
Demonstrate the use of research evidence for nursing practice applied to the care of a surgical patient.

Written Assignment – Nursing the Surgical

Task overview

Assessment name Nursing the Surgical Patient
Assignment Objectives 1.Demonstrate the use of research evidence for nursing practice applied to the care of a surgical patient.

2.Augment skills in clinical decision making and reasoning through synthesizing and analyzing information required to care for a surgical patient.

3.Apply appropriate assessment, problem solving, planning, prioritizing of interventions to care for the selected client scenario chosen.

4.Demonstrate the nurse’s role in monitoring and implementing prioritized nursing interventions in response identified patient needs.

5.Demonstrate the ability to communicate specific patient care issues succinctly according to scholarly writing and referencing conventions.

Due Date  
Length 2000 words +/-10% (including headings) (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list)
Marks out of:


A total of 80 marks = 40 %
Task description This assignment requires you to consider the case scenario of Frank Wright. Frank Wright has undergone a right total knee replacement.

Applying your knowledge and understanding of the post-operative patient, you will write an academic essay applying the principles of surgery, consideration of patient co-morbidities and implementing nursing actions that identify, assess and prevent potential clinical issues.

Must be written in the format of an academic assignment and in third person.

You may use headings to differentiate the three parts.

The assignment has three parts –

Part A: Using the clinical reasoning cycle, devise a post-surgical plan of care for a patient who has undergone a total knee replacement

Parts B: Discuss the impact of co-morbidities and a general anaesthetic on post-operative recovery

Part C:  Discuss discharge planning for the patient following a total knee replacement

1. Provide an INTRODUCTION (approximately 150 words)

An introduction should provide clear scope about the direction of your assignment.

Part A  Utilising the case scenario and considering the pre and post- operative clinical data and academic literature devise a plan of care (approximately 600 words)

  1. This section will concentrate on the first 24 hours of post-surgical care.
  2. Analyze the case and formulate an appropriate prioritized plan of care for Frank within the defined 24 hour period.
  3. In the plan of care include:

I. Identify relevant assessment (e.g. vital signs, renal, respiratory, etc.)

I. Based on your assessment, propose three (3) potential patient clinical issues.

II. Based on your assessment and three (3) potential clinical issues, develop prioritized interventions (including monitoring). These interventions should include nurse initiated and collaborative interventions.

  1. The scope of your prioritized interventions may include both physical and psychosocial aspects of care.
  2. The care plan must involve justification of your prioritized interventions and supported with rationales derived from the literature.

Part B: Analyzing the case to identify potential clinical issues in relation to co-morbidities (400-500 words)

1.Discuss smoking, and the co-morbidity of hypertension, high cholesterol and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) in the context of having a general anaesthetic within the 24 hour postoperative period.

2.In your discussion, include the possible clinical issues related to the smoking and OSA that could arise in this 24 hour period and how Fred might deteriorate (You will need to reason explain the relevant pathophysiology).

3.Detail the nursing interventions the nurse would initiate to decrease risk of clinical deterioration and include your rationale for the nursing interventions. Justify your rationale with reference to the literature.

Part C: Discharge Plan (300 words)

1.Identify and briefly discuss discharge planning for Frank. Identify from the case the discharge planning that would need to be put in place for Frank. Keep this section brief.

Provide an conclusion (approximately 150 words)

Your conclusion succinctly summarizes the main points of your assignment but this section is not an opportunity to introduce new information.



Case Study Pre-operative

Frank Wright is a 76 year old man, retired architect, married with two grown children and has been admitted for a right total knee replacement. Frank’s wife suffers from dementia and Frank is her main carer.  Consider the pre-operative data in your discussion.

Utilizing clinical reasoning cycle and referring to the post-operative data you will devise appropriate nursing plan for Frank.  Your answer will be divided into three parts with an introduction and conclusion. Ensure you refer to pre and post-operative data to support your answer.

Objective Data Past Medical History Social History
·         Weight 92kgs

·         Height 170 cm

·         BP 140/95

·         HR 86

·         RR 18

·         Temp 36/8

·         Urinalysis – normal

Current Medication

·         Simvastatin 40mg nocte

·         Atenolol 50mg daily

·         Ranitidine 150mg BD

·         Hypercholesterolemia

·         Hypertension

·         Osteoporosis affecting both hips and knees

·         Obstructive sleep apnoea confirmed with sleep study March 2019

·  Married with 2 grown children

·  Main carer for wife with who has early onset dementia

·  Retired

·  Smokes 10 cigarettes a day

·  Minimal alcohol use

Family history

·      Father RIP heart failure

·      Mother RIP pancreatic cancer


Frank has undergone a right total knee replacement and returned to the ward at 2100 hours. You are the nurse looking after him on the night shift.

