
Explain the challenges of them working with deaf, juveniles or non-English speaking citizens and how to overcome them.

Instruct-(AC-5)-P-Reduce Gang Violence Speech to Police Officers.

Write in APA format, 12 font size, Times Roman

  • You are giving a speech on the message of “Reduce Gang Violence” to your local Police Officers.
  • Explain the challenges of them working with deaf, juveniles or non-English speaking citizens and how to overcome them.
  • Describe a criminal justice policy in place to help reduce and prevent gangs
  • Explain how that criminal justice policy might be beneficial to the Police Officers.

Identify vocabulary that you would need to teach and say how would you teach it.Briefly outline how you would use the text in a reading or listening lesson.

End of course Assignment 2
Read instructions carefully.

For this assignment you need to submit an essay (800 -1200 words), and three pieces of teaching material.
You do not need to submit a lesson plan.

D. An upper-intermediate class of 20 teenagers (male and female) in Spain.

Select a suitable authentic* listening or reading passage from any source. If you choose a listening text provide a link, but please also write out a script in full.

1. Write an essay in which you
i) Say which group you have selected and why this material is suitable for them.
ii) Identify vocabulary that you would need to teach and say how would you teach it.
iii) Briefly outline how you would use the text in a reading or listening lesson

2. Design and submit three pieces of teaching material you would use as follow-up language or skills practice activities after the students have done comprehension activities.
Each activity could be used as the final stage of a comprehension lesson or in a subsequent lesson.
Each piece of material should be related to the original text in terms of topic or language.
Each one should focus on a different skill or aspect of language (they should not, for example, all be pronunciation activities).
All the materials should be clearly linked to the text in some way.

Provide all the materials that you would hand out to or show to students. Include the aim of each activity and instructions that another teacher could follow.

If you choose Class A or B, and it is relevant to your ideas, please specify which English speaking country they are in. For class D, say what age range the teenagers are.

Ensure you reference the original texts correctly.
Before starting and again before submitting your assignment, please check though How Assignment 2 will be assessed. (please link to this doc)
An authentic text is one which was originally aimed at native or proficient English speakers, and was not designed as a piece of language teaching material.

What has been learned from recent responses to homeland security threats? Explain. How have those lessons been implemented, if at all? Explain.

Dr. Raphael Sagarin, a marine biologist, writes about natural security systems and considers how they can be applied to analysis and practice in human society. Your assignment this week is to write a strategy memo applying two of the concepts that he identifies as occurring in the natural world and describe how you would use these concepts to improve an element of Homeland Security. Your analysis should include reference to Dr. Sagarin’s paper as well as any additional research you need to conduct to support your claims. It should be 2-3 new pages in length.

Dr. Sagarin’s Paper


Sagarin, R. (2010). Natural security for a variable and risk-filled world. Homeland Security Affairs, 6(3). Retrieved from

Assignment Guidelines

Read through Dr. Sagarin’s article titled Natural Security for a Variable and Risk-Filled World.
It can be accessed through the link contained within the reference above or by using a search engine and a search query of the full article title.
Address the following in a strategy memo of 800–1,250 words:
Select 2 concepts examined by Dr. Sagarin, and summarize them in your own words.
Be sure to use in-text APA citations whenever necessary.
How could the U.S. apply the selected concepts to improve their own homeland security systems? Explain and be specific.
How could these concepts have been applied to recent terrorist attacks or natural disasters? Explain.
What has been learned from recent responses to homeland security threats? Explain.
How have those lessons been implemented, if at all? Explain.

What people say now about it. What were somethings that we could have done to prevent the bomb being used?

What Were the reactions on the usage of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Use public opinions, military opinions and political opinion

Talk about what people thought about it when it happened.
Talk about how peoples views changed over time.
What people say now about it.
What were somethings that we could have done to prevent the bomb being used?

What do you think about how the treatment of sex and violence in the ratings system? Should it be changed, and if so, how so?

I would send you my log-in to My FAU but the responses need to be sent to me with the main post so I can post it after I read the work**
After watching clips of This Film is Not Yet Rated, author an original post, of at least 350-words, relating one or more points raised in the documentary to course readings, then author at least 150-words replies to two different colleagues’ posts. Note that greetings and effusive or general praise for a given post do not count toward word-count requirement nor do they take the place of thoughtful engagement with the ideas themselves. Original posts and replies must feature proper spelling, complete sentences, and, generally, correct grammar. Rules of Netiquette must also be followed.

