
How could you blend these two concepts (internal and external talent) for optimal performance? Review pages 83-88 before answering this question.

As the business environment becomes more complex, the organization must address internal talent management as a competitive advantage. There are also opportunities to embrace the shift toward contract human capital. Some organizations view this as on-demand talent, while other organizations are leery of dependence on external talent sources. Assume that you are the CEO of a medium sized organization.

How could you blend these two concepts (internal and external talent) for optimal performance? Review pages 83-88 before answering this question.

Use this text book as a reference. Castellano, William G.. Practices for Engaging the 21st Century Workforce (p. 85). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.

Discuss why knowing your workforce is so important in today’s multigenerational and diverse organizations.

3.3.1 Discussion – Knowing Your Workforce
The author of the course text emphasizes the need to know your workforce.

Discuss why knowing your workforce is so important in today’s multigenerational and diverse organizations.

Refer to table 3.1. Discuss three of the 8 talent management challenges that you believe will be most important for today’s organizations. Why?
Refer to table 3.3. How might your organization change its
policies and procedures,
and performance and reward system
to accommodate the changing workforce? Discuss each of these three areas. Each topic should be a heading.

Use this text as a guide and a reference. Castellano, William G.. Practices for Engaging the 21st Century Workforce (p. 85). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.

Critically review, consolidate and extend coherent bodies of knowledge relating to the complex issue of interpersonal abuse.

Sociology of Interpersonal Abuse

Assessment guide for Term 2





2,000 words (+/- 10%, so no more than 2,200 words; please put the word count at the end of your report; the word count does not include the reference list – no bibliography [i.e. list of works read but not referenced] is required).

See NOW news items for the deadline date – please put it in your diary.

Submit to the NOW drop-box only (no paper submissions). You can resubmit any time you like up until the deadline – I will read only the final submission before the deadline.

If you need extra time via an NEC, please submit an NEC online or contact your NEC co-ordinator if you need some advice first

PROMPT Feedback will be available via NOW (3-week turnaround)

The module is internally moderated (i.e. a sample is read by another member of staff); and a sample is sent to the External Examiner for Sociology.

Learning outcomes: In the assessments for this module you are expected to:

Knowledge and understanding:

1/Engage knowledgeably in debates relevant to the analysis of the dynamics of interpersonal abuse in contemporary society – using appropriate perspectives, concepts and theories.

2/Engage knowledgeably in debates relevant to disrupting the taken-for-granted nature of interpersonal abuse.

3/Critically evaluate how social and cultural forces, contexts and processes impact upon oppression and resistance in a range of settings.

4/Critically review, consolidate and extend coherent bodies of knowledge relating to the complex issue of interpersonal abuse.

Skills, qualities and attributes:

1/Evaluate critically and synthesise information and evidence from diverse sources – both academic and activist – using IT tools.

2/Apply diagnostic, analytical and creative skills and judgement, in order to make and present reasoned arguments about highly sensitive issues.

3/Communicate effectively in writing.

4/Accept responsibility in determining and achieving contributions to understanding of interpersonal abuse.

Based on these learning outcomes the assessment criteria for Term 2/3, against which your work will be assessed, are as follows:

1/Read widely in a selected field of domestic violence and use this reading in your work

2/Write a critical analysis of a selected aspect of domestic violence

3/ Write a contextual analysis of your selected aspect of domestic violence

4/Challenge the taken-for-granted nature of domestic violence – including writing a recommendations section

5/Write effectively – including using headings and subheadings effectively (diagrams, figures, illustrations and tables as appropriate)

6/Demonstrate recognition of the sensitivity of domestic violence.

How might you demonstrate your abilities in each of these regards?

1/Read widely in a selected field of domestic violence and use this reading in your work – Make sure each point you make is fully supported (so, have a citation after it; one citation at the end of a long paragraph is not enough; each point needs supporting), and with relevant literature (avoid random internet items, the Daily Mail [unless you are writing a critique of the Daily Mail], Wikipedia, obscure journals from the US in the 1970s [unless the report is about the US in the 1970s]). Avoid overuse of the same book/article throughout. Read widely – start with the reading guide and the online reading list and then explore other materials (perhaps items from a key reading’s reference list or by reading work by a particular author). Choose key quotes from your material, or paraphrase key points (the latter will help if you’re overshooting the word count). Polish and edit your work to make space for a range of arguments (the ‘but I didn’t have space to talk about x’ argument doesn’t work; you can polish and edit down your work and cover what you need to cover. If you’re finding you can’t do what you need to do in the words allowed, maybe your question needs some refinement; I’m happy to talk with you about this). The more you read the more material you have to explore and consider. This is a final year module which might lead you to considering postgraduate work in any of the fields it covers, so it is an ideal opportunity to try for the best grade possible. If you want my suggestion, I’d say at least 30 separate items would be a good start. If you didn’t get the mark you hoped for in term 1, part of an answer is likely to be reading much more for term 2. I have suggested to people who want to do better, that they look at what they read for a piece they didn’t get the mark they hoped for on, and then double that reading for their next assignment. I can’t stress enough how important it is to read widely and relevantly, particularly when you are working towards your final degree classification.

2/Write a critical analysis of a selected aspect of domestic violence – Descriptive work – that says who said what and takes good quotes from it rarely gets more than a 2.2. You need to be analytical. Maybe start by looking at something you really disagree with or really agree with. Read round that issue more widely, find out what others think, see if you agree/disagree with them, and see if their work can help you develop a different argument. Developing your own opinion, supported by literature, is a way to a good mark. Sometimes people think they need to have an opinion and then find other people who think the same – you might find people who think the same, certainly, but that takes the fun out of researching in your field and thinking through the arguments you’re finding. It will also be quite tedious to do, something of a hit or miss activity. Instead, see the development of the argument as something that evolves as you read more. If you’re looking for first class marks, you need to be offering not just great reading and analysis, but something a bit different – an approach, an argument, a choice of authors for instance – that leads you to be offering something extra. Look through published work and identify what it is that the authors did that feels different – how did they explain what they did so that it really conveyed how important it was for their work to be published? Sometimes people want to write reports about areas on which not much has been published and this can form part of your argument for writing in this area, but it isn’t a reason for not including much literature – so, if, for instance, you want to write about how police officers may be abusive towards their partners, but there is not much literature about that specific area, your job is to really interrogate the nature of being in the police service, to really read round material on that topic, so you can contextualize what you do know about abusive police officers with material explaining what it is like to be in the police.

