
Why did you choose this area for research (referenced to literature but also to personal experience if appropriate)?

Desk-based research guidelines

Word Count

  • The word count of the dissertation does not include the Reference List and Appendices.
  • Convention allows you up to 800 words on either side of the stipulated 8,000 words.
  • More or less, a penalty is applied or may constitute a fail.
Completion Schedule
  • The schedule for writing a dissertation is very demanding. If you miss a deadline you could find yourself in difficulties by the submission time. Be disciplined in your approach, write a research plan with time allocations.
  • Computer spell-checks should be used, but English spelling conventions must be maintained, rather than American. You will need to check that all words are correctly spelt and used eg. Have/of; practice/practise; there/their; our/are; won/one. Check that grammar and punctuation are correct.
  • It is not your supervisor’s responsibility to correct the final draft. Ask a friend to read it out loud to you and to comment on its coherence and content.
  • Never submit work for examination without reading it first. Read it out loud to yourself or ask a friend to proof-read. Mistakes are more easily identified by such practice. Do a final check from the last to first page – this is good proof-reading practice.
  • Keep a personal copy of all work submitted.


This is a ‘model’ structure for Desk-based Education Research dissertations. Individual dissertations may vary in organisation only following negotiations between student and their supervisors. However, it is unlikely that a successful dissertation will deviate widely from this overall strategy.


Title Pages:
Front Cover

The front cover of your report must display:

  • The title of the project

(The title is important and, therefore, must be agreed with your supervisor.

  • The initial title should allow you to address one fundamental question and a minimum of three related ones.
  • The final title should be short, focused and invite attention)
  • The module code and title (ED6015: Education Studies)
  • Your Student ID
  • The Programme (BA Education Studies), the School (Cass School of Education and Communities) and the title of the University (University of East London)
Table of Contents
  • The titles of each section should be listed in chronological order and the page references provided.
  • Appendices are listed A, B, C etc., but pages do not have to be numbered.

Introduction/Purpose and Aims (Approximately 800 words)

  • This provides the reasons for the AREA of research, which you have selected. It should present the overall question which you set out to address.
  • The introduction provides a reference point for all subsequent writing and will be written mostly in the past tense, with occasional reference to the present.
  • It should be possible to read this section and to go straight to the Conclusion to gain a continuous understanding of the whole work and to be directed to different sections for additional information.
  • What do you want to find out and why (referenced to literature)?
  • Why did you choose this area for research (referenced to literature but also to personal experience if appropriate)?
  • How is your proposed research important; identify key issues and debates (referenced to literature)?
  • Briefly define specific terminology in relation to your research (referenced to literature)
  • What are the specific research questions?

Identify current policies and opportunities that may be outdated or ineffective, and provide your proposed plans for their revision and implementation.

Leaders must acknowledge and take responsibility for ensuring equality. Confronting gender-based issues when they occur within an organization is a must. Therefore, leaders must promote gender equity through promoting opportunities and approaches that challenge traditional gender-specific roles and responsibilities, as well as encourage women and men to broaden their personal expectations beyond the restraints of the gendered stereotypes within an organization’s culture.

Week 7 – Assignment: Prepare a Leadership Plan to Increase Gender Consciousness and Awareness.

Develop a comprehensive leadership plan that you believe, based on your research, will increase gender consciousness and awareness in your organization. In your plan, address the following:

  • Assess any existing advancement barriers, and then explain how you plan to overcome them.
  • Describe current and proposed retention plans.
  • Identify current policies and opportunities that may be outdated or ineffective, and provide your proposed plans for their revision and implementation.
  • Propose new initiatives, and then explain how you would implement them.

Support your plan with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your plan should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Develop a description of the typical skills, interventions, functions, and duties of the professionals involved in addressing the need.

