
Describe the issue in detail and then give the reader some background. How long have people been working on this? Who is involved in this issue? What has been tried already? What is currently being done about it?

A “white paper” is an informational document written to promote or highlight a topic of interest. These may be considered “marketing papers” since they are used to persuade or entice public opinion. These are not “brochures” but are fact-based, well researched documents which use words, numbers, graphs to persuade the reader.

The paper will be written in APA format and must be between 9 and 11 pages of text plus references and citations and visuals such as graphs and charts to illustrate your points.

My topic is based on ” Universal Health Care for all Americans”
the directions below will help you understand how the paper should flow.
Who am I writing for?

Your target audience is an elected official who is about to make a decision regarding a policy issue that is important to you. You can assume a certain level of governmental knowledge, but it is your job to fully brief the official so that they can make a well-informed choice.



A one paragraph description of the policy issue and a summary of your recommendation.

Why is this so important? What should be done about it?

Current Situation

The development of this policy issue, within a historical, political and factual framework.

Describe the issue in detail and then give the reader some background. How long have people been working on this? Who is involved in this issue? What has been tried already? What is currently being done about it?

Proposed changes

An outline of the policy options which are being discussed.

What actions are being discussed (or enacted) to address this problem? Lay the options out, one by one, with a brief, un-biased description.

Effect of proposed changes

An outline of the policy options which are being discussed.

How will each of the options change things? Will they work? Why or why not? Use studies and statistics (the best available factual information) to back up your case.

Political Implications

A discussion of groups or individuals who are in support or in opposition.

Who loves it? Who hates it? Why do they take these positions? Is there a compromise that might make everyone content? What will happen to the politician(s) you are trying to influence if they choose one side or the other? Who will they befriend? Who will they antagonize?

Fiscal Impact;

A presentation of the potential costs and/or revenues which are associated with the policy issue.

How much will this cost? Where will it come from? Who will paying for it or lose budget as a result of it? What kind of secondary consequences are there for doing or NOT doing a particular option?

What is the creative approach? Consider for example the use of semiotics, colours, typography, humour, celebrity endorsement etc.

Conduct a critical brand analysis of APPLE Inc, underpinned by academic theories, models and industry insight, using:
• Secondary data, tables, charts, and diagrams
• At least 3 academic theories and models – applied specifically to this case
• A selection of references to academic journals, books, trade press, and websites.

You should attempt to arrive at your conclusions through investigating a selection of the following:
• Academic literature
• Corporate websites
• Packaging, trade press, consumer press, online forums and product reviews
• Point of Purchase
• The product’s marketing communications
• The media where the branded communications have taken place

If the brand is being advertised in a television commercial break, or glossy magazine: then it is perfectly reasonable to draw conclusions about who the brand is being aimed at – through supporting situational data pertaining to the audience consuming that media.
Key areas to discuss:
Breakdown and Present the brand’s: Image, Identity, and Personality.
Dedicate your discussions and analysis to the brand over and above that of just describing the functionality and design of the product or service.
Who are the desired target audiences and what emotional and social relationship do they have with the brand? You will be expected to define and focus on two consumer segments. There needs to be a clear definition of several unique attributes of each consumer segment. Beyond this, also offer an appreciation of how they think, feel and do – mapped specifically to the brand.

What are the key facts and pieces of information communicated by the branded product or service explicitly, implicitly, and tacitly – that give messages and meaning to the offering and that are transferred and acquired by the consumer?

What is the creative approach? Consider for example the use of semiotics, colours, typography, humour, celebrity endorsement etc.

Where does the branded offering communicate these elements? What are the integrated marketing channels, and where are the touch-points and moments of truth? What are the respective strengths and weaknesses of each of these?

Why do you feel that these audiences have been worth targeting?

Why is a branding-led approach to these activities the best way to achieve objectives, beyond other strategic business approaches?

How is effectiveness judged?

Include models, tables, images and diagrams. Where possible, you should create your own tables and annotate models, images and diagrams.

1. Wordcount does not include end references, tables, charts, or executive summary
2. You should not develop a new campaign
3. Full reference list, adhering to Harvard protocol is required. As an approximate guideline:
o 10-15 academic journal papers
o 5-10 trade press articles
o 5 news stories
o 5 books
o 5 company websites
o 5 social media posts
o 3 Branding/Marketing/Consumer Behavioural models

What do you think is the essence of the disagreement on this issue? What really separates those on the pro side from the con side?

English 102 Exploring a Controversy


Essay 3 is the final essay in your Exploring a Controversy project. In this paper you will reflect critically on your topic and what you discovered through your research.

Developing Your Focus

Choose one of the following questions, and use it to guide your reflection paper. Think of your thesis statement as an answer to the question you choose. Write in first or third person, whichever is more appropriate.

