
Briefly explain the key strategy and industry  of your company –using Porter’s forces. You can use PESTLE analysis as alternative framework too.

Coursework Task: PART 2

The coursework is an ongoing project where you will receive instructions each week. The final objective is to use all the financial analysis tools and write a professional debt and equity report on a company of your choice.

PART 2: Weeks 2-3 (introduction section in final report).

AIM : get to know your industry and peers.

  • Introduce your company – points to consider: products, markets, countries, peers, management team, key events to name a few
  • Briefly explain the key strategy and industry  of your company –using Porter’s forces. You can use PESTLE analysis as alternative framework too.


  1. You can choose any framework to describe your industry and competitive forces
  2. The peers do not have to be from the same country.

Coursework Tasks PART 3

AIM: Get to know the accounting policies 

PART 3: Weeks 3-5

  • Familiarize yourself with the annual reports and identify main (3-5 as a guideline) accounting policies of your company.
  • Flag up any potential problems/red flags in the accounting practices.
  • Think about how these policies may impact ratios and subsequent financial analysis .

PART 4: Financial Analysis: Weeks 4 -6

Aim: Get to know the financials

  • Comment on the performance of your company using ratio and cash flow analysis.
  • Calculate and comment on the overall profitability and sustainable growth rate of your firm.


  • Students may choose to compare performance of their company with previous years (time series), with a suitable competitor (cross-sectional), industry as a whole or a benchmark they may deem suitable.
  • The emphasis of the report should be on analyzing ratios and linking them to company strategy and relevant news (NOT on calculating ratios).
  • You can calculate your own ratios or use ratios from Bloomberg or Thomson Reuters (must indicate source in your reports and show any own calculations). +++
  • Remember to select ratios which are most relevant to your company and link them to your strategy and accounting analysis (copying and pasting all the ratios will not fetch you marks).
  • Tables and graphs DO NOT count towards word count.
  • Spend time, effort and thought into creating your own peer set using qualitative and quantitative criteria.

PART 5: Weeks 5-8 (Credit analysis)

  • Comment on the capital structure (proportion of debt and equity) and type of debt financing of your firm.
  • Propose a suitable debt rating for your firm based on your earlier industry, accounting and financial analysis.


  • You may refer to Moody’s or S&P debt ratings for their firm (if it exists). However, you need to calculate your own debt rating and comment on it.

PART 6 : Prospective analysis (final part)



  • Based on your strategy, accounting and financial analysis -forecast sales and earnings for your company for the next two years.


  • Value your firm using comparable multiples. (Not DCF)


  • Based on your valuation and financial analysis issue a recommendation for the firm (Sell/Hold/Buy). You could use the current share price as a benchmark.


Clearly indicate the assumptions underlying your forecasts.

It’s the logic of the forecasts not the accuracy of numbers that will get you marks.

All your calculations for forecasted sales and earnings must be attached as an appendix.

The emphasis should be on deriving your own forecast based on the news and historical share price that you have been following and analysis in weeks 1-9. *

All calculations for comparable multiple valuation must be attached as an appendix. – Clearly stating the comparable firms, the price multiple for the comparables and the method by which you calculated the share value for your firm.

A large proportion of your analysis will have been for fiscal year ending 2018 as 2019 annual reports may not be publicly available yet. You can do your financial analysis till 2018 and then based on semi-annual or quarterly reports, unaudited reports,  share price performance of the company and current events in 2019-202 you should aim to forecast figures for the next two fiscal years (2020, 2021). Therefore, in some/most cases 2019 is a ‘missing’ year.

*The marks will be based on the strength of your assumptions. Bloomberg and other data providers provide their forecasts – there are no marks for copying and pasting Bloomberg forecasts.

Are other countries wanting to invest in your chosen country? Why or why not? Support your answer with research.

