
What are the central features of a socialist legal order written out in law—- and what are the similar paragraphs or phrases used in each of the constitutions?

Look at the constitution of 1974 from East Germany and then compare the main provisions of this constitution with the provisions of the following constitution: Cuba

What are the central features of a socialist legal order written out in law—- and what are the similar paragraphs or phrases used in each of the constitutions?

Use the attached.

Evaluate not only website text (the words the company publishes) but the context of its message. Does it use diverse visual images on pages other than those specifically discussing diversity?

Business to research: Walgreens

In this assignment, your challenge is to determine whether and to what degree a company you select is actually practicing the principles of managing a diverse workforce.

The steps associated with this project are as follows:
1. Select a publicly-traded company (preferably one of the Fortune 500) that has a comprehensive web presence. Increasingly, companies are publishing documents that convey important information (sometimes self-serving!) about their commitment to diversity issues. You can find such documents by going to your selected company’s home page and looking for references to terms such as “diversity”, “corporate social responsibility,” “ethics,” “Code of Conduct,” etc.
2. Analyze this company’s website in depth to form a reasoned opinion regarding its puported commitment to diversity. Address questions including, but not limited to, the following:
• Is diversity mentioned in its Mission Statement or Vision Statement (if either of these is published on its website)? If not, what does this suggest to you?
• Does the company provide a document describing its “(corporate) social responsibility”? If so, does this document address diversity? If not, what does this suggest to you?
• How is diversity presented on its “Careers” or “Employment Opportunities” page?
• Search for other references to “diversity” throughout the corporate website; e.g., in community service, philanthropy, press releases, awards, etc. How comprehensive does this company’s commitment to diversity appear to be?
• Evaluate not only website text (the words the company publishes) but the context of its message. Does it use diverse visual images on pages other than those specifically discussing diversity?
2. Conduct extensive external research (No less than 5 references 2 of which must be academic) about this company’s commitment to diversity, using as keywords the company’s name and terms such as “social responsibility,” “ethics,” “Code of Conduct,” “corporate citizenship,” “labor practices,” and — of course — “diversity.” Does your external research support the impression one would get from viewing the company’s website? If not, how do you explain this discrepancy?

Format Requirements: 12-point Times New Roman, cover page, reference page, APA citations, double spaced

The following subject headings are required:
• Introduction: This section should seize your reader’s interest, preview key points in your analysis, and provide necessary (but not extraneous) background of the company you have chosen to analyze.
• Corporate Website Analysis: How does the company you have chosen to analyze present its commitment to diversity on its corporate website and in information linked to its corporate website?
• Secondary Research: What do objective, external sources indicate about this company’s commitment to diversity? Has it been involved recently in any EEOC litigation? If so, what were the circumstances and if the charges have been resolved, how? Has the company you have chosen won any awards or been criticized in the media for its commitment to diversity or lack thereof?
• Analysis of Commitment to Diversity: Is there any inconsistency between the espoused and enacted values of the company you have chosen with regard to diversity? What do these inconsistencies suggest? Based on your analysis supported by research using credible sources, how would you evaluate this company’s commitment to diversity?
• Recommended Action Plan: Summarize key points in your analysis. Based on your evaluation of this company’s commitment to diversity, what recommendations would you make to management? Why? On what legal requirement, “best practice”, or idea(s) supported by credible source(s) do you base your recommendation(s)?

Discuss how drugs can lead to named organ This should include drug examples, precise mechanisms of toxicity and diseases caused by the toxic drugs.

Advanced Pharmacology and Toxicology CWK2-In-class essay ALTERNATIVE assessment (1500 words critical review)


Answer ONE question only.

Paper is marked out of 100%.

  1. Discuss how pharmacogenomics can affect drug elimination and efficacy (and toxicity) using named examples of drugs, genetic variants and mechanisms of action.
  2. Describe in detail the pathophysiology of heart failure and evaluate current named drug treatments, with mechanisms of action.
  3. Discuss how drugs can lead to named organ This should include drug examples, precise mechanisms of toxicity and diseases caused by the toxic drugs.

What themes and characteristics are common throughout Thomas Paine’s works? Why is he considered a significant literary figure?

Explain the historical and literary time periods during which Thomas Paine lived. In what ways does his work illustrate those periods. In what ways are his works a departure from his era (in what ways do they break new ground)? What themes and characteristics are common throughout Thomas Paine’s works? Why is he considered a significant literary figure? These are the questions that need to be written about.

Conduct a PESTEL analysis to develop a scenario analysis targeted at the year 2030. Explain which scenario represents the greatest threat to Ryannair and which one represents the greatest opportunity.

