
Name two referrals you would consider making to support Tanisha’s needs. What can these disciplines offer Tanisha and her family?

Assistive Technology and Emerging Practice – Spring, 2019

Mini-Case Study

30 points

Tanisha is a 22 year old woman with an intellectual disability and cerebral palsy. She lives at home with her mother, who is her primary caregiver. Tanisha does not currently work or attend school, (she graduated from a special education program at age 21) and she requires frequent cueing and physical assistance to sequence and complete ADL and IADL tasks. You have recently begun working with Tanisha, and are told by Tanisha and her mother that they would like her to be able to perform a morning routine (shower, brush teeth, dress, apply deodorant), simple shopping tasks (ie. Buy one familiar item at a familiar store), and simple meal preparation (ie. Warm up a plate of food, assemble a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, etc) with no more than distant supervision (mom/OT can watch task performance from a distance to ensure safety, but provide no direct cueing). In addition, Tanisha’s mother is aware that Tanisha’s verbal communication skills are effective with familiar people (ie. family), however she would like Tanisha to be able to communicate her wants and needs to strangers more effectively (ie. Ordering at a restaurant, requesting help in a store).

After watching the video, please identify 5 pieces of assistive technology that you would like to trial with Tanisha (you do not need to target all goal areas with this assignment). For items 1-4, include: (1) name of/type of technology, (2) why it’s appropriate for Tanisha, (3) how you would implement the technology, and (4) what outcome you would expect to achieve with the technology. Item #5 should be some form of AAC – for this item, please include the following: (1) name of/type of technology, (2) what access method would Tanisha use for this AAC/any supports to facilitate access, (3) what would you recommend in regards to positioning while using this device, (4) expected outcome.

If Tanisha and her family wished to trial some or all of the assistive technology before making a final decision, what would you suggest? What are some options for Tanisha in regard to external funding sources for her recommended technologies (include at least 3)?

Name two referrals you would consider making to support Tanisha’s needs. What can these disciplines offer Tanisha and her family?

Please answer in list or table format (not essay/narrative). Your response should fill no more than 2 sheets of paper, double sided. You are not required to double space text, but please use size 12 font.

Watch: to learn more about Tanisha.

Scoring Rubric

    þ Points
Tech 1 Name/type   /4
Why appropriate  
How to implement  
Expected outcome  
Tech 2 Name/type   /4
Why appropriate  
How to implement  
Expected outcome  
Tech 3 Name/type   /4
Why appropriate  
How to implement  
Expected outcome  
Tech 4 Name/type   /4
Why appropriate  
How to implement  
Expected outcome  
Tech 5: AAC Name/type   /4
Access Considerations  
Positioning Considerations  
Expected outcome  
Trials, funding AT Trial considerations   /4
Funding options  
Referrals 2 Disciplines   /4
Grammar/Professional Language     /2
    Total /30


Describe three ways that enzymes decrease the activation energy of a chemical reaction and give 2 examples of each.

For each question you must cite your source in APA format.  Also, indicate the number for each question as you answer, so I will know where one answer ends and the other starts. (It doesn’t have to be an essay with intro body and conclusion. Just explain very well what each question is asking)

  1. Using two of the steps in glycolysis, explain how a favorable reaction is linked to an unfavorable reaction to allow the unfavorable reaction to occur. Be specific in your description. Include products and reactants, ΔG values, and whether the reactions are linked simultaneously or sequentially.
  2. Using a reaction from the citric acid cycle, please explain oxidation and reduction. Be specific in your description. Include products and reactants, which molecules are oxidized and reduced, and what the oxidizing and reducing agents are in reaction.  Why must we speak of oxidation and reduction together?
  3. From glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, the citric acid cycle and/or the electron transport chain, describe two examples of chemical reactions in which the entropy of a biological system decreases and two examples in which the entropy of a system increases
  4. What is feedback regulation? Give an example of aerobic respiration where feedback regulation helps to regulate this central metabolic pathway. Tell me which enzyme is regulated, whether it is positively or negatively regulated, and what metabolite is “feeding back” to regulate the interaction.
  5. Describe three ways that enzymes decrease the activation energy of a chemical reaction and give 2 examples of each.