Questions to consider may include, but are not limited to the following:
Were you aware of the more restrictive ratings given to films featuring sexuality compared to violence? Is the normalization of violence, compared to the taboo nature of consenting sexuality, problematic?
Do you know anyone who is more uncomfortable with displays of affection or sex than violence?
Can you think of recent film experiences that shows how some are more concerned with sex compared to violence?
What do you think about how the treatment of sex and violence in the ratings system? Should it be changed, and if so, how so?
Should all sex be treated the same in a given rating system?
How does the more restrictive treatment of sex compared to violence relate to the idea of cultural hegemony?
Should consensual, sexually explicit content be given more restrictive ratings than violent content?
Is media violence a serious issue we should concern ourselves with?
Given the impact advertisement has on consumption—our consumer choices—on what grounds can we say that entertainment media has no or limited influence on society?
Should all forms of violence be treated the same? What are the differences between representations of violence and why do those differences matter or not matter?
Should bloodless violence receive more restrictive or less restrictive ratings than real-life portrayals of violence? What about entertaining portrayals of violence?
Is sympathetic or cathartic violence edifying in a way that entertaining violence isn’t? Should the two be rated the same?

Roughly calculate what the effect of the peptide is on the amplitude and frequency of contraction, (It may be easier to print this question and use a ruler to measure.

Muscle Physiology Data Handling Assignment

There are 5 questions to answer

Question 1.

A group of researchers are looking to identify a novel peptide which could be used to inhibit uterine contractions and help women who are in preterm labour, due to premature uterine contractions.

They present their findings to a group of biotech investors by showing what they describe as typical findings below;

The researchers explain that they have recorded contractions from pieces of human myometrium and then applied the peptide to the tissue and recorded its effects. The time bar underneath the figure indicates 20 minutes of activity and the bar above the trace indicates when the peptide was applied to the contracting tissue.

  1. Roughly calculate what the effect of the peptide is on the amplitude and frequency of contraction, (It may be easier to print this question and use a ruler to measure. Please detail your workings)
  1. What effect to you think the peptide is having on overall uterine activity and how could you calculate this?

Question 2.

In a second experiment, the researchers decide to measure intracellular Ca2+ levels to look at the effect the peptide has on Ca2+ signalling mechanisms in the myometrium. They discuss using Ca2+ indicators to measure this.

In their experiment they decide to use the Ca2+ indicator indo 1-AM. They measured changes in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]), shown in red below (bottom trace), and concluded that the peptide causes Ca2+ desensitisation in the myometrium: Time bar indicates 10 minutes, force (in mN) is shown in black (top trace).

Do you agree with the researchers that it looks like Ca2+ sensitivity has been altered? Give the reasons for your answer and describe how the extract may be acting in the uterus

Question 3.

Using the relationship between apparent Kd (dissociation constant), ratio value for saturating [Ca2+] (maximal fluorescence, Rmax) and ratio value for zero Ca2+ (minimal fluorescence, Rmin):

[Ca2+] = Kd · (R – Rmin)/(Rmax- R)

calculate the [Ca2+] for an experimentally determined ratio value (R) of Ca2+ at rest of 1.0 and at peak of contraction of 4.4. Give your answers in μM, and use the following values:

Kd is 400nM  Rmax = 5.8 and Rmin = 0.4                                                                                (20 Marks)

Question 4.

Two researchers want to investigate the effect of obesity on preterm birth rate. They are discussing

different types of study designs that they could use and cannot decide between performing ‘case- control’ study and a ‘cohort’ study.

  1. Briefly describe the major differences in the way in which the two types of study are
  2. List two advantages and two disadvantages of a case-control study compared to a cohort

Question 5

Periodontal disease has been linked to a number of conditions including adverse pregnancy outcomes. It has been suggested that treatment of periodontal disease may reduce adverse outcomes including preterm birth and low birth weight (<2500g). A group of researchers carried out a Cochrane review and meta-analysis of randomized trials to assess the effects of treating periodontal disease in pregnant women as a means to reduce or prevent preterm birth and low birth weight.

Below are extracts from the results of their Cochrane review.

