
Evaluate at least three current approaches or trends related to training (in organizations), including pros and cons of each.

The CEO of Savannah Engineering, Inspection and Insurance Company (SEIIC) often says, “Our most important asset walks out the door every night.” The company relies on the knowledge and skills of its employees for its success. Without its human capital, the company has little to offer its customers. As noted in the introduction to the case, SEIIC has been experiencing difficulty in meeting customer service expectations and is experiencing problems with retaining some of its most valuable employees. Building on your previous work in the case, you will need to analyze the critical HRM areas of training, performance management, and career management.

Summarize key details about the case to date. What are the most important issues affecting SEIIC’s HRM? Your summary should be no more than one to two paragraphs. (Imagine that you are riding down the elevator with SEIIC’s CEO and she asks you to provide a high-level summary of what you’ve discovered so far. You have thirty seconds from the time she gets on the elevator until the time she gets off. What would you say?)
Evaluate at least three current approaches or trends related to training (in organizations), including pros and cons of each.
Justify a training best practice for SEIIC to help it meet customer service expectations and enhance retention of employees.
Evaluate at least three current approaches or trends related to performance management, including pros and cons of each.
Justify a performance management best practice for SEIIC to help it meet customer service expectations and enhance retention of employees.
Evaluate at least three current approaches or trends related to career management, including pros and cons of each.
Justify a career management best practice for SEIIC to help it meet customer service expectations and enhance retention of employees.

Demonstrate an ability to read and interpret relevant background material intelligently and an ability to analyze dramatic texts critically.

Write an essay that reflects critically on the devising process in preparing for theatre performance. Discuss this statement: ‘devising is a process of creating performance from scratch’ (Heddon and Milling 2006:3) in relation to your devising process. What ideas have you drawn on, and how? What new insight do you have about devising performance work? You must situate your process in relation to examples and texts covered in the course, and reference these correctly. (view files attached) Ideally you will demonstrate wider research beyond the texts and materials covered in the module. You are expected to make reference to at least 10 sources which can include academic texts, journal articles, reviews, performances, films, internet resources, etc.

Criteria for assessment
Use of correct scholarly protocol, eg citation, bibliography and ability to integrate sources into essay effectively
Written expression: cogency and attention to correct spelling, accuracy and grammar
Ability to synthesise arange of resource materials to construct and structure a compelling argument in relation to the statement about devising

Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate an ability to read and interpret relevant background material intelligently and an ability to analyse dramatic texts critically.
Demonstrate a critical awareness of current discussions and debates in the field of theatre and performance and be familiar with the work of a number of innovative movements and practitioners.
Describe, interpret and evaluate performance across a range of occurrences and sites.
Show awareness of the interplay between theory and practice within the area of performance studies and of conceptual and creative processes that underpin the understanding and realization of performance.

Explain the type of resources available for ESRD patients for nonacute care and the type of multidisciplinary approach that would be beneficial for these patients.

Case Study: Mr. C.
It is necessary for an RN-BSN-prepared nurse to demonstrate an enhanced understanding of the pathophysiological processes of disease, the clinical manifestations and treatment protocols, and how they affect clients across the life span.
Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mr. C., presented below.
Based on this information, formulate a conclusion based on your evaluation, and complete the Critical Thinking Essay assignment, as instructed below.
Health History and Medical Information
Health History
Mr. C., a 32-year-old single male, is seeking information at the outpatient center regarding possible bariatric surgery for his obesity. He currently works at a catalog telephone center. He reports that he has always been heavy, even as a small child, gaining approximately 100 pounds in the last 2-3 years. Previous medical evaluations have not indicated any metabolic diseases, but he says he has sleep apnea and high blood pressure, which he tries to control by restricting dietary sodium. Mr. C. reports increasing shortness of breath with activity, swollen ankles, and pruritus over the last 6 months.
Objective Data:
1. Height: 68 inches; weight 134.5 kg
2. BP: 172/98, HR 88, RR 26
3. 3+ pitting edema bilateral feet and ankles
4. Fasting blood glucose: 146 mg/dL
5. Total cholesterol: 250 mg/dL
6. Triglycerides: 312 mg/dL
7. HDL: 30 mg/dL
8. Serum creatinine 1.8 mg/dL
9. BUN 32 mg/dl
Critical Thinking Essay
In 750-1,000 words, critically evaluate Mr. C.’s potential diagnosis and intervention(s). Include the following:
1. Describe the clinical manifestations present in Mr. C.
2. Describe the potential health risks for obesity that are of concern for Mr. C. Discuss whether bariatric surgery is an appropriate intervention.
3. Assess each of Mr. C.’s functional health patterns using the information given. Discuss at least five actual or potential problems can you identify from the functional health patterns and provide the rationale for each. (Functional health patterns include health-perception, health-management, nutritional, metabolic, elimination, activity-exercise, sleep-rest, cognitive-perceptual, self-perception/self-concept, role-relationship, sexuality/reproductive, coping-stress tolerance.)
4. Explain the staging of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and contributing factors to consider.
5. Consider ESRD prevention and health promotion opportunities. Describe what type of patient education should be provided to Mr. C. for prevention of future events, health restoration, and avoidance of deterioration of renal status.
6. Explain the type of resources available for ESRD patients for nonacute care and the type of multidisciplinary approach that would be beneficial for these patients. Consider aspects such as devices, transportation, living conditions, return-to-employment issues.
You are required to cite to a minimum of two sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.
review attached study material and it may help you to complete this assignment

