
Describe the NGO and its capabilities in your own words (paraphrase and cite). Don’t cut and paste something from the NGO website.

International Relations is what the course is about:
This week we’re focused on NGOs. For this forum, please complete the three parts described below:
1. Each student should present a description (in your own words) of an individual nongovernmental organization’s (NGO’s) mission and capabilities.

2. Describe the NGO and its capabilities in your own words (paraphrase and cite). Don’t cut and paste something from the NGO website. Obviously, you’ll want to pick an NGO that is involved in issues related to the course. Be sure to use more than one source and incorporate references to course material.Be sure to paraphrase and cite the information rather than quoting it.
3. Your summary should indicate why your NGO should be considered as a friend, foe, or foil. Some NGOs play important roles in conflict resolution. Some NGOs stir up conflict. They also play important roles during the economic, social and governmental aspects of peace settlements–the kind of problems that often cause negotiated settlements to fall apart and conflicts to reemerge.

References: Other references can be used besides the ones listed below.
Successful Model of NGOs in Climate Change.

Steinberg, Gerald. 2011. “The Politics of NGOs, Human Rights, and the Arab-Israel Conflict.” Israel Studies 16 (2): 24–54.

Wilkinson, Paul. 2007. International relations: A very short introduction. Oxford, GBR: Oxford University Press, UK. (pages 130-134/The North/South Divide).

Wilkinson, Paul. 2007. International relations: A very short introduction. Oxford, GBR: Oxford University Press, UK. (pages 106-111/The Environment and Global Warming).

How would possessing this quality make a prince successful as a ruler? In your opinion, is this quality moral or immoral? Why?

The Prince Discussion Forum
For this discussion select one of the the qualities of the ideal prince delineated by Machiavelli. In your response, discuss at least two of the following points.
• How does the ideal compare to one in other works you have read for this class?
• Is this particular quality still relevant in today’s world? Explain.
• What are the positive and negative aspects of this quality?
• How would possessing this quality make a prince successful as a ruler?
• In your opinion, is this quality moral or immoral? Why?
Task 1: Create a new discussion topic on or before on or before the required due date/time by clicking the ‘**REPLY HERE**’ post. Develop a substantive main thread addressing each part of the prompt in full. Your initial thread should be three paragraphs in length (200+ words) and provide textual evidence. You should provide at least one direct quote from the source formatted in MLA Style. For more information about MLA Style, see the Purdue Online Writing Lab here:

Steps to log in:
1. or
2. Click log in
ask support for logins

What parts of the scene are particularly important in supporting your point of view, and how exactly do they do so? Which other parts of the play provide interesting additional perspectives on the issues that you see being played out here?

As before, you will be making at least TWO postings for full credit: your first contribution will be your response to the tasks listed below (you will do each of these tasks in that one posting).

You may wish to construct this posting in a Word document so you can work on its different parts separately, and then paste it into the forum when you have finished.

For the second contribution, make at least one reply to a colleague’s submission that interests you most.

Many students find it useful to print out the instructions to the activities so they can refer to them easily as they complete the tasks.

For an idea of what a good length would be for your First Posting on an activity, look at the sample forum posting in the ‘Assignments’ folder on CANVAS.


Taint not thy mind nor let thy soul contrive

Against thy mother aught. Leave her to Heaven,

And to those thorns that in her bosom lodge

To prick and sting her. Fare thee well at once…

2. 85-88

Hamlet receives these final instructions from the Ghost just before the first visitation is concluded. But what do they mean, and how might they colour our understanding of the characters and their actions later in the play?

Task 1:

Give a short but detailed interpretation of the lines above, using specific reference to the Ghost’s language. How might they be significant for our understanding of Gertrude and Hamlet’s treatment of her afterwards?

Feel free to refer to other lines within the Ghost’s speech or wider scene if this context is useful to your point. Don’t forget to cite the reference for any quotations (see your guidelines ‘Using Drama’).

Task 2:

Now re-read (what, in most editions of our text will be) Act III, scene 4: the confrontation between Hamlet and Gertrude in her bedchamber – starting from: ‘Enter Queen and Polonius…’, and ending with: ‘Exit [Hamlet] lugging in Polonius’.
How does this scene contribute to your own interpretation of Gertrude’s character, position, and behaviour in the play? What parts of the scene are particularly important in supporting your point of view, and how exactly do they do so? Which other parts of the play provide interesting additional perspectives on the issues that you see being played out here?

