
Describe and discuss the cultural, social, personal, and psychological factors that influence the purchase of the product/service.

Q1. Describe and discuss the cultural, social, personal, and psychological factors that influence the purchase of the product/service. (Ch. 6)

Q2. Explain the needs that are met for each of the firm’s target markets. (Ch. 6)

Q3. Explain how potential global markets will be evaluated for potential entry. Discuss the most likely mode or modes of global market entry (Ch. 8)

Q4. Describe the variables (demographic, psychographic, and behavioral) used to segment the firm’s target markets. Explain how the firm evaluates the attractiveness of each identified market segment. (Ch. 9)

Q5. Should the firm pursue full market coverage, multiple segment specialization, single-segment concentration, or individual marketing? (Choose one and omit the others) (Ch. 9)

PS. The firm to be discussed above is UNITED RENTALS. Also you are going to need this text book to complete this paper.
Kotler, P. T., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (Custom 15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, Inc. ISBN: 9780133856460If you have any questions you can reach me anytime

Was the diet appropriate, what changes to the food intake would you make if your client is to continue following a vegan diet?

2000 words
This assessment asks you to consider a practical case where you have a client who is currently happy with their weight but wants to follow a vegan diet. How will you approach this to ensure your client does so in a healthy way? (Please note your client is you!). The specific aim is therefore to design and carry out an assessment to evaluate the current energy balance status of a vegan client using methods taught on this and on previous modules.
Writing up the Report

The report should be written using the following guidelines –
Please ensure your work is anonymous and the name of the client is confidential.
2000 words

Describe the reasons for nutrition assessment including the importance of measuring body composition, energy intake, energy expenditure and energy balance.

Nutritional assessment of a healthy person (you) who wants to follow a vegan diet.

Give a detailed and concise description of the methods you used and if necessary the instructions provided to the client.

Present your findings from the body composition, energy expenditure, and energy intake measurements using text and tables as necessary.
Raw data can be put in an appendix.

Points to consider:
Did the body composition assessment provide useful information?
Was the diet appropriate, what changes to the food intake would you make if your client is to continue following a vegan diet?
Did you measure BMR or RMR or total energy expenditure?
Is your participant in energy balance, what are the long term implications for this?
Does your participant need to be referred to another health professional e.g. a GP or a physio
How could your assessment be improved for greater accuracy?

Summarise your findings and put them in into the vegan context, what was the overall outcome?

Association for Nutrition (2020) Accessed 8 Jan 2020.
British Dietetic Association (2019) Plant based Diets. Accessed 17.1.20
Elia M, Ljungqvist O, Stratton RJ, Lanham-New S (2012) Clinical Nutrition. Wiley Blackwell: London.
FAO/WHO/UNU (1985). Energy and Protein Requirements. WHO
Gibson RS (2005) Principles of Nutritional Assessment, OUP: Oxford.
Weir, J.B. d. V. (1949). New methods for calculating metabolic rate with special references to protein metabolism. Journal of Physiology 109, 1-9.

Instructions if you are measuring BMR or energy expenditure;
Prepare the participant by ensuring they are in thermoneutral conditions, rested and are familiar with the mouthpiece. After approx. 5 mins of acclimatisation to the mouthpiece, the measurement may begin.

Analyse the contents of the Douglas bag using the Servomex Gas Analysers to measure O2 and CO2 content. And the Harvard Dry gas meter to measure the volume of air the Douglas bag contains.

At the end of the measurements, the data can be used to determine energy expenditure using the following equation by Weir (1949).

21 – r CF
BMR (kJ/min) = V * * *20
100 t

V = Volume of expired air (l) CF = correction factor (to account for temperature and pressure)

r = O2 content of expired air (%) 20 = energy equivalence of O2 (kJ/l)

21 = O2 in inspired air (%) t = time (min)
If calculating BMR state which specific equation (Schofield, Mifflin St Jeor or Oxford)

How are you going to collect data relevant to your research question(s)? In other words: What research methods are you planning to use?

