
Describe the tools and methods used to collect information and identify the variables being measured.

Research Proposal for a Quantitative Research Study


The introduction to a quantitative study is usually written in the present tense and from the third person point of view. It covers the following information:

  • Identifies the research problem— as with any academic study, you must state clearly and concisely the research problem being investigated.
  • Reviews the literature— review scholarship on the topic, synthesizing key themes and, if necessary, noting studies that have used similar methods of inquiry and analysis. Note where key gaps exist and how your study helps to fill these gaps or clarifies existing knowledge.
  • Describes the theoretical framework— provide an outline of the theory or hypothesis underpinning your study. If necessary, define unfamiliar or complex terms, concepts, or ideas and provide the appropriate background information to place the research problem in proper context [e.g., historical, cultural, economic, etc.].


The methods section of a quantitative study should describe how each objective of your study will be achieved. Be sure to provide enough detail to enable the reader can make an informed assessment of the methods being used to obtain results associated with the research problem. The methods section should be presented in the past tense.

  • Study population and sampling— where did the data come from; how robust is it; note where gaps exist or what was excluded. Note the procedures used for their selection;
  • Data collection– describe the tools and methods used to collect information and identify the variables being measured; describe the methods used to obtain the data; and, note if the data was pre-existing [i.e., government data] or you gathered it yourself. If you gathered it yourself, describe what type of instrument you used and why. Note that no data set is perfect–describe any limitations in methods of gathering data.
  • Data analysis— describe the procedures for processing and analyzing the data. If appropriate, describe the specific instruments of analysis used to study each research objective, including mathematical techniques and the type of computer software used to manipulate the data.


The finding of your study should be written objectively and in a succinct and precise format. In quantitative studies, it is common to use graphs, tables, charts, and other non-textual elements to help the reader understand the data. Make sure that non-textual elements do not stand in isolation from the text but are being used to supplement the overall description of the results and to help clarify key points being made. Further information about how to effectively present data using charts and graphs can be found here.

  • Statistical analysis— how did you analyze the data? What were the key findings from the data? The findings should be present in a logical, sequential order. Describe but do not interpret these trends or negative results; save that for the discussion section. The results should be presented in the past tense.


Discussions should be analytic, logical, and comprehensive. The discussion should meld together your findings in relation to those identified in the literature review, and placed within the context of the theoretical framework underpinning the study. The discussion should be presented in the present tense.

  • Interpretation of results— reiterate the research problem being investigated and compare and contrast the findings with the research questions underlying the study. Did they affirm predicted outcomes or did the data refute it?
  • Description of trends, comparison of groups, or relationships among variables— describe any trends that emerged from your analysis and explain all unanticipated and statistical insignificant findings.
  • Discussion of implications– what is the meaning of your results? Highlight key findings based on the overall results and note findings that you believe are important. How have the results helped fill gaps in understanding the research problem?
  • Limitations— describe any limitations or unavoidable bias in your study and, if necessary, note why these limitations did not inhibit effective interpretation of the results.


End your study by to summarizing the topic and provide a final comment and assessment of the study.

  • Summary of findings– synthesize the answers to your research questions. Do not report any statistical data here; just provide a narrative summary of the key findings and describe what was learned that you did not know before conducting the study.
  • Recommendations– if appropriate to the aim of the assignment, tie key findings with policy recommendations or actions to be taken in practice.
  • Future research– note the need for future research linked to your study’s limitations or to any remaining gaps in the literature that were not addressed in your study.

Discuss how these findings of the chosen paper would be explained by (i) a higher-order theory of consciousness, and (ii) a global workspace or information integration theory of consciousness.

Consider the findings in an empirical paper published in 2019in the journal Frontiers in Psychology ( I have chosen the paper: Visual Attention Modulates Phenomenal Consciousness: Evidence From a Change Detection Study). The paper would be uploaded at the file named- important1

Discuss how these findings of the chosen paper would be explained by (i) a higher-order theory of consciousness, and (ii) a global workspace or information integration theory of consciousness.

