
Describe to what extent population health is being discussed in your current health care setting or organization.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 500–700 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, using both personal example and scholarly literature to support your ideas.
Describe to what extent population health is being discussed in your current health care setting or organization.
Discuss how you currently apply concepts of population health in your daily work or practice.

What is the influence of the engagement procedure of stakeholders on the quality of disclosures of Dutch pension funds?

In analyzing the quality of discoveries by the Dutch pension funds by collecting data from annual reports of these pension funds, the following questions will be addressed to determine the quality of developments.

Research question;

How is engagement of stakeholders and the composition of the portfolio related to the the quality of disclosures of Dutch pension funds?


1;What is the influence of the engagement procedure of stakeholders on the quality of disclosures of Dutch pension funds?

2;What difference does it make in what manner stakeholders supervise the pension funds?

3;What is the relation of the composition of the portfolio and the quality of disclosures of Dutch pension funds?

4;How is ESG incorporated to compose a portfolio and how does this effect the quality of disclosures of Dutch pension funds?


1; The engagement procedure of stakeholders has a positive effect on the quality of the disclosures, the stakeholders are checking the pension funds on a regular basis.

2; If the engagement procedure is modelled in such a way that the supervision is strong or severe, this would also have a positive effect.

3; If the composition of the portfolio is complex, this would have a negative effect on the quality of disclosure.

4; When ESG is incorporated to compose a portfolio of pension funds, this would have a positive effect on the quality of disclosures, because more effort is put into the portfolio and thus more effort in making the disclosures.

Engagement is one of the most important strategies of institutional investors pinned at socially responsible investments (SRI). In socially responsible investment (SRI), commitment forms one of the core strategies of institutional investors. In examining the situation of Dutch pension funds, this reading responds to the following queries: what systems shape appointment with investees, and what factors determine the effectiveness of engagement? Engagement as a principle was used in the new Dutch pension funds; it was implemented by assets managers and service providers across the country.  Nonetheless, these performers are secluded from actors’ external the financial segment. The legality of the stockholder impacts the efficiency of engagement, while the figure for shares is less important. The connection among the engager and investee and the acceptance of the investee in the direction of the meeting are also of importance. Engagement can be prepared more operative when pension funds prioritize on precise subjects; aim corporations open to encounter, and also seek partnership with social and strategy performers.

According to Dimson, Karakaş, and Li, (2015), the engagement practices of the US-based asset managers have many questionable acts like which companies are engaged and whether these engagements are useful and how they address the investee and markets responds to engagement. This is in regard to how the Dutch are holding the total amount of assets of Dutch pension funds while it is rising; however, with significant concerns regarding if the majority of them can pay pensions when due. This is as a result that the necessary payments increase relatively faster in a percentage of 85% in the years 2010-2015 than the assets which held 70% in the years 2010-2015 (Kerkhof, 2017).

Numerous scholars have studied the connection between allowance plans and financial assessments of companies and pension funds. In precise, the impact of allowance plans on monetary estimates such as asset distribution, investment expenses, capital structure, and the possibility of mergers and achievements have remained studied beforehand.

Conferring to shareholder salience theory, three qualities govern the equal of the salience/importance of a shareholder: supremacy, legality, and urgency. Supremacy is the capability to govern capitals. Legitimacy is associated with the social approval of subjects and the technique that matters are elevated. Urgency discusses how urgent privileges of shareholders stay. It is clear, according to different studies that two significant knowledge bases can be pointed out. The first is the importance of general education on the communication of engagers employing investees.

Nevertheless, engagement is formed and matched by a system of actors creating engagement strategies, provided that data and executing the definite engagement strategies (Renneboog, Ter Horst, and Zhang, 2008). Additionally, the second aspect describes the current studies which insure figures and standpoints of institutional investors and asset managers in specific when reviewing the efficiency of engagement but not the perception of the investees that are engaged. In other words, understandings of the investees are significant issues in influential factors that impact the efficiency of engagement.

Research Model;

This research will focus on the historical model of data from diverse pension schemes. Annual reports that are published by various pension schemes can help in comprehending the quality and disclosure of the performance of pension in the Netherlands (Harms, 2018). The key aspects of being considered will include a better understanding of public pension schemes for retirees, pensions from the supplementary scheme, and those financed individuals. Since quality and disclosure rely on the guidelines provided by the reporting standard RJ 610 (Cam and Awan  2018); then it can be necessary to apply both quantitative and qualitative approaches based on the historical data that are being reported by all Dutch pension schemes.