Instructions: This assessment focuses on the student’s understanding and application of strategic concepts associated with Strategic Position and Strategic Choice (Parts I and II of the textbook).
Report Task Investigate the European airline Ryannair (see the case study in the textbook) and prepare a 2500-word report that demonstrates understanding and application of Strategic Position and Strategic Choice as below:

• Conduct a competitive-forces analysis to determine the attractiveness of the European airline industry and how Ryannair should manage the competitive-forces it faces.

• Conduct a PESTEL analysis to develop a scenario analysis targeted at the year 2030. Explain which scenario represents the greatest threat to Ryannair and which one represents the greatest opportunity.

• Conduct a VRIO analysis to determine the resources and capabilities of Ryannair.

• Use the Strategic Position analysis above to inform the Strategic Choices Ryannair should adopt to improve its chances of being persistently profitable. Present and explain the recommended strategic choices in the Discussion section of the report. Report Structure: Note: Executive Summary, Table of Contents and Reference List do not contribute to the word count.
Section Content Assignment Cover Sheet Assignment/student information. No page numbering. Title Page

• This is developed by the individual student. Identify the unit name & code, assignment title, student name & ID, and the word count.

• The title should provide insight into the focus of the report.

• Note: The Title Page should not have any page numbering. Executive Summary

• A brief overview of the importance of the topic and the aim and findings of the report.

• Must be on a page by itself that is numbered in roman numerals. Table of Contents

• Professional presentation using MSWord Insert Table of Contents function.

• On a page by itself and numbered in roman numerals. Introduction

• Provide topic orientation (what is the topic and why is it important), state the aim of the report, define any key terms and outline what will be presented in the report.

• Page numbering commences. “Page 1” begins at the bottom right hand corner. Body (do not use the word “Body” as a heading)

• Content

• Theory

• Analysis

• Discussion • Context: Overview of the European airline industry and Ryannair.

• Theory: Provide explanation and relevance of Strategic Position and Strategic Choice tools and concepts that will be applied in the report.

• Analysis: Conduct competitive-forces, PESTEL, scenario and VRIO analyses as outlined in the assessment task. Provide diagrams to depict and summarize main findings of the analyses.

• Discussion: Interpret and use findings of preceding analysis to recommend strategic choices for Ryannair. Conclusions

• Restate the aim of report and its significance.

• Summarize main findings/evaluation.

• State limitations of report. Recommendations.

• List in dot point short sentences the strategies for profitability List of References

• Present List of References on a separate page and correctly apply Harvard referencing style. Appendices

• Any additional information, if required.
Report Format: • Perspective – Use 3rd-person perspective when writing.

• Font style – Times New Roman, 12pt, justified, 1½ line spacing.

• Margins – top and bottom to be 2.54cm. Left and right to be 2.54cm. No page borders.

• Spelling – specify Australian English language/grammar when running spell-check.

• Writing – Grammar and expression must conform to the standards.

How has the Corona virus affected emerging market economies, in terms of their output, attractiveness for foreign investment, and exchange rates against the US dollar?

In writing your responses to your chosen topics, please be as detailed and original in supporting your points as possible. Illustrate with examples and graphs when appropriate.

Choose four (and only four) of the following eight topics. Allocate 1 – 1.25 page per topic, exclusive of the question, inclusive of diagrams if applicable.

Find the detailed study guide for the exam attached. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns.

1. Covered interest differentials and covered interest parity. What motivates covered (as opposed to uncovered) borrowing and investing strategy in international finance? Show how market forces tend to cause the covered interest differential to converge to zero, and what can prevent absolute convergence to zero?

2. How has the Corona virus affected emerging market economies, in terms of their output, attractiveness for foreign investment, and exchange rates against the US dollar? What is the strongest economic argument for making loans and aid available to these countries during the crisis?

3. What are the advantages for an emerging market to be a foreign direct investment host country? In your answer, address the incentives for good economic governance, advantages over other forms of capital flows, trade, domestic savings and investment, and economic growth. Describe any potential negative effects of FDI.

4. Some U.S. opponents to trade claim that a trade deficit automatically leads to an overall increase in unemployment. Using your knowledge of the balance of payments, trace through the financial effects of an increase in imports on the U.S. economy. To what extent will the U.S. be able to run a trade deficit without increasing unemployment? Do all countries have this ability?

5. Suppose there is an increase in national income (Y). Illustrate how the increase in Y will affect the home economy in the income adjustment, and in the monetary approach, to the BoP. Use graphs and/or numerical examples to illustrate. How do the conclusions of the two theoretical approaches differ?

6. Based on the article by Stefan Zweig on the German hyperinflation, describe how this event affected prices, the nature of economic exchange, income distribution, and lifestyle at the time. What role did foreign exchange play in the German hyperinflation? What economic policy was required to end the crisis?

