
Have you ever thought about the CO2 that was emitted in the production of the car? How far were the materials and components transported?

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Rocky Mountain Institute How much carbon dioxide is actually in your products? Paolo Natali, Suzanne Greene and Perrine Toledano Thursday, August 8, 2019 – 12:12am
2020-02-24 How much carbon dioxide is actually in your products? | GreenBiz 2/8
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Imagine driving your brand-new electric vehicle along Main Street on a weekday evening. Sleek and silent, you are the envy of the entire town. You know that the carbon dioxide directly emitted from the engine is nil: that was the whole point of buying the thing, wasn’t it? Going a little further — as you are an environmentally conscious owner — you didn’t find it difficult to figure out, and abate, the climate impact of the electricity you used to charge the car: Your local utility offers a green tariff so that you can buy low-carbon electricity. At this point, you might think that your job of reducing the carbon footprint of your car is pretty much complete. But have you ever thought about the CO2 that was emitted in the production of the car? How far were the materials and components transported? Was the lithium in the batteries extracted in a high-altitude Chilean desert or in a remote part of China? Was the copper in the wires mined in Arizona or in Africa? Was the iron ore for the steel extracted in Australia and then processed in China, or was the steel made from recycled scrap metal? It’s very likely that you can’t answer any of these questions; the embedded carbon content of any product is largely unknown to the final consumer. Very few consumers are aware of the carbon that has been generated in the production and delivery of products and, as a consequence, virtually nobody takes action to abate these emissions. This is a problem because only 9 percent of carbon emissions come from passenger fuels and 25 percent come from the generation of electricity, while 40 percent of emissions come from the production and delivery of commodities in industrial value chains (31.5 percent from the industrial activities themselves, and 8.5 percent from freight and transport). Have you ever thought about the CO2 that was emitted in the production of the car? How far were the materials and components transported? What’s the direct consequence for your electric vehicle? The truth is that the accumulated carbon footprint of materials in a newly bought gasolinefueled car is the same order of magnitude as the footprint of its lifetime fuel consumption — so by buying an electric vehicle and securing green electricity, you are only part of the way through abating your car’s total carbon footprint. What can we do to change this? Because what is out of sight is often out of mind, the first step is to calculate and communicate the CO2 emissions that are embedded in produced goods. Until people know the CO2 footprint of the products they’re using, it will be impossible for them to demand lower-carbon goods. On the bright side, something already has begun moving: because end-customers are beginning to demand “cleaner” products, companies are starting to develop joint strategies to reduce carbon emissions in coordination with their supply chain partners. For instance, Apple signed an agreement with Alcoa and Rio Tinto to reduce the carbon content of the aluminum in its products. BMW teamed up with Codelco to reduce the environmental footprint of copper, a key input for its electric vehicle fleet. And there is an expectation that green procurement guidelines from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, as well as from the European Union and U.S.-based initiatives such as the Buy Clean Alliance and the Buy Clean California Act will reward tender proposals that have lower emissions along their supply chains. Shareholders, institutional investors and project finance lenders are increasingly tracking carbon emissions as they scrutinize climate risks in their portfolios. At the same time, another force is driving materials producers to lower their carbon impact: Shareholders, institutional investors and project finance lenders are increasingly tracking carbon emissions as they scrutinize climate risks in their portfolios. In the United States, climate change in 2018 again topped the list of environmental, social and sustainability resolutions taken. In the United Kingdom, the “Aiming for A” coalition submitted climate change resolutions at the annual meetings of Anglo American, Rio Tinto and Glencore to increase transparency of how the companies deal with climate change risks. All the resolutions successfully passed with more than 96 percent of the votes. Is apples-to-apples CO2 comparison possible in the complex minerals sector? While climate disclosure in the minerals sector is increasing, it remains a challenge to compare CO2 emissions across companies and supply chains. This is mainly due to two factors: the sheer complexity of the sector and the lack of a universal calculation framework. Broadly speaking, minerals can be metals or nonmetals, and metals can be ferrous or nonferrous. This leads to a natural division of the sector into three industries. However, there is a wide disparity among these three, as well as among materials within the same industry, in terms of volumes produced, energy used and CO2 emitted: Some industrial practices are more energy-intensive than others; some processes are orders of magnitude larger, and/or more intensive, than others.