Note the paper itself does not have to make the claim that a mental state is conscious or unconscious; it is enough that you can make the claim based on the findings of the paper.

How does the organization operate? How are tasks/work projects accomplished? Is the organization domestic or international? Locations?

You are tasked to represent the Board of Directors of your organization in your selected industry. You are the top management team of the organization located (your choice of locations). You believe that productivity, quality of product, innovativeness, profitability (and/or cost effectiveness), and morale are much lower than they should be to meet the competitive and social challenges of the year 2019 and beyond. You will present a statement of management philosophy and a sketch of the basic human resources policies and procedures you believe will lead to the goals you seek. Members of the Board of Directors will be looking at (1) the soundness and innovativeness of your recommended program, (2) evidence of industry-study, interviews (if available), and library research, and (3) the quality of your presentation. The paper should include an assessment of the student’s current organizational demographics (If you are not working or do not have a frame of reference, you can research an organization through the online library or that is researched and potential impact using the following outline:
Parameters for the organization:

· You are free to describe the organization with which you will be associated. You will need to provide some level of detail of your organization. Use your general knowledge, coursework, and research to accomplish this.
· Even though you are required to provide general organizational details, your primary function is human resources. Analyze based on this premise.
· Assume that a core group of managers and employees (approximately 250) are already in place.
· Your organization can produce a product or service.

Requirements for the Overview of the organization:

· Description of what the organization does and organizational structure. Be specific. You may include an organizational chart.
· How does the organization operate? How are tasks/work projects accomplished?
· Is the organization domestic or international? Locations?
· Who are the competitors?
· What are the factors that you believe are critical to success in this organization?
· What is the culture like?
· How is information communicated?
· Why would people want to work for this organization?

Requirements for Policies

· Present a statement of management philosophy.
· Develop the rationale for policies and procedures that you feel are needed to achieve the organizational goals. Minimally, policies on sexual harassment, promotion, and dismissal should be included. Include relevant legal issues. This rationale must be supported by relevant research; not just your opinion on what is needed.
· Develop a minimum of 5 actual policies to be included in appendices.
· Analyze implications and draw conclusions.
· Provide recommendations to include the rationale for selecting the policies and the impact on the organization.
· Provide a plan of communication for implications.

Identify memories of contact with those who were culturally different than you, and your experiences associated with these differences. Be specific.

Social and Cultural Diversity Paper Writing Instructions


The Social and Cultural Diversity Paper (1,750-2,000 words) requires the student to identify and reflect on possible personal biases regarding gender, religion, sexual or gender orientation, race, socioeconomic status, disability status, or culture. The purpose of this paper is to raise the student’s personal and professional level of awareness regarding the subject of diverse populations.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Process Schedule

The Social and Cultural Diversity Paper assignment will be accomplished in a five-step process, with individual steps submitted and graded regularly throughout the course, according to the following schedule:

  • Outline (Due Week 2)
  • References (Due Week 4)
  • First Draft (Due Week 6)
  • Final Paper (Due Week 8)

Content Guidelines

When constructing this paper, use a three-part structure according to the following guidelines:

Part 1

The first part of the paper requires you to identify information from your own personal history. Use the following questions to help guide your reflections:

  • Identify your personal biases and how they may impact your counseling approach. Remember, everyone has biases. The point is not to project them onto your clients.

Note: It is preferred you discuss your cultural biases.   

  • Describe your personal history by documenting experiences with discrimination you may have experienced and how your cultural background impacted these experiences. If you have not had any experiences, share why you believe this to be true.
  • Identify memories of contact with those who were culturally different than you, and your experiences associated with these differences. Be specific.
  • How has your life experience affected how you may relate to persons different than you? Be specific.

Part 2

The second part of the paper requires you to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of racism/discrimination. Use the following questions to help guide your reflections:

  • What does it mean to be a subtle racist? Please include a referenced definition and example.
  • Why could there be significant differences in perceptions and values of members within the same ethnic group? Be specific.

