
Perform internal analysis of the company. Use VRIO framework to assess its internal capabilities.

Assignment Task Several companies entered electric car manufacturing business to rival incumbents. Choose one of
the following companies: Tesla Motors, Volkswagen, Geely, Tata Motors.

You are a management consultant for the chosen company. You need to produce an industry
analysis report for the company leadership.
Report needs to answer the following questions:
Q1 – Perform PESTEL analysis of the wider macro environment.
Q2 – Perform Five forces analysis of the industry.
Q3 – Perform internal analysis of the company. Use VRIO framework to assess its internal
Q4 – Identify main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats your chosen company is
facing. Advise the company’s leadership what they can do to exploit opportunities and counter
threats. In other words, provide strategic advice for the future.

Allocation of Marks
Section/element Allocated Marks Q1 – PESTEL. The quality of the analysis, logical argument, use of relevant theoretical concepts.
Q2 – Five forces. The quality of the analysis, logical argument, use of relevant theoretical concepts.


Q3 – Internal analysis The quality of the analysis, logical argument, use of relevant theoretical concepts.

Q4 – SWOT, strategic advice for the future. The quality of the analysis, logical argument, use of relevant theoretical concepts.


Overall structure of the report. Written business report containing executive summary, appropriate structure, writing style, readability, referenced sources, tables and graphs


First 85-100 A+ Outstanding Your work meets all of the criteria described below for the A and A- grades. On top of that, it shows exceptional scholarship, with very effective critical evaluation and synthesis of ideas and information. Your work shows originality and challenges existing approaches. You have used a range of detailed evidence accurately and thoughtfully. Your work shows that you have followed good academic practice in terms of citation and referencing, presentation format and clear, accurate English.
1st 75-85 .



Very Good
Your work shows a comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge and understanding of the material covered in this module, and of the way in which key concepts relate to one another. Your work shows a detailed appreciation of the way in which some aspects of the material covered are uncertain or contradictory. Your work takes a critical approach throughout and uses a good range of evidence, reasoned argument and reflection. Your work shows a mature and independent approach to problem-solving. You have created appropriate arguments and have used well-justified, imaginative and innovative approaches to explore them. Your work shows that you have followed good academic practice in terms of citation and referencing, presentation format and clear, accurate English.
2.1 67-69

Good Your work shows a broad, up-to-date knowledge and understanding of the material covered in this module and of the way in which key concepts relate to one another. You also show awareness of how some aspects of the material are uncertain or contradictory. Your work takes a critical approach and uses a range of evidence, reasoned argument and reflection. Your work shows an independent approach to problem-solving. You have created appropriate hypotheses and have used well-justified approaches to explore them. Your work shows good academic practice in terms citation and referencing, presentation format and clear, accurate English.
2.2 57-59


Satisfactory Your work shows good knowledge and understanding of the material covered in this module. You also show some awareness of how some aspects of the module are uncertain or contradictory. Your work generally takes a critical approach, but is not always entirely confident in tackling important concepts or applying key ideas and theories. Your work shows that you can operate independently to identify problems and use appropriate approaches to explore them. Most of your work follows good academic practice in terms of citation and referencing, presentation format and clear, accurate English.
3rd 47-49

Adequate Your work shows that you have gained knowledge and understanding of the core material covered in this module and a basic awareness of the complexity of the subject. Your work tends to be descriptive, and your analysis is oversimplified. There is some evidence in your work that you have applied the methods and tools covered in the module appropriately to resolve straightforward problems and/or practical issues. Your work shows some evidence of good academic practice in terms of citation and referencing, presentation format and clear, accurate English, but this is not always consistent throughout.
Marginal Fail 35-39 F5 Unsatisfactory Your work shows only a limited knowledge and understanding of the material covered in this module. It suggests that you have not recognised the complexity of the subject. Your work is descriptive and shows little attempt to analyse ideas or arguments. You make some assertions without sufficient evidence to back up your arguments. Your work does not apply what we learnt appropriately to problems and/or practical issues. Your work has not followed good academic practice in terms of citation and referencing, presentation format and clear, accurate English.
Fail 34 and below
F4 Poor Your work shows little knowledge or understanding of the material covered in the module. Your work is descriptive and shows no attempt to analyse ideas or arguments. You make assertions without putting forward the evidence to back them up. Your work suggests that you have not understood the methods and tools covered in the module well enough to apply them to ideas or problems. Your work does not meet most of the Learning Outcomes for this module. Your work has not followed good academic practice in terms of citation and referencing, presentation format and clear, accurate English.