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This story first appeared on: RMI Topics:  Circular Economy Advanced Materials Consumer Products Tags:  Mining
To complicate things further, the correlation between energy use and emissions is sometimes an oversimplification because of significant nonenergy process emissions, such as those in steel and cement. Because of this imbalance, it is not easy to compare intensity and absolute emissions across the board. At this time, there is no methodology providing specific guidance for carbon accounting in the minerals sector, leading to uncertainty for those seeking to use these metrics for their own sustainability strategies; product carbon footprints; science-based targets; environmental, social and governance indexes; or other purposes. While climate disclosure in the minerals sector is increasing, it remains a challenge to compare CO2 emissions across companies and supply chains. Over the past decade, there has been a proliferation of carbon accounting tools and methodologies that provide a roadmap for the minerals sector. These methods have been mostly developed on a voluntary basis and either financed by the reporting parties themselves, or developed from the ground up by nonprofit efforts in specific sectors. For example, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol offers a widely accepted overarching framework that distinguishes among a company’s direct fuel emissions (Scope 1), its emissions from purchased electricity (Scope 2), and the total emissions along its value chain from the manufacture and delivery of its products to their eventual disposal or recycling (Scope 3). However, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s high-level accounting practices make effective parameter specification difficult and allow room for interpretation that can impede comparisons. This has led to a set of sector-specific carbon accounting initiatives that are not always connected across value chains. The situation is further complicated by various reporting platforms, (the Carbon Disclosure Project [CDP], the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures [TCFD], the Principles for Responsible Investment [PRI], and the Global Reporting Initiative [GRI]), which have their own accounting principles that may or may not be aligned with the other methods. This complexity has hampered the consolidation of a standard framework for reporting carbon emissions. Such a framework one day might become commonly adopted, for example, via inclusion in International Accounting Standards Board/Financial Accounting Standards Board standards and, eventually, in an eco-label clearly stating a product’s carbon footprint. Toward a calculation framework for minerals The MIT Sustainable Supply Chains initiative, Columbia Center for Sustainable Investment, and Rocky Mountain Institute’s Materials initiative have formed a working group to engage minerals producers, end users, investors and other stakeholders interested in carbon accounting. The group will work collaboratively to develop a joint carbon accounting framework for the minerals industry and its supply chain partners with the goal of it becoming certified as “Built on the GHG Protocol.” This group is going to develop sector-specific guidance for metals and minerals, following the template of successful collaborative carbon accounting initiatives for freight transportation (the Global Logistics Emissions Council [GLEC] Framework) and information and communication technology products (ICT Sector Guidance). The project also will build on the current work of Resolve, which is developing a Climate Smart Mining Emissions Widget that aims to bring alignment and consistency across mining-related standards and initiatives on climate reporting and raise awareness of the need to develop a science-based target methodology for the sector. While climate disclosure in the minerals sector is increasing, it remains a challenge to compare CO2 emissions across companies and supply chains. The group will enable a collaborative consortium made up of academia, industry and other stakeholders in order to undertake the effort. After a mapping exercise of existing methodologies, current company practices and other relevant inputs, the group will identify the best practices to build into a comprehensive framework for carbon reporting that works for all players along minerals value chains. The output will provide guidance on calculating absolute emissions (Scopes 1, 2, and 3) from companies along the value chain. It also will provide a framework for calculating emissions intensities, or the carbon footprints of materials as they are sold and continue their journeys along the value chain. This will enable standardized reporting to CDP, TCFD, GRI and others, as well as reliable carbon footprint values that give a true sense of the embodied emissions of metals and minerals used in end products such as renewable energy systems, buildings, electronics and your beloved electric car. The emissions calculations framework for the minerals industry is the first step in the journey toward carbon transparency that will be needed for consumers and investors to understand and drive the decarbonization of industrial sectors. This is a necessary enabler for anything that comes next. In the words of the Little Prince, “As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.” The vision for a low-carbon industry is out there; it is time to focus on the mechanisms that can make it happen.