Your final paper should identify and analyze a specific need identified by a community. This includes:

Writing a mission statement for the agency you would create to respond to this need. Constructing an effective community organization model to address the identified need utilizing all the information you have researched in this course.
Conducting an external search using at least three to five journal articles, in addition to the textbook material, to create an adjunct referral sources list outside the agency for added support. View the “Conducting an Organizational Needs Assessment” YouTube video located in the Week 6 Overview (in the “Required Reference” section) to gain a clear understanding of the key components to needs assessment within an organization.
By utilizing the videos, the text, and a minimum of 3-5 peer-reviewed, scholarly journal articles, write a 4200 to 5250 word paper. Develop a model of an effective agency. Be sure to include these points:

Develop your mission statement by reviewing mission statements of similar agencies.
Develop a description of the typical skills, interventions, functions, and duties of the professionals involved in addressing the need.
Identify an established needs assessment tool to be used as enrollment criteria for potential service users.
Construct a flow chart, which indicates organizational structure, specific roles, duties, and functions of the various professionals in the model.
Provide a list of referral agencies. Include what need each referral agency will be able to address that your agency cannot.
Discuss what ethical guidelines are appropriate for the agency.
Recommend a needs assessment survey instrument and state your rationale for the choice.
Project 5-10 years in the future; envision and explain how the needs of your agency might have changed based on trends and issues we are beginning to see now.
Include a brief summary of your self-care plan to help avoid burnout as a human services professional.
Must be double-spaced, meet specified page length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.
Must include an APA style cover page.
Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
Must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide to document all sources.
Must include a reference page that is completed according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.

How do original song writers communicate the original and authenticity in their music?

Literature review (Media and Communication studies field)
Case study of ‘SmallWorld SmallBand’ in producing original and authentic song.
Research questions:
1. How do original song writers communicate the original and authenticity in their music?
2. In what way does the song writer perform cultural revitalization and national identity of Cambodia?
3. How do audiences perceive their music through social media platform?

– This is a literature review only. The review situates around concept/idea of national identity, youth, pop music/music, originality, cultural revival, cultural citizenship.
– Start with the review.
– No need cover page, introduction and history background of the band or Cambodia music.
– Citation include page number.

Literatures include (some are attached):
– Music as social life by Turino Thomas
– Refashioning pop music in Asia by Allen Chun, Ned Rossiter and Brian Shoesmith
– Historiography and Complexities- Why is music ‘National’? by Hans Weisethaunet
– The sound of longing for home by Bart Barendregt
– DIY Style: Fashion, Music and Global Digital Cultures by Luvaas, Brent
– Dangdut Stories: A Social and Musical History of Indonesia’s Most Popular Music by Weintraub, Andrew N
– Music, Performance, Meaning by by Nicholas Cook
– Musical Style and Social Meaning by Derek B.Scott
– Globalization and Modernity in Asia by Chris Hudson and Bart Barendregt.
– Popular Music, Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies by Simon Frith.
– This Safer Space: Janelle Monáe’s “Cold War” by Shana L. Redmond.
– Music, Sound and Space: Transformations of Public and Private Experience by Georgina Born
– The Oxford Handbook of Music Revival by Caroline Bithell, Juniper Hill.
– Imagined Communities by Benedict Anderson.
– The other classical music: fifteen great traditions by Michael Church.

What is a role of curator nowadays? Why does curating become a care?


Proposed Topic: Explain a social exclusion in a context of immigration in London and current situation. I would like to also consider a notion of care in the context of curating a diverse/immigration community in London.

London ‘as a global city has been a ‘contact zone’ (Pratt 1991) of multiple flows of people, cultures and ideas from around the world, and a ‘migration lab’ for academic research’.

Key definition – diversity, diverse community, culture, multiculturalism, foreigner, immigration, inequality, social exclusion, notion of otherness,

Curating as care – care for immigration.

Proposed Title: Curating as caring – Bridging borders through building a partnership between curators and immigration community
Research question

(Please make sure that you include an issue together with the topic and formulate this as a research question.

For further information of how to design a research question please see: Layder, D., 2012. Doing excellent small-scale research. London: Sage.


What is a role of curator nowadays? Why does curating become a care?

How do curators respond to the multicultural community needs?

What is a multicultural community? How to curate a multicultural community?

What is a community impact of the socially engaged exhibitions? What are the consequences of the community approach to these exhibitions? And how do curators build a partnership with a multicultural community?