Include the following in either the upper left- or right-hand corner of the first page of your paper:
• Your full name
• MGMT 338
• Date of the Paper
• Paper Title
Part I: Information about
Research and provide the following information about your chosen country in bulleted form. Include the country you selected in the heading. For each piece of information, cite the sources used as well as the complete direct URL where the information was found. A complete bibliography of the sources must be included at the end of your paper.
a. What was the total value of U.S. imports from this country in the most recent year available? Of U.S. exports to this country?
Information citation with URL
b. Top 3 imports for this country
Information citation with URL
c. Top 3 exports for this country
Information citation with URL
d. Corporate tax rate
Information citation with URL
e. GDP
Information citation with URL
f. Per capita income?
Information citation with URL
g. Low context or high context
Information citation with URL
h. Average years of schooling of adults (male and female)
Information citation with URL
i. % of population below poverty line
Information citation with URL
j. Rate of population growth
Information citation with URL
k. Life expectancy (male and female)
Information citation with URL
l. Retirement Age (required or not and age when required or average age of retirement—specify which it is in the paper)
Information citation with URL
m. Individual tax rate
Information citation with URL
n. Current inflation rate
Information citation with URL
o. World Bank rank on ease of doing business
Information citation with URL
p. Most recent unemployment level
Information citation with URL
q. Cell phone usage per 1000 people
Information citation with URL
r. Internet usage per 1000 people
Information citation with URL
s. Average # of vacation days per year
Information citation with URL
t. Average # of leave (leave, sick, maternity, paternity) days per year
Information citation with URL
u. Your country’s Hofstede uncertainty score and the U. S. uncertainty score
Information citation with URL

v. Your country’s Hofstede power distance score and the U. S. power distance score
Information citation with URL

w. Your country’s Hofstede individualism score and the U. S. individualism score
Information citation with URL

x. Your country’s Hofstede M/F score and the U. S. M/F score
Information citation with URL

y. Your country’s Hofstede LT/ST score and the U. S. LT/STscore
Information citation with URL
Part II: Evaluation of current status of .
Answer the following questions about your chosen country in narrative form. For each of the questions, you must write a minimum of a two paragraph analysis.
a. What is the current status of your chosen country in the world marketplace? Support your answer with research.
Information must include in-text citations.
b. What is the ease of doing business in your chosen country? Support your answer with research.
Information must include in-text citations.
c. Are other countries wanting to invest in your chosen country? Why or why not? Support your answer with research.
Information must include in-text citations.
d. What do you see as the future of your country in the world marketplace? Support your answer with research.
Information must include in-text citations.
Cite all sources referenced in part I and II of your paper in MLA format.

Provide a step-by-step detailed account of how you accomplished one of your PowerBI or Excel visuals (choose the one you found most challenging).

Assessment Task You are required to take two datasets from and create a dashboard that will be useful to Dublin Business School.
Part 1: Power BI and/or MS Excel

1. Create a well-designed dashboard, adhering to principles of good dashboard design. Your  dashboard should include a minimum of:
a. 3 Charts b. At least 2 cards and c. A map based upon what will add the most value to a business. There is a map option in  MS Excel which you can try.

d. Marks will be awarded for complexity, e.g. heat maps or multiple datasets.
(50 marks)
Notes: Due to the unforeseen circumstances students now have the option to create the dashboard using either Power BI or MS Excel, or a combination of both.  For Power BI – use the online version – instructions are now on Moodle.  For MS Excel – students may use Pivot charts.
B8IS100 (Maria Barry)

 For the map…either create a map in PowerBI or there is a feature in Excel called ‘3D Map’. Follow the instructions on Excel/Microsoft.
 If using a combination of both, ensure you copy the Power BI visuals into Excel and submit the Excel file along with the written report.
Part 2: Written Report 3. Prepare a written report in Word format containing the following details: a. Outline any data cleansing you carried out – ensure you name the tools used (e.g. Excel, SQL or PowerBI) and state the reason for each change you made to the data.
(10 marks)

b. Report your findings/insights of the dataset given in Part1. Identify 3 separate findings from any of the datasets provided. Explain why each is interesting/significant and suggest possible causes/reasons/uses of this data. (30 marks)

c. Provide a step-by-step detailed account of how you accomplished one of your PowerBI or Excel visuals (choose the one you found most challenging). (10 marks)

d. In the appendices, include a copy/screenshot of your PowerBI report dashboard.

Marking scheme Marks
1. Dashboard 50
2. Written Report
a. Details of data cleansing work carried out. 10
b. Quality of data insights. 30 B8IS100 (Maria Barry)

c. Step by step details of how you achieved the most complex  visual.

✓ When finished submit a copy of your files into the relevant folder on Moodle. You must also keep the original copy of your assignment on your own device.

How should governments in advanced industrialized countries respond to the rise of automation?

