
How long does it take to acclimatize to a hotter environment? What causes acclimatization?

New England Patriots are playing the Miami Dolphins in Miami., the weather in Miami has been very hot and the game is scheduled to be played on one of the hottest days of the season.

a. Will Miami have a fitness, physiological, or heat related advantage over New England? If so, what would be those advantages?
b. How long does it take to acclimatize to a hotter environment? What causes acclimatization?
c. What would be the effect of also having a very high relative humidity during the game?

Does the 2018 Directive have any direct or indirect effect that can be used against Sunshine Desserts?

The UK’s Employment Disputes Regulations implement the 2018 Directive, but it looks like the two don’t exactly align. I’ve also looked into the requirement in the Directive for public transport providers to issue certificates of delay. The UK doesn’t seem to have done anything to implement that bit of the directive as the Secretary of State for Transport believes “existing industry practice already conforms with the Directive”. Could one of you please draw up a memo addressing the following questions:
• Does the 2018 Directive have any direct or indirect effect that can be used against Sunshine Desserts?

• Can we use the 2018 Directive to force Western Rail to issue a certificate of delay?

• If the answer to either of the above is “no”, might we be able to bring a state liability action against the UK Government? Thanks, Ally. A lison McBeal MA, GDL, LPC Associate Solicitor, Beaverbrook and Sons
T: 020 776 64466 | E: 6 Phoenix Street, Nightsville, P12 KAY
Assistant: Ms Claire Otoms, T: 020 776 64683, E:
Subject: Employment Dispute Date: Monday, 3 February 2020 at 18:09:31 Greenwich Mean Time From: Reginald Perrin <> To: Alison McBeal CC: Client Management; <EU Division (Trainees)>
Good evening, Ms McBeal,
Thank you for taking my case. I’m afraid I’m in something of a pickle.
I work for Sunshine Desserts. The company is owned and run by my boss, C.J.
Every day I walk from my house at 12 Coleridge Close to Sutton station, where I get the train to work. You know trains are like though – it doesn’t matter how early I leave I ALWAYS seem to arrive 11 minutes late!
Tuesday, 4 February 2020 at 9:45:45 AM Greenwich Mean Time
Page 2 of 2
C.J. has had enough. I got an email from him the other day saying “I didn’t get where I am today by tolerating lateness on the part of my employees” and he’s initiated disciplinary proceedings against me. I think he wants to sack me.
I did some Googling and I think this new EU Directive means C.J. isn’t allowed to sack me if my lateness isn’t my fault, but he says that’s not what the law says.
I also asked Leinster Rail for a certificate of delay, so that I could prove to C.J. that my lateness isn’t my fault, but they said they’re not obliged in law to give me one.
I just don’t know what to do. Can I rely on this Directive or not?
Yours sincerely,

Analyse the resources and key competences of the organization to identify a set of Strengths and Weaknesses and identify core competences (key factors that may give the company its competitive advantage).

Applied Corporate Strategy Assessment: Strategic Analysis Report

he module is assessed (100%) by an individual Strategic Report (maximum 3,000 words) involving an in-depth, strategic analysis of a large organization. The subject of the report will be decided by the module convenor but students will be able to choose from a list of several examples.

Instructions for assessment

This assignment is focused on the selected organization, its industry and business environment. By week 2 you will be given a list of organisations (cases) to choose from. Please choose one case (featuring an organization) for the purposes of this assignment.

Formative work in weekly seminars will guide students through analytical techniques and processes required to complete the task.

The Strategic Report should address the following:

2) Analyse the resources and key competences of the organization to identify a set of Strengths and Weaknesses and identify core competences (key factors that may give the company its competitive advantage). (30%)

3) Evaluate the given strategy (as per chosen case) using SAFe criteria. (30%)

A further 10% is available for clarity, structure, grammar, correct Harvard referencing and overall professional presentation showing clear report style.

Note that the emphasis is on application! This assignment is not about general (or critical) discussion of strategic models. You are asked to apply these models to the case chosen. Appropriately referenced data should be used in support of your arguments and discussion.

The report should not exceed 3,000 words + 10%.  Appendices are allowed outside this limit but NO MORE than 6 pages.

How will we support you with your assessment?

There will be weekly references to the assessment task in seminars and weekly activities in those seminars will be helpful in creating “scaffolding” for eventual submission.