Observations Medications Post-operative orders
·      BP 100/54, HR 106, Respiratory rate 12BPM, SaO2 95% FiO2 2 litres via nasal prongs, temperature 37.6°C Axilla,

·      Sedation score = 1-2

·      Vacudrain in-situ 50  ml in bag

·      Estimated blood loss (EBL) in OT 200ml



·         Simvastatin 40mg nocte

·         Regular paracetamol 1G QID

·         Captopril 50mg BD

·         Ranitidine 150mg BD

·         Aspirin 100 mg mane

·         Morphine PCA 1mg bolus: 5 minute lockout

·         Oxygen 2L via nasal prongs

·         Intravenous infusion: Sodium Chloride 0.9% (Normal Saline) (NaCl) 100mls/hour

·         Comfeel, crepe bandage to be de-bulked day one

·         Apply cryotherapy as tolerated

·         Normal diet

·         DVT prophylaxis –TED stockings

·         Aspirin 100mg daily

·         Pain management

·         GP follow up 2/52

·         OPD appointment 6/52 with Dr McMeniman




Submission information

What you need to submit Suggestions:

Microsoft Word document that contains the following items:

·       Coversheet including unit code, unit name, semester and year, assignment title, student name, student number, word count

·       Marking RUBRIC sheet on the last page of your assignment/ as a separate document

Submission requirements This assessment task must:

1.Use APA6 is the appropriate form of referencing.

2.Word count includes in-text references and citations but not the reference page.

3.Achieving correct referencing formatting is just one aspect of referencing.  More important is how you use someone else’s published material and correctly synthesize it into your own work – and correctly acknowledge that it is either theirs – or ascribed to someone else within their work (a secondary citation).

4.Each section of the assignment should read smoothly within itself and bring the reader in (introduce the topic) and out (conclude).

5.Academic staff assistance is provided to answer questions but we are not in a position to review drafts – but we will help with clarifying the assignment instructions.

6. When submitting your assignment you must complete the student declaration statement declaring that the assignment is your own work.

Any breach of this is a breach of professional ethics and this will be penalized appropriately.  Turning in work that someone else has done for you and stating that it is your own is considered fraud.  It does not reflect well on a student who is soon to be a Registered Nurse in Australia.  It does not reflect well on the profession

Moderation All academic staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their judgements before marks or grades are finalized.


Explain why a Poisson distribution is appropriate in this case and advise Eco-Fone if quality procedures have been met. Show all your workings.

The company Eco-Fone Smartphones sells smartphones and accessories from two shops, one in Putney and one in Richmond. Eco-Fone does not currently sell laptops or tablets.

Business has fared well since it set up the shops in 2014. Indeed, it has seen a steady increase in net profits every year since start up. Recently it has noticed various trends among their customers.

One trend seems to be an increase in sales among older customers, some of whom are buying a smartphone for the first time. Another seems to be a possible significant difference in net takings from the two shops.

Accordingly, as a work placement from the University of Roehampton, you have been set a number of tasks, the results of which should be presented in report format for Eco-Fone (word length 2000, excluding graphs/figures/references) and written in English.

These tasks are detailed in the following pages and generally concern:

  • Summary information
  • Product information
  • Customer information
  • Financial Information
  • Recommendations for expansion

Your report should not be a simple list of tasks. Rather, it should read as a professional business report with an introduction, sections, summary, references and appendices, in Word format.

All tasks are worth ten marks each.

Task 1

(a)   You have been asked to write a brief overview of the mobile phone market in the UK. Specifically, Eco-Fone would like to know summary statistics with respect to work-related activities in the period 2016-17.

Prepare your one-paragraph overview based on information from Deloitte which can be found on page 19 and data in figure 6, page 20 at:

and on Moodle.

Note that you should not copy verbatim the information contained in the Deloitte report.

(b) Based on the most recent data in Figure 6, include in your report your own mixed bar chart for 2016 (green) and 2017 (blue) for only the top FOUR activities. Include the data used in your appendix.