Contemporary Research 2

Research proposal 2000 words 50% of module mark

The research proposal will include an introduction, research questions, and identification and consideration of the methodology to be used for the research project which you the student intends to undertake at Level 6 in SOC 6044 Professional Research Project, as well as annotated bibliographies of primary and secondary sources.

Assignment – Research Proposal

You must write a proposal for a piece of research on a topic of your choice. YOU WILL NOT CARRY OUT this research, although you should use this assignment as an opportunity to develop your ideas for research to carry out for your dissertation.

Structure of the Research Proposal

The below structure is for guidance on how to structure your research proposal. You should follow this, though the following deviations are acceptable:

  • Merging sections 3 and 4;
  • Merging sections 5 and 6
  • Depending on your project there may not be a need for section 6.

These sections are separated in the outline below to ensure that they are not overlooked when you write your proposal and to indicate approximately how much time should be spent discussing them.

Note – depending on your project, these sections will differ. For example, a content analysis of newspapers will likely have a shorter ethics section than interviews conducted with a vulnerable group.

For those doing a library based dissertation you still need to establish research questions and be explicit about your intended aims and purpose of the research. Whilst your methodology section will be shorter, there still needs to be some consideration of why you will use certain theories and texts, and how you will gain access to those texts.


[Enter your Student ID Number in the space below.]


Enter up to 100 characters in this space [To check the character count, highlight the relevant text and click on the tab at the bottom-left border of the Word window which shows the word count – this will open up the Word Count dialogue box which shows the character count.]


Guideline word count – this will differ between sections depending on what your topic is.

[600 words]

[1000 words for a literature-based project]

This section will set out the context for your research. You will review the literature on your chosen research topic, in order to establish what we already know and what YOU hope to add to the current knowledge base.

Bryman (2017) Chapter 5 – ‘Getting started: reviewing the literature’, pp.90-119




[400 words]

The literature review should have identified a gap in current knowledge/ an issue we want to know more about. From this, you will derive your research questions.

Bryman (2017) Chapter 4 ‘Planning a research project and formulating research questions’, pp. 90-119



[700 words]

  • How are you going to collect data relevant to your research question(s)? In other words: What research methods are you planning to use?
  • (Why) Are the research methods/ sources you have selected the appropriate ones for your research question(s)?
  • How do these methods promise to deliver on the research questions?
  • How will you analyse your data?


Depending on your chosen research method you should begin by reading the relevant section from Bryman that relates to that method. Following this you should then engage with further sources focussed on your chosen approach.



[300 words]

  • What, if any, ethical issues do you believe are relevant to the proposed research project?
  • How do you aim to address these?
  • If you believe that an ethics review is not necessary, please explain your view.
Bryman (2017) Chapter 6 ‘Ethics and Politics in Social Research’, pp. 120-146



[The bibliography is not included in your word count.]

We use APA to reference for Criminology and Sociology in the School of Social and Health Sciences.

For more information on how to format references please see:^2

Appendix 1 – Research Question: What should the project be about?

This assignment is your opportunity to pick a research area and topic that are of interest to you. Indeed, you will get the most from this proposal by choosing something you want to understand in greater depth. A good starting point if you are unsure about your area is to read the following from Bryman (2017)


Chapter 4 – ‘Planning a research project and formulating research questions’ (pp. 73-89).


Make use of the workshops to ask questions and explore issues relating to social research.

How well does the article satisfy generic conventions? In other words, is it structured in a way that appeals to its  specialized readership?

For this assignment, you will write an essay (750-1250 words) for a general academic audience that evaluates a professional disciplinary science article from your field of study (i.e., your major).
In evaluating the article, you should consider its rhetorical effectiveness. That means your essay should work to answer the question, “How persuasive is this article for members in my field? Why?”
To make this claim you’ll need to consider the expectations of your focusing article’s audience:
• What do they want to see in a piece of writing? What are the field’s unique conventions?
• What kinds of evidence and analysis must be included, and what form must it take, for a scientific audience to  recognize an article’s value? Have the authors provided enough such evidence?
• How well does the article satisfy generic conventions? In other words, is it structured in a way that appeals to its  specialized readership?
• Does the article “tell a compelling story”? Does it include clear characters, a plot, and so on?To complete this assignment, you will:
• Introduce your article by summarizing its main claims and methods to provide your audience with a baseline for  understanding your evaluation.
• Lay out clear criteria for judging the effectiveness of your chosen article and show that your article meets those criteria by analyzing direct quotations from it.
• quote and draw explicitly on our rhetorical and theoretical course reading attached Value Arguments in Science by Carter.
• Presume your readers are familiar with the terminology we’ve taken up in class; your audience consists of your  class peers.

