
If so, how? Finally, is there evidence to suggest that athletes interested in improving their performance should supplement their diet with fish oil?

1. The Mediterranean diet is thought to be beneficial for health. In particular omega 3 fatty acids have been identified in fish as a component of the Mediterranean diet that affects markers of metabolic health. What are the ‘active’ ingredients in fish oil?

How does fish oil affect metabolism? Use studies to support your answers. The figure below is taken from Logan and Spriet (2015). Do these results support the idea that fish oil can affect metabolism beneficially?

If so, how? Finally, is there evidence to suggest that athletes interested in improving their performance should supplement their diet with fish oil?

Describe your personal history by documenting experiences with discrimination you may have experienced and how your cultural background impacted these experiences.

Refer to the “Social and Cultural Paper Instructions” for a detailed explanation of the requirements for the Social and Cultural Diversity Paper that you will be developing throughout the course.

In preparation for writing this paper, write an outline that contains the following:

Definition of cultural diversity
Main body containing the content guidelines provided in “Social and Cultural Paper Writing Instructions”

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Upon receiving feedback from your instructor on the outline, you should begin working on the first draft immediately, even though the draft is not due until Week 7.
Social and Cultural Diversity Paper Instructions
The Social and Cultural Diversity Paper (1,000 to 1,200 words) requires the student to identify and reflect on possible personal biases regarding gender, religion, sexual or gender orientation, race, socioeconomic status, disability status, or culture. The purpose of this paper is to raise the student’s personal and professional level of awareness regarding the subject of diverse populations.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Process Schedule
The Social and Cultural Diversity Paper assignment will be accomplished in a five-step process, with individual steps submitted and graded regularly throughout the course, according to the following schedule:

Content Guidelines
When constructing this paper, use a three-part structure according to the following guidelines:
Part 1: Personal Reflection
The first part of the paper requires you to identify information from your own personal history. Use the following questions to help guide your reflections:
1. Identify your personal biases and how those biases may present challenges to you as a mental health professional. Remember, everyone has biases. The point is not to project them onto your clients.
Note: It is preferred you discuss your cultural biases.
2. Describe your personal history by documenting experiences with discrimination you may have experienced and how your cultural background impacted these experiences.
3. Identify memories of contact with those who were culturally different than you, and your experiences associated with these differences. Be specific.
4. How has your life experience affected how you may relate to persons different than you? Be specific.
Part 2: Racism and Discrimination
The second part of the paper requires you to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of racism/discrimination. Use the following questions to help guide your reflections:
1. Distinguish between stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.
2. What does it mean to be a subtle racist? Please include a referenced definition and example.
3. Why could there be significant differences in perceptions and values of members within the same ethnic group? Be specific.
Part 3: Multicultural Competence
The third part of your paper requires you to review and reflect on multicultural competence as a professional. Use the following to help guide your reflection:
1. What did you learn about the importance of cultural sensitivity in providing professional services to clients?
2. How do communication styles differ across cultures?
3. How might strategies to build rapport be differentiated based on culture?
4. What resources could help you to become more informed regarding cultural diversity? Cite resources you can use to dispel your personal biases.
5. Provide an example of cultural bias in counseling/psychological research and support your answer with at least one scholarly reference.
6. How could you apply your learning to your future practice as a mental health and wellness professional?

Explain how you decided on the program that is appropriate for the student, including information on how the program should be implemented. Provide an implementation timeline and determine any needed materials.

After reviewing this week’s resources and researching the programs provided in this week’s introduction, select a program of study that can be utilized with a student with a non-English language background. Base your decision on learner characteristics, current levels of primary language proficiency, and assessment information. Prepare a report for the multidisciplinary team to review in which you include detailed service delivery information including who will be responsible for each service needed. Be sure to address the following:

Explain how L1 and L2 development will be addressed and how results will be evaluated.

Explain how you decided on the program that is appropriate for the student, including information on how the program should be implemented. Provide an implementation timeline and determine any needed materials.

Provide directions on how to obtain information on the specific program.

Recommend next steps based on the results of the evaluation of student progress.
Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

For design templates and other resources see:
Center for Applied Linguistics. (n.d.). Sheltered instruction observation protocol.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

In the human service program you have been designing, which theory do you plan to apply?

Question 1

In the human service program you have been designing, which theory do you plan to apply?

Question 2

How should work be divided among departments and individuals?

Question 3

How will you make sure that the work of various individuals and groups is effectively coordinated?

Of all the cultural advances in Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt and Ancient China and India, which, in your opinion, is the most important and why?

Remember that each week you simply have to read the chapter in the study guide and explore 3-4 of the websites listed in the study guide.  Then you are ready to post.