Comparison 1: Periodontal treatment versus no treatment Outcome 1: Gestational age (preterm birth)

  1. How many studies were included in the meta-analysis of preterm birth?
  2. Which study had the greatest influence and which study had the least influence on the pooled result? Give reasons for your answers.
  3. Based on the calculated pooled result, does treatment of periodontal disease reduce preterm birth? Give reasons for your answer.
  4. e) In a second meta-analysis, the researchers investigated the effect of treatment of periodontal disease versus no treatment on low birth weight outcome. Their findings are presented below.

Comparison 1: Periodontal treatment versus no treatment Outcome 2: low birth weight (<2500g)

Do the findings support periodontal treatment to reduce low birth weight? Give reasons for your answer.

Explain the impact of accounting transactions in financial statements. Describe the elements and purpose of each financial statement.

• Explain the impact of accounting transactions in financial statements.
• Describe the elements and purpose of each financial statement.
• Discuss the components and use of financial analysis.

Identify any current or potential issues within the organizational culture and discuss how these issues may affect aspects of the strategic plan.

Health Organization Evaluation  

Research a health care organization or network that spans several states with in the United States (United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner Health, etc.). Assess the readiness of the health care organization or network you chose in regard to meeting the health care needs of citizens in the next decade.

Prepare a 1,000-1,250 word paper that presents your assessment and proposes a strategic plan to ensure readiness. Include the following:

  1. Describe the health care organization or network.
  2. Describe the organization’s overall readiness based on your findings.
  3. Prepare a strategic plan to address issues pertaining to network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction.
  4. Identify any current or potential issues within the organizational culture and discuss how these issues may affect aspects of the strategic plan.
  5. Propose a theory or model that could be used to support implementation of the strategic plan for this organization. Explain why this theory or model is best.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.





Read Chapter 5 in Nursing Leadership and Management: Leading and Serving.


Develop a Research Proposal in which you will outline your topic, some preliminary research, and an outline of how you intend to structure the essay.

Policy Analysis Paper

Due: March 24 in tutorial (hard copy) and on March 23 no later than 11:59 pm on the Moodle site (turn-it-in link)

Grade value: 15% of final grade

Length: 8 double spaced pages, 12 pt. font and standard margins plus bibliography

The research paper will incorporate and build on the material from the essay proposal. The final product must reflect a conscious effort to address the issues identified in the proposal by the TA; it has to demonstrate that you have seriously put an effort in doing all the previous writing phases. The essay should have a clearly enunciated thesis, cogently articulated intermediate units (where you develop your argument) and a final section. Before submitting the paper, please re-read it and ask yourself some questions. Is my thesis clear? Do I provide evidence to support my main arguments or do I make unsubstantiated claims? Have I incorporated into the paper distinct points of view about the theme in question, pointing out their advantages and disadvantages? In making my main argument, am I showing that one can convincingly rule out alternative patterns of explanation? Last but not least, have I corrected any spelling or grammar mistakes?

Requirements and Evaluation

  • Develop a coherent and concise argument, using empirical evidence to support your argument
  • Your essay will be assessed according to the following criteria
    • Quality of argument and writing (grammar, structure, spelling)
    • Strength and depth of evidence used to support
    • Facility with key terms, concepts, vocabulary
    • Ability to address opposing points of view
    • Use of standard form of academic documentation (citation of sources, bibliography)

Senate Policy on Academic Honesty

Academic honesty requires that persons do not falsely claim credit for the ideas, writing or other intellectual property of others, either by presenting such works as their own or through impersonation.   Similarly, academic honesty requires that persons do not cheat (attempt to gain an improper advantage in an academic evaluation), nor attempt or actually alter, suppress, falsify or fabricate any research data or results, official academic record, application or document.

Suspected breaches of academic honesty will be investigated, and charges shall be laid if reasonable and probable grounds exist.  A student who is charged with a breach of academic honesty shall be presumed innocent until, based upon clear and compelling evidence, a committee determines the student has violated the academic honesty standards of the university.   A finding of academic misconduct will lead to the range of penalties described in the guidelines which accompany this policy.  In some cases the University regulations on non-academic discipline may apply.  A lack of familiarity with the Senate Policy and Guidelines on Academic Honesty on the part of a student does not constitute a defense against their application.   Some academic offenses constitute offenses under the Criminal Code of Canada; a student charged under University regulations may also be subject to criminal charges.   Charges may also be laid against York University students for matters which arise at other educational institutions.