The formative mini-casework in seminars will be of direct help in the application of relevant strategic tools. There will be regular Q&A sessions linked to the assessment report and in the final weeks of teaching there will be an opportunity to review and reflect upon work from previous cohorts.

How will your work be assessed?

Your work will be assessed by a subject expert who will use the marking scheme indicated below.  Feedback will be given in the Turnitin/Grademark system with script comments plus overall points. When you access your marked work it is important that you reflect on the feedback so that you can use it to improve future assignments.

In this Strategic Report, high marks come from using strategic concepts and analysis from the module clearly applied to the organization. Harvard referencing, a professional report style plus appropriate diagrams/tables are also required. Outline marking expectations are as follows:

Q1: (30%) External analysis.

Discuss the business environment and identify a number of Opportunities – Os and Threats – Ts (we expect 6 issues from business environment to be discussed in total each of which concluded as an O or a T). Please note that there is no need to address each factor (if for example there are no important legal or technological issues do not discuss these factors). Your task is to identify and discuss 6 most important issues in your opinion. Demonstrate how an issue is an Opportunity or a Threat.

Industry analysis (5 Forces) should be applied to assess industry attractiveness (each force should be discussed and assessed as High, Moderate or Low and industry attractiveness should be assessed having these forces in mind).

Make sure that you use appropriately referenced data (charts, figures, quotes etc) to support your arguments. Also, note that this is an external analysis so it is not about the firm but about issues in that industry (in context).

Q2: (30%) Internal analysis.

Identify and discuss organizations unique resources & distinctive capabilities (at least 6 Strengths and Weaknesses should be covered in total). Discuss resources (what a company has) and competences (activities) separately.

While addressing unique resources (physical – e.g. retail outlets, manufacturing facilities, products etc.; human – e.g. people and teams crucial for successful strategic development; intangible – e.g. brands, links to external stakeholders etc. and possibly financial) make sure that each is discussed separately and concluded as an S or a W.

While discussing distinctive competences construct Value Chain for the organisation and within list a number of specific and distinctive activities for your organization. Demonstrate how unique capabilities link to competitive advantage (each distinctive competence from Value Chain should be “pushed” through VRIO to identify Core Competences for the organization). Once you identify one (or two at most) core competence provide a discussion about these below Value Chain or VRIO (what is the activity and how does it contribute to firm’s competitive advantage). Note that all competences listed n value chain (and VRIO) should be company’s Strengths (Weaknesses could be discussed in a descriptive fashion separately). Again, use properly referenced data to support your arguments. This question is about the company (internal analysis).

Q3: (30%) Strategy Evaluation

Evaluate the given strategy – please see “Cases for the assignment” on moodle) using the three SAFe tests:

Construct TOWS populating Os, Ts, Ss and Ws fully (all Os and Ts obtained from Q1, all Ss and Ws obtained from Q2). Place the strategy you are evaluating in one of the inner sections and try to associate it to one or more internal and one or more external items while addressing Suitability (e.g. if you place a strategy in S-O quadrant identify appropriate S or Ss combined with O or Os while contemplating this strategy).

Construct Power/Interest matrix with a number of relevant stakeholders, then choose two stakeholder groups that will be affected with the strategy and for each discuss if the strategy you are evaluating is acceptable not and why.

While addressing Feasibility, comment on financial resources and skills required for implementation of the strategy being evaluated.

Note that it is a specific strategy that is evaluated!

PRESENTATION: (10%) We expect a professional report with clear report style (not an essay) e.g. frontsheet, contents, clear sections, tables & diagrams and relevant Harvard referencing. The word count should not be exceeded by more than 10%.

(In addition to marker feedback, a full marking rubric will be available within the Turnitin submission system for student consideration.)

Marking and feedback process

Between you handing in your work and then receiving your feedback and marks, there are a number of quality assurance processes that we go through to ensure that students receive marks which reflects their work. A brief summary is provided below:

  • Step 1 – The module and marking team meet to agree standards, expectations and how feedback will be provided.
  • Step 2 – A subject expert will mark your work using the criteria provided in the assessment brief.
  • Step 3 – A moderation meeting takes place where all members of the teaching and marking team will review the marking of others to confirm whether they agree with the mark and feedback.
  • Step 4 – Work at Levels 5 and 6 then goes to an external examiner who will review a sample of work to confirm that the marking between different staff is consistent and fair.
  • Step 5 – The Office process your mark & feedback & it is made available to you.

Describes how you would use the child’s occupational interests to both enhance development and enable attainment of occupational goals.

