
What is your understanding of the clients issues and the underlying framework that inhibits the client from moving forward toward her goal?

Family history

School History – include current math and reading scores, test score history, attendance history, current report card grades, overview of academic and social progress from cumulative record card. (all of this you can make it up)


Behavioral History (if any) 

Developmental/Health History (if any)

Course of Counseling (You will indicate that my plan was to provide IB with 10 at risk-counseling sessions. 8 sessions and 2 terminating sessions. Due to the pandemic covid-19 I was only able to provide IB 8 sessions and 1 terminating session.)

  • What is your understanding of the clients issues and the underlying framework that inhibits the client from moving forward toward her goal?
  • Whats the specific plan of action for working with the client?
  • What theoretical approach will you use to guide your work and why?
  • As you work with the client, show how the theory is guiding you.
  • Summarize the progression of counseling sessions
  • Describe techniques you used and reason for them

Counseling goals

State the goals for counseling 

Session 1: 

Session 2:

Session 3:

Session 4:

Session 5:

Session 6:

Session 7:

Session 8:

Session 9:



Describe the outcome of the counseling. Was the client improved and how did you know. Are there ways to measure improvement? (attendance, grades, fewer behavioral outbursts, etc)

Relate this to the goals stated above

State the reason for terminating

I am a counseling intern. I had to pick a student to provide at risk counseling. This student is at an elementary public school that goes up to 6th grade. This student will be graduating this year and moving on to middle school. The student is a 6th grader with self-esteem issues and that was the reason she was recommended for at risk counseling. The recommendation came from her teacher. The sessions were once a week for 30 minutes.

If you have any questions please email me. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF MY PORTFOLIO AND I AM OUT OF TIME.

Explain how you would work with your stakeholders to ensure buy-in for and feedback on the project plan.

Answer in q1 and q2 format
Q 1
Why is project management so important in any field? How can project management be applied to implement supply chain strategies?
Final project: Explain how you would work with your stakeholders to ensure buy-in for and feedback on the project plan.

List and describe at least two current onboard monitoring systems, and demonstrate how the new CVT reports information better than the current methods of onboard technology.

• Connected Vehicle Technology
For this assignment, research the 2016 deployment of connected vehicle technology (CVT) at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website, and write a two-page essay detailing your thoughts on how this method of safety technology compares with current onboard vehicle monitoring systems within fleets. Make certain to address the following elements in your essay:
• List and describe at least two current onboard monitoring systems, and demonstrate how the new CVT reports information better than the current methods of onboard technology.
• List what types of vehicles you think would benefit from the use of this type of technology.
• How can drivers be trained on the performance of these types of technologies? How can it help mitigate potential safety problems and lower the risk of accidents?
• Indicate how CVT can ensure that proper safety protocols are followed by fleet drivers.
U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (2016, December 13). U.S. DOT advances deployment of connected vehicle technology to prevent hundreds of thousands of crashes [Press release]. Retrieved from
This essay must be a minimum of two pages in length, not including the title page and reference page. Your paper must be double-spaced and in APA style format.

Discuss the differences between what environmental contingencies each behaviorism considers.

Purpose – Demonstrate the acquisition of the following item from the BACB Fifth Edition Task List,
describe and explain behavior from the perspective of radical behaviorism (A-3).

What To Do – Write a paper comparing and contrasting Methodological (Watsonian) Behaviorism and Radical Behaviorism. Below are the points that should be included.
Begin by explaining what Methodological and Radical Behaviorism are. Discuss their key components.
Then go on to compare and contrast the two behaviorisms.
Discuss how (if at all) each behaviorism accounts for private events/mentalisms (compare/contrast).
Discuss how (if at all) the behaviorisms approach application with humans/animals (compare/contrast). Include both in the beginning of the development of the specific philosophy and if the philosophy continued to develop in how it approaches humans/animals.
Discuss the differences between what environmental contingencies each behaviorism considers. This should include what environmental factors such as antecedent and consequences are included as part of the philosophy.
Provide a conclusion with a summary of findings.

