
Discuss the specific steps and requirements that will lead to licensure and/or credentialing in your specific state (Louisiana) and at the national level.

Address the following in my plan:

Degree Plan
• Identify your intended concentration area (behavior analysis, addictions, forensic psychology, general psychology, or industrial/organizational).
• Briefly provide an overview of the field as you understand it.
• Review the following degree plans. Reproduce your selected degree plan in your Assignment. Include the specific core and specialization courses that you will complete, practicum options and/or requirements, and whether you will take comprehensive exams or the thesis option.
Licensure/Credentialing Plan
• Provide an overview of your understanding of the licensure and/or credentialing required for your chosen profession.
• Discuss what specific licensure and/or credentialing is required. If no licensure and/or credentialing is required for your chosen profession, provide information that substantiates this finding. If no licensure and/or credentialing are required at the master’s level, research and discuss what licensure and/or credentialing are required at the doctoral level.
• Identify the governing body(ies) who oversees licensure and/or credentialing for your chosen profession. Provide direct web addresses for any governing bodies.
• Discuss the specific steps and requirements that will lead to licensure and/or credentialing in your specific state (Louisiana) and at the national level. Include education and degree requirements, accreditation, exams, internships, fees, and other requirements at the state and national levels.
• Discuss any areas required for licensure and/or credentialing that are not addressed through your master’s degree plan.
NOTE: After the references section, provide a full copy of the licensure or credentialing requirements and the URL for the resource containing this information.

Career Plan
• Discuss specific career goals. Where do you see yourself professionally in 3 years, 5 years, and 10 years?
3 years: Obtained my master’s degree and getting ready to apply to take the exam to become a BCBA.
5 years: Working in a mental health clinic as a BCBA while obtaining my Ph. D in Psychology.
10 years: Working in my own private practice as a Psychologist
• What licensure and/or credentialing, or further education will you need to be able to meet your career goals?
• Discuss one or more areas of deficiency that you may need to address or overcome to reach your career goals. Examples of deficiencies included limitations in training, education, skills, access to resources, opportunities, and/or personal attributes. Provide an organized, well developed plan for addressing each area of deficiency that you identify.
Career Resources
• Discuss how you will use external resources, such as professional societies and mentors, to support your academic and career success.

Writing Requirements and Assignment Guidelines
Your Assignment should be an 8-page essay, not including the Title and Reference pages, and should include the following elements:
• Title page: Provide your name, title of Assignment, course and unit number, and date
• Body: Answer the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs.
• The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and purpose. The communication of your thoughts must be highly ordered, logical, and unified, displaying exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics (including the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure).
• Reference Page: Sources in APA format
• Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced
• Use 6th Edition APA Formatting and Citation style

What does ‘security prices reflect all relevant information’ mean? Explain all relevant investment strategies agreeing and/or disagreeing this statement.

You can choose between these three topics:
1.What does ‘security prices reflect all relevant information’ mean? Explain all relevant investment strategies agreeing and/or disagreeing this statement. Give examples.

2. Discuss the impact of premature financial liberalisation on macroeconomic and financial stability. Give examples.

3. Discuss McKinnon-Shaw theory of financial liberalisation. How may financial liberalisation affect quantity and quality of investment and the economic development according to McKinnon and Shaw? Give specific examples.

Let me know which topic as I can provide sources, especially for the first one, I have a few.

Based on your calculations, which one of the two investments is the riskiest? Which one of the two investments will provide the highest return?

1.1 Calculate the mean of the capital return probability distribution for Building A.

1.2 Calculate the mean of the capital return probability distribution for Building B.

1.3 Using the mean calculated in Question 1.1, calculate Building A’s standard deviation.

1.4 Using the mean calculated in Question 1.2, calculate Building B’s standard deviation.

1.5 Calculate the expected ex ante total return and ex ante risk premium for Building A.

1.6 Calculate the expected ex ante total return and ex ante risk premium for Building B.

1.7 Based on your calculations, which one of the two investments is the riskiest? Which one of the two investments will provide the highest return? What does this illustrate about the relationship between risk and return? (Max. 70 words)

What is the estimated size of the market/customer-base for your product/service market and what are the customer drivers (order winning and qualifying factors)?