The ultimate goal for examining the quality of disclosures by Dutch pension funds is to determine the essence of offering high-quality services through adherence to the disclosure as required by the national and international standards of pension funds. Focusing on the questions that can help in evaluating the efficiency of pension scheme systems as well as understanding how the interest of the shareholders as well as the entire stakeholders. This research aims to analyze whether the existing pension schemes are efficient in serving investees or not. Further work has been executed regarding the efficiency of the capital market in connection to the pension accounting information. Therefore, this research will focus on how the three pillars have evolved over the decades and discuss the outcome that has been obtained as a way of understanding the historical reporting, hence develop a solution to the current and future issues relating to quality and disclosure (Atuhaire, 2018). The matters to be examined in this study are mostly concerning Dutch pension systems. The study will also examine how the national and private institutions to design and implement changes to the pension accounting standards to raise interesting opportunities for future research on the pension scheme and exposure.

Dimson, E., Karakaş, O., and Li, X., 2015. Active ownership. The Review of Financial Studies28(12), pp.3225-3268.

Kerkhof, J.A., 2017. Determinants of the investment policy of Dutch pension funds (Master’s thesis, University of Twente).

Renneboog, L., Ter Horst, J., and Zhang, C., 2008. Socially responsible investments: Institutional aspects, performance, and investor behavior. Journal of banking & finance32(9), pp.1723-1742.

Cam, M.A., and Awan, O., 2018. Superannuation Fund Disclosure Past, Present, and Future.

Harms, D.M., 2018. The effect of institutional owners on the voluntary disclosure of Dutch listed firms (Master’s thesis, University of Twente).

Atuhaire, P.B., 2018. Discount rates impact on the actuarial valuation of Dutch pension funds: determining discount rates and sensitivity analysis on pension plans in the Netherlands (Doctoral dissertation, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão).

Wagemans, F.A., Van Koppen, C.S.A. and Mol, A.P., 2018. Engagement on ESG issues by Dutch pension funds: is it reaching its full potential?. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment8(4), pp.301-322.

This project must be completed by 12/24 because we don’t want to work on Christmas. How many days can we take off for Thanksgiving and still get the project competed on time?

You have been asked to take over the creation of a customer database for the Lynn Ice Hockey team. The previous team dropped the ball, so you must take over and fix the mistakes. To properly lay this out, you will split the project into four phases; System Design, Programming, Testing, Integration. To implement a measure of security, each team will have a code name; Able, Bake, Charlie, Delta. The parameters of the project are as follows:

The tasks, team, percentage of completion, and duration are all you need to input. The Start date has been calculated for you as the date of the project start. The end date is calculated for you as the task start date plus duration.

System Design      
Assign ID Numbers Able 50% 3
Gather Data Able 60% 2
Develop Structure Able 50% 4
Normalize Design Able 25% 5
Finalize Design Able   2
Partition Disk Space Baker 0% 1
Program Database Baker 0% 10
Secure Database Baker   3
Implement Structure Baker   5
Create Forms Baker   3
Input Test Data Charlie   5
Penetration Testing Charlie   1
Input Real Data Charlie   15
Verify Data Charlie   3
Secure Data Charlie   1
Integrate Database Delta   1
Integrate Data Structure Delta   2
Alpha Test Delta   3
Beta Test Delta   3
Train data entry specialists Delta   15



  1. What is the absolute earliest you can complete this project using the traditional waterfall technique? That is, each task must be completed before the next one can begin.
  2. What is the duration for each of the phases of the project?
  3. What is the total duration if we use the waterfall technique?
  4. Are there tasks that can be completed while others are in progress? If so, which ones?
  5. This project must be completed by 12/24 because we don’t want to work on Christmas. How many days can we take off for Thanksgiving and still get the project competed on time?

Describe what you learned about prosocial behavior from this exercise. Compare the actual application of the behavior relative to this topic material (hint: may want to integrate text info here!).

