
Compare and contrast the motivational concepts and systems set forth by Freud, Jung, and Adler in their respective theories of personality.  

Instructions:  Here are the essay questions you will need to answer for our class on Wednesday, February 26.

Your answers need to be created outside of class and printed on paper.  Be prepared to engage in a class discussion that will contribute to a whole class exercise in answering the questions. Your paper will be submitted and reviewed individually for point value determination.

  1. Compare and contrast the motivational concepts and systems set forth by Freud, Jung, and Adler in their respective theories of personality.  What “driving forces” did each theorist rely upon that propels or moves us through life.  You may also want to discuss what may happen if those forces are thwarted or prevented from being expressed or experienced.
  2. Discuss how each of the three theorists address what is needed to take steps to develop a healthy personality.

Make sure you use appropriate vocabulary and terms used by each theorist to illustrate the points you are making (e.g., Adler—style of life and creative power)

Be sure to cite information from our text or other reference material you are utilizing to support your answers.

Provide a summary and synthesis of your assessment to include but not limited to: How you felt doing the assessment, any significance in scores on areas to address. Did these scores/areas surprise you?

Assignment Guidelines: Utilizing Dossey and Keegan (2016) chapter 29 & 30 (provided), all content learned in the course, and any additional supportive sources, the student will engage in self-assessment, personal reflection, and identification of integrative health self-care practices to demonstrate value of a certain modality to any aspect of self-care. A personal self-assessment must be included and one holistic/integrative modality must be highlighted.

  1. Read chapter 29 (provided in Module 5)
  2. Read chapter 30 and complete the Integrative Health and Wellness Assessment (5 pages). You are completing this for yourself. You are not turning this assessment in. Ch30 Dossey and Keegan.pdf
  3. Provide a summary and synthesis of your assessment to include but not limited to: How you felt doing the assessment, any significance in scores on areas to address. Did these scores/areas surprise you? When you self-reflect on these areas is there meaning in these scores? What are the 3 changes that you have identified for implementation over the 3 months?
  4. Pick one of the 3 changes that you have identified and determine an integrative health modality that would be of benefit to your health.
  5. Describe the integrative modality and provide evidence as to why you would pick this modality for this area of need. (This is where you would need references to support the modality that you have chosen). For instance, I might find a study done on nursing student stress that uses meditation, if meditation is what I have chosen etc.
  6. Conclude your paper by using self-reflection to reflect on this experience as a whole and on the modality that you chose and the impact that it may have on your life. (You may also want to begin implementing the strategy over the time that it takes you to write the paper so that you can incorporate that perspective in your conclusion).


Students, will submit a 2-3 page reflective paper double spaced with APA title page using the above assignment guidelines with APA format with references.


Describe training guides, self-directed learning strategies, and the use of smart technology.

The Essay for developmental approaches to training, explain the learner-guided approach to training and its effectiveness in meeting organizational training needs. Within the essay, please address the points below.
 Describe training guides, self-directed learning strategies, and the use of smart technology.

 Describe two to three methods for organizations to harness the use of self-directed training. Why is this important?

 Explain how technology can be used to enhance the learner-guided approach to training.

 Select a field of study that interests you, and provide an example of technology being used to enhance the learner-guided approach in that field.

 The essay must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. It’s required to use at least two outside sources to support your explanation.

 All sources used, including (see attached) required unit resources, must be cited and referenced according to APA standards.

What do you feel constitutes a “reasonable expectation of privacy” when it applies to electronic communication on the Internet? Explain.

What do you feel constitutes a “reasonable expectation of privacy” when it applies to electronic communication on the Internet? Explain.
Consider the differences between e-mail, posting a comment to a news story or a blog, or posting on social networking Web sites.
Should communications in these various types of media differ with regard to their privacy? Why or why not?
Consider the First and Fourth Amendments to the Constitution.
What protections are provided in this new electronic domain? Explain.
What protections should be provided in this new electronic domain?
Should anonymity be expected or allowed? Why or why not?