Part 3

The third part of your paper requires you to review and reflect on the ACA and NAADAC codes of ethics. Use the following to help guide your reflection:

  • Discuss how the ACA and NAADAC codes of ethics will inform your practice.
    1. Identify and cite the specific ACA and NAADA multicultural codes that you will use to inform your practice.
  • What did you learn about the importance of cultural sensitivity in treatment planning?
  • How do communication styles and help-seeking behaviors differ across cultures?
  • How might strategies to build rapport be differentiated based on culture?
  • Examine underlying reasons for differential treatment methods.
    1. Consult several professional journals on treatment practices and cultural biases.
    2. Identify sources of potential counselor cultural bias within these practices.
  • What resources could help you to become more informed regarding cultural diversity? Cite resources you can use to dispel your personal biases.
  • How could you apply your learning to your future practice as a counselor?

Critically examine the economic drivers in the international business environment that influence HRM strategies.

Assignment Course Work HRM

An Explanation of how the end of module assignment meets module Learning Outcomes:

  Assessment Questions Learning outcomes
What are the economic drivers influencing the HR strategies in the host country?  For example you can apply PESTLE analysis to analyze the host country’s economic profile as well as other factors such as (Globalization, Consumer Behaviour, Advanced technology etc.) These areas can be discussed under this learning outcome. L01: Critically examine the economic drivers in the international business environment that influence HRM strategies


L01. Evaluate the main HRM theories and models in relation to economic drivers
Critically examine how HRM strategies are effective in achieving goals of employee commitment, flexibility, quality and strategic integration. Under this learning outcome, we expect you to critically analyze the models and theories in designing policies and practices (such as Soft and Hard HRM) to achieve four main outcomes: strategic integration (planning / implementation); high employee commitment to the organization; high workforce flexibility and adaptability; and a high-quality workforce. L02. Evaluate the effectiveness of HRM strategies in achieving the goals of employee commitment, flexibility, quality and strategic integration
Critically analyze the different approaches of HRM globally in your chosen parent and host countries. Provide a global comparative analysis of HR systems with a focus on:

1.      Organisational Performance

2.     Employee Commitment –

3.     Workforce Flexibility

4.     Workforce Quality


L03 Critically Analyse the differences in approach to HRM Globally and outline possible reasons for such differences
 L04: Critically evaluate the theory and evidence about the relationship between HRM and organizational performance
 Critically Analyse the cultural differences influencing the implementation and development of HRM strategies. We expect you to use models such as Hofstede, Trompenaars, Lewis. Hall etc. here to highlight the differences in national culture between the parent and host countries and how they influence HRM strategies. You could also apply Hardy’s Organisational culture model  to identify what working practices and mind-set barriers might the parent company face in terms of recruiting and training local staff on new technologies, etc. to establish an appropriate standard of work to match the parent company’s expectations. L05: Analyse the organizational, national and cultural specific issues that influence the development and implementation of HRM strategy
 Here we are looking to evaluate your management skill in regards to international business strategies as well a critical analysis, research skills and ability to present a coherent set of recommendations based on well researched HRM global theories and models. Such as Rodger /Fraser , Ask And  Total Rewards models.  L06::  Demonstrate the management skills required in international business to successfully engage and win support from key stakeholders




Have the research questions been answered? Were aims and objectives met? Recommendations should be practical and academic.

This assignment requires you to conduct and write about a research project based on a topic of your choice. Your topic should be related to your studies and agreed with your supervisor.  There should be an attempt to answer the research question posed (by the student). It should incorporate an in-depth critical review of the related academic literature and recommendations as to a practical implementation of a solution to the identified research problem. Detailed assessment criteria can be found in the following section.