3/ Write a contextual analysis of your selected aspect of domestic violence – Nothing happens in a vacuum. For example, if you are writing about domestic violence in connection with sexuality, be clear throughout your report that there is a context for how gay men, for instance, feel they can respond when they encounter domestic violence and that context is homophobic society, how homophobic society is structured to make many gay men fear the repercussions of being ‘outed’ and how this plays into the hands of an abuser who wants their partner to keep quiet. Never give the impression that domestic violence is separate from the rest of society – it is caused by it, it happens in it, and it is responded to (or more often not responded to) in that context. Responding to this learning outcome may take you beyond material on domestic violence (here, for instance, you’d be writing about sexuality and homophobia), so make sure you make sound links between further material and the main purpose of your report (which is to be writing about domestic violence). Keep the question in mind at all times. Put it on a post-it note above your desk if that might help.

4/Challenge the taken-for-granted nature of domestic violence – including writing a ‘recommendations’ section. The current situation (seen through reports such as the HMIC report on how the police respond to domestic violence) is how it is now; and there certainly is cause for a lot of pessimism, but working in this field is about saying that it can be different, it doesn’t need to be like that. #MeToo draws upon domestic violence, as sexual violence can be part of domestic violence. Studying domestic violence in a module is one way of being political. You had at least one other choice of module, but you chose this. Take the opportunity to talk about how things might be different, and make that explicit in your work. You might want to talk about the efforts of a particular organization or person to make a difference, or how developments in relation to coercive control have been helpful. Really embed the idea that you’re angry about how things are and that change is possible, into the report.

*A report is not the same as an essay: you are required to add a recommendations section at the end (you might want to say how your work might influence the work of an organization like Women’s Aid, the government, domestic violence perpetrators, those encountering domestic violence…). This section is envisaged at around 200 words (it may be more or less, there is no set word count for this section of your work but it should not detract from the main focus of the work – which is your own choice of question – and you are not required to provide a word count for this section).

5/Write effectively – including using headings and subheadings effectively (diagrams, figures, illustrations and tables as appropriate)

This piece of work – unlike term 1’s essay – is a report.

*A report is not the same as an essay: it is a requirement that you break up your work with headings and subheadings (which can be descriptive and straightforward or more creative and intriguing, or a mixture of both, it is up to you to see what will work for you in this piece of work). If it works for your piece of work, you may choose to use diagrams, tables, illustrations and figures, but there is no requirement that you use diagrams, tables, illustrations and figures if it does not fit with what you are doing.

Give yourself plenty of time to polish and edit your work to make it the best standard you can. Look back at feedback you’ve had before and act on it. Ask for advice – I will look at an introduction for you.

Having mentioned the introduction, I will say very clearly here again that pieces of work that come without an introduction never achieve the marks their writers hoped for. If you fell into the ‘no introduction’ trap last time, take the opportunity to improve matters this time.

Please be aware that an introduction is NOT just a few random points about your topic, tacked on when you’ve finished. Here’s an example of how this looks (I’m making it sound worse than it is, but this is the gist of what’s usually offered by people who do introductions like this, getting them wrong):

“There’s a lot of domestic violence about, it’s existed for a long time, I define domestic violence like this (usually with an online dictionary), and this paper hopes to analyse domestic violence and come to a conclusion about why it happens”.

Please be fully aware that that’s WRONG.

An introduction is a substantial first paragraph that is very explicit about what’s going to be in the report and why, and what the argument is going to be. It explains why the report is in the order it is in – it creates a logical flow of the report right from the start. It works as a signpost for the reader, explaining what is coming next. If you don’t provide it, then markers don’t know what the report is for. You need to be making this clear to achieve to your best standard.

If you write your introduction and feel you haven’t demonstrated a logical flow through your report, there’s something wrong. It might be that a particular paragraph is in the wrong place and once you’ve moved it and made the new order clear in the introduction everything will be better. Don’t write your introduction once, before starting, or add it at the end and then hope for the best. The introduction needs continual revision throughout the writing period, as does the rest of the report, because your ideas will develop as you are writing and you need to reflect that in your signposting.

6/Demonstrate recognition of the sensitivity of domestic violence – Reports that come up with arguments that ‘it’s worse for [insert a ‘group’ here, such as men/women/transgender/gay men/lesbians etc]’ (how can we ever know who it is ‘worst’ for? What does it mean for other ‘groups’ (and why are people in ‘groups’ anyway) if we make that argument?), that ‘some people bring it on themselves’ (they don’t, domestic violence is caused by perpetrators making a choice to be violent to a person) or which use terminology that is insensitive, such as relentlessly and for no specified reason always using the term ‘victims’ when ‘survivors’ makes more sense in the argument you’re making, or ‘victim-survivors’ seems more appropriate, will not fulfil this requirement. You may think you won’t do this, but sometimes people do get very passionate about an area, and they want to show how unfair it is that some people don’t get the resources they might have, and they fall into a comparison that ends up stating something like ‘these people don’t get help because these people are getting it’ (usually, with relation to domestic violence something about men and refuge spaces that implies that refuge spaces are in unlimited supply for women). You will know by the time you’re engaging fully in the module that no-one gets what they need in this area; that comparisons are actually futile; what matters is to explore the different dynamics for different people, not to compare different people and find one ‘group’ higher in a hierarchy than another. Hierarchies don’t work in this field. Overall, think carefully about the implications of your writing. At dissertation level, people often claim that because they’re doing theoretical work, ‘ethics aren’t involved’, but actually ethics are involved everywhere. Work in a field like this is activism, even if you’re not going out and immediately campaigning on a topic. You’re writing about real people, and real experiences that happen every day, that can have immense impacts, and you need to be thinking about this all the time you are writing, asking yourself, how sensitive am I being? Am I writing about this as if it is a less emotive topic? What can I do differently? Sometimes this can be as simple as checking your use of ‘them’ of ‘these men’ (‘mothering’ language) – it’s much more appropriate to simply say ‘men’ or ‘men who have experienced…’ (for example).

