
In order to avoid empty shelves what should he do, if anything, about the price he charges for the widget?

A store manager in a nearby town has had a serious problem for several months.  It seems he has a  product (I’ll call the product the widget) which many consider a necessity. Customers seem to flood his store in search of this product and as a result by end of each week when he customarily restocks his shelves he has sold out and as a result he has a number of unhappy customers.  In order to avoid empty shelves what should he do, if anything, about the price he charges for the widget?

Critically evaluate the extent to which you agree with the statement that corporate governance helps ensure achievement and retention of shareholders’ wealth using your selected company.

Submission details:

  • The deadline for submission into registry is on the Hand in Date shown on the Feedback sheet (1st Page)
  • Students are to submit via Moodle before due date
  • Students must submit before due date. Any assessments brought after will not be accepted

Key Skills: The key skills addressed through this assessment are logical reasoning, analysis, evaluating, synthesis, learning and study, structure and consistency.

Harvard Referencing: Complete reference list which MUST conform to the Harvard System of Referencing must be included at the end of your assignment and in text citations where appropriate.

Learning Outcome

  • Calculate, as demonstrated in lectures and seminars, and interpret investment ratios and other performance measures to facilitate the valuation of shares/businesses in the context of mergers and acquisitions.
  • Evaluate competing theories relating to capital gearing and dividend policy and their impact on the development of corporate policies.

Assessment Brief:

You are required to select a public limited company from the list below, conduct research and write a 3,000-word assignment addressing the following questions:

  1. Analyse the firm’s financial performance during the last three years. Identify the financial actions taken and policies adopted during these years, as far as you can tell from the available information. Investigate and discuss to what extent you think the company has been able to increase shareholders’ wealth through the financial actions you have identified. (30%)
  2. Critically evaluate important qualitative factors analysts should consider when evaluating a firm’s likely future financial performance. (20%)
  3. Critically evaluate the extent to which you agree with the statement that corporate governance helps ensure achievement and retention of shareholders’ wealth using your selected company. (20%)
  4. Carry out a valuation of the company following three valuation methods seen in class and compare it to the company’s market value (Stock price) (30%)

Substantiate your answer with appropriate theories or concepts, relevant supporting calculations and empirical evidence/examples.

Assignment/coursework general submission requirements:

  • The coursework is due for submission at the reception.
  • Your formulae, workings and ratios should be shown in your appendices, not in the main body of your work.
  • Your student identification number must be clearly stated at the top of each page of your work.
  • A declaration that the work is your own (apart from otherwise referenced acknowledgements) must be included after the title page of your assignment.
  • Each page must be numbered.
  • Please use a minimum font size of 14.
  • Where appropriate, a contents page, a list of tables/figures and a list of abbreviations should precede your work.
  • All referencing must follow Harvard referencing.
  • A word count must be stated at the end of your work.
  • Your course, year of study and the relevant module must be included as a “footer” on each page.
  • Appendices should be kept to the minimum and be of direct relevance to the content of your work.
  • All tables and figures must be correctly numbered and labelled.
  • Your assignment/coursework should be submitted in one A4 transparent pocket.
  • Standard assessment regulations apply. You must reference your work as required by Cardiff Metropolitan University regulations and must include a bibliography.

Assessment Marking Criteria

Identification and application of relevant theories/concepts

Use of supporting evidence/workings

Clarity of critical analysis

Structure and presentation

Marking Scheme

Marking of this coursework would be based on the extent to which the following criteria are met.

Assessment criteria

Identification and application of relevant theories/concepts

Use of literature/ evidence of reading

Coherence and clarity of analysis

Structure and presentation

Answers should provide an examination of the key aspects of financial health such as profitability, efficiency, liquidity, financial gearing, and investment, and investigate possible linkages between the firm’s financial actions and shareholders’ wealth.

A more critical discussion by incorporating relevant theories/concepts on potential caveats of financial ratio analysis such as benchmarking, inflation, meaningful set of industry norms, seasonal factors, window dressing techniques, differences in accounting practices, effective use of financial statements, etc would be expected in better answers.

