
Clarify the economic section as it does not make sense wording is confusing use simpler words and be clear.

  • Use simple words make sure all the words you use are exactly what you mean for example intrafamily organization = family dynamics? I don’t not understand what you mean by intrafamily organization? read through there is more like this please fix.
  • Literature Jensen: doesn’t make sense to what Jensen writes or means read properly she doesn’t argue what you have written about her.
  • You need to say exactly what you are arguing in this chapter
  • Clarify the economic section as it does not make sense wording is confusing use simpler words and be clear.
  • What do you mean by nonspecialist theory clarify? There’s more like this read and fix please.
  • The last sentence in lit gap doesn’t seem like a gap from what you have been reviewing change this.
  • Focus on clarity of writing generally use simpler words so they make sense otherwise I don’t understand what you mean by some words that you use which don’t make snse at all.


Discuss the current issues in tourism, conservation and sustainable development which need to be improved in the Lake District in terms of environmental aspect of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) of sustainability.

The assignment is not a presentation, it is an annotated poster presentation, however there was no option for poster presentation. The poster must use the template attached below. The assignment is using the lake district as a case study.

AS1 Annotated Individual Poster Presentation (50%)

Make a poster for individual poster presentation of 12 minutes duration using a PowerPoint template prepared by the module leader. Your poster presentation should cover the following points:
• Explain the concepts of sustainability and responsibility in the context of tourism. (15%)
• Discuss the current issues in tourism, conservation and sustainable development which need to be improved in the Lake District in terms of economic aspect of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) of sustainability. (25%)
• Discuss the current issues in tourism, conservation and sustainable development which need to be improved in the Lake District in terms of socio-cultural aspect of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) of sustainability. (25%)
• Discuss the current issues in tourism, conservation and sustainable development which need to be improved in the Lake District in terms of environmental aspect of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) of sustainability. (25%)
• The list of references needs to be included in the note section of PowerPoint template. (10%)

– You do not need to make the presentation formally but you should submit the presentation with the expectation that the presentation would last for 12 minutes if made.
– The poster should contain additional information in the note section of PowerPoint template (up to 1,200 words = equivalent to 12 minutes talk) so that the marker can see the content and the detail that would be explained if the presentation were to be formally made.
– The information in the note section should be used to expand the information on the slide further.
– In short, the note section should include both additional information and list of references.

Evaluate sustainability as applied to the functions, systems and reporting structure of organizations.

B: Learning Outcomes
On successfully completing this module, students should be able to:

· Assess and evaluate the role of sustainability as applied to organizations.

·  Evaluate sustainability as applied to the functions, systems and reporting structure of organizations.



C: Assessment Task
Task 1: (As part of a team)

Working as part of a team, you are required to plan, prepare and deliver a 20 minute oral presentation. You must select and assemble your own group please. (ie A maximum of 5 team members and a minimum of 3 team members)

Then, as a team please negotiate and agree on one topic only from the list further below, on which to base the content of your presentation. It is expected you will plan hold a sufficient number of team meetings to enable you plan, research and prepare well for your presentation.  Further it is advised that you rehearse your presentation several times to maximize the opportunity for a high mark.  (In the interests of fairness, the team will be awarded one mark only for the whole team’s performance. However, should it be obvious that any individual team member has not contributed equally, then that individual’s mark can be adjusted accordingly)

As applicable to all assessed group work, it is very important that all members fully understand the task, and the requirements of the assignment brief. Each team member must contribute equally and appropriately.

Task 2: (As an individual)

You are required, in an individual capacity, to submit a 1000 word informal report that critically analyses and evaluates the process of working towards the delivery of your team’s   presentation.

Important Guidance:

Within your report you should carefully consider what went well and what did not go well, with regard to the planning, preparation, rehearsal(s) and delivery of your presentation. This could include reference to your series of team meetings leading up to your presentation date. You should also briefly report on how your team reacted to questions at the end of your presentation.