Writing your report to meet the assessment criteria

For this term, you again choose your own question to investigate, in line with your own developing interests in this field, and possibly your career intentions. Here are some titles people used last year and some other suggestions. They are not meant to constrain you. (As the style of the assessment is now a report rather than an essay, framing your question in terms of ‘investigating’ a topic is appropriate [although it does not mean carrying out research with research participants]).


  1. ‘Why doesn’t she just leave?’ An investigation of people’s responses to women who encounter DV.
  2. ‘It’s worse for…’: Why do people consistently believe that there is a hierarchy of DV victims? An investigation of inappropriate hierarchies.
  3. Is DV by men the product of society’s definitions of masculinity? An investigation of masculinity and violence.
  4. If DV is about patriarchy, how can we account for LGBT experiences? An investigation going beyond patriarchy.
  5. How are LGBT victims of DV silenced? An investigation.
  6. Why do we hear so little of disabled people’s DV experiences? An investigation.
  7. How is ‘race’ implicated in DV experiences? An investigation.
  8. ‘Rubbish work’: An investigation of the failure of police responses to DV.
  9. An analysis of a book, film, TV or radio programme, (perhaps one not normally seen as being ‘about’ DV, or one that is). Investigating what popular culture is saying about DV.
  10. Surviving domestic violence in contemporary UK society: a tall order? An investigation of society’s lack of empathy.
  11. An investigation of how the diagnosis of BPD (or PTSD) oppresses survivors of DV.
  12. DV, the military and PTSD: an investigation.
  13. An investigation of prevention work in schools.
  14. Can perpetrators change? An investigation of perpetrator programmes
  15. An investigation of the work of Women’s Aid (or another organisation).

You may choose to focus on a topic we have covered in class. There is also a separate module topic and reading guide which includes even more areas that you may find interesting to explore for your reports.

There are three ways I would propose you can write your report.

To fulfil the style of this term’s piece of work – a report rather than an essay – all ways of writing require you to save around 200 words at the end (it may be more or less, there is no set word count for this section of your work but it should not detract from the main focus of the work – which is your own choice of question – and you are not required to provide a word count for this section) to explicitly make some recommendations based on what you have written (the recommendations might be directed at an organization like Women’s Aid, or the government, or domestic violence perpetrators, or those encountering domestic violence…).  (To make this doubly clear, this piece of text is replicated with all the options below.)

1 – The first is 2,000 words (+/- 10%), structured as a response to a particular question, as you often do for modules. To fulfil the style of this term’s piece of work – a report rather than an essay – save around 200 words at the end (it may be more or less, there is no set word count for this section of your work, but it should not detract from the main focus of the work – which is your own choice of question –  and you are not required to provide a word count for it) to explicitly make some recommendations based on what you have written (the recommendations might be directed at an organization like Women’s Aid, or the government, or domestic violence perpetrators, or those encountering domestic violence…). (A report is more practical in nature than essays tend to be, hence the need for this end point.)

2- The second is as a more creative piece – in this instance you can split the report in half, or arrange it in a way that suits what you want to do. The first half (or however you arrange it) would be a creative piece, without references (maybe a piece of flash fiction, or a poem, or the dialogue for a play or TV programme) or a piece written specifically for a particular publication (like the Guardian or Independent), with some references, but not as many as for an essay. The second half of the piece (or however you have arranged it) would then be a justification for what you have written more creatively/journalistically, with academic references. An example – if you write a dialogue for a play which offers a scenario in which all children see domestic violence as always wrong, your justification section would explain current teaching in school and current views children have. If you chose this approach for term 1, reflect on how it worked for you – sometimes it is exactly how people write best, sometimes it doesn’t quite work for you. Think carefully about the approach you’re taking. To fulfil the style of this term’s piece of work – a report rather than an essay – save around 200 words at the end (it may be more or less, there is no set word count for this section of your work, but it should not detract from the main focus of the work – which is your own choice of question – and you are not required to provide a word count for it) to explicitly make some recommendations based on what you have written (the recommendations might be directed at an organization like Women’s Aid, or the government, or domestic violence perpetrators, or those encountering domestic violence…). (A report is more practical in nature than essays tend to be, hence the need for this end point.)

3 – The third is an extended book review. It might be of 1 or more books on the subject, with an argument that takes in the assessment criteria. The book or books would need to be focused on a specific area. As with term 1, there need to be other references in this piece. You might imagine a conversation as your review. To fulfil the style of this term’s piece of work – a report rather than an essay – save around 200 words at the end (it may be more or less, there is no set word count for this section of your work, and you are not required to provide a word count for it) to explicitly make some recommendations based on what you have written (the recommendations might be directed at an organization like Women’s Aid, or the government, or domestic violence perpetrators, or those encountering domestic violence…). (A report is more practical in nature than essays tend to be, hence the need for this end point.)

If you have an idea for an alternative way of approaching the report, please contact me. I will be pleased to discuss your ideas with you.

Please note that because of ethical considerations, a route NOT open is to conduct ANY fieldwork, e.g. an interview. 

People have written about their own personal experiences; if you’re thinking about this, please do consider the potential personal impact of doing so, and make sure you feel ready to do so, and have sufficient support in place to do so. I am here to talk to anyone who wishes to think about this approach, if it feels right for you to come and talk to me. I have taken this approach in a number of my own writings.

Grade based assessment: these are the descriptors for year 3 work. They have been used to make the document below, which will be used to score your work.