Other Requirements – The paper should be no more than 3 pages long, 1-2 to pages is fine as long as all necessary requirements are completed. The paper must be written using a clear and organized writing style and language. Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation is necessary. APA Style should be used for citations throughout, including a reference page. Avoid use of mentalistic language throughout paper.
Sources – At least 3 sources to verify your statements and information provided should be sufficient. Ensure you are using reliable sources. Reliable sources are scientific sources, not blogs or popular media.
Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2017). BACB Fifth Edition Task List. Littleton, CO: BACB.

Evaluate how successful the learning was, with reference to relevant scholarship and theory. What changes would you make next time?

Demonstrate understanding of the complexities and diversity required in teaching and assessment of/for learning.

Need to demonstrate awareness of how children learn, basic philosophical principles underlying educational theory and teaching practice.

Critically analyze how you have used a range of assessment strategies (formative and summative) to effectively track pupil progress over a sequence of lessons, for example, a half term or a module. Evaluate how successful the learning was, with reference to relevant scholarship and theory. What changes would you make next time?

Identify which methodologies and strategies you will implement to meet your goals. Provide rationale for why you did not select some of the other methodologies and strategies.

Process Improvement Project

For this assignment select either your own organization or an organization about which you know enough to review the supply chain processes and identify a process that can be improved in your sphere of influence.

Phase I: Improvement Opportunity

Write 500-750 words on improvement opportunity in your sphere of influence. Address each of the following sections:

Quality Tool Analysis

Identify your problem statement and complete a root-cause analysis. Identify which quality tools you used to identify and vet the problem. Explain the quantitative and qualitative tools you used and provide a summary of how you arrived at your problem.

Stakeholder Analysis

Complete the interactive “Stakeholder Analysis: Winning Support for Your Projects,” located on the Mind Tools website. In Step 2, select the “Interactive Screen App” hyperlink. Provide a Power/Interest Grid of your completed chart (using either a picture format or a handwritten document). In addition, provide a summary that includes considerations for all stakeholders. These considerations will form your communication plan in Part II.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Phase II: Planning and Implementation

In Phase II of the Process Improvement Project you will be creating a project timeline to help you implement the proposed solution to the problem statement defined in Phase I. As a project leader, you will need to consider several things before you start the project. The project leader must preplan, plan, and kickoff the project.

Planning of the Project

As the project leader, write 500-750 words that address these items:

  1. Identify which methodologies and strategies you will implement to meet your goals. Provide rationale for why you did not select some of the other methodologies and strategies.
  2. Which business functions will be impacted by your action plan? What tactics will you use to manage implementation across business functions? What can you do to enhance collaboration/cross-functionality to ensure the success of your plan?
  3. Timeline: Create a timeline to implement the proposed improvement to the problem and identify the critical path components.
  4. Communication plan: Using your completed quality tools analysis and stakeholder analysis, create a communication plan for disseminating your action plan to all of the stakeholders. Which strategies do you plan to utilize and why? Your plan should demonstrate how you plan to use formal and informal communication channels to implement the plan. In addition, explain how the communication plan addresses what you are hoping to achieve with your goal.

Project Kickoff and Implementation of the Project

Successfully improving the value chain requires the willingness of required stakeholders to participate. Imagine you are presenting your project plan in a meeting to all the essential stakeholders for approval. Effective oral communication is essential in the business setting so you will need to present your project plan logically and comprehensively to the stakeholders.

Create a PowerPoint presentation (7-10 slides) specifying the problem statement, stakeholders, proposed solution, timeline, and communication plan to implement the project. Record yourself presenting the plan and then post your video using YouTube, Vimeo, or any other video site that allows you to post your video. Be sure to address the “why” and “how” in your narrative. Refer to the materials section of Topic 8 for privacy settings when using YouTube.

Phase III: Evaluation

In the final step for your plan, state in 250-300 words the metrics you will use to determine project implementation success. Please justify why you have selected those metrics. Include specific metrics that will be used to evaluate the success of the implementation. How long will the project team monitor project implementation?

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

General Project Requirements

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


How do you think these “external” genre conventions help the piece appeal to the audience or help the audience understand the material in a specific way?

