
What is the current ratio? Do you have enough current assets to meet your current liabilities? Explain. (Refer to page 23. of the Merrill Lynch handout/link)

  • Healthcare Business Plan Phase – 3
    Service Overview
    This service describes the new service-the benefits and features that you are providing and to whom.
    It is important to recognize that the benefits may way from customer to customer. Patients may see one value or benefit such as timely clinical intervention, whereas the referral sources may see a different benefit, such as having the patient under supervised care within 3 hours of a call, or medical group may see a different benefit having a competitive value with which to better negotiate contracts.

    • What is the proposed new service/product unique features and benefits?
    • What values does it provide to the key target market?
    • What are the benefits of this new service/product?
    • How is this new service/product against existing services and products offered by others?
    • What are you doing differently?
  • A. Target Market
    • Understand your customers (be they patients, family members, judges, third-party payers, employers, o the government)
    • How is the market segmented? Who in the group is involved in the buying decision?
  • Competitive Analysis
    The competitive analysis is a thorough analysis of both direct and indirect competitors.  It identifies strengths and weaknesses of competitors. Indirect competitors may not provide the same service, but they may be competing for the same dollars.

    • Describe your competition’s service
    • What is/are their point(s) of differentiation?
    • What real value do they deliver to the customer that others do not?
    • What is their marketing/advertising approach?
    • What are the opportunities or threats to your organization?
  •                 Marketing Mix-Promotional Strategy
    • What are the key messages you want to convey in your marketing materials about your organization?
    • How are you positioning your service/organization?
    • What mix of vehicles will you use?
    • What are the objectives?
  •   Marketing Mix-Place
    • Where will the service/product be delivered (location, hours, technology utilized)?
    • What are the costs associated with this manner of distribution?
    • What is the marketing importance/advantage of the location?
    • Does the location/distribution approach provide any competitive advantages?
  • Marketing Mix-Pricing
    • Labor costs of FTEs (full time employees)
    • Overhead costs?
    • Margin costs?
  •                    Other Pricing considerations:
    • Customer perception of value
    • Will there be discounting?
    • What type of pricing strategies will you use?
  • Refer to Chapter9-Price

  • Healthcare Business Marketing Plan – Phase 4
    Service Delivery Plan

    • Outlines the method by which your service will be delivered to clients or customers
    • It is a statement of what resources are needed in terms of both personnel and other assets to be delivered.
      • Outlines the critical points in the clinical service delivery process
    • What to Include
      }  Service delivery methodology: what methods will your organization use to deliver services-this can be an outline
      }  Flow Chart of delivery service, delivery sequence, and timing requirements
      B.  Human Resources
                    1. Organizational Structure/staffing Plan
                                 •Clinical (full time vs. part time)
      •Non-clinical (full time vs. part times
      2.  Compensation

      • Rate
        • Benefits
        • Job descriptions-brief
        • Roles and responsibilities-brief description
      • Healthcare Marketing Business Plan – Phase 5
        The balance sheet shows the financial picture of a business at a given point in time. It is what the organization owns versus what they owe.

        The income statement shows the profit (or revenue-positive position) versus the loss of an organization over time.

        For this phase, utilize Merrill Lynch’s handout on reading financial statements. Refer to the following link:

        • Using one year of the balance sheet, determine the organization’s liquidity through the current ratio and debt-to-equity ratio. Use the table below and answer the questions.
Left Side Right Side
Current Assets ________ Current Liabilities _________
Fixed Assets _________ Long-Term Liabilities______
Other Assets __________ Shareholder Equity ________
  • What is the current ratio? Do you have enough current assets to meet your current liabilities? Explain. (Refer to page 23. of the Merrill Lynch handout/link)
  • What is their debt-to-equity ratio?
Total liabilities/total shareholder equity =


    • Using one year of the income statement, determine the organization’s profitability or fund balance perspective through operating margin and net profit ratio. Use the table below and analyze the both the operating margin and net profit ratio. Refer to page 31. Of the Merrill Lynch handout/link.
Operating Margin = Operating Income/net sales
Net Profit Margin = Net Income/Net sales


What is holism and how does it link to good care? – attention to psychological as well as physical needs and consideration of social factors influencing needs?