Avoiding plagiarism
When you write an essay, report or dissertation you should always cite the published sources to which you quote, refer to or use as evidence, otherwise you are likely to be committing plagiarism, which is a form of academic misconduct with potentially very serious consequences. References need to be made both within the text and in a list at the end.
The aim in doing this is to ensure that somebody reading your work can easily find these sources for themselves. This applies to whether you are using a book, a report, a journal article or an Internet site. You will probably know from your own experience how much easier it is to find a reference when a reading list or bibliography is clear and unambiguous.There is help available from the library and online, including a range of videos such as those given below:
Do remember you can submit your work as many times as you like before the final deadline. It is a good idea to check your Originality Report and ensure that any potential plagiarism is eradicated for your work by rewriting in your own words and referencing correctly. The staff on the BLASC desk in the LRC will be able to advise on this. Here you can find out how to access your Originality Report: 2.pdf?target=blank

Additional helpful resources can be found here:
The best way to avoid academic misconduct or plagiarism is to use your own words at all times; do not cut and paste from other work.

Illness or other mitigating circumstances
By submitting an assignment you are declaring yourself fit to take the assessment therefore please make sure that if you are unwell you understand our mitigating circumstances process. The most important thing to do is keep us informed if you are experiencing problems! See our regulations on this link: ns Group work and academic misconduct Work submitted by a group is the responsibility of the group as a whole. In the unfortunate event of the work being judged to have been plagiarised, the only circumstance in which it is possible that the responsibility for the misconduct would only fall on the group member who actually committed it, would be if there were clear evidence that that member had dishonestly misled the rest of the group as to the source of his her contribution. This would require clear and contemporaneous evidence of group discussions of the sort which should be available if groups follow the advice given about keeping a log of group proceedings. If the group work is simply allocated amongst the members of the group without any sort of group review of the outcomes, then all the group members are taking on themselves the risk that some element of the work is
tainted by academic misconduct. If you are unclear about any of this, you should refer to the University’s guide to Plagiarism for further explanation.

Explain how this new quality improvement program will help improve the healthcare employee experience.

Imagine yourself as a hospital administrator ready to undertake a new quality improvement program for your hospital. In previous assignments you detailed aspects of your quality improvement plan for the facility and created your quality improvement approach for the facility. In this assignment you will demonstrate an understanding of the five domains of the performance measurement network in apply these components to improving healthcare quality services at your hospital.


Create a PowerPoint presentation at least 15-20 slides in length that discusses your how your plan covers each of the five domains of quality (Access, Structure, Process, Outcome, and Patient Experience). Quality improvement in each domain should be explained and applied to the healthcare facility. Include detailed speaker’s notes that describe your program. Be sure to include references and citations from at least five sources. Your PowerPoint presentation needs to be visually appealing as your goal is to thoroughly explain how each domain will be improved to your employees. You can illustrate this process by using one disease or condition of your choice presented to your facility by a hypothetical patient and how your new system would approach care of the patient in each of the five domains. Finally, explain how this new quality improvement program will help improve the healthcare employee experience.

This project will be presented in PowerPoint style, as you will be submitting your proposal to this group of hospital employees.