Assignment – Discussion board:

In most cases, the audiences you will be appealing to in Projects 1 and 2 that we will work on later are not academic audiences. Given this, it would make sense to write your project as something other than an academic style paper, and you will need to choose a different genre that is more appropriate for your audience. The following video discusses the concept of genre and some of the genres that might be appropriate for our work in this course:

To help you think about the genre and genre conventions you might use in Project 1, you will find a real-world example of a genre you might want to work with in your project. The example should be appropriate for your audience, purpose and rhetorical situation. The content of the example does not need to be related to the topic of your project, but your choice should reflect the audience, tone, content and style you discussed in your analysis plan. For example, if you are writing to someone at work, you might find a good example of a formal memo to analyze.

After you choose a specific genre example, you will examine it rhetorically. Rhetorical analysis is a critical reading of another’s work; and discussing the effectiveness of other writers’ rhetorical choices helps us become better writers ourselves. After you analyze the piece rhetorically, you will discuss how it might be useful for your own project.

Assignment – Discussion board:

In most cases, the audiences you will be appealing to in Projects 1 and 2 that we will work on later are not academic audiences. Given this, it would make sense to write your project as something other than an academic style paper, and you will need to choose a different genre that is more appropriate for your audience. The following video discusses the concept of genre and some of the genres that might be appropriate for our work in this course:

To help you think about the genre and genre conventions you might use in Project 1, you will find a real-world example of a genre you might want to work with in your project. The example should be appropriate for your audience, purpose and rhetorical situation. The content of the example does not need to be related to the topic of your project, but your choice should reflect the audience, tone, content and style you discussed in your analysis plan. For example, if you are writing to someone at work, you might find a good example of a formal memo to analyze.

After you choose a specific genre example, you will examine it rhetorically. Rhetorical analysis is a critical reading of another’s work; and discussing the effectiveness of other writers’ rhetorical choices helps us become better writers ourselves. After you analyze the piece rhetorically, you will discuss how it might be useful for your own project.

Part I – Initial Post ( 350 words)

Rhetorical Knowledge and Genre

To participate in this discussion, respond in detail to the following questions, using specific examples from the real-world example of the genre.

  1. Describe the example you chose: Who is the author of the piece? Where does it come from? Who is the intended audience for the piece?
  2. What are the main “external” conventions of your genre example (formatting, design, multimodal elements, etc.)?
  3. How do you think these “external” genre conventions help the piece appeal to the audience or help the audience understand the material in a specific way?
  4. What are the “internal” or writing conventions of your genre example? For example, how would you describe the tone, style, and level of formality in the example? What kind of diction or language choices does it use? Are there any phrases that stick out to you as good examples of the kind of language the piece uses?

    How do these “internal” genre conventions help the piece appeal to its audience?

Composing Process and Conventions: Your own rhetorical strategies

  1. What is your own topic, purpose and audience for Project 1? (Provide a brief explanation for your peers)
  2. What are the specific ways the internal and external genre conventions in your example that might help you appeal to your audience in Project 1? Are there features of the genre that may not work for your audience and purpose? Why?


Part II – Respond to a student (200 Words)

Focus on the following questions:

  1. Thinking about the external and internal conventions of genre, which of the features of your peer’s genre example did you find the most interesting? (Focus on the elements discussed in the video and textbook; refrain from commenting on the topic or ideas presented in the example.)
  2. To what degree do you think this genre fits your peer’s audience and purpose? Are there other issues related to genre you think your peer should keep in mind?

IMPORTANT! Scroll down to view the student response and check the comment!

Discussion of a student:

  1. The example I chose was a formal report about stress on employees and the programs offered by employers to manage employee stress. This example was intended for Robert J. Olney of Southwest Texas State University. It was written by Charles Dishinger.


This is an example of a discussion that a student posted. You will use it as an example so you can know how you will write about our project. No more than 350 words. Also, you will replay to the same discussion.

Part I – Initial Post ( 350 words)

Rhetorical Knowledge and Genre

To participate in this discussion, respond in detail to the following questions, using specific examples from the real-world example of the genre.

  1. Describe the example you chose: Who is the author of the piece? Where does it come from? Who is the intended audience for the piece?
  2. What are the main “external” conventions of your genre example (formatting, design, multimodal elements, etc.)?
  3. How do you think these “external” genre conventions help the piece appeal to the audience or help the audience understand the material in a specific way?
  4. What are the “internal” or writing conventions of your genre example? For example, how would you describe the tone, style, and level of formality in the example? What kind of diction or language choices does it use? Are there any phrases that stick out to you as good examples of the kind of language the piece uses?