1. Make sure your main claim is clearly stated at the beginning of your paper as a thesis.
2. Organize your paper coherently with focused paragraphs, clear topic sentences and transitions.
3. Provide evidence in the form of quotations and paraphrases from the text you are evaluating.
4. Identify the major claims of your focus article in the process of articulating the fitness of its persuasive strategies.

Describe your methodology, including participants, materials, dependent and independent variables, and data collection.


It has been determined that one of your Mild-Moderate students, Jose, has a need for Assistive Technology to assist with his writing. Even though Jose is 13 years old, his handwriting is still at the beginning writing level. He can’t write on the lines, his letter formation is poor and difficult to read. Although Jose can read at a 5th grade level, he still struggles with spelling.

Design an Action Research project investigating the effectiveness of the Assistive Technology to meet the needs of this student.

  1. Determine your objective or research question.
  2. Describe low, medium and high AT options to meet these needs. Include your consideration of home use of the AT as well as school and how that will impact the family.
  3. Identify one AT option and provide a justification for why you chose this for your student.
  4. Describe your methodology, including participants, materials, dependent and independent variables, and data collection.
  5. Describe your plan for analyzing your data and presenting your data to the IEP team.


  1. Objective/Research Questions:
    1. Is a Speech-to-Text an effective Assistive Technology (AT) tools for Jose to use in order to improve his spelling and writing?
  2. AT Options:
    1. Low: A low AT option is a technology that is intended to be as a straightforward as possible. For example, Graphic organizers are not technologically advanced but will keep Jose’s thoughts and work organized. This can also be done in a simple handout form for Jose. For example, thinking maps, teacher modified thinking maps, teacher pre-led activities paper, etc.) Jose will be able to take the graphic organizer home with him and get assistance from his parents.
    2. Medium: Moderate- or mid-tech assistive technologies are typically tools or devices that are battery operated; the technology is more sophisticated and requires more training than the low-tech assistive technologies (Blackhurst, 2005). For example, a calculator or a handheld device. Jose will have the opportunity to check his spelling using a dictionary or a handheld dictionary that is user friendly for Jose. Jose can transport the dictionary from school to home.
    3. High: Speech-to-text: A high tech assistive technologies are sophisticated devices or tools that are commonly associated with computer-based technology such as speech-to-text (Blackhurst, 2005). A high tech AT option is a technology that incorporates advanced features for Jose to use. The speech to text is a tool that Jose can easily use anywhere (e.g. home or school). The main benefit of the speech to text is that it will improve Jose’s quality of writing because it will allow Jose to be more independent in his writing. Speech-to-text will allow Jose to compose more fluently, and according to some studies, produce higher quality writings, especially Jose who has academic difficulties (MacArthur & Cavalier, 2004).
    4. Jose will be able to take the speech-to-text installed Chromebook home to complete work that he started at school. His parents can assist him with his assignments that have already been started.
  3. Identify one AT option and provide one justification for why it was chosen:
  4. Justification: Research indicates that speech-to-text for students with writing difficulties, may improve Jose’s writing skills, and according to some research it produces higher quality text (Quinlan, 2004).
    1. Reading- Because Jose is able to read well, he should be able to use the STT feature independently and once he has used it, he could go back and read his work to make sure it flows and that it has the correct spelling. Jose should make the corrections necessary to correct his spelling.
    2. Handwriting- students with Learning Disabilities (LD) experience handwriting difficulties, producing letters at a rate significantly below their classroom peers, and generate papers, that are considerably less legible and low quality (Adams, 2017).
    3. Research: When teachers understand the basic struggles with written expression, it empowers the educators to support de development of wiring in a manner that is least restrictive for students (Santangelo, 2014)
    4. MacArthur and Cavalier, (2004) indicated in their research that STT is valuable in providing a valid assessment of a student’s ability to generate and organize ideas, use coherent sentences, and gives them the opportunity to revise the content.
    5. Research also indicates that struggling writers who use STT technology were less focused on the mechanics of writing and therefore increased their quality of writing (Gardner, 2008).
  5. At home Jose will have access to the speech-to-text device to complete any assignments that he did not complete at school.
    1. The speech-to-text device will assist Jose at home as well. The speech-to-text will increase his independence of writing at home.
    2. The speech-to-text will increase Jose’s fluency and self-efficacy in writing (Adams, 2017).
    3. Under the related services therapies, handwriting difficulties continue to be one of the most difficult areas for individuals with learning disabilities and it is one of the main reason’s students are referred to OT (Case-Smith, Holland, & Bishop, 2011).
  6. Methodology:
    1. Participants
      1. Jose: Student with a learning disability who struggles with writing.
      2. Parents: Jose’s parents
  • General education Teacher: Service provider
  1. Special education teacher: Service Provider
  2. School administrator: district representative
  3. Occupational Therapy: Service Provider for Jose’s writing
  • School psychologists: IEP team member
  1. Materials:
    1. Chromebook that has the MS Word installed that Jose will use.
    2. Speech-to-text option (dictation) installed MS Word.
  • Jose’s writing samples with STT vs. without STT
  1. Home Survey
  1. Dependent/Independent Variable:

Independent Variable:

  1. The intervention (introduction of AT/STT) feature installed on Microsoft Word is used to assist Jose with his writing.

Dependent Variable:

  1. Percentage of words that Jose spelled correctly without the STT
  2. The percentage of words spelled correctly with the STT.

Data Collection:

  1. Collect data before the intervention
  2. Intervention
    1. Teach Jose how to use the SST on MS Words
  • Collect data with the use of STT
    1. Collect samples from Jose’s writing before and after the word processor from school and home
      1. The teacher will collect the data
        1. Data from home and schoolwork that Jose produces on the Word processor
        2. The teacher will effectively teach Jose how to use the STT feature in Microsoft Words.
          1. Observations of Jose using the STT feature and provide immediate feedback as needed.
        3. The data should be collected in a qualitative form.
          1. Observations in the classroom
          2. One on one interviews with Jose about his writing
  • Writing samples to monitor growth, areas of improvement, and weaknesses
  1. Data Analysis & Presentation to IEP team:
  2. Present the evidence of the intervention effects of Jose’s data
  3. the interpretation of the results on Jose’s data

-Data collected in bar graph form based on Jose’s speech-to-text (stt) percentage of correct words before and after the STT.

  1. Discussion on Jose’s data and what to do with it regarding his spelling.
  2. for 30 minutes periods based on the collected data.
  • Graphs will be bar graphs comparing his pretest to the intervention from the STT and teacher collected data,
  1. Conclusion



Adams, Jennifer.  (2017) The effectiveness of using speech-to-text technology to support writing of students with learning disabilities. Theses and Dissertations. 2481.

Blackhurst, A. E. (2005). Historical perspectives about technology applications for people with disabilities. In D. Edyburn, K. Higgins, & R. Boone (Eds.), Handbook of special education technology research and practice (pp. 3-31). Whitefish Bay, WI: Knowledge by Design.

Case-Smith, J., Holland, T., & Bishop, B. (2011). Effectiveness of an integrated handwriting program for first-grade students: A pilot study. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65, 670–678. 2011.000984

Gardner, T.J. (2008). Speech Recognition for Students with Disabilities in Writing. Physical Disabilities: Education and Related Services, 26(2), 43-53.

MacArthur, C.A. (2009). Reflections on Research on Writing and Technology for Struggling Writers. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 24(2), 93-103.

MacArthur, C., & Cavalier, A. (2004). Dictation and Speech Recognition Technology as Test Accommodations. Exceptional Children, 71(1), 43–58.