Learning Guide Unit 2


Group Activity: Part 1

Instructions: By the end of this unit as a group, your group must provide a detailed answer and justification to each of the following questions:

  1. Product or service: what product or service has the team has chosen?

iPhone SE 2020 – Smartphones product is designed and marketed by Apple Inc which was founded by Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne in April 1976. All generations of the iPhone use Apple’s iOS mobile operating system software. The first-generation iPhone was released on June 29, 2007, and multiple new hardware iterations with new iOS releases have been released since.

  1. Market and customer: what is the estimated size of the market/customer-base for your product/service market and what are the customer drivers (order winning and qualifying factors)?

The customer base is 100 million customers annually for the first year and about half of that in the second year. The total sale of the device is an estimated 200 million devices. The most important market driver for this product is the innovation of technology and the increased need for smart devices compatible with IoT.

  1. Process Type: what type of manufacturing or service process do you consider most appropriate?

James (2011) defines Process types as a way of describing the approach taken within the design and managing process. Factors on which process types are defined are volume and variety of the products that Apple create for the market.

Hayes and Wheelwright (1984) explain that most processes operate in a continuum of a combination of low volume/high variety, through to a combination of high volume/low variety. For Apple, the combination of high volume and low variety means that the specific process type within the manufacturing process is ‘Mass’. Although there is variety in the range of phones, this factor does not represent a significant change in the materials or process of manufacture. Due to the high volumes of product, Apple sees it as cost effective to use specialised equipment in the manufacturing process.

  1. Layout Type: what type of layout do you consider most appropriate?

Layout types are ways of describing the positioning of resources in processes (James). Because of its relative permanence, facility layout is one of the most crucial elements affecting efficiency. An efficient layout can reduce unnecessary material handling, help to keep costs low and maintain product flow through the facility. Apple subscribes to a Product layout, meaning repetitive assembly and process. These produce high-volume, highly standardised products that require highly standardised, repetitive processes. In a product layout, resources are arranged sequentially, based on the routing of the products (Finch, 2016).

Apple mostly drives its manufacturing with partnerships in China (Foxconn). Within this system Apple deploy a functional layout. A functional arrangement has the advantages of improved quality, less handling, less inventory, improved quality and more flexibility within the manufacturing process. Source: Duhigg, Charles and Bradsher, Keith (2012).

  1. Facility Location: what location do you consider adequate for the facilities where the product or service is performed?

The production plant will be in China for the following reasons:

Distribution costs: Apple’s turnover in China went from $ 3 billion in 2010 to $ 13 billion in the current year, and now accounts for 16% of Apple’s entire revenue of around $ 4.5 billion. Felix. R (2020, Feb 18). And China is also the largest mobile phone market in the world with 940 million registered users according to official data from the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Technology. Team Counterpoint (2020, Feb 15)

Energy costs: The cost of electricity consumption is an important production factor for companies in the industrial sector. Currently, the average industrial power rate in China is around 0.084 USD / KwH somewhere in the middle compared to the rest of the world. Among the OECD member countries, the industrial power rate is the highest in Italy at 0.185 USD / KwH and the lowest in Sweden at 0.060 USD / KwH. Zoey. Y (April 23, 2019).

Labor costs and labor skills: Production will be in China but not only a matter of labor costs. Obviously, paying a Chinese worker is cheaper than a European or American worker, but the main difference is that Chinese companies offer a strategic advantage which in other countries would be impossible. The fact is that Chinese factories give guarantees to their customers practically all the technology in the world is produced in the factories of some Chinese companies. Even more relevant is the availability of skilled labor. For example, a company is able to bring together 3000 engineers in a matter of hours, while in the United States and Europe it would be impossible, several times, the western world cannot train enough staff in the disciplines that serve the technology sector. China and India “produce” thousands and thousands of engineers every year, even millions, thus creating a pool of potential workers impossible to beat. Vivek. W (n.d.).

  1. Process Technology: what process technologies do you consider adequate for your product/service?
  2. Product / Service and Process Design: what elements of the design process do you think are more relevant given your product/service?