    How do these “internal” genre conventions help the piece appeal to its audience?

Composing Process and Conventions: Your own rhetorical strategies

  1. What is your own topic, purpose and audience for Project 1? (Provide a brief explanation for your peers)
  2. What are the specific ways the internal and external genre conventions in your example that might help you appeal to your audience in Project 1? Are there features of the genre that may not work for your audience and purpose? Why?


Part II – Respond to a student (200 Words)

Focus on the following questions:

  1. Thinking about the external and internal conventions of genre, which of the features of your peer’s genre example did you find the most interesting? (Focus on the elements discussed in the video and textbook; refrain from commenting on the topic or ideas presented in the example.)
  2. To what degree do you think this genre fits your peer’s audience and purpose? Are there other issues related to genre you think your peer should keep in mind?

IMPORTANT! Scroll down to view the student response and check the comment!

Discussion of a student:

  1. The example I chose was a formal report about stress on employees and the programs offered by employers to manage employee stress. This example was intended for Robert J. Olney of Southwest Texas State University. It was written by Charles Dishinger.

This is an example of a discussion that a student posted. You will use it as an example so you can know how you will write about our project. No more than 350 words. Also, you will replay to the same discussion.

Which one of these theories applies to your motivation, offering examples in support of your reflections – 200 words

Faculty of Social Sciences – Assignment Brief for Students – 2019/2020


Assessment brief  (if appropriate, please refer to module assessment briefing document)



Instructions: You are required to develop a portfolio. The portfolio has four parts (referred to as Portfolio assignments 1, 2, 3 and 4) but is submitted as one document (4000 words). Your portfolio encourages you to develop greater self-awareness and to explore strategies and approaches to leadership and managing others. Your portfolio should be well written from an academic perspective and well presented, grammar, punctuation and spelling. You must engage with relevant theories and perspectives explored within formal lectures and guided reading from the recommended literature, fully supporting your portfolio with accurately cited academic references throughout.

The four assignments that form the final portfolio, cover different aspects of the module content as follows:

Portfolio assignment 1 – (1000 words) 

There are many theories of motivation deriving from a number of schools of thought on the subject and you should read widely and engage thoroughly with this topic. Then you should undertake the following tasks:

a)     Critically review the strengths and limitations of TWO theories of motivation (you must avoid merely describing them) – 800 words

b)    Which one of these theories applies to your motivation, offering examples in support of your reflections – 200 words


Portfolio Assignment 2 – (1000 words)

Compare and contrast two leadership theories. You should support your argument with academic theories, research and references.

Portfolio Assignment 3 – (1000 words)

Discuss the question, “Is conflict always dysfunctional in the workplace?” You must refer to academic theories and your answer should be supported by references.

Portfolio Assignment 4 – (1000 words)

Organizational change invariably prompts an emotional response. How might organizations use the OD (Organizational Development) model to ensure more positive outcomes? You should relate to academic theories within your writing.

You must submit these as four portfolio assignments, but together as one word document, references at the end of each section or at the end of the assignment and in the Harvard style.


Your essay and all your assessment evidence must be collated into one word document only and e-submitted through Canvas by the deadline set. Thank you.



Return of assessments

(Instructions for return / collection of assessments)


Feedback sent within 4 working weeks after submission date.



  This assessment is testing Module Learning outcomes Tick if tested here  
LO1 Demonstrate an understanding and awareness of the concepts of managing and motivating oneself and be able to explain and apply the fundamentals of motivation theories that might underpin staff motivation in an organization. Ö Q1
LO2 Identify and explain the concepts of leading and managing others in respect of current and key leadership theories. Ö Q2
LO3 Explain and discuss theories that impact upon conflict management approaches relevant to the management of people. Ö Q3
LO4 Explain some of the basic theoretical constructs of managing change in the workplace by applying the Organization Development model.


Ö Q4

Additional information for students

The University’s Learning Information Services have produced a series of guides covering a range of topics to support your studies, and develop your academic skills including a guide to academic referencing

Your module guide and course handbook contain additional and important information regarding;

  • The required referencing style for your assignment.*

Whilst many modules require referencing in accordance with the Harvard Referencing convention, some modules – for example those within the School of Law – require Oxford Referencing. Please familiarise yourself with the requirements of your module.