Create a PowerPoint presentation at least 15-20 slides in length that discusses your how the plan covers each of the five domains (Access, Structure, Process, Outcome, and Patient Experience).
Thoroughly explain how performance will be enhanced in each domain in the healthcare facility.
Illustrate this process by using one disease or condition of your choice presented to your facility by a hypothetical patient and how your new system would approach care of the patient in each of the five domains.
Explain how this new quality improvement program will help improve the healthcare employee experience.
Please be sure to download the file “Writing Center Resources” from Course Resources to assist you with meeting APA expectations for written Assignments.

If they differ in importance, which is the most important? The least important? Explain your answer.

Your answers should be no more than 500 words in length and include examples and references in support of your conclusions.

You are free to share other articles or stories related to this topic.

Cite references when appropriate.

1- What are the main elements of compensation systems – internal consistency, market competitiveness, and recognizing employee contributions – equally important, or do you believe they differ in importance? Explain your answer.

2- If they differ in importance, which is the most important? The least important? Explain your answer.

Analyze data (whether textual, statistical, qualitative, or other) and demonstrate maturity and sophistication in interpreting, analyzing, and synthesizing information to advance the argument.

The master’s capstone thesis option, must have a substantial research component, present an original argument, use proper academic writing conventions, including carefully documented primary and/or secondary sources, and should be at least fifty pages in length. This page count does NOT include the front and back matter (e.g., table of contents, lists of figures, illustrations and tables, acknowledgment and dedication pages, abstract, end notes pages, bibliography, appendices, etc.).
Contextualize the thesis/research question by claiming its significance or centrality to the discipline.
Persuade a persuasive rationale for pursuing the thesis by demonstrating a research need or gap.
Articulate how the paper will address the key question or issue and why the approach is novel.
Synthesize relevant, appropriate scholarly literature to establish a theoretical framework or central methodology.
Create an argument that builds logically upon the thesis/hypothesis with research-based, discipline-appropriate supporting facts, evidence, and/or data.
Explain the chosen methodology or theory and demonstrates mastery in implementing this method/theory to produce original research.
Analyze data (whether textual, statistical, qualitative, or other) and demonstrate maturity and sophistication in interpreting, analyzing, and synthesizing information to advance the argument.
Provide a conclusion that summarizes findings, discusses limitations, and addresses unanswered questions/future research directions.

Describe all information sources (e.g., databases with dates of coverage, contact with study authors to identify additional studies) in the search and date last searched.

PRISMA 2009 Checklist
Section/topic # Checklist item Reported on page # TITLE Title 1 Identify the report as a systematic review, meta-analysis, or both. ABSTRACT Structured summary 2 Provide a structured summary including, as applicable: background; objectives; data sources; study eligibility criteria, participants, and interventions; study appraisal and synthesis methods; results; limitations; conclusions and implications of key findings; systematic review registration number.
INTRODUCTION Rationale 3 Describe the rationale for the review in the context of what is already known. Objectives 4 Provide an explicit statement of questions being addressed with reference to participants, interventions, comparisons, outcomes, and study design (PICOS).
METHODS Protocol and registration 5 Indicate if a review protocol exists, if and where it can be accessed (e.g., Web address), and, if available, provide registration information including registration number.
Eligibility criteria 6 Specify study characteristics (e.g., PICOS, length of follow-up) and report characteristics (e.g., years considered, language, publication status) used as criteria for eligibility, giving rationale.
Information sources 7 Describe all information sources (e.g., databases with dates of coverage, contact with study authors to identify additional studies) in the search and date last searched.
Search 8 Present full electronic search strategy for at least one database, including any limits used, such that it could be repeated.
Study selection 9 State the process for selecting studies (i.e., screening, eligibility, included in systematic review, and, if applicable, included in the meta-analysis).
Data collection process 10 Describe method of data extraction from reports (e.g., piloted forms, independently, in duplicate) and any processes for obtaining and confirming data from investigators.
Data items 11 List and define all variables for which data were sought (e.g., PICOS, funding sources) and any assumptions and simplifications made.
Risk of bias in individual studies 12 Describe methods used for assessing risk of bias of individual studies (including specification of whether this was done at the study or outcome level), and how this information is to be used in any data synthesis.
Summary measures 13 State the principal summary measures (e.g., risk ratio, difference in means). Synthesis of results 14 Describe the methods of handling data and combining results of studies, if done, including measures of consistency (e.g., I2) for each meta-analysis.