Answers should recognize that sound financial analysis involves more than just calculating numbers and that good analysis requires that certain qualitative factors be considered when evaluating a company. Such factors include whether the company’s revenues are tied to one key customer, the percentage of the company’s business that is generated overseas, the extent to which the company’s revenues are tied to one key product, the likely actions of the current competition and the likelihood of new competitors in the future, the extent to which the company relies on a single supplier, and how the legal and regulatory environment affects the company.

As regards the corporate governance and shareholders’ wealth, answers would be expected to discuss by applying theories relating to capital gearing & dividend policy and their impact on the development of corporate policies and shareholders’ wealth. Answers should be substantiated with appropriate theories or concepts, supporting calculations and empirical evidence/examples wherever relevant.

Marking Scheme

90  –  100        A quite exceptional and outstanding answer, providing insights which would not be available publicly, and would, with some editing, be publishable.  In addition to the features of the next section, this range is distinguished by superior organization, economic use of language and totally comprehensive, given the conditions of the exercise.

80  –  89          An answer which demonstrates an excellent understanding of the question and of the complexity of the issues involved.  There is a sound basis of relevant factual knowledge and/or the theoretical issues involved.  Most of the important issues are dealt with in a detailed, specific and systematic way.  There is either some measure of original thinking in the answer or an accurate and comprehensive account is given in a way which demonstrates understanding, for example by structuring the material such that it could not have been based just on reproduction of lecture notes and programme material.  Evidence of creativity, critical approach, and wide reading beyond the core subject matter.

70  –  79          As above but a slightly less consistently excellent level.  Alternatively, this range of mark may be given for an answer which, while not having original insights, gives comprehensive and accurate coverage of the issues at a high level throughout the answer, without significant omissions or errors.

60  – 69            An answer which demonstrates a clear understanding of the question and grasp of the complexity of the issues involved.  There is a sound basis of relevant factual knowledge and/or of theoretical issues involved, with few significant errors.  The issues involved are dealt with in a systematic way.  Some of the issues may be limited in critical approach, but organized to display a comprehensive understanding and factual information essentially complete.

50  –  59          An answer which demonstrates an understanding of the major or basic issues in the question.  There is a basis of factual knowledge and/or of relevant theoretical issues.  Although some errors may be present, the overall framework of the answer is sensible and accurate.  Most of all the issues may be dealt with at the level of obviously available programme material given to the student.  The answer shows planning in its construction, with a clear train of thought or development of argument present. Average competent performance, well presented, demonstrating understanding of most of the essential issues.

40  –  49          An answer which demonstrates a limited understanding of the major or basic issues in the question.  There is some relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of theoretical issues, but it is patchy.  A few significant errors may be present.  The answer is not well planned, with little development of argument, and often much irrelevant material is present.  Lacks clarity of expression.

The lower range (40-45) would include an answer where relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of theoretical issues is poor and confused, but not absent.  Many significant errors may be present.  The answer is poorly planned, with little clear train of thought or development of argument, and much of the answer may be irrelevant.

38  –  39          An answer which fails to demonstrate any appreciable understanding of the major issues or basic issues of the question.  Relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of theoretical issues, if present at all, is very poor and confused and very limited.  Many significant errors may be present.  Much or all of the answer may be irrelevant.  Poorly organized and very limited in scope.

30  –  37          Attempts an answer, but relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of theoretical issues is very poor and confused, and very limited with many significant errors.

10  –  29          Not clear that an answer is properly attempted.  Only a few minor points made at all relevant to the answer and these may be superficial.  Most material is irrelevant or incorrect.

1  –  9               An answer that is so short or irrelevant that only a few marks are justified.  For example, one or two points may be made which show some peripheral awareness of certain possibly relevant issues.

Demonstrate understanding of the purpose of the procurement process. What are the purposes of the Request for Proposal (RFP), the Request for Information (RFI) and the Request for Quotation (RFQ)?