Within your informal report, you are further required to “apply” theory, as appropriate, relating to team building (eg Belbin, Tuckman and so on) and conflict management (eg Kilmann- Thomas). Do consider including appendices.

You should also include reference to the feedback you received from your tutors and peers after the delivery of your presentation. Further please reflect upon the content of your presentation, identifying anything you would change or add if you were to deliver the same presentation again.

Note: You need to ensure, please, that you include a copy of any presentation slides or Handouts used for the delivery of your presentation along with the submission of your individual report.

Select ONE of the following topics for your presentation content:

1.It is argued that ‘recycling, reusing, reducing and rethinking’ are key attributes of successful sustainable entrepreneurs. Evaluate and assess to what degree you consider this statement to be correct.

1.  Discuss the activities and processes an enterprise can consider in an effort to convince its stakeholders that it behaves ethically and responsibly.

2. “Sustainable Entrepreneurship versus Sustainable Development and protecting future generations” – the debate! Critically analyse this debate and present your views!

3.Evaluate and present key issues relating to social costs and social benefits that entrepreneurs must consider.

4. “Price, quality, service levels and ‘green’ issues“.  Please examine to what degree successful sustainable development requires a holistic approach from all functions (departments) operating within an enterprise.

5.Discuss what is meant by ‘stakeholder mapping’ and analyse why stakeholder care is an important aspect of successful sustainable entrepreneurship.

Important please:

There must be reference to real life enterprises. Also, you are required to make reference to appropriate concepts, tools and techniques that have been discussed and addressed within the content of this module, in addition to your own research.

D: Specific Criteria/Guidance

1.Critical analysis of process leading to the group presentation 20%
2. Evidence of relevant research, wider reading and team work 20%
3. Use of appropriate illustrations and examples 10%
4. Evidence of group coordination planning and preparation 20%
5. Level of effectiveness of communication and engagement 20%
6. Discussion and handling of Q&A 10%


1.  The tutor will provide an example of the required layout for your informal business report.

2. Note that an example of the mark/feedback sheet that will be used for your presentation is shown below.

BU 6019    Sustainable Entrepreneurship            

Group Oral Presentation Assessment Criteria and Feedback Form

  Max marks Marks awarded Comments


Understanding of subject/ topic



Evidence of relevant research and study


Use of appropriate illustrations and examples


Group coordination and preparation


Effectiveness of communication and engagement


Discussion  and

Question handling







E: Key Resources

You should refer to your PowerPoint slides, module seminar notes and handouts and refer to the module reading list in your student handbook.

In addition, links to websites, journals and specific business case studies will support you further. You should also visit the library to seek further materials.



F: Submission Guidance
·         You must submit assessments in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint or PDF format.

·         The file must be no larger than 40MB.

·         Your writing is expected to conform to Standard English in terms of spelling, syntax and grammar.

·         You must include your Assessment Number (J Number) in the header or footer.

·         Include your word count at the end of the assignment or the front cover.

·         Set up your page for A4 paper in portrait style.

·         The font size must be a minimum of point 12 Calibri (or equivalent) for the body of the assessment and footnotes must be 2 points smaller.

·         Line spacing in the body of the assessment must be 1.5 lines.

·         Number the pages consecutively.

·         Students should submit work before 12 noon on the deadline date electronically via Moodle. Please follow the ‘Turnitin submission’ link on the module space and follow the on-screen instructions, paying particular attention to any specific instructions for each assignment.

·         You must submit your work with the following details written on the first page:

–       Title of your work

–       Module title and code

–       Module Leader and Seminar Tutor (if relevant)

–       Number of words

–       Your student assessment number (J Number)


Student work that does not have this information on will not be identifiable after marking has taken place and risks being recorded as a non-submission.



G: Document Format

·         The font size must be a minimum of point 12 Calibri (or equivalent)

·         Line spacing in the body of the assessment must be 1.5 lines

·         Include the following details written on the first page:

Title of your work

Module title and code

Your student assessment number (J Number). Do not write your name or your student number.