  • Submission of your work
  • Marking, feedback and moderation in accordance with the University of Wolverhampton Assessment Handbook
  • Extensions on submission dates *
  • Additional support *
  • Academic conduct with regards to cheating, collusion or plagiarism *
  • Links to appropriate sources of relevant information *


* Further information regarding these and other policies can be accessed through your student portal on

Always keep a copy of your work and a file of working papers

The requirement to keep a file of working papers is important.  There may be circumstances where it is difficult to arrive at a mark for your work. If this is the case, you may be asked to submit your file and possibly meet with your tutor to answer questions on your submission.

When you submit your work you will be required to sign an important declaration confirming that:

  • The submission is your own work
  • Any material you have used has been acknowledged and appropriately referenced
  • You have not allowed another student to have access to your work
  • The work has not been submitted previously.


The following information is important when:

  • Preparing for your assignment
  • Checking your work before you submit it
  • Interpreting feedback on your work after marking.


Module Learning Outcomes

Module Learning Outcomes are specific to this module, and are set when the module was validated.


  • Assessment Criteria
  • The module Learning Outcomes tested by this assignment, and precise criteria against which your work will be marked are outlined in your assessment brief.


Performance Descriptors

  • Performance descriptors indicate how marks will be arrived at against each of the assessment criteria. The descriptors indicate the likely characteristics of work that is marked within the percentage bands indicated.

To help you further:

  • Re-sit opportunities are available for students who are unable to take the first sit opportunity, or who need to re take any component.
  • Refer to the Canvas topic for contact details of your module leader / tutor, tutorial inputs, recommended reading and other sources, etc. Resit details will also appear on the Canvas module topic.
  • The University’s Learning Information Services offer support and guidance to help you with your studies and develop your academic skills

Justify your moral assessment in a normative theory (theories) we have discussed in class—Respect for Persons (deontological) and the Utilitarian Theories.

Instructions for Zonar Corp. Case

This is a largely fictional case—it involves fictional characters and companies. However, it draws on a variety of actual cases. Imagine yourself in the position of an ethics analyst who is asked to go work for the company and draft a report analysing the situations, identifying the main moral wrongdoings, justifying the conclusions why they are wrong, and providing management and policy advice on how the company should deal with these problems in the future.

In writing the report, identify the main issues and discuss each separately. There are four to six distinct situations (e.g. sexual harassment issue or health and safety issue)—its up to you to identify them correctly and analyze them. One or one and a half single-spaced pages per issue should be sufficient, but it can be a bit more or a bit less depending on the complexity of the issue. Although you have some freedom in how you can approach the analysis, I suggest that each section contains the following parts:

  1. Identify the problem and assess it. This is a good place to ask yourself this question—where does this situation fit as far as legal and ethical responsibilities are concerned? For example, if there (hypothetically) were a workplace safety issue where the employer ignores the dangers to employees and their objections, you would evaluate the actions of employers and pass a judgement on whether and why they were wrong as far as regulations and expectations of responsibility are concerned.  If there were a sexual harassment situation, you could determine what kind discrimination it was (quid pro quo or poisoned environment) and whether the actions of the individuals amount to sexual harassment. Here you could appeal to legislation or policy guides, if relevant, uploaded to Moodle (i.e. Health and Safety Guides or Sexual Harassment guidelines).
  2. Justify your moral assessment in a normative theory (theories) we have discussed in class—Respect for Persons (deontological) and the Utilitarian Theories. If in the previous section you are concerned to identifying whether something constitutes, for example, a violation of heath and safety rights, here you are evaluating the practice from a moral perspective. Do not prejudge the outcome—apply the moral theories to determine whether the activities were morally justified or not. To ground your analysis of the situation, keep these questions in mind:


Who is harmed by the activity?

How serious is the harm?

Who is responsible for the harm?

Does it violate essential human interests or moral rights?

Can this harm be morally justified by conflicting moral values?

What are the real motivations of the parties involved (e.g. perpetrators and critics)?


Appealing to this normative foundation should justify your analysis and help to clarify moral values involved. For each issue, you need to pass a moral judgement on its rightness or wrongness.