What is good care?
What difference does good care make to practice- why is it important?
How does communication link to and impact good care?
What political and ethical challenges link to good care? – for example the NHS Constitution, the Francis report and the 6Cs of care.
What is holism and how does it link to good care? – attention to psychological as well as physical needs and consideration of social factors influencing needs?
What are the professional responsibilities of a healthcare professional such as confidentiality, promotion of privacy & dignity, anti discriminatory practice- with reference to your professional codes and standards?

Examine specific situations in your business case, where various managerial skills and leadership qualities (or lack of them) were demonstrated by company’s top managers.

Purpose of this assessment
This assignment is designed to assess the learner’s knowledge of the principles of management and operations, enabling them to identify and use fundamental tools and concepts that incentivise leadership, managerial and operational improvements within organizations, in order to reap business benefits.


Task 1 Scenario
You are a student and as a part of course requirements, you have to produce a report, where you are required to analyze the business case of General Electric (GE). The purpose of the report is to differentiate between a role of a leader and the function of a manager, and to apply the role of a leader in different management contexts.

General Electric is one of the most prominent organizations in the USA and it was one of the 12 original companies to be registered as a public corporation. Throughout its 100 years of history, GE has gone through significant market, competitive and structural changes, and has been renowned for its strong culture of shaping leaders from within. Henry Lawrence Culp Jr. is the CEO of General Electric since 2018, and the first-outsider to run GE in history.

Task 1
This report should include the following sections:

1.       Examine specific situations in your business case, where various managerial skills and leadership qualities (or lack of them) were demonstrated by company’s top managers.  Your analysis should focus on the actions and achievements of Jack Welch, his successor – Jeff Immelt and the current GE CEO – Henry Lawrence Culp Jr.


2.      You should identify and analyze particular strengths and weaknesses of the respective leaders in various situations, link specific manager/leader’s actions to different theories and models of approach, including situational leadership, systems leadership, and contingency.

Critically analyze at least two of these theories.



Submission Format
The submission format is of a business report of 2,000 words (excluding table of contents, introduction and conclusion and appendices). You will not be penalized for exceeding this number.


Describe the context and setting where you provide supervision. Describe how you negotiated a supervisor/supervisee agreement with this particular supervisee..

 Guidance to writing external Supervision & Supervisee Assessment Case Review (within counseling client sessions)

The case review must be structured using each of the 7 headings below.  It should provide a coherent summary of your supervision work with ONE supervisee drawn from your supervision work during the life of the course. You need to give specific examples from your work throughout, which may include brief examples of what was said where relevant, but the case review should not be a transcript nor should it be a session by session account. Confidentiality must be ensured at all times.

The case review should:

  • reflect a sound underpinning of integrated supervision theory and skills;
  • evidence a clear understanding of the supervision relationship and the supervision process including how this impacts on the therapeutic relationship between counsellor and client;
  • show how you work within, and support your supervisee to work within, an ethical framework;
  • critically reflect on how your use of supervisory supervision enhanced your work.

Common mistakes are – being unable to integrate supervision skills and theory sufficiently, paying insufficient attention to the counsellor and client relationship, lack of application of learning from own supervisory supervision, not showing adequate critical reflection and evaluation, running out of words by sections 6 and 7.


Please reference your work accurately and include a bibliography at the end.  Attach the signed cover sheet given in your Candidate Guide. 

The total word count – including all quotations – must be between 3,000 – 3,500 words. Case studies exceeding the maximum word count of 3,500 will be deemed Not Proficient. 

Footnotes and the bibliography are not included in the word count. Appendices and other material are not required and will not be marked.

The case review does not have to be completed under exam conditions. 

The review should be written on a word processor, using double spacing, wide margins and page numbering.

You must present your answers under the 7 headings given below:

  1. Context and boundaries of work:
  • Describe the context in which you work showing understanding of the boundaries and ethical framework for your supervision practice.


You must:

  • Describe the context and setting where you provide supervision.
  • Describe how you negotiated a supervisor/supervisee agreement with this particular supervisee..
  • Explain how an ethical framework informs your work as a supervisor.
  1. Assessment
  • Use a coherent framework to arrive at an initial and on-going assessment of your supervisee’s developmental needs.


You must:

  • Show how you applied your understanding of a coherent framework to assess your supervisee’s initial supervisory needs.
  • Give examples of how you recognised and responded to your supervisee’s changing needs.