Bachelors and Masters Assessment Task 2 – Recorded PowerPoint

Task Instructions

Working individually, you are required to produce a recorded PowerPoint presentation:

You must consider the scenario provided involving a young child and his/her family. You must use this information to construct a recorded PowerPoint presentation that includes a video thumbnail of you. The presentation must be appropriate for broadcast to families of children.

Time limit: 15 minutes (Minimum 6 slides but no maximum limit applies)

Weighting: 35%

  1. Preparation
  2. Consider the scenario described on the next page. Think about:
    • The features of the context for the client and his family
    • The child’s occupational interests
    • Typical developmental milestones for a child of this age
    • Typical occupations a child of this age would engage in (consider play, learning, self-care, sleep and rest, social occupations, as well as the occupations of the family that he would be drawn into).
    • The possible impact of the child’s condition on both his development and his engagement in occupation
    • How delays in one area of development might limit engagement in occupation, which in turn could impact on development in other areas
  3. Consider the nature of occupations that a child of this age would typically engage in, and how those occupations would facilitate all aspects of their development. In particular, consider the impact on fine motor developmental milestones
  4. Think about how you, as an occupational therapist, could use the child’s occupational interests to enhance development of his fine motor skills
  5. Understand how attainment of developmental milestones in fine motor development could contribute to the attainment of the occupational goals described in the scenario
  6. Become familiar with the recorded PowerPoint function as demonstrated in class

Task Description

You are required to consider the scenario provided involving a young child and his family. You must use this information to construct a narrated video PowerPoint presentation that:

  1. Demonstrates your understanding of the situation for the child and his family.
  2. Describes the relationship between developmental milestones and occupational performance, and
  3. Describes how you would use the child’s occupational interests to both enhance development and enable attainment of occupational goals.

Define and identify the tenants of ethical leadership-Identify and exercise ethical decision making in the context of leadership.

Need to provide a 4-page background information report about the 2001 Enron Scandal. Identify the problems and provide details about the underlying causes of the problem. Make sure to describe an outline of events. What ever some unethical issues? You will be required to filter, apply, and distill the concept presented in any of the chapter textbook (chapters 1-12), including course objectives and outcomes.

Reference page: You will submit 3 Ethical Leadership-related sources in addition to your textbook (“Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership: Casting light or Shadow”, Sixth Edition, Craig E. Johnson, 2018) for a total of 4 sources.

Course objectives and outcomes:
• Define and identify the tenants of ethical leadership.
• Identify and exercise ethical decision making in the context of leadership.
• Assess the ethical climate of an organization.
• Characterize appropriate responses to ethical crises.

Discuss how effective cost management may have far-reaching impact, such as on organizational bond ratings.

Assume the role of a healthcare financial management consultant (choose a place or hospital or insurance in state of New Jersey) for a healthcare organization striving to manage its costs more efficiently. In a five-page paper, address the following:
Complete an introductory discussion related to the importance of effectively managing costs of healthcare organizations in the context of reducing cost of care while improving quality of care.
Discuss various methods healthcare organizations may use to allocate costs. Make recommendations to your client on the cost-allocation method(s) appropriate for its operations.
Discuss how the cost-allocation method and and cost-assembling method you have recommended may help the organization identify wastes in resources and manage costs more efficiently.
Discuss how effective cost management may have far-reaching impact, such as on organizational bond ratings.
Your paper must also include a title page, abstract, and references; these are not included in the five-page count. . Your paper should be written following current APA style guidelines. Use up to date references Journal USA sources.

Do authors highlight problems in introducing and developing different training approaches?

Literature Review
Literature review sources examples;
Relevant – Academic books, articles, journals, institutes, expert unbiased statements etc
Linked to your research project, undertake a wide literature review to identify;
Expert opinions – Proven facts – data – evidence
Qualitative and quantitative secondary information and data.

Analyse and critically compare (eg agreements / disagreements)
Form arguments and conclusions.
Analyse quantitative research (Form conclusions, do not simply state facts)
Project:- How can training and development positively impact on employee performance and productivity.

Hypothesis:- Continuous training and development contributes towards achieving organization aims and objectives.
You are researching into different forms of training and development approaches which contribute to achieving organization objectives.

