
What limitations does your study have? In other words, how might your methodology limit the types of inferences you can make about your expected results?

Assignment 3: Expected Findings and Conclusions (2 to 3 pages).
This section should highlight the students expected findings from their proposed study.
Students should base expected findings from their understanding of the prior literature outlined in the literature review. Students should also include a conclusion section framing their study within the broader literature based on the literature review. This is Expected Findings
1. What do you expect to find from your hypothetical study?
2. Why do you expect this? Use previous literature to justify your hypothetical findings.
1. What conclusions can you draw from your hypothetical study?
2. How might these conclusions and findings add to literature on this topic?
3. What limitations does your study have? In other words, how might your methodology limit the types of inferences you can make about your expected results?

Do some works specifically align themselves with or comment upon what is seen to be the heritage of the American Revolution?

Compare and contrast figures of revolt. To begin, you will need to develop a focused definition of “revolt” appropriate to your works. If all of the authors seem fascinated by oppressed or “outcast” figures who speak for a critique of their surrounding social world, or refuse participation in that world, do the forms of this revolt or refusal or critique develop in different ways, with different implications? Are some violent, others non-violent? Some passive, others active? Some conscious, others unconscious? Are some revolts collective, others individual? Are some more successful or powerful than others? Are some “figures of revolt” also developed as models of the artist or writer? Or you might frame a related, alternative argument:

Do some works specifically align themselves with or comment upon what is seen to be the heritage of the American Revolution? If so, how do they define this tradition? And how do they define their relationship to it?

(These are just guiding questions, they do not all need to be answered)

Explain why mitigating risk and making better decisions are essential to operational efficiency.

Using scholarly material, explain how Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems mitigate risk and assist in organizational decision making. In addition, explain why mitigating risk and making better decisions are essential to operational efficiency. Also, discuss how ERP is helping to manage projects better. Remember to support your statements with factual information (i.e., attribution/citations). In addition, material from the course textbook or the textbook’s author(s) cannot comprise more than 25% of the sourced and/or quoted material.

The paper must follow the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain a title page, five scholarly references, three to five pages of content, and a reference page. In addition, the paper will be submitted through the Turnitin originality-checking tool. More APA assistance can be found at the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.). In addition, the WilmU Student Success Center’s website (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) contains more resources related to APA Formatting, Grammar, and Research Writing.

What attribute did you particularly identify with or rate as more important than the others? Why?

Select one transformational attribute of Carol Evans of Working Mother Media that positively affected the leader’s organization. How did Carol Evans illustrate this attribute? Use material found in the text and your own research to explain how the transformational leader’s performance and behaviors impact his or her organizational roles and functions.

Here are some suggested topics for discussion:
Do you think these attributes are critical for successful leadership? Why or why not?
Can anyone learn these behaviors, or are they innate aspects of one’s personality?
What attribute did you particularly identify with or rate as more important than the others? Why?

Demonstrate reflection on the course, its goals and objectives and how this project helped fulfill those.

For this project, please answer questions 4-6 below. This project is part of a bigger project. Attached titled “Macbook Pro” is the first half that answers 1-3. Please match and stick to the topic. Please use the attached booklet chapters 1-15 as the primary reference, if only reference.
The object am using for the project is the MacBook Pro

Semester Project

The purpose of this assignment is to have you connect the different parts of the course. In addition, now that you have an understanding of consumer involvement as discussed in this module, the time is appropriate to begin your semester project. The assignment is an approximately eight- to ten-page paper. It begins with identification of a product or service with which you have a high level of involvement and ends with you discussing the value of the project to learning.
4. What Influences Attachment – Describe the (a) internal and (b) external factors that influences your liking of the item or set of items you selected. When discussing internal influences you can discuss such issues as motivations and underlying needs, individual values and beliefs, experience, learning, knowledge, attitudes, and perception. When discussing external factors you can discuss such things as culture, trends, economic and social influences, household and family influences, reference group or interpersonal influence, market influences, etc.
5. Implications for Marketing – Now briefly describe how what you have discovered about yourself could be used by marketing analysts and strategists to influence your behavior. Some issues you could discuss would be types of research methods to get into customers heads, how consumers like you evaluate satisfaction, and strategic decisions including segmentation, targeting, positioning, and the marketing mix.
6. Value of Project to Learning – Demonstrate reflection on the course, its goals and objectives and how this project helped fulfill those.

Develop and enhance both individually and collaboratively effective written and oral communication skills for both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

This is an individual assignment and should be presented in an ESSAY style format with a word count of 2,500 words (word count excludes figures, tables, charts, appendices, list of references). The editorial requirements are: font Arial 12 and one and a half line spacing.

Beware of over-reliance on Internet sources, unless clear authorship and dates can be shown. You MUST cite fully ANY source of material used significantly in your assignment, whether by direct quotation or by paraphrase using the Harvard convention.