Topic 8 – Altruism and Cooperation

Prosocial Behavior

This assignment contains two parts. You may type directly into this worksheet.

Part I: Random Acts of Kindness Foundation Website

Visit the website of The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, an organization dedicated to altruistic pursuits.  Review the information, literature, and downloadable documents, then in 100-250 words answer the following two questions.

  1. What is the purpose of this website/movement?
  2. What story or stories influenced you the most and why?

Part II: My Prosocial Day

Design your own assignment in which you implement five acts of kindness (prosocial behavior) or an entire DAY of compassion and kindness. Use your discretion, common sense, and modesty at all times. Do not put yourself in an environment of potential danger or harm.

Answer the following questions, one paragraph per question (100 words minimum) will suffice

  1. Describe your implementation of kindness: what did you do, how did you approach the idea, where did you implement it and to whom?
  2. Describe the reactions you perceived from others and yourself.
  3. Describe what you learned about prosocial behavior from this exercise. Compare the actual application of the behavior relative to this topic material (hint: may want to integrate text info here!).
  4. If you are a faith-based person, explain how your faith helped you implement your helping behavior. If you are not a faith-based person, explain what philosophy, belief system, or values you connected to helping behavior. Cite a source to support your answers (from the GCU library, the Bible, or textbook).

Please integrate at least one outside source into this worksheet.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.



Identify 3 or 4 main experiences/influences which have shaped your literacy learning (use at least 4 supporting references to help strengthen your argument).


Create a podcast describing personal literacy language journey


It is important that you identify what it is has led you to this very moment.  What literacy experiences have you had which have helped to build (or perhaps hinder) your own journey of learning?  You do not have to record your podcast, only a script is required to be submitted in the Dropbox.  Follow the steps below:


  1. Brainstorm the literacy experiences you have had in your journey.  This would include influential people who have helped you learn (such as teachers/peers/parents) and times when you had an ‘aha’ moment.  Where these experiences positive or negative and how have these impacted your attitude towards literacy and learning?
  2. Make yourself familiar with the assessment rubric. Refer back to these criteria during this process.
  3. Begin sketching out a plan for your podcast.  This can take many forms.  See the example below for ideas:
    1. Introduction to your literacy learning background (contextualise your situation for the listener).
    2. Identify 3 or 4 main experiences/influences which have shaped your literacy learning (use at least 4 supporting references to help strengthen your argument).
    3. Final thoughts on how this has impacted you and lessons you have taken from the experience.
  4. Research some theories on literacy learning to help support your ideas.  You should have a minimum of 4 references in your podcast.
  5. Put together your ideas – write your script.


Discuss your data, its features and how it corresponds to any noteworthy and/or relevant events of the country being studied.

Applied Econometrics: Do relative prices determine the Malaysian exchange rate?

Introduction to theme

One of the most fundamental ways of modelling exchange rates is to specify relative prices as the main determinant. Broadly speaking Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) suggests that the exchange rate between two countries is equal to the ratio of their general price levels. This is a core principle of international economic and finance theory and is assumed to hold in, for example, monetary models of exchange rate determination.[1] However, the empirical evidence generally rejects PPP in the short-run while the evidence for PPP holding in the longrun is mixed (Bahmani-Oskooee and Hegerty, 2009). The “PPP puzzle” is that theory suggests that PPP should clearly hold, however, the empirical evidence is less than clear, with many researchers finding evidence that rejects it. This puzzle remains an unresolved issue in the economics literature and continues to warrant investigation. As such, testing for PPP is a relevant theme to be considered by undergraduate economics students in their capstone module.

A range of potential explanations for the many empirical rejections of PPP have been offered.

Some examples include the use of incorrect data in the tests, productivity differentials (the Balassa-Samuelson effect), corruption, natural resource endowments and the inadequacy of the econometric techniques used (Bahmani-Oskooee and Hegerty, 2009). Regarding the latter, time-series econometrics has developed over the past 50 years to account for the typical nonstationarity of macroeconomic data – that is, many macroeconomic data (including the price data used in testing PPP) are trended (integrated). These dynamic econometric methods (sometimes referred to as modern econometrics) focus on testing for integration and cointegration.[2] Essentially, these methods test whether the trends in different data sets are forced together (are cointegrated) or drift apart over the long-run. If macroeconomic variables move together, rather than drift apart, fundamental economic forces (as postulated by economic theory) are attributed as the cause. Hence, integration and cointegration tests can be used to assess whether the exchange rate moves towards the relative prices of the associated countries in the long-run. As such, these dynamic econometric methods have been predominantly used to test whether PPP holds in the long-run. One avenue of research has been whether the rejections of PPP using integration and cointegration methods have been due to deficiencies in the tests used. As such integration and cointegration methods have been refined and developed to account for such deficiencies, such as non-linearities and structural breaks.