  1. Awareness of diversity issues:
  • Work with awareness of diversity issues


You must:

  • Critically reflect on issues of diversity between you and your supervisee
  • Show you worked with these issues to enhance the supervision relationship
  • Give examples of how you supported and challenged your supervisee to work with issues of diversity in the client work.
  1. Development of the supervision relationship and the supervision process:
  • Work with aspects of the supervision relationship and the supervision process.


You must:

  • Critically evaluate the quality of the supervisory relationship and give examples of how it contributed to the supervision process.
  • Give examples of how you supported and challenged your supervisee to understand and work with the counselling relationship for the benefit of the client.
  1. Use of self-awareness in the supervisory process:
  • Reflect on how you used and encouraged self-awareness in the supervisory process.


You must:

  • Critically reflect on your internal response to your supervisee and show how you used self-awareness to enhance the supervisory process.
  • Evaluate how you used supervision skills to enable your supervisee to use self-awareness to enhance the counseling process.


  1. Theory underpinning skills
  • Work within a coherent framework of supervision theory and skills.


You must:

  • Describe ONE theoretical model of supervision and give examples of how this informed your supervision work.
  • Give examples of how the supervision work impacted on the supervisee’s work with their client.
  1. Use of supervisory supervision:
  • Use supervisory supervision to inform and support your work with this supervisee.

You must:

  • Critically reflect on how supervisory supervision has supported and challenged you in your supervision work with this supervisee.
  • Give specific examples of when you have used insights and learning from supervisory supervision to inform and enhance your work with this supervisee.

Marking scheme:

Each section of the case review is awarded between 0 and 3 marks on the following basis:

0 = no evidence                         1 = minimum evidence

2 = satisfactory evidence            3 = robust evidence

Candidates must achieve at least ONE mark in each section and an overall mark of 11 out of 21 to be assessed as Proficient. Candidates can be awarded ½ marks.

Note that each section carries equal marks (3) so you are advised to take this into account when deciding how much to write in each section.

Discuss design biases and threats to internal construct and external validity. How did they minimized these threats?

The Critique will be presented as a professional PowerPoint presentation posted online.  The presentation must include, and only include, the following:

Slide # Content
1 Title slide with author name
2 APA citation of article being reviewed
3- Statement of the problem Description of the problem statement.

Be sure to address all components on page 102 of your book

4 Significance to nursing
5- Hypotheses or research questions What is the research question/aim/purpose or hypothesis?
6- Framework Describe the theoretical or conceptual framework that guides the study
7- Research design Name it. Describe why this was the best design to use or why another one would be more appropriate. Describe comparisons being made within the study if appropriate.
8 Discuss design biases and threats to internal construct and external validity. How did they minimized these threats?
9-Population and sample Describe the population. What sampling design was used to obtain the sample? Was this the best design to use? Why or why not- think biases? Was the sample adequate? Describe how you know this.
10- Data Collection and Measurement Name the independent and dependent variables- define them.
11-12 What instruments or tools were used to measure these variables? Name and describe them. Were these tools the best ones to use?
13 Describe how do you know these were the best tools to use- think reliability and validity as evidence
14- Results What statistical tests did they use to examine the research questions etc.? Were these tests appropriate? Why?
15 Describe the results of the study. What findings were statistically significant?
16 What is the CLINICAL significance of this study?
17- Discussion Describe how findings were consistent or not with prior literature. Does the study present reasonable implications for nursing and/or research? Describe these implications
18- -Global issues What is your overall impression of the article? Provide strengths and weaknesses and support your answer
19- Summary Do the findings appear to be true? Do you have confidence in the results? How can nurses use information in the article to help their practice?


Remember, you will most likely paraphrase information from your article in this assignment. A few short quotes are acceptable- if properly cited- but please do not rely too heavily on quotes as this does not tell the instructor that you understand and are able to interpret the questions being asked, only that you know how to cut and paste.

Apply the clinical reasoning cycle to provide person-centred care for individuals experiencing a deterioration in health in order to provide safe nursing care.

SCHOOL OF NURSING & MIDWIFERY NSG3RDP/ NSG3RDM – Recognizing and Responding to the Deteriorating Patient Assessment activity 1 – 2000 words (35% of overall subject mark) Due date: 11.5.2020 (09.00)

Subject Intended Learning Outcomes (SILOS)
1. Explain common pathophysiology, as it relates to assessment data and pharmacology, that can result in deterioration of an individual’s condition in order to develop appropriate interventions.