Design is the approach used by design thinkers to bring the focus back on track to the most essential element in anything you do, whether it’s a new product/service, a process improvement or solve more problems, (Yen, 2014).

According to Yen, (2014) the design process is the focus on features that matter most and have the biggest impact which end up becoming the epicenter of great brands, solutions, and organizations. Process design goal is to create an improved and optimized process that meets all of your expectations in relation to process performance and strategic business needs and below are relevant design processes for iPhone.

  • Adding value to customers,identification of these activities will make the product or service more valuable to client eyes and must be the subjective of improvement studies.
  • The hand off delay’s reduction,Employee termination process should be controlled during the exchange of responsibilities between workers to verify whether the existing employees don’t have the pending issues dealt properly before employee termination, this allows the process to continue in case of employee termination without the delay.
  • Standardization of business process, this will facilitate the operation to represent simpler procedures that are easy to learn and memorize which will positively impact productivity and safety with fewer mistakes, higher quality products/service and reduced cost due to less staff time.
  • Compliance, considering the standards of the market segment where company operates and verify the national standards which may differ country by country.
  • Business process design validation,its vital for the people working in the process be part of every phase of the implementation. The best way to validate the process is by submitting a prototype for the evaluation of the people performing the execution process to avoid embarrassment for some people say that they never understood any element in the face of the unpleasant situation.
  • Business process design simplicity,looking for the complete solution there might be a mistake of the complex solution and complex don’t bring any benefit to the design process. The complex process or operation may result into unnecessary expenses, errors, low productivity and delays unlike good design that result into something simple, containing only the essence necessary to make the process capable of achieving the expected performance.
  1. Work and Job Design: what elements do you consider important to the design of the job and work required to manufacture your product or offer your service?

The most important elements required for the manufacture of the device is ingenuity and innovative solutions to encompass the best application experience in the petite, in-demand device. The innovation is particularly on the software development since the device needs to match the most recent apps and meet the demands of a smartphone in 2020. Integrating all these features, while maintaining the aspects of the device that makes it popular thus needs top notch innovation.


Duhigg, Charles and Bradsher, Keith. (2012). How the U.S. Lost Out on IPhone Work, The         New York Times.

Felix Richter (2020, Feb 18). The Size of Apple’s China Business. Retrieved from:   

Finch, B, J. (2006) Operations Now: Profitability, Processes, Performance. 2nd ed.           Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Hayes, R.H. and Wheelwright, S.C. (1984) Restoring our competitive edge, John Wiley &           Sons Ltd.

James, T. (2011). Operations Strategy. Bookboon. Chapter 10

Team Counterpoint (2020, Feb 15). China Smartphone Market Share. Retrieved    from:   

Vivek Wadhwa, Gary Gereffi, Ben Rissing, Ryan Ong (n.d.). Where the Engineers Are.   Retrieved from:

Wulandari, N., & Sari, R. K. (2016). Linking Experiential Value To Loyalty In Smartphone         Industry. Studies And Scientific Researches. Economics Edition, (24).

Yen, S. (2014). How Design Thinking Drives Competitive Advantage. Forbes. Retrieved Nov 24, 2018, from

Zoey Ye Zhang (2019, Apr 23). China Electricity Prices for Industrial Consumers.Retrieved from

Demonstrate a critical understanding of the nature and significance of financial systems within a changing environment.

Assignment Aim

It should be shaped by the critical and reflective knowledge gained through your study of the module and demonstrate that you have achieved an understanding of the concepts within the context of your role in your own organization or an organization with which you are familiar.

This will be achieved by drawing on the relevant range of topics studied during the module, and by applying knowledge, understanding, application, relevance and intellectual ability to your chosen module topic.

Assignment Brief

Work-based assignment (3500-4000 words):

You are required to write a report which critically evaluates the application of an aspect of theory presented in this module within your organization or an organization with which you are familiar.

Reflective Statement (1000 – 1500 words)

You are required to write a reflection of your learning from the module, which will identify the significance of the module to the individual’s personal and professional development; its significance to their current and future roles/careers and if appropriate its significance to your organisation. The Reflective Statement should include areas for further development, where these have been identified.