 Now that you have looked at both sides more deeply, how and why has your perspective shifted? What did you learn?

 What do you think is the essence of the disagreement on this issue? What really separates those on the pro side from the con side?

 What is the most complex part of this issue? How do you deal with that complexity?

 Is there a middle ground or room for compromise based on your understanding of the perspectives on the pro and con side?

 What have you learned about critical thinking by completing this project?

Additional Requirements  Word count target: 400-600 words.  Follow MLA format.  Use a minimum of 3 sources. These can be sources that you also used in Essay 2, but don’t plagiarize yourself by copying and pasting from previous papers.  This is a totally new essay with a completely different purpose. It should not closely resemble Essay 1 or Essay 2.  Incorporate and correctly cite information from your sources.  Provide appropriate in-text citations for all source material, whether quoted, paraphrased, or summarized, following MLA style.  Properly list all sources on your Works Cited page.  Carefully proofread before submitting your paper.

Grading Criteria Your essay will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

 Clear and focused thesis statement.  Paragraphs fully developed with detailed supporting evidence.  Effective essay organization to create a clear line of argument.  Clear and precise sentence-level rhetoric (grammar and style).

Consult the assignment rubric posted on Canvas for more detailed criteria.

If one site gives a brand a higher or lower ranking than the other(s), explain the difference with reference to the differences in the criteria, weightings etc. used by the different sites. Which ranking do you find most defensible, and why?

This assignment consists of TWO PARTS. You must complete BOTH parts and include them in a SINGLE document.


~ 500 words, weight 5%

Topic: Ethical consumption: comparing products, comparing ratings.

For this part of the assignment, you will explore “civil regulation” of CSR in practice. Your task is to choose two branded products and see how “ethical” they are according to the ratings provided by following sites:

Ethical Shopping Guide

Good on You Ethical ratings on fashion and apparel

Shop Ethical

Choose two items that are each rated by at least 2 of the 3 of the sites. If a product you are considering is not rated by any of the sites or only by one site, choose another product. You should avoid products used as examples when we discussed the rating sites in class (see lecture 13 slides). The assignment will be more relevant and fun if you choose products that you own or have considered buying, but this is not necessary.

Compare how the different sites rate each item. Explain why each item (brand) gets the rating it does in terms of the criteria used by each site. If one site gives a brand a higher or lower ranking than the other(s), explain the difference with reference to the differences in the criteria, weightings etc. used by the different sites. Which ranking do you find most defensible, and why?

To help you think about the practical and conceptual challenges of coming up with a single number that reflects the social responsibility of a firm (or in the case of our assignment, a product or brand), we recommend the following article:

  1. Norman and C. MacDonald. 2004. “Getting to the Bottom of ‘Triple Bottom Line,'” Business Ethics Quarterly 14(2) (April): 243-62.

This section of the assignment does not need to argue a thesis. The grade will be based on how thoughtful, cogent and clearly written it is.


~1500 words, weight 15%

Topic: Law and CSR codes in global supply chains.

In this section you will compare and assess two proposed Canadian laws: Bills C-378 (2011) and C-423 (2018). Both of these proposed laws, which are discussed in lecture 19, are intended to address labour exploitation in the supply chains of Canadian companies. Both were private member’s bills (i.e., introduced by MPs who were not cabinet ministers at the time), and neither bill has been passed into law.

In comparing and assessing these bills, you should consider what the two bills aim to achieve and by what means. The paper should defend a thesis about which (if either, or both) of these proposed laws Canada ought to adopt and why. In doing so, your paper should address the challenges in implementing labour codes through supply chains, the role and limitations of auditing, and the normative arguments for and against rules prohibiting the use of child labour or requiring workers to be paid a “living wage” even if that is higher than the local market wage. You will need to consider how these laws, if enacted, would interact with voluntary codes and multi-stakeholder initiatives driven by “civil regulation” efforts of NGOs and international human rights bodies, and the brand reputation concerns of firms.