How would you define religious freedom? What are the limits of religious freedom? Can you think of an example where you would limit religious freedom? Why?

How would you define religious freedom? What are the limits of religious freedom? Can you think of an example where you would limit religious freedom? Why?

In your post, you MUST refer to the course readings – either to agree or disagree with them.

Compare and contrast thesocial and personality development of the infant versus the psychosocial, social, and moral development of the preschool child.

Compare and contrast the following populations using meaningful examples for each stage of development below. Describe how they are developmentally similar and different:

Part A: The social and personality development of the infant versus the psychosocial, social, and moral development of the preschool child.

Part B: The physical, intellectual development of the preschool child, the physical, intellectual/cognitive development of middle childhood, and the physical and cognitive development of the adolescent.

When providing your response, use at least two (2) evidence-based research resources in the last three years that support recent scientific findings, citing at least two (2) specific examples of new discoveries in each of the areas above.

Is there excessive or increasing competition in the market which renders any of the brands unviable?

Assignment Briefs and FAQ


Many popular brands are owned by larger brands. Sometimes these brands are managed under one corporate umbrella, but the brands are distinct and operate independently. In other cases, all brands owned by the company are managed under the primary brand.

In the first assignment your task is to review the brand portfolio of a brand of your choice and identify any critical issues. In the second assignment, you will discuss how can the issue identified (in assignment 1) in more detail and make recommendation as to how the issue can be addressed to develop or strengthen the brand portfolio.

Assignment 1: Brand Portfolio Analysis and Issue Identification Report

  • 1000 words (+/- 10%)

The goal of this assignment is to analyze the brand portfolio of one of the parent companies provided in the list.

Parent company options

Category Companies
Auto Volkswagen
Consumer Beauty Coty Inc

Unilever (Men’s personal care division)

Fashion Gap


Food & Drink Fullers

Walls Ice cream

Hain Celestial Group

Publishing National Media Group (Meredith)
Technology Hewlett-Packard (HP)


Transport Uber


Brand portfolio strategy aims to maximize market coverage and minimize brand overlap through the effective creation, deployment, and management of multiple brands within a company.

To analyze the brand portfolio, you must first identify the brand’s architecture, specifying whether a “branded house”, “house of brands” or a hybrid portfolio architecture is used.

Then, you need to map each of the sub-brands (for single brand companies) or brands (for multi-brand companies) across the market segments to which they are targeted. You are permitted to conduct an analysis at the architectural level, or at the level of a single brand within the portfolio.

To conduct a thorough analysis of the brand portfolio and identify issues, it is likely that you will examine:

  • The brand, including brand equity
  • Developments, trends and challenges in the external environment
  • Competitor brands and the effectiveness of the portfolio relative to competition in the market
  • Segmentation and the target market (i.e. consumers)
  • Positioning of the brands within the portfolio

Your analysis will allow you to identify any issues (concerns/considerations) in the brand portfolio. Some indicative issues are listed below to get you thinking – but there may be others that you could identify that are more relevant to your selected brand.

For example:

  • Are the brands in the portfolio sufficiently strong and in sufficiently attractive markets to justify their place in the portfolio?
  • Are the brands in the portfolio appropriate for their respective target markets?
  • Are the brands appropriately positioned (i.e. with regards to the wants and needs of customers and the brand USPs, or with to the price/value relationships)?
  • Are there untapped market opportunities (i.e. indicating the need for brand extensions or acquisitions)?
  • Is there excessive or increasing competition in the market which renders any of the brands unviable?

You should aim to discuss one issue in substantial depth. If others are relevant or interlinked and you feel they are worthy of discussion, you could examine them more briefly.

Due to your limited word count you should discuss your main points, finding and conclusions in the main body of the report. However, you may include very detailed analyses in an appendix which will be considered briefly and is not included in the word count.

Compare the tools in terms of capability – Explain how are the tools you used to generate your dataviz differ in their breadth of functionality, flexibility, and ability to produce graphics. Provide your own opinion on the effectiveness of the visualization produced by the tool.