Page 1 of 2
PRISMA 2009 Checklist
Section/topic # Checklist item Reported on page # Risk of bias across studies 15 Specify any assessment of risk of bias that may affect the cumulative evidence (e.g., publication bias, selective reporting within studies).
Additional analyses 16 Describe methods of additional analyses (e.g., sensitivity or subgroup analyses, meta-regression), if done, indicating which were pre-specified.
RESULTS Study selection 17 Give numbers of studies screened, assessed for eligibility, and included in the review, with reasons for exclusions at each stage, ideally with a flow diagram.
Study characteristics 18 For each study, present characteristics for which data were extracted (e.g., study size, PICOS, follow-up period) and provide the citations.
Risk of bias within studies 19 Present data on risk of bias of each study and, if available, any outcome level assessment (see item 12). Results of individual studies 20 For all outcomes considered (benefits or harms), present, for each study: (a) simple summary data for each intervention group (b) effect estimates and confidence intervals, ideally with a forest plot.
Synthesis of results 21 Present results of each meta-analysis done, including confidence intervals and measures of consistency. Risk of bias across studies 22 Present results of any assessment of risk of bias across studies (see Item 15). Additional analysis 23 Give results of additional analyses, if done (e.g., sensitivity or subgroup analyses, meta-regression [see Item 16]). DISCUSSION Summary of evidence 24 Summarize the main findings including the strength of evidence for each main outcome; consider their relevance to key groups (e.g., healthcare providers, users, and policy makers).
Limitations 25 Discuss limitations at study and outcome level (e.g., risk of bias), and at review-level (e.g., incomplete retrieval of identified research, reporting bias).
Conclusions 26 Provide a general interpretation of the results in the context of other evidence, and implications for future research. FUNDING Funding 27 Describe sources of funding for the systematic review and other support (e.g., supply of data); role of funders for the systematic review.

Identify the project stakeholders. Stakeholders include all employees, volunteers, customers, investors and shareholders.

Cybersecurity Topic Guide.

Capstone Project Name: Securing IoT Devices within a Complex Enterprise.

Project Topic: IoT Security

Summary of the problem: The issue of IoT device security is large, and increasing as more business and organizations utilize IoT devices for automation of tasks, security and everything inbetween within an organization. The organization used will be fictitious, but will present an issue that is common within companies and future organizations as IoT usage expands.

Outline of technology-supported security solution: The proposed security solution will involve specific security devices, administrative policies and configured logical controls, in order to provide a solution that present a solid defense-in-depth approach.

Context: Explain why the situation or question would benefit from your security solution. The benefit would mainly be a decrease in risk of current and future IoT devices and platforms, as well as more employee training/awareness, more robust policies, more effective technical and logical controls, as well as a reduction in the overall attack surface.

Stakeholders: Identify the project stakeholders. Stakeholders include all employees, volunteers, customers, investors and shareholders.

Project Plan: Describe the project plan, scope, goals, and objectives. The project plan is to implement several security measures in a defense-in-depth approach. The scope includes all widely available security appliances on the market, IoT devices that are commonly used within organizations and companies, as well as best practice/regulatory requirements. The goal is to ensure that risk of exploitation of IoT devices within an organization is lowered, while ensuring a hardened cyber defense. The objectives include describing what IoT devices are, how they are typically used, how they will be used in this specific case, the processes and features of each kind of device, security hardening solutions, administrative/policy solutions and continuous monitoring capabilities.