Assessment Guidance

The assessment of your work will look at whether you can demonstrate that you have achieved the learning outcomes for the module and in accordance with the grade criteria are listed in section 5 of the student handbook.

The main criteria for assessment are:

Work-based assignment

Demonstrate systematic and critical understanding of the functional disciplines, techniques and concepts used in the planning measurement, monitoring, controlling and forecasting of financial activities and performance.

Demonstrate a critical understanding of the nature and significance of financial systems within a changing environment.

Critically apply knowledge appropriately in order to analyse problematic situations and identify how organisations can improve the performance of their financial management processes as well as plan more effectively.

Produce a project, which meets both the academic criteria for postgraduate study and the expectations of employers.

Reflective Statement

Demonstrate effective working as a member of a learning group of professionals and contribution to the professional and personal development of others as well as an ability to learn from reflection.


Assignment Advice

In choosing a piece of work for your assignment, you are recommended to pay attention to the following criteria as emphasis is placed on these as part of the assessment:

Is it of a manageable size for a detailed analysis (neither too big nor too small)?

Is it accessible for study e.g. do you need to obtain permission before you can start?

Does it have a well-defined focus?

Does it have clear and well-defined boundaries?

Is it significant and important e.g. to you or somebody else?

Can you as a manager and/or your organization learn from this assignment?

If these criteria cannot be met within your own organization, you may select a topic from somewhere else to study for your assignment. However, it is recommended that you discuss this with your module tutor first.

Remember that the award of Master’s level credits will seek to assess your critical understanding of the links between academic principles and their practical application in your professional environments.

An assignment will fail if you have not demonstrated that you have achieved the module learning outcomes and/or that the format for your chosen piece of work is not adhering to the assessment criteria mentioned above.

An assignment will tend to fail if the chosen topic is not consistently defined throughout and the reasons for this is not explained, if the conclusions are not supported by the findings, if you cannot demonstrate that you have a useful knowledge of your chosen topic and if there is no or only little evidence of critical thinking and reflection of academic theories and concepts.

Some useful self-test questions:

Does the work demonstrate your ability to select, reflect upon and critically evaluate an appropriate range of academic material covered by the module curriculum?

Does the work provide a useful analysis of your chosen topic? Reproducing lectures and textbooks un-critically will not be considered appropriate for a Master’s level course.

Does the work make useful and feasible recommendations taking into account the specific circumstances of the chosen topic area?

Does the work demonstrate application and relevance in the professional workplace environment?

Assignment format

The main text of your assignment should be of approximately 3500-4000 words and must be typed or word-processed. Other relevant documents and material should be presented as Appendices. Word lengths will be strictly adhered to. Work exceeding the word length with more than 10% will not be marked. Other relevant documents and material should be presented as Appendices.

Managing your Project

Identifying your Topic

Reflect on your current or previous work situation and identify a management issue, which you and/or your organization might benefit from you exploring further. It can be a project you have been asked to carry out at work, or it can be a situation, which was difficult to handle or it can be a change in the services which you are providing. If you are in doubt about which topic to choose, discuss the various possibilities with your respective module tutors.

Finding a Focus

Once you have identified an area of work you need to ask yourself: “What do I as a manager need to learn from this situation?”  Your approach will be as individual as you are, however generally students tend to undertake one of three approaches;

Perhaps you can identify a specific problem which you need to address in your management practice, e.g., you have just been given a new budget to manage and have some concerns about the impact of it.

Or perhaps you find it more difficult to identify a clear problem, but you are aware of a number of issues concerning management of resources that you would like to explore.

At this stage in producing the work-based assignment it is possible to become very frustrated.  It is important to remember that this is the most difficult part of the learning process and one in which you need to allow yourself time to discuss with your tutors, fellow students, colleagues, line manager etc., and to reflect and focus on your learning needs.

Researching your Focus

This involves two activities: reading and active research.


Your chosen focus should direct your reading.  The modules and tutorials provide a forum for you to explore areas of knowledge/practice in a practical way.  Theories, models, academic ideas which you think are useful to you should be recorded, in particular keeping notes on how they are useful to you (perhaps they helped you to think about a management issue in a new way?) and how you might use them.