The following is a SAMPLE INITIAL POST from a student.  It shows you how to use the required discussion form in the STUDY GUIDE to shape your INITIAL discussion post:


PROMPTConsider what causes genuine and long-lasting change in a culture?  In your lifetime what are the biggest changes you have witnessed in our culture and are these changes, in general, positive or negative?  Why?  Are you a lover or hater of cultural change?

I think that change is hard to implement in any setting. For a genuine, long lasting change in a culture, first you need to have the people on board with that change. If there is no unity among people when agreeing to commence a change, the change can simply not be carried out effectively. The basis for the change will not be strong; causing the change to be short lived. Strength is in numbers, so the more people you have that want the change needs to overpower those who oppose it. Eventually the majority will influence the decision of making the change, and others will just have to follow and come to terms with it. Of course, negotiations are also deemed necessary to maintain peace and to keep anger/frustrations at bay. A big change that I have noticed is the dependence on technology. Within the past three decades we have seen a huge shift in the way we interact in this world. I think these changes are positive because technology has made our lives a lot easier and more convenient. Tasks that used to take days can now be accomplished within a matter of hours. People that hadn’t seen their families for years because of travel restrictions (monetary or time related) can now get in touch with people across the world with the click of a button (Skype). I think change is indeed inevitable and I do appreciate change, although it can be hard to adjust to initially.


  1. Discussion Question: Of all the cultural advances in Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt and Ancient China and India, which, in your opinion, is the most important and why?

All though the advances from all cultures have lead to the successful society we have today, I do believe that the Ancient Mesopotamia gave the most important contribution through the means of agriculture, irrigation methods, architecture, and writing. The Mesopotamian first transitioned from having to hunt for meat and fish as a main source of food, to learning to grow their own edible vegetation and its proper management by inventing irrigation techniques. The shift from hunting to cultivating agriculture also led to production of pottery vessels, which were used for water transportation and storage. This was a huge advancement once the idea of agriculture became well spread; people were now able to focus on other issues and projects to make the society more proper and “civilized” so to speak. The Neolithic era gave rise to great architecture, Ziggurat at Ur being a prime example. And let’s not forget that Mesopotamia gave rise to some of the oldest writings and literature. The culture made tablets with literature in the form of poems, pictures, and stories.


III. Textual Evidence that Supports Your Initial Response (Include the full, direct quotation and page number or website address of your evidence)

1) Mesopotamia is described as “cradle of civilization, where farming and writing first developed, where villages first grew into cities, cities into kingdoms, and kingdoms into empires” in the article found on website

2) “One of the great surviving manuscripts of Mesopotamian culture, the oldest story ever recorded, is the Epic of Gilgamesh” – .


The following is a STUDENT SAMPLE, PART II.  It shows you how to use the required STUDY GUIDE discussion form to share with everyone what you have learned from the discussion and from others:


Part 2 – Discussion #1

  1. What You Learned / Your Final Response (At least 4-5 sentences that offer a new insight to the discussion question and how you have changed or modified your original position)

I learned that the Mesopotamians form of writing began with pictures or symbols on clay tablets, and that over the years they made changes to their writing system, and not only did they use it as a form of communication they used this as a form of recording information. I also learned that the people of Mesopotamia believed that their world was controlled by gods and goddesses. I knew they were polytheists, but I didn’t know they also believed in demons and monsters controlling their world. Scribes had also recorded all he names of each god, goddess and demon along with their Sumerian or Akkadian name. I read that the gods and goddesses each protect a city along with their family. This was interesting to me, because I didn’t know how it would work and how they even began to believe in all this. 

  1. Textual Evidence that Supports Your Final Response (Include the full, direct quotation and page number or website address of your evidence)

1) “Farmers brought their barley to the temple stores.  A record was kept of how much barley was received. When some of the barley was given to temple workers this was also recorded on a tablet.” (

2) “Each god and goddess had a job to do. Some dug the fields and planted the crops. Others brought water to the fields in ditches which had to be kept clear of weeds.” (

3)“ Lamashtu is an evil demon who preys upon unborn and newborn children. She had a hairy body, a lioness’ head with donkey’s teeth and ears, long fingers and fingernails and the feet of a bird with shard talons” (


PROMPTConsider what causes genuine and long-lasting change in a culture?  In your lifetime what are the biggest changes you have witnessed in our culture and are these changes, in general, positive or negative?  Why?  Are you a lover or hater of cultural change?  Why?

