
What can the organizations do differently? – How can they improve? How can they better integrate the SDGS? – What are the distinguishing success factors/impeders? – What can other organizations learn? – Key recommendations

Order: Report

Words count: 2 x 3150 words each => total: around: 6300 words

Order details:

Task Objective: The objectives of this task are to enable students to apply their learning on Business & Sustainability course notes, and wider reading, to develop skills which will enable them to assimilate a depth of literature which they can critically review and report on sustainable business practices in organizations. It will also develop deeper analytical and practical skills on the application and reporting of the Sustainable Development Goals in organizations.

Task Details: Literature Review and Organization Report Compare and contrast organizations in terms of their Sustainability/CSR activities, performance, reporting and communications. Make particular reference to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): are they identified by the organizations, if yes give details and review, and if not, where could they explicitly connect their activities to the SDGs.

Choose two or more organizations with plenty of information available. They may be very similar or very different in their business activities. You may include your own organization or ones which are in your area of work/interest/locality, if you wish. Use the organizations’ own sources e.g. a sustainability sections on websites, reports or similar, as well as publicly available information, trusted third party sources.

Write a report with a clear structure: – Introduction – Main Body – Conclusions and Recommendations – References

Introduction: Include in the introduction a brief explanation on why you selected these particular organizations. What do they have in common or how do they differ (sector/size/structure etc). Why is this theme/topic of special interest? Provide a link to the relevant pages on various the organizations’ websites.

Main Body: The main body of the report should be in three sections: 1. Literature review on theme of sustainability in organizations 2. Evaluation of activities and performance 3. Reporting and communications

1. Literature review: Write a review on the theme of Sustainability/CSR/SDG management in organizations. Introduce a topic/topics of particular interest to you and/or of relevance to the organizations you have chosen (environmental management, certification, CSR, communications, challenges/barriers, critical success factors, engagement etc).
Structure your review with an introduction, key headings, conclusions. Use course materials, textbooks and peer reviewed articles. Ensure that you reference all material correctly and use the Harvard Referencing System. References should be listed at the end of the report.

2. Evaluation of activities and performance: Outline and evaluate the CSR/Sustainability/SDG activities and performance in each of your chosen organizations. How do they define sustainability/corporate responsibility? What systems are employed? Who is responsible?

Provide a summary of the main activities; highlight strong points, weaknesses unusual or interesting activities. – How do they differ? What do they have in common? – What is successful and what is not? What are the strengths and weaknesses – What are the common or differing drivers of activities and the success factors? – Regarding the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): are they identified by the organizations, if yes give details and review, and if not, where could they explicitly connect their activities to the SDGs.

Link and connect this section to your literature review. Is it what you expect from the literature or different?

3. Reporting and communications: How are CSR/Sustainability/SDGs reported and communicated (reports, websites, social media, marketing)? Look at what information is, and is not, provided. Is it a true reflection of activities and performance? In order to aid your reading of reports, the following guidelines are useful: United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress (COP) Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): Corporate Register Reporting Awards (CRRA):

Conclusions and Recommendations: Based on your evaluation of the different organizations, your reading on the subject including the course materials and your literature review, write conclusions and recommendations for organizations based on your analysis the success factors. – What can the organizations do differently? – How can they improve? How can they better integrate the SDGS? – What are the distinguishing success factors/impeders? – What can other organizations learn? – Key recommendations

References: Ensure that you reference all material and sources correctly including websites.

Appendices: You may use appendices to present large volumes of data, tables etc which are too cumbersome to include in the main body or which may unduly add to the word count but which provide useful and relevant information nonetheless.

Images, Figures and Tables: These add value to reports and aid reading and are not included in the word count.

Indicative Outline and Word Count: Approximate Words +/- Introduction 200 Main Body 1. Literature review 850 2. Evaluation of activities & performance 750 3. Reporting & communications 750 Conclusions & Recommendations 600 References Total 3150

Compare and contrast with other organizations where you would be less engaged and productive.

Part 1 – You should prepare a 1200 word report on the topic of the effectiveness of work and organization at Tesla.

Your task is to research the effectiveness of work and organization at Tesla using good quality academic and journalistic sources. Please see the links below:

Spotlight on Tesla culture

Leadership at Tesla

Employees at Tesla

You should consider a range of views and seek to integrate them into a coherent argument. This may be informed by good quality journalistic sources but, more importantly, you must also show considerable evidence of using good quality ‘peer reviewed’ journal articles.