From the theories, models and academic ideas you have gathered it is now time to apply them to your work setting.  You may choose any of the accounting theories that you think are appropriate for you e.g. activity based costing or investment appraisal.

At this stage in the learning process you are trying to use academic knowledge to make sense of a situation which you are required to manage.

Recording and analyzing your findings

Now you are interested in exploring what you have found as the result of your reading and research activity.


The facts need to be established e.g. resource availability or resource requirements.


Your data must then be analyzed using the concepts that you have selected as appropriate.

Writing your Work Based Assignment

It is important to think about the structure as well as the content of your assignment.  You need to remember that the readers (academics, line managers) need to read what you want to tell them and not everything ‘you know’ about a particular area of study.  Therefore you should approach your writing in a focused way.  The following example provides a useful template for anyone who is unsure about what an assignment might look like.

The structure should include:


A short summary of the assignment, which includes your chosen focus, what you have attempted to do and your findings/analysis and recommendations.  As this is a distilled synthesis of your work it is often useful to complete this part of the writing until the end. 


This should include details of what you set out to do, how, why, and what you needed to learn.  In addition some brief explanation regarding the format of the assignment is also required.


Here you set the scene by providing an overview of the topic area including you learning needs and your reading.


Here you detail your research approach and what you did.


These must be presented clearly.  Where there are lengthy findings these may be attached to the assignment as an appendix and a summary placed in the main body of the assignment.

Analysis and conclusions

Here you need to reflect on your findings in light of your management practice.  In addition there may be lessons which the organization needs to learn from your work.


These need to emerge naturally from the body of your assignment.  They should be attainable and realistic.  They should provide a framework for future work for you or the organization.

Other things you might need to know

Writing an assignment requires an understanding of the expectations readers have of you. Here are some additional points that you may need to consider;

Work should be well presented – no spelling mistakes, use of poor grammar etc.  If you build in editing time into the writing process you will ensure that your assignment is presented appropriately.

Referencing of sources should be clear (please see appendix B on referencing if you are unsure as to how to reference your work).

Anecdotal stories or practice bias should not be presented in your assignment as ‘evidence’ as they are not acceptable.  Whilst your experience and views are important you must remember that your management practice should be based on objective, impartial evidence.


The object of the exercise, writing a work-based management assignment, should not be a futile exercise.  The experience and learning you gain whilst undertaking completion of the assignment should provide valuable, enabling and transferable learning.  If you get stuck or have a mental block contact your tutor, line manager in supervision or your peers and get support by talking about what you are trying to achieve.  Above all remember that the Programme has been designed to be the beginning of an ongoing critical, reflective, learning approach to practice and therefore the learning does not stop when the Programme is over.

Notes on Referencing Your Work

Within the body of the report

Referencing is important in its own right.  A management assignment or academic essay needs to demonstrate its validity by giving the sources of the ideas, concepts and data used in the work.  A precise reference that enables the reader to locate the material referred to is exactly the hallmark of good quality work.  References within your assignment should be made using the author’s surname, followed by the date of the publication, e.g., Douglas (1994) or (Mercer et al, 1997) or Mickey and Mouse, 1998a).  The positioning of the brackets depends upon the wording in the text.  The suffixes a, b, c, etc.) are added to differentiate between publications by the same author(s) in the same year.  You should include books (and pamphlets and journals etc.) that you have consulted, as well as those directly referenced in a bibliography at the end of the assignment.


The following constitutes good practice: the bibliography should be a single list in alphabetical order by author, where the format for each entry is as follows,

Books  Author, (date of publication), Title, Edition (if not first), Publisher e.g., Mazur, L & Hogg, A, (1993). The Marketing Challenge. Adison-Wesley.

Journals Author (date of publication) Title. Journal. Volume: Pages (beginning and ending) e.g., Rothwell, R and Gardiner, P (1989), The Strategic Management of reinnovation.  R & D Management, 19, 2:19 – 29

Internet Publications Material published on the World Wide Web will often be available in print, in which case the normal reference format can be applied.  Ensure that the full source of the document is provided in each case e.g., Software Engineering Institute (1993), The capability maturity model for software CMU/SEI/

The best way to avoid any risk of plagiarism is to reference all the important ideas and facts you have read in your work (please see the student handbook for information on plagiarism).