Example approaches, you could;
Different authors views on different training approaches – agreements/disagreements
Is there evidence that certain training approaches work in certain circumstances.
Do authors promote deploying certain training and development approaches.
Can different training approaches in non business sectors be applied in business sectors?
Do authors highlight problems in introducing and developing different training approaches?
Are there errors in authors methods, perspectives and conclusions?
Are authors past perspectives no longer relevant.
Are sources valid/invalid? Biased/unbiased?
Are there gaps in authors research which questions validity of their views?

Critically review and analyze the approaches to dealing with public protection, vulnerability and risk within the context of national and international investigation.

CRIM 2012 Final Assessment Contemporary Issues in Police Leadership and Management

Case Study of Policing and Disaster Prevention and Response


Walmington-on-Sea is a village in a very popular south coast tourist resort with sightseeing locations by the sea. The resort draws hundreds of thousands of people from around the world, and the UK in particular, during peak seasons. It has a lot of local day visitors and those who rent accommodation or stay in nearby hotels for longer periods.

The location is also popular with boating and fishing enthusiasts and those who enjoy waterborne activities. As a consequence both the seaside and surrounding shops and restaurants are packed with visitors and locals going about their business. One of the attractions of the place for many visitors is that the sea is close to many local communities which facilitates a good interaction between these two groups.

Particular unique features of local towns generally and those leading to the seaside are worthy of mention. Most of the roads in and out of the towns are usually old and very narrow roads which struggle to manage the heavy traffic, particularly coaches and buses going to the seaside. Some of the roads are in quite poor condition. As a consequence traffic is slow and often congested for a few miles until the dual carriageway links onto the main motorways which takes you to the major cities.

Similar to Leicestershire the location has an elaborate waterway system which consists of lakes, rivers, and canals and is below sea level which means it  periodically experiences quite serious flooding. Over the last couple of years this seems to be becoming more regular. On one of these occasions, over two billion litres of water rushed down the valley straight into Walmington-on-Sea. Floodwater gushed into houses, shops and pubs. Cars, walls and even bridges were washed away. The church was filled with six feet of mud and water. Trees were uprooted and swept into peoples’ gardens. The weight of water eroded river banks, damaged gardens and pavements.

The UK Government Environment Agency has a made an announcement that a further potentially heavy storm and rain system appears to be heading for the south coast, which is currently identified as a category three storm, but may increase to an unprecedented category four when it hits landfall. The storm is expected to hit landfall on Friday 10th April 2020 and could last for anything from two to three days if not more. This leaves the police and relevant agencies seven days (from date of your assessment) before the storm is expected to hit the South Coast potentially causing serious issues.

Police Role

The police may be the lead agency (at least in the first instance) for major incidents and unforeseen events of this kind. You are advisors based in the local area attached to the police Operational and Planning Division. As the advisor your role is to assist the development of good practice in major operations and planning.

Your task is to help develop a good and sound operational plan for disaster prevention and response to the oncoming storm. As the police and other agencies will have their traditional ways of responding to such emergencies, you will need to consider the most effective personal leadership style or approach that can be utilised in order for you to influence key individuals and groups within the police and beyond it, if and when required. You do not possess command and line authority.

Use the Joint Decision Making Model/ NDM to consider this contemporary issue. Consider the range of resources required and potential additional resources such as voluntary organisations, and charitable associations among others who can be called upon. Resources can also include technical tools and aids that you may require. Your plan (in essay form) must demonstrate consideration of clear lines of responsibility, accountability and communication. Given the impending disaster ensure you research the effectiveness of key agencies, such as the police, military or defence forces, health service, resilience forums and other organisations/institutions and the potential challenges and possible deficiencies which have to be taken into consideration.

Finally, it is important to stress even though there is a seven day window before the storm hits landfall, this is the best technical estimate, but in reality this could occur earlier. Your planning should take this into consideration.


An individual 2500 word essay answering the following:

Considering major incidents and partnership responsibilities develop a comprehensive plan for the police’s role in reducing the impact of the oncoming storm and its implications, identifying the limits of the police responsibilities and the role of other key partners.

Assessment Format: 2500 word essay

Assessment weighting: 60%

Assessment Marking guide:

  • Engage with the module learning outcomes and the module taught material and associated literature.
  • Include relevant theories, associated models or frameworks & evidence-based academic research.
  • Reflect on the learning and comments of others to answer the question.
  • Requires accurate, appropriate referencing (The Reference List will not be counted towards the word count but is required).
  • Submission via turnitin in Arial 12pt font with one and a half or double line spacing.
  • Sub-headings should not be used.
  • Diagrams should not be included.