Construct a plan to build 1-2 effective teams to collaborate in selecting a new EHR system for the clinic.
Identify the professional roles that should be represented on your team(s). You should be prepared for
possible disagreements regarding priorities and processes, so your plan must include at least three (3)
team/consensus building methods.
Part 2 -Evaluate the concepts of change management theories, techniques, and leadership by assessing
typical challenges seen with implementing a new EHR system across an organization. Your evaluation
should demonstrate that you have considered how a transition to EHR would result in the need to plan
for change management interventions. Provide two (2) examples of challenges arising from EHR
adoption and detail the change management theories that you would enact to overcome resistance to
Part 3-Demonstrate implementation of a departmental strategic plan by detailing at least two (2) areas of risk exposure mitigation, organizational or process re-design, training, or communication strategy, as they relate to EHR implementation.
Part 4-Demonstrate understanding of the purpose of the procurement process. What are the purposes of the Request for Proposal (RFP), the Request for Information (RFI) and the Request for Quotation (RFQ)?
Provide detail for when and how to use each to help an HCO more fully identify its needs and the issues
involved with planning for significant projects or purchases.
Assignment Requirements:
● Please complete all parts in a Microsoft Word document.
● The body of your document should be at least 1200 words in length.
● Quoting should be less than 10% of the entire paper. Paraphrasing is necessary.
● Students must cite and reference at least 4 credible sources from the KU Library.
● Please be sure visit the Kaplan Writing Center to assist you with meeting APA expectations for
written Assignments.

Conduct a thematic analysis of an audio clip from an interview held in the Oral History of British Science archive of the British Library.

Conduct a thematic analysis of an audio clip from an interview held in the Oral History of British Science archive of the British Library. Then, write an empirical report of three themes you have identified in your analysis of the interview in answer to the following research question:

What themes does Harry Bhadeshia draw on to talk about the transitional moments in his life?

Evaluate the role and alternative strategic approaches to distribution (including multi & omni- channel strategies).

PART A – 4000 word individual report in two parts (80%)
You are a strategic marketing consultant who has been asked by a client to write a 4,000 word article demonstrating how the modern approaches you use have been developed from a theoretical perspective. The client is considering engaging your agency but needs to ensure your techniques are robust and logical.
First Part
In the first part of your article, consider the concept of authenticity and complete the following two tasks:
1. Critically evaluate the importance of authenticity in modern marketing strategies and how social media can be exploited to increase credibility. (Approximately 1500 words.)
2. What techniques can be used for identifying the characteristics of authentic brands? (Approximately 500 words.)
Second Part
In the second part of your article, explain what consumer value is and address the following two tasks: 1. Taking the marketing mix into account, critically propose ways in which consumer value can be increased, with particular focus on the proposition (product), the channel strategy (place) and use of pricing strategies. (Approximately 1500 words.)
2. Discuss the challenges of measurement and suggest suitable metrics for measuring the success of marketing activities. (Approximately 500 words.)
You must critically research and apply in your article relevant academic theory and sources, course concepts and frameworks and industry material, fully referenced using the Harvard system.
[100 marks]
PART B – 15-minute group presentation, including advert/infomercial (20%)
Clarks have engaged your team (a cutting-edge strategic consultancy) to help them modernize and reinvigorate the Desert Boot.
Since 1950, the Clarks Originals Desert Boot has been a highly regarded and respected shoe. One of the classic styles from within the overall Clarks portfolio, the Desert Boot has enjoyed associations with multiple cultural groups and movements since launch. However, in recent years, growth of trainers and sports shoes have dominated shoe culture. Brands such as Nike and Adidas have built a huge consumer following especially with young males via associations with sport and music. 2020 sees 70 years of the Desert Boot and a time in which authentic, trusted and responsible brands are more important and relevant to consumers than ever before.
How can the Clarks brand tap into current cultural trends and make the much-loved historic Desert Boot ‘cool’ again?
2019/2020 Academic Year
© Pearson College London 2020 3
Working in groups, you are required to:
(i) Prepare a short 15-minute presentation and poster which gives a clear rational and set of recommendations of how the Clarks Originals Desert Boot can become more culturally relevant for young men (18-24) in the UK today.
(ii) Your presentation must include the key elements listed below and also bring your recommendations to life with a visually engaging A1 poster which could be used as the basis of an ad campaign.
Your presentation should address, but is not limited to, the following areas:
 Key objectives  Analysis of the Desert Boot today o Target audience o What is important to the target audience o Aspirational brands o Where the target audience shops o Who the target audience admires  Key competitors  Recommendations for activation  Poster
You must critically research and apply in your presentation relevant academic theory and sources, course concepts and frameworks and industry material, fully referenced using the Harvard system.
[100 marks]
Rules for the Presentation
● You must have a PowerPoint presentation slide to start your presentation with the following information on it: o Title o Module o Group number o Names and student numbers of group members presenting on the day