Demonstrate the enhanced reflective skills which contribute to personal theory and knowledge building for professional practice.

The case:

While doing my nursing placement in a rehab unit I escorted a patient name John* to the bank to help him with bank card PIN change as he has limited knowledge with modern technology. After assisting him with the PIN change, he said he wanted to withdraw some money and he would appreciate help. So I helped him to get to stage where he can decide how much he wants. So I looked at him and ask how much he wants to withdraw, without allowing me to finish asking he punched £500 button. I politely said to him that is too much cash, he said he will keep it. I was meant to return to the unit after helping him so he can carry on with his leave in town. But after witnessing the large sum he withdrew I suggest to him to return to the unit if he do not mind. And he complied so we both returned to the unit. On getting back I reported the incident strait to the nurse in charge. The nurse in charge with another member of staff approached him and explained to him the risk of keeping such cash on him on the ward and that it is a violation of the unit policy that it should be kept in the safe, he cooperated and handed the money to staff. The money was signed in. The nurse in charge commended me for handling it competently. I electrically documented everything that happens on RIO.

*Not a real name.


Format of the submission including word count or its equivalent: 1,500 words

Assignment title:   

To reflect upon an incident that focuses upon one competency within the ‘Nursing Practice and Decision Making’ domain

Feedback Method:

Written feedback will be embedded within Turnitin..

Intended learning outcomes being assessed:

The learning outcome for the reflective essay is number 6 and noted below:

  1. Demonstrate the enhanced reflective skills which contribute to personal theory and knowledge building for professional practice.

Overview of assignment:

Consists of a written reflective essay that demonstrates and articulates a developing understanding of professional knowledge and skills in relation to practice learning during Level 5 placements (Placement experience and not simulation lab experience).

While undertaking your placement you will be assessed upon 4 domains that consist of 18 competencies. These 4 domains are:

Professional Values

Communication and interpersonal skills

Nursing practice and decision making

Leadership, management and team working.

You will select an incident from your clinical practice at level 5, which meets one of the competencies within the Nursing Practice and Decision-Making domain to reflect upon, using the Rolfe Jasper and Freshwater framework (2001/2011).

The suggested structure of the essay is as follows:

  • Introduction – which competency to reflect on and why you have chosen this incident
  • Description (What) – Brief description of the Incident you are using.
  • Discussion (So What) – Using Rolfe Jasper and Freshwater reflective
  • Explore the incident you are using. This should include
  • Clear focus on one of the four competencies in the domain
  • Involves a focus on Nursing Practice and Decision-Making
  • Your participation/contribution to either; ‘person centred & humanised care’ (Adult) or ‘family centred & humanised care’ (CYP) or ‘the principles of personal recovery’ (MH). Please ensure you focus more on my participation in the incident this is what the lecturer emphasize.
  • Endeavor to use the provided books that I uploaded.
  • Please endeavor to link the discussion (my actions) to various aspects of nursing – collaboration, effective communication, care, assessment, health promotion, team work, accurate documentation, intervention, respect, patients and staff relationship, care ethics. This is only a guide, incorporate your expertise.
  • References within the last 10yrs please
  • Please use academic journals
  • Reference style is Harvard but slightly different from the usual Harvard. Will attach a reference guide.
  • The case study is a bit lengthy as you can see. Please do NOT copy what I send. Just summarise it in your own words. In fewer words please preferably less than 120 words, because the introduction and case description shouldn’t exceed 400 words. I included all the information for better understanding of the case.
  • Exhaust the 1650 word counts excluding list of references. It is meant to be 1500 words but the 10% rules apply.
  • Please strictly stick to the instructions.
  • Please I want to see sound academic work writing.
  • Includes appropriate professional references to evidence based practice and policy.
  • The introduction and description should be no more than 400 words allowing 1,100 words for discussion and conclusion.
  • As this is a reflective piece of work it is acceptable to write this in the first person, so no need to justify the use of ‘I’.