Word count (Please note penalties for excess word count)

Module Leader and Seminar Tutor (if relevant)

·         Number the pages consecutively


H: Academic Integrity and Penalties

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar with all of the information contained in this brief as failure to do this may impact on your achievement.

Please refer to the various Assessment Guidance below for detailed information on:


I: Rubrics and Criteria


  Module Title: Sustainable Entrepreneurship Level: 6
  Assessment Title: Oral Presentation and Individual Report Weighted: 25% & 25% 1000 words
Criteria and weighting 90-100%

Highly Exceptional Work

80 – 90%

Outstanding Work

70 – 79%

Excellent Work

60 – 69%

Very Good Quality Work

50 – 59%

Good Quality Work

40 – 49%

Acceptable work with some good aspects

20 – 39%

Work does not satisfy assessment criteria


Work fails to meet the assessment criteria

Critical analysis of process leading to the group presentation(20) All relevant theories/conceptual models accurately and extensively presented. Exceptional evidence and analysis of process leading to the delivery of the presentation All relevant theories/conceptual models accurately and extensively presented. Excellent evidence and analysis of process leading to the delivery of the presentation Virtually all relevant theories/conceptual models accurately and extensively presented. High level of evidence and analysis of process leading to the delivery of the presentation. Most of the relevant theories/conceptual models accurately presented.

Good level of evidence and analysis of the process leading to the delivery of the presentation

Much of the relevant theories/conceptual models accurately presented.  Reasonable evidence and analysis of the process leading to the delivery of the presentation. No major omissions or inaccuracies in the presented theories/conceptual models. Some level of evidence and analysis of the process leading to the delivery of the presentation A number of deficiencies or omissions in theories/conceptual models. Evidence and analysis of the process leading to the delivery of the presentation is inadequate  or wholly absent Significant deficiencies or omissions in theories/conceptual models. Evidence and analysis of the process leading to the delivery of the presentation is wholly absent
Evidence of relevant research, wider reading and team work(20) Exceptional grasp of theoretical/conceptual and practical elements. Outstanding interpretative and team working skills Excellent grasp of theoretical/conceptual and practical elements. Excellent interpretative and  team working skills Very good grasp of theoretical/conceptual and practical elements. Very good interpretative and team working skills. Good grasp of theoretical/conceptual and practical elements. Good interpretative and team working skills. Adequate grasp of theoretical/conceptual and practical elements. Good interpretative and team working skills. Some grasp of theoretical/conceptual and practical elements. Reasonable interpretative and  team working skills. Major deficiencies in theoretical/conceptual and practical elements. Poor or absent interpretative and team working skills. Significant deficiencies in theoretical/conceptual and practical elements. Poor or absent  interpretative and team working skills.
Use of appropriate illustrations and examples(10) Exceptional and outstanding integration of cases and examples from industry to support and justify content. Excellent integration of cases and examples from industry to support and justify content. Very good integration of cases and examples from industry to support and justify  content. Good integration of  cases and examples from industry to support and justify  content. Adequate integration of cases and examples from industry to support  and justify content. Some integration of  cases and examples from industry to support and justify  content. Poor quality of integration of  cases and examples from industry to support and justify content No integration of cases and examples from industry to support and justify content
Group coordination planning and preparation(20) Evidence of outstanding planning, preparation and coordination .

Work produced could hardly be bettered when produced under parallel conditions.

Excellent evidence of planning, preparation and coordination.

Work is evidenced by  extensive  and detailed research

Evidence of comprehensive planning, preparation and coordination.

Work is evidenced by specific and detailed research

Good evidence of planning, preparation and coordination.

Work is  evidenced by specific and relevant  research.


Evidence of competent planning preparation and coordination.

Work is evidenced by some  relevant research.



There  is some evidence of planning, preparation and coordination.


Work is evidenced by an attempt  to source  research.

Negligible evidence of  planning, preparation and coordination.  There  is  evidence of research.. No evidence of planning, preparation and coordination.