Task 2

Using an EXCEL spreadsheet, produce an appropriate line chart based on data contained in figure 3, page 13 of the Deloitte Report to represent the UK adult smartphone use in the period 2012-2017. Use your line chart to forecast similar use in 2018 and 2019. Show your workings.

Explain briefly why a linear forecast would not work well in this case.

Which forecast model would work well? Show the new model and use it to  forecast smartphone use in 2018 and 2019.

(You must show how you get the forecasts for 2018 and 2019 and include the data used to generate the charts in your appendix )

Task 3

Having gained a better understanding of the smartphone market, you decide to start analysing a perceived increase in smartphone sales by older customers based on a BBC news article available at:

Identify and summarize some of the features which make smartphones so popular with older customers.

Task 4

Currently, all of Eco-Fone’s operations are carried out at the two shops in the Borough of Richmond. The business has never operated across the border in Kingston but anecdotal evidence suggests that business is thriving. In order to initially answer Eco-Fone’s question “Should we expand our business to Kingston”, you have decided to use a ‘pros and cons method’ table (see figure T4). Complete the table and briefly summarize whether or not Eco Fone should expand its business to Kingston.

Figure T4.   A ‘pros and cons method’ table for expanding to Kingston.

Task 5

If Eco-Fone does decide to expand, extended operations will require improved facilities and, as it happens, highly-suitable new premises for retail use are available in central Kingston. The new building is available for lease or sale but Eco-Fone already owns (subject to repayment mortgage) the two Borough of Richmond shops and prefers to own rather than lease. The asking price for the new building is £400,000 but this might be negotiable closer to £350,000.

  1. a) Calculate the monthly cost of a 15-year repayment mortgage of £350,000, where interest is applied to the loan outstanding at the beginning of each year and the mortgage rate is 7% per annum. Show your Excel formula in your report Appendix.
  2. b) Represent an appropriate graphic containing any of the eight logos of well-known commercial mortgage lenders in the UK.

Task 6

Eco-Fone’s two retail shops offer discounted mobile phones and accessories. Both shops have been running for several months and Eco-Fone now wants to compare the net taking from both shops. A sample of 40 net daily takings from the first shop has a mean £100 and a standard deviation of £20. A sample of 40 net daily takings from the second shop has a mean of £90 and a standard deviation of £40.

Are the two shops’ net takings the same? Using the 5% level of significance, explain your findings.

Task 7

Each year Eco-Fone has regularly processed customer questionnaires in the form of hard-copy forms filled out both in the shops and as email attachments. The typical format of the questionnaire is shown in figure T7a.

Figure T7a.   Questionnaire

The latest results from these questionnaires are contained in the file Excel File Task 7 ( on Moodle) .

Use Excel to calculate average values for questions 1-6 and briefly summarise your findings in your report.

Task 8

The accounts department at Eco-Fone sends out about 10,000 invoices a month and has an average of two returned with an error per month? Quality assurance procedures require that the probability that more than three invoices will be returned in a given month should be less than fifteen per cent.

Explain why a Poisson distribution is appropriate in this case and advise Eco-Fone if quality procedures have been met. Show all your workings.

Task 9

Prepare a list of ten to fifteen references that you have used as sources for your report, all in Harvard format. Your list should include at least one text book, website, video, news article, journal and each one should be cited at least once in the body of your report.

Task 10

Based on all the data you have considered in Tasks 1-9, summarize in just one or two paragraphs your most important findings. Also, check the overall structure and presentation of your report (see the Brief in Moodle for more details).

Write 2-5 sentences summarizing the article/source and write 2-3 sentences on why this information is important and how you will potentially use it in your reflection paper.

Describe a Personal Health issue that matters to you and that you learned about in this course. Use articles or pieces of information you found in your organization review or your annotated bibliography to justify and reference your statements. Try to answer the following questions:

What did you find most problematic about the personal health issue you are interested in?
Is there a possible solution to the issue? What recommendations can help solve the issue?
Should more people care about the issue?
Overall how do you feel about what you have learned about the topic of Personal Health?

Use APA formatting, Times New Roman font size 12, double-spaced with a minimum of 8 pages and maximum of 10 (this page count excludes title and references pages).

It should contain a title, abstract, discussion/conclusion, and references. Review the attachment ” APA Titles” in this folder to help you understand what each section should contain.
Review the grading rubric for the reflection paper on the syllabus. Use no less than 10 appropriate references, remember to use in-text citations using APA formatting and have all sources cited in the references list.