Referring to what I know, and what I have read in the bible (not for class, just a personal thing) in the book of Job, I considered all he had endured and how it affected him. Never at any moment in time did Job lose his love and faith in God. To him the trails (or changes – just for this discussion) were harsh but in the end it wasn’t long lasting. These “changes” were not intended to be negative but because he wasn’t affected, the people around him were. He stayed positive throughout it all and never once cursed God. He received all he had lost in return and so much more. So I would say changes aren’t necessarily a bad thing, it kind of depends on how you look at it in the long run. How would it affect you later in life, or how can you or your family benefit from it. This still hasn’t changed my views on being a lover or a hater of change, as I’ve said, it all depends on the type of changes being made and how it will benefit my life and my family’s life in the end. Will this change be worth the risk of one’s life? That would be the real question that I would ask when someone tries to propose changes and everyone would have to vote on it to pass or not, which is exactly what happens for elections. What are the real reasons behind the changes why should they be made and is it really going to happen, or do you just want the votes so America can fall even deeper in debt. That’s my reasoning behind being neutral when it comes to change.

Choose a minimum of two financial ratios (below) and include in your analysis. Prepare the next quarter’s budget based on your interpretation of past data.

Prior to beginning this Interactive Assignment, review the sections of Chapters 5, 8, and 9 in the Abraham’s textbook on Assessing the Company and Operational and Budget Planning. Also read the online articles Analyze Investments Quickly With Ratios (Links to an external site.)(Elmerraji, 2017) and What Is an Annualized Budget? (Links to an external site.) (Ashe-Edmunds, n.d.).

Using the same publicly traded company you used in the Environmental Scanning Interactive Assignment, and the downloadable Operating Budget Template, research the company online by accessing the Mergent Ashford University Library online database which offers company financials, descriptions, history, property, subsidiaries, officers and directors. Also, access the Business Insights: Global Ashford University Library online database which offers information on global companies, and industries. It includes SWOT reports, market share data, financial reports, case studies, business news, and company comparison charts. (View the Getting Started With Mergent and Business Insights: Global documents for suggested methods of searching Ashford University Library databases generally as well as specific advice for searching these two databases). You can always conduct research using credible online sources of corporate financial information, just be sure that wherever you obtain financial information that you cite your source.

For this Interactive Assignment, you are going to look at the financial statements for the company you selected and, using the previous quarter’s financial data, interpret the data and propose a budget for the next Quarter based on your current and previous analysis of company performance. Complete the budget template using this Operating Budget Template:

  • List your current sales, discounts and allowances, net sales, margins, operating costs, and earning before and after taxes.
  • Choose a minimum of two financial ratios (below) and include in your analysis.
  • Prepare the next quarter’s budget based on your interpretation of past data.

Include at least two of the following types of relevant financial ratios in your analysis. Review the online article Analyze Investments Quickly With Ratios (Links to an external site.) (Elmerraji, 2017) and Chapter 5 in the Abraham’s textbook to help with this portion of the budget:

  • Profitability Ratio
  • Liquidity Ratio
  • Solvency Ratio
  • Valuation Ratio
  • Leverage Ratio


Describe how to distinguish a “good competitor” from a “bad competitor” and why this is useful according to Porter.  Be sure to present this in enough detail to demonstrate your knowledge of the topics covered in the article.

Discussion 4: Porter – Chapter 6 – Competitor Selection

Press the comma key or shift + question mark to see a list of keyboard shortcuts

Manage Discussion

This is a graded discussion: 25 points possible

Discussion 4: Porter – Chapter 6 – Competitor Selection

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Initial Post – Instructions: Book called, “Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance” by Michael Porter, ISBN # 9781422157985.
After reading Chapter 6 in Porter’s Competitive Advantage text – Competitor Selection, prepare the following discussion post as noted below. Do not just copy from the textbook, but present your response in your own words:

  1. Describe how to distinguish a “good competitor” from a “bad competitor” and why this is useful according to Porter.  Be sure to present this in enough detail to demonstrate your knowledge of the topics covered in the article. Type this analysis in a Word document. The content length should be from 500 to 1,000 words.
  2. Prepare three (3) to five (5) important questions that this article answers. For example, “What is the difference between operational effectiveness and strategy?”  You will not answer your own questions – just post the questions (not the answers).

Click REPLY and post your prepared response as follows:

  1. Attach your Word document (containing your detailed analysis of the chapter).
  2. Type your 3-5 questions in the discussion text box.
  3. Submit your post.


Write the expression of Kc1 as a function of the equilibrium concentrations of the reactants and products of reaction (I)

Chemistry Module 3 Assignment 1
Redox and Chemical Equilibria
Answer all the following questions ON PAPER and submit to your lecturer with a signed cover sheet. Presentation and the accuracy of your written English will be taken into account in marking. Set all calculations out in full. Numerical answers should be given to the appropriate number of significant figures.