Discuss it’s ever morally permissible to lie to someone. detailed instructions provided in word document.

Part 1: Choose one of these test cases (it can be from either formula), and explain in your own words the reasoning that leads to the conclusion Kant defends. The word document is provided for detailed instructions. 350 words.

Part 2: Discuss it’s ever morally permissible to lie to someone. detailed instructions provided in word document. 200 words.

Kants Chapter 1 and two are highlighted in red for reference
Chapter 4 provided as reference

Public health; What are the potential strategies that would assist the client to a “better” life?

As a public health nurse at a free clinic, you are assessing and interviewing a 21-year-old woman who has come to the clinic because she doesn’t have any energy and hasn’t felt good in weeks. During the interview, you learn that she averages one meal per day, smokes up to two packs of cigarettes per day, and rummages through trash to find items she can sell to purchase food, snacks, and cigarettes. She admits to using street drugs every once in a while when she can find someone who will share with her. She admits her life is a mess and she doesn’t know how to make it better.
• What data can you gather based on available client information?
• What questions should you ask yourself while interviewing this client?
• During planning, how can you, as the nurse, best assist this client?
• What are the potential strategies that would assist the client to a “better” life?
Your paper should be 2 pages in length, in APA format, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1” margins. If outside sources are used, they must be cited appropriately.

What obstacles does Joe face in communicating high expectations to the entire staff? What advantages does he have?

Case Study 7.1: Going Digital

After 125 years, the South Town Press is going digital. A large Connecticut-based newspaper chain recently purchased South Town, which is the only paper in a medium-sized Alabama city. Soon, South Town Press will be converting from traditional daily paper delivery to an online format. Executives at headquarters decided to make this change at all of the chain’s papers in response to shifting reading habits. The subscriber base for traditional newspapers is shrinking as more people access their news through phones, tablets, and computers.

Converting to a digital format is a major challenge, particularly for a newspaper with a long history like South Town Press. Every aspect of the operation will be impacted, including the news department, advertising, and circulation. The electronic version of the paper will be much shorter, requiring layoffs in the newsroom. At the same time, new technical support staff will be hired. Joseph “Joe” Pia has been assigned as the new publisher at South Town Press to oversee the transition. Joe has a long history in the newspaper business and recently led the move to digital publishing at another of the company’s papers in the Midwest. That transition succeeded, but at a high cost. Employees didn’t think they could make the change, which slowed the process, and some quit. Salespeople struggled to sell digital ads, and the number of online subscriptions was low at first, though circulation eventually rebounded. Some of the initial digital editions of the paper crashed due to technical problems.

Joe wants to learn from his prior experience to ensure a smoother switch over at South Town Press. He believes that South Town Press employees have the ability to make the change but, like the staff at his last post, lack confidence in their ability to do so. He also knows that layoffs will initially lower employee morale. Joe takes a couple of days before arriving at South Town Press to develop a strategy for the transition. In addition to all the technical details, he gives careful thought to whom he needs to influence and what he wants to communicate to each group and individual. He knows he wants to boost the confidence of the entire staff of 40 while setting a high standard for his leadership team made up of the news editor, information systems manager, circulation manager, and advertising manager. However, he is not sure how he should go about conveying these messages to his staff and team.

Discussion Probes

  1. What obstacles does Joe face in communicating high expectations to the entire staff? What advantages does he have?
  2. What initial steps should Joe take when arrives at South Town?
  3. How can the new publisher foster self-efficacy in his entire staff? How can he promote a learning orientation?
  4. How can Joe use indirect channels to communicate high expectations to each individual member of his leadership team?