The key topics which you should include in your report on the effectiveness of work and organization at Tesla are:

  1. organizational context
  • The impact of globalization.
  1. The whole organization
  • The rational and social organization,
  • Power and politics
  • Governance, organizational Culture and organizational leadership
  1. Groups and Teams
  • Groups and teams
  1. The Individual Level
  • Motivation and job design

You will not need to draw on all organizational behaviour theories that you read but should select instead those which are most applicable to Tesla. It is more important to show knowledge of key debates within the literature on organizational behaviour, to be critical in your writing and to ensure a good level of integration and coherence than to include all theories. Please work on the level of criticality and the coherence and flow of your report. This will require effective discussion and debate.

Part 2 – Reflection on group work (900 words)

In part 2 you should write a 900 word reflection on your experience of group work. This would ideally be based on your experiences as a group member in this module within seminars but could include a consideration of group activities in other modules or in work experience. Do not just describe your experience of working in a group but situate your reflection within the wider literature on groups and teams.

To assist you with this you should use a theory of reflective practice such as Kolb’s learning cycle. Themes that you may explore include:

  • Difference between a group and a team
  • Team roles
  • Balance of team roles
  • Stages of group formation
  • Asch effect and Groupthink
  • Group dynamics, including unconscious group dynamics
  • Were you a pseudo team? Potential team? Real team? High performance team?
  • Leadership of the team

The emphasis should be on a critical evaluation, not on self-promotion. Try to identify strengths and weaknesses, and areas for personal development informed by the literature on groups and teams.

Part 3 – Personal Reflections on Employment (900 words)

You should write a reflection on what you have learned about the nature of employment in undertaking the People and Organizations module. In this reflection, you should make reference to any organizational behaviour literature that is relevant. You may address the following key themes in your analysis.

  1. What types of organization would most engage and motivate you? Why would you be more productive in these organizations? Compare and contrast with other organizations where you would be less engaged and productive. You might in your reflections draw on the literature on leadership, classical, human relations and contemporary approaches to organizational behaviour, culture, motivation, or teamwork.
  2. You might also reflect on how the literature on identity, personality and emotions relate to your experience of work
  3. What are your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to employment?
  4. How will you address your weaknesses? What targets will you set for your development?

Note that a significant amount of the marks are awarded on the basis of wider reading, referencing, academic integrity and academic writing conventions. Please read the assessment criteria below:

Assessment Criteria:

In assessing HR4003 we will use the following criteria:

Part 1:

  1. Effective analysis undertaken within the report informed by organizational behaviour literature appropriate to the case. (20%)
  2. A well-structured and organised report involving cogent argument in line with academic convention (10%)
  3. Wider reading in the report involving both seminal and contemporary articles/ books (5%)
  4. Accurate and effective use of citations and references in the report (5%)

Part 2:

  1. Effective reflection on group work informed by literature on groups and teams (15%)
  2. A well-structured and organized reflection on group work (5%)
  3. Wider reading evident in reflection on group work (evidenced through use of literature on groups and teams) to inform reflections (5%)
  4. Accurate and effective use of citations and references in the reflection on group work (5%)

Part 3:

  1. Application of academic concepts and models to reflection on employment (15%)
  2. Presentation and organization of reflection on employment (5%)
  3. Wider reading evident in reflection on employability (5%)
  4. Referencing in reflection on employment (5%)


Cite Them Right   –

Harvard referencing:

Academic Integrity: ic-integrity.aspx g

Describe three components of the fraud triangle and how each would relate to a franchise owner’s likelihood to defraud Robatelli’s Pizzeria.

Review the Robatelli’s Pizzeria Case Study.

Considering the nature of the relationship between Robatelli’s Pizzeria home office and its franchise owners, the company may be quite vulnerable to theft or fraudulent financial reporting committed by these franchise owners.

In 700 to 1,050 words, discuss the following:

  • Describe three components of the fraud triangle and how each would relate to a franchise owner’s likelihood to defraud Robatelli’s Pizzeria.
  • Identify three types of fraud to which Robatelli’s Pizzeria may be susceptible.
  • Indicate whether the fraud is classified as management fraud, employee fraud, vendor fraud, customer fraud, or computer fraud for each.
  • Suggest an internal control that could be implemented to prevent or detect the potential fraud for each.
  • Design a 5- to 6-bulleted item code of ethics for Robatelli’s Pizzeria. You may find guidance by searching the Internet for examples.

Evaluate the source: Why is it trustworthy? Who is the author? Where was it published? What are the strengths of the source? Does the source have weaknesses? What are they?

Class: ​SSH1099 Professor: ​Erin Jones Assignment: ​Writing Assignment #5: Research Process and 3 Sources Due: ​Friday, March 6 by 10pm (via Moodle)
The short of it: ​Find three sources that you believe will support your research project. Analyze these sources and write about the research process that it took to get you there.

The long of it: ​I want you to spend some time thinking about your research process. For three sources I want you to do the following things:

● Write about how you got to this source: What keywords did you use? Where did you look first? Why? What roadblocks did you incur? Think critically about the steps that you took while researching. Think of this part as a narrative.