Quinlan, Thomas (June 2004). Speech Recognition Technology and Students with Writing Difficulties: Improving Fluency. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96(2), 337-346.

Santangelo, Tanya. (2014). Why is Writing So Difficult for Students with Learning Disabilities? A Narrative Review to Inform the Design of Effective Instruction. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, 12(1), 5-20.

Adams, Jennifer.  (2017) The effectiveness of using speech-to-text technology to support writing of students with learning disabilities. Theses and Dissertations. 2481.



Explain the different clearance mechanisms associated with the different regions of the respiratory system.

Assignment 2

This assignment consists of four parts: A, B, C and D for a total of 13% of the course mark. Please refer to the D2L link Course Materials – Course Outline – Quizzes, Assignments and Exam Details and Course Schedule about completion, due date and submission of this assignment.  Also refer to the ‘Assignment Instructions’ posted on the ‘Assignments’ link.

Answer the following questions, note that some answers may be given in point-form or in a table format.

Part A   (Module 3 – Occupational Health Methods)

  1. There are five main reasons that would trigger an occupational hygiene assessment in a workplace. Using a hospital’s histology laboratory as an example, explain how these reasons would apply to this occupational setting.  (Note: a histology lab would use chemicals such as formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene)
Five Main Reasons Explanation
1.      To carry out qualitative and quantitative assessment of workplace health hazards


Reason being any exposure of the chemicals used in the histology lab such as formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene
2.      To determine whether exposure to a particular hazard is in compliance with exposure limits


3.      To relate health effects with exposure to specific hazards


4.      To evaluate the effectiveness of exposure controls


5.      To obtain exposure information for health research or epidemiological studies.




  1. Name and briefly describe two commercially available DRI products that are used for workplace carbon monoxide sampling; your answer is required to include the following: product/brand name, product model, a brief description of the type of DRI sensor used, detection range, and the product specification websites. (Note: research on the internet is needed to obtain information of instrument via manufacturers/suppliers internet websites)

Part B (Module – 4)

  1. List the seven different kinds of defense mechanisms that are used to protect the respiratory system. For each of these, use three to five sentences to describe the function of each.
Defense mechanisms Functions
The coughing mechanism Helps expel any build-up of harmful substances. When a person experiences an upper respiratory tract bacterial or viral infection such as the common cold, the coughing mechanism starts. In case of mucous build up the body’s natural reflex response will try to cough it up.
Humidification This mechanism allows for compounds to be dissolved in the fluid or humid environment of the respiratory system. Causes harmful substances to be trapped and caught and prevent from moving into other areas. Also causes dust or air particles that are small enough to travel in the air to other areas.
Secretion of mucous If an irritation is to occur the secretion of mucous will start in the respiratory tract. Will also initiate coughing reflex which will then expel or swallow harmful agents. This defense mechanism can also be harmful is large amounts of mucous is secreted which can block the small conducting airways.
Cilia This is used in the conjunction with the mucous secretion. This helps and expels the mucous build-up. The action of the cilia is to move the substance that is trapped in the mucous up and outward the throat area.
Antibodies Destroys harmful substances and micro-organisms. There are also anti-viral substances such as interferon. Which are produced when cells are infected by a virus and have the ability to inhibit viral growth?
Filtration mechanism  


  1. Name the four stages of the respiratory process. Use three to five sentences to describe the functions of each stage.
  2. Explain the following terms; provide at least two to three points for each:
  3. Spirometer
  4. Forced Vital Capacity
  5. FEV
  6. Describe the characteristics of the following chemical gases and vapours with respect to the absorption through the respiratory system and/or the respiratory toxic effects:
  7. HCN
  8. Nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide
  9. Anaesthetic gases
  10. Paraquat
  11. Sulphuric acid
  12. Simple asphyxiants
  1. Define the following terms:
  2. Aerodynamic Diameter
  3. Terminal Velocity
  4. Impaction
  5. Sedimentation
  6. Brownian Motion and Diffusion
  1. Explain the different clearance mechanisms associated with the different regions of the respiratory system.
  1. List the four categories of effects of toxic agents on the respiratory system. Give examples of at least one toxic agent that fall under each category.
Toxic Agents Examples
Acute cell injury Sulphur dioxide
Increase in airway resistance Toluene diisocyanate (TDI)
Disturbances of the mucociliary transport Tobacco smoke
Chronic lung disease Arsenic