What does the value of the F statistic tell you? Do you accept or reject the null hypothesis?


This competency introduces a number of tests which are used to compare groups. To determine which test to use, you must know the data distribution and type of data collected. All of the statistical tests can be performed using Excel. There are several resources accompanying this competency. Each concept is covered from a number of different perspectives to help you gain a thorough understanding.

One-way ANOVA Instructions

You’ve been asked to see whether there is a significant difference in rates of dehydration upon admission for patients 75 years and older (column HS) for Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana.  State your null and alternative hypotheses. Next, calculate the Sum of squares, squares within groups, squares between groups, and F statistic by hand. Now, use the ANOVA function within Excel for the calculation. What does the value of the F statistic tell you? Do you accept or reject the null hypothesis?

You will submit an Excel sheet and a Word document.


Introductory Statistics Part 13 Introduction                                                                                                                                                                                                            How To Calculate and Understand Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) F Test.


How to Calculate ANOVA with Excel (Analysis of Variance)


Excel – One-Way ANOVA Analysis Toolpack

GraphPad Statistics Guide

What is forum shopping and how does it impact international litigation? What contractual provisions can be included in a contract to prevent conduct that creates the need to forum shop?

International Trade Law

  1. What are the realist and liberal perspectives on international relations? How do the different perceptions of the basic nature of mankind effect the beliefs of a realist and a liberal? (350-400) words
  2. What is forum shopping and how does it impact international litigation? What contractual provisions can be included in a contract to prevent conduct that creates the need to forum shop? (350-400)
  3. Under the law of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods (CISG) what are the duties of a buyer of goods upon delivery of a shipment from the seller? What is the policy behind these duties which are required by the buyer? Also, what are the duties of a seller of goods under the CISG? (350-400)
  4. If you were to set up an e-commerce website what contract law features would you incorporate into your website? Please explain the reasoning behind your choices. (350-400)
  5. Consider international labor law. The Covid-19 virus is presenting many challenges for employers and employees. In the present environment – based on labor law practices in each region – if you were an employer which region of the world would you like to have a business Asia, the United States or Europe? Based on labor law practices if you were an employee which region of the world would you like to have a job Asia, the United States or Europe?  (350-400)

Assess the appropriateness of the frequency or infrequency of external quality assessment samples for quality assurance of laboratories.

One of the main quality assessment methods in a medical laboratory is External Quality Assessment schemes (EQA). The leading EQA provider in the UK is the UK NEQAS (the United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service) that provides EQA schemes, particularly in laboratories and related disciplines across the UK. EQA use in describing a method that facilitates the comparison of laboratory testing quality to an outside laboratory source. Participation in EQA programs provides valuable information that allows for the comparison of results and performance among various test sites. EQA provides advance warnings for any systemic problems related to operations or kits. It additionally includes evidence about testing quality and indicates areas which require improvement. EQA assists in ensuring that customers, including health authorities, patients and physicians that a laboratory is capable of producing reliable results. EQA participation is essential in helping the evaluation of the reliability of materials, methods and equipment along with evaluation and monitoring training impact. There are Several EQA methods or processes are commonly used. These include:  Proficiency testing—external provider sends unknown samples for testing to a set of laboratories, and the results of all laboratories are analysed, compared and reported to the laboratories. Unknown sample, which is External Quality Control Sample sending by an external provider. Chemical stability of control sample molecules is a matter of great concern as it affects the accuracy and efficacy of the test. The requirement of stability testing data to understand how the quality of a control substance and product changes with time under the influence of various factors. Knowledge of the stability of the molecule helps in selecting proper formulation and package as well as providing adequate storage conditions and shelf life, which is essential for regulatory documentation. The stability of sample does not mean “fix” or “not likely change”, but it means “controlled and acceptable change”. Stability testing is performed for the welfare of the patient and to protect the reputation of the producer, as a requirement of regulatory agencies to provide data that may be of value in formulation of other product.