Due: Week 3 beginning 23rd March 2020

1. At 250oC, the value of the equilibrium constant Kc1, for the reaction equation labelled (1) below, is 0.0835

(1) C2H4(g) + H2O(g) ⇌ C2H5OH(g) ΔHoR1 = – 45.0 KJ mol-1

(a) (i) Write the expression of Kc1 as a function of the equilibrium concentrations of the reactants and products of reaction (I) (1 mark)

(ii) give the unit of Kc1. (1 mark)

(b) Kc2 and Kc3 are the equilibrium constants for respectively reaction (2) and reaction (3). (2) C2H5OH(g) ⇌ C2H4(g) + H2O(g) (3) 3 C2H4(g) + 3 H2O(g) ⇌ 3 C2H5OH(g)

ΔHoR2 and ΔHoR3 are the standard enthalpy changes for respectively reaction (2) and reaction (3):

(i) Write the expression of Kc2 as a function of the equilibrium concentrations of the reactants and products of reaction (II)

-Compare the expressions of Kc2 and Kc1 and write Kc2 as a function of Kc1 – Calculate the value of Kc2
– Give the unit of Kc2 – Give the value of ΔHoR2 (5 marks) (ii) Write the expression of Kc3 as a function of the equilibrium concentrations of the reactants and products of reaction (3)

– Compare the expressions of Kc3 and Kc1 and write Kc3 as a function of Kc1 – calculate the value of Kc3 – give the unit of Kc3 – give the value of ΔHoR3 (5 marks)

Chemistry Module 3 Assignment 1
Redox and Chemical Equilibria
(c) When reaction (1) is conducted at a higher temperature than 250oC, the value of Kc1 decreases. Using Le Châtelier’s principle give a clear explanation (in complete sentences) as to why the value of Kc1 decreases. (4 marks)

(d) A student wrote about reaction (1): “When pressure is increased, more products are formed, so the value of Kc1 goes up”

Comment the statement made by the student by stating clearly why you believe that the student is right, or wrong, or partially wrong.
(5 marks)

2. Dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) is a colourless gaseous oxidising agent that can be used in conjunction with some reducing agents to form rocket propellants. In a closed system, dinitrogen tetroxide is formed from nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a brown toxic gas, by a reversible reaction. A chemical equilibrium is eventually achieved.

2NO2 (g) N2O4 (g) ΔHo = -57 KJ mol-1 brown colourless

0.100 mol of NO2(g) is placed in a 2.00 dm3 closed flask at 25oC. As time passes, the brown colour of the gas mixture gets lighter. Equilibrium is reached when the shade of brown stops changing. At equilibrium, 40% of the NO2(g) has reacted to form N2O4(g).

(a) (i) Explain why the colour of the gas mixture remains constant at equilibrium (2 marks)

(ii) Is it correct to state “The reaction stops once the state of equilibrium is reached”? Justify your answer. (2 marks) (b)

(i) Write an expression for the constant of equilibrium Kc of the reaction as a function of the equilibrium concentrations of the reactant and product.

(ii) Give the units of Kc
(2 marks)

(c) Reproduce the table below, and complete it: (3 marks)

NO2 N2O4 initial amount (mol) 0.100 mol 0.00 mol change of amount amount at equilibrium (mol) concentration at equilibrium

(d) Hence calculate the value of Kc at 25oC. (2 marks)
Chemistry Module 3 Assignment 1
Redox and Chemical Equilibria

(e) (i) What change of colour would you observe if the flask containing the gas mixture at equilibrium were placed in an ice bath? (1 mark)

(ii) Comment on the speed at which that change of colour would occur compared to the initial change of colour to reach equilibrium. (1 mark)

(iii) Give full explanations to your previous two answers to questions (e).(i) and (e).(ii). (4 marks)

3. A rocket propulsion system uses the very exothermic reaction between the gases dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4(g)) and hydrazine (N2H4(g)). The reaction forms the gas nitrogen and water vapour. The following equation is not balanced:
N2O4(g) + N2H4(g) → N2(g) + H2O(g)

(a) Assign the oxidation states of each element in the reactants and products
of the equation above. (3 marks)

(b) (i) Which reactant is oxidised? (0.5 mark)

(ii) Identify the element that undergoes oxidation and state how many electrons are lost through oxidation by an atom of that element. (1 mark)
(iii) Which reactant is reduced? (0.5 mark)

(iv) Identify the element that undergoes reduction and state how many electrons are gained through reduction by an atom of that element. (1 mark)

(c) Therefore, in what ratio should N2O4 and N2H4 react with each other? Justify your answer. (2 marks)

(d) Balance the reaction equation above. (1 mark)

(e) (i) Which reagent is the oxidising agent? Justify your answer (2 marks)

(ii) Which reagent is the reducing agent? Justify your answer (2 marks)

4. MnO4-, manganate(VII) ions (or permanganate ions) react under alkaline aqueous conditions with C2O42-, ethanedioate ions (or oxalate ions) to form MnO2, manganese(IV) oxide and CO2(g), carbon dioxide.

