
How does this concept relate to or apply to the therapeutic nurse-client relationship?

Criteria Weight Mark
Introduction -Introduction is focused and sets the stage for the ensuing paper

  • Engaging opening sentence
  • Present the concept clearly and concisely (include supporting literature)
  • Purpose statement is clear and concise
  • Explain how the concept will be explored
Concept Description

  • Define/describe the concept according to literature
  • If applicable, include reference to relevant RNAO, CNO or CNA documents
Implications for nursing practice

  • Why is this concept important to nursing?
  • What do the professional nursing bodies say about the concept?
  • How does this concept relate to or apply to the therapeutic nurse-client relationship?

  • What does this mean to nursing and/or nursing practice?
  • What pre-conceived ideas or assumptions did you have regarding this concept prior to writing this paper and how has this changed?
  • How does this concept resonate with you personally and link with your knowledge/experience both past and present?


Use of scholarly literature

  • Integration of literature is apparent and woven appropriately throughout paper.

·         Minimum of five (5) current (2015-2020) references.  Five of those 6 references are to be from nursing peer reviewed journals. The other one reference must be peer-reviewed but not necessarily nursing-based. Beyond the minimum of six, other relevant resources may include (but not limited to) government sites, literature from professional associations (eg., CNA, CNO, RNAO), etc.

·         Some concepts may have seminal work published prior to 2015 and this work should be included.

Quality of writing

  • Use of APA (6th ed.) formatting, referencing, title page, citing and word count
  • Logical flow, organization, spelling, grammar, syntax and clarity of expression

  • Summarize key points and make links between the concept explored and what has been learned
Total 100  


How much would Green Apparel save if, instead, the company adopted the operational dress code for all their staff?

QUA301 Foundations: Quantitative Literacy – Introduction to Data Analysis
Assignment 1
Answer all questions showing all your calculations
Question 1
Green Apparel, a large clothes retailer with high street shops and an online shopping site, has a different
dress code policy for its admin and operational staff. The dress code for admin staff is suit and shoes and for operational staff is top, trousers, and shoes, all provided by the company. Green Apparel employs 330 staff as shown in the left side of Table 1. The right side of the table shows the cost of each clothes item by purchase quantity (which is not affected by clothing size). Although different types of shoes are available, their cost is assumed to be the same, as given in Table 1.