In general, write 2-5 sentences summarizing the article/source and write 2-3 sentences on why this information is important and how you will potentially use it in your reflection paper.

You need to do this for every single of the 10-15 sources you will use.

What roles did immigration and demographic change play in economic development-What were the effects of the movement to ‘unlock the lands’ (the selection movement)

Answer and post on one of the remaining tutorial reading questions of your choice.

(i)   Why did Australia become so prosperous between 1850 and 1890?
(ii)  What effect did gold have on the Australian economy?
(iii) What roles did immigration and demographic change play in economic development
(iv) What were the effects of the movement to ‘unlock the lands’ (the selection movement)
(v) How significant for the economy were farming and manufacturing
(viii) What was the impact of the trade union movement and how did conditions for workers change?
(ix) How and why did the role of the state in the Australian economy become more important in the 25 years prior to the First World War?

What the impact of implement Bilingual education Program on learning second language In Iraqi schools.

Consider this paper you have done as editing.
Be advise this paper needs to be used for my PhD portfolio. So it needs to be really good so that my committee accepted it.
1- A brief description on bilingual person and society.
2- A brief description on dual language programs i.e Bilingual Education Program.
3- The relationship between bilingual society and Bilingual Education Program. How that can help improve by lingual person or society.
4- Teaching second language in Iraq.
a- The education system
b- Who controls the teaching curriculum? Is it the teachers or the government?
c- What the impact of implement Bilingual education Program on learning second language In Iraqi schools.

Provide information about how integrated these two countries (Argentina and El Salvador) are with the rest of the world.


I. INTRODUCTION Assume that you are an economic consultant hired by an international organization/government to provide your expert advice on conditions pertaining to international trade in Argentina and El Salvador. Your analysis will consist of two separate reports (one for Assignment 1 and the other for Assignment 2). As an expert, your job is two-fold:

1. You are required to analyze any relevant issue using your technical skills. This involves utilizing your knowledge in international trade models as well as inspecting and interpreting data.

2. You need to communicate your results in an effective way. The purpose of this exercise is to assess your aptitudes in each domain. You will evaluate the trading conditions in these countries (Argentina and El Salvador) based on the scenarios detailed in each question in this Assignment. Your analysis will form the basis for a short report to the international organization/government body–summarizing your analysis and the associated rationale.
II. DATA SOURCE For your data analysis, you first need to obtain data from the World Bank (see the link below) and follow the steps described below. Notice that World Bank regularly updates its database; therefore it is crucial to obtain all data as soon as possible. The data range is from 1998 to 2014. You need to obtain the country-level data for Argentina and El Salvador on:

i. Imports of goods and services (in current US$)

ii. Exports of goods and services (in current US$)

iii. GDP (in current US$)

iv. GDP per capita (in current US$) v. GINI Index (World Bank estimate) from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators: ( [Note that if your browser (such as Chrome) does not open the web page, try a different browser (such as Internet Explorer)] DO NOT attach Excel files to the brief. The policy brief needs to be precise and short. Avoid unnecessary jargon. Your policy brief cannot exceed two pages.
International Trade Assignment 1, Semester 1, 2020 Page 2

III. REQUIRED TASKS Your tasks involve two dimensions. Firstly, you need to analyze the data (see Steps 1, 2 and 3 in the next section). Secondly, you need to perform a technical analysis by considering a hypothetical trading environment based on Ricardian model (see Step 4 in the next section).

Accordingly, you are required to:

 Provide information about how integrated these two countries (Argentina and El Salvador) are with the rest of the world. To do so, you need to look at their trade flows relative to their GDP and calculate openness.

 Provide a visual representation of your findings by plotting a graph (use line graph) that shows the change in openness for these countries over the period between 1998 and 2014 (including all years, i.e., 1998, 1999, …, 2014).

 Establish whether being integrated with the rest of the world helped these two countries by looking at the correlation between their openness and GDP per capita.