  • how to define a status of “curator”?
  • what are the motivations and aims/objectives that drive into curating projects with social concerns?
  • what are the strategies to attract a diverse public from different socio- economical environments to create the foundation for dialogue?
  • How to articulate the artistic language to communicate a clear message for including everyone in the conversation?
  • How to reach new and diverse audiences.
Proposed research paradigm

(Please make sure that you combine your individual research approach – how you interpret the world – with your research interest as reflected in your research  question)

For further information see research methods slides and Paquette, J. and Redaelli, E., 2015. On Paradigms: From Epistemology to Epistemic Cultures. In Arts Management and Cultural Policy Research (pp. 92-111). London: Palgrave Macmillan.


I will conduct my research within a contextual framework which sits in a postmodernist paradigm to consider the ethical and structural aspects of artists and curators’ participation in communities.

Refer to the meaning of curating, I will review existing relevant literature to figure out how other researchers have defined key terms such curating, community, socially engaged art in the contemporary studies. I will look at different definitions proposed by art critics, researchers, curators, artists and will compare critically and analytically. I will also try to identify the relationships between the terms explained by other theorists and I will apply the existing concepts in my dissertation research.

Proposed research methodology

Following on from your research paradigm, choose from the range of methodologies (e.g. ethnography, discourse analysis, constructionism, critical theory, post-feminism) that suits your interest/knowledge and helps you to answer your research question. What is the most suitable way to investigate your research questions? NB – Research methods slides offer a more detailed overview of which methodology corresponds to which paradigm.

To investigate the research problems, I will focus a discourse analysis using relevant literature as main ‘objects of analysis which help me in understanding a context of art projects I will be focusing on. I am going to select few art projects organized by organizations such Tate Exchange, Counterpoints Arts and Migration Museum as a case study approach in my research.

I will refer to Michal Foucault’s theory on the deconstruction of knowledge and truth which introduces a narrative referred to as linguistic turn (Foucault 2019). The narrative describes an approach of participation and engagement in the community. On the other hand, Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of habits and cultural capital will help to define the meaning of working with the challenging community and building a relationship with them.

Referring to different sources, it will help to interpret a key characteristic for curating immigrant group to understand their needs.


What are the research methods you will apply collecting your data/information?

Please make sure that your research methods correspond with your paradigm and your methodology.

Please note that primary research methods (interviews [be they face-to-face, skype or email], questionnaires, surveys, focus groups) require consideration of ethical issues and completion and submission of an ethics form for approval.


Using a discourse analysis, I mainly focus on texts. As a key point in a discussion on curating a diverse community is a workshop ‘Curating Community?’ ran by dr Alison Rooke that I believe it will help me in focusing on different aspects of community curating.

I am going to collect the information through analyzing different sources, but also observing and interviewing people who worked on the projects.


Referring to dr Rooke report (2013), it was noted that the curators of modern art are susceptible to hyper-exploitation. Their close collaboration with artists and members of the community can help them advocate for their value. Commonly, curators acknowledge the importance of affection from artists that they collaborate with or associate with. Some claim that curating careers depend on those of the artists. As a result, modern curators do not prefer themed group shows. Instead, they favour monographic exhibitions which, according to Rooke (2013), allow them to mobilize specific artists or art brands to attract funders and audiences. However, Obrist (2014) notes that such an approach can have a negative impact on an exhibition as curatorial formats can overshadow the work of the artists. I would like to bring different voices in a discussion on community curating and its role in a multicultural London.


What are the research methods you will apply analyzing your data/information?

What methods (comparing, deducting, coding) will work best to analyze your data? Are you using different coding methods (e.g. summative, emotive, value) to analyze your data?

(NB – Research methods slides offer further details on the choice of methods)


I am planning to conduct a comparative study based on an analysis of socially engaged projects ran by chosen organizations such Tate Exchange, Counterpoints Arts and Migration Museum.

My role in the research study will be to challenge conventional habits of partnership by bringing a summative evaluation of analyzed projects. Through a comparative study I would like to emphasize collaboration between curators and the London community.