2. Apply the clinical reasoning cycle to provide person-centred care for individuals experiencing a deterioration in health in order to provide safe nursing care.

3. Develop an awareness of and contribute to the risk management strategies of a healthcare agency, in order to implement incident reporting procedures and apply risk management procedures.


Serious adverse events, such as unexpected death, intensive care admission and cardiac arrest, are often preceded by observable physiological, clinical abnormalities and deterioration. Other serious events, such as suicide and aggression, are also often preceded by observed or reported changes in a person’s behaviour or mood that can indicate deterioration in their mental state. Early identification of deterioration may improve outcomes and decrease interventions required to stabilise patients whose condition deteriorates in a health service organisation.
The warning signs of clinical deterioration are not always identified or responded to appropriately. The organisational and workforce factors that contribute to a failure to recognise and respond to a deteriorating patient are complex and overlapping (Australian Commission on Quality and Safety in Health Care, 2017)

NSG3RDP/NSG3RDM Semester One 2020
In this assessment you are required to further explore the trauma case study introduced in topic two and three of your LMS and workshop materials for NSG3RDP/RDM.
You will be provided with an ISBAR handover and a National Observation Chart (NOC) for Joanna Cleese. (These documents will be attached at the end of this instruction sheet)
Using the provided information and current academic literature please provide a response to the following three questions Instructions
Answer the following questions as instructed • Question 1 (750 words) The condition of your patient Joanna Cleese described in the ISBAR handover, appears to be changing. (Please refer to the attached documentation) Using the information that you have identified from the NOC and the ISBAR case study handover: 1. Discuss the possible causes of Joanna’s changing condition, supporting your response with contemporary literature and the associated significant cues, signs and symptoms listed in the case study. 2. Explain what possible further deterioration could occur for this patient, with a detailed evidenced -based response. (Please support your justification and rationales with quality peer-reviewed literature).

• Question 2 (750 words) There are many tools that can be utilized when assessing a patient. When assessing a deteriorating patient accurate assessment is essential. Compare and contrast the following methods of patient assessment and their appropriate applications for the deteriorating patient. 1. Primary (ABCDE) 2. Head to toe assessment (Please support your discussion with evidenced based literature).

• Question 3 (500 words) A change in a patient’s heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and respiratory rate can all be an indication of clinical deterioration. It has been suggested that a changing respiratory rate is the earliest indication of clinical deterioration and yet it is often not measured correctly, or not measured at all. Using evidence-based literature to support your arguments: 1. Discuss why a changing respiratory rate is an important indicator of clinical deterioration. 2. Explain how the respiratory rate can be measured reliably and accurately.

NSG3RDP/NSG3RDM Semester One 2020

**Discussions are to be supported with relevant and contemporary literature.
**References: Reference list and appendices are excluded from the word count.
**References to be no older than ten years
**10% word limit allowed. Resources
Australian Commission on Quality and Safety in Health Care. (2017). National Quality and Safety Health Care Standards Edition Two,. Retrieved from How to find scholarly literature: How to reference using APA6: Submission process.
Please use the submission template provided to document information. The document, which includes the completed submission template should be submitted as ONE Word document. Your assignment should be submitted via the Turnitin assignment submission link located in the LMS site for this subject by the due date and time. The submission process is an automatic acknowledgement that you have complied with the guidelines for student responsibility for academic integrity: If you have any questions about the assignment please contact the subject coordinator Jen Austerberry either by emailing or calling: 94964457 or 0417562176. Extensions and special consideration
Students must seek a formal extension to submit after the due date where there are extenuating circumstances. Read the instructions on the following web page
You submit your request for an extension of the due date from this webpage.
If you have a personal issue or illness that is affecting your study, you may need to apply for special consideration. It is recommended that you discuss your situation with the course coordinator (Liz Pascoe) as soon as possible.
Eligibility to apply for Special Consideration does not automatically imply eligibility to receive it. Certain criteria must be satisfied in order to receive Special Consideration. Please refer to the policy information and on-line form located at:
NSG3RDP/NSG3RDM Semester One 2020

Late submission
There are policies and procedures to guarantee fair, consistent and transparent treatment of late submission of assessment tasks provide equity around extensions to submission dates and penalties associated with not submitting assessment by the due date and time. 5% of the total possible marks will be deducted each day (or partial day) delayed submission, for a maximum of up to five (5) working days after the due date. Assessment tasks will not be accepted after the following occurrences:
• the fifth (5th) working day after the due date; or • feedback on the assessment task has been returned to any student by the Teaching Team member.

