
On the rationale and importance and significance of the topic; to you, to businesses, what problem its solves, what does it add.

Research ProjectPlan



This exercise is designed to make you able to plan research project for the area of your interest.  (Formative assessment)                       

Title/Topic: Think of your research title and topic……after reading the question in the assignment.
Rationale/ Background: Write the basis or foundation for this research……….read given scenario in the assignment…..

150 words on the rationale and importance and significance of the topic; to you, to businesses, what problem its solves, what does it add.

Introduction and Literature review Introduce your topic….

Elaborate further on the rationale above. Commence a Literature review covering at least 5 well suited studies (journal articles), crticically analyse and debate those in relation to your research topic

700 Words At Least

Finish by research questions and hypotheses.

Aim of the research Write an aim of the research……, to address the research questions above

100 Words.

Objectives of the research



Set out a few objectives in order to reach your aim, mind the difference between Objectives and Aims (Theoretical and Empirical Questions)

150 words.

Research strategy:






What kind of research approach would you adopt?

Qualitative vs. quantitative…describe…..

250 Words


Primary/ Secondary Research How are you going to go about the research

250 words.

Sources of Data Outline secondary vs. primary data……sources…..

250 words.

Population and Sampling Determine population. What sampling method will you be using ……..discuss…..determine sample size….

100 words.

Data collection methods Questionnaire, interviews e.t.c…….which one….? Decide with justification…

100 words.

Time plan and resources required Your time plan….. start and finish date…. Resources needed..


References Books, journals, internet, newspaper etc……..lists



Identify some of the common issues that plague unequal societies, according to Wilkinson. Examine the human cost of unequal societies.

Explain Richard Wilkinson’s statement: “The average well-being of our societies is not dependent any longer on national income and economic growth.” What does he claim matters more, especially in the context of globalization?
Identify some of the common issues that plague unequal societies, according to Wilkinson.
Examine the human cost of unequal societies.
Evaluate how unequal societies challenge authority and globalization overall.
Discuss Wilkinson’s expressions of social dysfunction.
Must utilize academic voice
Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

Discuss how you could apply Appreciative Inquiry and/or Strategic Doing outside of your job.

For each of the following questions/statements, replace with an appreciative question/statement.

1. Why are so few students registering for Dr. Wu’s classes?
2. Our downtown stores look dumpy.
3. Why do younger people not want to live in our town?
4. Why can’t our Production and Quality Departments get along?
5. What are our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats?

Answer the following items.
6. What is the advantage of using appreciative wording when focusing on an initiative?
7. Discuss how you could apply Appreciative Inquiry and/or Strategic Doing in your job.
8. Discuss how you could apply Appreciative Inquiry and/or Strategic Doing outside of your job.

Critically evaluate what you have found: mention the strengths and weaknesses of your sources. What do the results of the review mean for clinical practice or research or the profession?

With reference to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, select an issue related to one of the Health Service Standards e.g. Medication safety, Clinical handover, Recognising and Responding to Clinical Deterioration etc.

Your task for this assignment is to complete a review of the literature on your selected topic. This will require you to explore and evaluate the literature relating to your topic. The aim of your review should be to establish what research has been conducted in the topic area and, therefore, what is known about the topic. It should also address how well this knowledge is established and what direction future research might take.

A basic or simple review must include the following:

The introduction should clearly establish the focus and purpose of the literature review. It should describe the clinical problem/issue being addressed and explain why it is problem

Synthesize trends/themes in the literature (don’t just describe individual studies) Analyze and interpret the literature.

Critically evaluate what you have found: mention the strengths and weaknesses of your sources. What do the results of the review mean for clinical practice or research or the profession?

Multiple sclerosis progression and the eye. What can OCT studies tell us about disease progression?

Title: Multiple sclerosis progression and the eye. What can OCT studies tell us about disease progression?
The use of OCT is ever increasing in daily optometric practice, but can these instruments be used to inform the clinician about neurological conditions? This study will review the literature to examine how OCT imaging of the retinal nerve fibre layer can provide clinical information about progression of the systemic disease.
Literature review in a CET style article. 5,000 words and 500 words for the overview statement.
Maximum 20 references- mostly peer reviewed journal articles- using APA referencing style.


• Abstract (250 words max)
• Introduction
• Main body- includes: data analysis, statistical approach using tables, graphs and figures
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• Overview statement (500 words max that’s not included in the 5,000 words)- includes: why the topic was chosen, how the search on the topic was conducted, summary of the principal findings and how its implicated and relevant in high street optometry practice.

Describe at least 2 identity and access management tools needed to measure and monitor security risks across the enterprise.