(a) Balance step by step the following half-reaction equation (A) under alkaline aqueous conditions: (you must show and explain all the steps followed to balance the half-reaction equation in order to get the marks)
Chemistry Module 3 Assignment 1
Redox and Chemical Equilibria

(A) MnO4- (aq) → MnO2(s) (3 marks)

(b) Balance step by step the following half-reaction equation under alkaline aqueous conditions: (you must show and explain all the steps followed to balance the half-reaction equation in order to get the marks)

(B) C2O42- (aq) → CO2 (g) (1 mark)

(c) (i) state whether half-reaction (A) is a reduction or oxidation step, and justify your answer. (1 mark)

(ii) state whether half-reaction (B) is a reduction or oxidation step, and justify your answer. (1 mark)

(iii) combine the two half-reactions to form a balanced redox reaction, include state symbols. (3 marks)

Determine the capital structure of the firm: Determine the market value of the firm’s debt and equity. Explain the approach and procedure you used and use these values to determine the weights for the WACC.

This is a copy of the full assignment. At this time I am only requesting parts I,II,III

Will request the rest in the future

The firm it Marriott

Must use textbook as a reference

Text book: (corporate finance)

Ask support for logins

Book: Corporate Finance found under the “my bookshelf” tab


Part I: Firm History and Overview (due Week 4)

Develop an overview/history of the firm that you have chosen, as well as the industry your firm operates in. You should include information that describes the market structure and competition in the industry, along with the position of your firm within this industry – i.e., is the firm one of the leaders or is it a niche player? Is the firm one of the medium-size firms in the industry? Part I will be worth 30 points.

Part II: End-Point Financial Analysis (due Week 4)

Using historical financial statements (income statements and balance sheets) for the firm, analyze the financial performance and changes to the firm over a ten-year time period using an end-point analysis framework similar to that used in the analysis of Coca-Cola (Week 1 dropbox assignment). You should calculate the same ratios and financial measures as were provided for the Coca-Cola case.

Next, you will identify the major changes in the firm’s financial performance over this time period. Include an analysis of: 1) overall changes/growth in the firm’s revenues, assets, and liabilities; 2) common-size statements; 3) ratio analysis; and 4) analysis using the DuPont model.

You will be required to provide the conclusions regarding which way the major ratio categories are trending. An acceptable conclusion might be, for example: “profitability has increased over the last five years as evidenced by increasing net margin and gross margin ratios. This is the result of a decrease in cost of goods sold, higher margins because of increased market share, etc.” You should also research the notes to your company’s 10K to determine the probable causes of these changes (“Leverage increased because the company issued $50M in bonds to pay for a plant expansion.”). Part II will be worth 70 points.

Part III: Working Capital Analysis (due Week 4)

Using the same financial statements from your Financial Analysis (Part II), provide an analysis of the firm’s working capital policy and changes to this policy over a ten-year period. Your working capital analysis should include the following: 1) overall level and change in WC over the time period and the factors that caused these changes; 2) calculation of the Cash Conversion Cycle for the beginning and ending period and a discussion of causal factors and implication of these changes; 3) overall assessment of the firm’s working capital policy (i.e., is it conservative, moderate, or aggressive?). Compare your results to the firm’s industry averages. Part III will be worth 40 points.

Part IV: Determination of WACC (due Week 7)

Using the principles and tools outlined in the textbook, form an estimate of the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) for the firm. In order to complete this task, you will need to do the following:

  • Determine the cost of debt: Using information from the firm’s website, annual report, the website Investing in Bonds (link available in the Content area), and the library database sources, determine the ‘average’ rating of your firm’s bonds and the current YTM on a composite of these bonds. Based on this information, estimate the current cost of debt for the firm. Explain the approach and procedure you used to make your determination and what this number means.
  • Determine the cost of equity: Determine the required rate of return for your firm using the CAPM. Explain the approach and procedure you used (and justification for the sources of inputs used for your model) to make your determination and the meaning of this required rate of return.
  • Determine the capital structure of the firm: Determine the market value of the firm’s debt and equity. Explain the approach and procedure you used and use these values to determine the weights for the WACC.