 Conjecture what would have happened if these countries were not open to trade with the rest of the world by evaluating a hypothetical scenario based on a simple Ricardian model.
DATA ANALYSIS For data analysis, you need to follow Steps 1, 2 and 3 given below. Step 1. Using trade flows in your data, calculate openness as a percentage for Argentina and El Salvador and present them for each year for both countries as a table. You need to explain your method, namely, how you calculated openness using trade flows (write down the formula). In addition, you need to state what other alternative ways you could have adopted to calculate openness other than using trade flows. Step 2. Using the calculations you did for openness in Step 1, plot openness (as a percentage) against time (1998-2014) for both countries (Argentina and El Salvador) in a single graph (as a chart type: you are required to use line graph). Put openness (as a percentage) on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. Explain and compare briefly how openness changes for these countries over time. Make sure you limit your explanation to 200 words. Step 3. Explain in up to 200 words the relationship between openness and economic development by calculating the correlation coefficient between GDP per capita
International Trade Assignment 1, Semester 1, 2020 Page 3

(proxy for economic development) and openness for each of the two countries, respectively. [Here you have to use the CORREL command in Excel]. DO NOT ATTACH YOUR DATA.
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS For technical analysis, you need to follow Step 4. Step 4. In order to conjecture the circumstances in these two countries under autarky (when there is no trade), consider the following hypothetical scenario based on Ricardian model. Assume throughout that those two countries (Argentina and El Salvador) are the only two countries in the world, at least for purposes of trade. There are two goods: Hammers and Widgets. Consumers in both countries always spend half of their income on Hammers and half of their income on Widgets. The only factor of production is labour. Each Argentinian worker can produce 4 Hammers or 2 Widget per unit of time. Each El Salvadoran worker can produce 2 Hammers or 2 Widgets per unit of time. There are 50 workers in Argentina and 75 workers in El Salvador. You need to provide conditions in each country by stating:

a) Which country has an absolute advantage in Hammer? In Widget?

b) Which country has a comparative advantage in Hammer? In Widget?

c) Draw the production possibility frontier for each country and indicate slope (put Hammer on the vertical axis and Widget on the horizontal axis).

d) Find the autarky relative price of Widgets in both countries (i.e., the price of Widgets divided by the price of Hammers).

e) What is the optimal consumption and production for each country under autarky?
V. PRESENTATION OF RESULTS You need to provide a brief in order to effectively communicate your findings. In your brief, you must have the following ingredients:  Micro-credential: Include the URL link that verifies that you successfully completed the “Fact Check” micro-credential.  Headline: One possible example is: “A Simple Analysis of Openness for Argentina and El Salvador: Part I”  Data Analysis: In this section, you need to present your data analysis based on your findings in Steps 1, 2 and 3.  Technical Analysis: In this section, you need to communicate your technical results based on your findings in Step 4.

Define how the forensic investigator could interpret one aspect in relation to 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-22 Wire and Electronic Communications Interception and Interception of Oral Communications and, 18 U.S.C. §§ 3121-27 Pen Registers and Trap and Trace Devices.

Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime: An Introduction by Britz

In an investigation being conducted by the state crime lab, senior investigators have called your company, AB Investigative Services, to provide advice concerning the interception of wire, electronic, and oral communications. The current individual suspected to be the source of the crime used a library computer to send and receive e-mails. The librarian walked up on the e-mail account while the suspect was away and found incriminating information in an open e-mail, which was reported to law enforcement.

Post your advice to the senior investigators addressing the following:
Define how the forensic investigator could interpret one aspect of one of the following statutes in relation to the given scenario using:
18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-22 Wire and Electronic Communications Interception and Interception of Oral Communications and,
18 U.S.C. §§ 3121-27 Pen Registers and Trap and Trace Devices
In your opinion, how can the interpretation be misconstrued or incorrectly interpreted by a forensic investigator?
Respond to other students’ posts, by addressing the following:
Defend how the First and Fourth Amendments apply or do not apply to the email in this case.
What other aspects could be misinterpreted based on current technologies?

Determine by hand or Excel the Kaplan-Meier survivalfor the Placebo group.Include an intermediate calculation.

Survival Analysis
Question 1 The following are survival times for two treatment groups, * indicates a right censored observation. All subjects are entered at time 0.
ID Group Time 1 Placebo 1 2 Placebo 2 3 Placebo 7* 4 Placebo 8 5 Placebo 12 6 Drug 4 7 Drug 6* 8 Drug 9 9 Drug 10 10 Drug 13

a. Determine by hand or Excel the Kaplan-Meier survivalfor the Placebo group.Include an intermediate calculation.

b. Determine by hand or Excel the Log rank test statistic.Use a table and show at least one intermediate calculation.

c. Determine the risk set (this means the ids of the subjects) at time=10 and the corresponding term in the partial likelihood assuming that the data is coded Placebo=0 and Drug=1 and the parameter is β .

d. If the subject with id 10 was entered at time=11, that is there is delayed entry, how would this change the results of (c).