Order about “Business Analytics, an Introduction: Assignment 2
Words count: 800 words.
Assignment Details:
For this assignment, you will use any data set with multiple variables that you can find and create 2 of the following charts using Excel, Tableau or any other data visualization tool with which you are comfortable.
Step 1: Find the data – You are free to use any numbers-based dataset you can access. The data could be found online (i.e., publicly available) or from your own personal or professional experiences. Some resources you can use to access free, publicly available data that can easily be downloaded include:
     Step 2: Create two data visualizations using two different dataviz tools – Find two tools that can create data visualizations. The tools could exist on the web or on your computer (e.g., commercially available software that you have installed on your PC). Produce a data visualization using each tool from the number-based data you found in Step 1.
The visualizations you create could include:
 Line chart  Bar chart  Histogram  Pie chart  Bubble
Experiment with the various visualization options of the tools you choose to use (e.g., graphic sizing, color change, labeling, etc.).
Step 3: Compare the tools in terms of capability – Explain how are the tools you used to generate your dataviz differ in their breadth of functionality, flexibility, and ability to produce
graphics. Provide your own opinion on the effectiveness of the visualization produced by the tool.
Step 4: Compare the tools in terms of ease of use – Compare the tools on their respective ease of use, exploring how quickly one can reasonably expect to learn the tool, how intuitive it is, and any special skills required for its use.
Please submit a write-up that includes (1) your comparison of the tools in terms of capability, (2) your comparison of the tools’ ease of use, and (3) the data visualizations you created. You can either create a table or write short paragraphs for these two questions while sharing your experience.

Why is your proposed solution innovative? Describe the innovative features of your project. Demonstrate your knowledge of the principles of innovation discussed in your textbooks, course readings, and the literature that you collected.

APPENDIX A DNPU-702 Innovation Project Video Proposal – Signature Assignment CLO 1 – 4
This assignment is submitted in the form of a video proposal and must be a minimum of 10 minutes in length. The assignment will be submitted by posting a link to a web site hosting your video. Links to how-to tutorials on digital storytelling and posting videos are provided on Blackboard. Innovation projects for this course must focus on leveraging emerging mobile information technologies to enhance evidence based practice. The video proposal must answer the following five questions:

1. What problem will the innovation project solve? Describe what the problem is, where the problem occurs, who is affected by the problem, and what would be different if the problem were solved.

2. What is known about this problem? Discuss the significance of the problem, including statistics about the health, social, ethical, and financial costs of the problem. Describe the background of the problem. Discuss what has been written in the professional literature about the problem. Describe other solutions that have been tried in the past. Describe why they were ineffective.

3. With whom did you collaborate when working on your proposal? Innovation requires collaborating with a diverse group of people who have many different perspectives on the problem. Describe with whom you talked about the project. Describe why you chose them. Describe what help they offered. Describe how you used or why you did not use their help.

4. What “mobile app” did you propose to use to solve the problem? Describe the application you chose and how it addresses the problem. Your description should demonstrate that you have become knowledgeable of the technology related the problem as well as solutions.

5. Why is your proposed solution innovative? Describe the innovative features of your project. Demonstrate your knowledge of the principles of innovation discussed in your textbooks, course readings, and the literature that you collected.
The digital story should include images, text, and narration that flow in an integrated fashion. In the text of presentation, students should use the professional documentation standards describe in the style manual of the American Psychological Association and include a list of references at the end of the presentation.
The assignment will be completed using a LiveText template. It will be graded using the following rubric:
Innovation Project Video Proposal Rubric (Signature Assignment)
Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Emerging (1) Points Awarded and Comments Problem the Innovation Will Solve
8 points (32/300)
Exceptionally thorough description of the problem, who is affected, and what a solution could mean
Generally clear description of the problem, who is affected, and what a solution could mean
Unclear description of the problem, who is affected, and what a solution could mean
No description of the problem, who is affected, and what a solution could mean

Background of the Problem

15 points (60/300)
Provides an indepth, detailed description of the background of the problem including literature, statistics, and solutions tried in the past
Provides clear description of the background of the problem including literature, statistics, and solutions tried in the past
Provides an unclear description of the background of the problem including literature, statistics, and solutions tried in the past
Provides no description of the background of the problem including literature, statistics, and solutions tried in the past

Innovative Collaboration
8 points (32/300)
Demonstrates insightful collaboration of a diverse group, explaining why chosen, the input given, and decision on the use of their insight.
Good attempt at insightful collaboration of a diverse group, explaining why chosen, the input given, and decision on the use of their insight.
Poor attempt at insightful collaboration of a diverse group, explaining why chosen, the input given, and decision on the use of their insight.
No insightful collaboration of a diverse group, explaining why chosen, the input given, and decision on the use of their insight.
Utilization of Appropriate Technology

15 points (60/300)
Detailed, thorough explanation of the technology chosen and how it can be used to solve the issue
Somewhat detailed explanation of the technology chosen and how it can be used to solve the issue
Poor explanation of the technology chosen and how it can be used to solve the issue
No explanation of the technology chosen and how it can be used to solve the issue

Innovative Solutions 15 points (60/300)
Demonstrates superior knowledge of the innovative features of the project with strong understanding of the principals of innovation.
Demonstrates knowledge of the innovative features of the project with good understanding of the principals of innovation.
Demonstrates some understanding of the innovative features of the project with poor understanding of the principals of innovation.
No apparent knowledge of the innovative features of the project with little to no understanding of the principals of innovation.