The policy relating to late submissions can be located at:

NSG3RDP/NSG3RDM Semester One 2020

School of Nursing & Midwifery: NSG3RDP/NSG3RDM Assessment One

CRITERIA Excellent (> 80 %) Very good (70% – 79%) Good (60% – 69%) Fair (50% – 59%) Poor (<50%) MARK Question One Discusses the possible causes of Joanna’s changing condition Explains what possible further deterioration could occur

(35% of total mark)
28 + marks Clearly and consistently discuss possible causes of the Joanna’s changing condition Clearly and consistently explains what possible further deterioration could occur Demonstrated an excellent understanding of links between the necessary concepts. Demonstrated clear and consistent evidence of critical appraisal of reference material Evidence of synthesis of information and logical development of arguments.

24 – 27 marks Clearly and mostly consistently discuss possible causes of the Joanna’s changing condition

Clearly and mostly consistently explains what possible further deterioration could occur Demonstrated a very good understanding of links between the necessary concepts. Demonstrated some evidence of critical appraisal of reference material Some evidence of synthesis of information and logical development of arguments Literature predominantly used effectively to support key ideas.

21 – 23 marks Good but inconsistent attempt to consistently discuss possible causes of the Joanna’s changing condition.

Good but inconsistent attempt to consistently explain what possible further deterioration could occur Demonstrated good understanding of links between the necessary concepts. Demonstrated inconsistent evidence of critical appraisal of reference material Inconsistent evidence of synthesis of information and logical development of arguments Literature inconsistently used to support key ideas.

18 – 22 marks Fragmented and inconsistent attempt to discuss possible causes of the Joanna’s changing condition Fragmented and inconsistent attempt to explain what possible further deterioration could occur Demonstrated limited understanding of links between the necessary concepts. Demonstrated limited evidence of critical appraisal of reference material Limited evidence of synthesis of information and logical development of arguments Literature poorly used to support key ideas.

<17 marks Demonstrated lack of understanding of possible causes of the Joanna’s changing condition Demonstrated lack of understanding of what possible further deterioration could occur Demonstrated lack of understanding of links between the necessary concepts. No evidence of critical appraisal of reference material No evidence of synthesis of information and logical development of arguments Overreliance on direct quotes Key ideas not supported by the literature

NSG3RDP/NSG3RDM Semester One 2020
Question Two Compares and contrasts 1. Primary (ABCDE) 2. Head to toe assessment

(35% of total mark)
28 + marks Clearly and consistently compared the two methods of assessment Demonstrated an excellent understanding of links between the necessary concepts. Demonstrated clear and consistent evidence of critical appraisal of reference material Evidence of synthesis of information and logical development of arguments.

24 – 27 marks Clearly and mostly consistently compared the two methods of assessment Demonstrated a very good understanding of links between the necessary concepts. Demonstrated some evidence of critical appraisal of reference material Some evidence of synthesis of information and logical development of arguments Literature predominantly used effectively to support key ideas.

21 – 23 marks Good but inconsistent attempt to compare the two methods of assessment Demonstrated good understanding of links between the necessary concepts. Demonstrated inconsistent evidence of critical appraisal of reference material Inconsistent evidence of synthesis of information and logical development of arguments Literature inconsistently used to support key ideas.

18 – 22 marks Fragmented and inconsistent attempt to compare the two methods of assessment Demonstrated limited understanding of links between the necessary concepts. Demonstrated limited evidence of critical appraisal of reference material Limited evidence of synthesis of information and logical development of arguments Literature poorly used to support key ideas.

<17 marks Demonstrated lack of understanding of the two methods of assessment Demonstrated lack of understanding of links between the necessary concepts. No evidence of critical appraisal of reference material No evidence of synthesis of information and logical development of arguments Overreliance on direct quotes Key ideas not supported by the literature.

Question Three

Discusses why a changing respiratory rate is an important indicator of clinical deterioration.
Explains how the respiratory rate can be measured reliably and accurately.