General grading descriptors – Level 6 NQF (Level 3 NTU)

Class Scale General Characteristics


Exceptional 1st Exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of the area of study; evidence of extensive and appropriate selection and critical evaluation/synthesis/analysis and of reading/research beyond the prescribed range, in both breadth and depth, to advance work/direct arguments; exceptional demonstration of relevant skills; excellent communication; performance deemed to be beyond expectation. Work may achieve or be close to publishable or commercial standard.
High 1st Excellent knowledge and understanding of the area of study as the student is typically able to go beyond what has been taught (particularly for a mid/high 1st); evidence of extensive and appropriate selection and critical evaluation/synthesis/analysis of reading/research beyond the prescribed range, to advance work/direct arguments; excellent demonstration of relevant skills; excellent communication; performance deemed beyond expectation of the level.
Mid 1st
Low 1st

(Very good)


High 2.1 Very good knowledge and understanding of the area of study as the student is typically able to relate facts/concepts together with some ability to apply to known/taught contexts; evidence of appropriate selection and critical evaluation of reading/research, some beyond the prescribed range, may rely on set sources to advance work/direct arguments; demonstrates autonomy in approach to learning; very good demonstration of relevant skills; strong communication skills.
Mid 2.1
Low 2.1


High 2.2 Good knowledge and understanding of the area of study balanced towards the descriptive rather than critical or analytical; evidence of appropriate selection and evaluation of reading/research, some may be beyond the prescribed range, but generally reliant on set sources to advance work/direct arguments; good demonstration of relevant skills, though may be limited in range; communication shows clarity but structure may not always be coherent.
Mid 2.2
Low 2.2


High 3rd Knowledge and understanding is sufficient to deal with terminology, basic facts and concepts but fails to make meaningful synthesis; some ability to select and evaluate reading/research however work may be more generally descriptive; general reliance on set sources to advance work; arguments may be weak or poorly constructed; adequate demonstration of relevant skills over a limited range; communication/presentation is generally competent but with some weaknesses.
Mid 3rd
Low 3rd


Marginal Fail Insufficient knowledge and understanding of the area of study; some ability to select and evaluate reading/research however work is more generally descriptive; fails to address some aspects of the brief; uses set sources to advance work; arguments may be weak/poor or weakly/poorly constructed; demonstration of relevant skills over a reduced range; communication shows limited clarity, poor presentation, structure may not be coherent.
Mid Fail Highly insufficient knowledge or understanding of the area of study; understanding is typically at the word level with facts being reproduced in a disjointed or decontextualized manner; fails to address the outcomes addressed by the brief; typically ignores important sources in development of work and data/evidence inappropriately used; weak technical and practical competence hampers ability to demonstrate/communicate achievement of outcomes.
Low Fail
ZERO Zero Work of no merit OR absent, work not submitted, penalty in some misconduct cases.


Grade based assessment for this module:

When you receive your report back, it will have annotations on the text and the form below, in which where you have scored on each of the assessment criteria will be highlighted.

1/Read widely in a selected field of domestic violence and use this reading in your work

Exceptional first – Exceptionally wide reading evidenced; points always fully supported with pertinent literature (academic and/or activist); exceptional skills in selecting material which develops arguments; work publishable or close to publishable in this regard;

First – Excellent reading evidenced; points always fully supported with pertinent literature (academic and/or activist); excellent skills in selecting material which develops arguments; work beyond the prescribed range in this regard;

2.1 – Very good reading evidenced; points usually fully supported with pertinent literature (academic and/or activist); very good skills in selecting material which develops arguments;

2.2 – Good reading evidenced; points usually supported with pertinent literature (academic and/or activist), with some areas where more literature was needed; usually good skills in selecting material which develops arguments;

3rd – Sufficient reading evidenced; points needed more support from pertinent literature (academic and/or activist); sufficient skills in selecting some material which develops arguments;

Marginal Fail – Insufficient reading evidenced; points not supported with pertinent literature (academic and/or activist) or, in some cases, any literature; insufficient skills in selecting material which develops arguments or in some cases, no literature used;

Fail – Highly insufficient reading evidenced; points not supported with pertinent literature (academic and/or activist) or, in some cases, any literature; highly insufficient skills in selecting material which develops arguments or in some cases, no literature used.

2/Write a critical analysis of a selected aspect of domestic violence

Exceptional first – Exceptional demonstration of critical engagement with the subject chosen; exceptional skills of evaluation/synthesis/analysis evidenced; work publishable or close to publishable in this regard;

First – Excellent demonstration of critical engagement with the subject chosen; excellent skills of evaluation/synthesis/analysis evidenced; work beyond the prescribed range in this regard;

2.1 – Very good demonstration of critical engagement with the subject chosen; very good skills of evaluation/synthesis/analysis evidenced;

2.2 – Good demonstration of critical engagement with the subject chosen; good skills of evaluation/synthesis/analysis evidenced, with some places where the argument needed to be taken further;

3rd – Sufficient demonstration of critical engagement with the subject chosen; sufficient skills of evaluation/synthesis/analysis evidenced, with a number of places where the argument needed to be taken further;

Marginal Fail – Insufficient demonstration of critical engagement with the subject chosen; insufficient skills of evaluation/synthesis/analysis evidenced, numerous places where an argument was needed;

Fail – Highly insufficient demonstration of critical engagement with the subject chosen; highly insufficient skills of evaluation/synthesis/analysis evidenced, very many places where an argument was needed;

3/ Write a contextual analysis of your selected aspect of domestic violence

Exceptional first – Exceptional recognition of the context for the selected aspect of domestic violence; work publishable or close to publishable in this regard;

First – Excellent recognition of the context for the selected aspect of domestic violence; work beyond the prescribed range in this regard;

2.1 – Very good recognition of the context for the selected aspect of domestic violence;

2.2 – Good recognition of the context for the selected aspect of domestic violence;

3rd – Sufficient recognition of the context for the selected aspect of domestic violence;

Marginal Fail – Insufficient recognition of the context for the selected aspect of domestic violence;

