
Critically analyse the economic impact of ‘Brexit’ (Britain’s exit from the EU).

Critically analyse the economic impact of ‘Brexit’ (Britain’s exit from the EU). Brexit means that the UK will be breaking away from its main trading partner; The European Union and will therefore no longer benefit from the free trade deals within this trading bloc. Although this is causing much uncertainty and disruption, there could potentially be the opportunity for the UK to negotiate new or revised economic partnership agreements (EPA) or trade deals with those outside of the EU. Using the UK and one non-EU member state from the list below, discuss the economic implications of Brexit for these two countries, including: trade relations, FDI inflows and outflows, as well as each country’s economic growth forecasts, to assess the economic activity for these two countries as a result of Brexit.

Please, SELECT ONLY ONE of these non-EU member states listed below to discuss alongside the UK to use as discussion for in your essay. All of the countries below have signed trade deals with the UK, which will come into effect after Brexit. PLEASE CHOOSE ONLY ONE OPTION OUT OF THE FOUR TO USE AS TOPIC DISCUSSION FOR MY ESSAY. I PROVIDED THE FOUR SO THAT MY WRITER CAN FREELY PICK THE MOST SUITABLE OPTION FOR GREAT ANAYLYSIS.

• Morocco (signed trade deal with UK on 26th October 2019). In 2018, total trade between the UK and Morocco was worth £2.5
• Central America (signed trade deal with UK on 18th July 2019). Total trade between the UK and Central America was worth £1.1bn in 2018
• Norway and Iceland (signed trade deal with UK on 2nd April 2019) According to the ONS, total trade between the UK and Norway and Iceland was worth £30.6bn in 2018
• South African Customs Union and Mozambique (signed 9th October 2019) Trade between the UK and Southern African Nations was worth £10.2bn in 2018

Critically evaluate the corporate governance structure of Barclays bank Plc and implement the ‘Comply or Explain’ principle of the UK Corporate Governance Code 2018 in relation to ‘board composition and effectiveness.

Critically evaluate the corporate governance structure of Barclays bank Plc. In your answer,

1 – you are required to examine how Barclays Bank Plc implement the ‘Comply or Explain’ principle of the UK Corporate Governance Code 2018 in relation to ‘board composition and effectiveness,

2 – The role of board committees, risk management, remuneration and relations with shareholders’.

You are required to use relevant authorities to write a 1500 words critique. Word count excludes references and bibliography. Ensure all references are OSCOLA compliant

Conduct a one-way ANOVA on both Anxiety and Performance using Sound as the independent variable.

PSY 520 SPSS Assignment 2

Before you begin the assignment:

  • Read Chapter 14 in your Beginning Behavior Research: A Conceptual Primer textbook and Chapter 13 in your Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics
  • Review the video tutorial for an overview of conducting ANOVA analyses in SPSS.
  • Download and open the Test Performance SPSS data set.

An overview of the data set:

This data set represents hypothetical data from a study that examined how background music affected performance on a math test. Specifically, participants were randomly assigned to take a general math test with rock music, classical music, or white noise playing in the background. Further, participants were classified as being either high or low in math experience based on the number of college math courses they had taken.

Here is some more information about the variables in this hypothetical data set:

  • Number: The ID number of the participant
  • Sound: The type of background music participants heard while taking the test; 1 = rock, 2 = classical, and 3 = white noise
  • Experience: Participants who had taken three or more college math courses were classified as being high in math experience, whereas participants who had taken fewer than three were classified as being low. 1 = high and 2 = low
  • Anxiety: Anxiety during the test, with possible scores ranging from 0 to 50. Higher scores indicate higher levels of anxiety
  • Performance: Performance on the general math test, with possible scores ranging from 0 to 100. Higher scores indicate better performance on the test


1) Describe in your own words what type of research situations call for a researcher to use an ANOVA analysis.

Type answer below:

2a) Use the Compare Means function (AnalyzeàCompare MeansàMeans) to compare the means of the three Sound conditions on Anxiety and Performance.