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Paolo Natali Director of Mining Projects Rocky Mountain Institute  @jpnatali
Suzanne Greene Manager, Sustainable Supply Chains Initiative MIT Technology Center for Transportation & Logistics Perrine Toledano
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FORMAT: The project should be word processed in an A4 format and 12 point type (Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman or Bookman Old Style) Pages should be numbered consecutively through the document; page numbers should be located centrally at the bottom of the page. Appendices should follow the main text and precede an index (if provided). Appendices may consist of supporting material of considerable length or of lists, publications, tables or other evidence which, if included in the main text, would interrupt its flow.
Referencing and Citations: Harvard Style
The PROJECT PROPOSAL should be used as a working document for the FMP. It should be word processed, and approximately 2,000 words in length, excluding bibliography.
Irrespective of the choice of the kind of project undertaken as the FMP, each student is required to provide evidence of scientific rigor and credibility. Each FMP should have a section on identifying the research problem(s), a relevant literature review, hypotheses (where the methodology demands it), identification of dependent and independent variables (where suitable), justification of methodological choice, primary and secondary data collection, data analysis, results and conclusions, suggestions for future research, limitations, and managerial and theoretical implications.
WHAT ARE THE KEY ELEMENTS IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE FINAL MANAGEMENT PROJECT? An abstract or executive summary (summary of the essential points of the project) An introduction (including the objectives of the project, identification of the research problem being addressed) Key definitions, identification of the key variables (independent, dependent, confounding) if necessary A section demonstrating the significance of the research and how the knowledge gap is being addressed A literature review (a review of the most important pieces of literature in the student’s domain) A section on methodology including students’ arguments supporting their choice of methodology among the different options available to them A section on how students collected data in the field. This section may also include a discussion of the challenges encountered in collecting data and how students overcame them A section on data analysis A section on the results obtained from their data analysis. This section needs to be elaborated to include a discussion of their findings A section on students’ theoretical and managerial implications A section on the limitations of their work, both theoretical and methodological Bibliography (in alphabetical order and fully referenced) Appendices
I. An abstract or executive summary (summary of the essential points of the project) II. An introduction (including the objectives of the project, identification of the research problem being addressed) III. Key definitions, identification of the key variables (independent, dependent, confounding) if necessary IV. A section demonstrating the significance of the research and the how the knowledge gap is being addressed V. A literature review (a review of the most important pieces of literature in the student’s domain) VI. A section on methodology including the students’ arguments supporting their choice of methodology among the different options available to them VII. A section on how students collected data in the field. This section may also include a discussion of the challenges encountered in collecting data and how they overcame them
Viii. A section on data analysis IX. A section on the results obtained from their data analysis. This section needs to be elaborated to include a discussion of their findings X. A section on their theoretical and managerial implications XI. A section on the limitations of their work, both theoretical and methodological XII. Bibliography (in alphabetical order and fully referenced) XIII. Appendices
LENGTH GUIDELINES (word count) Introductory 5 – 10% (750 – 1500 words) Secondary Research 20 – 25% (3000 – 3750 words) Primary Research Methodology 25 – 30% (3750 – 4500 words) Primary Research Analysis 15 – 20% (2250 – 3000 words) Discussion, Conclusions and contributions 20 – 25% (3000 – 3750 words) Limitations and reliability/validity 5% (750 words) Student/Tutor flexibility (Variance within agreed wordcount between tutor and student) +/-10% (1500 word