Finally, provide an overall explanation for your results and how the firm will use this WACC. There are resources available in the Content area that will help guide your determination of WACC. Part IV will be worth 80 points.

Part V: Stock Valuation (due Week 7)

In chapter 9, we learned how the dividend-discount model can be used to determine the value of a firm’s equity, or the current price of a share of stock. Use this model to estimate the value of a share of your firm’s stock and compare this estimate to the current market value. To do this, you will need to do the following:

  1. Estimate the firm’s stock price using the dividend-discount model: Use an investment source (some have been provided in the Content area) and find: 1) the current dividend; 2) analyst’s estimate growth rate for the next five to ten years; 3) an alternative growth estimate using the firm’s historical growth rate or the formula “g=ROE x b”.
  2. Use your estimate of the cost of equity in the WACC for the rE part of your formula: Combine the above information into the dividend-discount model (DDM).
  3. Compare your result to the current market price of your firm’s stock. Provide analysis and an explanation of how they compare and explain any differences you observe.

Part V will be worth 50 points.

Part VI: Capital Budgeting Analysis, Capital Structure Analysis and Funding Growth Strategies, and Bibliography and Data (due Week 8)

Capital Budgeting Analysis (30 points): You have been asked to evaluate a potential acquisition of a smaller privately owned competitor. The acquisition candidate produces an EBITDA of 10% of your current EBITDA and is offered to your firm at a price of multiple of 8 times EBITDA. Assume the following:

  • Current debt costs you 8% and you can raise additional debt at this rate today. The loan is to be amortized over 7 years.
  • Current return on equity is 15%
  • Current WACC is 10%
  • Tax rate is 30% (constant)
  • 80% of the purchase price is considered depreciable assets – to be depreciated over ten years on a straight-line basis with no residual values.
  • Residual value for this operation is to be 2x current EBITDA in year ten.

Create an after-tax cash flow analysis to answer the following:

  • Economic analysis: is this a fundamentally sound investment?
  • Using the tax cash flows and no debt (pure equity), is the prospect a positive NPV using ROE as the hurdle rate?
  • Using the after tax cash flows and the firm’s WACC, is this project desirable? Explain how you came to this conclusion.

Capital Structure Analysis and Funding Growth Strategies (80 points): Imagine your firm has some attractive investment opportunities that it is considering. The capital budgeting process has been completed and found that these projects have a positive NPV and are desirable. The firm must raise financing for the projects in the amount equal to 5% of the current level of its total assets. As you know, these funds can come from a number of sources: operations, short-term debt, long-term debt (new bond issues), or equity (new stock issues).

Your task is to decide where funds for these projects should come from based on your knowledge of the firm and your knowledge of the current state of the economy (i.e., level of interest rates, state of the stock market, future prospects for the economy/firm). This section is worth 80 points. Your analysis should answer the following questions:

  1. How much must your firm raise for the investments to be undertaken?
  2. How will you determine where the funds should come from? Provide analysis for the following areas:
    • Current capital structure of the firm, specifically, you must cite how some of the ratios you calculated in Part II will influence your decision.
    • Federal Reserve policy and interest rates, meaning what are current borrowing interest rates and what direction do you believe these will trend in the near future?
    • Stock price and state of the stock market, meaning are current stock prices high? Low? How could a firm’s financing choice(s) be impacted?
    • Working capital policy
    • Profit/loss situation and operating cash flows
Sources and Formatting: (20 points) – Due Week 8, along with your Completed Project
  1. Remember to include a properly formatted APA bibliography page. All direct and paraphrased quotations within your paper are to be properly notated. All sources of information are to be properly identified.  (5 points)
  2. As an appendix to your paper, copy and paste the financial statements from which you derived all your ratios, percentages, and any other quantitative data. Do not just provide a link. (5 points)
  3. The paper will be prepared in APA format and is to be double-spaced. Composition is an important part of your paper. Multiple grammar, spelling and/or punctuation errors will decrease your ability to communicate clearly your ideas to your audience. (10 points)
  4. Your final project should be formatted as a MS Word (.doc/.docx) file that has been edited carefully for grammar and style, and include a cover page and a complete bibliography and index of data.