Paste output below (Read carefully: The best way to do this is to select “Copy Special” when copying from the SPSS output. Then select image as a format to copy. When pasting in Word, select Paste Special, choose a picture format, and then resize the image so it fits the screen):

3b) Based on these results, on which variable does it most appear there might be significant differences based on the Sound condition?

Type answer below: 

4a) Conduct a one-way ANOVA on both Anxiety and Performance using Sound as the independent variable. That is, conduct two separate one-way ANOVAs, one with Anxiety as the dependent variable and one with Performance as the dependent variable.

Paste the output below (Read carefully: The best way to do this is to select “Copy Special” when copying from the SPSS output. Then select image as a format to copy. When pasting in Word, select Paste Special, choose a picture format, and then resize the image so it fits the screen):

5b) Based on these results, were either of your ANOVAs significant? How can you tell? Use a cutoff level of .05 for your decision.

Type your answer below:

6a) Remember that in a one-way ANOVA, we are only looking at the impact of one variable on the dependent variable. Factorial ANOVAs, on the other hand, assess the impact of multiple independent variables. Conduct a factorial ANOVA on Performance using both Sound and Experience as independent variables. Be sure to choose the option to view the estimated marginal means for all of your main effects and interactions—this will allow you to more easily interpret the results.

Paste your output for only the Test of Between-Subjects Effects below:

7b) Write the results of the ANOVA. For help, refer to this document.

Type answer below:

Compute the projected sales, cost of products sold, gross profit, and gross margin (gross profit as a percentage of sales) of each firm for Year +1 through Year +5.

For this practice activity, we will use the End of Chapter exercise from pp. 703–704: “10.11 Identifying the Cost Structure and Projecting Gross Margins for Capital-Intensive, Cyclical Businesses.” This includes the AK Steel case study. After reading the case study, answer questions A–D below. Refer to the textbook and other course materials to support your responses.

  1. Cost Structure: Compute the cost structure for each firm. You will need to calculate three variables for both companies:
  2. Variable Cost per Dollar of Sales = Change in Cost of Products Sold / Change in Sales:
  3. Total Variable Cost = Variable Cost per Dollar of Sales * Sales:
  4. Total Fixed Cost = Total Cost of Product Sold – Total Variable Cost:
  5. Structure of Manufacturing Cost: In one paragraph, compare the structure of manufacturing costs for each firm:
  6. Projected Financial Information: Compute the projected sales, cost of products sold, gross profit, and gross margin (gross profit as a percentage of sales) of each firm for Year +1 through Year +5. Using the table below or a similar spreadsheet is recommended.
AK Steel Year +1 Year +2 Year +3 Year +4 Year +5
Less Cost of Product Sold: Variable Cost (0.568 of Sales)          
Fixed Costs          
Total Costs of Products Sold          
Gross Profit          
Gross Margin %          
Nucor Year +1 Year +2 Year +3 Year +4 Year +5
Less Cost of Product Sold: Variable Cost (0.613 of Sales)          
Fixed Costs          
Total Costs of Products Sold          
Gross Profit          
Gross Margin %          


  1. Gross Margin Comparison: In one to two paragraphs, explain why the levels and variability of the gross margin percentages differ for these two firms for Year +1 through Year +5. Provide an example comparing the effect of the change in gross margin. (For example, if gross margin changed from 25% to 35%, what would it mean for each company?)

Describe or critique current corporate strategy issues within the organization and present valuable solutions that could resolve the issues.

Corporate Strategy

Write about a corporate strategy of an organization (could be one you are part of). Describe or critique current corporate strategy issues within the organization and present valuable solutions that could resolve the issues. The desired outcome, from your proposed solution to the corporate strategy issues, should fit into the organization’s corporate goals and objective.

A brief half page about what you want to write about is required to be submitted to the professor for approval before starting on the paper. Final paper should be 10 – 15 pages.

Paper focus on lessons from class and textbook.

Course Textbooks
Joan Magretta. Understanding Michael Porter. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2012

Richard P. Rumelt, Good Strategy Bad Strategy. New York: Crown Business, 2011

What is the role of the State Government in the policymaking process? How does it differ from that of the Federal Government? Is it more or less important? Why?