Your Report should be structured in a way that includes all of the following sections. A document expanding on the requirements of each section is located on Moodle:

  • Title Page
  • Signed Declaration of Originality
  • Ethical Approval Certificate
  • Acknowledgements
  • Abstract
  • Contents Page
  • List of Tables/Figures
  • Introduction, Research Question(s) and Aims and Objectives
    • Context/background, rationale, research questions, aims and objectives.
  • Literature Review
    • Coverage of previous studies on this subject, gaps in the literature, theories and concepts.
  • Methods and Ethical Issues
    • How did you collect data? Why did you do it this way? How reliable is the data? What ethical issues existed?
  • Analysis, Findings and Discussion
    • Could be split into two chapters: results, then discussion. Results: clearly presented, trends identified. Discussion: what do your results mean? What are the implications? How do results relate to the literature?
  • Conclusions and Recommendations
    • Have the research questions been answered? Were aims and objectives met? Recommendations should be practical and academic.
  • References
  • Appendices

Important – Word Limits

Please note that the sections in italics must be included, but do not count towards the word limit of 8000 words. Appendices are not marked but may be added to support your work.  Further guidance on the word limit is included below.

Criteria for Assessment  

Mark range FBL – UG Project Marking Guidelines

80 –100%

The work shows an excellent structure and is well communicated. It is coherent and shows an outstanding level of critical evaluation and analysis with aspects of originality and insight. Evidence of extensive reading beyond the relevant literature, demonstrating a thorough understanding of how the project fits with the wider context of the subject matter. The work demonstrates outstanding research design and is an exceptional piece of work for an undergraduate project. All Learning Outcomes have been met to the highest standards.

70 – 79%

The work has an excellent structure and is well communicated. It is coherent and shows an excellent level of critical evaluation and analysis with signs of originality, insight and design. Evidence of reading beyond the immediately relevant literature, demonstrating a clear understanding of how the project fits with the wider context of the subject matter. The work demonstrates outstanding research design and is an excellent piece of work for an undergraduate project. All Learning Outcomes have been met to an excellent standard.

60 – 69%

The work is of a very good standard, has relevant aims and objectives and an appropriate research design. Clear evidence of independent inquiry and critical evaluation in selecting, ordering and analysing. The work reviews immediately relevant literature, and to a limited extent, beyond. The work shown is very well designed and very well-presented with a logical and coherent structure. All Learning Outcomes overall have been met to a very good standard.

50 – 59%

The work is of a good standard overall. The aims and objectives have been identified. There is evidence of reading of relevant literature. Appropriate theory and analysis is included. The work demonstrates good application of theory to the analysis, with some critical evaluation, though much is descriptive. The work is well designed and generally well presented and logically structured. All Learning Outcomes have been met to a good standard.

40 – 49%

The work shows an attempt to answer the research question. There is a lack of focus with only a basic analysis presented and whilst work shows reading of some relevant literature it fails to critically engage with it. The presentation of the literature is descriptive, not analytical. The work demonstrates a basic attempt to undertake appropriate research (either primary or secondary) and shows a basic understanding of the chosen topic. The Learning Outcomes have been met to a minimum standard.

20 – 39%

The work is poorly organised with superficial description and shows very limited understanding or analysis of the issues involved.

The work fails to reach an adequate UG level, either in an important area, or is generally weak and lacks depth and rigor in several areas. The standard of presentation and writing requires significant improvement. The learning outcomes have not been met to the minimum standard.


Note: The resubmission of work should demonstrate how the feedback received has been addressed.

The student may need to gain ethical approval if new data will be collected.

Assignment Brief Template



0 – 19%

The work is extremely weak and poorly organized, superficial description with virtually no understanding or analysis of the issues involved. No attempt at synthesis. No evidence of having read the relevant literature. No evidence of original thought or research. The work has failed to demonstrate meeting the learning outcomes.


Note: The resubmission of work should demonstrate how the feedback received has been addressed.

The student may need to gain ethical approval if new data will be collected.


Organize the key areas into ‘notes’, each with distinct subsection titles, which you can review and then link into a logical progressive ‘flow’ for your review.

Fission yeast: a model organism for the study of human disease

In the first stages of your review, , you should develop your knowledge base of the chosen area. So you should first write a 500 words section with the indication of the subtitles that will be discussed later for the whole literature review.