28 + marks Clearly and consistently discusses the changing respiratory rate significance and explains the means of achieving assessment accuracy Demonstrated an excellent understanding of links between the necessary concepts. Demonstrated clear and consistent evidence of critical appraisal of reference material.
24 – 27 marks Clearly and mostly consistently discusses the changing respiratory rate significance and explains the means of achieving assessment accuracy Demonstrated a very good understanding of links between the necessary concepts. Demonstrated some evidence of critical appraisal of reference material Some evidence of synthesis of information and logical.
21 – 23 marks Good but inconsistent attempt to consistently discuss the changing respiratory rate significance and explain the means of achieving assessment accuracy Demonstrated good understanding of links between the necessary concepts. Demonstrated inconsistent evidence of critical appraisal of reference material.
18 – 22 marks Fragmented and inconsistent attempt to discuss the changing respiratory rate significance and explain the means of achieving assessment accuracy Demonstrated limited understanding of links between the necessary concepts. Demonstrated limited evidence of critical appraisal of reference.
<17 marks Demonstrated lack of understanding of the significance of the respiratory rate or the means of achieving accuracy. Demonstrated lack of understanding of links between the necessary concepts. No evidence of critical appraisal of reference material.

NSG3RDP/NSG3RDM Semester One 2020

(25% of total mark)
Evidence of synthesis of information and logical development of arguments.

development of arguments Literature predominantly used effectively to support key ideas.

Inconsistent evidence of synthesis of information and logical development of arguments Literature inconsistently used to support key ideas.

material Limited evidence of synthesis of information and logical development of arguments Literature poorly used to support key ideas.

No evidence of synthesis of information and logical development of arguments Overreliance on direct quotes Key ideas not supported by the literature

4+ marks Correct use of APA V6 intext and end-text format. Use of submission template and specified formatting. No spelling typing or grammatical errors Within 10%-word limit.

4 marks Correct use of APA V6 intext and end-text format, minor errors. Use of submission template and specified formatting. Minor spelling, typing & grammatical errors. Within 10%-word limit.
3 marks Occasional errors in APA V6 format. Use of submission template and specified formatting. Minor spelling, typing & grammatical errors.

Within 10%-word limit
2 marks References provided but incorrect use of APA V6 format. Use of submission template. Inconsistent use of specified formatting. Consistent spelling, typing and grammatical errors. Within 10%-word limit
≤1 mark Referencing does not adhere to APA V6 format. Specified presentation & formatting not used. Spelling, typing and grammatical errors throughout the paper which impact on fluency and coherency. Exceeds 10%-word limit.


NSG3RDP/NSG3RDM Semester One 2020

Attached documentation Handover ISBAR Setting Emergency Department Time frame: Three hours post arrival by ambulance. (1730hrs) Patient identification.

Joanna Cleese 55-year-old female Social history Lives alone Widowed Three adult children Works in IT as a computer programmer
Situation/Setting the scene.

Initial Investigations/treatment

Joanna was up on a ladder cleaning the gutters when she fell approximately two metres onto a concrete path. Joanna was found by her neighbour immediately following the fall, lying face down on her left side on the concrete path. Initially Joanna was unresponsive for 2-3 minutes before responding to voice in a confused manner. An ambulance was called by the neighbour and Joanna was transported to La Trobe Emergency Department. Injuries include Haemopneumothorax Fractured ribs 3-6 Fractured left neck of femur (NOF) Fractured left radius and ulna Head laceration Generalised bruising to left chest and shoulder temporal area, left abdomen, thigh and left arm Chest/abdomen/pelvic/ left arm and leg x-rays Head CT scan Intercostal catheter (ICC) inserted 5th intercostal space mid axillary line Two wide bore intravenous cannulas’ Intravenous (IV) fluid administration Intravenous pain management Left wrist splinted Left leg external traction

Background/Past medical and surgical history

Hypertension Recently diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Obesity BMI 40

NSG3RDP/NSG3RDM Semester One 2020

Ramipril 5mgs BD orally Metformin 500mgs BD orally

Assessment information

Airway patent Patient verbalising RR 26 ICC insitue 20cm suction, absence of swing or bubbling 200mls frank blood drained initially, nil further drainage O2 Sat 94% nasal prongs 2lpm O2 Temp 36.5 GCS 14 confused to time and place P/S 8/10 chest, leg and abdomen HR 120 BP 90/55

Recommendations/ Important considerations.