Methodology: Outline the project approach. The approach will involve utilizing research gathered on IoT devices that are being currently used and any/all future planned IoT devices, as well as best practices regarding their secure use. The approach for administrative and logical changes to the organization will involve best practices and regulatory requirements for the organization, per NIST, SOX, GDPR and other regulations, as relevant.

Implementation Plan: Identify the project phases. The phases are as follows: Identify the organization and provide background information, Identify IoT devices currently in use and include any future planned IoT devices, identify all risks and issues, propose all mitigation solutions with justification, propose administrative changes and provide continuous monitoring solutions.

Project Outcomes: List the key anticipated project outcomes and deliverables in  500 words or less. The key deliverable for the project is to ensure the organization has a solid plan for ensuring that the attack vector related to any current and future planned IoT devices is minimized effectively. The outcomes involve ensuring efficient security appliances are proposed, with several other administrative and logical solutions to ensure successful risk mitigation throughout the entire process. The other outcome is to ensure employees receive training and awareness on threats related to these devices and organization as a whole.

Demonstrate knowledge of the key terms and concepts of the topic areas within biological psychology.

  Faculty of Health & Society – Psychology
Assignment Brief
Module title: Biological Psychology Module code:  
Assignment code/title: AS1 Assessment weighting: 100%
Module co-ordinator/


Student name/id:   Word count (Maximum 2000)  
Submission guidance:
1.This assignment must be submitted electronically.

2.To submit electronically you must upload your work to the e-submission area within the NILE/Blackboard module concerned. Click Submit> Browse (find the correct file to upload) Upload> Submit

3.You can resubmit your work as many times as you like until the deadline. If you choose to resubmit, your earlier submission will be replaced, and you will NOT receive an Originality Report until 24 hours from when the submission was made.

4.Do not e-mail tutors to check if your assignment submission has been successful. For Turnitin submissions, a digital receipt will be emailed to you, but do not wait for your email. Return to the assignment and from there, you can use the download icon to save a copy of your digital receipt to your computer.

5. If submitting through Turnitin, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission. This will be sent to your registered e-mail address; please keep this for reference.

6. You are reminded of the University’s regulations on cheating and plagiarism (refer to the University’s assessment and feedback policy). In submitting your assignment, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations.

7. Late submission within seven days of the deadline will result in the mark being capped at a D-. Beyond this time the work will not be marked.

8.You are reminded that it is your responsibility to keep an electronic copy of your assignment for future reference.

9.Ensure that you have read the assignment brief thoroughly and included all elements stated within. You must submit this assignment brief with your final assignment submission.

Assessment and feedback:Delete any that do not apply and ensure that alternative instructions are entered in the box above.
You will be assessed on your ability to successfully address specified module learning outcomes. Feedback on the academic/professional quality of the submission will be provided no later than 20 working days from the initial submission. Feedback will be provided via NILE. You can also book in to see your tutor in their office hours to discuss feedback.

This assignment tests the following learning outcomes:

·Demonstrate knowledge of the key terms and concepts of the topic areas within biological psychology.

· Evaluate key empirical research within key areas of biological psychology

· Demonstrate autonomy and initiative in learning.

· Acquire independence in research skills and apply research findings to common neuropsychological disorders.

Assignment task:

Title: “Contribution of biological psychology to the study of behaviour, emotions and cognition in [insert your chosen disorder – without the brackets]”


Assignment guidance:
You should consider the following when preparing for your assignment:

PSY2011 AS1 Assessment brief

You can choose ANY disorder; you can also choose a special population group (e.g. musicians, athletes, etc.). The choice is yours, just make sure it is not so obscure there is no available literature on it.

The aim:

The aim of the essay is two-fold: (1) you will become an expert in your chosen area; and (2) you will have an in-depth understanding of different concepts of biological psychology, because you will cover them one by one in your essay.