Assessment Module Learning Outcomes:

  • Within an investigatory context critically understand and analyze the multi-agency relationships involved in identifying and reducing vulnerability, risk and crime.
  • Critically review and analyze the approaches to dealing with public protection, vulnerability and risk within the context of national and international investigation.
  • Review and critically analyze the relationship between crime prevention and community engagement in the context of legitimacy, ethics and professional investigatory standards.

What did you learn from the study? How might you apply the results in a future application? Explain how this study might relate to the lab, lab topic, and/or your project.

Critical Reflection of a Journal Article (USE THIS AS A GUIDE –  REFERENCE THE SAME ARTICLE)

Summarizing research articles will help you to develop your critical thinking skills and your ability to express yourself in the written form. A research article is written to get across a lot of information quickly to a reader. Reading such articles can be tedious and sometimes frustrating unless you are familiar with scientific writing and the reasons for this style. Research articles are highly structured to make information easy to find. Unlike literary writing, scientific writing emphasizes quantifiable information; as a result, the writing is very lean and extra words are avoided.

A research article has the following major sections: Title Page, Abstract, Introductions, Method, Results, Discussion, References, Tables and Figures. An article summary highlights the information in the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Before you can write such a summary, you need to read and understand the article.

Reading the Article

  • Allow enough time. Plan to spend at least one half of the time you devote to this assignment to reading and understanding the article. Before you can write about research, you have to evaluate it. Before you can evaluate it, you have to understand it. Before you can understand it, you have to digest it. Before you can digest, you have to read it, thoroughly. This takes more time than most students realize.
  • Scan the article first. You will get bogged down in detail if you try to read a new article from start to finish. Initially you should briefly look at each section to identify:
    • general information about the study (stated in the Abstract and Introduction)
    • the hypothesis (-es) or research questions (in the Introduction)
    • the test of the hypothesis, including the sample, variables and operational definitions, and the procedures used (in the Methods)
    • the findings (in the Results, including tables and figures)
    • how the findings were interpreted (in the Discussion).
  • Read for depth. After you have highlighted the question, hypothesis, findings, and interpretations, go back to the article to read about each area in more detail. Now you should expect to read each section more than once. Expect not to fully understand the article the first time. You will have to read it more than twice before you can talk about it in your own words.

Remember that you are digesting information, not swallowing it whole. If an idea is relevant to your topic, you should be able to summarize it in your own words. If you can’t, you probably don’t understand it.

Article Conditions:

  • Must be from a peer reviewed source
    • American Chemical Society and Royal Society of Chemistry are two of the biggest publishers
  • Cannot be more than 50 years old
  • Must be a chemistry research article (not a review article)
  • Must be related to your approved individual proposal topic

Article Critical Reflection Questions

Bibliographic Information:

Article Title: Spectrophotometric Determination of Vitamin C in Pharmaceutical Preparations using Ammonium Metavanadate.

Journal: Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry

Year: 2017   Volume: 10, Issue 3    Page Numbers: 341-344

Other Identifying information if not a journal:

How did you locate this article?

I found this article by logging onto the library database website. I clicked on “New search” and typed “Determination of vitamin C by titration” and I didn’t find anything I was interested in. So, I typed “Determination of vitamin C by spectrophotometry” and refined my search from newest to oldest, peer-reviewed, and articles only. This article was the third up out of 10,333 search results.


  • In 100 to 150 words summarize the main idea of the paper in laymen terms (non-scientist). Include your word count at the end of the summary.

The aim of this experiment was to test the Spectrophotometric method for measuring the concentration of vitamin C in pharmaceutical products such as Orange peel, Alma squash and Astymin C in order to compare the values obtained to the values on the manufacturer’s label. A Spectrophotometer is an instrument that passes light through a solution and measures how much light it has absorbed (Absorbance, A), but there has to be a color gradient based on the concentration of vitamin C. To accomplish this, ammonium metavanadate was added to the vitamin C, forming a green color which was bolder with increased vitamin C concentration. Using portions of known vitamin C concentration and getting their absorbances, a Beer’s law plot of Absorbance vs Concentration (μg/cm3). Unknown concentrations can be found using the equation of the trendline, of this graph: Absorbance, y = Slope, m (Concentration, x) + y-intercept, C.

(147 words)


  • In your own words, describe the specifics of what this study involved. What where the samples? How were they grouped? What analysis did they complete? Under what conditions? For how long? What was measured? What was being compared?

