
How do you address the problems of flat nipples or pendulous breasts? What are the signs and symptoms of mastitis?

Describe the 3 common positions.
How can mom tell the baby is getting enough milk over the course of 2 days?
How do you address the problems of flat nipples or pendulous breasts?
What are the signs and symptoms of mastitis?

APA formatting required (abstract not required.)
a. Title Page
b. Reference Page
c. Running Head
d. Page Numbers

What has been your most significant learning experiences in light of these values (whether in the classroom or out of the classroom)?

GEN400—Visioning a Future of Justice, Compassion, and Service

Final GEN400 Project Guidelines:

The final project of GEN400 asks you to pull together what you have been learning about the Mercy Core Values and the Visioning of a Future that we have been discussing since our earliest weeks together. This project should be from 5-6 pages (minimum of 1,250 words). It must include the citation of at least seven sources. At least two of these sources should be R/Vs that you encountered in this course: one assigned source from Unit One and one assigned R/V from a student presenter in Unit Two. Besides these two sources from our GEN400 readings, you also must include at least four scholarly research materials — either scholarly journals or academic books — related in some way to these readings or the topics referenced in them. The 7th source is “free choice” … it can be another R/V or an interview with an expert in the field or a website from a credible source or another article, book. The final paper also must integrate some aspect of learning gained through the service learning experience. The final version will be submitted to Safe Assign on Blackboard within its assignment link.

To develop your project, it may help to think about three different parts to the final essay. This outline is a guide throughout the research and writing process, modify, as needed. Be sure to use the scoring rubric as your guide.

Proposed Components of Final Project (feel free to modify to fit your research):

PART ONE:     Introductory Reflection Piece:  Reflection on Mercy Core Values

What is your present understanding of the Mercy Core Values of respect, integrity, justice, compassion, and service? How has your understanding of justice, compassion, and service evolved over the course of the semester?  How do you see these Mercy Core Values connected to living a good life?

What has informed your current perspective on these values? Cite readings and academic research, service learning exploration and experiences, relevant academic discourse in and out of the classroom, and personal reflection on these values as important (or not) to you.

PART TWO: Research – Application of Core Values to a Critical Concern  

Name a current critical concern / problem that you feel is worth your continued involvement or consideration.

Why is this critical concern / problem important to you?

Do you feel alone in your perspective?  Do others see the critical concern / problem as important?

If this problem continues unabated, what are some possible consequences?

Explore the complexities and complications of the critical concern / problem.

Define the concern or problem clearly and succinctly.

What are some general assumptions about this problem? What were your presumptions prior to your investigation of the problem?

What information can you gather about the extent of this problem? (Research data, expert analysis, observations, experiences)

How do you interpret this above information? What is not being said/considered that should be said/considered?

Consider Solutions to the Critical Concern or Problem.

What moral principles do you think address this issue? How could an application of the Mercy Core Values address this issue?

What creative idea and response would most effectively address the issue? Explain

Is there a group working on this issue that you could work with on this topic? In what way? What support would you need to start or continue involvement?

What would be the upside and downside consequences of your response? Explain

PART THREE: Concluding Personal Synthesis – Give a personal touch to your reflection and research.

This personal reflection should be the final two pages of your text.  If you would prefer a different format from a written statement, you can articulate your vision via poetry, artwork, and/or through other creative media presentation. It will be presented to an audience of your peers and professors.

Articulate a personal vision based on your integration of the Mercy Core values of respect, integrity, justice, compassion, and service.

How has your experience of GCU’s Mercy Core Values (either past or present) contributed to the person you are today? What has been your most significant learning experiences in light of these values (whether in the classroom or out of the classroom)?

After graduation, how do you plan to be a person of Mercy in both your professional and personal world? What do you see as your commitment towards the ongoing internalization of these values and their expression in your life? Do you plan any personal commitment, advocacy, or continued service based on the importance of these values to your continued personal and / or spiritual development?

What specific intervention strategies have you tried or plan to use to facilitate the desired changes or goal attainment based on the theories you have chosen?