● Explain why this source will be good for your research project: How does it support your research question? What sort of information does it provide? What have you learned from this source?

● Evaluate the source: Why is it trustworthy? Who is the author? Where was it published? What are the strengths of the source? Does the source have weaknesses? What are they? I’m looking for a short paragraph for each section. Nothing too intense. I’m looking for the thought put into this. On the next page, I’ve included a template for the writing assignment.

Source #1
● Title, author, and publication: ● Research process: ● Research project connection: ● Evaluation:
Source #2
● Title, author, and publication: ● Research process: ● Research project connection: ● Evaluation:
Source #3

● Title, author, and publication: ● Research process: ● Research project connection: ● Evaluation

Compare and contrast anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Who is more likely to suffer from anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa? Why?

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, research the topic of eating disorders and address the following:
Compare and contrast anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
Who is more likely to suffer from anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa? Why?
What are the causes contributing to anorexia nervosa?
What are the consequences of eating disorders?
How can one diagnose eating disorders?
What are the treatment and support options for a person who has eating disorders?
Be sure to include APA citations for any resources you used as reference.

How can we facilitate a process-oriented approach to research? Can you think of an example of how you might do this in your own work?

This week order includes 2 initial discussion posts/responses (about 100 – 150 words each discussion post – Part A), one reply response (2-3 sentences – Part B) to classmates discussion post from discussion one, one reply response (2-3 sentences – Part B) to classmate’s post from discussion two, and Cognitive Recall Assignment: Mindsets Toward Learning that address the questions (mostly check for understanding for the past 2 weeks’ required readings). Please reference/cite the required reading before using outside sources.
Please state which paragraph or section you are addressing: Discussion one, Discussion two, Week 11 Cognitive Recall Assignment: Mindsets Toward Learning, and reply to classmate X’s discussion post one, reply to classmate X’s discussion post two.
I won’t be able to provide you the classmates’ posts for you to select and to reply until I submit my own discussion posts/responses.
Week 11 Discussion 01: Growth Mindset Research
Having read for the first time about the benefits of a growth mindset, a librarian tells a student struggling with their research project to “work harder” and everything will be fine.
• Why should we expect this to be an ineffective strategy from the standpoint of growth mindset research?
• Why should we expect it to be an ineffective strategy from the standpoint of Rogerian Relational Rapport Model?
A) Initial replies/your discussion response should be 100-150 words in length, use APA rules for citations, and address the question with original insights.
B) Reply to one interesting classmate’s discussion post with which you agree or disagree. Be sure to support your stance with two to three sentences. I will provide classmates’ posts for you to select after my own submission.
Week 11 Discussion 02: Critical Pedagogy
Due: Post your response by end of Day 5 and reply to one of your
Are the approaches to critical pedagogy from the Tewell and Hooks readings consistent with the cognitive science of learning approaches advocated by Klipfel and Cook in Chapter 3 of Learner Centered Pedagogy? Are they consistent with Willingham and Daniel’s paper on “Teaching to What Students Have in Common?” Explain your answer.
A) Initial replies/your discussion response should be 100-150 words in length, use APA rules for citations, and address the question with original insights.
B) Reply to one interesting classmate’s discussion post with which you agree or disagree. Be sure to support your stance with two to three sentences. I will provide classmates’ posts for you to select after my own submission.
Week 11 Assignment 01: Cognitive Recall Assignment: Mindsets Toward Learning
For this assignment, you should write a one-to-two page response in a Word document addressing the following questions:
1. How do student attitudes toward the role of intelligence in learning impact their motivation to learn? Are there ways to overcome these attitudes? What might that look like? How can librarians contribute and add to teaching these ideas?
2. How can we facilitate a process-oriented approach to research? Can you think of an example of how you might do this in your own work?
3. What best practices can librarians adopt from the mindset literature to help students who are experiencing roadblocks in their research?

In the end, though, what does Sonny teach the narrator? What does the narrator learn about Sonny and about life?

Consider James Baldwin’s story, “Sonny’s Blues” and answer the following questions in detail, using text to support your discussion:The story seems at first to be about the ways that the narrator tries to help and instruct Sonny.
1. In the end, though, what does Sonny teach the narrator? What does the narrator learn about Sonny and about life?
Each time they fight, Sonny and his brother argue about whether or not the narrator truly listens to Sonny when he talks.
2. Does the narrator ever find a way to truly listen to Sonny?

Describe the client’s stage in life, gender dynamics, race or ethnicity, economic status, et cetera.