How are critiques of human rights relevant to the situation in Rwanda at the time of the genocide?

Ghosts of Rwanda

Paper Guidelines:

3 pages, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-pt Font, APA style citation & reference

The following questions should be addressed in your paper:

1. Using the UN definition of genocide, how would you characterize events in Rwanda and why?

2. Consider Lankford’s ideas regarding systematic indoctrination and apply them to the situation in Rwanda. In addition, discuss how other approaches to genocide (those not encompassed by Lankford’s theory) shed light on Rwanda. Which approach do you think best applies to the genocide in Rwanda and why?

3. Drawing on our earlier human rights discussion and current readings, what responsibility did the international community have in regards to Rwanda? Should there have been international intervention? Explain why or why not. In your explanation also consider the issue of sovereignty.

4. How are critiques of human rights relevant to the situation in Rwanda at the time of the genocide?

In your paper you need to demonstrate that you understand the concepts that have been presented in your readings, lecture, and notes. Referencing concepts from the readings and drawing connections between readings, the movie, notes and lecture is a must. You also need to locate a news article from one of the sources below and incorporate information from the article into your overall discussion.

This is not an opinion paper! I do not want personal reactions to the movie or Rwanda. Rather, I want to see you thinking about genocide as a social scientist, using Rwanda as a case study of sorts. To this end, you need to use specific examples from the movie to illustrate your points. If you have questions about theories or any of the concepts presented in the class thus far, please feel free to contact me with your questions.

Due: See Course Schedule

News Sources: BBC News
The Economist
New York Times
Al Jazeera:
Forgein Policy:
The Christian Science Monitor:
Wall Street Journal:
Washington Post:

*This is the movie

Identify the gap to be filled between present level of knowledge or skills against the expected standard. What knowledge and skills will assignees’ need to develop?

IHRM assessment: Training and support programme

In-class support and formative feedback

Training programme (suggested word count around 1500 words):  Your training plan should help HR professionals prepare and support employees going on the chosen type of international assignment.

Type of international assignment your report is dealing with:

Who are the employees going on the international assignment (demographics, role, personality, skills, etc.)

Key cultural differences between the home and host countries involved (use Hofstede, Hall or the Globe Project – see week 9). 

Training needs analysis

Identify the gap to be filled between present level of knowledge or skills against the expected standard. What knowledge and skills will assignees’ need to develop?

Aim and objectives of the training and support programme

What are the objectives of the proposed training and support programme?


Assignees’ demographics; cultural distance between home and host countries; type and duration of international assignment; the size of the organisation; the 3 key phases: pre-departure, during and post-assignment. Do not only focus on cultural aspects, consider career and family issues as well.

Expected outcomes

Learning outcomes identify what the international assignees will know and be able to do after participating in your training and support programme. What will your training and support programme allow assignees to do?

Content, supporting activities and timeframe

What activities in specific will your training and support programme include? What areas will they cover? (see week 10)

* For cross-cultural training (CCT), which is relevant for all types of international assignments, consider types of CCT: didactic training, culture assimilator, language training, sensitivity training, field training) (see week 11)

Training and support activity Objective

Why is it important? What aspects/areas will it address? What problem should it prevent or alleviate?


Characteristics, content, process, requirements, people involved, timing, etc.

































































Evaluation framework

Training results need to be evaluated against original need that was previously identified. How will you evaluate the impact/success of your training and support programme?

Consider the 4 levels of evaluation: Reaction, Learning, Behaviour, Results (see week 11)

Explain how a social scientist would go about investigating the research question you developed. In other words, what would the next steps be if a social scientist were to continue researching your question?

How to Do Well on Progress Check Two

You have 7 questions/sections to answer.  These are the 3 from Progress Check One and 4 additional.  I ask that you all follow the same general outline.  This helps when I go to grade your work.

