
Assess how, and to what extent, corporate social responsibility can be coordinated with an organization’s obligation to maximize profits for its shareholders.

Assess the impact of corporate social responsibility policy on the workplace and the corporate world.
Assess how, and to what extent, corporate social responsibility can be coordinated with an organization’s obligation to maximize profits for its shareholders.
Identify a potential ethical issue at a real-world organization. You may use the organization and issue you used in the first and second assessments.
Assess the ethicality of the organization.
Identify the major stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities regarding the issue.
Assess the potential impact of the organization’s choice to address or not address the issue via corporate policy. Address the financial and legal impacts of this choice on the organization, employees, and other stakeholders. In addition, address the potential impact on the organization’s reputation.

Examine how physical activity may enhance the lives of special populations. Examine physiological and psychological elements associated with special populations.

Personal Fitness Trainer Diploma

Assignment #2: Disability Paper


The purpose of this assignment is to present a variety of disabilities/ special populations and better understand how each one is unique with regards to fitness programming.


The learning outcomes covered in this assignment:

  • Examine how physical activity may enhance the lives of special populations.
  • Examine physiological and psychological elements associated with special populations.
  • Understand the risk and functional assessment of special populations.
  • Understand the exercise prescription for special populations.


Each student will present a disability and the specific implications for fitness in written format (approx. 10 pages, double spaced including reference list and title page, excluding figures and tables). The first section of the paper should give a brief overview of the disability / special population. The second section should focus on elements of implications to fitness including a review of current research on the area. The final portion must be a practical component demonstrating fitness techniques or presenting an actual training program. Please ensure that references are cited in the body of the paper, as well as listed in the final reference section according to APA formatting guidelines. A MINIMUM of 8 respected references sources is required for this assignment not including the assigned reading. If you wish to include any figures or tables, please include in a final Appendix section of your paper and refer to each individually in body of paper. Students are asked to tell the instructor which disability they have chosen as soon as possible once decided on for approval.



Background on disability/special population                                                                     5 marks

Relevant literature, appropriately interpreted and reviewed                                             5 marks

Practical Implications                                                                                                        5 marks

Depth of thought                                                                                                               2.5 marks

APA referencing and format                                                                                            2.5 marks


Total                                                                                                                              20 marks

What were the major epidemics of the Middle Ages? Why were they so feared? What factors contributed to their spread? What were some strategies people used to prevent these diseases?

1.What were the major epidemics of the Middle Ages? Why were they so feared? What factors contributed to their spread? What were some strategies people used to prevent these diseases?
2.Discuss the Renaissance and why it is important to the history of health and health care.
6.Identify at least five major groups or events that forwarded school health programs.
8.What are national health objectives? Where can they be found? Why are they so important?

Describe how and why these methods are appropriate for the type of problem identified; and how the findings contained within the various articles you reviewed relate to each other.

ESFR 5013 Key Assignments
1. Abbreviated Literature Review: In a short literature review consisting of no more than 20 peer-reviewed research articles, please summarize and critique existing research related to the problem of practice you identified in the previous assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to develop the “evidence base” that you will use to design your research study. Your literature review should describe (a) What is currently known about the problem of practice;

(b) What methods and methodologies have been used to study the problem;

(c) How and why these methods are appropriate for the type of problem identified; and (d) how the findings contained within the various articles you reviewed relate to each other. This assignment is due at the beginning of the fifth class session and should not exceed more than 15 double-spaced pages, excluding APA formatted references. (13 pages)

2. Description of Research Methodology and Methods: In no more than 6 double-spaced pages, please describe the research methodology and research methods that you could use to carry out a study of the problem of practice you identified in the previous assignments.
In your description, please explain how you would (a) select participants and/or a research setting for you study;

(b) What sampling strategy you would use;

(c) What research methodology you would use and why;

(d) How you will approach the analysis of your data; and (e) what limitations you might encounter given your approach. (5 pages)

Collect the growth data for your economy over the required time period, present it in a column chart and analyse this data appropriately.

Core Task: India

Write a report on the growth drivers and growth challenges of India economy covering the period 2015-2019(inclusive)

  • The growth drivers are the factors that cause growth
  • The growth challenges are the factors that inhibit growth

The aim of the report:

To develop expertise on the growth drivers and growth challenges of your selected economy so that you can offer policy recommendations to the government.