1. Select one scenario from the Responding to Ethical and Legal Issues – Case Study multimedia presentation and discuss the client’s identity.
2. Describe the client’s stage in life, gender dynamics, race or ethnicity, economic status, et cetera.
3. Consider your results from Exercise 3.6, “Appraise Your Ability to Work With Diversity,” on page 25 in your exercise manual. (You completed this assessment during Unit 1.) Do you believe you would be prepared to work with this client and demonstrate cultural competence?

Results: In completing this self-assessment, my four highest scores included,
I would not like to live (don’t like living) in a homogeneous culture (Egan & Reese, 2019).
Because of the richness of human diversity, when I meet and deal with others I am always a learner (Egan & Reese, 2019).
I think that it is important for me to understand whatever diversity and cultural biases (such as racism, anti-Arabism, anti-Semitism, and the like) I have and to deal with them (Egan & Reese, 2019).
Although I realize that differences can be a cause of conflict, I believe that differences can also be a source of human enrichment (Egan & Reese, 2019).

My lowest score included:

I see culture as a two-way street: I want to understand and respect the cultural differences of others, but I also expect them to do the same for me (Egan & Reese, 2019).
This assessment revealed my appreciation of cultural diversity, although I understand I still have growth. I believe the traits we learn throughout life builds or demolishes our understanding of cultural diversity. I have a better understanding of how to treat individuals based on experiences, personal and professional. Although I would like to be treated as I treat others, I have come to realize, this may not always be received as I have come to receive it.
My results for the Kuder Task Self-Efficacy Scale media presentation expressed high scores in literary, persuasive and social services; least, scientific and mechanical. The assessment proved correct about my interests and disinterests. I love helping others, and working in the human services field is where I know I belong.

4. What cultural factors would be important to keep in mind as you meet with the client?

Identify the elements in each list that are a “must” and those with which flexibility may be shown and explain why.

Read Case #4: Metro Corporation Alliance Negotiation
then answer the following questions:
1. From the perspective of each party involved, list the following –
a. List what each party is offering and what it hopes to receive.
b. Identify the elements in each list that are a “must” and those with which flexibility may be shown and explain why.
2. Discuss the role of government intervention in licensing negotiations in general.

What are some ways you have used, observed, or researched for increasing family involvement and communication?

Classroom Engagement Hacks

Each of the scenarios below contains a potential classroom management issue. After you read the scenario and identify the potential issue(s), write an engagement strategy (hack) to implement in the future when teaching this type of lesson (or one similar) to prevent the same issue.

Scenario 1

In your 4th-grade classroom, you are using base 10 blocks to demonstrate the base 10 system. You have the students divided into groups and give them some base 10 blocks to use to solve a set of ten problems. It does not go well. Some students throw the ones units at other groups. Two groups finish quickly, and three groups are painstakingly completing their problems. In addition, you do not get back all the base 10 blocks at the end of the lesson.

What is the potential classroom management issue(s)? What is an engagement strategy (hack) to use in the future?


Scenario 2

In your 2nd-grade classroom, you have a small group of students gathered at the science table watching you create a cloud in a bottle. Most of the rest of the students are in their seat. You can see children getting up and wandering aimlessly. You have a small line of children waiting to ask you a question. One student needs to use the restroom. The match you are using to make the cloud burns your finger. The students you have at your table are watching the rest of the class and miss seeing the cloud in the bottle.

What is the potential classroom management issue(s)? What is an engagement strategy (hack) to use in the future?


Scenario 3

You are teaching a 5th-grade integrated math and science lesson. You have given pairs of students a small ball and a meter stick. One student bounces the ball and the other uses the meter stick to measure the highest bounce of the ball. They must record measurements for six trials, rounding to the nearest centimeter. Then the partners switch jobs and they repeat the experiment. One student gets hit in the eye with the edge of the meter stick. One student goes to the nurse for a stomachache. As you circulate, three partnerships are arguing, two partnerships are not writing anything down, and one partnership broke the meter stick while arguing about who goes first.

What is the potential classroom management issue(s)? What is an engagement strategy (hack) to use in the future?


Scenario 4

In your 2nd-grade classroom, you have set up four math games and two science centers for your 30 students. You explained each game and center before you let the students choose where to go. You noticed that not all the students were paying attention when you were explaining the games. A big group of students begins to argue around one of the math games. You hear a big “UH OH!” and the crash of glass coming from the observation science center. The intercom beeps and you must send a student home with all her homework for the day.

What is the potential classroom management issue(s)? What is an engagement strategy (hack) to use in the future?


Short Answer Questions

Write a 50- to 75-word response to each of the following questions.

  1. What are some practices that you have used, observed, or researched for ensuring safety in a science teaching and learning environment?
  2. How might family involvement in the school or classroom promote positive behavior for students?
  3. What are some ways you have used, observed, or researched for increasing family involvement and communication?