Patient awaiting transfer to general surgical ward. Remains nil by mouth (NBM) Surgical repair of #NOF planned for next day Continues IV fluids, analgesia Hourly observations.
Included documentation National patient observation chart.

NSG3RDP/NSG3RDM Semester One 2020

Describe the pacing (or rhythm) of what you watched. What is the effect of the pacing on the viewing experience?

Your analysis must go beyond any discussion of the film in the textbook or other course materials. I am looking for you to assimilate information from the other sources to apply to the film to demonstrate that you understand the purpose and process of film editing.

In Chapter 8 you learned about the art and craft of film editing, which some filmmakers believe is the most important part of the film making process. The film editor, working closely with the director, must choose from thousands of shots and hours of footage from production–that were most likely not shot in order of the screenplay–and assemble them into an engaging and coherent two-hour film (give or take).

For this assignment:

A. watch either the “Run Lola Run I” scene from the German film Run Lola Run (Tom Tykwer, 1998) OR the “Baptism and Murder” scene from The Godfather (Francis Ford Coppola, 1972) below.

You will be analyzing the editing in the scene you watched based on what you learned in Chapter 8, the documentary The Cutting Edge: The Magic of Movie Editing (Wendy Apple 2004) below, and the article about Walter Murch’s “Rule of Six.

Note that you can use these same clips for upcoming DF #6, so you may want to read that assignment and make notes about your observations about the use of sound as you are watching them.

B. Address these three points about either “Run Lola Run I” from Run Lola Run or “Baptism and Murder” from The Godfather:

·  What are some of the specific editing techniques and/or transitions used between shots and scenes in what you watched? Make sure to use correct terminology and to be specific about how and where these techniques and/or transitions are used in what you watched.

·   Describe the pacing (or rhythm) of what you watched. What is the effect of the pacing on the viewing experience?

The Cutting Edge: The Magic of Movie Editing (Wendy Apple, 2004)

This is an abridged version of the documentary. The copyright holder has blocked access to the full-length version on YouTube several times. If editing is a subject that interests you, you should be able to watch more of the film on YouTube.

Run Lola Run I from Run Lola Run

In Run Lola Run, Lola (Franka Potente) has 20 minutes to come up with 100,000 DM to save her boyfriend, Manni, from his gangster-boss. She first decides to ask her banker father for the money. Because her moped was stolen earlier in the day, Lola must run from her family’s apartment to the bank where her father works.

While Lola is running, we see her father in his office with a coworker with whom he has been having an affair. (Note the use of handheld camera in this part of the scene–you can tell by the shakiness.)

This scene is Lola’s first of three attempts to get the money. If you watch the entire film, you’ll see three different scenarios presented as Lola runs. Each run is slightly different, and therefore, each has a different outcome. Lola learns from each run and makes changes each time. So in that respect, the “game of life” is shown to be like a video game or other game of skill. However, there are factors over which Lola has no control, so we also ponder what the role of fate is in life and how we impact others’ lives and they impact ours in ways that will never know.

There is an article about Run Lola Run entitled “Running in Circles” that you might find helpful.

Run Lola Run I

Play media comment.

“Baptism and Murder” from The Godfather (Please note that this scene is violent, showing gangland-style killings.)

“Baptism and Murder” from The Godfather (Francis Ford Coppola, 1972) is certainly one of the most famous and brilliant scenes in film history. It was photographed by cinematographer Gordon Willis, aka the “Prince of Darkness” because of his skillful use of underexposure, and edited by the much-awarded William Reynolds and Peter Zinner. The music is by acclaimed Italian composer Nino Rota, who is well-known for his work with director Federico Fellini.

In this scene, Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) is becoming godfather to his nephew Michael Rizzi in the sacrament of Baptism in the Catholic Church. Most of the service is in Latin; however, Michael Corleone must answer questions on behalf of his godson. At the same time, Michael’s henchmen are brutally eliminating the Corleone family’s enemies.

Baptism and Murder


Plan, negotiate and complete a piece of independent work related to a computing topic.