Prepare an outline for a “pitch,” i.e., a short 20-30 minute business plan presentation that will be made to lenders or investors.

“One of the most important steps in launching a new business venture is fashioning a well-designed, practical, realistic financial plan.” (Scarborough & Cornwall, 2015, p. 454).

With this assignment, you are creating two important elements of a financial plan: an Income Statement and Balance Sheet. You also are preparing an outline of a presentation of your business plan to potential investors or lenders.

Using the business you created from Assignments 2 and 3, write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:
Prepare a simple pro forma (projected) income statement and balance sheet for the first two years of operation, using income projections and incorporating an advertising plan.
Outline a plan for hiring and retaining competent, motivated employees for your business.
Prepare an outline for a “pitch,” i.e., a short 20-30 minute business plan presentation that will be made to lenders or investors.
Include at least two (2) references outside the textbook.

Create a CAD model of a product/component of your choice using any advanced CAD software, preferably CATIA. (the model itself is worth 40% of the grade)

Create a CAD model of a product/component of your choice using any advanced CAD software, preferably CATIA. (the model itself is worth 40% of the grade) Then identify and explain 5 distinct ways in which CAD/CAM has been used/can be used to improve the design and manufacture of chosen product/component. Finally, research and demonstrate how the application of CAD/CAM in the chosen product’s design process provides a good return of investment.
Note – Will be worth discussing Topology Optimisation and Generative Design tools.

What questions do the philosophies of Averroes and Avicenna allow Europeans to ask/consider?

Eloy Zarate HIST 2A
16 Questions total
House of Wisdom Study Guide – Part 4
Chapter 8: On the Eternity of the World As you move into the final part of the book, you should understand the different cultures and their respective attitudes toward learning – and its relationship to religion. Hopefully, the cooperative relationship within Islam and the contrast to Christianity is clear. The final section of the text is going to bring the role of rulers to the fore. Pay close attention to Frederick II. Understand his lineage…don’t forget Roger II. Know why both are important!
Overwhelmingly, this part of the book is a review of the major figures and places that the book has covered. Go back through the guide as you read and make sure that you are identifying them correctly. Add the following to your list:
1. St. Thomas Aquinas 2. Averroes – Ibn Rushd 3. Avicenna – Ibn Sina 4. Leonardo of Pisa – Fibonacci 5. Pope Gregory IX
Trace the story of Frederick II. What would he represent today?
1. Why was Frederick ex-communicated….twice? What does this show about the relationship between rulers and the Church?

2. How did European Christians describe Frederick? How does that contrast to the Arab descriptions of Frederick?

3. Consider the story of Frederick’s control of Jerusalem. What has changed since the first chapter on the Crusades? (Read page 167 carefully.) 4. What is the value of “Arab learning” to Frederick? How is Frederick and his reign an important “way station” in the West’s journey toward scientific advances? (p. 171)
In light of Lyons argument about willful forgetting, consider his discussion of Averroes. Very importantly, look at how Averroes is acknowledged in the Renaissance….by Dante and Raphael. What tension or hypocrisy does it reveal?
1. What questions do the philosophies of Averroes and Avicenna allow Europeans to ask/consider?

2. How is the “Eternity of the World” explained by different thinkers? How does Frederick II understand or seek to understand it?

3. How effectively does St. Thomas Aquinas communicate the ideas of the Arab philosophers?
Eloy Zarate HIST 2A
16 Questions total
Most people are quick to recognize that the debate over “Reason and Faith” is a very old one. This chapter has shown some of the major developments of that debate. Think about how this time period shaped our current understandings.
Chapter 9: The Invention of the West Think about the title of this chapter. Most of you have gone through school with a firm understanding of “the West”. You have learned its history – a nice narrative of the rise of the state and progression toward modern democracy. What would it mean that the West is invented? This is the final chapter of the text. Keep the argument of the book in mind. Understand how a “willful forgetting” and an “invention” go hand in hand.
1. Why does the Church give up on “Condemnations?”

2. What shift takes place in education, particularly higher learning?

3. How is Thomas Aquinas meant to resolve this tension? How do you think he resolves the tension?

4. What do the condemnations of 1227 show about the tensions within intellectual traditions? (p. 195)
Lyons ends this chapter with a discussion of Copernicus. What had you learned about him up to this point? Lyons has done this repeatedly throughout the book. He has challenged your understanding of the Crusades, exploration, the “flat earth”…etc. What is the legacy of a “willful forgetting” in your education? How might we better understand the world if we re-incorporate these aspects of the story?

Determine whether your reasons need to be warranted, and include warrants when necessary.

Generate a debatable claim based on the above topic and write an argumentative essay.
Sample has been given.
Follow the Term Paper outline.
Generate reasons that support your claim, and include the scientific evidence that supports each reason.
Determine whether your reasons need to be warranted, and include warrants when necessary.
Note: the outline template is broken down into sections (“reason 1”, “counterargument”, etc.), to help you construct your argument. But please do not use “reason 1”, “counterargument”, etc. as headings in your term paper.

