
Create an give in Excel (or by hand). Do any of the temperatures appear to be unrealistic or in error? If yes, which ones and why?

Project 1 Instructions

Based on Brase & Brase: section 2.1

Use the Project 1 Data Set to create the graphs and tables in Questions 1–4 and to answer both parts of Question 5. If you cannot figure out how to make the graphs and tables in Excel, you are welcome to draw them by hand and then submit them as a scanned document or photo.

  1. Open a blank Excel file and create a grouped frequency distribution of the maximum daily temperatures for the 50 states for a 30 day period. Use 8 classes.
  2. Add midpoint, relative frequency, and cumulative frequency columns to your frequency distribution.
  3. Create a frequency histogram using Excel. You will probably need to load the Data Analysis add-in within Excel. If you do not know how to create a histogram in Excel, view the video located at: A simple bar graph will also work.

If you cannot get the histogram or bar graph features to work, you may draw a histogram by hand and then scan or take a photo (your phone can probably do this) of your drawing and email it to your instructor.

  1. Create an give in Excel (or by hand).
  2. Do any of the temperatures appear to be unrealistic or in error? If yes, which ones and why?
  3. Explain how this affects your confidence in the validity of this data set.

Describe your thoughts on the role health care professionals should play in resolving the ethical issue.

Find a scholarly, peer-reviewed article no more than four years old that discusses an ethical health promotion-related issue.
• Use the WCU library databases to search for appropriate articles.
In your paper:
1. Briefly summarize the presented issue.
2. Describe your thoughts on the role health care professionals should play in resolving the ethical issue.
3. Provide specific theories and refer to specific ethical codes to support your position.
Your paper should be 2–3 pages long. Use APA to cite and reference the article and any other optional sources you use. Adhere to APA formatting throughout your paper.

Why would a company continue to offer these discounted items despite losing money on them?

300-word ( 3-4-paragraph) explanation of the benefits and risks of low-cost product or service offerings for a business. In your explanation, address the following:

Why would a company continue to offer these discounted items despite losing money on them?
Is this pricing strategy financially sustainable for the businesses?
Other than loss of profits, what are some other possible negative consequences of businesses offering discounted products or services?
To support your response, be sure to reference at least one properly cited scholarly source.

Provide a synopsis of the webinar and a brief description of the pathophysiology of the disorder, as well as what you gleaned from the webinar.

Considering the significant number of neurological disorders and what you have learned this week, take time to reflect upon the content and your experiences. Please watch an Educational Webinar related to Brain Dysfunction and submit a journal entry. There are many brain dysfunctions and a lot to learn. Is there something you are curious about? Is there a personal experience you would like to understand better? Or, just Google it – no matter how you get there, the goal is to leave the experience knowing more than when you started.

Provide a synopsis of the webinar and a brief description of the pathophysiology of the disorder, as well as what you gleaned from the webinar. Reflect upon this experience, consider what you learned, and how this could affect your practice as an APRN.
The paper submission should be 500-550 words in length and in APA format.

Required Articles
Traumatic Brain Injury:
Dash, H. H., & Chavali, S. (2018). Management of traumatic brain injury patients. Korean Journal of Anesthesiology, 71(1), 12–21.
Updated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Guideline for Adults

Analyze the media landscape of your chosen market in relation to your two profiles from the preceding task – what media are available, what sort of reach and influence do these have on your profiles?

Digital Marketing, Branding and Strategy – Summative Assessment.


You are to take the role of a brand consultant and develop a corporate brand revitalization strategy and a communication plan to generate better engagement around a corporate brand of your choosing (this could be the organization you work for). Your strategy for revitalizing the brand image will serve as a springboard for converting the engagement into new customers and more revenue, as well as retaining and building loyalty with existing customers


Focusing on the market of one country or region (UK, UAE, North America, Singapore-Malaysia), you are expected to develop a corporate brand revitalization strategy including a communications plan to generate engagement around the brand. As part of this, the following are required:

  1. An executive summary of no more than 200 words.
  2. An introduction to the report specifying the chosen corporate brand, its business, the chosen country/region and a summary of key proposals made within the report.
  3. A situation analysis of the relevant industry/sector in the chosen country region (clearly identify this in the introduction) from macro and micro perspectives. This should result in the identification of key strategic issues with respect to the problems described in the background.
  4. Conduct a brand audit and develop a conceptual map for the brand (based on secondary research) – explain the key perceptions and associations of the brand and evaluate these critically (e.g. strength vs. weakness?).
  5. Identify and describe the characteristics of the brand’s main current customers. Further, develop two profiles (personas) of potential target audiences (i.e. a group of people who are likely to be future customers), so that they can be targeted through a subsequent communications campaign.
  6. Analyze the media landscape of your chosen market in relation to your two profiles from the preceding task – what media are available, what sort of reach and influence do these have on your profiles? Discuss specific media that are of relevance (e.g. Instagram, radio channels, specific trade magazines) instead of grouping them together (e.g. social media).
  7. Propose a detailed communications strategy (start by specifying a set of objectives) on how you intend to engage these two targeted audiences with a view to ultimately recruiting them as customers/clients. Using the knowledge of your target audiences, their profiles, and your analysis of the media landscape, create a customer journey map for each profile to summarize and present your communications strategy – this will show what type of message, method, medium you will utilize to engage the audience (potential customers) at each relevant touch-point.
  8. Provide a summary of what relevant metrics and performance evaluation mechanisms you will incorporate into your communications strategy – you may use an augmented version of the customer journey map from the previous task to achieve this.
Section Titles   Marks
1. Executive Summary 5
2. Introduction 10
3. Situation Analysis 15
4. Brand Audit & Conceptual Map 15
5. Customer Segmentation 15
6. Analysis of Media Landscape 15
7. Your Proposed Communication Strategy 20
8. Summary 5


Additional Guidance Notes

  • Treat this as a business report, and therefore whilst addressing all the requirements above, sections need to be succinct and impactful. Use well-structured paragraphs and include headings and sub-headings. Ensure that the sections are well linked to each other. Keep to the word limit of 4,000 words.
  • Consider the impact on the reader, please use creative/visual techniques to make and strengthen your arguments – e.g. infographics, graphs/charts, and mock-ups of social media pages or webpages.
  • You can use appendices if you wish, for supplementary information to the main contents of your report; e.g. to show how a new and innovative marketing technique has been effectively used for another campaign – a point which you have made in the main body of the report but would like to supplement with the contents in the appendix. However, please do so judiciously, and bear in mind that the marker has no obligation to award marks for your appendices. In other words, there is no benefit in having several pages of appendices because marks are, strictly speaking, awarded only for the contents of the main report.
  • Good use of references is welcome, including academic articles, market research reports, and credible web-sources (referenced according to the university’s referencing guidelines). Use these to add credence to your arguments, to support your points, or illustrate your understanding of techniques, theories etc. However, there is no benefit in simply stacking-up references to support obvious points, or basic theories (e.g. 4Ps, Segmentation criteria etc.).
  • As this is a business report, lengthy descriptions of basic theory do not add value. So, please use only brief descriptions, if needed. If you use an advanced theoretical approach (e.g. a framework proposed in a recent journal article) or refer to something very technical (e.g. DMP – Data Management Platform), then it might be worth providing a description or explanation for the benefit of the reader.

Marking Guide:

>80: Excellent evidence of selection and application of appropriate theoretical concepts and frameworks, and their application to context of identified problem exceeding expectations. A comprehensive review of all critical elements related to the case is adopted throughout, integrating secondary research to a commendable extent. A robust submission in terms of support for arguments but additional advanced features showing clear link between how application of theories may be used to develop objectives and strategy to tackle a clearly identified business problem. Evidence of excellent appreciation of interrelationships between different aspects of a brand strategy and therefore application. The proposal is highly developed and meets industrial standards as well as academic.

70-79: Very good evidence of application of appropriate theoretical concepts and frameworks to context of identified problem meeting all expectations. A very good review of all critical elements related to the case is adopted throughout, and a high level of secondary research input is evident. A fairly robust submission in terms of support for arguments some evident links between how application of theories may be used to develop objectives and strategy to tackle a clearly identified business problem. Evidence of very good appreciation of interrelationships between different aspects of a brand strategy and therefore application. The proposal is highly developed and meets academic standards.