Negligible evidence of research.

Level of effectiveness of communication and engagement(20) Exceptional presentation with clarity and coherence, highly sophisticated expression and use of language.

work produced could hardly be bettered when produced under parallel conditions. Near perfect spelling, punctuation and syntax.

Extremely well presented  with accuracy and flair; Highly sophisticated, fluent and persuasive expression of ideas. Near perfect spelling, punctuation and syntax. Very clear, fluent, sophisticated and confident presentation and expression; highly effective vocabulary and style. Near perfect spelling, punctuation and syntax. Clear, fluent, confident presentation and expression; appropriate vocabulary and style. High standard of accuracy in spelling, punctuation and syntax. Clearly presented and , coherent expression;

reasonable  range of vocabulary and adequate style. Overall competence in spelling, punctuation and syntax, although there may be some errors.

Expression, vocabulary and style reasonably clear but lack sophistication. Inaccuracies in spelling, punctuation and syntax do not usually interfere with meaning. Expression of ideas insufficient to convey clear meaning inpresentation; inaccurate or unprofessional terminology. Many errors in spelling, punctuation and syntax. Incoherent presentation and expression. Heavily inaccurate;  inappropriate use of language.
Discussion and handling of Q&A(10) Exceptional  responses to questions with high level  of confidence Also discussed extremely well in written work Outstanding responses to questions with high level of confidence. Discussed extremely well within written work. Excellent responses to questions with confidence.

Discussed well within written work.

Very good responses to questions.


Discussed well within written work.

Good responses to questions.


Discussed reasonably within written work

Acceptable responses to questions.


Briefly discussed within written work

Poor responses to questions.


No reference to responses within written work

No attempt to respond to questions asked.


No effort to discuss Q&A in written work




Using supply and demand analysis identify the main factors in determining the price of private rental housing in the UK.



  • This assignment must be completed individually.
  • You must use the Harvard referencing system.
  • Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words.  When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.74).
  • Assignment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your name anywhere on your work.
  • Write your student ID number at the top of every page.
  • Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be submitted in a single document.
  • You must number all pages.


In order to achieve full marks, you must submit your work before the deadline. Work that is submitted late – up to five working days after the published submission deadline – will be accepted and marked.  However, the element of the module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a maximum mark of 40%.

Work cannot be submitted if the period of 5 working days after the deadline has passed (unless there is an approved extension). Failure to submit within the relevant period will mean that you have failed the assessment.


Supply and demand analysis allows us to investigate and understand how the operation of markets, or sometimes the failure of markets.

Task 1

Using supply and demand analysis identify the main factors in determining the price of private rental housing in the UK.  Support your analysis with the use of supply and demand graphs.

(50 marks)

Make sure this is RENTAL, not buying. Make sure this is UK, – £ NOT $.

Suggest an introduction to the rental housing market. The title says UK but students might find it easiest to consider London, with perhaps a comparison to a different UK region, or trend over time. 

Clearly explained classic supply and demand diagram, showing equilibrium and surplus/ shortages.

Four clear diagrams.

Demand right / left

Supply right/ left.

Use their own diagrams, or edit diagrams from vle (reference as “adapted from lecture “) .

Show clearly the effects of these shifts on price and quantity. (Students should not produce, for example, a demand curve in isolation, ie without a supply curve interacting to show equilibrium)

Clearly researched factors (3-4), effecting each shift. Marks awarded for supporting research and data on these factors. And for creative thinking around these factors. Brexit and population changes around the free flow of migrant labour, should be considered on the demand side.

Students should show diagrams and reasons for elasticity of demand and supply for rental housing.

Task 2

Identify and explain the main governmental/economic policies that could be used to influence the demand for private rental housing in the UK.

On the demand side,

Affordable housing policies


Government policies to develop regions in the UK , after the election.

Policies to help key workers.

Transport policies.