  1. Introduction
  2. Describe the issue in the social sciences that you have selected to investigate. Why is this issue significant?
  • I expect you to revise this section based upon my feedback on your first progress check.
  • This section should be a paragraph, not a sentence.
  • You should bring in information from your research to support the significance of your social science issue. You are not an expert and your opinion along will not be enough to establish significance.
  1. Describe at least three social science resources that you could use to investigate the issue you selected. Your sources must be relevant to your issue and must be of an academic nature appropriate for the issue. In your description, consider questions such as these: What are the similarities and differences in the content of your sources? What makes them appropriate and relevant for investigating your issue? What was your thought process when you were searching for sources? How did you make choices?
  • In this section, you are picking three resources from your research that you think you will use in your project. You are telling me what the resources are, citing in APA format.  Then, you are telling me about the resource and how you think you will use it in your project.  I am looking for a detailed analysis of your sources.  I want you to compare and contrast the three resources.  How do they meet the CRAAPO test?  How will you use the resource to be able to answer the questions of the assignment?
  • This section of your paper will probably be 2-3 paragraphs.
  1. Body
  2. Identify the social science principles that apply to your issue. In other words, which principles of social science apply to the issue you selected?
  • I expect you to revise this section based upon my feedback on your first progress check.
  • Most of you needed to add citation to your MindEdge textbook. I provide instructions on APA formatting for this textbook in the Announcements area of the course.  The rubric requires citations here.
  1. Explain how the principles you identified apply to your issue. In other words, how are the social science principles you identified relevant to your issue?
  • Give a specific explanation of how each principle you chose applies to your social science issue (with an examples). Again, you are not an expert, your opinion doesn’t carry much weight in your answer here.  This is supposed to be a research project.  What are you finding in your research?
  • Exemplary scoring will include evidence. What are you learning from your research that could be included here as evidence?  As you are researching, include the social science principles in your search terms.  For example, “drug use AND social norms.”  This will lead you to evidence to support your answer to this section.
  • Notice that this section of the rubric also requires citations. This section of your paper will probably be 2-3 paragraphs.

III. Conclusion

  1. Based on your investigation, develop a research question related to the issue you selected. In other words, what would you like to know more about?
  • Your research question must meet the criteria for a good research question. Please see my announcement on
  • Your research question should be clear with a clear independent variable (the variable that is manipulated for study) and dependent variable (the behavior/attitude/outcome being measured – what you expect to change when you manipulate the independent variable).
  1. Explain how a social scientist would go about investigating the research question you developed. In other words, what would the next steps be if a social scientist were to continue researching your question?
  • I am looking for you to explain how to use the scientific method to answer the research question you came up with.  Please review the scientific method from Learning Block 2-1 and include in your Project One.  Review what steps a social scientist should take after developing a research question.

IV: Reference list

Provide a reference list that includes all of the social science resources you used to investigate your issue and question. Ensure that your list is formatted according to current APA guidelines.

  • Pay close attention to capitalization and punctuation.

Other Recommendations:

  • Your submission should be a paper, not a question and answer document. You should format it as an essay.

Design a test using different kinds of questions (e.g., multiple choice, true/false, essay question, short answer question etc.).

Assessment brief

Assessment task: Assessment plan

Weighting: 60%

Word count or equivalent: 2,000 words

You will apply assessment theories and principles to a practical task relevant to your teaching interests. This assessment covers the following learning outcomes:

  1. to critically apply assessment theories and principles to a specific task
  2. to further develop practical assessment skills.

You are asked to create a summative test and provide a research-informed rationale for it.

Task 1: Design a test (about 300-500 words)

Pick your learners (age group)

Pick your subject area (e.g., English, Maths, Biology, etc.)

Design a test using different kinds of questions (e.g., multiple choice, true/false, essay question, short answer question etc.).

Task 2: Provide a rationale for the test you have designed (Why are students doing this assessment?) 1,500 words

Suggested points to consider in the rationale:

Define summative assessment and outline when and why it is used.

What are general principles underpinning summative assessment?

What is the purpose of the test? Summarise the learning outcomes briefly.

Link the learning outcomes & test questions to Bloom’s taxonomy.

What does your test assess and in what way?

Why is your task set up the way it is? Advantages of your task.

Limitations of your task (is it limited in the information it provides?)

References: minimum of 7 references (APA)

Describe what you did in each of the lab activities. Answers should enable a lab report reader to repeat the lab just as you did it – a process known as replication.

This template will enable you to produce a polished Lab Report.  Simply complete each section below, pasting in all your completed data tables, graphs, and photographs where indicated.  Before you submit your Lab Report, it is recommended that you run it through Turnitin, using the student folder, to ensure protection from accidental plagiarism.  Please delete this purple text, and all the instructions below, before submitting your final report.