You should identify key areas that need to be included and evaluate the reliability of your sources of information for these areas, ensuring you have correct/appropriate references, from recognized literature databases – eg Pubmed, and are NOT relying on un-reviewed web sites.
You should then organise the key areas into ‘notes’, each with distinct subsection titles, which you can review and then link into a logical progressive ‘flow’ for your review.

Adopt a ‘problem solving approach’ and use your best judgement and analysis in order to identify solutions to challenges in day to day operations. Seek assistance from the Programme Lead or other colleagues/help desk as required.

ROLE SUMMARY:                           

The post-holder will deliver a consistently high-quality diabetic eye screening service for patients with diabetes in specified area(s). The role has a requirement to work unsupervised within a community-based environment, with travel to a number of fixed and mobile screening venues; with the potential for some early morning, early evening and weekend work.  In addition to the delivery of patient screening services the post-holder will also be involved in the grading of image sets (first full disease and second full disease grading, subject to accreditation). Senior Retinal Screeners will help and work with Team Leaders to support and monitor the Retinal Screeners.



  1. Undertake all relevant units of the level 3 Diploma for Health Screeners; carry out the on-line EQA grading tests each month; attend and fully participate in the MDT meetings and adopt a commitment to personal continuous learning and development.
  2. Arrive on time to screening venue(s) and undertake the Screening Checklist to ensure the screening environment is safe (for yourself and your patients) and ready for the provision of the screening service. Ensure the synchronisation of the screening clinic list to ensure all patients attending can be screened or where the screening venue has internet access, undertake an opportunistic screening appointment.
  3. As part of the Screening Checklist, test the camera for artefacts and clean the camera in the event that there are artefacts on the external lens; in the event that you are not signed-off to clean the camera’s external lens or if the artefact is on an internal lens, raise a request to the DES Programme Lead for the camera to be cleaned.
  4. Take responsibility for the safe use and security of the screening equipment, specifically the fundus camera and laptop.
  5. Maintaining sufficient stocks of consumables and of the prescribed medication (Tropicamide) to ensure screening appointments are not adversely affected.
  6. Welcome patients to their screening appointment; liaise with reception staff to ensure patients are kept informed; authenticate the patient and explain the screening procedure; obtain consent and record an accurate visual acuity for each eye (where the eye is present, otherwise record as Eye Missing); safely administer the mydriasis agent; ask the patient to return to the waiting room and upon their return re-confirm their identity and undertake photographs ensuring correct field of view.
  7. Read, understand and follow all of the Retinal Screening Protocols concerned with the screening of patients. Ensuring at least a quarterly review to ensure continued awareness and compliance.  Participate positively in reviews to check compliance of screening venues, equipment and the adoption of policies and procedures.  Work with management to resolve any areas requiring improvement.
  8. The stand-alone nature of the clinics necessitates a degree of autonomous decision making, both clinical and technical and you should always work in the best interests of the patient. Where issues are encountered, seek assistance and keep  he patient(s) informed.
  9. Accurately record all patient data against the correct patient record, adding comments and image annotation to assist other graders and if the patient is to be referred the receiving Ophthalmologist.
  10. Identify any patients requiring urgent referral at the time of their screening appointment. Where the referral is very urgent invoke the same day referral process and telephone failsafe to request that the patient is tracked to their hospital appointment.
  11. Adopt a ‘problem solving approach’ and use your best judgement and analysis in order to identify solutions to challenges in day to day operations. Seek assistance from the Programme Lead or other colleagues/help desk as required.
  12. Maintain the highest standards of patient care and service delivery. Where there are any deficiencies in the screening venue, camera infrastructure or IT infrastructure/equipment raise these with the Programme Lead and/or Help Desk.
  13. Complete the Information Governance Training and Compliance Test as required by management and ensure that patient data is kept confidential and secure at all times.
  14. Undertake the regular synchronisation of the screening and grading data; re-attempt synchronisation where there are any errors reported; if problems persist immediately contact the Help Desk.
  15. Participate in Proficiency Assessments, for example, of grading competency; participate in feedback meetings to identify areas for improvement and work to make improvements in performance as required.
  16. Support effective communication with other members of the team through regular access to your e-mail system and pick up phone messages throughout the day.