In this final paper, you are asked to apply all you have learned from the family

systems theories in analyzing a case you have handled or are handling. It aims to help you to integrate the theoretical concepts in an actual case. The analyses and discussion of intervention should be drawn from you learning through the assigned reading, lectures, videos, discussions, etc.

Address each of the following questions in your paper.

You should give background information of the family, the agency setting, and the circumstance under which the family sought help or was referred for service.

1) State clearly and succinctly the presenting problem(s) of this family, that is, what caused  them to come in for help or be referred by others for help.

2) Analyze the case and suggest some intervention strategies using concepts from at least two schools of family therapy you have learned in this course addressing the following aspects:

  1. a) The theoretical formulations of the “causes” of the presenting problem(s) or other

problems you have noted in this family.

  1. b) Describe the relational structure or other important dynamics of the family according to the theoretical orientations.
  1. c) How may the flaws of the family dynamics/unmet needs/self-defeating narratives/negative interactional cycles/limited emotional repertoire/misguided attempted solutions/previous generational legacies, etc. relate to the presenting or other problems?
  2. d) Based on the theoretical orientations, what are the treatment goals you have formulated accordingly, in addition to the reduction or eradication of the presenting problem(s)? Set specific and realistic goals as far as possible.
  3. e) What specific intervention strategies have you tried or plan to use to facilitate the desired changes or goal attainment based on the theories you have chosen?


This section is the major bulk of the paper and should constitute at least 5-6 pages.

3) What are some of the strengths of the family that you have observed, which could be mobilized?

4) Address the impact of the ecological contexts or the larger systems on the family. What are some of its resources and limitations for this family?

5) How may diversity issues affect the functioning of the family, if applicable?

6) Do you see issues that warrant advocacy for the family, which otherwise would be a violation of the basic human rights of the client/family and social justice?

7) What are some of the interface issues, including your own background (cultural or otherwise, similar to or different from the family) and counter-transference that you have to face in working with this family? Are there ethical dilemmas you may have to face as well? How have you handled them or plan to do so?

You may give the background information of your case by integrating it into your paper as you address the above questions. Or, you can write the case summary first, then analyze it according to the above guiding questions. The APA style of citation is expected if you cite references.

Do not give detailed explanation of the concepts, the main point is to apply the

concepts in analyzing your case.

You can cite references if it is appropriate and helpful in advancing understanding of the point you are making in relation to the case situation.


General Instructions:

  1. Use double line spacing and font size 12 for your paper.
  2. The length of your paper is expected to be 8 pages

Criteria for Evaluating the Paper:

1) The paper addresses each part of the questions and demonstrates understanding of the concepts.

2) The response shows familiarity with materials covered in the readings, lectures, videos and discussions.

3) The paper demonstrates efforts in integrating the learned concepts with case materials.

4) Relevant case materials or evidences are cited in support of your analyses and assessment. However, do not repeat some of background information provided in the case summary.

5) The stated treatment goals and suggested intervention strategies are specific and relevant in facilitating change and are family systems oriented instead of individually oriented.

6) The writing is grammatically correct and organized in a clear and logical fashion.

7) Compliance with the page limit and format.

8) Demonstration of competence according to the grading rubric towards the end of the syllab

Describe the architect’s purpose and thoughts behind the design. Provide some history about the construction and why it took so long to build it.

African American History Museum in Washington D.C.

Describe the architect’s purpose and thoughts behind the design. Provide some history about the construction and why it took so long to build it.

Discuss how it fits into the pre-existing surroundings. Don’t miss the important part about the angles incorporated into the design.

Discuss his use of specific materials and some of the difficult choices that had to be made along the way.

Given this information, what is the organism causing the man’s pneumonia? What condition is the girl suffering from?

It will cover any pathogenic agents and diseases covered in the course, mainly those from chapters 19-25 PowerPoint that is provided but need to do online research for the correct answers . Remember, answer has to be correct which you will only need a few words to answer each study correctly.