Part C (Module 5 – Particulates and Solvents)

23 Name and give the definitions of the four types of particulate matters.  In each case describe two industrial processes that generate these particulates

  1. Name the five different factors that influence the movements of particulate matters. In each case, describe a control method best used to minimize the dust exposure caused by such actions.
  1. Name and describe the disease process caused by the exposure of both crystalline free silica and asbestos?
  1. Explain the term “organic dusts”.  Give three examples of such type of dusts and in each case briefly describe the source and health effects of exposure. 
  1. Describe the general occupational health and safety hazards related to the use of organic solvents. Name three organic solvents and for each named solvent, the common usage in industries.
  2. Given these two organic solvents: methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and benzene. Find out the six solvent properties described in Lesson 5.4 for each and list them in a table format.  Give your reasons as to why one is preferred over the other from an occupational health and safety standpoint.  You’re required to provide the references that give you the information.  (Hint: the Internet has numerous resources to obtain the data for these solvents; however, you’ve to ensure that the sources are credible and that the information is current)
  3. Name the two most common health effects caused by organic solvent exposure. Provide the name of five organic solvents and indicate their respective health effects related to occupational exposure.
  1. Name and describe the characteristics of the two classes of respiratory protective equipment. Explain the basic difference in respiratory equipment designs regarding protection against particulate matters and solvent vapours.


Part D (Module 6 – The Skin and Eye)


  1. Briefly explain why the skin and eye are two vulnerable organs of the human body with respect to occupational health.


  1. Briefly describe the meaning of these terms:
  2. Stratum corneum
  3. Sloughing process
  • Melanin
  1. Describe the five components of the dermis layer of skin. Briefly describes the important function of each from the health and safety standpoint.
  1. Explain the factors that affect the skin as a route of absorption and excretion of chemical exposure.
  1. What are the four main classifications of occupational skin diseases? For each class, give two examples of such disease and the workplace exposures causing such diseases.
  1. Explain the difference between irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. Give examples of agents (at least three) that cause each of these two types of skin disorders.
  1. Briefly describe the four different types of eye hazards. For each type, give at least one example of such hazard in a workplace.
  1. Briefly describe, using three to four points, the meaning of each of the following terms and their significance in occupational health:
  2. Dermatitis
  3. Erythema
  4. Chloracne
  5. Miliaria
  6. Photosensitization
  7. Glaucoma
  8. Conjunctivitis
  9. Welder’s flash
  10. Blinking reflex
  11. Lacrimal glands

Describe the control measures that are common to both occupational skin and eye hazard exposure. Your answer should highlight the unique control measures that apply to skin and eye hazards respectively.

Critically discuss – Would customers’ full knowledge that the sub-brands are both owned by Unilever affect perceptions of the sub-brands and purchase intentions?

Not many Dove customers or Axe customers are aware that both brands are owned by a single (umbrella) parent brand (Unilever), and bonded by the mission statement  – ‘Adding Vitality to Life’.

Critically discuss – Would customers’ full knowledge that the sub-brands are both owned by Unilever affect perceptions of the sub-brands and purchase intentions?

Individual case study analysis

Word limits

  • Written analysis guided by specified case questions: 500 – 600 words, excluding references and appendices (electronic copy to Canvas).

Marks & feedback returned to students

Assignment task

The goal of this assignment is to assess your ability to apply marketing knowledge you’ve studied on your course to problems and scenarios concerning real brands. The assignment involves undertaken two case study analyses at the times dates specified in the Indicative Teaching Schedule. You are assessed on two components: (i) the quality of your written response to assigned case question(s), and (ii) active participation in an in-class discussion on the assigned case.


What vehicles would you recommend to the couple to optimise their financial resources? Explain fully what options the couple have and what your recommendations are.

Host School of the module: Finance and Accounting.