● You must take part fully and engage in all group work assessments.

● Members of the group will be assessed on the group’s presentation on the day only and will receive the same grade.

● A member of the group who does not take part in the presentation will not receive any marks for the presentation.*

● If a member of the group is absent on the day, the presentation will still go ahead.

● Presentations will stop once the maximum time limit is reached, subject to completion of the sentence being spoken.

● Five minute and one minute warnings will be given as the group comes to the end of the presentation. ● Please remember group work will present you with a number of challenges you wouldn’t face if working individually. We are aware of these and take these into account in marking your work. We will mark you positively on the day if you as a group present professionally and constructively, even if something goes wrong on the day or has gone wrong or not as well as you would have hoped along the way.
* Non-attendance may be justified if it is for reasons of extenuating circumstance, which Student Services have been notified of with supporting evidence.

2019/2020 Academic Year
© Pearson College London 2020 4
Learning Outcomes
The Intended Subject Specific Learning Outcomes:
1) Demonstrate a systematic knowledge and understanding, some of which is informed by the forefront of the discipline, of the strategic role of marketing and branding including their primary functions in the context of the organization and wider environment.

2) Identify and critically evaluate the trends in the environment and apply innovative market research techniques, both qualitative and quantitative, to understand customers behaviour.

3) Critically evaluate the various types of propositions and brands as well as how they are communicated using a variety of channels to increase relevancy and drive value.

4) Evaluate the role and alternative strategic approaches to distribution (including multi & omni- channel strategies).

5) Critically evaluate various pricing strategies and how they impact and influence on consumer decision-making.

6) Identify and describe each of the elements that make up the marketing mix and critically evaluate their strategic influence on delivering a branded overall customer experience.

7) Describe and critically evaluate the various marketing effectiveness metrics and tools as well as determine the key challenges faced in measuring marketing activities.

The Intended Generic Learning Outcomes.
1) Demonstrate decision-making in complex and unpredictable contexts.

2) Communicate appropriately to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

3) Critically evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts and data (that may be incomplete), to make judgements, and identify and solve problems, some of which is informed by the forefront of the discipline.
Assessment method
LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 LO7 G1 G2 G3
Group Presentation

Discuss how we saw Sam Harris promote this belief. Next, provide some of the reasons that Dr. Keller gives for challenging this belief. Do you agree more with Keller or Harris, and why?

In 1-1.5 pages, Times New Roman, double spaced font, respond to the following prompt. Be sure to cite both The End of Faith and Making Sense of God in your response:

A critical secular belief that Tim Keller challenges in Ch. 2 of Making Sense of God is the idea that religion is based purely on faith and secularism on evidence (i.e., reason – understood empirically). First, discuss how we saw Sam Harris promote this belief. Next, provide some of the reasons that Dr. Keller gives for challenging this belief. Do you agree more with Keller or Harris, and why?

Critically discuss the role of the nurse in leading a team, managing change and maintaining quality of care drawing upon your practice experience.

The assignment title:

Critically discuss the role of the nurse in leading a team, managing change and maintaining quality of care drawing upon your practice experience.

You need to include;

  • Critical consideration of professional transition, leadership and change management.
  • Demonstrate how leadership and team working abilities enhance patient care.
  • Critically consider issues of quality relevant to nursing care delivery.
  • Discuss how nursing care delivery is informed by research and evidence.
  • Reflection upon your own transition to autonomous nursing practice.
  1. What does the question mean?
  2. Break it down into smaller elements:

What is the role of the nurse in leading a team?