Why is an understanding of the price elasticity of demand important for a firm like Apple when launching a new product?

Part A – Microeconomics

Apple’s iPhone 11 Has a New Feature: A Lower Price

By Jack Nicas and Brian X. Chen, September 10, 2019

The iPhone 11, Apple’s entry-level phone, will start at $700, compared with $750 for the comparable model last year.

Tim Cook speaking about the iPhone 11 Pro. CreditCreditJim Wilson/The New York Times

Here are the highlights:

CUPERTINO, Calif. — Apple’s product launches have long been full of surprises, but rarely has a price cut been among them.

On Tuesday, in a sign that Apple is paying attention to consumers who aren’t racing to buy more expensive phones, the company said the iPhone 11, its entry-level phone, would start at $700, compared with $750 for the comparable model last year.

Apple kept the starting prices of its more advanced models, the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max, at $1,000 and $1,100. The company unveiled the new phones at a 90-minute press event at its Silicon Valley campus.

The cost cut on the iPhone 11 was unexpected because Apple had been raising prices each year as a way to keep revenues afloat while iPhone sales fell. But Apple might have hit the ceiling this past year. Sales of the two models that began at $1,000 or more lagged expectations, causing the company to cut revenue estimates and eventually slash prices in China to increase demand.

Interested in All Things Tech?

At the same time, Apple’s entry-level phone last year — the iPhone XR, at $750 — became the company’s best-selling device.

Analysts say that one issue with the rising prices has been that new iPhone features haven’t kept up. As a result, many people are holding onto their phones longer. The falling price suggests Apple sees that trend and is trying to entice more people to upgrade.

Apple said it would also still sell older models for even less. The iPhone 8 now costs $450 and the iPhone XR now costs $600.

Rebranding its priciest iPhones as “Pro” models.

Apple has rebranded its iPhone line to make the iPhone 11 its entry-level option, while adding a “Pro” label to its more expensive models.

The move is a departure from Apple’s previous marketing strategy, which gave the cheapest phone a different label that branded it as the discounted model. (It still started at $750.) The iPhone XR became Apple’s best-selling iPhone, while its more expensive models struggled in some markets. Those lagging sales caused Apple to cut revenue estimates earlier this year.

The iPhone XR also likely outperformed its costlier cousins in part because tech reviewers considered it to be about as good as the flagship iPhone — for 25 percent less. Apple has long been in a bind on pricing and developing its line of iPhones, aiming to make the least expensive devices still worth paying hundreds of dollars for without undercutting the pricier models.

The rebranding suggests Apple is embracing the lowest-priced iPhone as the device most people will use, while marketing the “Pro” devices for the higher end of the market. The company has done the same with its iPads, also labeling its most advanced tablets the iPad Pro.

Apple introduces a trio of new iPhones.

The company introduced three new phones: the iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro and the iPhone 11 Pro Max. The main difference? Each of the three iPhones gained a new camera lens.

The new high-end Pro models include a triple-lens main camera, up from two lenses in last year’s models, and the entry-level iPhone now has a dual-lens camera, up from a single lens in last year’s iPhone XR. All the iPhones include a so-called ultrawide angle lens.

Here’s what that means: The new ultrawide lens take photos with a wider field of view than traditional phone cameras, which makes it handy for shooting landscapes or large group gatherings. Samsung’s Galaxy S10, which was released this year, also includes an ultrawide angle lens.

The second lens on the entry-level iPhone will also make the camera more capable of shooting photos in portrait mode, which puts the picture’s main subject in sharp focus while softly blurring the background.

Last year’s iPhone XR had a single lens and was capable of shooting portrait photos of only human subjects. The second lens in the new entry-level iPhone will let you take portrait shots of nonhuman subjects like food, animals and plants.

On the high-end iPhones, the triple-lens system lets users zoom in closer on their subjects. Apple also said it had added a night mode for shooting photos in low light. By default, when users shoot photos in the dark, the camera will automatically make photos look better lit.

With its focus on camera tech, Apple is playing catch-up with Google. Google’s Pixel smartphones focus on camera innovations including Night Sight, a popular feature for shooting photos in low light, which led critics to conclude that the search giant had used its prowess in artificial intelligence to surpass Apple in camera tech.

Here’s a new version of the Apple Watch.