Reference: Johnson, Craig E.. Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership (p. 234). SAGE Publications. Kindle Edition. Ch 6

Discuss the firm’s pricing method or methods. Explain the price adaptations (discounts, promotions, etc.) the firm should use.

Q1. Describe the support services needed by buyers of the product/service. Describe the support services offered by the firm’s main competitor. How are they different? (Ch. 14)

Q2. Describe post-sale service arrangements the firm does or should provide. How does the firm’s repair/service efforts impact customer satisfaction? (Ch.14)

Q3. Discuss the firm’s new product screening process. Discuss possible sources of new product ideas. (Ch. 15)

Q4. Discuss the firm’s pricing method or methods. Explain the price adaptations (discounts, promotions, etc.) the firm should use. (Ch. 16)

Q5. Discuss the firm’s distribution strategy. Explain the channels used to distribute the product. (Ch. 17)

PS. The firm to be discussed above is UNITED RENTALS. Also you are going to need this text book to complete this paper;

Kotler, P. T., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (Custom 15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, Inc. ISBN: 9780133856460

What are some of the strengths and limitations of the organization (i.e. limited funding, ageing community etc.)? 

Bloemraad (2006) in the first reading by Gidengil and Stolle describes political incorporation as the “process of becoming apart of mainstream debates, practices and decision making…” See if you can find some information on a particular ethnic-based organization in Australia. How might your chosen ethnic organization facilitate the political incorporation of migrants and ethnic minorities?
In your reflections you might like to look at some of the following:
What are the main functions of the ethnic organization?
Does the organization have a social or political role (or both)?
What are some of the strengths and limitations of the organization (i.e. limited funding, ageing community etc.)?
In reflecting on some of these questions, what are your views towards multiculturalism in Australia?

Is it due to direction or causality.. or it could be simultaneous in which one causes another no clear pattern of simultaneous causality.

Why is there a debate about what determines property value? Does land prices determines house prices or does house prices determines land price?
Is it due to direction or causality.. or it could be simultaneous in which one causes another no clear pattern of simultaneous causality.
Will it guide people into the property market and into development and allow them to be more mindful of final house price.
or use market price to bargain for land price.
Who is this research significant to? Is it important to the government who is trying to increase the number of houses built to increase supply.
Argument that there is a huge supply of land available that property developers have access to.. because low house prices hasn’t increased enough to use that land. until house price increases and only then will they build on the land. this is issues of property supply, these issues may explain it better. the government can reduce sales tax on new houses. if government reduces it could make up the premium that property developers are waiting for to build houses.

Create a form using a wizard for your database using any format of your choice. Use all fields in the Form. Name the form with the same name as your table.

Microsoft Access Assignment CMAP120
25 Total Points/-2 each error, omission, misspelling, etc.; -5 Each Object missing or big concept not completed correctly
Create a database with the subject/category of your choice. Determine a category for your database where you can create 15 records that have multiple characteristics. (An example might be a book or music collection, sports team you follow, musician/band you like, books you’ve read or would like to read restaurants you visit, colleges you’d like to apply to, places you have or would like to visit etc.) Have it be something you can research on the Internet or have tangible items you can look at to populate your table – no personal address books.
Name the database file XXXX.accdb. Replace the XXXX with the topic of your database. The database name should be the broad name of what will be inside it. If I were creating a database on the history of the Pittsburgh Steeler Coaches I would call mine SteelerCoaches.accdb, as an example.
A. Design one table with at least:

a. 6 Fields (can have more, but not more than 10)

b. Correct datatypes for your fields

c. Make property changes as needed to each field. At the very least change the field sizes; none should be 255.

d. A primary key Field other than ID with an AutoNumber (ID with AutoNumber is a default, I’d like you to replace that with your Primary Key field; keeping AutoNumber as a Datatype might be okay with your data)

e. One field should have a drop-down box (Lookup Wizard Datatype)

f. Name the table appropriately, there should be no tables named Table1, for instance.