60-69: Adequate identification and application of theoretical concepts and frameworks to context of identified problem, but somewhat lacking in integration, consistency and flow. Some evidence of use of secondary data sources and good effort made in terms of applying these to the context or identified problem. However, the depth of analysis is not maintained throughout the application and a descriptive style may have been adopted in places. Proposal of communications strategy is good but in places good be further developed.

50-59: Basic application of theoretical concepts and frameworks to the case with descriptive construction of discussion rather than evaluative. Lacking in consistency, flow or clarity and effort to link various aspects of the strategy together. Research input is lacking or weakly integrated into the discussion and the proposals made are lacking in relevance, suitability, or practicality.

40>49: Very basic application of theoretical concepts and frameworks to the case with largely descriptive construction of discussion, lacking in evaluative elements. Poor in consistency, flow or clarity and effort to link various aspects of the strategy together. Research input is minimal or poorly integrated into the discussion and the proposals made are poor in terms of relevance, suitability, or practicality. Very weak construction of discussions throughout the assignment and poor appreciation for the requirements set-out in the brief in terms of the research problem. Descriptive or generic application of concepts and ides within the proposed strategy. Secondary research input and integration could be much improved.

<40: Little or no application of theoretical concepts and frameworks to the case with descriptive construction of discussion. No evaluative elements and poor in consistency, flow or clarity. Minimal effort to link various aspects of the strategy together. Research input is irrelevant of inadequate; not integrated into the discussion and the proposals made are very poor in terms of relevance, suitability, and practicality. Extremely weak construction of discussions throughout the assignment and little appreciation for the requirements set-out in the brief in terms of the research problem. Highly descriptive or generic discussions of concepts and ideas within the proposed strategy, if at all. Secondary research input and integration inadequate or irrelevant.


Discuss the future direction you selected that most excites you, and explain how it will enhance your professional practice as a counselor.

To Prepare:

Review Chapter 1 of the Erford course text in this week’s Learning Resources, and select one historical figure (a person) to discuss in your paper.
From Chapter 1, select one future direction (from the section “Where We Are Going,” beginning on p. 22) to discuss.
Review the webpage “Keyword Searching: Finding Articles on Your Topic: Searching Basics,” located in this week’s Learning Resources related to how to search the Walden Library databases.
Search the Walden databases for at least one scholarly article pertaining to the historical figure and/or to the future direction you chose.
Use the Research Paper Template in this week’s Learning Resources to complete this Assignment. Refer to your American Psychological Association (APA) manual to assist you in the proper use of APA throughout your paper.
Assignment: 2 pages
Include the following sections:

Part 1 – Present
What is counseling?
How does it differ from other helping professions?
Summarize the philosophical underpinnings of the counseling profession.
Part 2 – Past
Looking historically, if you showed Part I of your paper to the historical figure you chose, how would this figure handle it? Would the figure be shocked, mildly surprised, or in complete agreement? How would the figure respond?
Part 3 – Future
Discuss the future direction you selected that most excites you, and explain how it will enhance your professional practice as a counselor.
Be sure to use proper APA format and citations. These details are demonstrated in the template provided for this Assignment.

Suppose a $100 increase in desired investment spending ultimately results in a $300 increase in real GDP. What is the size of the multiplier?

Extra Credit 2
1. Suppose the government’s national income and product accounts reveal the following information (in millions of dollars). Show work to receive full credit.
Consumption 525 Investment 110 Government spending 72 Exports 50 Imports 65 Employee compensation 462 Interest 59 Rents 29 Profits 142 Depreciation 70 Net foreign factor income 10
a. Using the data in the table, verify that the income approach and the expenditure approach yield the same measure of GDP.

b. Find GNP, NDP and NNP.

2. There are three firms in an economy: X, Y, and Z. Firm X buys $200 worth of goods from firm Y and $300 worth goods from firm Z; and produces 250 units of output at $4 per unit. Firm Y buys $150 worth goods from firm X, and $250 worth goods form firm Z; and produces 300 units of output at $6 per unit. Firm Z buys $75 worth goods from X, and $50 worth goods from firm Y; and produces 500 units at $2 per unit. Given this information, what is the economy’s GDP? Show work to receive full credit.