For your report you need to do the following:

  • Collect the growth data for your economy over the required time period, present it in a column chart and analyse this data appropriately
  • Explain three growth drivers and three growth challenges using theory and evidence as appropriate.
  • Make three policy recommendations to the government.


There should be 6 sections in your report. Details regarding each section are outlined below.

  1. Introduction (Approximately 150-200 words)

Suggested Content:

▪   Statement of what your report is about and what the purpose is.

▪   Statement about why you choose your selected economy.

▪   Relevant piece of information about your selected economy.

▪   Statement about the structure of our report.

  1. Background (Approximately 200-300 words)

Suggested Content:

▪   Growth performance in your selected economy in the period prior to the period being analysed here e.g. 2010-2014.

▪   A data chart may be created and included within the text or in an appendix

    ▪  Other relevant background information about your selected economy

  1. Data Analysis (Approximately 50-100 words)



▪   Column Chart of data covering the period 2015-2019(inclusive)

▪   Identification of trends in the data

▪   Identification of other relevant observations about your data

  1. Performance Analysis (Approximately 800-850 words)



▪   Clear explanations of three growth drivers and three growth challenges in your selected economy, explained using theory as appropriate and supported with evidence as appropriate

One example of a challenge to economic growth may be low levels of education.

To explain this growth challenge you would need to report the information you have about this for your country including any supporting evidence that either your source provided or you collected yourself from a databank.  You would also explain why low quality education might restrict growth, using theory as appropriate.

  1. Conclusion (Approximately 100-150 words)


▪    Summary of the key points of your analysis (data, drivers and challenges)

  1. Recommendations (Approximately 100-150 words)


  • Three clear recommendations based on your analysis in the previous section. Your recommended policies should be designed to support the growth process (e.g. policies that would create possibilities for growth to happen or policies that would address some of the challenges to growth of the economy).

Theory and/or Task Resources Required for the Assessment


The AS/AD model covered in [Lecture 13] can be used to illustrate either demand side or supply side drivers of growth and may be useful as a tool to explain challenges.

The model of economic growth covered in [Lecture 12] can be used to illustrate supply side drivers of growth and may be useful as a tool to explain challenges.

You do not need to include the same diagram more than once or repeat explanations of the same economic mechanisms.  If the same diagram and economic mechanism is relevant more than once in your report, you need to show the diagram and explain clearly the economic mechanism at play the first time that this is relevant and thereafter refer back appropriately.


Data Task:

You can acquire your data from the world bank databank or other similar data resource (i.e. reputable international or national organisation)

  • If you choose to use the world bank data you can acquire the data as follows:

Type ’world development indicators world bank databank’ into google and click on the first link that appears.  This will take you straight to the database.

You need to select your countries, your series and your time period.

Country is the second option on the left hand panel of the screen. Click country, then select the first letter of your country from the horizontal list of letters at the top and you should find your retty easily.

You need to select your country by clicking on the square box to the left of the country name.

Then click series, click G and find GDP growth (% annual). Click on the square box beside this. This is real GDP growth as GDP at 2010 prices is used to calculate the growth rate. (You can find this information on the definition and source tab on the data file that you download once you have specified your data requirements).

Then click time and select the years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. (the data for 2019 probably won’t be there so you will need to find estimates of the 2019 growth figures from a separate source and reference appropriately).

Then click apply changes and the click the download option at the top right hand corner of the screen.  This will give you a number of options regarding the type of file you will download, excel or csv would be the most popular options.


The research for this report is secondary research.  You must collect your data from a reputable data source such as the World Bank.  You may also use data collected from one of these data sources to support points in your report (For example, as suggested above you may use data that you collected from a data source to illustrate that the quality of education is low)

In addition, you will need to research the economic performance of your selected country by reading articles and reports about this.

Articles written by reputable newspapers such as the economist, the financial times or the guardian may be useful

Individual country reports about the economy produced by international and national organisations will be useful. Examples of such organisations include, the World Bank, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, Central Banks and research institutes such as the National Institute of Economic and Social Research in the UK.

You are required to use a minimum of 6 sources, not including your data source for the GDP data (although that does need to be included in your reference list)

Expected Word Count

The world count for this assignment is 1800 words, excluding diagrams and the reference list.  You may exceed this count by 20% or fall short of this count by 20%.

A report submitted with a wordcount that is less than 1440 or greater than 2160 will receive a penalty.

Your font size for your assignment must be Arial 12.

Harvard Style.

What does it mean to be “true to yourself”? Is being true to yourself more important than achieving personal career success in a male-dominated company?