Are there limits to what the SIGINT should collect, and report on? Who sets the standards? Should SIGINT be used to support domestic law enforcement? Etc.

Signals Intelligence collection has had a profound impact in the modern era where concerns on the protection of civil rights and privacy are of significant concern. The use of mass surveillance systems coupled with the modern threat environment leaves many questioning on whether to clamor for more security or more protections against the invasion of privacy. Assess and describe the ideal framework of Signals Intelligence in terms of what should be collected, retained, and reported on given the modern-day threat environment.

Question 2: Ethically, are there limits to what the SIGINT should collect, and report on? Who sets the standards? Should SIGINT be used to support domestic law enforcement? Etc.

**Please use the sources provided**

Demonstrate fairness in educational settings by meeting the educational needs of all students in a caring, non-discriminatory, and equitable manner.

Analyze each disposition as described below and rate yourself (on a scale of 1 to 5).  Ask yourself, “Do I…” and be as honest as you can.  Your doubts may identify areas where you need improvement.  Even experienced teachers need to practice reflection and work toward improvement.




Explain you reasoning for each rating


have the content knowledge needed to teach students    





have the pedagogical and professional knowledge needed to teach effectively    





operationalize the belief that all students can learn    





demonstrate fairness in educational settings by meeting the educational needs of all students in a caring, non-discriminatory, and equitable manner    





understand the impact of discrimination based on race, class, gender, disability/

exceptionality, sexual orientation, and language on students and their learning




apply the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions in a manner that facilitates student learning    





have the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions needed to help all children learn    






respond to every child as a caring,

qualified, and effective teacher







demonstrate that they are well prepared to have children  entrusted to their care    






Dispositions taken from Machado and Botnarescue.  Student Teaching Early Childhood Practicum Guide.  7th Edition, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2011.

What explanation are industry experts offering for the sales trends that are happening in the wine industry?

Read the WSJ article posted for this week (Click on the title below to view the article on; you can either purchase a discounted subscription to WSJ or use Oviatt Library Website to view a copy of the article).

America Drank Less Wine for First Time in 25 Years (Links to an external site.)

Question 1: By how much did the VOLUME of wine purchased in the U.S. change in 2019 from the prior year? By how much did wine sales BY VALUE change in 2019 from the prior year?

Question 2: In your own words, explain the distinction between the two sales trends you noted in the earlier question.

Question 3: What explanation are industry experts offering for the sales trends that are happening in the wine industry?

Question 4: Provide at least one idea for a strategy that a wine producer could use to strengthen its sales in the future.

 Rewrite the questions above in bullet-point format in the file you will create and respond to them separately. 

Your submission must meet the formatting requirements outlined in the syllabus and must have bullet points separately showing each question and your response. 

Be sure to explain your responses thoroughly.

Submissions that do not meet the formatting requirements or do not explain the responses thoroughly will not be considered.


Does World Systems Theory represent a significant theoretical contribution in development? Consider this in relation to dependency theories.

AI5201 Re-sit Essay Questions 2019-20

Word limit 2500 words

Select one question from the following: 

  1. Assess the following statement: “President Truman’s famous Presidential address is as relevant to development today as it was in 1949”.
  2. “By the 1950s, the economic and social costs of Africa’s colonial development had outweighed the gains.” Examine this statement with reference to any two European colonial powers.
  3. “Colonialism gave nothing to India, except poverty, famine, disease and underdevelopment.” Discuss.
  4. Compare and contrast dependency and modernization theories.
  5. Does World Systems Theory represent a significant theoretical contribution in development? Consider this in relation to dependency theories.
  6. Why did the success of the neo-statist economic policies of the East Asian Tigers not lead to the adoption and successful implementation of similar policies in all developing countries? Use examples.
  7. What brought about the ‘impasse’ in theories of development and how was it related to major development theories prior to the 1980s?
  8. “Neo-liberals were correct to blame ‘Third World’ underdevelopment on state intervention”. How true is this statement?
  9. What are the key features of neoliberalism and how has have they been implemented in developing countries since the 1980s?
  10. Do alternative development approaches offer genuine alternatives?
  11. How and to what extent do global environmental concerns occupy centre stage in discussions of development?
  12. “Capability theory help us to measure and manage inequality in order to mitigate its worst effects.” Discuss the truth of this statement.
  13. “The description of the 1980s as a ‘lost decade’ in terms of development is misconceived”. How true is this statement?
  14. How does postcolonial theory help us to rethink development?