Price caps/ subsidises/ intervention

Complementary – council tax

substitutes – opportunities to purchase.  – supply factors for public / social housing


Students should analyze a minimum of five these policies . Drill down on to which one you consider to be the most important.

  (40 marks)

Note: 10 marks are available for referencing and effective communication

(Total marks available: 100)


Use ONLY the following sources of information.

Text Books from module reading list.

Economics on line- Pettinger.

AC/DC Economics- Mr Clifford


The Guardian newspaper.

FT newspaper.


Government statistics.

Any sources used outside of the above may be subject to investigation for plagiarism.

You must include a range of Supply and Demand diagrams as guided in class to show relevant shifts, equilibriums, and effects on price and quantity. Include elasticity diagrams.

You are strongly advised to edit diagrams from lectures on the vle. Reference these as “adapted from lecture”. Or to use Investopedia

Task one assessment criteria:

Knowledge and Understanding of the language of economics.

Knowledge and Understanding of the basic methodology and models used in this area and their application to real- world situations.

Points to consider:

A range of factors need to be clearly identified. These could include-

Regional / local demand factors


Interest rates

Taxation ,

House building,

The income effect,

Price caps/ subsidises/ intervention

Complementary / substitutes

This is not an exclusive list.

Diagrams must be included. Demand to right / left and the effect on private house prices. Supply to right / left and the effect on private house prices.

Task two assessment criteria: 

Knowledge and Understanding of the basic methodology and models used in this area and their application to real- world situations.

Intellectual, practical effective and transferable skills. Achieved through the ability to analyse hypothetical and/or real world situations that occur in economics.

Points to consider:

The main economic policies. These could include

Interest rates

Taxation ,

Tenants/ landlord rights

Government policy .

On the supply side- policies on public housing, landlords, social housing


This is not shared with the students. Leave content in red so that the administrator can remove before publishing to students

Senate Code of Practice states:


Task one

Using supply and demand analysis identify the main factors in determining the price of private rental housing in the UK.  .  Support your analysis with the use of supply and demand graphs.

(50 marks)

Diagrams must be included. Demand to right / left and the effect on private house prices. Supply to right / left and the effect on private house prices.

A range of factors need to be clearly identified. These could include-

Regional / local demand factors


Interest rates

Taxation ,

House building,

The income effect,

Price caps/ subsidises/ intervention

This is not an exclusive list.

Diagrams must be included. Demand to right / left and the effect on private house prices. Supply to right / left and the effect on private house prices.

Task two

Identify and explain the main governmental / economic policies that could be used to influence  the demand for private rental housing in the UK.

  (40 marks)

The main economic policies. These could include

Interest rates

Taxation ,

Tenants/ landlord rights

Government policy




Task one

Using supply and demand analysis identify which you believe to be the main factors in determining the price of private housing in the UK.  .  Support your analysis with the use of supply and demand graphs.


A range of factors need to be clearly identified. These could include-

Regional / local demand factors


Interest rates

Taxation ,

House building,

The income effect,

Price caps/ subsidises/ intervention

Complementary / substitutes



20 marks
Diagrams must be included. Demand to right / left and the effect on private house rental prices. Supply to right / left and the effect on private house prices.

( Demand right 5

Demand left 5

Supply  right 5

Supply  left 5 )





referencing and effective communication



Task two

Identify and explain the main economic policies that the government can use to stimulate the demand for private housing in the UK.


Marking criteria (level 7)

A qualifying answer (30-39%) will identify some/main issues and demonstrate a very limited knowledge of economic theories outlined above, at a very superficial level and discuss (at a very basic level) how this is applied to sustain a business. It may demonstrate difficulties with structure. Expression will be weak.  Answers in this category will often adopt a write-all-you-know-about-the-topic approach and may include little or no application.

A basic answer (40-49%) will identify main issues and demonstrate knowledge of economic theories outlined above, at a superficial level and discuss how this is applied to sustain a business. It may demonstrate difficulties with structure. Expression may lack maturity. Answers in this category will often adopt a write-all-you-know-about-the-topic approach and may include little or no application.