The texts of the two bills, and several supplemental sources containing background information and a range of opinions on Bill C-423 are linked below:

BILL C-378 (2011) “An Act to prohibit sweatshop labour goods”

BILL C-423 (2018) An Act respecting the fight against certain forms of modern slavery through the imposition of certain measures and amending the Customs Tariff

Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (2018) “A call to action: ending the use of all forms of child labour in supply chains” esp. pp. 23-44

  1. McKay MP (2019) “Creating Canada’s modern slavery bill

C, Glbert and B Wray (2018) “Modern slavery legislation—Canada may follow the global trend

  1. Lau (2018) “MPs want to help stop ‘slavery.’ They’ll end up hurting people insteadFinancial Post

Emilie de Haas (2019) “Keeping Up with the Times: Why Canada Should Enact a Modern Slavery Act

Human Rights Watch (2019) “Consensus Starting Points: Framing a Canadian Discussion on Human Rights in the Global Operations and Supply Chains of Canadian Companies

In addition to the sources linked above, you are expected to make use of any assigned course readings that are relevant to the points you are making. The readings assigned for lectures 15-19 will be most directly applicable. Since Bill C-423 would mainly impose reporting requirements, the concepts from lecture 13 are relevant to Part II as well as Part I of the assignment. Skilfully incorporating concepts from other units of the course (such as those relevant to the first assignment, and on normative CSR debates) is a plus, but avoid padding the paper with irrelevant, tangential, undigested or weakly integrated material.

Grading Rubric
Criteria of Evaluation Needs


Satisfactory Good Excellent N/A
*Essay answers assignment question          
*Comprehension of relevant theories/concepts from the course; clear understanding of how to use the theories/concepts to analyze/explain your subject          
*Critical thinking about the concepts; some level of abstract thought          
*Development of a coherent argument that supports thesis throughout the essay and is consistent, logical, coherent, and persuasive; argument distinguishes between major and subordinate points          
*Development of comprehensive argument; consideration of strengths and weakness; consideration of and responses to objections or counter-arguments to your position          
*Support argument with relevant evidence from the texts          
THESIS FOCUS          
*Introduction includes a concise, clear statement

that formulates your central argument

*Introduction: presents your topic and thesis          
*Body of Essay: coherent organization of ideas; continuity and logical transitions between paragraphs          
*Paragraphs: each paragraph deals with only one idea or point; clear identification of theme of paragraph in a topic sentence; develops evidence to support your argument; links to the thesis          
*Clarity and readability; concision (avoiding clutter)          
*Spelling, punctuation, proper referencing, proofreading          


Identify and analyze the nature of international markets and the forces and drivers that interface with the development and implementation of international business strategy.

Learning Outcomes (LO):
-Identify and analyze the nature of international markets and the forces and drivers that interface with the development and implementation of international business strategy.
-Demonstrate a critical understanding of both current and extant theories and concepts of strategy formulation and development in the international environment
-Critically evaluate the formulation of business strategies in response to the challenges of internationalization and how they reflect changes in both the domestic and international business environments.

Prepare 3300word report by answering the following questions. Q1 and2 addresses LO1, Q 3-5 addresses LO2 and Q 6-7 addresses LO3.
Watch the Amazon video and answer the below questions

1. How does the company respond to the changes in socio-economic and political landscape? Justify your answer with examples.10 marks
2. Elaborate on the positive and negative effects of Amazon on economic development. 10 marks
3. What global strategies have the company adopted to extend the long- term success of the company.10 marks
4. How does a global value chain analysis of the company strengthen its competitive advantage?15 marks
5. Does the company reap any benefits from Global Partner Network and how sustainable are they?15 marks
6. How does the company formulate their business strategies in response to the challenges of internationalization?15 marks
7. Will an impending Brexit affect the company you chose in terms of Operations and Overall profitability. What is the role of international organizations in ensuring smooth international trade?15 marks

Reading list
Core module book:
Dicken, P. (2014) Global Shift: Mapping the changing contours of the world economy. 7th Edition. SAGE: Los Angeles.
Other reading list:
Coe, N., Dicken, P. and Hess, M. (2008) Global Production Networks: Realizing the Potential, Journal of Economic Geography, 8 (3), 271-295.
Coe, N. and Yeung, H-W-C. (2015) Global production networks: theorizing economic development in an interconnected world. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Forsgren, Mats (2013) Theories of the multinational firm: A multidimensional creature in the global economy (2nd ed.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Gereffi, G., Humphrey, J. and Sturgeon, T. (2005) The Governance of Global Value Chains, Review of International Political Economy, 12 (1), 78-104.
Nadvi, K. (2008) Global Standards, Global Governance and the Organization of Global Value Chains, Journal of Economic Geography, 8 (3), 323-343.
Sinkovics, R., Yamin, M., Nadvi, K. and Zhang, Y.Z (2014) Rising powers from emerging markets – The changing face of international business, International Business Review, 23:675-679

Write a report that explains what the minimum spanning tree problem is and how it can be solved with Prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s algorithm.

Question 4 (25 marks)

This question is about spanning trees (Unit 5 Section 2.2.2), minimum spanning trees and Prim’s algorithm (Unit 5 Section 2.4) and assesses your skills in clear and succinct communication, which are required for the last question in the exam. Moreover, explaining a topic to others is a good way to consolidate one’s own learning.