Question 2 The following data set (dialysis.csv) concerns the survival of patients after starting peritoneal dialysis. [Dialysis is a blood filtering treatment that replaces the function of the kidneys. Dialysis is started when an individuals kidneys stop working]. The interest is in modelling the time to death, but we will also do one analysis for transplant. This is not real data but is based on a real data set.

Variable Description id Patient Identify stat1 Status at end of followup (0=Dead, 1=Dialysis, 2=Transplant, 3=Lost to Followup) yrstotal Total years of followup gender Gender (1=Male,0=Female) diabetes Diabetes (1=Yes, 0=No) startyr Year started dialysis age Age starting dialysis
Analyses should be performed in Stata. a. Death i. Setup the data for survival analysis for death as the event, that is stat1=0 with all other outcomes considered censored.Show the command.Note:Think about what the value for censoring should be. ii. Using the covariate age,categorize into 3 equal,as possible,groups.Produce a Kaplan-Meier plot for each age group.Comment. iii. Determine the median survival with 95% CI for each age group.Why can’t the median survival be obtained for the lowest age group? iv. Determine the survival at 10 years with 95% CI for each age group. v. Perform a logrank test, and a test for trend for age group. Comment. vi. Fit a Cox model for age group and test for evidence of an effect of age group using a Wald test. vii. Using the covariates continuous age and diabetes, fit a Cox model, produce a table of results suitable for publication (suitable for publication means correctly formatted with irrelevant output removed and appropriate p -values), and comment including interpreting the results. b. Fit a Cox model for transplant as the event,with all other events as censoring with covariates continuous age and diabetes and comment on the results. Question 3 A cumulative density function is given by
F ( t ) =(1 − p ) (1 − e − λtt ) (1 − θee − λtt )
t > 0; λt > 0; 0 < θe < 1; 0 < p < 1
a.hence derive S(t), f(t) and h(t). b.Graph f ( t ) ,
S ( t ) and h ( t ) for λt = 1 You should produce 2 sets of g r a p h s . The first should hold p fixed at 0.5 and show 3 values of θe , 0.1, 0.5, 0.9 and the second should hold θe fixed
at 0.5 with 3 values of p , 0.1, 0.5, 0 . 9 . H i n t : You may use any method, but this is easiest done in R or STATA (Excel may work as well) by defining functions for each and then them eg:
t <- seq(0,5,0.01) f <- function(t,p,theta,lambda) { return(????) } plot(t,f(t,0.1,0.5,1),ylim=c(0,2),type=”l”,col=”red”) c. Describe the effect of parameters p and θe , assuming λt fixed.

What are some considerations faculty (nursing leadership) must consider when developing curricula for hybrid or online programs.


Topic 1: Keating and DeBoor describe both internal and external factors/trends to consider when conducting a needs assessment for curriculum development/revision. (a) Identify how one of the following factors/trends: economic, political, or social may influence regulation and/or accreditation of nursing programs.  (b) identify one circumstance when faculty will need to assess/revise curriculum. (c) a) How does research and evidence-based teaching practice (EBTP) impact how nursing curriculum is developed and program content learned?

Initial: TYPE HERE (at least 400-500 words):

Resources (At least 2 peer reviewed in APA):


POST 2: Topic 2: You have been assigned to develop the curriculum for a new BSN program. Identify key documents and resources that you would consult to begin development of  the curriculum?

(c) What are some considerations faculty (nursing leadership) must consider when developing curricula for hybrid or online programs and

(d) offering online courses nationally (across states) and internationally. Provide references to substantiate content.


Initial: TYPE HERE (at least 400-500 words)

Resources (At least 2 peer reviewed in APA):

What is a ‘scholarly conversation?’ What is the best way to enter into a “scholarly conversation”?

Students:  I thought it might be helpful to have another example, so I’m attaching here a lesson plan from one of the most recent workshops I did for a WRIT 150 class here at USC. The students were tasked with writing an Op-Ed on a topic of their choosing using some research. So attached is what I did with them. It’s quite rough but I thought it might give you some more idea of directions you can take, especially for the next parts of the assignment sequence.


Kevin Klipfel

LIM 511 Lesson Plan Example


Goals and Understandings

  1. Please provide a detailed explanation of your chosen instruction context, including the setting, your students, and any relevant information.