a. Calculate the total cost for Green Apparel to purchase the appropriate items for all their staff. [5 marks]
b. How much would Green Apparel save if, instead, the company adopted the operational dress code for all their staff? [2 marks]
c. What is the total cost of clothing the staff of one of the company’s warehouses, where 2 senior, 20
office employees plus 2/3 of the delivery and half of the warehouse employees are based, in a new
specific colour (same cost per item applies)? [3 marks]
d. If shoes of the operational staff need changing twice a year and of admin staff only once a year, how
much does Green Apparel spend on shoes per year? [2 marks]
e. Green Apparel is considering updating its logo and has budgeted £10,000 for uniform changes. The
logo is embroidered only on the jacket (2/3 of the cost of the suit) and top. Has the company budgeted
enough to pay for the cost of replacing these two items for all their staff? Justify your answer carefully.
[3 marks]
f. The delivery staff have suggested the introduction of a (sun) cap. Green Apparel has found two
suppliers: supplier “Best caps” offers a fixed £2 price per cap, and supplier “Caps for you” offers a
£2.50 price on the first 50 caps ordered and a discount of 50% on the rest of the order. Which supplier
would you recommend and why? [3 marks]
g. If Green Apparel hires 5 admin and 25 operational new staff, how much is the (separate) uniform bill?
[2 marks]
Question 2
“Pretty Sunglasses” sells three ranges of own brand sunglasses, basic, classic and designer, which are
priced at £99, £150 and £220, respectively. Last Spring, it sold 650 basic, 910 classic and 585 designer
sunglasses and, in the Summer, sales went up to 1040, 1430 and 1170, respectively.
a. Produce a table summarising the above information on the sales of each range of sunglasses in Spring
and Summer. Include the price information as a separate row/column. [6 marks]
b. What is the percentage increase of sales of all three ranges sunglasses from Spring to Summer? And
what is the percentage increase in total sales? [4 marks]
c. A new basic range will be introduced in the Autumn by Pretty Sunglasses, so it was decided to offer a
25% discount on the price of the current basic range. What is the new retail price? If 35% of the basic
range were sold at this price and the rest at the original price in the Summer, what was the total value
of the sales of this range in the Summer? [4 marks]
d. VAT is charged at 20%. What is the pre-VAT price (price excluding VAT) of designer sunglasses? What
was the total VAT revenue collected by Pretty Sunglasses on designer sunglasses sales in the Spring?
[3 marks]
e. Use a chart(s) of your choice to analyse the sales of Pretty Sunglasses over the two seasons. [3
Question 3
Renoir plc is considering investing in a new machine for its packaging plant.
a. The company is considering two machines that meet its needs. They both have an expected life of 5
years. Machine A costs £5,500 and is expected to have a scrap value of £600. Machine B costs £5,000
and is expected to have a scrap value of £1,000. Their expected cashflows are given in Table 2.
Calculate and compare the Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) and Payback Period (PP) for both
machines. [10 marks]
Table 2: Expected cashflows (before depreciation) of machines A and B
Year Machine A Machine B
0 (£5,500) (£5,000)
1 £2,000 £1,400
2 £2,000 £1,600
3 £2,000 £2,000
4 £2,000 £2,000
5 £2,000 £1,800
5 £600 £1,000
b. Is there a case for investing in any of these machines? Using a discount rate of 10% and the
appropriate calculations, can you help the management of Renoir plc to make a decision about this
new machine they want to invest in? [10 marks]
c. The company is also considering machine C which has an expected life of 5 years and is expected to
generate annual cashflows of £2,500. Using a discount rate of 10%, what is the maximum amount the
company should pay for the machine if it is not to suffer a net loss as a result of the investment? [5
Question 4
Monet plc has an opportunity to invest in a plant for the manufacture of reusable water bottles, the demand
for which is estimated to be 500,000 bottles a year for five years. The following data relates to the decision.
ګ The machine is estimated to cost £2,800,000 (payable immediately) and to have no residual value
ګ The selling price per bottle is planned to be £4.50
ګ The variable cost per bottle is estimated to be £2.90
ګ Overhead costs are not expected to be affected by the decision.
ګ The cost of capital for such a project is estimated to be 10% p.a.
ګ The project is not expected to require any additional working capital.
ګ In the interest of simplicity, taxation will be ignored.
ګ Assume, also in the interest of simplicity, that all cash flows occur at year ends
You are asked to undertake a sensitivity analysis of the above project for the following factors:
1. Initial investment [5 marks]
2. Sales price per bottle [5 marks]
3. Variable cost per bottle [5 marks]
4. Sales volume [5 marks]
5. Project discount rate [5 marks]
Summarise your results in a sensitivity analysis table advising the company on the most sensitive factor. [10

Utilize relevant research in explaining how strengths and weaknesses can be leveraged to achieve personal and professional goals.