A 19 year old female presents with a violent, painful cough that causes her to have persistent headaches.  She has petechiae on her upper body and blood shot eyes.  The patient tells you these coughs have going on for a little more than a week, but have become less productive and more violent since it has progressed from a wet cough to a dry cough.  You prescribe her erythromycin and tell her it should clear up in about 10 days.  What is she suffering from?


A 31 year old female presents with abdominal pain and an excessive amount of gastrointestinal gas.  She tells you these symptoms began a year days ago after going camping with some friends.  After further evaluation, she tells you her stool has been frothy, greasy and have a very bad odor.  You tell her that the condition should resolve itself in a few weeks, but she needs to make sure she drinks plenty of fluids to replenish the amount she’s going to lose.  What does the patient have?


A patient presents with intense abdominal pain and bouts of diarrhea.  The diarrhea ranges from mild to bloody, and a stool sample shows the presence of pseudopod-forming protozoans.  You tell the patient he’s lucky he came in now, as this could lead to hepatitis or colon cancer.  What does the patient have?


A 10 year old girl presents with a headache and difficulty breathing.  Her mother says she’s had sporadic fevers for the past week, which has interfered with her sleep.  Inspection of her throat showed the presence of a dark gray pseudomembrane in the back of her throat, which prompts you to prescribe penicillin.  What condition is the girl suffering from?


A 6 year old child comes in with crusted pustules localized around her mouth.  When the doctor finds out the causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus , he prescribes pencillin and rest.  The doctor assures the patient’s mother to not worry, as this condition is one of the most common child infections.  What does the child have?


A 28 year old woman presents with a swollen eyelid that is emitting a yellow discharge.  After finding out the causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus, you prescribe penicillin and tell the patient to check back with you after 1 week.  You tell her to be careful, as this condition is extremely contagious.  Which eye condition does this patient have?


A patient presents with a high fever and pain in his feet when walking.  You’re about to start a full body check up when you are distracted by a foul odor emanating from the patient’s right foot.  Upon closer inspection you notice his toes are a dark brown, almost black color, surrounded with a discolored pus.  When you ask the patient about his feet, he tells you they’ve been like that for a while, but he only noticed it when a snapping and popping sound came from his toes.  What does the patient have?


A 38 year old woman presents with a persistent fever and cramps that she says she’s had for the last week days.  Upon further evaluation, she tells you she’s had bloody stool with mucus for the last few days. A colon biopsy shows destruction of colon cells, leaving areas of destruction and inflammation.   You recommend the constant replenishing of fluids, as this is how death with this condition usually occurs.


A 40 year old patient presents with a low fever, tiredness and a persistent cough that the patient has had for a while now.  You order a sputum test, which shows the presence of green, bloody sputum.  A chest X-ray shows the presence of a large baseball sized mass in the lower left lung, which prompts the staff treating him to wear masks in his presence.  You start the patient on treatment immediately, but warn him he might be on this medication for a long time given the diagnosis.  What is the patient suffering from?


A 19 year old male presents with a fever, body aches, and loss of appetite.  He has a large localized swelling near his bottom lip and his lymph nodes in his neck are enlarged.  Following a blood test, you detect euglenozoa antibodies and tell him how uncharacteristic it is to find reduviids in this part of the world.  What does the patient have?


A patient presents with bouts of frequent diarrhea.  He tells you he felt off since the banquet he went to last night, where they served a turkey dinner with gravy and vegetables.  You tell him that he should be okay, and that the organism will clear itself withing 48 hours.  Given this information, what organism is causing his food poisoning?


A 26 year old male presents with frequent diarrhea and abrupt vomiting.  The patient tells you he just returned from a trip to India and seems to be getting worse by the hour.  A stool sample shows a characteristic rice water stool and you immediately prescribe tetracycline and fluid therapy.  What condition does the patient have?


A 33 year old female presents with fever, chills, and clammy skin.  A sputum test shows a bright red colored sputum and the presence of a Gram negative, nitrogen fixing rod.  Given this information, what is the organism causing the woman’s pneumonia?


A 43 year old male presents with a very intense localized pain in his side.  Upon further observation, you notice a small red rash near the bottom of his rib cage and immediately ask him if he’s been infected with the Varicella-Zoster virus before. What disease does this patient have?