3. Recent data for the country Krypton reveal the following (all figures in millions). Show work to receive full credit.
Total population 100 Under 16 or institutionalized 20 Employed 50 Unemployed 10
a. The size of the labor force.

b. The size of “not in the labor force.”

c. The unemployment rate.

d. Labor force participation rate

e. Employment-population ratio

4. Suppose the natural rate of unemployment is 4.5% and the current unemployment rate is 6%. Show work to receive full credit.
a. According to Okun’s law, what is the size of the GDP gap?

b. If potential GDP is $1,000 billion, how much output is being lost as a result of the economy being below its potential?

5. Nominal GDPt = quantityt * pricet. Real GDPt = quantityt * pricebase year. Growth rate of Xt = [(Xt-Xt-1)/Xt-1]*100. GDP deflator = (nominal GDPt /real GDPt)*100. Inflation rate = [(Pt-Pt-1)/Pt-1]*100. Show work to receive full credit.
a. Calculate nominal GDP, Real GDP in 2012 and in 2015 dollars:
Year Quantity Price Nominal GDP
Real GDP 2012$
Real GDP 2015$
2012 1000.00 $10

2013 1100.00 $11

2014 1000.00 $13

2015 1200.00 $16
b. Find the growth rates of nominal GDP for 2013, 2014, and 2015.

c. Find the growth rates of real GDP (using 2012$) for 2013, 2014, and 2015.

d. Find the growth rates of real GDP (using 2015$) for 2013, 2014, and 2015.
e. Calculate GDP deflator (using 2012$) and inflation rates for 2013, 2014, and 2015.

f. Calculate GDP deflator (using 2015$) and inflation rates for 2013, 2014, and 2015.

6. Consider the following data for a hypothetical economy. Show work to receive full credit.
Year Real GDP
1 $50,000 200 2 $51,400 202
a. Calculate the growth rate of real GDP over the year.

b. At this rate of growth, approximately how many years will pass before real GDP doubles?

c. Find real GDP per capita in each of the two years. Using these two values, calculate the growth rate of real GDP per capita over the year.

d. At this rate of growth, approximately how many years will pass before real GDP per capita doubles?

7. A hypothetical economy’s consumption schedule is given in the table below. Show work to receive full credit.
GDP=DI C 6600 6680 6800 6840 7000 7000 7200 7160 7400 7320 7600 7480 7800 7640 8000 7800
Use the information to answer the following:
a. If disposable income were $7400, how much would be saved?

b. What is the “break-even” level of disposable income?

c. What is this economy’s marginal propensity to consume?

d. What is the average propensity to consume when disposable income is $7000? When disposable income is $8000?

8. Multiplier effect. Show work to receive full credit.
a. Suppose a $100 increase in desired investment spending ultimately results in a $300 increase in real GDP. What is the size of the multiplier?

b. If the MPS is .4, what is the multiplier?

c. If the MPC is .75, what is the multiplier?

d. Suppose investment spending initially increases by $50 billion in an economy whose MPC is 2/3. By how much will this ultimately change real GDP?

9. The consumption and investment schedules for a private closed economy are given in the following table. Show work to receive full credit.
GDP=DI C I 6600 6680 80 6800 6840 80 7000 7000 80 7200 7160 80 7400 7320 80 7600 7480 80 7800 7640 80 8000 7800 80
Use the values in the table to answer the following:
a. What is the equilibrium level of GDP?

b. What is the level of saving at the equilibrium level of GDP?

c. Suppose actual GDP is $7600. How much unplanned inventory change will occur? What will likely happen to GDP as a result?

10. Suppose a private closed economy has an MPC of .8 and a current equilibrium GDP of $7400 billion. Show work to receive full credit.
a. What is the multiplier in this economy?

b. Now suppose the economy opens up trade with the rest of the world and experiences net exports of $20 billion. What impact will this have on equilibrium real GDP?
c. Next suppose a government is introduced, and plans to spend $100 billion. By how much will this change in spending ultimately cause GDP to change, and in what direction? d. In order to finance this expansion of government spending, suppose the government decides to levy a lump-sum tax of $100 billion. By how much will GDP change, and in what direction?