Choose ONE of the following essay questions:

  1. Can boom and bust cycles be prevented in capitalist systems?
  2. To what extent are oligarchy and democracy compatible?
  3. “Climate change is a global problem, so only global solutions will work to prevent it.”


  1. Should we be worried about the potential for overpopulation?
  2. “Class struggle is being replaced by inter-generational struggle.” Do you agree?
  3. How new are ‘New Wars’?
  4. Has globalization made cities more or less important?
  5. How should new technologies be regulated? Answer with specific reference to two of the following technologies: food biotechnologies, reproductive technologies and technologies of human enhancement.
  1. How should governments in advanced industrialized countries respond to the rise of automation?

Briefly define the standards you will use for your evaluation of the compliance strategies.Explain your selection of regulated industries and firms.

Compare, contrast and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different corporate strategies for compliance with regulation that is followed by firms in two differently regulated industries.

Follow these key guidelines for designing your essay:
i. Briefly define the standards you will use for your evaluation of the compliance strategies.
ii. Explain your selection of regulated industries and firms.
iii. Describe the companies’ strategic approach to compliance.
iv. Identify the advantages and disadvantages. Compare them (consider using a table to do so).
v. Explain why the companies chose those strategies.
Examine the companies’ internal structures used to pursue that approach to compliance.
vii. Give an overall evaluation of the balance of advantages and disadvantages in the cases that you have examined Select companies carefully. You may find examples in the readings, or in online case studies, or from reports on regulators’ web sites.
ix. Concisely set out the basis on which you have selected the industries for comparison.
x. Review the ways in which those strategies have responded to the different approaches taken by the regulatory authorities and their different powers over the companies.
xi. Consider whether those strategies were effective, given the responses of the regulatory bodies.
xii. Ensure that your answer demonstrates your learning from each part of the module.

I have written a plan which is included below you do not have to follow it. Although I would like the petroleum industry to be one of the industries discussed. You can use some of the sources attached if useful and some of the ones noted in the plan. I would also like it in the intro, literature review, analysis, discussion, conclusion format.

Analyze the usefulness of resources to the role group responsible for implementing quality and safety improvements.

This is a continuation of the assessments you worked on medication errors. In this is assignment you must pick 3 or 4 subcategories for eg showing ways to reduce medication errors, causes for errors, error reporting.
For each sub categories if its 4 you choose 3 sources for each subcategory and summarize them. If your pick 3 subcategories like the one mentioned above then you choose 4 sources and site. No matter the choice it needs to equal to 12 sources used equally.

In the instructions that i have attached, the professor gives an example of what the paragraph should say for each article (highlighted in green). i have also attached a sample from another student and you can follow the same subcategories as long as they apply to medication errors. The paper does not have to be that long. the paragraph summarizing the article should include the following :
• Identify necessary resources to support the implementation and continued sustainability of a safety improvement initiative.
• Analyze the usefulness of resources to the role group responsible for implementing quality and safety improvements.
• Analyze the value of resources to reduce patient safety risk.
• Present compelling reasons and relevant situations for use of resource tool kit by its target audience.

The sample highlighted in green and student sample should help guide you. Again each article summarized can be a paragraph as long as it answers what the professor wants.

Explain why additional funding for SCDC security initiatives is a wise investment for South Carolina.

Assignment: Essay 9010SWA200329 Why Allocating Additional Funding to the South Carolina Department of Corrections is STILL a Smart Investment for South Carolina Length: 6 pages (NOT including Title and Reference Pages) Spacing: Double-spaced Style:

Sources Needed:
APA Use page numbers in citations. Must include required sources; can include additional as desired, but must include all provided DO NOT FALSIFY CITATIONS; use page numbers within the in-text citations.

Required Sources:
 Waldron Article  Price of Prisons  Ch 5 Mikesell, Fiscal Administration 10ed  SC Budget Information (4 files)  SCDC News Information.

Additional Optional Sources Provided:
 Ch 6 Mikesell , Fiscal Administration 10ed  Ch 7 Mikesell, Fiscal Administration 10ed  Additional Articles.

1. Read Waldron Article as a basis/guide for the paper.

2. Review SC budget information provided and Price of Prisons comparison with other states.

3. Review the additional articles and information provided since the publishing of Waldron’s article.

4. Header: Introduction (1 page) Summarize Waldron’s relevant points in order to build upon them.

5. Header: SCDC Budget Analysis (2 pages) Analyze the funding for the Department of Corrections. Be sure to reference Chapter 5 of Mikesell at least.