True to Myself

Ethney Gentry was thrilled to have infiltrated the ultimate“good old boy” network, landing a job with a mid-size, Tulsa-based oil company. Armed with solid credentials and what she considered the strengths of female leadership — listening, collaboration, consensus building, and organization — she looked forward to her first meeting with the company’s first female manager, Alexis Bale, who was about to retire. Alexis offered a firm, almost painful, handshake and a cup of coffee.

“I’ve been looking forward to meeting you, Alexis,” Ethney said.

“It’s Alex.” “Oh, I didn’t know.”

Ethney took a sip of piping hot coffee with a sudden vague feeling of discomfort. The first moments of this much-anticipated meeting seemed awkward and somewhat strained.

“I’ll be honest with you,” Alex said as she walked around and sat in the oversized chair behind her desk. “You’re here for the same reason I was here. When our founder, Champ Luman, died 12 years ago, his three middle-aged daughters, referred to throughout the company as the girls, became major shareholders. They pushed hard for the inclusion of a woman in management. That was me. Now it’s you.”

Ethney tried to show no reaction as she set her cup on the desk.“Are you implying that I was selected over more qualified male candidates?”

“No. I was not on the selection team. I’ve seen your résumé and you are an excellent addition to the organization. But qualifications aside, you and I fulfill, shall we say—the ‘diversity’ requirements for an otherwise all male club.”

Ethney could not believe the undisguised cynicism of the woman across the desk. She was torn between a desire to get up and march out of the office and a desire to stay and hear the entire lecture. She decided to take the high road.“My understanding was that you have been very successful here,” she said.

“I suppose so.” Alex gazed up at the numerous photographs showing oil rigs scattered across the Oklahoma plains.“I learned to play the game,” she said somewhat wistfully. Then she suddenly turned and looked at Ethney.“I’m not trying to intimidate you. But I think that coming in, you should understand some things.”

“Such as?”

“Such as … don’t be too eager with your ideas or opinions. When I started, I intended to jump right in and contribute. The men resented it. I was considered a ‘pushy broad,’ as one gentleman told me to my face. The reaction to me was harsh. They may have been stuck with me, but these guys could marginalize me; make sure I didn’t count, and make sure I knew it.”

“What did you do?”

“I stewed a while and finally tried the opposite tactic. I jumped up to get coffee for everyone. I sought the wise counsel of their opinions before daring to make a suggestion in meetings. I played the female image that was in their minds. I felt like an idiot. I kowtowed ’til I thought I would throw up.”

“How did they react?”

“I was no longer marginalized. But I wasn’t respected either. I had quietly stepped back and accepted my place.” “

Why didn’t you just quit?”

“Because I knew that’s exactly what they wanted me to do. And I’m just mean enough and stubborn enough not to give them what they wanted.”

Ethney took a deep breath and shook her head.“This sounds like Mad Men in the 1950s. I can’t believe men in management act like this.”

“Uh-huh. It may be a little better now, but they are still throwbacks to Mad Men.”

“So how did you develop this reputation for success if you went from being ignored to being a doormat?”

“Have you meet Bill Ledson?”

Ethney nodded, took a sip of coffee, and leaned forward, waiting to hear the secret of success. “At an industry meeting in Houston, his wife, Margaret, got drunk, cornered me, and drawled,‘Listen, Honey. I’ve been around oil men all my life. My daddy and his daddy were oil men. You’re going to have to wise up and take the plunge—become one of the boys. It’s the only way you’ll ever be accepted.’ She reminded me that I’m on their turf. Margaret told me,‘Honey, as a wife and hostess for this crowd, I’ve talked more football than you can imagine. I hate football. I hang on for the commercials. But they don’t know that. Bill doesn’t know that. Me and God— we’re the only ones who know that. Trust me,’ she said. ‘These guys do get down to some serious business, but not until they grouse about how Oklahoma State was robbed of its chance to play LSU for the national championship.’”

“Isn’t that trivializing the men in this company?” Ethney asked.

Alex shrugged.“It worked. I became Alex, and I became one of the guys. And, over time, I came to be treated with grudging respect, and promotions followed. I held the room spellbound for 15 minutes at the last board meeting with my theory that Texas A&M joined the Southeastern Conference in order to up their chances for better bowls because the BCS favors the SEC. Later, when I submitted my ideas for improving the coordination of teams in the oil fields, they thought it was brilliant! I’m one of them!”