Fail – Highly insufficient recognition of the context for the selected aspect of domestic violence;

4/Challenge the taken-for-granted nature of domestic violence – including writing a recommendations section


Exceptional first – Exceptional analysis of how the status quo may be challenged; work publishable or close to publishable in this regard; 

First – Excellent analysis of how the status quo may be challenged; work beyond the prescribed range in this regard;

2.1 – Very good analysis of how the status quo may be challenged;

2.2 – Good analysis of how the status quo may be challenged, but which sometimes needed some more depth;

3rd – Sufficient analysis of how the status quo may be challenged, but which needed more depth;

Marginal Fail – Insufficient analysis of how the status quo may be challenged but which needed much more depth; or a status quo which was not challenged;

Fail – Highly insufficient analysis of how the status quo may be challenged but which needed very much more depth; or a status quo that was not challenged;

5/Write effectively – including using headings and subheadings effectively (diagrams, figures, illustrations and tables as appropriate)

Exceptional first – Exceptional writing; very clear; exceptionally edited; within the word count; work publishable or close to publishable in this regard;

First – Excellent writing; very clear; excellently edited; within the word count; work beyond the prescribed range in this regard;

2.1 – Very good writing; very clear; within the word count;

2.2 – Good writing; clear; sometimes needed some more editing and polishing; within the word count;

3rd – Sufficient writing; needed much more editing and polishing to improve clarity; within the word count;

Marginal Fail – Insufficient writing; unclear; or writing that is beyond the word count;

Fail – Highly insufficient writing; unclear; or writing that is also beyond the word count;

6/Demonstrate recognition of the sensitivity of domestic violence

Exceptional first – Exceptional sensitivity shown in the arguments and writing; work publishable or close to publishable in this regard;

First – Excellent sensitivity shown in the arguments and writing; work beyond the prescribed range in this regard; 

2.1 – Very good sensitivity shown in the arguments and the writing;

2.2 – Good sensitivity shown in the arguments and the writing; sometimes with a need for more;

3rd – Sufficient sensitivity shown in the arguments and the writing; a need for more attention in this regard;

Marginal Fail – Insufficient sensitivity shown in the arguments and the writing;

Fail – Highly insufficient sensitivity shown in the arguments and the writing;

Compare the language of sound in Adam Pottle’s “During a Camping Trip” from “Hearing Test” and John Lee Clark’s “Clamor.” What are the differences between how they use sound in these poems? What are the reasons for or effects of those differences?

English 114 Reading Culture Comparative Essay — 25% Draft Workshop March 17 Paper Due Date March 24

In this assignment, you will choose one topic from the list below and write a 1000–1250-word essay that compares how that topic is addressed in two of the texts from class.
Your paper will displaying the analytical and writing skills we have been practicing in class. You will demonstrate your ability to analyze literary techniques or themes in short literary pieces, as well as your understanding of basic concepts in disability studies. Additionally, you will be executing the compositional methods we have gone over in class: developing strong, specific thesis statements; constructing well-developed, coherent, unified academic paragraphs; providing well-chosen, specific evidence to support all of your claims; integrating primary and secondary sources efficiently and correctly; and formatting and citing according to MLA style and the Department of English Requirements for Essays.
Instructions: • Write the essay in academic essay structure: 1. Open with a “thesis paragraph” introduction (see WEaL Ch. 7); 2. Continue with “sandwich model” body paragraphs that have a. a topic sentence that makes a specific claim, b. a blend of analysis and evidence to support that claim, and c. a summative sentence that reiterates how the paragraph has proven its claim; 3. Close with a conclusion that clarify the key points of the argument (without just being a boring summary) and gesture to the wider importance of the argument. • You do not need to use secondary sources for this assignment; however, you may use reference works (e.g. dictionaries, literary encyclopedias) to supplement your argument. • Cite all your sources—even if you just use one primary source, you must have a works cited list with that source on it. • Only cite the sources that you use in the paragraphs themselves (e.g. if you looked up an author’s biography but did not end up referring to it in your paragraphs, the biography would not be in the works cited list).

Essay topics: 1. Tim Evans’s film The End and H. G. Wells’s “The Country of the Blind” both make use of science fiction conventions, in particular, those of the dystopia. In their use of dystopia, do they make similar or different comments on the nature of disability? Explain. (For this assignment, you may wish to do secondary research on dystopia. I recommend using the reference works available on the LION database).
Dr. Kylee-Anne Hingston Winter Term 2020.
2. Compare the use of sonnet form in Jim Ferris’s “Poet of Cripples” and John Milton’s “When I Consider How My Light Is Spent.” How do the ways the poets use sonnet form support the arguments each makes about disability?

3. Dora Greenwell’s “The Deformed Child” and Alice Munro’s “Child’s Play” both show a child’s understanding and experience of disability, but from very different time periods and points of view. Write an essay comparing how the works portray childhood disability, considering how literary choices such as point of view affect their portrayals.

4. Alice Munro’s “Child’s Play” and Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif” each follow the relationship of two female characters who spent time together as children and meet intermittently as adults, and each has a mysterious, defining moment involving violence against a disabled person; however, each story creates suspense and mystery in significantly different ways. Write an essay explaining how those differences affects what each story seems to imply about disability.

5. Compare the language of sound in Adam Pottle’s “During a Camping Trip” from “Hearing Test” and John Lee Clark’s “Clamor.” What are the differences between how they use sound in these poems? What are the reasons for or effects of those differences?
Expectations to meet: (see the U of S undergraduate grading system for gradation of descriptors and percentages)
The successful assignment will provide • Analytical close reading of literary or film techniques • Correct use of literary and disability-studies terminology • Strong academic essay structure with effective and logical argumentation • An introduction that acts like a “thesis paragraph” because it focuses on the text and on the argument and has an arguable claim that says WHAT the text is doing, HOW the text does it/ HOW you will prove it, and WHY it matters. • Well-chosen, specific, and sufficient supporting evidence from the passage • Source integration that is grammatically correct and cited sufficiently in MLA style • Sufficient context that any reader could understand the essay’s argument • Transitions that guide the reader between ideas and paragraphs • Academic paragraph structure that opens with a specific claim sentence about the text, followed by analysis and evidence from the text, and closes with a summative sentence reiterating how the evidence proves the claim • Clear, concise writing with correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation and with varied sentence style • MLA formatting according to the Department of English Requirements for Essays

Evaluate the key segmentation criteria that Pandora should use to target the right segment in the UK and propose distinctive positioning for the new product.