6. Header: Justification for Allocation (3 pages) Explain why additional funding for SCDC security initiatives is a wise investment for South Carolina.

7. References

Is the sample size appropriate and, where applicable, justified (e.g. aware of concept of statistical power?)


Some factors that you should consider when preparing your poster are given below.


  • Does the title suitably reflect the proposed research?

Introduction, Aims and Objectives:

  • Is rationale clear, concise?
  • Is there suitable justification for the relevance of the study, and has sufficient background information been provided?
  • Have you investigated whether similar studies have already been published? (including previous research projects) – if yes, what new elements does this study merit to advance the work of this previous research?
  • Have a few key references for both methods justification and comparison or advancing of current evidence been cited?
  • Has a clear aim or question been identified?
  • Does it link with the project’s title?


  • Is there a clear description of the research design? e.g. using a flow diagram
  • Is it clear whether the study is a validation or an intervention study or elements of both?
  • How many participants have been proposed? and why?
  • Is the sample size appropriate and, where applicable, justified (e.g. aware of concept of statistical power?)

General participant issues

  • What will be the method(s) for identifying and recruiting potential participants?
  • From where, when and what type (age, gender, group) will the participants be recruited?
  • What selection or recruitment strategies will be employed?
  • If different groups (e.g. control or intervention or compared condition) are required.
  • How will they be allocated to those groups? e.g. randomisation; or pre-selected (e.g. gender, age, screened or assessed/tested Specific needs and considerations for the well-being and including of participants
  • Any potential benefits and risks of participation?
  • Is there clear justification for their inclusion and exclusion criteria?

Ethics and Confidentiality

  • Is there consideration of the potential ethical issues related to participation in the study?
  • How will informed consent will be obtained?
  • Is there sufficient consideration of issues regarding confidentiality: participant integrity; privacy and protection of data?
  • Is there sufficient indication of any special measures to be taken to safeguard the interests of any identified vulnerable groups?

Analysis and production of results and outputs

  • Is there consideration of the methodology for data analysis?
  • Will tests of differences or correlations/relationship measures be applied?
  • Is there consideration of which statistics (e.g. t-Test, ANOVA, post-hoc, correlation coefficient, agreement etc.), will be required to do this?
  • Feasibility – is the study feasible?
  • Has access and use of the data collection tools, equipment, facilities been considered?
  • Has the type of personnel needing to support the study been considered?
  • Have the costs of equipment and resources been considered?
  • Have appropriate time-frames for carrying out the project been considered?


  • What is the relevance to practice?
  • Will the study impact on practice in the future?

What can – and do – school counselors do to assure that all children have an opportunity to develop their talents and skills? How can career counselors support adults in transition?

Follow the instructions EXACTLY!!!! Must use the book as one of the references. NO cover page or abstract.

There are two Parts. Answer them separately and label them Part I and Part II

My Career Information:
Age: 12-15 (Summers) Snack Bar at a pool (where I served hamburgers and hot dogs and ice cream, chips, etc.)
Age: 16 – (After School) File Clerk at copper selling office
Age: 16-18 (Summers) Life Guard

INFORMATION ABOUT ME: I didn’t know what I wanted to pursue (counselor) until I was in my 40s.
One of the law clerks that worked in our office at the courthouse with our Judge helped me decide to go to college in my 40s which lead my on the path to wanting to be a counselor.

Part I: Describe your own career development from childhood through early adolescence using Super’s, Gottfredson’s, and other relevant theories. When did you know what you wanted to pursue? Who influenced you? What major turning points can you remember? Make sure you address role salience, work salience, and vocational self concept.

Part II: This week’s readings have a developmental theme including the ways in which Super applies his theory to adult development and choices, theories of transition, and – to use Gottfredson’s concepts – circumscription and compromise. In what way do people’s values, social expectations. stereotypes, and discrimination contribute to people’s career choices and development? What can – and do – school counselors do to assure that all children have an opportunity to develop their talents and skills? How can career counselors support adults in transition?

What claim, if any, does Sarah have against Media Productions Limited and Olivia in regard to the decision to cancel the play?