Write a report that explains what the minimum spanning tree problem is and how it can be solved with Prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s algorithm. Kruskal’s algorithm is not taught on M269 so you will need to find out about it yourself (remember you can use Library resources to do this e.g. Finding resources for your assignment). Your report must have this structure:

  1. A suitable title.
  2. An introductory paragraph explaining what a spanning tree is, then what a minimum spanning tree (MST) is, and the problem of finding it.
  3. One or two paragraphs explaining how Prim’s algorithm solves the MST problem with an example.
  4. One or two paragraphs explaining how Kruskal’s algorithm solves the MST problem with the same example, but showing how Kruskal’s algorithm arrives at this solution in a different way.
  5. A concluding paragraph explaining what the greedy algorithm technique is and why these are examples of it.
  6. A bibliography section with all sources that you consulted, apart from the M269 materials.
  7. At the end of the report note the number of words that you used for points 1 to 5. Please aim for 700 words. If you find yourself writing more, you are probably not explaining clearly, and if you have written a lot less, you probably have not explained well enough.

You may create your own figures or use someone else’s, as long as you acknowledge them, to support your explanation and reduce the need for text. Figure captions and text in the figures count towards the word limit, i.e. select all your text and figures and apply your word processor’s word count tool.

The report is aimed at students of M269. Assume they have studied up to and including Unit 5, Section 2.2.1 i.e. they have just learnt about the graph data type.

Make sure that you explain everything in your own words. The OU uses software to detect text plagiarised from articles and web pages. Omitting or replacing some words, changing the order of sentences, or copying from multiple sources does not fool the software. Detected cases will be passed to the OU’s plagiarism team.

Before writing your first draft, you may wish to look back at TMA 01 Question 2: skim Joe’s report, your feedback to him, and your tutor’s feedback on your feedback. This will help you avoid making the same mistakes as Joe.

Your report will be marked against the following criteria:

  • a.Content (points 2 to 5): Is the explanation clear and complete? Will the reader understand Minimum Spanning Trees and the differences between Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms as a way to solve them? Will they understand how these are both examples of greedy algorithms?

(15 marks)

  • b.Writing (all points): Is the title descriptive? Does your report follow the structure above? Does it follow the Checklist with advice on writing and the OU Harvard guide to citing references (both in the TMA questions and guidance page)? Have you kept to the word limit?

(10 marks)

Note that the checklist mentioned is generic and not specific to this TMA. In particular, your report needs no headings other than the title.

After completing and revising your answers, upload your TMA as a single .zip file to the eTMA system. The zip archive should include 4 files only:

  • your Solution Document;

Make sure that you:

  • have not changed the names of the code files;
  • have pasted the methods and functions that you changed or added as text (not as an image) into the Solution Document, so that your tutor can give inline feedback;
  • have not included the test files in the archive.


Discuss how change will be evaluated and how will you know that quality of care has been enhanced. This could include audit measures.

Introduce your chosen change management model/framework. Justify why you have chosen this as opposed to other models. Critically analyze the suitability to your change idea, with reference to literature and good change management theory. There should be some comparing and comparison as a start to analysis.
• Consider strategies (from your reading) that will overcome barriers to change and anticipate how you can follow through the model. Think about communication methods and you could link this to leadership styles if you wish?
• Discuss and define the impact on other people using the concept of coproduction and remembering that changing one part of the system will have a potential impact on another part of the healthcare system.
• Explain how the tools you would use to support your chosen change management report will help in implementation e.g. PDSA, 5 whys and fishbone.
• Justify and explain your leadership approach in relation to the relevant theory. Think about the styles of leadership and which will work or not work for the stage of the change.
• Discuss how change will be evaluated and how will you know that quality of care has been enhanced. This could include audit measures.

Remember that earthquakes occur along plate boundaries. Is there evidence for this on your map?