Forced degradation can be studied to determine the stability of the molecule, and it is a process that involves degradation of sample control products and control substances at conditions more severe than accelerated conditions and thus generates degradation products. Although forced degradation studies are a regulatory requirement and scientific necessity during control or test development, it is not considered as a requirement for a formal stability program. Such application is expected to contain a “full description of the sample substance including its physical and chemical characteristics and stability as well; such specifications and analytical methods are necessary to assure the identity, strength, quality, purity and bioavailability of control product and stability data with a proposed expiration date.This review provides a proposal on the literature of control sample stability and its application for the development of the frequency. Accordingly, the purpose of this write-up is to suggest a proper frequency for the EQA sample that should meet the quality requirements. Some other aspects, like suitability of monthly or quarterly frequency of biochemistry analytes, should be covered.

The discussion also touches upon various critical issues, such as the cost of the EQA scheme and how the proper frequency can play a role on the budget which are important with respect to the development of quality.


What is the purpose of the project?

1- Evaluate the stability of external quality control sample which is distributed by an external quality assessment laboratory.

2- Assess the appropriateness of the frequency or infrequency of external quality assessment samples for quality assurance of laboratories.

3- Determine the effect of the frequency of EQA and evaluate of performance may have on patient result accuracy and reliability.

4-Detect the area of improvement and the impact of frequency on laboratory performance which will make beneficial to lab result in term of quality and reliable service.


Stability study is demonstrating the shelf life and storage condition of the control product

-To provide evidence from the literature on how much quality of a control sample with time under the influence of the variety of environmental factor and storage condition such as temperature, humidity and light.

-The study can also provide information about the degradation pathway of

products that could form during storage.

– Demonstrate the stability indicating the power of the analytical procedures applied.

What are the planned or desired outcomes?

– Evaluate the stability of the EQA sample.

– Evaluate the accuracy of the controls upon stability-evaluate the frequency or infrequency of some laboratory analytical external quality assessment send out to laboratories for analysis based on stability of EQA sample.
– Detect the area of improvement and the impact of frequency on laboratory performance.
-Suggest a proper frequency for the EQA sample depend on the control stability

How does the instruction and assessment meet the developmental needs of students and strengthen future instructional decisions?

The anticipatory set is an essential element of lesson planning. What are the benefits of incorporating this element into your lesson?

Professional growth in developing effective lessons and lesson plans comes with practice. This assignment provides the opportunity to connect the multiple elements of lesson planning into a single document.
For this benchmark, use the “COE Lesson Plan Template” to create a standards-based lesson plan for a K-8 grade level. Complete all sections of the lesson plan template. You may use previous work from this course as a starting point for this lesson plan, incorporating feedback received from your mentor teacher.
Your lesson plan should include the following:
Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping: Summarize the “Class Profile” and use this information to direct the differentiation throughout the lesson plan.
National/State Learning Standards: May be based on the standard selected for the Topic 2 assignment.
Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives: Objective written in Topic 2 to inform this section may be used.
Academic Language: List any vocabulary students will need to learn for full understanding of the lesson.
Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology: Lesson must integrate digital tools and resources into the instruction and assessments.
Anticipatory Set: Include pre-assessment or required knowledge student will need to be prepared to learn.
Multiple Means of Representation: Include at least two of the models or strategies previously discussed, along with a thorough explanation of how the chosen model/strategy would apply to the lesson. The Topic 4 assignment may be used to inform this section.
Multiple Means of Engagement: Topic 5 assignment may be used to inform this section. Specify how instruction would be adapted to diverse students, based on an understanding of how elementary students differ in their development and approaches to learning.
Multiple Means of Expression: Include formative and summative assessments to plan, evaluate, and strengthen your instruction. Include technology resources in at least one assessment. Label each assessment as formative or summative as indicated in the lesson plan template.
Extension Activity and/or Homework: Topic 5 assignment may be used to inform this section.
Rationale/Reflection: In 250-500 words, answer the following questions:
How do the instructional models you chose for the lesson meet the diverse learning needs of the students on the “Class Profile”?
How does the instruction and assessment meet the developmental needs of students and strengthen future instructional decisions?
How do the technological resources you selected engage students and support your assessment practices?
Support your reflection with 2-3 resources.
Please use the template. Thank you so much.