All of the above activities are governed by the operational policies, standing financial instructions, policies and procedures and standards of Health Intelligence as well as legislation and professional standards and guidelines.

At all times work in the best interest of the patient, treating them with respect and maintain their dignity.

Attend an annual eyesight test and report any vision issues to your DES Programme Lead.  Specifically a VA of worse than 6/9 in your best eye at reading distance.  Annual eyesight tests charge can be reimbursed by the company.


As a term of your employment with Heath Intelligence, you are required to undertake such other duties commensurate with your grade and/or hours of work at your initial place of work or at any other of Heath Intelligence’s establishments, as may reasonably be required of you.

This Job Description is an indication of the roles and responsibilities.

  1. All of the above activities are governed by the Standard Operating Procedures, Policies, Standing Financial Instructions, and standards of Heath Intelligence as well as legislation and professional standards and guidelines.
  2. This is a description of the job as it is at present constituted. It is the practice of Heath Intelligence to regularly examine employees’ job descriptions and to update them to ensure that they relate to the job as then being performed, or to incorporate whatever changes are being proposed.  This procedure is jointly conducted by each manager and those working directly to him or her.  You will, therefore, be expected to participate fully in such discussions and, in connection with them, to re-write your job description to bring it up to date if this is considered necessary or desirable. It is Heath Intelligence’s aim to reach agreement on reasonable changes, but if agreement is not possible Heath Intelligence reserves the right to insist on changes to your job description after consultation with you.
  3. Heath Intelligence operates a no smoking policy.


  • Flexibility in weekly working pattern and location as required.


Post holders have a responsibility for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults in the course of their daily duties and for ensuring that they are aware of the specific duties relating to their role.


InformatioN governance and security

All staff must undertake the allocated IG Training Tool Modules and read the Security Policy signing the Security Commitment Form to confirm they have read, understood and will adhere to the policy.


  • Comply with all Health Intelligence policies, procedures and guidelines.
  • Comply with the Data Protection Act and Information Governance requirements.
  • Have responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of self and others and to comply at all times with the requirements of health and safety regulations.
  • Undertake other duties that may be required from time to time and that are consistent with the responsibilities of the grade.
  • Provide satisfactory clearance of suitability from the Criminal Records Bureau.
  • This job description reflects the need to cultivate the service. It will evolve with the continuing expansion of the service and will be reviewed through mutual agreement between the post holder and the line manager.

Attention is drawn to the confidential nature of this post.  Disclosures of confidential information or disclosures of any data of a personal nature can result in prosecution for an offence under the Data Protection Act 1998 or an action for civil damages under the same Act in addition to any disciplinary action taken by Health Intelligence which might include dismissal.  You should consult your line manager if you consider that there is a need to breach such confidentiality.


Under the provisions contained in the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, it is the duty of every employee to:

  1. Take reasonable care of themselves and for others at work.
  2. To co-operate with Health Intelligence, as far as is necessary, to enable them to carry out their legal duty
  3. Not to intentionally or recklessly interfere with anything provided (including personal protective equipment) for health & safety or welfare at work.












GCSE Level




Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Diploma or level 3 Diploma for Health Screeners


Application form






Working within a team environment


Previous experience in a health care environment


Application form & interview process






Good general knowledge



Understanding of diabetic retinopathy


Application form & interview process.


Testing (if applicable) e.g., presentation or in-tray exercise





Excellent communication skills

Ability to work on own initiative and with others


Application form & interview process.


Testing (if applicable) e.g., presentation or in-tray exercise


Personal attributes


Flexible approach to working.