Focus on the theme of immigration/migration in selected art projects to see how these projects have been organized and curated.

Where do art and migration meet? – Tate Exchange

Can art go beyond borders?

Where do art and migration meet?

What is a migration policy?

Can a work of art create a welcome?

Can art really transcend national and cultural borders?

Counterpoints Arts– ‘is a leading national organization in the field of arts, migration and cultural change.

Counterpoints Arts support, produce and promote the arts by and about migrants and refugees. Their work is done in collaboration and through co-productions – with artists, arts, cultural and educational organizations and civil society activists working with refugees and migrants. Central to their mission is a belief in the ability of the arts to inspire social change.

Learning Lab – Counterpoints Arts

A space where diverse communities of learners explore the creative arts as a driver for social change. Are We? is a cross-platform event designed for Tate Exchange (Tate Modern) reflecting on identity, belonging, migration and citizenship. The programme is shaped by co-creation, co-production and exchange among artists, arts and culture organizations, audiences, activists and academics.


Project to be analyzed:

Isabel Lima – Gresham’s Wooden Horse

Alketa Xhafa-Mripa – Refugees Welcome

Room to Breathe – Migration Museum

interactive exhibition which offers an immersive journey through the arrival of an immigrant in the UK.

‘Room to Breathe is an acutely personal and immersive exhibition, drawing on the stories and objects donated to it by men and women who came to Britain over the years and made it their home’.






Briefly discuss stakeholders that would support and oppose this policy and their rational (belief/value)?

Health Care System Review (YOU WILL BE RANDOMLY ASSIGNED A TOPIC) Objectives: the student will: Content/Information (15% of course assignment- see rubric below) 1. Provide a brief summary of your assigned health care policy (insurance) in the US:  Medicare  Medicaid (Kansas specific- KanCare)  CHIP (Kansas specific- KanCare)  Private Insurance i. PPO/Preferred Provider or Fee for Service ii. HMO/Managed Care,  High-deductible health plan (HDHP)/Health Savings Accounts/HSA  Veteran’s Insurance- TRICARE program 2.

Describe 2-4 Key characteristics of the uninsured in the US and how your policy may impact the uninsured. Format/Layout  APA format; Title page – no abstract required; 6-8 pages (not including title or reference page) Criteria to include in summary of the policy:

Brief description of the policy – i.e. issue summary and background (5 pts)  Who is covered in this policy (1 pts)

Who (organization?/individual?/employer?) pays for the services provided (2 pts)  Briefly state a few limitations and strengths of the policy (2 pts)

Briefly discuss stakeholders that would support and oppose this policy and their rational (belief/value)? (2 pts)

Provide a web reference (other than provided by the instructor) that you would recommend to other APNs (note APNs include APRNs and Advance Practice nurses with graduate degrees other than in a clinical specialty area-MSN ED/ADM.) or your patients to learn more about this policy (1 pt.)

How this insurance policy made an impact on increasing or decreasing the number of uninsured in the US? Make a brief statement on the characteristics of the Uninsured ( 1 pts)

