictate the paths each took?
  2. What differences did you see in the way their journeys played out, and to what extent were these differences due to their temperaments?
  3. How did the structure of each play enable or impede your understanding of the story?
  4. Why did one fail, and the other succeed?

(Plays discussed: Oedipus Rex and Lysistrata)

  1. Sakuntala and Everyman: teaching morality

These two plays are essential lessons for the audience, taught in very different ways.

  1. Name at least three lessons from each play, say why you think these lessons were important.
  2. In what ways are  the lessons similar across cultures?
  3. Why do you think they were structured so differently?
  4. Can you boil the lessons of each play down to three sentences?

(Plays discussed: The Recognition of Sakuntala and Everyman)

  1. A Renaissance Man
  1. What kind of things does Faustus desire?
  2. Why do you think he wants those things?
  3. Does Marlowe allow Faustus to achieve his goals?
  4. Why/ why not?

(Play discussed: Doctor Faustus)

  1. Love and Other Drugs
  1. Compare Hippolyta’s relationship with Theseus and Oberon’s relationship with Titania.
  2. Why does Oberon want Titania to give him the child?
  3. What does Bottom say about the nature of love?
  4. What kinds of love does Shakespeare describe? Which characters are emblematic of which kind of love?

(Play discussed: A Midsummer Night’s Dream)

  1. Tartuffe
  1. Why is the play named for a character who doesn’t appear until Act III?
  2. In what ways were your opinions of Tartuffe formed before his arrival?
  3. How do you think Orgon is changed by Tartuffe’s betrayal?
  4. What purpose does Cleante serve?
  5. What is the deus ex machina?

(Play discussed: Tartuffe)

  1. Love Suicides
  1. Take a moment and compare this play to Oedipus Rex. What similarities can you find?
  2. How does Tokubei compare to Oedipus as a tragic hero?
  3. Are you able to see any other options for Ohatsu and Tokubei?
  4. Given the opportunity, how would you rework the end of the play?

(Plays discussed: The Love Suicides at Sonezaki and Oedipus Rex)

  1. That’s the Way
  1. What do Mirabell and Fainall have in common?
  2. What does each man want?
  3. Compare the actions each takes to achieve their goals.
  4. What’s the deus ex machina?

Define hypertension, classification, clinical presentation and hypertensive crisis.  What stage does the patient have? What is the treatment goal? What types of complications could this patient have later, if his hypertension is not properly treated? 

YY is a 56yo African American male who works as a shipping manager for local distribution center.  He has untreated hypertension (BP readings has been elevated on the last 3 occasions).  He lives with his 10yo son.  He is divorced 5 years ago.  He experienced occasional headaches, but other than that, he said he feels “fine.”  He sleeps 4-6 hours per night on average.  His job is causing him some stress lately.  Past Medical History: anxiety, depression, diabetes mellitus

Allergies:  peanuts, Celexa (headache)

Home Medications: metformin 500mg twice daily, omeprazole 20mg daily; zolpidem 10mg qhs prn, naproxen 250mg daily prn

Family History: father deceased (stroke); mother still living in nursing home with dementia

Social History: drinks socially on weekends, smokes occasionally

Vitals: BP= 146/84 and 144/80 mmHg (right arm, sitting); HR=72 BPM; RR= 18 per minute; height= 5’10’’; weight=192 lbs.

Define hypertension, classification, clinical presentation and hypertensive crisis.  What stage does the patient have? What is the treatment goal?

What types of complications could this patient have later, if his hypertension is not properly treated?

List some modifiable risk factors and which ones are present in YY?

On the day of his visit, if his cardiac output is 5.8L/min, what would his cardiac stroke volume be?

What are some appropriate pharmacological first-line therapies that can be recommended? Discuss the guidelines for the type of antihypertensives according to JNC-8.

Discuss the drug classes of hydrochlorothiazide, benazepril, and amlodipine. Give 1-2 alternative drugs for each of them.

Discuss the renal anatomy and physiology related to the mechanism of action of hydrochlorothiazide.  Discuss the mechanism of action of hydrochlorothiazide.

What is the 95% Confidence Interval of the Mean? Set up and perform a hypothesis test to evaluate the competitor’s claim for the mean. Use 95% confidence. Set up and perform a hypothesis test or a confidence interval to evaluate the competitor’s claim for the standard deviation. Use 95% confidence.

  1.  Statistics:  The modulus of tungsten alloy armor plate is typically 147 GPa, with a standard deviation of < 10 GPa.  Your company is a large supplier of this armor plate to the manufacturers of M1 Abrams tank industry.  Your competitor recently announced that his armor plate has a modulus of at least 167 GPa, with a standard deviation of <7 GPa.  This claimed greater modulus and “tighter” sigma will enable armor plate that is 20% lighter than those made from your plate.  So, you are anxious to evaluate the claim.  You obtain twenty samples of this plate and measure the following moduli.  (Note if there are any questionable data points.  Discuss the normality of the data, but analyze as if the data were normal.  These data were generated with a normal random number generator):

What is the 95% Confidence Interval of the Mean?

Set up and perform a hypothesis test to evaluate the competitor’s claim for the mean. Use 95% confidence.

Set up and perform a hypothesis test or a confidence interval to evaluate the competitor’s claim for the standard deviation. Use 95% confidence.

In a large population, what % of the samples would you expect to be below 160 GPa?

What chance is there for a Type II Error, if the mean should be >162.

Discuss the results and what you would do with the data.

Submit a profile of a serial offender that you will be selecting on your own. You can choose an offender discussed in the text, online, from other books, or any other resource. Once you select your offender, you will: Discuss if the offender fits the common profile of the serial murder offender.

Submit a profile of a serial offender that you will be selecting on your own. You can choose an offender discussed in the text, online, from other books, or any other resource. Once you select your offender, you will: Discuss if the offender fits the common profile of the serial murder offender. This requires much more than providing a biography of the serial killer. Apply a typology used in the text and apply it to the offender. In doing so, explain how the offender aligns with the typology. Discuss how the particular offender’s crimes were solved (if applicable: if they were unresolved, discuss this, too); and the resolution of the case.