Develop your argument to persuade others on this issue, making use of the ways cultural assumptions, attitudes, values and beliefs underpin perspectives and representations on the issue.

TOPIC:  Body image – narrow, unattainable images of both men and women’s bodies persist in advertising. Body image is negatively influenced by the images we see in media, advertisements and magazines.


You have been asked to present a speech at a conference session about misrepresentations. The speech must identify a group that has been represented inappropriately in advertising, marketing, television or other media texts, and call for this misrepresentation to be corrected.


Deliver a speech to persuade conference delegates that the media representation of a particular group in society is harmful, and must be improved. Analyse TWO media texts to support your perspective.

You must:

  • develop your argument to persuade others on this issue, making use of the ways cultural assumptions, attitudes, values and beliefs underpin perspectives and representations on the issue.
  • select and synthesize subject matter to support your argument.

Your persuasive speech should show an understanding of the relationship between language, argument and speaker presence. Your script and delivery should show clear awareness of the audience, purpose and context of the speech. It should include the following:

  • establish a thesis in relation to the chosen group that has been represented inappropriately
  • a series of points to support the contention, employing logical reasoning.
  • develop your argument to persuade others on this issue, making use of the ways cultural assumptions, attitudes, values and beliefs underpin perspectives and representations on the issue.
  • select and synthesize subject matter to support your argument.
  • references to two media texts to support your perspective.
  • incorporation of a range of rhetorical strategies to influence your audience, e.g. emotive language and appeals, figurative language, rhetorical questions, repetition, anaphora, antistrophe, antithesis, identifying with the audience, statistics, evidence, case studies
  • verbal and nonverbal features appropriate to the context that complement what you are saying and influence your audience to take action.
  • call to action appropriate to the audience and context.

Incorporate at least two graphics in order to show how each of the four areas compares and contrasts between the two websites.

Comparing and Contrasting

Summary of the Assignment:

  • Task: In this assignment, you will write an essay in which you compare and contrast two websites for their use of proximity, alignment, repetition, and contrast.
  • Length: 800-1100 words
  • Graphics: You must include at least eight graphics in order to provide support for your claims in the essay
    • at least two graphics for proximity
    • at least two graphics for alignment
    • at least two graphics for repetition
    • at least two graphics for contrast

Brief Description and Strategies to Follow:

You must select two websites of the same topic or genre.  In other words, you can select two banking websites, two shopping websites, two newspapers online, two health provider websites, or something of this nature.

Possibilities include the following:

  • The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal
  • eBay and Craigslist
  • Major League Baseball ( and the National Football League (

You will write at least six paragraphs:

  • An introductory paragraph
You do not have to follow this order.  However, you do want to cover these four concepts.
  • A paragraph on proximity
  • A paragraph on alignment
  • A paragraph on repetition
  • A paragraph on contrast
  • A concluding paragraph

Again, each paragraph will incorporate at least two graphics in order to show how each of the four areas compares and contrasts between the two websites.

What is the mens rea of the offense? How is it defined? It is a specific or general-intent offense? What are the specific requirements needed to prove the offense? Has this changed? How?

Criminal Law

Essay Component Requirements:

Each student will be required to complete a Formal Research Essay

NB – Any form of plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with Department Policy.

Step 1:

Choose ONE criminal offence as set out either the Criminal Code or the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

Step 2:

Research and write the paper.



