
What are the key compensation factors that impact employee motivation at Concentrix?


Research Questions;

RQ1: What are the key compensation factors that impact employee motivation at Concentrix?

RQ2: What is the relationship between employee motivational level and compensation policy among employees working on behalf of B.T. at Concentrix.

RQ3: Basing on the recognition compensation policy and the compensation package principle, what are the factors included in the compensation system?

RQ4: What are the compensation factors that mainly impacts the motivation level of employees at Concentrix?

Have three full theory

Herzberg two factor theory

Vroom expectancy theory

And another one

Discuss about incentives and employee performance

What are the utility and limitations of using this scholarly perspective/analysis to analyze the issues you encounter or are concerned with?

A. Students are expected to write one separate response paper (4 pages/around 1000 words, double-spaced; 12-point font; and 1-inch margin). The response paper should cover ONE assigned reading on the topics we cover between Week 6 and 10.
B. The spirit of this response paper is to link what the authors argue to what you think. You are encouraged to critically engage the assigned readings and let me know what you agree with and what you disagree with. Be sure to support your opinions with evidence and careful reasoning.
C. In the response paper, I encourage you to use the following questions as guidelines:
• What are the analytical themes raised in the assigned readings? What are the central arguments that the authors make?
• To what extent do you agree with the analysis that these authors provide?
• What are the utility and limitations of using this scholarly perspective/analysis to analyze the issues you encounter or are concerned with?
• What new questions does an article or book generate? What questions does it leave unanswered?)

Explain to a businessman the different types of costs of production and what they mean in business.

1. Explain to a businessman the different types of costs of production and what they mean in business.

2. Describe the four main market structures, reasons why they exist and give examples of business that adopt each of the structures with reasons.

3. Give examples of and ways of dealing with:

i) Market failure

ii) Positive and negative externalities,

iii) Public goods

iv) Common resources.

Reflect on a change you have experienced or been a part of either professionally or personally within an organization.


Reflect on a change you have experienced or been a part of either professionally or personally within an organization. Describe how it was introduced and led.what would you have done differently? Explain your reasons

Explain what is happening with your primary ratio over the time period you are examining.  Is your ratio increasing—decreasing—trending—describe what is happening to your ratio over this time period.

This week is a little different than the past two weeks. Complete discussion 3 using the financial statements from the firm you have chosen for your AAER paper. Then choose one of the earnings management techniques we have read about (chapters 12 through 18 in the text). Ideally it would be a technique used by your AAER firm but that is not required. You should choose a ratio that would be impacted by the earnings management technique you chose.

First calculate a time series of your ratio using the financial statements as reported.

Second you should recalcuate your ratio using either (A, B or C)

  1. restated financial statements if available,
  2. adjusting the financial statements based on reports in the AAER that indicate by how much the firm misreported a particular account, or
  3. making your own adjustment assuming your firm misreported one or more of its accounts by $100 million.

You will have to choose option C if you chose an earnings management technique that your AAER firm is NOT using. For example, if a firm is reporting bogus revenue of $100 million then accounts receivable would be $100 million to high and revenue would be $100 million to high.

Complete steps 1-7 of the ratio analysis using the as reported numbers and the adjusted numbers and compare them.


Step 1

Find the company or companies on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website.  I recommend that you analyze only one of the two companies but the choice is up to you.  For some students doing two companies and being able to compare and contrast the companies helps them to focus their analysis.  However, for most students the additional work of calculating the ratios for two companies causes them to do a superficial analysis.  The quality of the analysis will influence your grade much more than the quantity of your analysis.  Go to the website to find the financial statements.  In the top right corner click on ‘Company Filings’.  In the box under ‘Company Name’ Type in the company name exactly as I have listed it.  That should get you close enough to see what company to select.  I will assign the companies and the fiscal quarters you should focus on.  The financial statements you want are under filing type 10-Q and 10-K.  If you type in 10-Q or 10-K under the filing type box and then search it will bring up all of the financial statements for the firm.  I would recommend using the 10-Q because quarterly statements are simpler and it is easier to find the financial statements but it is up to you.

Step 2

Calculate several ratios—I would suggest at least one from each of the categories (profitability, liquidity, solvency, and activity/efficiency) from chapter 4 (chapter 11 in Marshall) in the text plus at least one ratio that you have found somewhere else or even made up.  You should examine these ratios over a 4 year period (No need to look at every quarter).  For example you might look at quarter 2 every year for 4 years—including the quarter that I have chosen.  Once you are used to looking up financial statements–if you do this strategically you should be able to examine 4 years of data by looking at only two separate years of financial statements.    Please do not discuss all of these ratios.  Your goal in calculating a number of ratios is to increase your chances of finding a ratio that is interesting and important. 