A 35 year old female presents with fever, nausea, and headaches.  She is complaining of painful muscle spasms in her throat and her husband tells you she’s had bouts of hallucinations.  Her husband manages to tell you about an encounter she had with an oddly behaving squirrel a week ago, but doesn’t know the details.  You immediately give her a fast-acting treatment shot and keep the patient overnight for observation.  What is the patient most likely suffering from?


A patient presents with bouts of vomitting and intense diarrhea.  The patient tells you he just came from a chinese food buffet, where all’s he ate was pork fried rice.  You tell him that he should be okay, and that the organism will clear itself withing 24 hours. Given this information, what organism is causing his food poisoning?


A 34 year old woman presents with a headache, nausea, and muscle pain throughout her body.  She tells you she has night sweats, but is constantly shivering throughout the day.  During your evaluation, she seems to have small body-wide convulsions as you’re talking to her.  You take her blood expecting to see rings within her red blood cells, as well as signs of anemia.  What does she have?


A patient presents to the emergency room with extremely hot and localized pain in her lower limb.  Upon visual observation, the doctor calls for immediate debridement of the necrotic area.  The doctor tells the patient they are lucky to have come in before amputation was necessary to prevent systemic shock.  What is the patient suffering from?


A 70 year old woman presents with flu-like symptoms and swollen lymph nodes.  You take a blood test and find apicomplexan antibodies in the sample.  You tell your patient that because of her age, you need to start treatment right away in order to decrease the chance of encephalitis.  What does the woman have?


A 45 year old female presents with a fever, chills, and shortness of breath.  She tells you she thinks she has rabies because a squirrel bit her when she was tending to her garden a couple of weeks ago and she still has the mark to prove it.  Upon further observation, you have questions since the bite mark you see on her hand looks more like a tick bite and is in the early stages of becoming an ulcer.  You notice her lymph nodes in her armpits are larger than normal.  What does the patient have?


A 32 year old female presents with severe dehydration, nausea, and diarrhea.  She tells you she is an avid body builder, as her diet consists solely of grilled chicken and eggs.  You tell her to go home, rest, and drink plenty of fluids as she will be okay in a few days.  What kind of food poisoning does the woman have?


A 8 year old boy presents with a sore throat and swelling of the cheek and jaw area.  A biopsy shows syncytia of the infected area and you begin supportive care until the condition resolves itself.  You tell the boy’s parents they are lucky to have brought the child to you before any swelling or damage to the boy’s testes occurred.  What condition is the boy suffering from?


A 30 year old male presents with a high fever that he says he has had for the past few days, along with abdominal pain and diarrhea.  The patient has enlarged lymph nodes and an intestinal biopsy shows an ulcerated colon.  You tell him he is lucky, as most people with this disease are asymptomatic until it’s too late.  What does the patient have?


A 2 year old girl presents with a fever and dizziness.  She has developed a characteristic rash on her torso that she seems to be itching profusely. The father tells you he’s been reading online that aciclovir is the best treatment option for his daughter, but you tell him that that is unnecessary since she has a competent immune system.  What disease does the girl have?


A 30 year old male presents with chills, and clammy skin.  After an inconclusive sputum test, some of the sputum was cultured on agar.  These colonies produced a characteristic fried egg appearance.  Given this information, what is the organism causing the man’s pneumonia?

Discuss how the assigned film exhibits this “character arc” aspect of classical Hollywood style: which characters struggle to achieve goals, how successful are (or are not) they, and what do they discover in the process?

ENG. 215 Film Genres Analysis #1: Classical Hollywood Style

In an original analysis, thoroughly address the following prompts:

  1. Most genre films are presented in what our text calls “classical Hollywood style,” an approach to storytelling dominant in Hollywood since the early 1900s (Ch. 2-3). Classical Hollywood style has several defining characteristics, primary among

 which is the notion of “invisibility” or “verisimilitude.” These terms refer to the illusion of immediacy and authenticity in cinema: in other words, when we watch movies, we seem to be witnessing events, beings, and locales appear and move as we watch. In truth, we are watching an elaborately constructed artifice built from the multi-layered creative details of filmmaking–camerawork, acting, sound design, editing, costume and set design, etc.–but the experience seems like we are watching a story actually “happen” firsthand, even if the story is improbable or unrealistic (i.e., animated, involving improbable or impossible situations, set in non-existent places).