Background paragraph: Provide background on the lab topic, explaining the key concepts covered in the lab and defining (in your own words) important terms relating to the lab.  Explain why the lab topic is important to scientists. Using APA format, cite at least two outside credible sources (sources other than textbook or lab manual) in your statement. Your background paragraph should be 5-7 original, substantive sentences long.

Objectives paragraph: In 4-5 sentences, explain the purpose of this lab. What is it intended to examine or test?

Hypotheses paragraph: State your hypotheses for this lab. Be sure to cover all the lab activities, one at a time. For each hypothesis, explain why you originally thought that would happen.

Note: Do not mention the actual results of the lab here – they go later in the report.

For additional help in writing your Introduction section, refer to the Ashford Writing Center Resource, Introductions and Conclusions.

Materials and Methods

Using your own words, describe what you did in each of the lab activities. Answers should enable a lab report reader to repeat the lab just as you did it – a process known as replication. Clearly explain any measurements you made (including the measurement units).


Data Tables: Copy and paste each of your completed data tables here, in order (Weeks One, Two, Four, and Five Labs only).

Observations: Provide your observations for each lab activity here, in order (Week Three Lab only)

Graphs: Paste your graphs here (Week Four Lab only).  Include a numbered figure caption below each one, in APA format.

Photographs: Paste your photographs here, in the order they were taken in the lab.  Include numbered figure captions below each one, in APA format.

For additional help with the data tables and images, refer to the Ashford Writing Center resource, Tables, Images, and Appendices.


Accept or reject hypotheses paragraph: Based upon the results of each lab activity, explain whether you accepted or rejected each of your hypotheses, and why.

Follow these steps:

  • Restate your original hypothesis for the lab activity.
  • Communicate the results of the lab. Then,
  • Compare your hypothesis to the results of the lab and decide whether to accept your hypothesis or reject it.
  • State if your hypothesis is supported or not, and explain with evidence.
  • Move on to the next lab activity and repeat the process.

What I have learned paragraph: What important new things have you learned from this lab? Use at least one credible outside source (not the lab manual or textbook) to answer this question. Cite the source using APA format. Answers should be 5-7 original, substantive sentences in length.

Sources of error paragraph: What challenges did you encounter when completing this lab? (Identify at least one.) How might those challenges that you experienced have affected the accuracy of the results that you obtained?

Future research paragraph: Based upon what you learned in this lab, what new questions do you have about the topic of this lab? In a few sentences, how might you design a new lab activity to answer those questions?


List the references that you cited in your report, in APA format and alphabetically by author’s last name. If you did not actually cite the source somewhere in your paper, do not include it.

For additional help in formatting your resources section, refer to the Ashford Writing Center’s resource for Formatting your Reference List.

Demonstrate an understanding of the progression of the leadership field and the ways in which our thinking has shaped research.

Coursework Title:

Case Study Analysis

Task Details/Description:

A case study will be provided during Term 2 which you will be required to analyse using the relevant theory and research. You are asked to apply theory and research covered in the second half of the module (i.e. Term 2), in order to address the below questions. In order to do well, you need to go beyond the module content and supplement your answers with wider academic readings.

  1. Critically discuss some of the key changes made by Camilla and describe why they were effective, with support from the relevant theory and extant academic literature. (It is recommended you focus on 2 or 3 changes in your answer).  (50%)
  2. Critically evaluate Camilla’s leadership by focusing on any two of the following topics. Based on your evaluation, provide recommendations on how she could be more effective and accepted (50%)
  3. Strategic Leadership
  4. Nationality/ National Culture
  5. Gender

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:

  • Apply theoretical, empirical and experience-based knowledge of leadership to explain effective leadership in practice.
  • Demonstrate the analytical skills necessary to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of theoretical, empirical and experience-based approaches to leadership.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the progression of the leadership field and the ways in which our thinking has shaped research.

Presentation Requirements:

Word Count: 2,000 words (+/- 10%); tables, figures, any appendices and the reference list are not included in the word count.

Font Size: 12

Margins: 2.54cm

Line Spacing: 1.5

Calculate average collection period, total asset turnover, inventory turnover, and days in inventory.

Using the attached financial statements for Best Buy Co., Inc. complete the financial statement analysis and ratio analysis by answering the questions below.

a. Calculate average collection period, total asset turnover, inventory turnover, and days in inventory.

b. Assess the activity of the firm, using your calculations in part a, over the four year period.

c. Calculate the gross profit margin, operating margin, and net profit margin.

d. Assess the profitability of the firm, using your calculations in part c, over the four year period.


Submit your paper in a Word document, showing all of your calculations (attach Excel File if necessary).
Use terms, evidence, and concepts from class readings.
Your paper must be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
The exercise should be 3-4 pages (not including title or reference pages), double spaced, follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements policy, and include a minimum of four (4) sources with at least 2 from scholarly or peer review journals