Marketing Communication in a Digital World – Assessment Brief 2 Module Code: MCDW Module Leader: Dr Syed Muhammad Contact: Assessment 1 – 50% Individual case study based assignment
Note: in order to pass any module, you must achieve an overall mark of 40%. For each individual assignment you must achieve a minimum mark of 30%.

Key Details and Requirements – Task The learning outcomes and skills to be achieved: Learning outcomes: 1. Respond to the dynamic geopolitical, regulatory, technological and sociological environment, both strategically and tactically, through the use of marketing theory, concepts and practices 2. Understand the importance of integrating both traditional marketing communication tools with online tools
Case Study Pandora: Wherever Life Takes You, Take it With You Pandora developed its markets from a single store in Copenhagen, Denmark, into an international jewellery brand. Having established a manufacturing base in Thailand, Per and Winne Enevoldsen—who founded the company—concentrated on building their business through wholesale jewellery markets. They focused on the products and introduced the Pandora charm bracelet into Denmark, where it was a great success, and then moved on to Germany, Austria and the USA. The innovativeness of the product, positioned at affordable prices, enabled Pandora to develop these markets quickly. More factories were opened in Thailand, and a vertically integrated system—in-house designers, the company’s own factories and retail stores and franchises—was used to service the increased demand. The company continued to use its products to reinforce the brand’s market position. Its ‘Wherever life takes you, take it with you’ campaign aimed to encourage loyalty from existing customers, who were targeted to build up their collection of Pandora products as keepsakes of the special moments in their lives. For the future, Pandora has a strategic vision, which is ‘to become the world’s most recognised jewellery brand’. Its marketing plan involves continuing to position the brand as affordable, good quality jewellery, but to develop the product portfolio beyond

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the bracelets and charms into rings, earrings and necklaces (Jobber and Ellis-Chadwick, 2016) Scenario As a newly joined marketing assistant of Pandora digital marketing team in the UK, you have been asked by the director to write a report (1500 words+/- 10%) addressing the following key tasks: Task 1: Digital marketing environment a. Analyse Pandora’s digital marketing environment and discuss how Pandora to continue to position the brand as affordable, good quality jewellery online. Analyse macro, micro and internal environmental factors that impact Pandora’s digital marketing decisions. Discuss how these factors create opportunities/threats and strength/weaknesses. Task 2: Digital Marketing strategy Looking to the future vision of Pandora, which is ‘to become the world’s most recognised jewellery brand’. It plans to position the brand as affordable, good quality jewellery, but to develop new products. You are required to:

a. Evaluate the key segmentation criteria that Pandora should use to target the right segment in the UK and propose distinctive positioning for the new product.

b. Propose an online marketing communication for the launch of the new product (rings, earrings or necklaces). Make reference to appropriate marketing theories and models that apply and explain digital marketing planning. Students will need to complete a cover sheet and complete references.
Submission Method and Deadline

Special instructions N/A Submission Date/Event TBC Use of Turnitin Yes

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Marking Your work will be individually marked. All marking is internally and externally moderated. You cannot appeal marks, only any perceive deficiencies in the process of marking Feedback Date
Your work will normally be marked and moderated within 3 weeks of submission. Exact feedback date TBC Comments If you have a question about this assessment, then please put your question on your module discussion board (you can be anonymous) or ask in class so that all students receive the same answer. If you question is of a personal nature, please come and see me.

Module Assessment Criteria Fail (0 – 39%) The work only meets some of the requirements of the task. It significantly lacks in essential analytical knowledge and understanding on the key aspects of integrated online and offline building brands, communicating to brands, creating and maintaining relationships with consumers and/or their customers in digital world. It contains significant gaps in knowledge and ability and has almost no evaluation on the issues that arise from the dynamic nature of the communications environment in digital world. It demonstrates very little skill in how to analyze, respond and shape the digital and social media underpinning communications including advertising, sales, public relations, and sales promotion. It is significantly lacking in critically evaluating a range of sources of digital information and appropriate methodologies for use in marking communication.

Pass (40 – 49%) The work meets the requirements of the task adequately. It demonstrates adequate analytical knowledge and understanding on the key aspects of integrated online and offline building brands, communicating to brands, creating and maintaining relationships with consumers and/or their customers in digital world. It contains a few gaps in knowledge and ability and has adequate evaluation on some of the issues that arise from the dynamic nature of the communications environment in digital world. It demonstrates some skill in how to analyse, respond and shape the digital and social media underpinning communications including advertising, sales, public relations, and sales promotion. It demonstrates some abilities in critically evaluating some sources of digital information and appropriate methodologies for use in marking communication.

Lower Second Class (50 – 59%) The work meets the requirements of the task reasonably. It demonstrates reasonable analytical knowledge and understanding on the key aspects of integrated online and offline building brands, communicating to brands, creating and maintaining relationships with consumers and/or their customers in digital world. It contains minor.
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Gaps in knowledge and ability and has reasonable evaluation on a range of the issues that arise from the dynamic nature of the communications environment in digital world. It demonstrates sufficient skill in how to analyse, respond and shape the digital and social media underpinning communications including advertising, sales, public relations, and sales promotion. It demonstrates some abilities in critically evaluating a range of sources of digital information and appropriate methodologies for use in marking communication.