Not doing so constitutes ‘plagiarism’ which is a SERIOUS disciplinary offence.

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding.
On successful completion of the module, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a critical awareness of the concepts, theories and debates surrounding consumer behaviour and their practical relevance to the development of marketing strategy;
2. Critically evaluate and synthesise differing approaches to the explanation of consumers’ behaviour in relation to products/services, brands, marketing communications and/ or social media;
3. Demonstrate a strategic understanding of contemporary consumer research issues in professional marketing practice.

Transferable/Key Skills and other Attributes.
On completion of this module students will have had the opportunity to:
1. Enhance and apply planning, organising, decision-making and time management skills appropriate for use in an organisational context.

2. Experiment and develop personal initiative and responsibility in undertaking complex investigations in the solving of organisational problems and issues.

3. Critically analyse and apply key ideas and concepts via comprehensive research relevant both to the subject area and to professional practice in the field.

4. Use terminology associated with the subject area accurately and in a way, which demonstrates sophisticated knowledge and understanding

5. Develop and enhance both individually and collaboratively effective written and oral communication skills for both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding.
On successful completion of the module, the student will be able to:

Task details and instructions: *Marketers acknowledge the importance of understanding consumer attitudes and purchase intentions, however, it is also well-established that there is discrepancy between what people express (via attitudes, values etc.) and what they actually do (Belz and Peattie 2009).*

Drawing on the academic literature relating to the relationship between attitudes and behaviour, you are required to explain why attitudes may not always help to predict consumer behaviour and why the attitude-behaviour gap might be so prevalent throughout the ethical consumption literature in particular.

Belz, F. M., & Peattie, K. (2009). Sustainability marketing: A global perspective. Chichester: Wiley.

As a guide, you should attempt to include in your discussion:

• Relevant attitude theory such as the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behaviour models (40 marks);

• An explanation as to why attitudes may not always help to predict behaviour (20 marks);
• An explanation as to why the attitude-behaviour gap might be so prevalent throughout the sustainable/ethical consumption literature (40 marks).

This is an individual assignment and should be presented in an ESSAY style format with a word count of 2,500 words (word count excludes figures, tables, charts, appendices, list of references). The editorial requirements are: font Arial 12 and one and a half line spacing.

Marking Scheme/ criteria

An essay which is characterised by the indicative content and style outlined in one of the following grade bands will be graded within that range.

Discussions relating to relevant decision-making models demonstrate an excellent understanding of a variety of consumer behaviour concepts. Discussions relating to each model’s strengths and limitations demonstrate an excellent knowledge of how such frameworks help marketers understand ethical consumers. In addition, discussions will identify alternative theories which can help marketers achieve a greater understanding of ethical consumer decision-making and give relevant examples. In general, the submission demonstrates a detailed and an excellent understanding of the subject with relevant secondary data being used to structure discussions.

Explain how your leadership philosophy will influence your approach to addressing each leadership challenge.

MSCI-4132 Transition to Lieutenant Spring 2020
Length: 8-10 pages assembled as follows: 1) 01 page maximum – Leadership Philosophy Memorandum 2) 07-09 pages – Leadership Philosophy Essay (double-spaced) (12 pt. font; 1” margins; not counting title or reference pages)
Turn-in: Submit your assignment via email (required) as one, complete document, as a Microsoft Word document with your name and cadet ID on the cover page, but do not include your name on the page header. Adhere to any additional submission instructions provided by your instructor.
Assignment Overview: The final writing assignment of MSCI-4132 asks you to answer the question “How will I lead?” If done well, your philosophy will describe what your subordinates can expect from you as a leader, convince the reader that your leadership priorities are supported by appropriate theories/frameworks, and inspire the reader to follow you.
Leadership Philosophy Memorandum: (01-page maximum) Envision yourself as a new platoon leader (2LT) in a specific company at a specific duty station. Your battalion commander wants to know more about how you aspire to lead within her unit and has requested a 01-page memorandum with ‘SUBJECT: How I Will Lead.’ Discuss at least three (03) personal leadership tenets (principles), which can be a single word or a phrase of importance to you. Your memo must clearly identify and define each tenet and explain their importance to effective leadership. Your memo should describe the leader you aspire to be and the leadership you will hold yourself accountable to provide. Complete the memorandum with formatting in accordance with AR 25-50 (Preparing and Managing Correspondence); use the ‘MEMORANDUM FOR:’ format. You may use fictional information for your unit address and office symbol.
Leadership Philosophy Support Essay: (07-09 pages) Your commander is also interested in why you believe each tenet is important to your effectiveness as a leader. She requests an argumentative essay answering the following prompt: Describe the relevance and importance of your leadership tenets. Support your argument with four (04) specific kinds of evidence:
1. Support your argument by reflecting on relevant, compelling experiences or examples you witnessed first-hand. For each tenet, explain how a specific leadership experience developed your perspective on that tenet. 2. Support your argument by grounding your tenets in concepts or theories from MSCI-4132. Explain how specific concepts or theories from the course support the relevance and importance of your tenets.
3. Explain how your mentor influenced the selection of your tenets.
4. Support your argument by visualizing future implementation of your leadership tenets. Considering your specific situation as a new platoon leader (branch, unit type, missions, locations, etc.), describe at least three leadership challenges you might face. Explain how your leadership philosophy will influence your approach to addressing each leadership challenge.
Documentation & Assessment:
You must correctly document sources in accordance with guidelines articulated earlier in this course guide.