  • PHY 2251 – Lab 9 – SP17
    Earthquake Investigation
    Objective: To visualize the randomness of earthquakes and to use earthquake occurrences to map a fault boundary.
    Background: An earthquake is the violent shaking of the Earth caused by the movement of tectonic plates, large pieces of Earth’s crust. When these plates move suddenly there is a large release of energy all at once, causing the Earth to shake. Earthquakes occur at a place called the focus, a spot underground where the plates move past one another. On the surface, the place directly above the focus is known as the epicenter.
    Earthquakes are measured using the Richter scale. The Richter scale is a logarithmic scale that measures the energy released by an earthquake. Because it is a logarithmic scale, an earthquake that measures 5.0 on the Richter scale is 10 times stronger than one that measures a 4.0. Likewise, a 6.0 is 100 times stronger than a 4.0.
    Procedure: In Part 1 of this experiment you will find information and create a graph that shows earthquakes occurring over time in a particular region. In Part 2, you will plot the epicenter of these earthquakes on a map.
    Part 1: Choose a region from the list given below or another region prone to earthquake activity. No two groups should be using the same region.
    California Japan Chile New Zealand
    India China Romania Peru Turkey
    After you have chosen a region for your group, investigate the earthquakes that have occurred in that region over the past 65 years (since 1950). Use any credible resources available. Use this information to fill in Table 1. For all earthquakes of magnitude 5.0 or greater, record the date, location (latitude and longitude) of the epicenter and the magnitude of the earthquake. Remember that some places are more active than others, so some groups may have more data than others, however you should have between 25 and 30 data points.
    When you are finished, input this data into Excel and create a graph of Earthquake magnitude versus time. Be sure to title your graph, label the axes with name and units, and also mark any earthquakes that were greater than an 8.0. (Do this in Excel, do not just write it on the graph).
    Include the graph in your lab report and answer the following questions in your conclusion:
    1) Are all of the earthquakes of similar magnitude in one region, or do they change often? Remember that because the Richter scale is logarithmic, an 8.0 is much different from a 7.5. 2) Do you see any pattern in the occurrence of earthquakes? Do they occur at particular dates? Do they always occur in the same location? Look for patterns and discuss any you might find.
    Part 2: Construct a map of the earthquakes’ location using Google Maps. This can be done by using the Google maps tool available at or any other mapping tool that you can find. Input the latitude and longitude of each earthquake in your region. Pay attention to the directions. Always input latitude first (North is positive, south is negative) and then longitude (East is positive, West is negative) separated by a comma.
    Print or save the map and include it in your lab report. Also, answer the following questions in your conclusion
    1) When you look at the earthquakes on the map, what do you see?

    2) Remember that earthquakes occur along plate boundaries. Is there evidence for this on your map?

    3) Investigate the plates nearby your region to determine the source of the seismic activity. Which plates are moving against which plates? What type of boundary (boundaries) are near your region?

    4) Is there any other type of activity (volcanoes, large mountains) that occurs near your region that may also be attributed to plate movement?

Identify memories of contact with those who were culturally different than you, and your experiences associated with these differences. Be specific.

Social and Cultural Diversity Paper Writing Instructions


The Social and Cultural Diversity Paper (1,750-2,000 words) requires the student to identify and reflect on possible personal biases regarding gender, religion, sexual or gender orientation, race, socioeconomic status, disability status, or culture. The purpose of this paper is to raise the student’s personal and professional level of awareness regarding the subject of diverse populations.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines.

Process Schedule

The Social and Cultural Diversity Paper assignment will be accomplished in a five-step process, with individual steps submitted and graded regularly throughout the course, according to the following schedule:

  • Outline
  • References
  • First Draft
  • Final Paper

Content Guidelines

When constructing this paper, use a three-part structure according to the following guidelines:

Part 1

The first part of the paper requires you to identify information from your own personal history. Use the following questions to help guide your reflections:

  • Identify your personal biases and how they may impact your counseling approach. Remember, everyone has biases. The point is not to project them onto your clients.

Note: It is preferred you discuss your cultural biases.   

  • Describe your personal history by documenting experiences with discrimination you may have experienced and how your cultural background impacted these experiences. If you have not had any experiences, share why you believe this to be true.
  • Identify memories of contact with those who were culturally different than you, and your experiences associated with these differences. Be specific.
  • How has your life experience affected how you may relate to persons different than you? Be specific.

*My personal biases are that I have a hard time with women who are passive and submissive in controlling relationships. I am very strong-willed and independent.

*When I was in 3rd grade there was only one African American in my class, who I was actually friends with. She was bullied by my classmates and they would make fun of me for being her friend. I have always been friends with African Americans and my daughters are half black, half white. I have been called horrible names and even looked down on from my own race because I have more black friends than white.

Produce documentation to demonstrate how the project was organized and managed professionally and effectively within the team.

BEng (Hons) in Architectural Engineering.

Learning Outcomes assessed via this project.

6224BEUG: Architectural Engineering Project 3

LO1 Work as part of a team to critically evaluate the requirements, risks, and implications of a client’s brief for an Architectural Engineering project.

LO2 Apply Architectural Engineering technology and management procedures to produce, and evaluate, conceptual designs for Architectural Engineering projects and to progress these to detailed solutions.

LO3 Produce documentation to demonstrate how the project was organized and managed professionally and effectively within the team.

LO4 Present project solutions to an expert panel and critically evaluate the skills and competences demonstrated in the completion of the project against the relevant competence criteria of appropriate professional institutions.