After a brief (one paragraph) introduction to your chosen disorder, you need to critically evaluate how different aspects of biological psychology are affected in your chosen disorder:

1.  Motivation (for example, do sexual desires, eating, wanting/liking etc. change when people suffer from this disorder? How?)

2.  Emotion and stress (What do we know about changes in emotions or stress levels in this disorder?)

3. Sleep (which sleep patterns are affected in your chosen disorder? How? Why do they think sleep patterns change in this disorder? How is it treated?)

4. Learning, memory and perception (again, do these change if people suffer from the disorder you’ve chosen to investigate?)

5. Neurotransmitters and brain areas (which brain areas and neurotransmitters are usually affected in your chosen disorder?)

You need to cover ALL FIVE (5) AREAS in your essay. Please check the rest of the criteria on NILE under Assessment Information tab as well as the learning objectives, as stated in the module handbook; all learning objectives are assessed in the assignment.

Important tip: The most common way of losing marks is by focusing on the disorder itself rather than the title: How did Biological Psychology contribute to our understanding of, say, sleep in depression? What are the implications of the research? Any limitations, suggestions for future studies, contradicting results, future treatment venues, etc. etc.? Rather than digging out 200 articles on the disorder, critically evaluate the importance of the key studies and how they inform us about the contribution of Biological Psychology.

Assignment brief internal moderation approval:



Undergraduate Marking Rubric Template

Student Name   Student Number   Word Count  
Module PSY2011 Assignment & Date AS1; 17th Jan 2020 Overall Grade  
  Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade F
Content & Coverage • Content is all relevant, accurate and in appropriate depth, breath and detail



• Content is nearly all relevant, accurate and in appropriate depth, breath and detail


• Much of the content is relevant, accurate and in appropriate depth, breath and detail


• Content is reasonably relevant, accurate and in appropriate depth, breath and detail


• Little of the content is relevant, accurate and in appropriate depth, breath and detail


Argument • Excellent rationale, well-reasoned and insightful explanations, implications and conclusions


• Excellent argument, evidence, conclusions, critical evaluation and focus on question


• Good rationale, fairly well-reasoned and insightful explanations, implications and conclusions


• Very good argument, evidence, conclusions, critical evaluation and focus on question


• Reasonable rationale, some reasonable explanations, implications and conclusions


• Good argument, evidence, conclusions, critical evaluation and focus on question



• Adequate rationale, weak explanations, implications and conclusions


• Reasonable argument, evidence, conclusions, critical evaluation and focus on question



• Absent or weak rationale, absent or irrelevant explanations, implications and conclusions


• Poor argument, evidence, conclusions, critical evaluation and focus on question


Communication Skills • Excellent readability, structure & referencing.


•  Follows conventions of psychological reports very closely


•  Highly competent grammar/sentence construction/spelling/proof-read essay


• Very good readability, structure & referencing.


•  Follows conventions of psychological reports closely


•  Competent grammar/sentence construction/spelling/proof-read essay



• Good readability, structure & referencing.


•  Often follows conventions of psychological reports


•  Satisfactory grammar/sentence construction/spelling/proof-read essay



• Reasonable readability, structure & referencing.


•  Sometimes follows conventions of psychological reports


•  Adequate grammar/sentence construction/spelling/proof-read essay


• Poor readability, structure & referencing.


•  Rarely follows conventions of psychological reports


•  Inadequate grammar/sentence construction/spelling/proof-read essay



Research Skills • Well planned conscientious research practice


• Uses appropriate scientific sources (e.g. journal articles)



• Largely well planned conscientious research practice


• Largely uses appropriate scientific sources


• Reasonably well planned conscientious research practice


• Occasionally uses non-scientific/secondary sources


• Adequately well planned conscientious research practice


• Largely relies on secondary sources


• Poorly planned, lack of conscientious research practice


• Hardly any evidence of appropriate scientific literature



Independence & challenge • Strong evidence of independent thought, originality and effort


• Good evidence of independent thought, originality and effort


• Reasonable evidence of independent thought, originality and effort


• Some evidence of independent thought, originality and effort


• Little or no evidence of independent thought, originality and effort


Suggestions for Improvement




Given the broad range of organizations that are targeted by cyber criminals, what advice can you give companies that are looking to create or mature their cybersecurity programs?