An introduction to dynamic econometrics by testing the PPP theory will provide students taking this theme with an insight into some of the fundamental modern econometric methods (and how to apply them) that should be part of any econometrician’s toolkit. As such, all student will learn the core of the theme, being: the PPP economic theory, data collection and analysis as well as dynamic econometric methods and their application. However, each student will (as a sub-theme) apply these methods to a different pair of countries. Given that different countries’ data will have different features that will likely raise different issues, each student’s analysis be distinct. The sub-themes are distinguished by the countries used, as indicated below.

Indicative reading

Econometrics textbooks

  • Asteriou, D., and Hall S. G. (2016) Applied Econometrics. 3rd Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Brooks, C. (2019) Introductory Econometrics for Finance. 4th CUP.

see chapter 15 of Brooks (2019) for a guide on doing an empirical dissertation.

  • Gujarati, D. N., and Porter, D. C. (2009) Basic Econometrics. 5th McGraw Hill.
  • Verbeek, M. (2012) A Guide to Modern Econometrics. 4th Wiley.
  • Wooldridge, J (2020). Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, Wiley (5th edition) – see chapter 19 of Wooldridge (2020) for a guide on doing an empirical dissertation.

As data are most readily available for the USA, it is mandatory that this is the base country. The other country in the analysis is Malaysia.

Student’s essay title will be:

Do relative prices determine the MALAYSIAN exchange rate?

A basic structure of the empirical 5000-word essay for the applied econometrics theme should be:

  • Abstract

A short (no more than a maximum of 200 word) summary of what you have done and what your findings are.

  • Introduction

State what you will do and why is it interesting – what question do you answer? Motivate your work. What is novel about your work (new country and/or more recent data)?

  • Literature review

Theoretical review (~1500 words) and empirical literature review (including recent literature from the last 10 or so years) (~1500 words).  (~3000 words in total)

  • This should not only describe previous research (the discussion should include commentary on the data, methods, findings etc) it should be critical.
  • There should also be a summary of the literature’s findings to motivate the work proposed in the essay.
  • Methodology

Discuss the theoretical models and/or econometric methods. Only use the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test AND Cointegration (Engle – Granger) test.


  • Empirical results
  • Discuss your data, its features and how it corresponds to any noteworthy and/or relevant events of the country being studied.
  • Presenting, interpreting and discussing the application of methods and/or models to your
  • Conclusion

Summarize what you have done and state the conclusions of your work, possibly comparing and contrasting this with the previous literature.

  • Also make suggestions for future work perhaps motivated by any critical reflections of your own work.
  • Bibliography

Provide a full list of references of at least 15 papers cited in the text of your dissertation. Follow the Harvard referencing style.

[1] For example, the flexible-price version of the monetary model of exchange rate determination assumes that PPP holds continuously (in the short-run and the long-run) whereas the sticky-price version of the monetary model of exchange rate determination only assumes that PPP holds in the long-run (and not the short-run). See, for example, MacDonald, R. and Taylor, M. P. (1992) “Exchange Rate Economics A Survey” IMF Staff Papers, 39(1), pp. 1 – 57.

[2] Clive Granger and Robert Engle won the Nobel prize in 2003 for their work on cointegration. See, Engle, R. F. and Granger, C. W. J. (1987) “Cointegration and error correction: representation, estimation and testing” Econometrica, 55, pp. 251 – 276.

How was leadership exercised during the session (if at all)? By you, your colleagues or tutors?


Leadership Learning Diary

The purpose of the learning log is to focus the review of your learning on a session by session basis. This pro-forma is intended to structure your reflections enabling you to identify and record the learning that is important to you. You can amend this learning log with specific picture/stories etc. you may find in the wider media and that illustrate/explain your thoughts.