Explain what kind of start-up costs will be incurred by the business. What will the business capital structure be? (the combination of debt and equity).

Assignment Details:
This assignment makes up 50% of your overall final grade for the IY418 module.
It is a portfolio of work that you will complete with a final submission date in week 5.
You are required to submit a draft copy from week two.
You will receive feedback on your work from your tutor so that you can improve.
You have decided to start a new business, but the problem is that you don’t have enough funds to do so. This means that you only have very limited savings and your family and friends cannot provide you with the necessary funds either. You decided to consider external funding for your business idea as you think it is a very good business idea. You must write a Proposal Report about your business idea, your forecasted costs and budgets and how you intend to secure funding.
Report Structure
• Cover page with the name of your group
• Table of contents
• Executive Summary
Section 1
Business Idea (15%):
This section will introduce your business idea and should include a summary of the following key points.
• What is your business idea?
• What are the unique selling points of your product?
• What type of business (legal type) are you looking to start, and what are the reasons for your option?
• What is the estimated general start-up cost? Provide a summary break-down of the key components.
• Explain what kind of start-up costs will be incurred by the business.
• What will the business capital structure be? (the combination of debt and equity).
• If your business requires external funding, provide a summary of how much this funding requirement is.
• Summarise the outline structure of your reports. E.g. this report is divided into 7 sections. Section 2 discusses the budgeted financial statements. Section 3 discusses the cash flow forecasts etc.
Section 2
Financial Statements (30%)
• What is ‘budgeting’?
• Explain the purpose and importance of budgeting.
• Define Budgeted Income Statement and Budgeted Balance Sheet.
• Explain the purpose and importance of Budgeted Income Statement and Budgeted Balance Sheet.
• Explain what your estimates are based on.
• Prepare very simple Budgeted Income Statement and Balance Sheet.
Section 3
Cash-flow Forecast (40%)
• What is a ‘cash flow forecast’
• What are the benefits and disadvantages of a cash flow forecast?
• Identify cash inflows (money in) and cash outflows (money out) per year.
• Prepare a cash flow forecast for 5 years and identify what your estimates are based on.
• Explain any changes in cash inflows and cash outflows over the period of 5 years.
• Analyse the closing cash balances per year.
• Consider whether additional funding might be required in any of the years.
• If yes, what funding would you consider and why? Alternatively, you may consider how the surplus of cash should be managed.
Section 4
Cost – Volume Profit Analysis (40%)
• Explain ‘break-even analysis’
• What are the benefits and disadvantages of creating a break-even analysis?
• Create a break-even analysis for your business – what can your business learn from the break-even analysis based on your estimated costs?
• Estimate the target profit for Year 1 (or Year 2) and calculate how many units must be sold to achieve this target profit.
• What should be the sales revenue in order to achieve this target profit.
• Explain ‘margin of safety’ Calculate the margin of safety for your business based on your target profit.
• Discuss how changes in costs, volume and selling price may affect the profitability. Support the discussion with the relevant calculations
Section 5
Investment Appraisal (40%)
• Define investment appraisal and discuss its purpose and importance for the business.
• Explain four investment appraisal techniques (Accounting Rate of Return, Payback Period, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return).
• Consider the pros and cons of each technique.
• Conduct the investment appraisal using the following techniques: Accounting Rate of Return, Payback Period and Net Present Value.
• Identify and discuss the risks associated with the above investments.
Section 6
Sources of Finance (40%)
• List and explain various internal and external sources of finance that are available to the business in general.
• Choose 4 possible sources of finance that you might consider to fund your business idea.
• Evaluate the pros and cons of each of these sources of finance.
• Indicate what is your preferred source of finance from the range of possible funders and why.
• You must indicate and explain the costs associated with this choice and justify why it is acceptable and the most advantageous for your plan.
• Explain why the other sources of finance were not selected specifically to this proposal.
• Explain what the impact on your business idea would be if you don’t get the necessary funding or if you have selected an inappropriate form of finance.
Section 7
Conclusion (15%):
• You must end the proposal with a conclusion in which you briefly summarise everything that you have said in your proposal.
• Emphasize the potential of your idea and express the hope that you will be given the funding.
• You must convince your potential financier of the success of your idea.
• Group Reflection: a reflective discussion of the project work as a group (including the challenges faced and how you tried to overcome them) and what you learnt from the group project.
Section 8
• The list of References (part of individual mark) List all the references you have used in-text throughout the report in alphabetical order.
• Remember to use the Harvard referencing style