Make a brief statement on how this insurance policy is linked or related to the Affordable Care Act (just one or two points.)
Discussion of each topic area and fellow student papers (up to 3 points can be deducted with limited or no discussion)
Grading Rubric*
Exceptional achievement. (100-95)
Distinguished achievement. (95-90)
Superior achievement. (89-80)
Average achievement. Poor (79-70)
Below average achievement to failing (69-0)
Went above and beyond the assignment. Clearly met the objectives; exceptional information/scholarly sources beyond recommended provided. Provided rational/objective information related to the question scholarly source(s) provided. The provided information is necessary and sufficient to discuss the question(s)
Went above and beyond the assignment. Clearly met the objectives; sought out information/scholarly sources beyond recommended. Provided rational/objective information related to the question-scholarly source(s) provided. The provided information is necessary and sufficient to discuss the question(s)
Met the objectives. Went beyond the required work to achieve the objectives of the assignment. The statement was objective and for the most part addresses the question. Basic reference(s) given. The provided information is, for the most part, necessary and sufficient to discuss the question(s)
Minimally met the objectives of the assignment, basic statement made.
Little to none of the objectives were met. The essay is not objective and addresses poorly the issues referred in the proposed topic. The provided information is not necessary or not sufficient to discuss these issues.
Brief description of the policy – i.e. a summary of what it is- summary of services provided (5 pts)
5 4.75 4.25 3.75 3.25
Who is covered in this policy (1 pts) 1 0.95 0.85 0.75 0.65 Who pays for the services provided (2 pts) 2 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.3 State one limitation and one strength of the policy (2 pts) 2 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.3 State one stakeholder that would support and one that would be against this policy and their rational (belief/value)? (2 pts) 2 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.3 Provide a web reference (other than provided by the instructor) that you would recommend to other APRNs or your patients to learn more about this policy (1 pt.) 1 0.95 0.85 0.75 0.65 Describe 2-4 Key characteristics of the uninsured in the US and how your policy may impact the uninsured.(1 pts) 1 0.95 0.85 0.75 0.65 Affordable Care Act connection 1 pt. 1 0.95 0.85 0.75 0.65

Using the P.A.P.E.R. technique as well as guidelines provided by your instructors, discuss how and why your chosen primary source is important to your topic of study.

Topic:  Theme VII:       “A Few Inconvenient Truths”  Humanity and Its Environment
In the ancient and medieval worlds, Nature was both the greatest benefactor and the greatest threat to humanity.  Over the centuries, civilizations and cultures have had to learn to live within their environmental and topographical means; to do otherwise was to court extinction.  Your task is to research how the environment was conceptualized and dealt with by at least two but no more than three cultures/civilizations and develop your topic.  From this,
come up with a thesis that addresses the larger ideas surrounding humanity’s relationship with the natural world.

In the ancient and medieval worlds, Nature was both the greatest benefactor and the greatest threat to humanity.  Over the centuries, civilizations and cultures have had to learn to live within their environmental and topographical means; to do otherwise was to court extinction.  Your task is to research how the environment was conceptualized and dealt with by at least two but no more than three cultures/civilizations and develop your topic.  From this,
come up with a thesis that addresses the larger ideas surrounding humanity’s relationship with the natural world.


2) Document Analysis Paper 2 Length: 500 words Due: Monday, February 17 in Section (5%)

Analyze one of the primary sources you will be using for your paper.  Using the P.A.P.E.R. technique as well as guidelines provided by your instructors, discuss how and why your chosen primary source is important to your topic of study.  Be sure to address the larger historiographical issues associated with your chosen source.

Sources that I must use:

Materials from JSTOR (  Google Scholar ( may be used to search for Secondary Sources.

Textbook: Berger, E., et al., World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500. History Open Textbooks 2


The following guidelines are applicable for all writing assignments.  Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in grade penalties above and beyond the normal grading procedures.

    2.   Papers must be typed (i.e., word-processed), double-spaced on 8 ½ x 11″ paper.
    3.   A 1″ border (no more, no less) for the top, bottom, right, and left margins.
    4.   Typeface shall be no larger than 12 point.   Fonts should be either Times New Roman or New Century Schoolbook.
    5.   Paper length is measured by the number of words in the main body of the text–not footnotes/endnotes as well.
    6.   In writing their papers, students must use the Chicago Manual of Style method for Citations, Bibliographies, as well as other matters.
    Plagiarism will be dealt with severely following the FAU guidelines for dealing with Academic Integrity.  (Consult your UG Catalogue/syllabus for the procedures). Use these as your guidelines and let it be known now that we have unfortunately had to deal with this is the past—an unpleasant but necessary duty that we take quite seriously.

Briefly explain the Genesis account of creation (first two chapters). The point is not to retell all aspects of the story in detail, but just to make the message of the Bible clear.

After reflecting on chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis, create a 15-slide presentation covering the following topics, paying particular emphasis on item three:
Briefly explain the Genesis account of creation (first two chapters). The point is not to retell all aspects of the story in detail, but just to make the message of the Bible clear.
Explain and support your interpretation of the origin of the universe. Here you may want to address evolution, age of the earth, and whether or not it can be reconciled with the message of the Bible.
Express how your understanding of the origin of the universe impacts your worldview, specifically your view of God, of humanity, and responsibility to care for the earth.