What were the aims of the session?

Briefly describe the session content key themes, issues and topics.

Briefly describe the session process, i.e. learning, methods used.

How was leadership exercised during the session (if at all)? By you, your colleagues or tutors?

What part did you play in relation to leadership?

Key issues arising from the session in relation to the theme.

Links to relevant theory.

Main insights from the session.

Other thoughts and feelings: any questions.

Identify two (2) different sources of technical support and/or specialist advice, to assist with cloud computing solutions for a business.

IN GREEN: Written by Myself: Need to check spelling and grammar

IN BLUE: Written Myself: Need elaborate more.

IN YELLOW: Copy and Paste: Need change the words to no be plagiarism

You are to provide simple, plain language explanations for each of the following terms:

  1. Mission Critical Systems

Mission-critical system are those that can stop an organization from performing its core functions if they fail.

  1. Desktop and Office productivity

Another important factor in business computing is desktop office productivity software and systems. This refers to the application software used by staff in the organization at their desks, and progressively via mobile devices, as a general tool contributing to their productivity.

  1. Cloud computing

Cloud computing involves accessing computing resources from remote location rather than from those located at the site of business activity.

  1. Virtualisation

Virtualisation is the process of making software-based, or virtual, representations of things, such as servers, applications and networks. It’s an effective way for a business to reduce IT expenses and boost efficiency and agility.

In computing, virtualization refers to the act of creating a virtual version of something, including virtual computer hardware platforms, storage devices, and computer network resources

  1. Cloud ownership – 3 types

Private Cloud: the cloud services used by a single organization, which are not exposed to the public. A private cloud resides inside the organization and must be behind a firewall, so only the organization has access to it and can manage it.

Public Cloud: the cloud services are exposed to the public and can be used by anyone. Virtualization is typically used to build the cloud services that are offered to the public. An example of a public cloud is Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Hybrid Cloud: the cloud services can be distributed among public and private clouds, where sensitive applications are kept inside the organization’s network (by using a private cloud), whereas other services can be hosted outside the organization’s network (by using a public cloud). Users can them interchangeably use private as well as public cloud services in every day operations.


  1. Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a licensing and delivery model for software hosted in the cloud by service provider and made available to user over the internet on some form of incremental pay-as-you fee. It is sometimes referred to as on-demand software. Some types available are: Office productivity tools and systems; Email and other messaging; Customer relationship management (CRM) tools; Warehouse and inventory management; etc.


  1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a form of cloud computing that provides access to computing hardware (virtualised or not) over the internet. It separates the user from being concerned about details of the infrastructure they are using. Might be described as a remote machine without software. Some providers include: Amazon AWS, Windows Azure, Google Compute Engine, etc.

  1. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a category of cloud computing providing clients with a mix of hardware and software to enable development, testing and deployment of user applications. The attraction of the PaaS approach is that its clients don’t need to own, set-up and maintain the required hardware and software components themselves. Instead, they can have they can have them provided quickly, almost on demand, and pay on a scaled rental.

  1. ‘Thin’ client

A ‘Thin’ client provides desktop users with application functionality comparable to traditional software applications suites without needing a big, powerful PC huge memory and hard drives. ‘Thin’ client often means a browser, a good example is Google Chromebook.

  1. Total cost of ownership (TCO)

The TCO extends beyond the initial price to include all financing, installation maintenance cost as well as associated staff cost

  1. Describe two (2) possible benefits of integrating cloud computing solutions for the business.
  2. Have the software in the phone or tablets so the employees can book jobs and send invoices for example, been able to access for a anywhere, so they can be more efficient.
  3. All business systems talk which other, for example Customer relationship management (CRM) and accounting software.
  4. Describe two (2) possible risks of integrating cloud computing solutions to the business.

Training costs, some workforce will sabotage the change, or take longer to accept the change.

Losing information or don’t be able to log on the system, because of a breakout or no internet connection.

  1. Connectivity issues, without a continuous data connection to the cloud, cloud services stop. Mobile works my have problem using cloud services, because still have geographic dead zones in internet coverage.
  2. Any company can fail and cease to trade, and it can happen overnight, this is just true for companies offering cloud services. It would be potentially disastrous for a business to find it had all its business data, customer records and critical operational systems provide via a company that is simply not there tomorrow. This is one of the major considerations against cloud computing. If things are in-house then, at least in theory, they are safe and under control.
  3. Identify two (2) different sources of technical support and/or specialist advice, to assist with cloud computing solutions for a business.