Management is pleased with the progress that has been made and likes the steps you have taken to set up a secured network environment. During the last status meeting, the following was asked: “Has everything been done that is possible to ensure the security of the environment?” Your response was that you believed it has, but one way to be sure is to conduct a vulnerability assessment and a penetration test.
• Create a PowerPoint presentation of 6–8 slides that includes speaker notes and a reference slide. It must cover the following:
o Describe at least 2 common security threats against wired and wireless devices and typical countermeasures used by corporate security teams.
o Describe at least 2 identity and access management tools needed to measure and monitor security risks across the enterprise.
o Explain penetration testing and vulnerability assessments and how they differ.
o Identify the benefits of using penetration testing and vulnerability assessments relative to threats.
o Discuss the tools available in the industry (at least 5 different tools should be discussed) and explain how they can be used to mitigate security vulnerabilities.
The presentation must include a title slide, topics of discussion slides, main content slides, and reference slides. The references must use APA structure for organization of reference information. Font and font size are not required to meet APA format.

Write a memo to the CEO, explaining: Analyze whether the details of the case meet the legal criteria, then explain how they do or do not fit.

Graded Deliverable

Analyze the BT Green case that is separately attached below. Write a memo to the CEO, explaining:

1) what legal risk the company has regarding Mr. Banks’ complaint. In doing this,
a. Identify the specific laws that may pertain to this situation.
b. State the key legal criteria for each law.
c. Analyze whether the details of the case meet the legal criteria, then explain how they do or do not fit.
d. State your conclusion about the legal risk.

2) what your recommendation is for handling the case. In doing this,
a. State your recommendation.
b. Explain your rationale for the recommendation.
c. Identify the advantages for doing it.
d. Identify the disadvantages or risks for doing it.

Presentation criteria
The CEO values your opinion but also likes to know that it is well-grounded; so, use APA to cite appropriate sources for ideas you borrow, for support you use, and for key terms in your analysis. Please do use APA to reference your essay/case response. Create a reference list at the end and use the (author, year) format within the text; or, if it is a direct quote, the (author, year, page number) format. Please do not start a new page only for the reference list; just space down after your response.
He also expects excellent writing from his staff. This means it should be clearly stated, carry the appropriate tone, be grammatically correct, and be sensitive to his time constraints. Write concisely, limiting your response to a maximum of 2 double-spaced pages of text.

Describe key factors and decisions to make regarding base pay. Note: You do not need to indicate exact salary figures for this assignment.

You are the new HR manager for Java Corp., a domestic cold coffee and tea company. Java Corp. is opening a new office in London, England. You are planning on filling one executive-level position with a U.S. citizen who is not already employed by Java Corp. The term of the initial assignment is two years. You must design a preliminary compensation package for this position.
Using the Compensation and Benefits Template as a guide, create a compensation package for a new expatriate position. Include the following:

Pay or Salary
Complete the following:

Describe key factors and decisions to make regarding base pay. Note: You do not need to indicate exact salary figures for this assignment.
Analyze additional pay considerations for expatriate positions.
Consider incentive pay, foreign service premium, hardship allowance, and mobility premium.
Complete the following:

Analyze other legally required benefits for an employee.
Include standard benefits, protection programs and paid time off, Social Security, Medicare, federal and state unemployment, and workers compensation.
Analyze the appropriateness of offering additional benefits.
These types of benefits could include relocation assistance, educational reimbursement, and home leave reimbursement, among others.
Describe additional key considerations in designing a compensation package for this scenario’s expatriate position.

Appraise the importance of leadership in organisations and contrast the functions of leadership and management.

[Section A assesses learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4]
Learning Outcomes
1. Appraise the importance of leadership in organisations and contrast the functions of leadership and management.
2. Critique various traditional, new and modern leadership models and critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of those models in applied settings.
3. Evaluate the concept of situational leadership and demonstrate the importance of flexibility in leadership style.
4. Conduct an in-depth analysis of their preferred leadership style and consider its implications for their work and for the development of their leadership capability.

Based on the case study, “Leading organisation change (Barsoux & Glimartin, 2007 INSEAD)” – PDF Attached — answer the following two questions :

1. With reference to the literature on leadership, critically explore the leadership approaches and style of one of the key actors in the case study by critically evaluated and analysis ( strength & weakness )
(circa 1,000 words).

2. If you had been appointed in Tracey Byrne’s place, would you have handled things in the same way? Please justify your answer supported by appropriate theory (circa 1,000 words).
: for examples,
1. Fiedler Contingency Model
2. Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Model
3. Path Goal Theory
4. Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory
5. Cognitive Resource Theory

Develop an action list and time frame for all issues to be addressed, include those responsible for the action. Use the designated submission point below to upload a copy of this.

Write an analysis of the meeting and include:

  1. Complete the final version of the minutes taken during the meeting, confirm the details are correct and sign the document. Use the designated submission point below to upload a copy of this.
  2. Develop an action list and time frame for all issues to be addressed, include those responsible for the action. Use the designated submission point below to upload a copy of this.
  3. Write all correspondence that you would distribute to the Principal and Kitchen Manager regarding the outcomes of the meeting and provide details for the filing requirements for all documentation relevant for this meeting. Use the designated submission point below to upload a copy of this.
  4. Record and store all documentation as per your organisational standards.