IND 299 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
In this course, you will explore the value of the Bachelor of Arts in General Studies (BA.GST) degree and how the vast knowledge gained in this diverse educational program gives you an innovative edge professionally, personally, and for civic engagement. As you prepare for your future beyond this degree, it is crucial that you be able to articulate, in a professional manner, how your experience has prepared you for the opportunities you seek. To help you practice the skill of formally defending your experiences, skills, and goals, you will create an academic plan of study for the final project in this course. In this document, you will have the opportunity to illustrate your personally designed strategic plan for achieving your goals and earning a BA.GST degree.
Your academic plan of study will begin with SMART goal planning strategies. You will highlight the diversity of knowledge and skills you plan to attain through the domains of study that supplement the achievement of the goal statement. The next step is defending your concentration, which is a focused area of study and knowledge that supports your completion of the goal statement. You will then compile a comprehensive list of the completed and planned coursework required to earn your degree by the anticipated graduation date. Finally, you will present an extended rationale for your goal and the steps you have outlined to reach that goal. Your perceived professionalism as you present your academic plan is just as important as the content of what you say. Be sure that you cleanly and professionally format your plan and check your document for any spelling and grammar errors.
The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Three, and Five. The final product will be submitted in Module Seven.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
 Illustrate the applicability of academic learning by explaining its connections and value to personal and professional planning.
 Utilize relevant research in explaining how strengths and weaknesses can be leveraged to achieve personal and professional goals.
 Employ fundamental writing skills in articulating plans of study appropriate for academic and professional audiences.
 Apply fundamental goal principles and strategic planning techniques in supporting feasible plans of academic study.
Create an academic plan of study that will explain and support your intention to earn a Bachelor of Arts in General Studies degree. Begin by forming an achievable goal statement. Then, discuss your prior and planned academic learning and how you can use it to direct your academic and professional planning. Finally, build a case for your plan of study by articulating its value to you moving forward. Remember that this is a formal, professional document that must be formatted and presented in a manner appropriate for academic and professional audiences.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Identify the fitness requirements of the clients through and interview and needs analysis.

For this activity you will need to plan and implement five fitness programs for clients in the age group of 13 to 17 years of age.

For each of the fitness programs you will need to:

1. Identify the fitness requirements of the clients through and interview and needs analysis.
2. Undertake a health appraisal.
3. Make referral to AHP for 2 clients where indicated in templates.
4. Develop plans for the exercise sessions.
5. Instruct the exercise sessions.
6. Review the exercise sessions.

These assessment activities may be undertaken using real clients in an actual fitness setting, or where that is not possible or practical, they may be undertaken in a simulated environment and/or using volunteers who will role-play the clients.

Where any simulation occurs the conditions must be consistent with the fitness setting, which means the available resources and conditions must be the same as in the commercial fitness setting.

Use the templates provided in the Answer Assist below to assist in the planning of the sessions, and in recording the details.

Demonstrate a deep and systematic understanding of conventional and contemporary ICS implementations and their comparison to IT systems in the context of cyber security.


Section 1:       Overview of Assessment

This assignment assesses the following module learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate a deep and systematic understanding of conventional and contemporary ICS implementations and their comparison to IT systems in the context of cyber security; (A, B)
  • Undertake the analysis of the cyber threat landscape in ICS and evaluate current cyber protection approaches in the field; (B)
  • Design and evaluate improvements in current cyber protection approaches to tackle the cyber security challenges that arise in ICS. (B)

The assignment is worth 50% of the overall mark for the module.

Broadly speaking, the assignment requires you to write a 4,000 words report on the analysis of the current cyber threat landscape and cyber protection approaches in the Critical Infrastructure, proposing ways for improvement. The report will be research-based, written in an industrial standards format; you are expected to draw information from one or more case studies including but not limited to “Stuxnet” (and/or variations of Stuxnet), the “Analysis of the Cyber Attack on the Ukrainian Power Grid” in 2015 and Wannacry.

The assignment is described in more detail in section 2.

This is an individual assignment.

Working on this assignment will help you to identify and analyse the challenges that arise in the cyber protection of cyber physical control systems used in the Critical Infrastructure, and present them in a report that follows industrial standards. Through your research you will analyse and evaluate the current threat landscape and the cyber protection approaches in the field, and propose ways for improvement. If you have questions about this assignment, please post them to the discussion board on Blackboard.

Section 2:       Task Specification

Produce a 4,000 words report analysing selected case study/-ies on cyber security incidents in the Critical Infrastructure.

You are working as an independent consultant for a Cyber Security firm that operates a Research and Development department on Cyber Security in Industrial Control Systems. The firm wants to gather intelligence on cyber security in Critical Systems in order to come up with new products and solutions. Your assignment is to do research in this area and produce a report that addresses the firm’s needs. In particular, your research will focus on:

  • The analysis of the current threat landscape in cyber physical control systems used in the Critical Infrastructure.
  • The analysis and evaluation of current cyber-security approaches in the field.
  • Ways to improve current cyber security approaches, analysing their impact on the system.