  1. Introduction and History: Identify your specific offence. Provide a background and history about the original legislative creation of the offence in Canada. Define any key definitions/terms (if any) that are specific to your offence which are necessary to understand that offence.
  2. Status: Discuss the current status of this offence in Canada. Has it changed from its original status? What was the impetus for this change?
  3. Issues: Comprehensively expand and discuss the following issues related to the offence:
  4. Any Charter issues/Constitutional issues (or challenges) related to the specific offense;
  5. What is the actus reus of the offense? How is it defined? What are the specific requirements needed to prove the offense? Has this changed? How?
  6. What is the mens rea of the offense? How is it defined? It is a specific or general-intent offense? What are the specific requirements needed to prove the offense? Has this changed? How?
  7. Identify the available defenses for this offense. How do they apply? Why do they apply? What is needed in order to rely upon this defense? Is it a defense on the act or the intention?
  8. What are the main/specific principles of sentencing with respect to this offense? How are these offences treated by the legislation (i.e. mandatory minimums?)? If there is a mandatory minimum, has it been struck down? Is there a range with respect to the available sentences? Are there any sentences NOT available for this type of offense?
  9. Conclusion: Provide an overall assessment about this offense in Canada and whether the principles/issues and jurisprudence discussed above will remain static for the foreseeable future, whether they will evolve or change entirely. Do you see this offense changing in the future (intention requirements, act requirements, defences, sentencing)? What would be the impetus for this change?

Specific Formating Requirements:

  • Minimum 7 pages, maximum 10 pages
  • Double spaced
  • 12 point Times New Roman font
  • 1-inch borders


  • Cases and legislation cited must be italicized
  • Internet citations must include the site and date of downloading.
  • Cite but do not quote from the Criminal Code and the
  • Use footnotes and a bibliography. i.e., standard Canadian legal reference style.
  • Also see The Department of Law “Legal Style Sheet for Term Papers.”
  • Use Canadian spelling for Canadian sources.
  • If discussing US or International sources, always identify them as such.

Provide a strong rationale for why public health should address this health issue or behavior (include at least 5 references)

Instructions​: Your Individual Final Paper has 4 components: 1) rationale for the health issue;
2) overview of theoretical constructs; 3) critique of the reviewed article; 4) Healthy People 2020 and
Interventions. The individual final paper should be approximately 10 pages, double spaced, using
12-point font, Times New Roman, with one inch margins. No quotes should be used while writing your
final paper. Paraphrase and summarize as necessary. Each component of the final paper is
outlined below:
Section Requirements: ​Rationale for the health issue – 2 pages (15 points)
O Provide a strong rationale for why public health should address this health issue or behavior
(include at least 5 references)
O Use epidemiological data or other statistical information on incidence and prevalence
O Discuss the consequences (e.g., physical, mental, economic), impact, and behavioral risk factors
related to the health issue or behavior.

O Identify the priority population from your article.
O Discuss why this health issue or behavior is of importance among this population
Overview of Theory – 2 pages (20 points)
O Provide a brief historical overview of the theory.
O Describe the theory and define its major constructs or components (Not in context of the article
solely the theory on its own)
O Be sure to cite proper references (i.e., the textbook!)
Critique of reviewed article – 3 pages (30 points)
O Provide a critique of your article. Your summary should include the following:
O A clear “stand-alone” description of the theory and DEFINITION of its major constructs
(NOT in context of the study).
O How the theory was applied/measured: A description of the operationalization and/orapplication of theory constructs within the study (i.e., provide specific examples in the program
or items on the surveys that described how the constructs were operationalized or what
activities were used)
O Brief results (were study aims achieved? Why/Why not?)
O Strengths & weaknesses of applying this theory. Consider: Other constructs the study could
have applied. Different operationalization of constructs. Do NOT focus on limitations of the study
design! Think about the theoretical application!
O Also include the appropriate article citation as a reference.
Healthy People 2020 & Interventions – 3 pages (25 points)
O Research the same health issue/behavior in Healthy People 2020.
O Identify a specific objective of HP2020 and discuss whether your article addresses this objective.
Be detailed and specific (include baseline & target values)

O Using CHInav, HP2020, Google, or other sources, discuss two (2) programs/interventions that
address this HP2020 objective & your health topic. (look for “independent” studies!)
O Be sure to cite your sources!
O Consider if you were to apply your theory to the two (2) above interventions: discuss how you might  apply or incorporate the theory constructs (a select few or all) to each intervention.
O Discuss the public health implications of applying this theory in each intervention/program
(what impact does this theory have on the overall health topic & population?)
Writing format (10 points)
O Paper includes headings reflecting required paper elements
O Paper follows the current edition APA style citations.
O Paper includes citations where appropriate and a reference list.
O Paper is free from errors of spelling, mechanics and grammar.