Coca-Cola case assignment as referred to in Section II

 Coca-Cola Analysis

Below you will find financial data for Coca-Cola for the years 2006 and 2016. This data includes the following:

  1. Raw numbers for the balance sheet and income statements
  2. Common-size balance sheets (all entries expressed as a percent of Total Assets)
  3. Common-size income statement (all entries expressed as a percent of Total Sales)
  4. Ratios—including liquidity, profitability, leverage, asset management, and market ratios
  5. DuPont equations
  6. Working Capital
  7. Cash Conversion Cycle

Your assignment is to analyze this data. Your analysis should include the following:

  1. An ‘eye-ball’ assessment of  the changes in Coke’s financial statements between 2006 and  2016—e.g., overall growth in assets, revenues, equity, debt, etc.
  2. Analysis of the Common-size statements—i.e., what changed and why. That is, describe the  changes in these statements and analyze the cause of the changes. Include: a) mix of assets, b) split between current assets and  fixed assets, c) mix of debt, d) split between current liabilities  and LT liabilities, capital structure (i.e., debt and equity), e) profitability at all levels, f) changes in expenses, etc. This section must include evidence of research indicating what events had substantive effects on Coke’s financial profile during the 10 year In other words, profitability may have increased due to  introduction of new product lines, leverage may have increased due to the issuance of bonds, and assets may have increased due to acquisitions. These are offered as examples, and your research should indicate what occurred and how it affected Coke from a           financial perspective.
  3. Analysis of the ratios by category—include in this an explanation of the cause of the   change—e.g., liquidity increased due to the increase in CAs and decrease in CLs. In addition to discussing each of the individual  ratios, this section must include an overall conclusion regarding the direction of the four major categories of ratios. In other      words, you must draw conclusions regarding the overall trends in 1)liquidity, 2) efficiency, profitability, and 4) leverage over the 10 year period. You must also provide industry averages where available  so that you can compare Coke’s ratios to those of its industry
  4. Analysis of the DuPont equation and discussion of the underlying reasons for the changes in ROI             (ROA) and ROE.
  5. Analysis of working capital and discussion of the implication of a positive or negative WC level. Is             Coke’s WC policy conservative, moderate, aggressive? Why?
  6. Analysis of the Cash Conversion Cycle and discussion of its implications.
  7. Summary and conclusion concerning the major changes in Coke’s financial situation.

Coca-Cola Common-Size Statements of Income and Retained Earnings for December 2006 and 2016

All Amounts in Millions

  2006 % 2016  
Revenue 24,088         100% $ 41,863        100%
Cost and Expenses        
      Cost of Sales $8,164 34% $16,465 39%
Gross Profit $15,924 66% $ 25,398 61%

S, G, and A

$9,616 40% $16,772 40%
      Interest Charges $220 1% $ 733 2%
      Other Income/Expenses (net) ($490) -2% ($243) -.5%
           Total Cost and Expenses $17,510 73% $ 33,727 81%
Income before Income Taxes $6,578 27% $ 8,136 19.4%

Provision of Income Taxes

$1,498 6% $ 1,586 4%
Other Income     ($23) -0.4%
Net Income 5,080 21% $ 6,527 15.6%
Dividends (% of NI)               57%              83.6%
Adjustments to Retained Earnings $0   $0  
Retained Earnings, Beginning Balance $28,388   $ 65,018
Retained Earnings, Ending Balance $33,468   $ 65,502


Coca-Cola Common Size Balance Sheets for December 2006 and 2016

All amounts in Millions

  2006 % 2016 %
Current Assets        
     Cash and Equivalents $2,440 8% $22,201 25.4%
     Receivables $2,704 9% $3,856 4.4%
     Inventory $1,641      5.5% $2,675 3.1%
     Other $1,656       5.5% $5,278 6.1%
Total Current Assets $8,441 28% $34,010 39.0%
Productive Assets        
     Property, Plant, and Equipment (net) $6,903   $10,635  
Net Productive Assets $6,903 23% $10,635 12.2%
Other Assets $14,619 49% $42,625 48.8%
Total non-current assets $21,522     71.8% $53,260      61.0%
Total Assets $29,963    100% $87,270      100%
Liabilities And Shareholders’ Equity        
     Current Liabilities        
          Accounts Payable $5,622 19% $2,682 3.1%
          Current Debt Due $3,268 11% $16,025 18.4%
          Other $0 0% $7,825 9.0%
Total Current Liabilities $8,890 30% $26,532 30.5%
Long-Term Liabilities        
     LT Debt $1,314 4% $29,684 34.0%
     Other LT Liabilities $2,231 7% $3,753    4.3%
     Deferred Income Taxes $ 608 2% $4,239    4.9%
          Total LT Liabilities $4,153 13% $37,676    43.2%
Total Liabilities $13,043 43% $64,208 73.6 %
Shareholders’ Equity        
     Common Stock $878 3% $1,760 2.0%
     Treasury Stock ($22,118) -74% ($47,988)    -55.0%
     Retained Earnings $33,468 112% $65,502  75.1%
     Equity Adjustments ($1,291) -5% ($11,205) -12.8%
Capital Surplus   $  5,983         20% $14,993 17.2%
Total Shareholders’ Equity $16,920 57% $23,062 26.5%