Project Scenario

Private Independent Treatment Centre

A national independent health care company is planning to build a new hospital in the Cheshire area just outside the city of Chester. Although the treatment centre is hospital like in its nature it is not a general hospital, it will offer a limited range of specialist services. The main area of specialism is planned orthopaedic surgery, primarily hip and knee replacement surgery but hand, wrist, shoulder and elbow orthopaedic surgery will also be performed.  A large part of the work within the treatment centre will be the surgical procedures but the centre will also undertake the associated diagnostics, pre and post-operative care, physiotherapy etc. Therefore the new treatment centre will include a number of operating theatres (and the associated anaesthetist and recovery resources) as well as x-ray, physiotherapy, day and post-operative wards as well as the patient welfare facilities.

Although the treatment centre will be owned and run by an independent company, it will deliver treatment on behalf of, and funded by, the NHS, in addition to fee-paying patients or those who have private medical insurance. As such, the building must meet or exceed the standards expected in a modern NHS hospital.

As such, the building is intended to provide a clean, modern, safe, state of the art treatment centre, which will appeal to both fee-paying patients as well as NHS patients who will choose to have their planned treatments at this centre.

The key objectives of this development are:

  • To provide outstanding health care treatment programmes.
  • Provision of modern, high quality, safe, health care facility in a building which is welcoming, reassuring with the flexibility to meet the needs of all stakeholders as well as providing the centre’s staff, with an excellent working environment.
  • Ensure that the company continues attract patients via all funding streams as their treatment centre of choice.
  • Ensure that the building is efficient, sustainable and contributes to the clients objective of an efficient, manageable and environmentally excellent facility.

Your role is to work as an integrated functional team to analyse the proposed  building and manage the building services design and build proposals for the client.


Additional Information

The following data is available to you:

  • The CAD floor plans of the proposed building layout together with various other drawings and documents.
  • A IES-VE model of the building.

Approach & Expectations.

This project is essentially a collaborative team activity but the expectation is that your team will be structured and organized in a professional way, consistent with the level of professionalism expected of a team of incorporated engineers. Consequently, you should be aiming for a quality of completed work that is indistinguishable from that produced by professional engineers and consultancies. As such you will be assessed not only on your product (i.e. the work you produce for the various tasks) but also on your processes (i.e. documentary evidence of the way you plan, organise and manage the project). 20% of the marks available are for how you organize and manage the project. Therefore the expectation is that you will not only produce work of a professional standard but you will also project manage the team and the work in a professional way. This has a double benefit as experience shows us that the best organized teams produce the best quality work, poorly organized teams rarely, if ever, produce good work.

Working together with others as a member of a team is a fundamental part of project based work and enhances collaborative learning. Project based learning gives you the opportunity to develop your communication, problem-solving and collaborative team-working skills. The assessment will encourage you to learn together and problem solve collectively. The work is structured such that it reflects the real-world requirements of professional engineers and will throughout the assessment facilitate the development of your skills and attributes such as professional report writing, independence and responsibility, resource and time management.

All reports, drawings and other supporting documents are to be produced to a professional standard. There is an expectation that each team will establish professional working practices, and organize and structure itself as an effective professional project management team.

You are therefore expected to record and document how you have worked effectively as a team and developed the project as a whole. Whilst this is a collective document it is essential that the contribution and involvement of each individual within the team is also identified.

Note that all the Reports must contain a page, signed by each team member, stating who had worked on which parts.   A section may have had contribution from more than one person; that is fine, but please state which people have been involved in which section.


Each member of the team will be required to assume responsibility for the various roles within the overall project management.

These might include, but are not limited to, the following roles:-

–           Overall Project Manager

–           Quality Assurance

–           Progress and document tracking

–           Minutes and communication.

–           Modelling and analysis procedures

–           Risk Manager

–           Drawings Manager

–           Program Manager

–           Detailed Design Manager


The work should be well researched and informed by academic study but should be totally applied and contextualised to this building. Non-contextualised generic statements and strategies may serve as an introduction but the main focus should be the application to this building. The project must be evidence based, all decisions, designs, costing, programmes and calculations should be evidence based and capable of being substantiated. Costings, rates, profit margins, time allowances, programming etc must be in-line with typical standards, procedures and recommendations etc. 



In reality the design team for this new building would be able to obtain instructions from the client or Architect to clarify any issues or approve decisions. You are therefore free to make ‘reasonable’ assumptions in order to progress the project. By ‘reasonable’ we mean assumptions that are in line with all the evidence and that you don’t use assumptions as a substitute for research and investigation. Assumptions should be a last resort and should be made when it is not possible to obtain definitive information from another source. If you need clarification on any point or further guidance on any assumptions you need to make you should contact the module leader (Steve Wynn). Any assumptions you make, together with the logic, necessity and justification for these assumptions should be clearly stated within your report.