Coursework Title

James is 35 years old and has recently got married to Jane; the couple have a child, Julie. They live outside London in a property worth £1,000,000, with a mortgage of £400,000. They do not plan to move in the near future. James is paid £100,000 per year, and they are unsure whether Jane will go back to work after her maternity leave. She used to earn £35,000 per year.

They also have £75,000 in pension plans and an additional £300,000 in various investment accounts, in joint names. These investments are a combination of cash (5%), corporate bond funds (35%) and equity funds (60%). James feels that returns have been too low, and would like to achieve higher returns, while maintaining a degree of liquidity for future expenditure.

He is willing to consider riskier investments.

  1. a) As their wealth manager, what further information would you require from James and Jane with respect to their investment objectives and constraints? (15 marks)
  2. b) How would you assess the couple’s joint risk appetite in the light of James’ willingness to consider riskier investments? (15 marks)
  3. c) What vehicles would you recommend to the couple to optimise their financial resources? Explain fully what options the couple have and what your recommendations are (50 marks)
  4. d) Explain how the couple can assess the performance of their investments (10 marks)

10 marks for presentation

Maximum word count: 2500, excluding Abstract and References section

Credit will be given for effective planning, analytical ability, depth of analysis, awareness of the strengths and limitations of the information produced, logical flow of ideas, relevance and well written presentation. Students must demonstrate relevant skills in utilizing the Bloomberg database to undertake research or conduct an exploratory study in the area of banking.

Coursework criteria: assignment weighting.

Evidence of extensive and appropriate reading 20
Evidence of understanding the key issues 40
Critical reflection and relation of theory to practice 10
Relevance of materials and appropriate referencing 20
Overall presentation 10


Coursework presentation:

  • An electronic copy of your assignment should be submitted in Word format via the module Blackboard site.
  • The assignment should be properly labelled with your last name and student ID
  • The coursework should have a cover page, which includes the Module title and code and word count.
  • The coursework must not be longer than 2,500 words (excluding reference list and cover page)
  • Use font size 12 Arial and 1.5 line spacing.
  • Upon submission, the assignment will be checked via Turnitin for plagiarism.

Referencing requirements for assignments.

Statements, assertions and ideas made in coursework should be supported by citing relevant sources. Sources cited in the text should be listed at the end of the assignment in a reference list. Any material that you read but do not cite in the report should go into a separate bibliography. All referencing should be in Westminster Harvard format. If you are not sure about this, the library provides guidance (available via the library website pages).

The pass mark for the module is 50%. To pass overall, the minimum mark for each assessment is 35%. (If your mark for an assessment is under 35%, you will be required to complete a referral assessment and your mark for that will be capped at 50%).

Difficulties in submitting assignments on time.

If you have difficulties for reasons beyond your control (e.g. serious illness, family problems etc.) that prevent you from submitting the assignment, make sure you apply to the Mitigating Circumstances board with evidence to support your claim as soon as possible. The WBS Registry or your personal tutor can advise on this. 

Submitting your coursework – checks.

You must include your name, student ID and word count on the first page of your assignment.  Unless indicated otherwise, coursework is submitted via Blackboard. On the Blackboard home page for the module you will find a button on the menu called “Submit Coursework”. Clicking this will take you to the submission link.

At busy times the coursework submission process may run slowly. To ensure that your submission is not recorded as a late submission, avoid submitting very close to the deadline. To submit your assignment:

  1. Log on to Blackboard at;
  2. Go to the Blackboard site for this module;
  3. Click on the ‘Submit Coursework’ link in the navigation menu on the left-hand side;
  4. Click on the link for the assignment;
  5. Follow the instructions.

REMEMBER: It is a requirement that you submit your work in this way. All coursework must be submitted by 13.00 (1.00 pm) UK time on the due date. If you submit your coursework late but within 24 hours or one “working” day of the specified deadline, 10% of the overall marks available for that assessment will be deducted as a penalty for late submission, except for work which is marked in the range 50-59%, in which case the mark will be capped at the pass mark (50%).

If you submit your coursework more than 24 hours or more than one “working” day after the specified deadline you will be given a mark of zero.  The University’s mitigating circumstances procedures relating to the non-submission or late submission of coursework apply to all coursework. If you are unclear about this, speak to your class leader or module leader.