My lesson is for a “one-shot” information literacy workshop at the University of Southern California Libraries (USC). The goal of information literacy instruction at the USC Libraries is to introduce students to basic information literacy skills that will provide the foundations for successful research throughout their academic career.

Beginning information literacy instruction at USC primarily takes place in WRIT 150, a course all USC Freshmen are required to take in their first year. Information literacy instruction in these classes is “embedded:” librarians teach research skills required for specific research assignments in a particular course. The goal of embedded instruction is to teach students research skills within a meaningful, relevant learning context, so that these skills can transfer to other, related context.

This lesson plan is tailored to a section of WRIT 150 with the following assignment requirements:

Writing Task: Write a thesis-driven three to four-page mock Op-Ed for a specific publication/blog/ or readership. Take care to research the publication’s Op-Ed page to examine the scope and style of previous Op-Eds to determine if the publication is a good fit for your chosen concern or idea.

Sources: If appropriate to your paper, provide sources to support your view. There is no specific amount of source material required; however, for a four-page paper two to four sources are within a proper ratio. If you hold an expertise, you may establish that within your paper and offer your experiential evidence as support.

  1. What are the established goals for my instruction? What will students understand based on my instruction?

The overall goal of my instruction is for students to be able to develop the information literacy skills needed to write an informed Op-Ed on a topic of personal significance to them. In my experience and in consultation with the course instructor, I believe it will be helpful for students to see how to take a “vague” topic idea – where all research starts off – and be able to use specific information literacy skills to inform themselves on their topic and express themselves in writing using research backed by evidence.

My goal is for students to understand that research is borne out of genuine curiosity or things we think about in our ordinary lives; that there are specific strategies they can use to refine a research topic from a broad interest; and that research at the college level is an iterative process that requires many different searches of multiple modes of information.

  1. Essential Questions:

Write out a list of 3-5 essential questions that you hope to address in you lesson, then provide a detailed explanation for why you think these questions are essential questions.

Given these considerations, my lesson will address the following essential questions:

  1. How can I turn things I am interested in or passionate about into a general research topic?
  2. How can I turn my broad interest into a specific research topic for an Op-Ed?
  3. What is a ‘scholarly conversation?’ What is the best way to enter into a “scholarly conversation”?
  4. Students Will Know & Students Will be Able to…

What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this lesson?

  • Students will be able to use an online scholarly encyclopedia to locate background knowledge on a topic of authentic interest.
  • Students will be able to use an online scholarly encyclopedia to locate a “seminal” peer-reviewed scholarly article on a topic of authentic interest.
  • Students will use keyword searching to search the USC Libraries general search for at least two peer-reviewed scholarly articles on a topic of interest.

What should student be able to do as the result of your lesson?

After my lesson, students will be able to use information to think critically about a topic and write a well-informed Op-Ed on an issue that matters to them.

How will these skills transfer beyond this immediate learning context? What are some situations you see these skills transferring to?

These skills will transfer to most of the research students will conduct at the university level. Additionally, students will be able to transfer these strategies to non-academic contexts where the goal is to become informed by credible information about a topic and to express one’s opinion informed by and backed by research. As such, the goal is to use this context to teach critical thinking skills across domains.


For Part 2, you’ll practice beginning to “think like an assessor” about your learning plan. Indeed, though it may often seem to you that students are learning, good design also involves more formal assessments of student learning. Your goal in Part 2 is to think like an assessor by answering the following questions about your lesson:

  1. What kinds of evidence would show that students have achieved the desired results of your instruction?

The evidence that would show students achieved the desired results of my instruction would be if the students are able to achieve the learning goals set out for them. This relates directly to the learning goals I set out in the first part of this lesson plan.

One goal is for students to be able to use a scholarly encyclopedia to gain the requisite background knowledge to engage in a scholarly conversation of a topic of interest. Thus, an assessment piece that measures whether students are actually able to complete this task would be a valuable assessment piece.

A second learning goal is for students to be able to use that encyclopedia to actually locate a “seminal” article on this topic. Evidence that students were successfully able to complete this task would help me assess whether students were successfully able to meet this learning goal.

Lastly, my goal is for students to be able to successfully use keywords to locate two scholarly articles on their topic. It would, thus, be helpful to be able to see students’ keywords and see if these keywords led to them successfully locating to quality peer-reviewed articles on their topic.