Penalties for Late Assignments and Information regarding Submission of Work:

Essays submitted late but within one week of the due date will receive a penalty deduction of 5% per day (e.g. if the essay merits 70, it will receive 65 the first late day, 60 the second day, etc.). Late essays will not be accepted after 14 days past the due date. Penalties may be waived under exceptional circumstances and only with the approval of the tutorial leader. Submit your essay on the turn-it-in link on the course Moodle site.  Faxed or e-mailed essays or disks will not be accepted.  You are required to keep a copy of the final version of your essay as well as your rough notes.

  1. Policy Analysis Paper

Students are required to prepare a policy analysis paper on a specific policy in one of the following policy topic areas:

  • The transformation of health care policy (example policies: creation of Medicare, Canada Health Act)
  • Indigenous policy (example policies: Nunavut Agreement, Indian Act, Land Claims policies, Inherent Right of Self-government policy)
  • Gender policies (example policies: employment equity, recruitment policies of political parties)
  • Immigration policy (example policies: Immigration Act, refugee policies, undocumented migrants)
  • Fiscal federalism (example: equalization payments)

Students will do the following:

  • Consider the context of the policy.
  • Evaluate the political and/or economic and/or social goals of the policy.
  • Assess any positive/negative outcomes.

(In other words: who designed the policy? What did it intend to do? Did it accomplish its goals? Where/who was it meant for/applied to? When did it occur? What was/is the significance of the policy and how does it improve/not improve the conditions of citizenship?)

Support your argument/position/analysis with research (facts and data) and good sources.

Assignment Guidelines

Writing a successful academic essay is a process that requires several elements and steps.

  • Choose a topic from the list provided.
  • Clearly define the topic/question you are looking to address.
  • Research the topic using relevant scholarly and reputable sources.
  • Develop a Research Proposal in which you will outline your topic, some preliminary research, and an outline of how you intend to structure the essay.
  • Using feedback from your TA and peers, restructure and find additional sources as necessary.
  • Write your first draft, edit, re-edit, spell-check, have someone else read it, and submit it.

Investigate traffic engineering and service differentiation into the internet 6 Critically analyze the Multi-Protocol Label Switching technology and its QoS capabilities.

Assessment Brief

Complete the following tasks in the form of a report. Your answers should include formal references, diagrams where appropriate and a detailed bibliography.

Learning Outcomes Assessed 1 Compare and contrast Quality of Service methods and their requirements. 2 Investigate traffic engineering and service differentiation into the internet 6 Critically analyze the Multi-Protocol Label Switching technology and its QoS capabilities.


QoS parameters are determined by an associated SLA. To ensure that the traffic being routed by the ingress router doesn’t break the terms of the SLA, packets need to be classified and managed to ensure they exit the router in a controlled manner (Performance Tuned). There are a number of methods that can be used to accomplish this with the main methods being:  • Packet Classification • Queuing • Shaping • Admission Control (active and passive) With regard to the Performance Tuning methods listed above, discuss how these are implemented within a network to ensure that QoS as determined by an SLA, can be met.


When traffic exits the ingress router, there are a number of architectures that can be implemented to ensure that the QoS compliant delivery of Voice, Video or Data packets.

For delivery of packets between ingress and egress edge router interfaces three important technologies can be implemented to ensure that QoS are met these are:  • Integrated Services • Differentiated Services • RSVP Evaluate these methods, their operation and requirements for achieving QoS, and discuss how these technologies can be used in conjunction with each other to ensure QoS delivery.


To ensure QoS can be achieved at ISP level, label switching technologies are implemented. However due to the behaviour of various protocols used by ISPs (IPv4, IPv6, Ethernet, PPP, OSPF etc.), MPLS was introduced to alleviate issues such as latency and jitter amongst others and improve packet delivery.

Evaluate the benefits of label-switching in MPLS and consider the characteristics of the technology and how it allows QoS in modern network technologies.

Word count approx. 2,400. References should be in the B&FC Harvard format and diagrams, tables and supplementary information supplied in appendices. Failure to do so will result in a loss of validity and reliability in your work which in turn will result in a loss of marks. Please aim to be concise, selecting key points, comparing, contrasting and evaluating where appropriate.  Please refer to grading descriptors for more information on how this will be marked.