Discuss 2 scenes from the assigned film which are particularly impressive in terms of their invisibility / verisimilitude. (Important note: verisimilitude / invisibility should not be examined based on how “realistic” something is in comparison to our own experiences or expectations: instead, we’re addressing those creative elements in the movie which make the events depicted seem as if they are actually happening as we watch, no matter how unrealistic the movie may be).

  1. According to renowned film scholar Jim Belton in our text American Culture, American Cinema, classical Hollywood cinema is primarily “character centered,” meaning that while plot is important to this style, the characters involved in the story are the most immediate focus of our viewing attention: over the course of the story, some of the characters–usually, but not exclusively, the main characters–undergo internal and / or external struggles in the course of trying to achieve specific goals or solve certain problems, and along the way, these characters discover important things about themselves, others, and the environments in which they exist. Discuss how the assigned film exhibits this “character arc” aspect of classical Hollywood style: which characters struggle to achieve goals, how successful are (or are not) they, and what do they discover in the process?
  2. In classical Hollywood style, the mise en scene–a movie’s visuals and accompanying sound design–is purposefully constructed to emphasize the emotions and the actions of characters as they progress through the narrative. Keep this in mind and examine 2 scenes from the assigned film which demonstrate this purpose of mise en scene: discuss how character actions and emotions are emphasized in each scene by visuals and sounds. (For example, camerawork, lighting, special effects, dialogue, music, and sound effects are all creative elements which can be used to emphasize character actions and emotions).
  3. Often, Classical Hollywood style develops themes which are directly connected with

 “accessible” subject matter featured in a film’s story. “Themes” are the main points / observations that a story makes about its subject matter. For example, a film may

have “parenting” as one of its primary subjects: what the film says about parenting (how to do it well, why good parenting matters, etc.) is a theme of the film.  Keep this in mind and try to identify the main subject(s) and theme(s) of the assigned film, with detailed scene support.

  1. Based on your current knowledge of film genres, to which of the 10 genre(s) we will study in this class–melodrama, musical, comedy, war, thriller-noir, western, horror, science-fiction, fantasy, or action-adventure–do you think the assigned film belongs? Discuss in as much detail as you

Be sure to support your claims with specific evidence from the movie, textbook, and lecture notes: generally speaking, the more direct synthesis created among these three entities, the more substance and length your analysis will have. Each prompt should be given roughly equal attention and space in your analysis.

Assessment, Formatting, Due Date

Assessment: submitted essays earn one of five marks.

70-63 points: essay is extremely detailed and exceeds 2 full pages in length 62-56 points: essay is very detailed and is 1 ½- 2 full pages in length

55-49 points: essay is adequately detailed and is 1-1 ½ pages in length 48-42 points: essay lacks detail and is 1/2 to 1 full page in length

41-00 points: essay has little or no detail and is less than 1/2 page in length

Improperly formatted or incomplete papers earn no more than 48 points, regardless of their content / length. Points are earned only by papers that are submitted on time: missing or late essays earn 0 points.

Papers must address only the prompts detailed on this assignment sheet. Papers which are designed to address, or which include discussion of, prompts from assignment sheets used in previous sections of this course earn 0 points.

Format: single-spaced; 12-point Times font; name and response # centered at top of p. 1; double-space once in between heading and beginning of essay; do not double- space in between paragraphs; 1” margins on all sides

Should section 42 of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) be reframed to better cater for the situation of transgender athletes?

Updated Instructions for Research Essay.

Unless a Special Consideration request has been submitted and approved, (a) a penalty for lateness will apply – two (2) marks out of 100 will be deducted per day for assignments submitted after the due date – and (b) no assignment will be accepted more than seven (7) days (incl. weekends) after the original submission deadline.