Describe the creative situation, scenario, story or incident that will be dramatized by these brands.

According to Ad Age contributor, Jack Neff, this year’s Super Bowl should have been called the Co-Op Bowl.[1]  The networks[2] airing the Super Bowl have traditionally not welcomed overt multi-brand ads; however, Super Bowl 2020 included a number of multi-brand ads, many featuring brands from competing parent companies, such as Kraft Heinz’ Planters and P&G’s Mr. Clean.

Your task:

  1. Research: Using reliable sources (more than one), find out.
    1. how P&G decided which brands to include in its multi-brand Super Bowl 2020 ad.
    2. what the risks are of combining brands in a single ad.
  1. Get Creative: Not using any of the brands featured in Super Bowl 2020 multi-brand ads:
    1. propose three brands from a single parent company (P&G, Kellogg, Mars, Unilever, Coca Cola, Mondelèz, just to name a few) to feature in a multi-brand ad.
    2. outline which of the three brands will be the featured brand.
    3. describe the creative situation, scenario, story or incident that will be dramatized by these brands.
    4. explain how you will protect the brand equity of each of the brands.
  1. Write: in an informal memo report, using graphic highlighting and headings:
    1. In the first part of the report, outline what you discovered via your research (P&G’s process; risks)
    2. In the second part of the report, walk me through your creative process, including all the requested information (Get Creative a, b, c, and d)
  1. Address the Informal Memo Report to me, and give me a title; give yourself a title as well
  2. Use headings, graphic highlighting, short, clear paragraphs, and white space to make your information easy to access.
  3. Include both a short introduction and conclusion.
  4. Cite all research used. Cite this research within the report, using either parenthetical citations (in either MLA or APA format) or foot/endnote citations (I’ve used footnotes here.), and include a full citation of each source in a Works Cited (MLA) OR a Bibliography (APA) OR in foot/endnotes (as done here).


  • If you don’t cite within the report, you’ll lose 10 points for each missing citation.
  • If you don’t include a full citation for each source used within the report (in a Works Cited or Bibliography at the end of the report OR in foot/endnotes), you’ll lose 10 points for each missing source. If you include only a URL, you will lose 25 points for each URL.
  • If you include no research at all, you’ll lose 50 points.

The point is, do your research and document it fully!



You have followed the instructions and provided all the information asked of you: /15

Report is well written, well edited, properly formatted, and easy to understand:  /50

All sources have been included and are formatted in a clear, consistent APA or MLA documentation style:  /35

/100 à /10

[1] Neff, Jack. “The Super Bowl Became the Co-Op Bowl with a Blitz of Brand Mashups”. 3 Feb 2020. Web. 3 Feb 2020.

[2] 2020 – Fox; 2019 – CBS; 2018 – NBC