Upper Second Class (60 – 69%) The work meets the requirements of the task well. It demonstrates good analytical knowledge and understanding on the key aspects of integrated online and offline building brands, communicating to brands, creating and maintaining relationships with consumers and/or their customers in digital world. It contains minor gaps in knowledge and ability and has sound evaluation on a range of the issues that arise from the dynamic nature of the communications environment in digital world. It demonstrates sufficient skill in how to analyze, respond and shape the digital and social media underpinning communications including advertising, sales, public relations, and sales promotion. It demonstrates sufficient abilities in critically evaluating a range of sources of digital information and appropriate methodologies for use in marking communication.

First Class (70 – 100%) The work meets the requirements of the task outstandingly. It demonstrates excellent analytical knowledge and understanding on the key aspects of integrated online and offline building brands, communicating to brands, creating and maintaining relationships with consumers and/or their customers in digital world. It contains minor gaps in knowledge and ability and has sound and in depth evaluation on a range of the issues that arise from the dynamic nature of the communications environment in digital world. It demonstrates sufficient skill in how to analyze, respond and shape the digital and social media underpinning communications including advertising, sales, public relations, and sales promotion. It demonstrates sufficient abilities in critically evaluating a wide range of sources of digital information and appropriate methodologies for use in marking communication.

Research a developing nation, how are import substitution and export promotion policies used to aid in the industrialization of this country?

ECON Coursework – Short Answer Questions

Answer the following questions; each question is independent of the other. The responses must reflect critical-thinking and analysis. No introductions and conclusions are required. Responses for each question should be about 150 words.

References: 1-2 sources per question in APA (7th) format

1. What evidence can you find in recent news articles regarding strategies used by specific countries to strengthen their existing comparative advantages or to develop new comparative advantages in trade?

2. Relating to comparative advantage, how can governmental regulatory policies affect an industry’s international competitiveness? Provide an example of a Canadian industry.

3. What is the infant-industry argument for tariff protection? Briefly discuss the strengths and limitations of this rationale for tariffs. If new industries require support, what methods other than import tariffs might be used?

4. Relating to nontariff trade barriers, which tends to result in a greater welfare loss for the home economy: (a) an import quota levied by the home government or (b) a voluntary export quota imposed by the foreign government? (Use an example where necessary.)

5. Should countries decrease/increase trade barriers during economic downturns? Draw examples from previous recessions and/or downturns caused pandemics.

6. Research a developing nation, how are import substitution and export promotion policies used to aid in the industrialization of this country?

7. Relating to regional trading agreements, exploratory discussions on a possible Canada-ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) free trade agreement were started in 2017. What are the economic benefits this agreement would bring to both sides?

8. For multinational enterprises, what are the pros and cons of technology transfer to the host and source nation. Provide an example.

9. In foreign exchange markets, what is destabilizing speculation, and why does it pose problems for individuals, for firms, and for national governments?

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the A Model of Global Citizenship: Antecedents and Outcomes article and watch the Globalization at a Crossroads (Links to an external site.) video. Go to the Ashford University Library and locate one additional source on global citizenship that will help support your viewpoint, or you may choose one of the following articles found in the Week 1 Required Resources:

From Globalism to Globalization: The Politics of Resistance
Globalization, Globalism and Cosmopolitanism as an Educational Ideal
Transnationalism and Anti-Globalism
Reflect: Please take some time to reflect on how the concept of global citizenship has shaped your identity and think about how being a global citizen has made you a better person in your community.

Write: Use the Week 1 Example Assignment Guide when addressing the following prompts:

Describe and explain a clear distinction between “globalism” and “globalization” after viewing the video and reading the article.
Describe how being a global citizen in the world of advanced technology can be beneficial to your success in meeting your personal, academic, and professional goals.
Explain why there has been disagreement between theorists about the definition of global citizenship and develop your own definition of global citizenship after reading the article by Reysen and Katzarska-Miller.
Choose two of the six outcomes of global citizenship from the article (i.e., intergroup empathy, valuing diversity, social justice, environmental sustainability, intergroup helping, and the level of responsibility to act for the betterment of this world).
Explain why those two outcomes are the most important in becoming a global citizen compared to the others.
Describe at least two personal examples or events in your life that illustrate the development of global citizenship based on the two outcomes you chose.
Identify two specific general education courses.
Explain how each course influenced you to become a global citizen.
The Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen

Must be 750 to 1,000 words in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style resource. (Links to an external site.)
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).
Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.
Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.
Must use at least one credible source in addition to the two required sources (video and article).
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for an assignment. The Integrating Research (Links to an external site.) tutorial will offer further assistance with including supporting information and reasoning.

One Reference

Describe the philosophical or theoretical basis for teaching approaches used in the lesson for each learner.

In a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style, develop the introduction for your project. Be sure to focus on one (1) disease (you choose) but three (3) audiences (patient, family and staff development).
(This is a two part paper, I will be putting in another order for the second part separately and will ask for you, the writer again for the second part)

Contents for this paper should:
-Contain the title of the lesson.
-Identify and describe the learners as listed above.
-Describe the educational setting for:
1-Staff development
2-Patient education
3-Family education

Include learner assessments for the 3 learners:
1-Educational level
2-Developmental level
3-Readiness to learn, and so forth.

-Provide a purpose and rationale for selecting the topic/disease.
-Describe the philosophical or theoretical basis for teaching approaches used in the lesson for each learner.
-Support criteria with relevant examples and journal articles.
-On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

Analyze the media landscape of your chosen market in relation to your two profiles from the preceding task – what media are available, what sort of reach and influence do these have on your profiles?

Digital Marketing, Branding and Strategy.