  1. What specific performance tasks would provide concrete evidence of student learning in your scenario? What problems or scenarios might you use to measure your students’ learning?

The performance tasks in this lessons are for students to:

  • use a specific scholarly encyclopedia through the USC Libraries, CREDO REFERENCE, to find background info on their paper and narrow their topic
  • locate a seminal article on their topic using the USC Libraries general search box and use that source to further narrow down their topic.
  • develop keywords to locate two scholarly articles using the USC Libraries general search box.
  1. What plan might you implement to measure student learning within the context of your instruction scenario? Be specific (for example, if you ask the students questions or provide students with concrete scenarios, be sure to include a description). What software, tools, or other technologies might help you assess your students’ learning?

I plan to use Qualtrics survey software for students to concretely demonstrate their own learning. After a short “mini-lesson” presentation, students will be asked to spend most of the time period completing the following active learning exercise:

This simple assessment should give me a very specific, concrete sense of whether the goals for my instruction have been met.


  1. What concrete learning activities and experiences will help you achieve your desired results? Your objective in Part 3 of this project is to provide an answer to this question by detailing the concrete learning activities you plan to implement in your session.

There are two major learning activities that I will use for this lesson.

The first learning activity is modeling topic development through narrative. I try to approach teaching students empathically. What this means for the current purposes is that I looked at the students assignment requirements – to choose an magazine or newspaper to write an informed Op-Ed on a topic of their choosing – and I modeled some specific research strategies through a narrative. I imagined that I was a student in the course and demonstrated how I’d go about taking a vague topic idea, use resources to narrow down the topic and find important info on it, and broke down the specific information literacy skills I used that they can then transfer to their own projects.

I used a specific narrative that was relevant to my life. I told the students that I had just been to Las Vegas with my wife to see a heavyweight championship fight between my favorite boxer, Tyson Fury, and heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder. I told the students why this interested me (I box, etc). and also what makes me such a fan of Tyson Fury. Not only is he a great boxer, but he has gone through (as have I, I briefly discussed) serious metal health issues. In short, Tyson Fury won the heavyweight championship in 2015 but had to give it up because he went through a period of terrible suicidal depression. However, he came back to boxing in 2017 and has now become a huge ambassador for mental health. Specifically, I told the students that I recently read an article how Tyson Fury is “redefining masculinity” by being so open about his mental health problems. In our culture a man is “supposed” to be tough and showing emotions is considered “weak.” However, this creates a serious stigma around mental health, especially for men. So one way that Fury is “redefining” masculinity is by overcoming “toxic masculinity” by being open about his mental health struggles and letting people know that you can be, e.g., a fighter and also show your emotions, even when they’re as vulnerable as depression or suicide.

So, I told the students, it might be cool to treat stigma around mental health as a men’s health issue – and maybe I could fashion my op-ed specifically for Men’s Health magazine to argue that mental health and de-stigmatizing depression is an important men’s health issue.

I then modeled for students how I took that kind of vague topic – my favorite boxer Tyson Fury and just having come back from a Las Vegas title fight– to develop keywords, “e.g, depression stigma mental health men athletes etc”, combined these in various ways, and developed info about my topic.  I showed them how to use research encyclopedias to get an overview of “stigma around mental health,’ how to find “seminal articles” using that resource, and also how to do keyword searches in the library.

The second strategy was active learning through meaningful cognitive engagement. We devoted the rest of the session to the students’ own searching of information for their Op-Eds. To scaffold the students’ learning environment, they were given a link to the active learning exercise from Part Two of this assignment. I then went around to work with students individually to help them brainstorm ideas and locate information sources.

  1. Why do you believe these specific learning activities will help you achieve your learning goals? Please be specific, and reference any relevant readings or learning theories that have been discussed in class.
  2. The first method I used, narrative modeling, has been demonstrated in the research literature to facilitate intrinsic motivation. The facilitation of intrinsic motivation has been demonstrated across multiple studies to facilitate learning (see Klipfel Cook).

[…] Additionally, I sought to develop relationship rapport through being vulnerable and talking about a topic that mattered to me. This followed on the Rogerian three core conditions …

[You should go into much more detail here J.]

  1. The second method is active cognitive engagement through practicing essential, transferrable concepts. I chose this methodology because research indicates that practicing the “deep structure” of learning in a meaningful context facilitates retention and transfer of information. (See Klipfel/Cook)….

[You should go into more detail here but ya get the idea]