Application form & interview process


Other requirements (if applicable)



Full driving license


Interview process



Qualifications:                 Qualifications needed to fulfil duties of the post

Experience:                     Relevant to the post

Knowledge:                      Relevant to the post but not necessarily obtained a qualification

Skills:                               Practical skills relevant to post (i.e. Communication, Leadership, IT)

Personal Attributes:        Consider appropriate personal attributes the person brings to the post (i.e. Leadership, Team Working & Empathy towards client groups)

Other Requirement:        Anything else relevant to post (i.e. driving licence), flexibility.

Compare your results ex post and critically analyze and evaluate your results.Select at least two different alternative techniques for forecasting volatility for the same stock over the same period and calculate your results. 

Topics in Risk Management Coursework 2020

Volatility is a key variable in modern financial theories and volatility forecast values critically inform the financial decision making process.  In consequence, accurate measuring techniques and precise forecasts of future volatility are essential within the financial marketplace to enable effective evaluation of asset prices and the implementation of trading, hedging and capital optimization strategies.

Discuss the evolution of and the relevance and accuracy of the volatility forecasting techniques which predominate in todays’ financial marketplace with reference to the models, the time horizon and the period under review.

Select a single liquid option (call or put), calculate the implied volatility of the option which should act as a forecast for volatility over the period until expiration (ideally 2 to 3 months). Select at least two different alternative techniques for forecasting volatility for the same stock over the same period and calculate your results.  In approximately 2 /3months time (i.e. end March), review your data ex post to see how effective the three volatility forecasts were.

Compare your results ex post and critically analyze and evaluate your results.

The length of work should include 1200 words and appropriate academic referencing.

How are emerging start-ups contributing to a circular economy in the feminine hygiene product sector?

Module:  Social and sustainable innovation

Assignment type/format of paper: Empirical paper format

Assignment Objectives:

  • To convey your expert opinion and critique on a research worthy question.
  • Given the breadth of content covered in the course, you should find it relatively easy to link the key concepts, models, tools, and issues discussed in class to any set of research question or issues.
  • Overall I look for: unique arguments, discussion depth and clarity of presentation.
  • The paper should have a clear focus and thesis – rather than making it too general or trying to speaking to all the literature we covered.

Format of the paper:

  • Empirical paper (Introduction, brief literature review, method, results, discussion, conclusion, references)
  • You can adapt the formatting guidelines from a specific journal you would like to submit to.

The paper will be evaluated on the basis of:

  1. Purpose: Sets out the question and / or objective(s) clearly.
  2. Methods: Explains process used to arrive at answer or insights.
  3. Literature: Cites appropriate literature and builds upon previous work.
  4. Results: Presents convincing theoretical and/or factual evidence.
  5. Discussion: Logically answers the question and /or develops an argument.
  6. Implications: Infers significance of findings, arguments, claims.
  7. Relevance: Contributes to innovation and sustainability.
  8. Presentation: Language, formatting, references.
  9. Structure: Identifies outlet and uses clear coherent structure.
  10. Publication: Potential for submitting for publication.


To write about how new emerging start-ups (focus on new innovative products regarding periods products/menstrual products) in feminine hygiene products sector contributing to a circular economy. Also, explain the issue in traditional feminine hygiene product period products how it is not contributing to a circular economy and the sustainable impact of it.

Possible Research Question:

  • How are emerging start-ups contributing to a circular economy in the feminine hygiene product sector?

Here you will have several examples to support your answer to your question – unless you know some of these examples/companies first-hand, you can draft your empirical paper based on secondary data (reports, articels, websites, databases).

The whole assignment should have literature from the readings in the class interspersed throughout.

The paper should only focus on innovative period products – Examples for innovative period productions:

Examples: Traditional companies – period products:

  • P&G – brand: Always
  • Kimberly and Clark – Kotex
  • Essity: Libresse/Bodyform


You should analyse, reflect upon and relate whatever you are writing about back to the module concepts, frameworks and theories.

  • Explain Circular economy with theory
  • Innovations (what kinds ect) – why is it sustainable innovation.
  • S-curve
  • sustainable innovations