Submissions made by the due date and time are final. Students are not permitted to re-submit after the due date.


This task requires students to engage in in-depth research and reading from a wide range of sources, from which they are required to develop well-supported arguments in essay form on the topic.  In writing the essay, students should demonstrate their ability to critically analyze the core issues raised by the topic, as well as an understanding of the context, relevant case law, and the broader public policy issues involved.

The research paper must be all your own work.  You are expected to comply with the Macquarie University Academic Honesty Policy.



  1. The growth of new technologies gives rise to the potential for discriminatory treatment to occur in new and varied ways. One of the challenges this presents is whether anti-discrimination laws are appropriated framed to address these forms of discrimination.  Examine the way in which artificial intelligence and emerging technologies can contribute to forms of discriminatory treatment and consider whether the way federal anti-discrimination laws operate on the basis of individual complaints about certain types of conduct in specific areas and in relation to specific attributes is the best model for address the discriminatory treatment.
  2. The scope of Australian anti-discrimination laws is qualified by the existence of permanent exemptions (sometimes called exceptions) written into the legislation.   Should permanent exemptions/ exceptions remain part of federal anti-discrimination laws or should there be a different approach with a general justification clause requiring a case by case determination?
  3. Should section 42 of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) be reframed to better cater for the situation of transgender athletes?
  4. Remedies under anti-discrimination laws have been criticized as undervaluing the harm that victims experience as a consequence of discrimination, harassment and vilification, as well as failing to promote systemic change.  Assess the role that the awarding of non-compensatory damages, such as aggravated or exemplary damages could make to the efficacy of Australian anti-discrimination laws.
  5. Choice of own topic: If you do not want to do a topic from the above list, you may select your own topic. You are encouraged to pursue your own interests in selecting a topic, as long as it relates to the subject matter of this unit. If you choose your own topic you must send a proposal outlining your research topic to the unit convener through iLearn.  Please note that you should have done some reading in advance of choosing your own topic, so as to be able to define and refine the particular area of research.  The proposal for a research topic should be in the form of a short descriptive outline of your research topic and the scope of your topic( for eg two or three paragraphs).   In addition, you need to include the bibliographic details of 3 sources that you have consulted in formulating your topic.    Deadline for submitting your own research topic: no later than 2pm 17 April 2020. 



There are specific formatting requirements for this assessment task.

  • It is to be no more than 2000 words.  Any words beyond this limit will not be read by the markers.
  • It must include a bibliography.
  • Footnotes and the bibliography are not included in the word count.
  •  It is to be fully referenced in accordance with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation.
  • The use of headings is permitted and encouraged.


Marking Rubric

Criteria Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Identified and analyzed core issues raised by the question Identified issues with limited relevance to the question Identified some issues but either missed some important issues or provided little analysis. Identified and analyzed some of the issues. Identified and analyzed most of the issues. Comprehensively identified and analyzed the central issues.
Demonstrated knowledge of applicable law and policy Little demonstrated knowledge of relevant law and policy. Limited demonstrated knowledge of relevant law and policy. Identified and applied relevant law and policy. Clearly identified and accurately applied relevant law and policy. Insightful and highly accurate in synthesizing and applying relevant law and policy.
Engaged in critical analysis and presented considered legal arguments Largely descriptive, with no analysis or developed arguments. Limited analysis, with little or under-developed arguments. Good analysis, providing sound support for your arguments. Thorough analysis and well developed arguments. Outstanding analysis and sophisticated arguments.
Evidence of in-depth research Used materials from sources that were only tangentially related to the issues. Located and collated partially relevant research materials. Located some relevant research materials from a range of sources. Located and evaluated highly relevant research materials. Evaluated and synthesized an extensive range of highly relevant sources.
Written expression, spelling, and grammar Poor, with many errors.  Did not adequately proof read work. Satisfactory, but with errors. Clear, with some errors. Excellent, with few errors. Outstanding and without errors.
Organization and structure Poor structure & organization Sound structure & organization, with some weaknesses. Solid structure & organization. Well structured & clearly organized. Very logically structured and very clearly organized throughout.
Adherence to referencing and formatting requirements Poor Adequate, but with errors. Reasonable, but with some errors. Good compliance with requirements. Excellent compliance with requirements and no errors.