A satisfactory answer (50-59%) will determine the majority of issues and demonstrate knowledge of economic theories, outlined above, and discuss how this is applied to sustain a business. There are some omissions in content as well as some inconsistencies in application and inaccuracies in expression. Structure will be largely logical.

A good answer (60-69%) will adopt a logical structure and identify pertinent economic theories, outlined above, and discuss how this may be applied to sustain a business. Arguments will be supported by relevant contemporary theories and paradigms. Omissions and inaccuracies will be minor.

An excellent answer (70 %+) will adopt a logical structure and identify pertinent economic theories, outlined above, with depth, flair and imagination and discuss how this may be applied to sustain a business. Arguments will be supported by a wide range of relevant contemporary academic theories and paradigms. . Relevant international marketing theory will be critiqued and applied before reaching balanced conclusion(s).

An outstanding answer (80 %+) will adopt a logical structure and identify pertinent international marketing theories, outlined above, with outstanding intellectual originality and imagination, enabling a discussion as to how this may be applied to sustain a business. Arguments will be supported by a wide range of relevant contemporary academic theories and paradigms. Relevant economic theory will be critiqued and applied before reaching balanced conclusion(s).

An exceptional answer (90 %+) will adopt a logical structure and identify pertinent economic theories, outlined above, with exceptional intellectual originality and imagination, enabling a discussion as to how this may be applied to sustain a business. Arguments will be supported by a wide range of relevant contemporary academic theories and paradigms, demonstrating an exceptional management of resources. Relevant international marketing theory will be critiqued and applied before reaching exceptional balanced conclusion(s).


LEVEL 4 (was level 1)

Level 4 introduces students to HE. Students are expected to demonstrate relevant skills and competencies; to be articulate in expressing ideas orally; and to be coherent and structured in terms of written or other media. Forms of expression at this level may be descriptive or imitative, but students are expected to demonstrate an increasing understanding of the theoretical background of their study and the analytic competence to explore it, as well as its relationship, where appropriate, to particular skills. Students are expected to develop an awareness of  strengths and weaknesses in their skill sets
Mark Bands Outcome Generic Learning Outcomes (GLOs) (Academic Regulations, Section 2)
Knowledge & Understanding Intellectual (thinking), Practical, Affective and Transferable Skills
Characteristics of Student Achievement by Marking Band 90-100% Achieves module outcome(s) related to GLO at this level Exceptional information base exploring and analyzing the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with extraordinary originality. Exceptional management of learning resources, complemented by assured self-direction/exploration. Exceptional structure/accurate expression. Demonstrates intellectual originality and imagination. Exceptional practical/professional skills.
80-89% Outstanding information base exploring and analysing the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with clear originality Outstanding management of learning resources, complemented by assured self-direction/exploration. An exemplar of structured/accurate expression. Demonstrates intellectual originality and imagination. Outstanding practical/professional skills
70-79% Excellent information base, exploring and analyzing the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with considerable originality. Excellent management of learning resources, complemented by self-direction/exploration. Structured/ accurate expression. Very good academic/intellectual and team/practical/professional skills
60-69% Good information base; explores and analyses the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with some originality Good management of learning resources with some self-direction. Structured and mainly accurate expression. Good academic/intellectual skills and team/practical/ professional skills
50-59% Satisfactory information base that begins to explore and analyze the discipline and its ethical issues but is still mainly imitative Satisfactory use of learning resources and input to team work. Some lack of structure/accuracy in expression. Acceptable academic/intellectual skills and satisfactory practical/professional skills
40-49% A marginal pass in module outcome(s) related to GLO at this level Basic information base; omissions in understanding of major/ethical issues. Largely imitative Basic use of learning resources with no self-direction. Some input to team work. Some difficulty with structure and accuracy in expression. Some difficulties with academic/intellectual skills and developing practical/ professional skills
30-39% A marginal fail in module outcome(s) related to GLO at this level. Possible compensation. Sat-isfies qualifying mark Limited information base; limited understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension Limited use of learning resources. No self-direction, little input to team work and difficulty with structure/accuracy in expression. Weak academic/intellectual skills. Practical/professional skills are not yet secure
20-29% Fails to achieve module outcome(s) related to this GLO.  Qualifying mark not satisfied.  No compensation available Little evidence of an information base.  Little evidence of understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension. Little evidence of use of learning resources. No self-direction, with little evidence of contribution to team work. Very weak academic/intellectual skills and significant difficulties with structure/expression. Little evidence of practical/professional skills
10-19% Inadequate information base.  Inadequate understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension. Inadequate use of learning resources. No attempt at self-direction with inadequate contribution to team work. Very weak academic/intellectual skills and major difficulty with structure/expression. Inadequate practical/professional skills
1-9% No evidence of any information base. No understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension. No evidence of use of learning resources of understanding of self-direction with no evidence of contribution to team work. No evidence academic/intellectual skills and incoherent structure/ expression. No evidence of practical/ professional skills
0% Awarded for: (i) non-submission; (ii) dangerous practice and; (iii) in situations where the student fails to address the assignment brief (eg: answers the wrong question) and/or related learning outcomes