7. Show how price elasticities of import and export demand affect the ability of a home country to improve its BoP with a devaluation. Illustrate you answer with a graph of a typical home export good and how the devaluation affects foreign exchange revenues earned. What does this graph imply about the J-curve?

8. Euro Crisis. Show how the introduction of the Euro contributed to the financial crisis in Greece. What role did the absence of economic “shock absorbers” play in the crisis? Despite the crisis, why did most Greeks favor the continued use of the Euro, instead of their legacy currency, the Drachma? What must happen to improve the functioning of the Euro system?

How does/did it accomplish its goal(s)? What methods, arguments, actions, etc. does it use? Was it successful – why or why not?

Week 11 Weekly Check-Ins:
WCI 1: Assignment – Topic Selection, Brainstorming & Thesis Statement
Students need to choose a specific conspiracy theory OR cult, and answer the questions in the directions (this is brainstorming). Students also need to have a working thesis statement.

WCI 2: Assignment – Works Cited Page
Students need to submit all their potential sources. Students must submit 4 of the correct type of sources; students who are having trouble deciding are more than welcome to submit more than four for feedback on which sources are the strongest.
Critical Analysis: Brainstorming Questions
When approaching this essay, students should think about the following questions:
What is the conspiracy theory or cult?
What is trying to accomplish – and why?
How does/did it accomplish its goal(s)? What methods, arguments, actions, etc. does it use? Was it successful – why or why not?
How does/did it seek credibility? Was it successful – why or why not?
What are the reasons that this is considered a conspiracy theory or cult? Why is this not an accepted idea/way of life?
Answering these questions in-depth will provide strong information to begin researching and completing an outline.

Demonstrate a clear understanding of health advice, health promotion and health care practice within an integrated health care provision.

A Critical report on 2 holistic approaches to healthcare.This assessment is 3,000 words critical report that details the benefits of 2 chosen holistic approaches and supports their integration into appropriate specified orthodox healthcare settings.The report should be comprised of 2 specific areas. Both parts have equal waiting in terms of the marking. Compose 2 articles of 1500 words each, suitable for a symposium on integrated healthcare. Each article should:-
Clearly define the chosen therapy and include a brief discussion of the therapy/treatment
Discuss the area of health care that you are promoting the service for.
Demonstrate an understanding of the benefits of holism as an approach to health and illness.
Include any evidence of risk or contra indicationLegal and ethical considerations should be considered.
Include a brief working protocol.
Demonstrate a clear understanding of health advice, health promotion and health care practice within an integrated health care provision.
Critically discuss the links between the individual experience of health and health issues, within the context of integrated healthcare.

Summarize all of this for us in a paragraph or so – what you saw, what you learned, anything you changed, and anything you’d recommend to us for now.

We’ve become quite interested recently in being able to use our data to make predictions. As a bit of context, the test we administer to potential incoming employees has become increasingly expensive to administer and score (including the cost of the test itself, as well as the rooms required to administer it, the staff we pay to ensure there isn’t any cheating going on, and so on).

Early in our application process, we get a measure of their trait anxiety as part of their application package (it’s administered quickly and inexpensively online). We think this test is likely to be predictive of two things that are costing us money:

  1. The candidate’s test performance itself (our hunch is that the more anxious candidates will not perform as well).
  2. The time each candidate spends revising their test answers (which costs us money in testing staff and room rental fees).

We’d like your help in determining statistically if a candidate’s trait anxiety is predictive of these two outcomes.

More specifically, can you please do the following for us?

  1. Run the statistical analyses that make sense and share whatever the relevant test statistics are that help you evaluate how useful they are (our boss with the I/O background likes to see them).
  2. Graph the data so that we can see how anxiety scores relate to these outcomes.
  3. Provide the actual prediction equations for us with an example or two each to help us comprehend what the model is suggesting. I know this sounds kind of odd, but we’d like to have our HR IT team use any specifically useful prediction equations as part of our plans to revise our candidate testing practices and policies.
  4. Summarize all of this for us in a paragraph or so – what you saw, what you learned, anything you changed, and anything you’d recommend to us for now.

If you can get this back to us in time to review for our standing team meeting next week, that would be awesome.

What do you see as the reason for the unique role of integrity within the academic community? 


  1. Discuss 3 Taking Tests success strategies that you will incorporate after you have read this week’s chapter and watched this week’s videos.
    How do you plan on implementing this information in school and in life situations?

    2. What are some of the many ways that your values, actions, behaviors, and beliefs have been tested and evaluated in life?

    3. Define what integrity means for you.

    4. What do you see as the reason for the unique role of integrity within the academic community?