11. Suppose an economy can be represented by the following table, in which employment is in millions of workers and GDP and AE are expressed in billions of dollars. Show work to receive full credit.
Employment Real GDP
Aggregate Expenditures 100 1200 1275 105 1300 1350 110 1400 1425 115 1500 1500 120 1600 1575 125 1700 1650
Use the table to answer the following:
a. What is the equilibrium level of GDP?

b. What kind of expenditure gap exists if full employment is 120 million workers? What is its size?
c. Suppose government spending, taxes, and net exports are all independent of the level of real GDP. What is the multiplier in this economy?

d. Suppose instead that the economy is producing at equilibrium GDP. If this GDP is $200 billion below the economy’s potential, what is the size of the recessionary expenditure gap?

12. The following table shows the average retail price of butter and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from 1980 to 2000, scaled so that the CPI = 100 in 1980. Inflation = [(CPI2000/CPI1980) – 1] *100. Real price of butter in year t = (CPIbase year/CPIt) *(nominal price of butter in year t). Percentage change = [(final – beginning) / beginning] *100. Show work to receive full credit.

a. Calculate the inflation from 1980 to 2000.

b. Calculate the real price of butter in 1980 dollars. What is the percentage change in the real price (1980 dollars) from 1980 to 2000? Hint: the base year is 1980.
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Real price of butter (1980 $)

c. Calculate the real price of butter in 2000 dollars. What is the percentage change in the real price (2000 dollars) from 1980 to 2000? Hints: the base year is 2000.
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Real price of butter (2000 $)

d. Does it matter which year is chosen as the base year when calculating percentage changes in real prices

Analyze and explain whether the Delaware restriction on the sale of Shine It violates the Interstate Commerce Clause.

Read in Content, the module, “Policies: Learning Activities for guidance on preparing outstanding Learning Activities.

Writing Policies for Learning Activities and Discussions:

Writing is a competency of The Undergraduate School.  You are expected to demonstrate writing skills following these guidelines:

  • Write in the third person, never the first person,
  • Use complete sentences that are error-free, clear, and complete,
  • Use paragraph format, unless otherwise instructed,
  • Write as if the reader is an “alien being” with no knowledge of the concepts/issues,
  • Write in a detailed, specific, comprehensive way to explain each point clearly,
  • Support all conclusions, opinions, and reasoning with explanation and in-text cite(s), and
  • Do not use direct quotes; paraphrase ideas and information and cite to a resource, and
  • Never use contractions or informal slang expressions.

General Instructions for Learning Activities   

  • Read/watch all assigned materials listed for the week in Overview above
  • Cite to assigned materials in all responses in Learning Activities
  • Use only assigned materials to complete Learning Activities; do not use the internet unless otherwise instructed
  • Include in-text citations and a Reference List for in-text citations
  • Write in correct, complete sentences, in paragraph format unless otherwise instructed
  • Submit Learning Activities to Assignment Folder

Review Content modules:

  • Writing Introductory Sentences and Paragraphs
  • Writing Concluding Paragraphs
  • How to Support Arguments and Positions

Tips for Formatting and Structuring Analysis:

  • Write in complete sentences in paragraph format.
  • Use in-text citations citing to relevant assignment materials.
  • Double space; 12-point Arial or Times Roman font.
  • Introductory Sentence:  Begin with an introductory sentence or very brief paragraph that states your conclusion to the questions asked.
  • Concluding Sentence: End the discussion with a concluding sentence or a very brief paragraph that summarizes your conclusion/what you discussed.
  • Support Arguments and Positions:   Please refer to the module in Content, “How to Support Arguments and Positions”.

Background Facts You Need To Know: TLG has a new client, Clean-n-Shine (Clean), a commercial cleaning company incorporated and located in Maryland, but doing business in all Mid-Atlantic states. Clean uses its own line of cleaning products and also sells its products to other businesses via the internet.