Ethney nodded, somewhat impressed. “Take my advice. Change your name. Ethney is too girly. What’s your middle name?”


“Be Madison.” Alex walked Ethney to the door and shook her hand. The meeting was over. As the door closed behind her, Ethney’s feelings about what she had just heard ranged from bewilderment to anger to depression.

“She sold out. All of these women sold out. They can’t even be who they are. I am an experienced, educated, qualified, capable woman. I don’t want to be Madison,”

Ethney thought confidently and pushed the elevator button.

The elevator opened and she stepped inside. What have I gotten myself into?


  1. If you were Ethney, how would you try to conduct yourself at the oil company? Would you act differently from your normal personality? Do you think your approach would be successful? Why or why not?
  2. What other strategies might Ethney adopt to work with the oil company men as an active member of the team? What are the pros and cons of each strategy?
  3. What does it mean to be “true to yourself”? Is being true to yourself more important than achieving personal career success in a male-dominated company? Is it okay to enable the continuation of an “unhealthy” work environment for women? Why do you think the way you do about this?

The length of an answer to each question is typically 100 words.

Do not repeat the questions.

HR departments hire and develop human capital to serve the organization’s strategy and drive performance. Which approach—Kirby’s or Drew’s—is more likely to have a greater positive impact on performance? Discuss.

The Right Way with employees?

As a senior manager for a global player in automobile production and sales, Kirby Ellis had joined thousands of fellow employees in the excitement surrounding production of the company’s new hybrid vehicles. But barely two years into production, embarrassing component shortages, delivery delays, and a recall of the first models had a ripple effect, presenting the company with mounting concerns. In the confusion, many customers canceled orders and turned to competitors for purchase of the eco-friendly vehicles. Ellis’s company was facing a financial downturn. With three decades of service to the company, Kirby led a contingent of managers intent upon keeping together as much of the company and as many employees as possible. “We know there will be some necessary cuts,” Kirby admitted.“But this company has a long history of sticking by its people. Our first priority should be internal streamlining of how we do things and making sure we have the right people on board.” Many managers liked what they heard from Kirby. He was well respected and had an unequaled reputation for his leadership and collaborative skills and his ability to work with managers as well as line workers on the factory floors. People marveled at the number of individuals he knew on a personal level throughout the company. Drew Cunningham influenced a second contingent within the management group. A brash go-getter with a reputation for fixing companies in crisis, he proposed across-the-board cuts in employees in order to implement a solution as quickly as possible. He proposed the immediate creation of a forced ranking system in order to identify and get rid of lower-ranking employees. Kirby raised his hand and rose to his feet in objection. “So we’re going to create a system to fire…” “I didn’t say fire .. .” “OK, cut our own hard-working people? It sounds like some lame government commission,” Kirby said. “We’ve got bright people. This thing simply got worse faster than we thought. We can work with the people we have in setting up more efficient workflow, establishing reasonable deadlines to increase output and . . .” “Kirby, these are not the days of knowing everyone in the plant,” Drew said. “You’re not throwing out your wife’s uncle Harry. We are taking a serious look at what we do, how we do it, and streamlining everything by keeping the right people in the organization and cutting the rest.”


  1. What kind of employee social contract is assumed by Kirby and by Drew? Explain.
  2. If you were an HR manager at the company, which view would you support? Why?
  3. HR departments hire and develop human capital to serve the organization’s strategy and drive performance. Which approach—Kirby’s or Drew’s—is more likely to have a greater positive impact on performance? Discuss.

The length of an answer to each question is typically 100 words.

Do not repeat the questions (Only write your answers).

Identify the two different people or government programs that you will discuss; provide relevant date(s) or time frames.

In your five paragraph essay using this Writing Guide, use the Schultz class text and at least two of the other sources provided for the topic you chose. Note, you need to include a list of Sources at the end (next page below); also you must cite each of those sources in the body of your paper with short in-text citations. Be sure to review the instruction sheet for Assignment 2. Also, see the help sheet called “Sources and Tips for Assignment 2”. That help sheet also explains about length and provides other tips.
In your introduction section, cover the information listed in the bullets below. Your introduction should be one paragraph in length:
• Identify the two different people or government programs that you will discuss; provide relevant date(s) or time frames.
• Describe what you will cover in the paper.