Total Equity + Liabilities           $29,963                   100%     $87,270         100%

Ratio Analysis for Coco-Cola:  2006 and 2016

Ratio Definition 2006


1. Current ratio current assets

current liabilities

.9 1.28
2. Quick ratio (acid test) current assets – inventories

current liabilities

        .76 1.18
Asset Management      
3. Average collection period accounts receivables

credits sales/ 365

41 33.6
Total Rev. = Cr. Sales    

4. Inventory turnover

cost of sales

average inventory

5 5.64

5. Fixed asset turnover


fixed assets

3.5 3.94
6. Total asset turnover sales

total assets

.8 0.48
Financial Leverage Management    
7. Debt Ratio total debt

total assets

       .44 0.735
ST+LT= Total Debt    
8, Debt-to-equity total debt

total equity

.77 2.78
9. Gross profit margin sales – cost of sales


66.1 60.7
10. Net profit margin earnings after taxes (EAT)


21.1 15.6
11. Return on investment earnings after taxes (EAT)

total assets

      17.0 7.5
12. Return on Stockholders’ equity earnings after taxes (EAT)

stockholders’ equity

30.0 28.3


Dividend Payout                                                                                                         57%               83.6%



Du Pont Model


ROI = Profit Margin x Asset Turnover = Net Profit x Net Sales
Net Sales Total Assets
ROI (2006) = $5,080 x $24,088 = 21.1% x ,80 = 17%
$24,088 $29,963
ROI (2016) = $6,527 x $41,863 = 15.6% x 0.48 = 7.5%
$41,863 $87,270


ROE = Profit Margin x Asset Turnover x Leverage        

Where Leverage = Total Assets/Equity




ROE (2006)  =  21.1% X  .8      X       1.77      =        29.9%

ROE (2016)  =  15.6% X  0.48     X    3.78      =        28.3%

Working Capital

Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities

2006 Working Capital:          8441 –     8890 =    -449

2016 Working Capital:                      34,010 – 26,532 = +7478


 Cash Conversion Cycle

                                                                       2006                                       2016 

Accounts Receivable Days:                          41                                           33.6

Inventory Days:                                            73                                           59.4

Accounts Payable Days:                             251                                           59.5

CCC                                                             -137                                         33.6

Describe the parent theory. Identify the key constructs and relational statements. Include a diagram of the parent theory.

Background, Significance & Theoretical Background of the  Phenomenon
a. Use the feedback from the Review of Theoretical Perspectives paper
b. summarize the background, significance and theoretical background of the phenomenon including modifications, and add the following new content.
→ my proposition statement (about my phenomenon, population of interest, and outcome of interest) is → Cancer Patients and Post-Operative Venous Thromboembolism
Develop a theoretical or conceptual model that can be used to guide  practice on your topic.
a. From the major theoretical approaches that you described  in your initial paper, choose one theoretical orientation, or theory → The Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms in Practice (TOUS), that you would like to apply to your chosen phenomenon and assigned population and outcome of interest. You may use an existing middle-range theory, you may derive a theory from a grand theory, or you may synthesize one or more theories to create a new middle
-range theory. Provide a brief rationale for your choice of theory.
b. Describe the parent theory. Identify the key constructs and relational statements. Include a diagram of the parent theory.
c. Derive a theoretical model that can be used to guide your research. Clearly identify the conceptual, theoretical, and empirical levels of the model. Include the C-T-E diagram as a Table in your paper.
3. Describe your proposed theoretical model.
a. Identify and explain the key concepts in your model and provide conceptual definitions.
b. Identify and explain the relationships between your concepts.
Include a visual model (diagram) of your theory.
Using your theory as a guide, develop three possible quality clinical questions that you could answer from your conceptual model. Instructor stated: Continue to work on making links between the population, outcome of interest, and the phenomenon. Also, continue to think about what types of clinical questions could be answered with this information.
Write clearly and succinctly. Pay particular attention to integrating and critically evaluating the literature. Present your ideas logically. Use transitions. Include an introduction and summary. Adhere to APA style (7thedition), including heading and subheading structure, reference format, and table/figure format, titles, and placement.
Use subheadings. The total page length should be approximately
16 pages, excluding cover page with changes, references and appendices.