Developing a Culture of Cyber Preparedness We spoke with Mike Kelly, Commercial Banking’s Head of Cybersecurity and Technology Controls, about how to create an environment that prioritizes security and fraud preparedness. Learn why organizations today are so focused on security, and what steps you can take to defend yourself from fraud.
Oct 29, 2019 The cybersecurity field continues to evolve, and we hear all the time about new schemes from criminals trying to gain access to systems. What have our clients learned and what more do they need to know now? Over the past few years we’ve seen cyber criminals expand their targets to include a broad range of types and sizes of organizations, and clients—from smaller businesses, like laundromats and corner stores, to large corporations—want to stay ahead of cyberattacks. It’s important for every company or organization to take as many steps as they can to help prevent cyberattacks. Larger companies clearly have more resources, but there is a lot that smaller businesses can do, too. Keep anti-virus software up to date. Don’t open emails from addresses you don’t recognize. Validate all requests for payment by speaking to the person making the request, either in person or with a known phone number. Bring in a cybersecurity consultant for a review of their systems and vulnerabilities. Small steps matter. What’s motivating the shift in interest in cybersecurity preparedness? Unfortunately, cyberattacks are escalating, and that’s the motivation. The wide range of targets, the increased public attention and the experience of actually being targeted—whether it’s successful or not —are the biggest drivers of clients’ cybersecurity preparedness. In the last three years, we’ve doubled the number of clients that we meet with to discuss the tools and controls they can use. We visit offices, speak at conferences and have detailed discussions, and sometimes that’s still not enough. For example, recently one of our clients was developing a cybersecurity program based on best practices. Unfortunately, the client’s project was delayed by other priorities that impacted the program’s launch. During the delay, criminals launched a cyber attack against them and demanded a ransom to return the client’s employee data. Since the incident, building and maintaining a solid cybersecurity program quickly has become a top priority for that client.
The more organizations are hit with some type of cyber event or cyberfraud, the greater the interest they have in maturing their programs. If awareness is growing, what’s still in the way of clients creating a culture of cybersecurity preparedness? Culturally, there’s a difference between organizations that have experienced an incident and those that haven’t. The organizations that have moved the needle the most are those that have experienced an attack, even if it was not successful. Every organization has to weigh competing priorities. It’s natural that the people deciding an organization’s priorities give it more attention after an incident. You just “get it” once you’ve lived through it. So what can cybersecurity leaders do to help push organizational cultures toward cyber preparedness? Cybersecurity preparedness programs don’t have to be expensive, but the lessons that come from a cyberattack are costly in terms of lost business and reputation, lost revenue and lost assets. Organizations are more likely to be the target of a cyberattack than to experience a fire in their office, but often, they are more likely to practice fire drills than cyber preparedness drills. Testing systems helps to uncover gaps in cybersecurity preparedness and employee training. Given the broad range of organizations that are targeted by cyber criminals, what advice can you give companies that are looking to create or mature their cybersecurity programs?

Cybersecurity preparedness programs don’t have to mean an organization must invest in expensive solutions. Having people involved in a system creates an opportunity for human error. So a strong return on investment can come from lower tech strategies including training and testing—such as phishing drills and tabletop exercises. An old fence can still keep people out. Finding and mending any gaps in that fence is critical, and repeated training and practice is one of the simplest ways to do that.

Demonstrate clear knowledge and understanding of the benefits and costs of economic growth and alternative macroeconomic objectives.