Although this is essentially a collaborative team based project this does not mean that the contribution, both in quality and quantity, of each individual will not be recognised in assessment and the marks awarded.

You will see from the details which follow that this project is divided into a number of tasks, some of these tasks are assessed as a team activity and others are marked on an individual basis. These are clearly identified in each task.


For those tasks which are identified as being assessed as a team activity, procedures will be used to adjust the marks of each individual to reflect their contribution. The principle is that if a team has one member (or more) who does not fully participate and contribute equitably (in both quality and quantity) to the work produced or the management of the team, then there is no reason why they should receive a mark higher than their contribution deserves due to the efforts of others. Likewise, there is no reason why the lack of effort from one individual who doesn’t participate should penalize the marks for those members of the team who do.

In general however, it is expected that the groups who collaborate and work well together will find that these adjustments will only make very small changes to the marks for each assignment.

Task 1: Project Appraisal and Develop the Design Brief

Using the drawings and other data provided together with case studies and information from your own research, complete an appraisal of the project and develop a design brief. Prepare a detailed, informative, evidence based report to include the following:

  1. Your interpretation of the building, its features and priorities in order to be effective and successful, the client’s and end users’ needs and requirements, priorities and objectives and how these may influence the eventual design decisions for the building services installations and the completion of the project.
  2. Using appropriate sources, select and justify the internal thermal, visual and aural environmental conditions required for the various locations within the building together with the appropriate external design conditions.
  3. Using the information provided apply best practice to update and configure the IES virtual environment modelling software so that it accurately reflects the buildings properties, usage, equipment and systems.
  4. Using the thermal model complete an initial analysis of the buildings compliance with Part L of the Building Regulations and identify and where appropriate address any potential issues which may prevent the proposed buildings from complying.
  5. Using the thermal model establish the following initial data
    • the heating loads for the various habitable locations.
    • Identify any locations with a potential for overheating in the absence of air conditioning or other cooling strategies.
    • the cooling loads for those areas identified as having the potential for overheating.
    • the predicted building performance including annual energy consumption and carbon emission rates for the building using typical but non-specific M&E installations.
  • analysis of adequacy of the natural lighting provision for the relevant areas of the building and consider methods of improving the daylight penetration into the building.
  • analysis of where the use of passive measures may potentially be used to maintain comfort conditions without the use of mechanical cooling, heating or ventilation systems.

Note: Appropriate procedures and current thinking should be applied to ensure the reliability of the results obtained by comparison of the predicted data with established benchmarks.

  1. Estimation of the likely electrical loads for the building

Note: this task provides the assessment of Learning Outcome 1 of 6224BEUG. This task is to be completed collaboratively as part of an effective contract team. All members of the team must be seen to be contributing to this task. The task will be marked as a team assessment.


Task 2: Feasibility and Concept Design Development

  1. Examine the feasibility and practicality of installing renewable and/or low carbon technologies as part of the development of this building. Your study should examine all relevant environmental and commercial issues as well as the practical construction and engineering implications involved in installation, commissioning, operation and eventual removal or replacement. Use thermal modelling and other analytical techniques to include comparisons of energy usage, carbon emission reduction, payback period, whole life cycles costing, maintenance requirements etc. Your study should include but is not limited to
  • Biomass
  • Solar Energy PV
  • CHP
  • Natural ventilation or other passive strategies
  • Air and/or Ground Source Heat Pumps
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Wind turbine

Make a clear statement of which, if any, of these technologies you will be incorporating in your design proposals for this building.

  1. Complete a factual evaluation of the feasible options for the provision of the M&E Services to establish the integrated design strategies you are proposing to progress to concept design. Include an evaluation of the comparative life cycle costs of alternative options including a clear statement of your selected preferred strategies with reasoned objective justifications for your selection.
  2. Produce outline concept design proposals for the provision of the M&E services for the building (sketches, schematics, space requirements, product selection, etc) to confirm the suitability of the selected strategies and inform the detailed design in the next task.


Task 2 is to be completed collaboratively as part of an effective contract team. All members of the team must be seen to be contributing to this task. The task will be marked as a team assessment.

The submission deadline for module


Task 3: Detailed Design

Develop the concept designs into a fully detailed design proposal.


The report to include:

  1. Development of the concept design for the M&E Services for selected sections of the building. The designs to include 2 and 3D drawings to fully detail proposed layouts, space allocation and clash avoidance. The selected sections for which detailed designs are required will be definitively identified once task 2 has been completed.
  2. An assessment of the Compliance with Part L of the Building Regulations and the energy performance of the building incorporating your detailed design.  Use appropriate standards and benchmarks to evaluate the reliability of these predictions.