Stan Ng, Apple’s vice president for product marketing, Apple Watch.CreditJim Wilson/The New York Times

Apple detailed the Apple Watch Series 5. The watch’s most noteworthy new feature is its so-called always-on display. In previous models, the screen would turn on when you tilted your wrist to check the time.

The new watch uses a display technology (previously seen in Samsung phones) to keep some pixels activated just to show the time, consuming little power. The screen becomes fully illuminated when you tilt your wrist. Other updates to the watch, including a built-in compass, were minor. The watch starts at $400, the same price as the last model. It will be available on Sept. 20.

Apple introduces a new iPad.

The company introduced a new version of its entry-level iPad, which costs $330. The new model includes a 10.2-inch screen, up from 9.7 inches. Unlike the previous model, the new tablet is compatible with Apple’s Smart Keyboard. (Previous iPads worked only with third-party keyboards.)

The updated iPad is unremarkable compared with Apple’s high-end iPad Pros, which include sharper screens and infrared face recognition and work with a more advanced Apple stylus. However, the entry-level iPad is Apple’s best-selling tablet, and its investment in the entry-level model shows the company’s commitment to the category even though its sales have slowed down.

The streaming service starts Nov. 1.

Tim Cook speaking about “The Morning Show.”CreditJim Wilson/The New York Times

At last, Apple’s original television shows have a premiere date and price point. The company’s chief executive, Tim Cook, announced that Apple would begin rolling out original shows and movies on Nov. 1 for $5 per month.

Apple TV Plus, which will be the home of all of Apple’s original content, will be free for a year to users who buy a company product like a new iPhone or a laptop.

Apple announced that on Nov. 1, it would feature a lineup of adult dramas, comedies, children’s programs and documentaries. Those series include four shows the company has released trailers for, including “The Morning Show,” starring Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon and Steve Carrell; “Dickinson,” a comedy starring Hailee Steinfeld and Jane Krakowski; “See,” an epic drama starring Jason Momoa; and “For All Mankind,” a space drama. The launch will also feature other programs, including Oprah Winfrey’s new book club, a Peanuts series called “Snoopy in Space” and a documentary that Apple bought the rights to last year called “The Elephant Queen.”

By year’s end, Apple will have six subscription services, from news to TV to music. Customers who wanted all of them would pay up to $55 a month.

The launch date puts Apple in the thick of the so-called streaming wars, which have consumed Hollywood. Disney is rolling out its new streaming service, Disney Plus, on Nov. 12. AT&T’s Warner Media, the home of HBO, Warner Bros. and the DC comic universe, will introduce its own streaming service next year, and will announce new details for it on Oct. 29.

The monthly price makes it cheaper than Disney’s service, which will be $7 a month, and is well below Netflix, which is $13 per month.

But questions linger: How will Apple market these programs in the coming months? Which shows will be introduced from the get-go? And will Apple drop all episodes of new series at once like Netflix does, or will it roll them out once a week?

— John Koblin

The gaming service, Apple Arcade, will be $5 a month.

Ann Thai, product lead for Apple, onstage at the Steve Jobs Theater at Apple Park in Cupertino, Calif.CreditJim Wilson/The New York Times

Apple announced it was getting into gaming earlier this year. Now we know how much its subscription will cost: $5 a month.

The company said its gaming service, Apple Arcade, would be available starting Sept. 19 in more than 150 countries. The service will give users access to more than 100 games that aren’t available elsewhere. The games can be played on iPhones, iPads, Macs and on Apple TV.

Apple showed off several of the games on Tuesday, including an undersea-exploration game from the Japanese game maker Capcom and an updated version of the arcade classic Frogger.

Apple Arcade is part of a larger strategy by the company to create a steady, more predictable revenue stream from services as sales of iPhones continue to slide. Apple has also added subscription services for news, music and streaming video.

Apple spent hundreds of millions of dollars to fund the development of new games for Apple Arcade, The Financial Times reported in April. Analysts expect gaming could become a major moneymaker for Apple within the next several years. HSBC analysts forecast its revenues to reach $2.7 billion by 2022, outpacing the company’s news and video subscription services.