Academic integrity.

What you submit for assessment must be your own current work. It will automatically be scanned through a text matching system to check for possible plagiarism. Do not reuse material from other assessments that you may have completed on other modules. Collusion with other students (except when working in groups), recycling previous assignments (unless this is explicitly allowed by the module leader) and/or plagiarism (copying) of other sources all are offences and are dealt with accordingly. If you are not sure about this, then speak to your module leader.

University of Westminster Quality & Standards statement:

Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who break the rules, however innocently, will be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing practices. As a University level student, you are expected to use appropriate references and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of material, including any material downloaded from the www.

Plagiarism is defined as submission for assessment of material (written, visual or oral) originally produced by another person or persons, without acknowledgement, in such a way that the work could be assumed to be your own. Plagiarism may involve the unattributed use of another person’s work, ideas, opinions, theory, facts, statistics, graphs, models, paintings, performance, computer code, drawings, quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written words, or paraphrases of another person’s spoken or written words. Plagiarism covers both direct copying and copying or paraphrasing with only minor adjustments:

  • A direct quotation from a text must be indicated by the use of quotation marks (or an indented paragraph in italics for a substantive section) and the source of the quote (title, author, page number and date of publication) provided;
  • A paraphrased summary must be indicated by attribution of the author, date and source of the material including page numbers for the section(s) which have been summarised.

Is “Flight” about a boy’s maturation into manhood and an exploration of the significance of that ?

Is “Flight” about a boy’s maturation into manhood and an exploration of the significance of that ?
-what is the significance/role of Pepe’s father?
-what is Pepe’s relationship to his father through the story?
-Does Pepe reach manhood?

Is the personal cost too high in terms of the dilemma of dealing with one’s own family issues while trying to meet the time and stress demands of leadership?

Using the books –
Focus: Elevating the Essentials for School and District Improvement by Mike Schmoker.

District Leadership That Works: Striking the Right Balance

Write a paper giving your answers to the following school leader dilemma questions. The paper should be double spaced, 12 point font, Calibri, one inch margins. For each answer site at least one source with page number.

Dilemmas in Schools

1. Centralized v. Decentralized Decision-making

Is it best to centralize and ultimately control the process or is it best to decentralize and empower others to assume responsibility?

2. Personal Life v. Professional Life

Is the personal cost too high in terms of the dilemma of dealing with one’s own family issues while trying to meet the time and stress demands of leadership?

3. Truth v. Varnished Truth Is it sometimes better and more humane to tell a half- truth rather than the whole truth to protect faculty interests and school building leadership as well as well as the school district one represents?

4. Creativity v. Discipline of Thought

Is it possible to provide a greater latitude of freedom for some school building leaders yet maintain structure for others who need it within a climate of collegiality?

5. Trust v. Change Does implementing even the smallest of change frequently result in suspicion of your motives as a leader?

6. Leadership v. Management

Is it critical to understand the difference between leadership and management and be able to put into practice one or the other when necessary?

7. Long-term goals v. Short-term results

Is it critical for superintendent job security to focus on short-term improvements in areas like student achievement test scores rather than implementing comprehensive quality student-centered programs.

8. Motivation v. Manipulation

As superintendent are you authentically motivating your teams to accomplish district goals or are you really manipulating people to get the results you deem most appropriate for your own survival?

9. Independence v. Dependence

Do you readily, and too often accept, the role of district problem-solver and decision-maker or do you facilitate others to solve their own problems so as to foster less dependence on you as the district decider?

10. Conflict v. Consensus

Is it best for the superintendent to promote consensus decision-making on the part of district teams or is it best to support dynamic tension that results in conflict but more meaningful problem resolutions?

11. Commitment v. Compliance

Is it possible to achieve commitment during times of change that foster compliance given the bureaucratic nature and hierarchical chain of command of contemporary school systems.

12. Problems v. Predicaments

Is the public we serve able to understand that several contemporary educational problems are really systemic predicaments that are more universal in nature than easily solved at the local level.