6 points (24/300)
Sources of information were clearly and completely listed.
Sources of information were clear with some inconsistencies
Sources of information were unclear and/or incomplete
Sources of information were clearly missing
Quality of Digital Story
8 points (32/300)
Clear and meaningful message was communicated with strong visual and verbal expressions.
General message was communicated with acceptable visual and verbal expressions.
Lapse in the general message with acceptable visual and verbal expressions.
Unclear message was communicated with weak or defective visual and verbal expressions.

In relation to a global health challenge, evaluate the relevant policies and contemporary public health practices that inform the role of the future nurse.

Kindly help with previous writer. Formative Assignment FeedbackLO1: Analyse the relevant health data which clearly identifies global patterns of health and disease.
Analyze the health data related to the global health challenge.
Analysis should include clear comparison between the chosen country and the UK
You have made a good start on achieving this outcome. Make sure that your data is presented clearly – I like how you have identified the potential complications early on. Think about how diabetes might interact with other health challenges to develop this further. Perhaps establish here why the WHO has identified it as a health challenge.
LO2: In relation to a global health challenge, evaluate the relevant policies and contemporary public health practices that inform the role of the future nurse.
Critical discussion of the global health initiatives to address the health challenge.
Critically discuss the contemporary public health practices and the role of the future nurse in addressing this global health challenge.
Again, you have made a good start on this outcome. Name specific policies and identify how they will address the challenges you identify. It would be good to think about why this might be further down the agenda in Nigeria – think about priorities and argue why this should be. What specifically can nurses do to address this challenge and how is this supported with policy.
LO3: Evaluate collaborative and partnership approaches, in relation to tackling global health inequalities, across people of all ages, cultures and beliefs.
Consider the services/organizations who work towards tackling the identified challenge – these may extend beyond traditional health services/systems.
Consider whether health inequalities exist.
Identify specific determinants of health related to the challenge.
Identify a relevant model of health and include this within the analysis of the approaches used to tackle the challenge.
Consider whether a specific population is a greater risk in relation to the global health challenge.
Think about if there are specific groups within Nigeria which need to be targeted and compare this to the UK.
Look at the socioeconomic differences that might mean the determinants affecting this disease. might be different and might inform different approaches. Are there similarities?
LO4: Identify a global health challenge and critically discuss the initiatives to address the identified issue.
Critically discuss initiatives to address the global health challenge.
The relevant initiative could be a health promotion initiative, social policy, professional issue however the intended aim is to critically discuss the selected initiatives.
Comparison of the issues between the chosen country and the UK relevant to the chosen challenge.
Evidence based critical discussion using relevant literature and data.
You have made a good start on this. Focus on differences between the 2 countries in terms of economics and health care provision – ie numbers of health care workers and discuss how this could mean that diabetes is further down the agenda.General – check your spelling and grammar – you have used “preference” in place of “prevalence” in a few places. Proof-read your final submission to check for these errors. Make sure that your data supports your assertions.
Includes appropriate Referencing –
Reference as per university regulations – refer to LEAP online. Use more academic references from university of Bolt

Describe the dimensions of your personalized professional philosophy of Nursing. Identify at least (3) three characteristics of each philosophy.

  • First, describe the dimensions of your personalized professional philosophy of Nursing. Identify at least (3) three characteristics of each philosophy. Cite at least (2) two references, other than the course textbooks, to support your professional philosophy. Write (2 to 3) two to three substantive paragraphs for this section of the assignment.
  • Secondly, using a minimum of (2) two National League for Nursing competencies that you select from any of the (8) eight categories, explain how you would integrate your personal and professional philosophy in your role as a nurse educator, whether in academia or a healthcare service setting. Describe how your personal and professional philosophies complement each other. How do they come together in your practice as a nurse educator? You may use Billings and Halstead (2016) to reference the NLN competencies. Write a minimum of (2) two substantive paragraphs for this section of the assignment.
  • Write with quality versus quantity in mind.