What are reflection and experiential learning? why are they important for learning and professional development?

The purpose of this task is for you to reflect upon the value of your volunteer activity in relation to both yourself and the host organist. Therefore you need to evaluate your experience from the organizations point of view as well as your own. This can be written in the 1st person.


Content that needs to be included;
•What are reflection and experiential learning? why are they important for learning and professional development?
•What did you hope to achieve through your volunteering experience? e.g. what skills and knowledge (REFER TO HUMAN CAPITAL) did you hope to gain? What links/relationships did you develop? (REFER TO SOCIAL CAPITAL) What impact did you hope to have? (also think about Motivational theory – why did you volunteer?).
•In reality what skills, attitudes and knowledge you were able to gain and/or develop? (make reference to the development of social and human capital) Support your observations with evidence e.g. a statement from a supervisor, workshops/session plans/evaluations from activities you were involved in (include these as appendices).
•Reflect on any University Employability activities that you participated in (I WAS A STUDENT REP) What did you learn from these? How might you use these in your future career development?
•What your volunteering experience has taught you about a career in the third (VCS) or public sector? E.g. do you want to work in the sector where you volunteered? Why? Provide examples where appropriate, and refer to your learning diaries.
•What has the experience taught you about to the future of charities / public sector?
•Overall what were the main learning points from the whole volunteering experience?



you can mention your feelings and what your heart truly desires for example, “Although this is part of my module, I don’t like working in charities” then think about;

logical thinking? whats next?
what has this taught you about the future of charities?

You can say things like:

Due to government insufficient funding schools need more volunteers and it is a loop. I feel sad as schools become increasingly reliant on volunteers.

Then what? (always follow a thread)
So public sectors is trapped and therefore I want to be part of the expansion and get involved.
Could you possibly also donate and help?


narrow down to 3 things you want to say for example, this essay has evidenced… multiple definitions etc. be on point summarize. what three things have you learned from your experience? e.g. unsatisfactory arrangement university and charities and things like shouldn’t be necessary to do this on top of assignment.

Distinguish between acute, sub-acute and chronic toxicity tests. What other types of toxicity tests may be used to identify toxicological hazards?

Short Answer Questions

Word limit per question: 150 words ±10%.

  • You will find in the attacments my friend assessment for last year, there is some change,my friend he have got in the assessment I uploaded 55% plz I want 80%

Answer each of the following questions. The purpose of these questions is to encourage you to engage with the material presented in modules 1 – 5.

If you have completed the readings recommended for each module you should be able to answer these questions. Answers do not need to be in an essay format. You are expected to reference all cited literature excluding the published teaching materials on Blackboard.