Step 3

Choose a primary ratio to discuss.  This is a critical choice.  To score above 92 on the discussion posts I expect you to impress me.  You need to point out interesting relations between your ratio and other ratios that help provide insight into one of the companies or insight in comparing the two companies.  A poor choice of your primary ratio makes it difficult to have an impressive discussion.  For example if you choose the current ratio and that ratio has not dramatically changed over the time period you are analyzing (say it fluctuates between 1.5 and 1.7) and it is above 1.2—then this ratio is not capable of providing significant insight into the firm.  Choosing an insightful primary ratio is part of the analysis.  That is why you may want to calculate a number of ratios before you choose the one you think is most interesting.  Do not choose more than one primary ratio to discuss.  It is not uncommon for students to try and discuss and analyze several primary ratios.  In this case I choose the ratio that students have analyzed the best—and completely ignore the rest.  These students often get a mediocre score because it is a lot of work to thoroughly analyze one ratio and because they are trying to do several ratios they end up doing a superficial analysis on all of them.   The quality of the analysis will influence your grade much more than the quantity of your analysis.    



There are some ratios that either do not provide a lot of information or are almost always misinterpreted by students.  Consequently some ratios are banned from your analysis.

Cash Ratio—use the current ratio or acid-test ratio if you want to analyze liquidity

Working Capital—use the current ratio or acid-test ratio if you want to analyze liquidity

Earnings Per Share

Earnings Quality if it is a negative value.

Debt-to-Equity—use the debt ratio instead (total liabilities divided by total assets)

Ratios where the values are negative during the entire time-series you are analyzing. 

Any ratio where the denominator is negative

I also strongly recommend that you do not use market ratios such as dividend yield and the P/E ratio.  These tend to be much more complicated and in 6 semesters of teaching this class I have only seen a few excellent discussion posts that have used a market based ratio for their primary ratio.  Nevertheless if you really want to examine these ratios and are sufficiently confident in your understanding of them then I do not want to restrict you.


Step 4

Explain your definition for your primary ratio.  Provide one sample calculation for one of the quarters you are examining.  For example you might say

—I chose the current ratio.  It is defined as current assets divided by current liabilities.  For Quarter 2 in 2010 the ABC Company has a current ratio of 2.0.  Current assets are 40,250,800.  Current liabilities are 20,125,400.  So the current ratio is 40,250,800/20,125,400 = 2.0.   No need to provide this much detail for every quarter you analyze.  Once is enough for your audience to see your definition and how you calculate it.

Step 5

Discuss why you chose your primary ratio.  What can this ratio tell about the company?  Are their particular values that are significant for this ratio? For example, a ratio of 1.0 for the current ratio is generally considered significant because ratios below one usually point to a lack of sufficient liquidity.  Convince me that your primary ratio is providing insight about the company.

Step 6

Provide a time-series analysis of your primary ratio—at least 4 years (using the same quarter each year).  You should be able to do this by examining two sets of financial statements.  If you are examining quarter 2 for the period from 2000 through 2003 you could look at the financial statements for 2001 and 2003 and that would provide you the information to make calculations for quarter 2 for each year from 2000 to 2003.  Explain what is happening with your primary ratio over the time period you are examining.  Is your ratio increasing—decreasing—trending—describe what is happening to your ratio over this time period.  Everyone should be able to complete steps 1-5.  You are just following my instructions.  This step—step6 and the remaining steps will give each student the opportunity to demonstrate their analyzing abilities and creativity in discussing something interesting and significant about the company and its situation.

Step 7

Examine the numerator and denominator of your primary ratio.  Step 7 and especially step 8 is where each student has the opportunity to demonstrate their analyzing abilities and creativity in discussing something interesting and significant about the company and its situation.  Describe the numerator and denominator.  Describe whether they are increasing or decreasing, trending, or scattered or just what is happening with them over time.  Just like you did with the primary ratio by itself in step 6.  How much of the variation in your primary ratio is explained by the numerator or denominator?  Is one or the other the dominant reason for the value and/or the changes in the value of the primary ratio.  This is where your choice of a primary ratio becomes critical.  If you choose a primary ratio that has not varied over time and neither the denominator nor the numerator are varying then you will not have a very interesting analysis.

Examine whether there is statistically significant difference in the proportion of diabetes cases between the intervention and control groups.

Assessment question for Applied Statistics and Data Analysis for Public Health (MMB725024)

The healthy lifestyle dataset provided is obtained from a hypothetical study which was conducted to evaluate a lifestyle health education intervention. The aim of the intervention was to promote healthy lifestyles among university students. Improving health literacy and reducing weight were some of the objectives of the study. Details of variables in the dataset are presented in tab

  1. Examine whether there is statistically significant difference in the proportion of diabetes cases between the intervention and control groups.

le 1 below.

Using the information provided, conduct statistical analysis to address the following objectives and present your findings in a 3000-word statistical analysis report.

  1. Evaluate the effect of the intervention on body mass index in:
    1. the intervention group
    2. the control group
  2. Evaluate the effect of the intervention on body mass index in the intervention compared to the control group.
  3. Examine whether there is statistically significant difference in the proportion of diabetes cases between the intervention and control groups.
  4. Determine whether there is statistically significant difference in health literacy between the intervention and control groups.
  5. Investigate and explain how health literacy, age and sex can be used to predict post-intervention body mass index among participants in the study.