Task 3 requires a collaborative approach in order to maintain the integrated design and as such is a natural progressive development of tasks 1 & 2. However the work produced by each individual in the team is to be assessed separately.  Each member of the team must take individual responsibility for the completion of identifiable elements of the above task.


Tasks 2 & 3 provides the assessment of Learning Outcome 2 of 6224BEUG.

Task 4: Management, Documentation.

All of the above reports, drawings and other supporting documents are to be produced to a professional standard. There is an expectation that the team will establish working practices, organise and structure itself as an effective professional project management team.


You are therefore required to record and document how you have worked effectively as a team and developed the project as a whole. Whilst this is a collective document it is essential that the contribution and involvement of each individual within the team is also identified.


Examples of documents and activities that might be included in this detailed record include, but are not limited to:

  • Team structure and organizational charts, identification of individual and collective responsibility, lines of communication.
  • Minutes of all meetings.
  • Procedures and protocols.
  • Workflow management.
  • Evidence of planning and review
  • Evidence of consultation meetings,
  • Collective agreements and agreed procedures for decision making, resolving disputes, working times, quality control procedures, document control mechanisms etc.
  • Progress and time management reviews.
  • Reflection on the design process and the final design.
  • Complete, reviews and appraisals of the contribution and achievement of yourself and other members of your team.


Note: this task provides the complete assessment of Learning Outcome 3 of 6224BEUG This task is to be completed collaboratively as part of an effective contract team. All members of the team must be seen to be contributing to this task. The task will be marked as a team assessment.

Task 4 provides the assessment of Learning Outcome 3 of 6224BEUG.


Task 5: Presentation:

Your team will be required to make a formal, multi-media presentation of all aspects of your project to a formal review panel. This should include a critical evaluation of the engineering and project management solutions produced by your team.

The presentation will be a team presentation but each member will be marked individually for their presentation skills.

Task 5 is worth 8% of the marks for this module.

Task 6: Personal Professional Development

As part of the appraisal of your own contribution and achievement you are required to produce an engineering practice report to assess the extent to which you satisfy each of the CIBSE competencies expected for Associate Membership / Incorporated Engineer status.  Explain what evidence you have for each, and what you plans to do to improve on any aspects which you feel need further development.


This is an individual assessment..

The submission deadline for Task 6 is 23.59 on Friday 8th May 2020. Task 6 is worth 7% of the marks for this module.

Tasks 5&6 provides the complete assessment of Learning Outcome 4 of 6224BEUG.

The marks for Tasks 5 & 6 are aggregated to form Assessment 3 titled “Presentation” This is worth 15% of the total marks for this module.

Assessment Criteria


Marking/Assessment criteria are the knowledge, understanding and skills that you are expected to demonstrate in the particular assessment task(s). Tutors use these criteria when marking your assignments to determine the mark given and to provide

feedback to you on your performance. Note that 40% is the pass mark for this module. You must get a MODULE mark of at least 40% in order to pass the module. However you are not required to achieve this mark in each assessment component; it is the weighted average mark which matters.

Some work may be mainly calculations and/or drawings, in which case it is marked in terms of the proportion of the work which is correct. Other assessments require answers in the form of a report, in which case the following applies:-


80% and above (First)

Exceptional and outstanding work of professional quality. Fully responding to the question or task, error free and showing substantial evidence of critical analytical thought, originality and a full understanding of relevant theory.


70% – 79% (First)

The answer contains all the relevant information and has a coherent, logical and precise argument. It will also show an awareness of the broad and subtler implications of the issues. There will also be evidence of a wide knowledge with the depth of understanding that comes from reading around the subject. The mark reflects the level of critical analysis and original thought. Arguments will be supported by fact, clearly referenced.


60% – 69% (Upper Second)

The question is approached in a confident manner, the issues are identified, evidence and reading are used and some awareness of broader issues is displayed. There is some critical analysis but the work lacks the fluency of a ‘First Class’



50% to 59% (Lower Second)

This is the mark for a solid answer that grasps the material but lacks coherence and does not always recognise the broader implications. Whilst it shows some intelligent application and understanding it lacks a clear and concise grasp of the critical

analysis required.


40% to 49% (Third)

Shows some basic knowledge but there is difficulty in comprehending the material in general and the question in particular. Little critical analysis or awareness of the broader implications and issues behind the question.


39% or less (fail)

Little, if any, evidence of having a grasp of the basic course material. A simplistic approach to the question, disorganised with insufficient material and awareness. There may be patchy evidence of understanding but not sufficient to pass. Shows little awareness of reading or understanding the issues. May well contain errors of fact.