End of article

Questions: (30 marks)

  • Why is an understanding of the price elasticity of demand important for a firm like Apple when launching a new product?
  • What do you think are the main determinants of the price elasticity of demand for the Apple iPhone?
  • According to the article, Apple launched the iPhone 11 at a price of $700. Assume sales in the first year following launch generated 10 million units in sales. In the second year, Apple reduces the price to $525 and sales that year total 14 million units. Calculate the price elasticity of demand for the iPhone 11 based on these figures. Did Apple benefit in terms of revenue from reducing prices? Explain.
  • Given the low barriers to entry and exit in the games industry, can Apple Arcade gain a competitive advantage over their rivals? Explain with the use of a perfectly competitive market model.
  • To what extent does Apple’s rebranding strategy support its brand position against competitors?

Part B – Microeconomics

Mobile Roaming Charges

Prior to June 2017, many mobile phone users across Europe faced different prices for accessing the same services when travelling to another country in Europe. For example, a UK phone user may have had a tariff which included unlimited texts and minutes and an allowance on the amount of data used in the UK but when travelling to Spain, would have faced additional charges on data roaming. In some cases, users who were unaware of data roaming charges faced significant bills when returning home for having sent texts, images, downloading data and making calls home. For the service providers, this option allowed them to be able to increase revenues, albeit that many customers clearly did not like the idea.

European Union regulators also didn’t like the idea. It was argued that mobile data roaming charges were an example of market failure, and plans had been put in place to have them abolished. These plans came to fruition in June 2017. A joint press statement from the European Union and the European Commission noted that ‘The end of roaming charges is a true European success story… Over the last 10 years, our institutions have been working hard together to fix the market failure. Each time a European citizen crossed an EU border, be it for holidays, work, studies or just for a day, they had to worry about using mobile phones and a high phone bill from the roaming charges when they came home. Roaming charges will now be a thing of the past. As of tomorrow, [15 June] you will be able to remain connected while travelling in the EU, for the same price as at home.”

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Questions (20 marks)

  • Describe using appropriate supply and demand diagrams, how the existence of data roaming charges affected both consumer and producer surplus in the mobile phone market.
  • Why do you think the European Union believed that data roaming charges was an example of market failure?
  • Could the European Union have used a tax or subsidy to correct the market failure in this particular case? Justify your argument.
  • Should mobile phone services providers have exercised social and ethical responsibility with regards to data roaming charges and not even have introduced them in the first place? Justify your argument.

Part C – Macroeconomics (35 marks)

  • Download annual UK data on consumption (real personal consumption) and real GDP (real Gross Domestic product) from 1995 until 2018 from FRED and include both in the same graph. Overlay recession bars and copy the graph into your Word document.

Describe the trends in the graph over time and comment on the recession periods.

  • Use the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply to help illustrate why inflation might be expected to accelerate when economic growth is rising.
  • To what extent do you think the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply can accurately explain what is happening to key economic indicators since the UK referendum results of 23rd June 2016 – commonly referred to as Brexit?

Introduction, Conclusion and References (15 marks)

The following are key factors that are taken into account in the assessment of a report:

  1. Evidence for extensive and in-depth reading of relevant literature (journal articles, textbooks, and other relevant sources)
  2. Understanding of the subject, as demonstrated by the ability to clearly explain the issues involved and an awareness of alternative views on the topic.
  3. Thorough grasp of theories and/or theoretical models (where appropriate) relevant to the topic, the use of relevant concepts and (where appropriate) the use of diagrammatic analysis and/or equations.
  4. Good use of comprehensive, relevant, accurate and up-to-date factual/statistical material (where this is appropriate).
  5. Ability to think and to reason logically and consistently in the writing of the report.
  6. Good use of a wide range of academic sources in the writing of the report, all of which have been fully and comprehensively referenced in the bibliography.
  7. Ability to write in clear and grammatically-correct English, with proper use of paragraphs including both an opening/introductory paragraph that sets the scene and concluding paragraph bringing together the issues discussed is the report.
  8. Ability to come to a clear set of independent, yet intelligent and well informed, conclusions that derive from the arguments contained in the rest of the report and the evidence cited.
  9. The use of good written and communication skills in the presentation of the report, including typing, spelling, punctuation, sentence construction, the drawing of tables, the presentation of statistical material, the use of footnotes and the overall lay-out of the report.