In two paragraphs, do the following:
For Topic Choice One: Describe briefly the background of each person’s early struggles or success at business development and the motivations. Describe key innovations in strategy that led to success. Devote one paragraph to each person and strategy.
For Topic Choice Two: Describe briefly the background of each government program and what motivated its proposal and passage. Describe the impact of each program on the economy. Devote one paragraph to each program and strategy.

In your comparison paragraph, evaluate what you see as the strengths and weaknesses of each, and the impact of each in that period of history. Explain which approach you favor and why.

In your conclusion paragraph, identify similar issues or approaches that developed later, and any similar issues or approaches today.

In a minimum of a 500 word essay, how would you respond to either the rather radical first statement or the more moderate recommendation that follows it?


1. In a minimum of a 500 word essay, how would you respond to either the rather radical first statement or the more moderate recommendation that follows it?

a. Radical response: “The Abrahamic religions are shot through with patriarchy and homophobia. If women and/or LGBT+ individuals are to achieve true equality, they must leave the oppressive structures of the traditional religions and form their own denominations.”

b. More moderate response: “What do you think about the more open welcoming positions of churches and mosques like 1) the Protestant Disciples of Christ, a founding organization of Chapman / Brandman University, 2) Anglican, the English Catholic Church, or 3) the non-denominational Unitarian or Unity churches or 4) progressive Islamic groups such as linked here — .

Be sure to include your definitions of what “patriarchy” and “homophobia” means with specific examples in your response.
Reference: Young, W. A. (2013). World’s Religions: World’s Views and Contemporary Issues 4th ed.

Describe your reasoning/method in choosing internet sites and explain why they were appropriate to fulfilling your objective in the assignment.

The Myth: Emotions are Individual

Emotions and feelings are qualities of being human that are generally assumed to be unique to each individual’s physical and mental state and naturally or spontaneously expressed within various contexts. Contrary to this popular assumption, sociologists conceptualize emotion and feeling as social and cultural expressions that are part of the presentation of self. As such, they are subject to feeling rules and strategies of emotion management that are enacted by the self and others in different types of social interaction and social context. Further, within a sociological perspective feeling rules are understood to be differentially followed, and applied, according to social status (i.e., age, gender, sexuality, occupation, social class, ethnicity, etc.) and cultural background.

The Activity

To demonstrate understanding and comprehension of a sociological approach to the analysis of emotion (e.g., sympathy, frustration, happiness, contempt) this exercise asks you to objectively and systematically analyze your own emotional response to content you view on the internet. The type of content you focus on for this exercise should be something quite general, such as news articles or advertisements.

Before setting out to complete the fieldwork component of this activity (i.e., surfing the internet) read: “Arlie Hochschild: The Presentation of Emotion”(pdf in BB). Use the content of the article to develop a conceptual mapping of what you are looking for in order to objectively observe using a sociological perspective, the feeling rules that are operating as you view the selected sites on the internet. A review of the content of Modules 5 and 6 will also be useful at this point.

To select your sites, keep it in the public domain (I do not want to be privy to your private sites) and keep it simple…this is, after all a course in the analysis of everyday social reality, not the extreme, exceptional or bizzare. Select two sites that evoked very different emotional reactions on your part to their content (e.g., like, dislike; sad, happy; etc.). Use your conceptual mapping of Hochschild’s theory of feeling rules to explore how your various social statuses (male, female, parent, offspring, employee, employer, citizen, consumer, client, majority, minority, etc.) corresponding roles and individual experiences may have coalesced to produce your emotional reactions to the selected sites. Not an easy undertaking, I appreciate, but definitely one that you are capable of.

Report your findings using the following format: Communicate your results. Which means: Report on your objective, theory, method, findings and conclusions in two pages or less, plus appendices. For example:

Provide a substantively meaningful title that informs readers of the central topic and focus of your report
State your objective in this research activity? (Hint: Are emotions individual and spontaneous, or socially produced?)
Summarize (in your own words, with appropriate references) the theoretical insights that informed your approach to this research activity. This would involve a brief textual description of your conceptual map which you may attach as an appendix if you choose. (Gives you an extra page to make your argument, as appendices do not count in the page limit, nor do reference pages).
Describe your reasoning/method in choosing internet sites and explain why they were appropriate to fulfilling your objective in the assignment.
Describe what you found as a result of your empirical research.
Discuss what you have learned about the relationship between your emotional reactions to information on the selected sites, your social statuses, roles and individual experiences.
Conclude with a discussion of whether, based on your findings, emotions are individual and spontaneous, or socially produced.
The completed report should be no more than two type written pages, plus references and appendicies.