What is the role of the State Government in the policymaking process? How does it differ from that of the Federal Government? Is it more or less important? Why? Provide examples to clarify your responses.

Select an issue (Human Trafficking) facing the IC, and explain why you want to participate on this TF. Why is this the most pressing or interesting issue?

Module 4 Scenario

As a TLO, you’ve been asked by the local JTTF Commander to provide a local perspective on current issues facing the IC. Some of the issues include border security, human trafficking, and narcotics trafficking, but there are others. You can participate on the task force of your choosing.

Select an issue (Human Trafficking) facing the IC, and explain why you want to participate on this TF. Why is this the most pressing or interesting issue?

For this issue, outline a strategy to effectively collect, evaluate, and disseminate intelligence information within the IC and with local LE. Include which INTs are most relevant, where there are gaps in collection and analysis, and approaches that might soon be available to fill the gaps. What will your role be as a TLO?

Explain 3 ethical issues that would need to be addressed in collecting and disseminating intelligence for this problem.

Explain whether there is a realistic counterintelligence threat to this effort, and where it might be targeted and who would be likely to benefit.

Provide quotation(s) to support your response.
You may prepare either a 3-5 page memo, or a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation with notes.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Assignments should be 3-5 pages double-spaced, not counting the cover or reference page or a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation (not including cover, intro, questions, references slides) with notes.
Paper format: (a) Cover page, (b) Header, (c) Body. Submit your assignment by the last day of this module.
Slide format: Cover slide, Introduction, Body slides, Conclusion and “Questions” slide, References slide. All slides (except cover, intro, questions, references, should have supporting notes)

Identify from the middle range theories presented in your textbooks, one interprofessional or middle range theories associated with your concepts of interest, and give a rationale for its selection.

Interdisciplinary Philosophies and Theories

Read the case of “Mrs. Mendez”

As an advanced practice nurse, identify the various knowledge bases that you draw upon from the physical, emotional, spiritual, cultural, and social sciences in the care of Mrs. Mendez and her family.

For example, Which science bases tells you about how cancer develops; which science bases tells you about pain and pain management; which science bases tell you about grief and loss or emotional states; which science bases help you understand the importance of spiritual assessment and care; which science bases help you to assess and intervene with the family both as individuals at their own developmental age and the family as a system; which sciences bases help you understand the cultural perspectives?

1: Make a list of key concepts relevant to the case study.

2: Identify from the middle range theories presented in your textbooks, one interprofessional or middle range theories associated with your concepts of interest, and give a rationale for its selection.

3: Discuss how the selected theory guides both your clinical assessments and interventions for Mrs. Mendez or her family.

4: Explain how knowledge from interprofessional health-related sciences informs advanced nursing practice.

Does the introduction offer sufficient background information (not excessive summary) about the play being analyzed?

Essay #1 Rubric
Essay Assignment #1: Swimming While Drowning Essay

Does the title/hook effectively grab the reader’s attention?
Does the introduction offer sufficient background information (not excessive summary) about the play being analyzed?
Does the introduction contain a clear, compelling thesis statement about one out of the five scenes the writer has decided to examine in Swimming While Drowning.
Does each body paragraph begin with a clear topic sentence that connects to the thesis?
Does each body paragraph include specific, carefully chosen textual evidence to support the claim?
Does each body paragraph use close reading to analyze the moods, patterns, and language of the text?
Does each body paragraph end with a careful, logical explanation of how the textual evidence supports the claim and overall thesis?
Does the conclusion restate the thesis and emphasize the essay’s main ideas?
Does the conclusion end with a compelling final thought?
Is the essay well-organized and easy for the reader to follow?

Is the essay written clearly with relatively few sentence-level errors?
Does the essay use proper MLA format (including a works cited page if needed)?

Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators.

Implement the Health promotion plan for childhood immunizations by conducting educational session PPT addressing the health concern and health goals of selected community. Evaluate health policies, based on their ability to achieve desired outcomes.
Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators.
Integrate principles of social justice in community health interventions.
Apply professional, scholarly communication, strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health.
evidence-based practice to provide health promotion and disease prevention activities to create social and physical environments conducive to improving and maintaining community health.
Title and reference slides, also.