Your research must draw information from one or more case studies provided in the lectures (e.g. Stuxnet, Flame, Ukrainian Power Grid, Wannacry etc.) and relevant papers of high quality. In your report, you must clearly identify the following elements:

  • The differences between traditional IT systems and Critical Systems and how they affect cyber security;
  • The entities involved in cyber security incidents in the Critical Infrastructure (e.g. attack actors, ICS vendors, environment etc.);
  • The cyber security risks and the associated threat vectors;
  • Current cyber security approaches and their limitations, analysing the technical and operational challenges that arise;
  • Ways to improve cyber security in this area, discussing their impact on the system.


The report must follow professional standards, written in an appropriate style and format. Accuracy, completeness and consistency of citation and listing of sources must also be taken into account.


Section 3:       Deliverables

A 4,000 words written report is to be submitted via Blackboard by XXX in PDF format.

Your report should include the result of your research as described in Section 2. On the first page of your report you should clearly identify the subject/title of the report, your name and surname followed by your student ID and the current date.




Section 4:       Marking Criteria

  0-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-84 85-100 Mark & Advice for Improvement
Understanding the nature of ICS (differences with IT systems and impact on cyber security in ICS)


Poor content; little or no description of the differences between IT and ICS systems. Provides some description of the differences between IT systems and ICS; content not adequate; further analysis is needed on the impact they have on cyber security. Provides a description of the differences between IT systems and ICS; impact analysis could be clearer. Provides a well written description of the differences between IT systems and ICS, giving an impact analysis based on information drawn from good quality sources. Very well written description of the differences between IT systems and ICS based on high quality sources; provides a well written impact analysis based on high quality sources. Excellent description of the differences between IT and ICS systems, explaining in detail how they affect cyber security in ICS. Appropriate sources used. Outstanding description of the differences between IT and ICS systems and how they affect cyber security, providing examples from case studies; use of additional sources.; publishable material.  
Analysis of the threat landscape and evaluation of current cyber-security approaches


Poor content; little or no analysis of the threat landscape and/or evaluation of current cyber security approaches. Provides some analysis of current threat landscape and security approaches; misses important elements; inadequate depth of content. Provides a description of the landscape and some evaluation of current cyber security approaches. Provides a well written description of the threat landscape and an evaluation of current cyber security approaches based on data drawn from good quality sources. Provides a very well written description of the threat landscape and an evaluation of current cyber security approaches based on data drawn from high quality sources. Excellent analysis of the threat landscape and current cyber security approaches; appropriate sources used. Outstanding analysis of the threat landscape and current cyber security approaches, providing examples from case studies; use of additional sources; publishable material.  
Ways to improve current cyber security approaches


Poor content; little or no discussion on ways to improve cyber security in ICS. Some suggestions on how to improve cyber security in ICS; inadequate content; little or no evaluation of the proposed methods. Provides suggestions to improve cyber security in ICS; not clear how they map to the rest of the report; provides some evaluation of proposed improvements. Well written suggestions on how to improve cyber security in ICS; based on the analysis of current approaches; provides evaluation of proposed improvements. Very well written suggestions on how to improve cyber security in ICS; based on detailed analysis of current approaches; provides evaluation of proposed improvements. Excellent work on suggestions to improve cyber security in ICS; based on detailed analysis of current approaches as identified in relevant papers or case studies; well-presented evaluation of proposed improvements. Outstanding work on suggestions to improve cyber security in ICS; based on detailed analysis of current approaches as identified in relevant papers and case studies. Publishable material; well-presented evaluation of proposed improvements.  
Quality of writing


No use of the appropriate terminology; fails to describe the problem and the work done; shows a lack of structure,

comprehensibility, clarity and grammatical quality.

Lack of or

inaccurate use of

the appropriate

terminology; shows a lack of structure,

comprehensibility, clarity and grammatical quality.


Often fails to use appropriate terminology; may lack in layout and/or logical structure; may show a lack of clarity and comprehensibility;

lacking grammatical structure.