In this experiment, each of the pharmaceutical products such as Orange peel, Alma squash and Astymin C were prepared differently based on their stock solution, to 1000ppm. For the Orange peel power, they weighed out 10 grams of the powder, diluted to 250 mL of distilled water, boiled for 5 hrs., filtered using Whatman 41 paper, and 5mL was used. For the Amla squash, 10 mL of stock was diluted to 100 mL and 10 mL was used. Lastly for the Astymin C drops, 0.1 mL of stock was diluted to 100 mL and 1 mL was used. Their recommended procedure was to use 1 mL of a solution of 1000 ppm vitamin C with 1 mL of a 0.5 % w/v ammonium metavanadate (prepared by dissolving 0.5g of ammonium metavanadate in 100 mL of distilled water) made to a 25 mL solution using distilled water. This solution was in the 5.0-6.0 pH range.

The maximum wavelength was 395 nm and this was gotten using an absorption spectra of the complex against a blank. It was found that the complex and color was unstable past four hours, however, the color showed instantly. A Beer’s law plot of Absorbance vs Concentration (μg/cm3) was done for known concentrations of vitamin C, and then used to find the concentration of the Unknowns using the equation of the trendline, of this graph: Absorbance, y = Slope, m (Concentration, x) + y-intercept, C. There was no table showing the data values for the known compounds. The results of this method was tested using the pH metric method to validate the results, but this was done only with the Orange squash sample.

For the tools, a. Boush and Lomb spectronic-20 was used with 1cm matched glass cell. Potassium chromate in KOH solution and potassium permanganate in sulphuric acid solution was used to calibrate the spectrophotometer, using an absorption spectra. This was not explained in detail. The pH meter was also calibrated, done pH 4.0, 7.0 and 9.2 buffer solutions.


  • In your own words discuss the major findings and results. How useful or significant is this (what did the author(s) say about it?)

For the calibration curve the line was y= 0.009x + 0.014 with an R2 value of 0.9951. Because the R2 value is strong, the correlation is also strong.

For the Orange peel powder, the Spectrophotometric method gave 52.00 ± 4.62 μg/cm3 and the pH metric method 49.00 ± 3.35 μg/cm3 which is very close. There was no data on the manufacturer’s concentration.

For the Amlasquash (Nutri value) the Spectrophotometric method gave 63.33 ±5.76 μg/cm3 with a factory value of 65 μg/cm3, which is also close.

For Astymin C drops the Spectrophotometric value was 66.66 ± 5.77 μg/cm3 and the factory value was 70 μg/cm3 . No data for pH method.

The precision and accuracy of the method was tested by doing 8 replicate sampeles of each solution of 200.0 μg of vitamin C. The average was .94±0.028 at 95% confidence level. The standard deviation was 0.0394 and the variance was 0.0016.

Personal comments:

  • Give your reaction to the study? Such as: What did you learn from the study? How might you apply the results in a future application? Explain how this study might relate to the lab, lab topic, and/or your project. Do you think this is scientifically valid? You must defend your answer.

This was an adaptation of what was learned in class. I believe it was necessary to do both pH metric and spectrophotometric methods to test the result.

On 11 November 1975, Governor-General Sir John Kerr dismissed Prime Minister Gough Whitlam. Was this action constitutionally justified? Critically discuss.

Research Essay LAWS3000 Constitutional Law Session 1, 2020
Question: On 11 November 1975, Governor-General Sir John Kerr dismissed Prime Minister Gough Whitlam. Was this action constitutionally justified? Critically discuss.

Format and Word Count:
Essays must be submitted in double line spaced text, 12 point font (use Times New Roman or Arial). The word limit is 2,000 words, excluding footnotes (there will be an allowance plus or minus 10% of the word count). Footnotes should only be used for references, with no further discussion. A bibliography should not be provided. Do not submit a pdf. Submissions must be a word document.
The essay must comply with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation. The Guide is available here < https://law.uni
Late submissions will be penalized according to the unit guide.
In your response, you are expected to critically engage with the essay question. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer, provided this is strongly argued and demonstrates evidence of appropriate legal research (eg drawing upon relevant case law, academic literature and so on) going beyond the set readings for the course.
Although a strong answer would demonstrate an understanding of the social, political and historical context surrounding this event, please remember that this is a legal essay – thus the focus of your analysis should be on the constitutional issues implicated.
Assessment Grading
Please see the marking rubric on iLearn for further details.