This project must include some element of original data collection. The writer is expected to conduct a literature search in creating a mobile game, app development, apps for kids, it will effectively be for the prototype of an app which is suitable for kids, simple tap on the screen / flappy bird style game which will be the basis for critical analysis and evaluation of original data collection.

The written project report will be accompanied by a physical or software product that is an outcome of your enquiries and it is imperative that the writer use a lot of intuition and assumptions when performing a lit review on a game like flappy bird.

The writer can also integrate your knowledge and skills from several different subject areas. For example, computer science, programming, games development etc. It is important to maintain contact as the app is still being developed over the next few days, but this should not get in the way of creating the following:

Just keep in mind: FLAPPY BIRDS! (basic tap screen, mobile, platformer game)

  1. Introduction
    Title, Abstract, Aims and Objectives (creating a simple app demo)
    Bit of research
  • Programming language and properties to use
  • Aim of the game
  • Usage of programs
  • Game difficulty, choices, interface
  • Asset acquirement


  • Building the game
  • Programming (Unity Engine & C#)
  • Game functions (tap screen)
  • Target audiences (kids upwards)
  • Time management (assume from mid-January till end of March)


  • Creation of assets
  • Creation of game logic
  • Creation of menu and controls
  • Coding
  • VFX / SFX


  • Self-testing
  • External testing


I will send along a GAANT chart that outlines the app development.

  1. Literature Review
    Whatever the writer can source in terms of why more people are playing mobile
    games, mobile games for kids, maybe a bit on unity ads, will be created in the unity engine, big bulk of the research into mobile gaming etc.
  2. Existing research
    something in relation to original data collection, this can be fabricated, ie. 20kids played with the app and thought A, B and C – this element should make the writing easier as it can be assumed.

    and References in Harvard Format

At the end of the project it should have clearly displayed an ability to:

  1. Plan, negotiate and complete a piece of independent work related to a computing topic.
  2. Review, select and integrate relevant theoretical perspectives in the context of the area studied.
  3. Collect, analyze and interpret data (primary and secondary) within the professional context.
  4. Communicate and demonstrate ideas, evaluate an argument clearly and present conclusions in an appropriate medium.


A written report should be submitted presenting a critical view of games development and mobile games for kids (referencing the demo). You should ensure that you have met all of the learning objectives listed above. You should also refer to the suggested marking scheme for more information on what should be contained in your final report, (the 2nd document attached)

Material drawn from a variety of sources should be utilised and an appropriate

bibliography presented. As there is a mobile game demo as the basis for a presentation or demonstration of the use of the system. Then the written report may be limited to 3000 words but anything upwards is appropriate too.

Further below shows the some of the points in the marking criteria:

Describe the differences between the first and second laws of thermodynamics. How, when taken together, they are able to describe the direction of events that take place in the universe.

For each question you must cite your source in APA format.  Also, indicate the number for each question as you answer, so I will know where one answer ends and the other starts. (It doesn’t have to be an essay with introduction, body and conclusion. Just explain very well what each question is asking)

  1. Describe the differences between the first and second laws of thermodynamics. How, when taken together, they are able to describe the direction of events that take place in the universe.
  2. The equilibrium constant for a particular reaction is 3.

What is the ratio of products to reactants?

Is the reaction favorable or unfavorable?   Tell me how you know.

  1. If the reaction XA + Y –> XY + A has a ΔG of +7.3 kcal/mol, could this reaction be driven in the cell by coupling it to ATP hydrolysis? The ΔG of ATP hydrolysis is -7.4 kcal/mole.   Why or why not?
  2. Read the second column on page 187 of your textbook (attached below) and answer the following question:

What is the effect of 2,4-dinitrophenol on ATP formation by mitochondria?  Why is this the case?

Define and discuss the major public health nutrition issues in Australia today, addressing high risk population groups affected.

a) Define and discuss the major public health nutrition issues in Australia todayDefine and discuss the major public health nutrition issues in Australia today, addressing high risk population groups affected., addressing high risk population groups affected.
b) By interpreting the literature, investigate the culture,food and culinary choices of a range of key ethnic groups, including Indigenous Australians and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and discuss their impact on health.
c) Analyze the role of personal values, culture, religion, gender, power, economics and politics in food choice of different societies.
d) Identify and evaluate the social and ecological factors affecting food behaviours and health outcomes.
e) Articulate the social determinants of health from a nutritional perspective.