B. Populate the table with at least 15 records. Make sure all the data shows—adjust columns as needed. (No more than 25 records).

C. Create a form using a wizard for your database using any format of your choice. Use all fields in the Form. Name the form with the same name as your table.

D. Query the table, have at least one criteria, and name the query based on what’s in it. You can have as many of the fields showing as necessary to show what you’re trying to accomplish, but do not have all the fields in the query or showing.

E. Create a report, using a wizard, based on all fields in the Query, using any suitable format. Save the report giving it an appropriate name.

TO SUBMIT YOUR COMPLETED ACCESS ASSIGNMENT: Do not submit until you are done and database is ready to be graded; save and close your file and know where you saved it.

1) Click on Course Content on BlackBoard Course Menu.

2) Click on Access Assignment title.

3) Scroll down some and choose Browse My Computer.

4) Find your file you’d like to submit, select it and hit Open.

5) You will see file name and know file is attached. 6) Click Submit.

As a common form of risk transfer, what are the economic and risk benefits of fixed-price contracts bring to the construction companies and clients?

Other the requirements are below:

(1) Make the proposal more critically and add some data.

(2) The end of (back ground of study), I have no idea to write continuedly, please write more. The aim is giving some effective policies to improve fixed-price contract.

(3) Write more of (research questions) and (research objectives)

My supervisor was very strict and kept asking me to be critical and specific.

The risk transferring: a critical approach to discuss the fixed-price contract plays a common role in the construction projects



The purpose of this paper is to discuss some problems occurred in fixed-price contracts which applied by the corporation between client and construction companies in the risk transferring methods, meanwhile it will give some effective contracts’ policies which could help to reduce the legal disputes between construction companies and clients. In the complex environment, the construction companies tend to cannot change the nature of the risk itself through the risk avoidance or risk mitigation method. In this situation, risk transferring method is the choice because it can transfer the result of the project risk to the other party together with the rights corresponding to the risk to reduce the loss of the cost.


Background of the study

Normally, risk is transferred for a fee. Thus, risk transfer in principle amounts to the “sale” of risk. It is fair to say that the fixed-price contracts are the common way for construction companies to transfer risk, especially in the construction industry. The construction companies will establish a set price for each client regardless of the actual time and materials used for a project.

The fixed-price contracts are attractive to both construction firms and clients, which firms have detailed project budgets before construction, and clients who prefer contracts with transparent prices to avoid open-ended timing contracts. From the negative side, the disadvantages of fixed-price contracts are often the trigger for legal disputes between construction companies and customer service. First, risk transfer breaks the principle of personal responsibility, because risk transfer leads to injustice as it imposes responsibility for the failure of the project on the party that did not perform the action in the first place. Secondary, not only does the customer have to pay more than a flexible contract, but a sudden drop in service and quality during the period puts the customer at a disadvantage. Furthermore, when the price of services or materials increases sharply, the construction company may not be able to fulfill the contract so that the clients need to take useful legal action. For the construction company side, the design process should be completed before the contract is signed so that the later design changes to the project will reduce the revenue of the profit. Finally, delays in the client’s finance will delay the project because the break of capital chain can affect procurement. Therefore, how to minimize the problems arising from fixed contracts is another argument to be discussed in this paper. For example, how to specify problem solutions and policies in a fixed contract…………………………

Research aim

The long-term goal of the research discusses the problems occurred in the fixed-price contracts in risk transferring and state some effective methods or policies which could help to reduce the legal disputes between construction companies and clients.


Research objectives

1.Explain the benefits of the contract to the construction company and the client.

  1. To find out the problems caused by the fixed-price contracts.

3.Give some useful methods and policies to improve fixed-price contract’s practicability.

Research questions

  1. As a common form of risk transfer, what are the economic and risk benefits of fixed-price contracts bring to the construction companies and clients?
  2. Do fixed-price contracts cause legal disputes between construction companies and clients under special circumstances?
  3. What policies can improve the fixed-price contract?