Consider leadership styles, essential skills of a good leader, draw on examples of good leadership/poor leadership you may have experienced in practice.

Consider what effective team work is, what skills are needed, team culture. Draw on any examples of good/poor teamwork or team cultures you may have experienced.

Consider the impact on patient care of leadership and team working.

What is the role of the nurse in managing change?

Consider why the nurse has to manage change, how can change be managed effectively – consider change models, the human impact of, and response to change and how this can be managed. Draw on any experiences of change in your practice experience.

What is the role of the nurse in maintaining quality of care?

Think about the individual nurse and accountability

Consider what quality care is, how do we know it has taken place and how is it measured. What systems, processes govern quality of care  – clinical governance, research evidence and dissemination.

You are additionally asked to consider professional role transition and reflect on your own transition to autonomous practice

Explore role transition theories and apply them to your movement from student to staff nurse. How will you use this knowledge to prepare you for being a registered nurse and to manage your transition. How do you think these models could be used by nurse leaders to improve the transition experience?

Critical discussion

With all of these elements you need to take a critical approach. Do not just describe the various theories and models you refer to, be critical about them. Maybe some models aren’t applicable to healthcare for example, or you may find critiques of the models in the literature.

Apply the models and theories to you practice experience. You might consider how they could have been useful in situations you have observed or it may be that you now realise that a particular leadership approach was being used for example. Was this appropriate, inappropriate?

Remember, when you consider opposing views, draw some conclusion from them.

Also, be critical about the literature you use

General academic writing:

You assignment should start with an introductory paragraph which sets out the aims of the essay. What is this assignment going to discuss, what is its purpose?

Structure your work in paragraphs which have a clear focus. The first sentence of a paragraph should be a statement of a key point which is then discussed and evidenced during the paragraph. Then move on to the next key point in a new paragraph.

Ensure there is a logical flow in the order of your key points so it leads the reader through the discussion towards some conclusions.

Complete your essay with a concluding paragraph which shows what you have demonstrated in your essay. Do not just list your key points. Summarize and draw some conclusions from your discussion.

Here is a quick example;

The following essay will explore the life of tadpoles in a glass container. It will consider the water quality, the options of flora and the impact of children watching it on the growth of the tadpoles…

The paragraphs will be – what the normal life of a tadpole is, what options of flora there are and the advantages and disadvantages of them, what impact the children watching has….

It has been demonstrated in the above discussion that the life of tadpoles is complex, dominated by a persistent transition process. While many different flowers are suitable to keep alongside the developing tadpole, none are preferable and personal choice should be applied. Although research demonstrates that watching tadpoles is therapeutic for children, there is insufficient evidence to suggest that being watched has any impact on the growth rate of tadpoles.

Academic style:

This is an academic essay so should be written in the third person, however, you are being asked to relate the discussion to practice and to reflect on your transition. Therefore if you defer to the first person in these areas, you would not be penalized. Some ways of expressing your experience without using ‘I’ are:

It has been observed in clinical practice that…

A situation experienced in clinical practice was..

In the authour’s experience…

Duscher’s transition theory is already relatable to the authour’s experiences as a third year student nurse…

Do not waste all your time and energy presenting your work in this manner and become overwhelmed. Demonstrating you have addressed the assignment question and met the learning outcomes is of primary importance.

Academic Supervision:

Academic supervisors will provide group supervision. Individual supervision will be provided in accordance with individual student Learning Support Plans. It is your responsibility to request and access this if you have an identified plan.

Supervisors will additionally provide brief written feedback on an essay plan and/or a contextualized 600 word draft extract.

In the unlikely event that you experience difficulty in receiving feedback from your allocated supervisor, please make the module leaders aware. It is your responsibility to escalate this.

Academic supervision will not be provided in the week prior to assignment submission date in accordance with University guidance.


If you require an extension for your assignment please follow guidance in the module handbook.

Identify and describe at least 3 less-than-lethal options that are available to law enforcement.