Describe and evaluate the structure, major activities and responsibilities of an organization.

The final written report is an overview of your experiences within your work placement, which largely assesses the same skills as the learning logs you have been completing. It does however require more thinking about structure and a more holistic view of your experiences and the organization you have been working for.

You can write this either in a traditional essay format or as a more formal report with headings. Please bear in mind the learning outcomes:

1. Operate effectively, both independently and with others, in a structured and routinely supervised work environment
2. Communicate appropriately with colleagues and superiors
3. Take a rational and organized approach, applying previously known or new techniques and/or methodologies, to task(s) set
4. Describe and evaluate the structure, major activities and responsibilities of an organization.
5. Evaluate critically his or her performance and abilities.

Some considerations are offered below regarding how to approach your report, and what to include. However, how you apply this will vary according to the nature of the organization you have been working for, and your role within it.

Everyone will have had a different and individual set of experiences. The crucial factors to include are critical reflection on your experiences, and tying your experiences in with relevant criminological theory and literature.

Please write 2300 words of self-reflection that covers the points below. Remember that your work should still conform to the academic standards laid out by the university.

The assignment should include your own personal reflections and how what you have learnt during your placement relates to topics, theories and issues covered in your degree course.

Citations should be properly referenced and your work should be double spaced and paragraphs justified.

1. Give some context to your work placement. What the placement was / is. Why you chose it. What was your previous experience of this work / organization? What are the criminological links (if they are not explicit)

2. What did you hope to achieve from the work placement and the academic module, e.g. work experience, knowledge of a specific organization, knowledge of a specific offender group, research skills, critical thinking about work experience. If you are already working within the organization, think about what you hoped to gain and achieve from combining your academic studies and work through this module.

3. Give some context to the organization you are working for. What are the organizations overall aims? What is its structure? What are the challenges? Bring in some academic literature or other data here.

4. Discuss the client base of the organization? What are the challenges? What problems do these individuals face and does your organization adequately support them or exacerbate their circumstances? Use examples. Bring in academic literature here.

5. Describe your specific duties. How clear were /are these? How connected are the local issues, and local activities, to the broader structural goals.

6. How did you adapt to the challenges and address any shortcoming in terms of knowledge and skills. Give further examples and tie in with literature if applicable.

7. How did you/do you evaluate your performance and your activities? Don’t just think about achieving organizational targets, but also think about other measures. For example, feedback from service users and self-assessment.

8. What are the main conclusions you have drawn from your experiences? About yourself, about the organization or about the experiences of user groups.

Using examples, critically explain factors to be considered in estimating the growth rate of the residual earnings model at the end of the forecast period.

1. From the perspective of shareholders, why do you agree (or disagree) that the residual earnings is a more accurate measure compared to the conventional earnings? Discuss the drivers of residual earnings as part of your answer.
(250 words)
2. Using examples, critically explain factors to be considered in estimating the growth rate of the residual earnings model at the end of the forecast period.
(250 words)

Use the two or three of the three references:
Main textbooks

S.H. Penman, Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation (McGraw Hill) Fifth Edition
K.G. Palepu, V.L. Bernard, P.M. Healy and E. Peek. Business Analysis and Valuation: IFRS edition (Thomson Learning)
R.H. Parker, Understanding Company Financial Statements (Penguin)

Based on Zara’s outsourcing strategy and physical distribution scheme described in the article, what do you think are challenges that the company will face to sustain its growth?

Discussion Assignment #4

Zara is the main chain of the apparel retailer Inditex Group, developed in the 1990’s, and is a quick operations system that enabled its fast-global expansion. This system introduced the concept of Fast Fashion and revolutionized the sector.

Read the article Zara’s Fast Fashion Edge and answer the following questions:

  • Based on Zara’s outsourcing strategy and physical distribution scheme described in the article, what do you think are challenges that the company will face to sustain its growth?
  • Briefly describe a strategy to address the most compelling challenge facing the organization.

Reading Material:

Berfield, S. & Baigorri, M. (2013). Zara’s Fashion Edge. Retrieved from:

James, T. (2011). Operations Strategy. Bookboon.

  • Chapter 11 (review)

Lu, D. (2011). Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management.  Bookboon.

  • Chapters 2
  • Chapter 8