Recently, the Delaware legislature enacted a law banning all sales and importation, until further notice, of Clean’s Shine It floor cleaner in Delaware.  It was discovered that one of the ingredients in Shine It, derived from corn, is contaminated and causes a quick-growing mold to spread on surfaces to which it is applied. The mold can be toxic to humans and can cause damage to floors.

Clean wants to expand its product line to sell Shine-It in Delaware.  If Clean can sell Shine-it in Delaware, it will increase its income and profits.  Clean, therefore, wants to challenge the new law as unconstitutional, and it has consulted TLG for advice.

Winnie and Ralph ask you to prepare a summary report of relevant constitutional law for a meeting with them and Clean’s owners.


Report You Need to  Prepare: Prepare a report that addresses the following three questions:

  1. Analyze and explain whether the Delaware restriction on the sale of Shine It violates the Interstate Commerce Clause.

Fully explain your conclusions based on constitutional law.

  1. Analyze whether the doctrine of “police powers” derived from the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, applies to the Delaware law, and if so, why.

Fully explain your conclusions based on constitutional law

  1. Discuss why it is important for businesses to understand the impact of the Interstate Commerce Clause and state police powers.


Saylor:  Government Regulation and the Legal Environment of Business e-textbook:

Civil v. Criminal Law

APA General Citation Rule for In-text Citations: When there is no author given for a book, use the title of the book and the publication date.

The title of the book should be in italics; the publisher and publication date are not in italics.

How to cite a Saylor e-textbook or any e-textbook in an intext citation:

(Government Regulation and the Legal Environment of Business, 2012)

How to cite an e-textbook in the listing of References:


Government Regulation and the Legal Environment of Business (2012).  Saylor Academy.

Constitutional Power of Governments: 

The U.S. Constitution

Police Powers: 

Jurisdiction of Courts:

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): 

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

What are the most common reasons you would select a non-parametric test over the parametric alternative?


This week your SPSS work will focus on explaining non-parametric tests. You will submit one Word document for this assignment, In the first part, you will provide short answers to the following questions.

Begin by downloading the following SPSS datasets:

  • Activity 8a.sav (found in Excel)
  • Activity 8b.sav (file you created in excel)
  • Activity 8c.sav (found in excel)

Part A. Questions about non-parametric procedures

  1. What are the most common reasons you would select a non-parametric test over the parametric alternative?
  2. Discuss the issue of statistical power in non-parametric tests (as compared to their parametric counterparts). Which type tends to be more powerful? Why?
  3. For each of the following parametric tests, identify the appropriate non-parametric counterpar
    1. Dependent t test
    2. Independent samples t test
    3. Repeated measures ANOVA (one-variable)
    4. One-way ANOVA (independent)
    5. Pearson Correlation

Part B. SPSS Assignment
In this part of the assignment, you will perform the non-parametric version of the tests you used previously. In each case, assume that you opted to use the non-parametric equivalent rather than the parametric test. Using the data files from earlier activities, complete the following tests and paste your results into the assignment Word document:

  1. Activity 8A: non-parametric version of the dependent t test
  2. Activity 8B: non-parametric version of the independent t test
  3. Activity 8C: non-parametric version of the single factor ANOVA

Length: 100-200 words per question

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards


What is your definition of spiritual care? How does it differ or accord with the description given in the topic readings?

What is your definition of spiritual care? How does it differ or accord with the description given in the topic readings? Explain.

Classroom Policies Per Instructor

Please be sure to answer all of the Discussion Question so you do not lose points. This is a minimum of 250 words (with citations and references per APA Format). Please be sure to use the doi for journal reference entries. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.

Tips for answering this question with the consistency of previous assignments … I was raised in a Christian family and adopted this belief as my own.

Please ask me any questions if further information is needed.

Pls ask support team for login info


Chapters 13-15 in Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing.


“Medical Record – Spiritual Assessment” located on The Joint Commission website (2018).


“Doing a Culturally Sensitive Spiritual Assessment: Recognizing Spiritual Themes and Using the HOPE Questions,” by Anandarajah, from AMA Journal of Ethics (2005).