Advice directly from the cloud service specialist. Usually if the business pays a fee it may have already a technical support available, some cloud services may charge a higher fee or a special fee just for the business have a technical support. Other option for the business it to pay a reputable ICT cloud consultant. My email is:

Explain in an additional two-three paragraphs your understanding of the article as it relates to the assignment topic.

HRM4350 International Human Resources.

Environmental Scanning Article Review Assignment Instructions.


The purpose of the Environmental Scanning Article Review Assignment is to help students synthesize their understanding of the HRM4350 course outcomes to the current, real-world, HR environment of business.


  • Research a current event article related to the assigned topic. Students should focus their research on relevant HR trade or International Business publications such as Financial Times, HR Magazine and Workforce Magazine.
    • Topics:
      • Article Review 1 – Global Financial Issues (from a non-US based source)
      • Article Review 2 – Expatriate Compensation
      • Article Review 3 – Sustainability
      • Article Review 4 – Repatriation
  • Prepare a two-three paragraph summary of the article.
  • Explain in an additional two-three paragraphs your understanding of the article as it relates to the assignment topic.
  • Explain in an additional one-two paragraphs whether you agree or disagree with the author and why.
  • Explain in the final one-two paragraphs how knowledge of this topic will help you in your future HR career.


The completed assignment must be prepared in APA format, including the title page, reference page and in-text source citations. The Article Review will consist of 6-10 paragraphs of body – approximately 800-1000 words total, not including title and reference pages.

Explain the difference between the allowance method and the direct write off method for accounts receivable. Document the method used for each of the three companies.

Write a five- to seven-page comparative financial statement analysis of the three companies listed below, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center. In this analysis, you will discuss the financial health of these companies with the ultimate goal of making a recommendation to other investors. Your paper should consist of the following sections: Company Overview, Comparison of Accounting Methods, Ratio Analysis, Final Recommendation, Conclusions. You will also submit an appendix as a separate document. Additional research may be necessary to provide company background information, or to support your analysis and recommendations. Your paper needs to include a minimum of two scholarly, peer-reviewed, and/or credible resources in addition to the textbook as references.

Download the Form 10-K for each company.

Here is a breakdown of the sections within the body of the assignment (Use paragraph headings to indicate each section):

Company Overview
Provide a brief overview of the three companies (at least two pages). What industry is it in? What are its main products or services? Who are its competitors? Where is the company located?

Ratio Analysis

  • Calculate the current ratio, quick ratio, gross profit percentage, inventory turnover, accounts receivable turnover and asset turnover ratios for all three companies for the current year.
  • Note: Cash includes cash and cash equivalents and short term investments.
  • Explain how the ratio is calculated and discuss and interpret the ratios that you calculated.
  • Discuss potential liquidity issues based on your calculations of the current and quick ratios.
  • Are there any factors that could be erroneously influencing the results of the ratios?
  • Discuss liquidity issues of the three companies.

Comparison of Accounting Methods

In your paper, ascertain from the notes of the financial statements the following:

  • Explain the difference between the allowance method and the direct write off method for accounts receivable. Document the method used for each of the three companies.
  • Explain the difference between the straight line, double declining balance and the unit-of-production depreciation methods. Document the method used for each of the three companies.
  • Explain the difference between LIFO and FIFO and document the method used for each of the three companies.
  • Explain the different categories of intangible assets and document the method used for each of the three companies.

Based on your analysis, would you recommend an individual invest in these companies? What strengths do you see? What risks do you see? It is perfectly acceptable to state that you would recommend avoiding this company, as long as you provide support for your position.


Include an appendix in a separate document. The appendix must include screenshots of the financial statements and information obtained for the receivables, intangible assets, depreciation, and inventory. You can get help with creating an appendix in APA format by using the Writing Center’s guide,

The Financial Statement Analysis Final Paper

  • Must be five to seven double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
  • Title of paper
  • Student’s name
  • Course name and number
  • Instructor’s name
  • Date submitted