What does that have to do with identifying tracking errors? Gotta ask, and what’s so important about error tracking anyway. Fix it and fly it!

SFTY 345

Please answer the following questions in a MEMO to Mr. Chuck Yeager in great detail.

1. What is this HFACS deal and what’s the difference between HFACS and SHELL?

2. Is it a proactive or reactive thing?

3. What does that have to do with identifying tracking errors? Gotta ask, and what’s so important about error tracking anyway. Fix it and fly it!

4. What does this have to do with identifying tracking error in a safety program?

Advise if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for the assistance in advance. Multiple sources may be utilized as needed.

Describe the extent of economic damage caused by war in Europe. Why did the damage pose a danger to European economic recovery? How did governments attempt to control and prevent greater economic woes?

Team A – Ruin & Reconstruction

1. Describe the extent of economic damage caused by war in Europe. Why did the damage pose a danger to European economic recovery? How did governments attempt to control and prevent greater economic woes?

The Reconstruction of Europe after the Second World War.

Chris Knowles, “Germany 1945-1949: a case study in post-conflict reconstruction,” 29 January 2014. (Accessed April 23, 2020).

Vonyo, Tamas, “Recovery and reconstruction: Europe after WWII,”
21 November 2019 – (Accessed April 21, 2020).


Cienciala, Anna M. EASTERN EUROPE 1945-1956: Population Shifts; The Cold War and Stalinization; the Balkans; Poland and Hungary in 1956; Czechoslovakia 1968.

2. Discuss the psychological damage that World War II caused in Europe. In particular, pay special attention to the fate of DP’s, displaced persons, and not only Germans. Be sure to include Gypsies (Roma), Magyars, POW’s, Ukrainians, Russians, as well as peoples who had worked in German labor camps and factories.

DP Camps in Euro Intro:

Wasserstein, Bernard. “European Refugee Movements After World War Two.” BBC. January 1, 2014. Accessed March 12, 2015.

Army film on DP camps:

Ukrainian DPs:

3. Explain the Beneš Decrees? Do you think they should be abolished? Explain.

See Marty Mullins article “Kicked Out” which is in Course Content supplementary readings for Week 6, and attached here.

See primary sources on the expulsion of Germans:

For info on the expulsion of Magyars (Hungarians) from Czechoslovakia under Beneš:

“The “Beneš decrees” – a historian’s point of view,” Česky rozhlas (Czech Broadcasting), August 18, 2003:

Andrew Stroehlein, “Czechs and the Czech-German Declaration,” Britské listy (September 1997): Professor Stroehlein is a colleague I worked closely with for several years on the online journal Central European Review. He is now Communications Director of the International Crisis Group in Brussels, Belgium. See also “Putting the Past to Rest,” Time (March 11, 2002):,9171,216394,00.html

Kicked Out article.Marty Mullins_Slovakia 2017.pdf

4. Explain the systems of government and the new political regimes that emerged in Western Europe after World War II. Pay special attention to the establishment of the welfare state. Read the Beveridge Report:

5. Compare and contrast the economic growth of Britain, the Soviet Union, Germany, France and Italy after World War II. Which country was most successful and why? Read Learning Resources & the Marshall Plan:

Identify at least five reliable sources for the final paper and document them in in-text citations and reference page.

I have to write a APA research paper about my favorite author which is (Malcom X) based on the APA paper I have several research activities that I have to do step by step to show my work and how I provide my details and information.
you have to complete all the 5 research activities, draft and a final draft paper. • Create effective introductions and conclusions that engage and impact the reader
• Identify at least five reliable sources for the final paper and document them in in-text citations and reference page. This includes various types of sources available for papers, including print materials, databases, and internet sources
• Write and critique a 5 page final APA -formatted research paper that is error-free