Identify and describe at least 3 less-than-lethal options that are available to law enforcement.
Identify and describe at least 1 new less-than-lethal or nonlethal technology that is currently under development.
Make sure to include the following in your paper:
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using less-than-lethal weapons?
What are some of the concerns about the inappropriate use of less-than-lethal weapons, such as torture?
What use of force policies would you suggest to govern the use of less-than-lethal weapons?
Include a title page, abstract, and separate reference page.

Additional Resources

Body Worn Cameras (BWCs) for Criminal Justice: Market Survey

This market survey report aggregates and summarizes information on commercial BWCs to aid criminal justice practitioners considering planning, acquisition and implementation of the technology in their agency.
Law Enforcement Technology Report

The job of law enforcement is evolving—and law enforcement must keep track of ever-changing technologies so they can continue to perform at their best as they serve their communities. This report provides statistics on law enforcement technology use and how new technologies have improved the performance of law enforcement officials in addition to identifying what the future may bring.

What is its use in explaining the phenomenon of diffusion before, during and after diffusion?

All references must be from books and journals from 2017 until 2020

Regarding DOI (diffusion of innovation) theory 4 pages example (latest references 2017 ,2018, 2019, 2020) journals and book only
– What are the definitions?
– Whether this has been used to explain behavioral intention to use IOMT?
– What are the pros and cons of using DOI in the context of IOMT?
– What is its use in explaining the phenomenon of diffusion before, during and after diffusion?
– Why other theories cannot explain in IOMT usage?
– What is that we do not know regarding applying DOI to explain usage of IOMT and how it can be extended to the concept of IOMT?

Regarding 1.5 pages
– definition of Task-technology fit (TTF) theory in terms of usage
– Advantages and disadvantages ( for each adv, disd needs references for each point you mention.
– Is the model used currently if yes give example ( latest references 2017 ,2018, 2019 , 2020 ) journal and book only.
– The use of model in healthcare practically about the usage if its useful for IOMT devices give examples ( latest references 2017 ,2018, 2019 , 2020 ) journal and book only.

Regarding 1.5 pages
– definition of (UTAUT model ) theory in terms of usage.
– Advantages and disadvantages ( for each adv, disd needs references for each point you mention
– Is the model used currently if yes give example (latest references 2017 ,2018, 2019 , 2020 ) journal and book only.
– The use of model in healthcare practically about the usage if its useful for IOMT devices give examples (latest references 2017 ,2018, 2019 , 2020 ) journal and book only.

What impact did it have on society? The subject’s that make up the chapter in the textbook which the author is using to discuss a topic.

Use the following formula to answer all questions

 Historical representation of documented materials the student must maintain Topicality

  1. Topicality is what the Author is talking about.
  2. Student will generate from research sources an original idea of the topic.

The only questions you need to ask in History

  1. Why is it historically significant? Author’s table of contents of chapters in the textbook.
  2. What impact did it have on society? The subject’s that make up the chapter in the textbook which the author is using to discuss a topic.
  3. This will allow you to amass information on the topics mention in whatever the question is.

For example…what economic, social or political event Impacted Change during that time  and why?

For historical representation of documented materials the student must incorporate primary and secondary sources into their responses……

These are the easiest to remember… DATES & DEFINITIONS!

***These would be found in the Chapter Chronology and the Glossary of terms

**** Historical Inquiry response requires 2 distinctive forms of impact yet there are three that students can use as guides 


Your examples will give specific situations:           Author will use these in his examples:

Issues/Event……what caused it……Economic……………………………….Money, Trade, Commerce

Problem/Solution…..why it happened…………Social………………………Religion, People, Policy

Affects/Effects…….how & when…….Political…………………………………Laws, Rules, government

FYI————-*You need an original idea and any two will do……

  • ESP=1, 2, 3

How to use the formula:

  • Determine the significance and impact of topic……1
  • Use any two of the impacts mentioned above…….2
  • To check your answer for completion make sure your provide supporting documentation using any three of the historical inquiry response methods…….3

Historical inquiry method of response

Who, What, When, Why, Where, & How

Remember……….Any Three will set you free