Mostly uses appropriate terminology; well presented; lacking in clarity and grammatical structure. A good grasp of the appropriate terminology; well presented in both layout on the page and logical structure; resented in an appropriate style; good grammatical standard. Uses appropriate terminology accurately; professionally presented in both layout on the page and logical structure; very well presented in an appropriate style; grammatically of a very high standard. Uses appropriate terminology accurately; professionally presented in both layout on the page and logical structure; impressively presented in an appropriate style; grammatically of an extremely high standard.  


Discuss the role that leadership played in establishing and maintaining labor unions from approximately 1880-1900.

Read text book Chapters 7 & 8 pgs. 97-125
Jama Lazerow, “Power and Respectability: The Knights of Labor”
For the first time, during the late nineteenth-century, organized labor unions are beginning to survive immense outside pressures, whether they be economic depressions, anti-unionism, or even state violence.

A significant change was the introduction of strong leadership. Discuss the role that leadership played in establishing and maintaining labor unions from approximately 1880-1900.

How did this strong leadership manifest itself into political action?

Other than survival, what were the major successes and failures of organized labor during this period?

Critically examine the impact of the Qatar Diplomatic Crisis on the reputation / image of Qatar Airways in order to propose recommendations on how the airline can recover its position / market share.

Aim – Critically examine the impact of the Qatar Diplomatic Crisis on the reputation / image of Qatar Airways in order to propose recommendations on how the airline can recover its position / market share.

^ need to finalise aim however leaning most toward the following;

Critically examine the impact of the Qatar Diplomatic Crisis on the reputation of Qatar Airways in order to propose recommendations on how the airline can recover its position within the market.

Objectives –

  1. Define and explain the concept of international diplomatic relations between different states (Lit review)
  • From a general broad perspective
  • Use of textbooks etc
  • Mention of Economic free trade deals
  1. Identify the key criteria that constitute effective diplomatic crisis relations within the context of the aviation industry (Lit review)
  • Narrow down into the aviation industry
  1. Conduct a timeline of the Qatar diplomatic crisis and examine the impact on the reputation of Qatar Airways (Findings and Analysis)
  • Started around 2016/17
  • Include government body websites such as, ICAO, IATA, FAA, EASA
  1. Complete a SWOT Analysis on the current reputation of Qatar Airways
  • Summarise key findings within a SWOT analysis
  1. Propose recommendations and strategies on how Qatar can rebuild its reputation
  • Give my strategies on how Qatar Airways can restore its reputation looking at Best Practise)

Evaluate experiential learning related to each professional competency by connecting theories and concepts with practical experiences.

1. In an 8-page research paper, report experiential learning of the course outcomes and professional competencies by answering the following questions:
2. Evaluate experiential learning related to each course outcome by connecting theories and concepts with practical experiences.
3. Evaluate experiential learning related to each professional competency by connecting theories and concepts with practical experiences.
4. Discuss two valuable experiences in detail and how they apply to certain course outcomes.
5. Discuss how experiential learning opportunity helps with growth.
6. What challenges can be faced and why?
7. What can be done to eliminate these challenges? Requirements:

Analyze the application of concepts and theories related to new ‘social network’ technologies. 

Main Objective of the Assessment

You are required to produce an INDIVIDUAL formal report involving a consideration of knowledge management (KM) initiatives and how they may be exploited for business value. The assignment (max 2500 words excluding references) will involve an analysis of an organisation of YOUR choice with the objective of determining how KM (embedded in social media) may result in successful innovation.

Description of the Assessment

You are required to identify how ANY organisation may ‘learn’ the nature of social media which may be adopted to exploit the extent of an organisations ‘knowledge’ leading to enhanced ‘innovation’. For clarity, your report should therefore form FOUR elements, i.e. organisational learning approach, social media development, knowledge management features and the opportunities for subsequent business innovation.

It is expected that an in-depth investigation is undertaken to determine the extent of the theoretical and practical issues involved in how Social Media may be analysed through KM and innovation frameworks. Examples should be drawn from other research into well formulated networks currently available, i.e.; Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Google, Linkedin, NING, Writeboard, Storybird, etc. You should include how your case analysis enabled successful knowledge and innovation within the organization. This should also involve a consideration of developments in the field by providing insightful explanations of current and future potential social media exploitation.