Table 1. Description and coding of variables in the healthy lifestyle data

Variable name Description Coding information


age of participants  
asthmatic participant’s asthma status i.e. whether participant has asthma or has no asthma


0: No asthma

1: asthma

diabetic participant’s diabetes status i.e. whether participant has diabetes or has no diabetes


0: No diabetes

1: diabetes

Health Literacy percentage health literacy score




height of participants  
intervention Intervention status i.e. whether participants were allocated to the active intervention or control group


1: control group

2: intervention group

location: location of participants (two campuses: campus A  and campus B) 1: campus A

2: campus B



male or female 1: male

2: female

smoke Participant’s smoking status


0: Not smoking

1: Smoking



weight of participants before intervention  


weight of participants after intervention  

NB: you are required to study the nature and properties of the given data and invoke relevant assumptions to inform your choice of statistical techniques.


What concerns should the public have with the actions and authority of the NSA? Should there be more oversight on the NSA and if so who? Would they be as effective with more oversight?

Matthew Aid talks about the history and purpose of the National Security Agency, which, since 9/11, has regularly provided the president with a majority of the information he receives in his daily intelligence briefing. Mr. Aid spoke at the International Spy Museum in Washington, DC.

This activity follows the Activation Principle where the student will recall, describe relevant knowledge and prior knowledge by reviewing the speaker’s presentation and viewing it with a critical eye. The student will then elaborate on the knowledge through the discussion to reflect and consolidate the learning experience.

Initial Post Instructions
After hearing the presentation discuss with your fellow classmates your thoughts as well as answer these questions

1. What concerns should the public have with the actions and authority of the NSA?

2. Should there be more oversight on the NSA and if so who? Would they be as effective with more oversight?

3. What point did you agree with in the presentation and which did you disagree with?

Estimate how much you think the target market is willing to pay for your product/service. Is this due to preferences for social responsibility, ethical behavior, or other intangibles?

Write a short paper on Amazon that addresses the following:

 Corporate mission and how the new product or service aligns with it.

 Defining features of the product(s)/service(s) o How the product will be marketed internally and externally o How the company is differentiating from competition o Alignment of pricing with market position and corporate mission.

 Your substantiated opinion of brand effectiveness.

Section Three: Defining Product or Service Need For your idea, continue your paper by addressing the following:

 Behavioral and/or lifestyle demographics of the targeted consumer or buying style of organizational buyer and why they are a good choice.

 What unsatisfied need the product/service fulfills.

 How the customer/buyer seeks information to fill the need.

 How the product is purchased (characterize the buying situation)

 Why your chosen target market is the best choice.

Section Six: Pricing Using the idea that you have chosen, finish your paper by covering the following:

 Explain the fixed and variable costs and how these fit with the company’s short- and long-term goals. Use a narrative with a table to show calculations for cost categories. Provide reasonable estimates for each of the categories. Specific or in-depth financial analysis is not necessary.

 Examine competitors’ pricing and explain reasoning for differences.

 Estimate how much you think the target market is willing to pay for your product/service. Is this due to preferences for social responsibility, ethical behavior, or other intangibles?

 What pricing strategy (skimming, penetration, economy, or premium) is most appropriate and why?

Discuss government plans to provide stimulus packages in countries of the developed world on one hand and countries of the developing world on the other.

First, we need an introduction section about the topic to layout the foundation.

Then, write a section that discusses whether or not coronavirus will cause a global economic recession. If so, then compare it to previous global recessions and provide evidence.

After that, Discuss government plans to provide stimulus packages in countries of the developed world on one hand and countries of the developing world on the other.

Next, we need a section that discusses the unemployment rate changes in major economic countries, such as the USA, EU countries, Russia and China.

Then, write a section that talks about how the poverty rate. Will it rise or fall after the virus’s outbreak and the effect of such an event. It would be great if you can compare nowadays situation with previous world pandemics.

Add a section that discusses the possible global economic future and predictions of where stock markets of major economic powers are headed.

Add a well-written conclusion.

We need two graphs or diagrams. One should support the mentioned points about the unemployment rate. The other should support the points made about the future of global stock markets. Be critically unbiased when discussing these topics because we need a worldwide view on this matter.

What are the significant industry trends that could impact your company? Building domestic supply chain.

Strategic positioning is an integral aspect of the potential success of a company. Review the resources regarding Kellogg’s (Decline in Cereal Sales Bites into Kellogg’s Results and Will Kellogg’s Cereal Sales Ever Return to Normal?), and consider the different elements that have played a role in the company’s current position, such What are the most significant sources of competition for this company? Ebay comes to mind are there any others?as competition and industry trends.

Then reflect upon Amazon supply chain as it relates to COVID-19 & its economic impact.

What is the background of the current market?
What are the most significant sources of competition for this company? Ebay comes to mind are there any others?
What are the significant industry trends that could impact your company? Building domestic supply chain.
Provide a brief synopsis of the overall market and key segments.

In response to at least two of your peers, discuss trends that may affect their chosen companies and possible impacts on their branding image and business success.