Question 1: Distinguish between acute, sub-acute and chronic toxicity tests. What other types of toxicity tests may be used to identify toxicological hazards?

Question 2: Indicate the difference between exposure route and exposure pathway. Explain why the effects of a hazard may vary between acute and chronic exposure?

Question 3: Describe common ways of characterizing the dose – response relationship. Outline the difference between the threshold and non-threshold approaches.

Question 4: Define risk characterization and the methods to characterize risks. List the uncertainties associated with this process.

Question 5: Define exposure and describe six (6) important elements to consider during environmental exposure assessment.


Discuss a possible position for the company’s accounting system within one of the major classifications that you have examined, giving your reasons.

Select a non-UK, non US company and obtain its latest annual financial reporting documents (2019 or 2018).

(a) (i) Discuss a possible position for the company’s accounting system within one of the major classifications that you have examined, giving your reasons. (30 marks)
(ii) Discuss the nature of your findings and their implications for impression management. (10 marks)

(b) Discuss the external influences on the company’s financial reporting
(30 marks)

(c) Discuss a possible position for the company’s accounting system within one of the major classifications that you have examined, giving your reasons. (30 marks)

Refer to relevant regulation and research.

What clinical and programmatic issues are involved in the planning for substance use disorders treatment of juvenile offenders?

Write a 750-word paper regarding the role of drugs as part of youth culture.
Be sure to include a title page, introduction, conclusion, in-text citations, a minimum of five scholarly sources, and a reference section.
Your paper should address the following:
What are the system linkages between the juvenile justice and adolescent treatment system?
What clinical and programmatic issues are involved in the planning for substance use disorders treatment of juvenile offenders?
What factors are involved in engaging hard to reach adolescent populations?
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

What objective clinical data (clinical signs) are consistent with a primary genital herpes infection? List six distinct clinical signs.

Allen is a 36-year-old nulligravida women who presents to her OB-GYN specialist for evaluation of vaginal lesions that have been present for five days. Patient states, “I have some very painful blisters near my vagina, and I think there may be some inside, too. I felt a strange stinging sensation for a couple days and then broke out. I’ve also had several horrific headaches and muscles aches in the past few days—almost like the flu.” She is single, sexually active with one partner currently. Admits to frequent unprotected vaginal sex. She denies IV drug use, is heterosexual and other than high blood pressure and cholesterol, she is aware of no active medical problems. She denies oral or anal intercourse.

1. What is your initial diagnosis of this patient based on reading her history?

Additional Questions related to the GU case study;

2. What subjective clinical data (clinical symptoms) are consistent with a primary genital herpes infection? List six distinct clinical symptoms.

3. What objective clinical data (clinical signs) are consistent with a primary genital herpes infection? List six distinct clinical signs.

4. Identify three major risk factors for genital herpes in this patient.

What is your assessment of the relative health of the project given the information found in the dashboard?

Answer the following questions for each dashboard view.

WBS 3.2 Dashboard

Minimum of 80 words per question

  1. What project information are you able to glean from the dashboard view?
  2. What is your assessment of the relative health of the project given the information found in the dashboard?
  3. What actions would you propose taking based on the information in the project dashboard? Propose at least three changes.
  4. What information would you prefer to see that is not found in the dashboard? Explain your rationale.

WBS 4.3 Dashboard

Minimum of 80 words per question

  1. What project information are you able to glean from the dashboard view?
  2. What is your assessment of the relative health of the project given the information found in the dashboard?
  3. What actions would you propose taking based on the information in the project dashboard? Propose at least three changes.
  4. What information would you prefer to see that is not found in the dashboard? Explain your rationale.

WBS 5.3 Dashboard

Minimum of 80 words per question

  1. What project information are you able to glean from the dashboard view?
  2. What is your assessment of the relative health of the project given the information found in the dashboard?
  3. What actions would you propose taking based on the information in the project dashboard? Propose at least three changes.
  4. What information would you prefer to see that is not found in the dashboard? Explain your rationale.