The report should provide an academic analysis by recalling the theories and approaches that are relevant to the topic. You may structure your report to include any relevant tables or diagrams with a suggested format as: features of organisational learning, nature of knowledge and how it may be managed, a contextual description of social networks and issues relating to the exploitation of organisational innovation through Social Media systems.

The following learning outcomes are assessed through this assignment.

  • 1  To critically discuss the nature and process of knowledge creation and transfer within organisations.
  • 2  To critically evaluate how organisational and social dynamics combine to engender innovation.
  • 3  To analyze the application of concepts and theories related to new ‘social network’ technologies.
  • 4  To be able to present theoretical and empirical evidence to address complex problems and practical situations in relation to knowledge management and 
innovation development.

The individual report should reflect:

  • †Ability to identify diverse and high quality sources of information (a minimum of 20 references are required from different sources). These should include: academic journals/ books/ trade publications, government and industry data, websites, etc.
  • †Demonstration of clear understanding and synthesise of the available information in order to gain an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the topic(s).
  • †Ability to discuss complex information clearly and concisely, and to construct coherent and logical arguments.
  • †Ability to present your findings in a professional and well structured report format, including effective use of figures, tables, appendices and referencing (Harvard 
Style is required). 
It is essential that your research should include novel, thoughtful analysis and the impact of social networks on innovation through referencing and incorporation of ideas from multiple sources.

Demonstrate an understanding of how support processes can affect the customer experience. Identify any essential support processes that were required in the customer journey of Dr Dao.

Task One [1000 words, 30 marks]

Using secondary research, provide an overview of United Airlines. Include its history, the demographic profile of its target market and any global consumer trends it follows.

  1. Overview [250 words]

When was the company created? Where do they operate? How big is the airline? Where are there headquarters? Who is the chairman and CEO?

  1. Demographic pROFILE OF A united airlines CUSTOMER [250 words Using market segmentation theory, describe a typical United Airlines customer.
  1. United airlines CONSUMER TRENDS [250 words]

Identify any trends that United Airlines leverage. Use a consumer trend report.
Provide written or visual evidence

  1. united airlines CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS [250 words]

Using your research, describe the likely expectations of a United Airlines customer.

Task Two [2000 words, 60 marks]

Based on evidence from your secondary research, create a service blueprint to depict the journey of DR DAVID DAO. Using the blueprint, identify where the service failure occurred and outline the consequences.

  1. CUSTOMER JOURNEY [500 words]
    Demonstrate an understanding of customer journey mapping and service blueprint theory including its purpose and the benefits an organisation can derive. Determine the key stages in Dr Dao’s customer journey.
  2. Physical Evidence [300 words]

Demonstrate an understanding of the physical environment on customers including relevant theories. Identify the physical evidence in Dr Dao’s customer journey.

  1. ‘ON STAGE’ INTERACTIONS [300 words]

Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of interactions between customer service employees and customers including relevant theories. Identify any interactions between Dr Dao and customers.

  1. ‘BACK STAGE’ INTERACTIONS [300 words]

Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of backstage interactions including relevant theories. Identify any backstage interactions in the customer journey of Dr Dao.

  1. Support processes [300 words]

Demonstrate an understanding of how support processes can affect the customer experience. Identify any essential support processes that were required in the customer journey of Dr Dao.

  1. service blueprint

The service blueprint needs to be clear and logical. Template available on the VLE.


Demonstrate an understanding of service failure theory and identify where there were failures in the customer journey of Dr Dao. Make recommendations on what they could have done better.

Reference LisT [10 marks]

To secure these marks you are required to list your sources here and to use citations in the text that follow the correct technique. Ten sources minimum is expected. A link to the referencing guide can be found on the VLE.

Hudson, S. and Hudson, L., 2017. Customer Service for Hospitality and Tourism. Oxfordshire: Goodfellow Publishers Ltd.