You are to take the role of a brand consultant and develop a corporate brand revitalization strategy and a communication plan to generate better engagement around Apple inc Your strategy for revitalizing the brand image will serve as a springboard for converting the engagement into new customers and more revenue, as well as retaining and building loyalty with existing customers


Focusing on the market of one country (UK, B2B, area main technology hardware segment of Apple), you are expected to develop a corporate brand revitalization strategy including a communications plan to generate engagement around the brand. As part of this, the following are required:

  1. An executive summary of no more than 200 words. – 5 Marks
  2. An introduction to the report specifying the chosen corporate brand, its business, the chosen country/region and a summary of key proposals made within the report.  – 10 Marks
  3. A situation analysis of the relevant industry/sector in the chosen country region (clearly identify this in the introduction) from macro and micro perspectives. This should result in the identification of key strategic issues with respect to the problems described in the background.  – 15 Marks
  4. Conduct a brand audit and develop a conceptual map for the brand (based on secondary research) – explain the key perceptions and associations of the brand and evaluate these critically (e.g. strength vs. weakness?).  – 15 Marks
  5. Identify and describe the characteristics of the brand’s main current customers. Further, develop two profiles (personas) of potential target audiences (i.e. a group of people who are likely to be future customers), so that they can be targeted through a subsequent communications campaign. Demographics and behavioural concepts  – 15 Marks
  6. Analyze the media landscape of your chosen market in relation to your two profiles from the preceding task – what media are available, what sort of reach and influence do these have on your profiles? Discuss specific media that are of relevance (e.g. Instagram, radio channels, specific trade magazines) instead of grouping them together (e.g. social media).   – 15 Marks
  7. Propose a detailed communications strategy (start by specifying a set of objectives) on how you intend to engage these two targeted audiences with a view to ultimately recruiting them as customers/clients. Using the knowledge of your target audiences, their profiles, and your analysis of the media landscape, create a customer journey map for each profile to summarize and present your communications strategy – this will show what type of message, method, medium you will utilise to engage the audience (potential customers) at each relevant touch-point.  – 20 Marks
  8. Provide a summary of what relevant metrics and performance evaluation mechanisms you will incorporate into your communications strategy – you may use an augmented version of the customer journey map from the previous task to achieve this.  – 5 Marks

Additional Guidance Notes

  • Treat this as a business report, and therefore whilst addressing all the requirements above, sections need to be succinct and impactful. Use well-structured paragraphs and include headings and sub-headings. Ensure that the sections are well linked to each other. Keep to the word limit of 4,000 words.
  • Consider the impact on the reader, please use creative/visual techniques to make and strengthen your arguments – e.g. infographics, graphs/charts, and mock-ups of social media pages or webpages.
  • You can use appendices if you wish, for supplementary information to the main contents of your report; e.g. to show how a new and innovative marketing technique has been effectively used for another campaign – a point which you have made in the main body of the report but would like to supplement with the contents in the appendix. However, please do so judiciously, and bear in mind that the marker has no obligation to award marks for your appendices. In other words, there is no benefit in having several pages of appendices because marks are, strictly speaking, awarded only for the contents of the main report.
  • Good use of references is welcome, including academic articles, market research reports, and credible web-sources (referenced according to the university’s referencing guidelines). Use these to add credence to your arguments, to support your points, or illustrate your understanding of techniques, theories etc. However, there is no benefit in simply stacking-up references to support obvious points, or basic theories (e.g. 4Ps, Segmentation criteria etc.).
  • As this is a business report, lengthy descriptions of basic theory do not add value. So, please use only brief descriptions, if needed. If you use an advanced theoretical approach (e.g. a framework proposed in a recent journal article) or refer to something very technical (e.g. DMP – Data Management Platform), then it might be worth providing a description or explanation for the benefit of the reader.


Executive Summary – 1/2 Paragraphs

To include the context or key problem, scope and objective of the report, main findings and conclusions, key recommendations.

Introduction – Specify the chosen brand, its business, the chosen region/country, sector etc, data

Situation Analysis Discussion – Relevant theory/frameworks. PESTLE/SWOT Analysis Macro/Micro environment analysis/5 forces/4 PS, no need to explain what they are just do them. Applying to show them what is working, what is not and why. What impacts does it give to society, environmental, technological economy etc. Show reasoning in clear sentences as a summary.

Brand Audit & Conceptual Map – Secondary Research and evaluation

Customer Segmentation – demographic information, consumer behaviour, evaluate campaign, customer journey, political views, media consumption habits, earning capacity, business models

Analysis of Media Landscape – social media, traditional/linear media landscapes, cross reference from last sections, cross link

Your Proposed Communication Strategy – customer journey map, propose your ideas, you need to show the marker how you are using the tool mentioned to your target market audience, theory is merging into reality. Communication aims and targets what campaign awareness to use.

Summary – Evaluate matrix, how each stage has worked out, how you will measure the impact for each communication method you deploy in what phase. Use the customer journey map – redo it with metrics, link it back to your overall aims and objectives. Show return on investment, how you would manage the budget on the customer journey. Justify why it will be effective, show an appreciation return on investment.

References – Harvard method A-Z

Appendices – supporting materials, illustrations, charts, detailed analysis which supports your key arguments within the main body of the text


Active voice ideally

Written for an executive reader – to get to the core of the argument

Report Style and include Table of contents, Appendix

Process of an investigation, link argument to ensure report flows

Report was done and what was found

Bullet points, visual tools, charts, graphs and diagrams, sales figures and improving them

Define pie charts, use phases for more marks

Include future recommendations

Apply frameworks and if they work, application orientated and evaluated

Do not be descriptive

Use publically available sources, annual reports

No need to work out costs of how to deploy your methods

Marking Guide TO FOLLOW

Excellent evidence of selection and application of appropriate theoretical concepts and frameworks, and their application to context of identified problem exceeding expectations. A comprehensive review of all critical elements related to the case is adopted throughout, integrating secondary research to a commendable extent. A robust submission in terms of support for arguments but additional advanced features showing clear link between how application of theories may be used to develop objectives and strategy to tackle a clearly identified business problem. Evidence of excellent appreciation of interrelationships between different aspects of a brand strategy and therefore application. The proposal is highly developed and meets industrial standards as well as academic.

How does glyburide work within the body? How should the patient be educated on this medication?

How does glyburide work within the body? How should the patient be educated on this medication? Is there any medication or food that a patient should avoid while taking this medication?
APA format and at lease 1 peer review journal.