Assignment Brief :

Assignment 2 : Legal Solutions Case Studies

You have been given the following case studies to review which represent various legal problems.  The areas of law to be considered contain Company Law; Contract Law and Employment Law.  For each case presented you need to apply and justify a legal solution to the problem and where they can obtain legal advice and support.

You now need to file a report to your manager outlining the advice given in relation to these legal problems.

For each case you need to first give a brief introduction and description of the particular branch of law.


Ten years ago, a group of friends formed AV Construction Ltd.  Over the years they secured many projects and became a successful building company.  At first they only had a few small projects but as time progressed they found themselves facing progressively larger contracts.  However despite their initial success they started to run into difficulties and felt they were not able to cope with the rapid growth of the company.

Disagreements began particularly in relation to financial issues and they felt that they were no longer functioning professionally as a team.  The finance director in particular felt out of his depth and that he was being left to make all major decisions.

Due to disintergration of communication a number of important creditors had not been paid and some were threatening to recover money from the company by petitioning the court to recoup their money.  The directors of AV Construction called an emergency board meeting to discuss their options.

They have asked you to draw up a report offering a legal solution to their problems

Questions to consider :

  1. Possible solutions, negotiation with creditors
  2. Possible solutions – involve a Mediation service and/other legal advice
  3. If the company cannot be resued, the grounds upon which the company can be wound up. Advise that they do not wish to be compulsory wound up
  4. Advise on other ways such as administration and voluntary liquidation
  5. If the company is to be wound up the order in which creditors of liquidated companies are paid by the liquidator.


Jane Patel was employed by as a Creative Director at Richards and Appleby Architects.  She was a high-flying architect, was formerly employed by British Airways and has a number of prestigious awards to her name.

Prior to taking maternity leave in 2014, Ms Patel enjoyed an equal leadership role to a male colleague. In 2015, whilst on maternity leave, the business was restructured which saw Ms Patel reporting to her former colleague, and receiving less salary and bonus than him. In effect, she had been demoted.

After her maternity leave, Ms Patel sought to address these issues with her employer and agree her return to work date. The company CEO would not engage on an informal basis so Ms Patel brought a grievance, after which she suffered numerous meetings where she was discriminated against and victimised.

Regarding her demotion, Ms Patel was described by the CEO as suffering from “maternity paranoia” and was accused by another senior company member of “trying to be a Supermum”. Both men were condescending and aggressive towards Ms Patel in meetings, which led her to realise that they could not work together.  Her health is deteriorating and she is considering resigning and has come to you for help.

Recommend a legal solution to Ms Patel under Employment Law for her disputes and advise where she can obtain legal advice and support:

Questions to consider

  1. As she is not a member of a trade union, advise Ms Patel on the benefit of using Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) by contacting ACAS. If ADR fails then;
  2. Advise Ms Patel as to whether she has grounds to bring a claim to the Employment Tribunal (ET) of
  3. Sex Discrimination; or
  4. Maternity Discrimination; or
  • Equal Pay; or
  1. All of the above
  2. Could Ms Patel resign and claim constructive dismissal?


Sarah was a struggling writer who taught some night classes to make ends meet.  One of her students, Alexander, took a shine to her and lent her £5,000 which he had just inherited so she could finish her first novel.  Once she had finished the novel she would then repay the money to Alexander with interest.  The money, however, was not to be repaid for some time and the interest rate was low.

Some time after the night classes had finished Alexander and Sarah began to see much less of each other.  Alexander realized he had perhaps been too generous.

In the meantime, Sarah had been employed by Media Productions Limited to write a screenplay starring famous actress, Olivia, which was to be produced by Media Productions Limited.

Sarah was paid £10,000 up front with a further £15,000 to be paid when the project was completed.  Sarah needed various services to complete the project which she ordered from her usual supplier, Raymond.  He said that these could be supplied within the month.  However Raymond received a rush job from another more important customer and this meant that he did not complete his obligations to Sarah.

While waiting, Olivia had been in a serious car crash which meant she could not appear in the play.  Sarah was then told the script was no longer needed.

Advise the parties concerned and consider the following:

  1. Can Alexander cancel the contract with Sarah and get his £5,000 returned?
  2. Does Sarah have any rights against Raymond?
  3. What claim, if any, does Sarah have against Media Productions Limited and Olivia in regard to the decision to cancel the play?
  4. Where could the parties seek legal advice?