• This coursework is a take-home assessment. • Essay length: 1,250 – 1,500 words (not including appendices/bibliography) • This coursework contributes 10% towards your overall grade for this module. • There are 100 marks in total. • All references should be acknowledged using the Harvard Referencing System.

IFYEC002 Economics
CW2 1920 © 2019 Northern Consortium UK Ltd Page 2 of 2
Coursework 2 -Essay

The idea of economic growth as a key economic policy objective has a long history which can be traced back at least to the mid-18th century when Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations. However, over the last 50 years, economic growth has arguably become the dominant policy objective across the world and most countries have achieved rapid economic growth. As such, for many governments around the world, economic growth has become the dominant macroeconomic objective because of the various benefits that it might bring to an economy.
However, Joseph Stiglitz, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2001, has noted that, “GDP is not a good measure of economic performance, its not a good measure of well-being.” (Asia Society in New York, 2008)
Stiglitz, alongside a number of leading economic commentators, has observed that the pursuit of economic growth places a variety of costs upon individuals and society, and may also conflict with other macroeconomic objectives.

Essay Title
Evaluate the extent to which the benefits of economic growth will always outweigh the costs and that consequently economic growth should always be a country’s primary economic objective. 100 marks

Mark Allocation
To access the full mark range, you should be able to
•Demonstrate clear knowledge and understanding of the benefits and costs of economic growth and alternative macroeconomic objectives.

• Clearly apply your knowledge to issues surrounding economic growth and macroeconomic objectives (you may wish to consider the work of Stiglitz, other economists and/or the experience of different economies of your choice to provide some additional context). You may wish to consider the impact that the pursuit of economic growth might have on different aspects of the macroeconomy and different economic agents.

• Provide relevant and precise economic analysis of the benefits and costs of economic growth • Provide an evaluative judgement on whether the benefits of economic growth outweigh the costs and if economic growth should the primary macroeconomic objective of a country.

• Demonstrate effective study skills in the research and presentation of your work.

Research and prepare an individual report on the contemporary topic above and how it has impacted on the way that we arrange our personal finances.


Assessment Requirements

Developments in smartphone and data sharing technology are changing how we save, spend, share and invest our money.


Research and prepare an individual report on the contemporary topic above and how it has impacted on the way that we arrange our personal finances.

Critically discuss the evolutionary and revolutionary changes across FIVE different personal finance products or services owing to technological and environmental factors over the last 20 years.


Contemporary is how technology or general environmental factors has changed the way we deal with our money. So how has it impacted in general way we handle our finance paragraph critically discuss many means looking at pros and cons of the evolutionary ever-changing cycle ie things that we did that has come to an end i.e chequebooks across 5 different personal finance products:

Loans or lease or Debt




wills and Estates

YOU can add any more you feel comfortable first 4 highlighted is a must last one you can choose

use of PESTEL will help

Investments okay look at how has it was about 20 years ago how easy was it to access that type of investment how it was set back then and how easy it is to do now was sort of law legislation or technology that has come in or social effects of demographics and see how that has changed .

for example, look at the age we are in a microwave generation we want things done fast how has most of the products being developed to the way we perceive things which is instant e.g. use of apps.

we can now check her balances make loans overdraft online banking etc. We couldn’t do that before we had to go all the way to the banks to physically carry out that transaction, we then look at why it was set up that way using theories or reasons that support the technology technological move.

when concluding we look at what is going forward such as 5 gene network or drones and say how that is going to shape or reshape or advance personal finance


Introduction 200 words -250

Main body very important

Conclusion is very important 15 marks here so 400 words here kindly give it your best shot




  • –  Format (5 marks)
  • –  Spelling (5 marks)
  • –  Grammar (5 marks)
15 Format- Spelling- Grammar-


APPROACH (20 marks)

  • –  ARGUMENTS PUT FORWARD (20 marks)


55 Originality –

Arguments –

Conclusions –