Rubric, template, and help aid will be attached or sent.

Investigate the principles and standards used to produce accounting and financial information.

Qualification Unit number and title
Qualification Level 4 Diploma in Business Management Financial Awareness
Student please provide Evidence Page No. of your assignment
Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria
Task Number
Evidence Page No.
1. Explore the nature and use of financial information.
1.1. Discuss the need for financial information, its purpose, limitations and the main stakeholders interested in the information. 1.2. Identify accounting arrangements and conventions used by organizations.
2. Investigate the principles and standards used to produce accounting and financial information.
2.1. Explain how accounting frameworks and regulation influence accounting and financial arrangements. 2.2. Explain the uses of published financial information. 2.3. Explain how an organization uses management accounting practices.
3. Examine financial commentary that interprets and analyses published financial information.
3.1. Explain the main items commented on and explain their importance. 3.2. Identify trends in published accounting information.
Note: For Severn Business College Use Only 2 | P a g e
Unit aim
The overriding aim of the module is to provide the learner with the necessary knowledge to be able to critically evaluate the financial systems, processes and procedures in their own organizations. Learners will gain understanding of accounting conventions, appreciate measurement for efficiency, profitability and solvency, and the different demands made by different stakeholders. Learners will gain understanding of financial commentary.
Scenario or vocational context
You have just been appointed in a new company as a Financial Director (choose an organization of your choice or preferably your own place of work), during the first meeting with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), he explained to you that the structure of the company is very strong. The company is, at the moment, at the financial planning stage where you, as the Financial Director, have to submit a report on the Financial awareness that will be most beneficial for the company in the current climate.
You are asked to write clear, concise, and accurate notes on the following 3 tasks in the form of a report. It requires that you give definitions; critical analysis; identification of theories and practical examples where possible.
Your report should include all the answers of Task 1, Task 2 & Task 3 questions.
Task 1 (this provides evidence for 1.1, 1.2)
1.1. Discuss the need for financial information, its purpose, limitations and the main stakeholders interested in the information.

1.2. Identify accounting arrangements and conventions used by organizations.
Task 2 (this provides evidence for 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)
2.1. Explain how accounting frameworks and regulation influence accounting and financial arrangements. 2.2. Explain the uses of published financial information. 2.3. Explain how an organization uses management accounting practices.
Task 3 (this provides evidence for 3.1, 3.2)
3.1. Explain the main items commented on and explain their importance. 3.2. Identify trends in published accounting information.
Note: For Severn Business College Use Only 3 | P a g e
What you must hand in for assessment
Task 1: Report
Task 2: Report
Task 3: Report
Submission Guidelines
Assignment must include: Assignment Front Sheet (filled assignment front sheet & filled evidence page number) + Assignment (answers to all assessment criteria and properly numbered) + Plagiarism Report (submit plagiarism report) + Declaration Form (student declaration and result form)
Title Unit Name and Course Name. Presenter’s information Full Name & Student Reference Number. Submission Deadline Assignment Length No restriction on the word limit (suggested 5000 words)
The student needs to demonstrate an awareness of the methodological tools in the form of documented process that contains procedures, definitions and explanations of techniques used to collect, store, analyze and present information. It may be that qualitative methods, including the analysis of interviews, are appropriate. Alternatively the student’s approach may involve forecasting or statistical, financial or econometric modelling. In other cases the student may be combining methodologies as his/her research is basically the analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline. Basically, the student needs to specify the approach he/she feels will be most appropriate.
Bibliography/ References
Please list down “works cited” within the framework of an enumerative bibliography — a list of references to key articles and texts. Verify each reference carefully; the references must correspond to the citations in the text. The list of references should start on a new page and be listed alphabetically by the last name of the author(s) and then by year, chronologically. Only the first author’s name is inverted. List all authors’ full names and avoid using et al. The name of each author and the title of the citation should be exactly as it appears in the original work.
Make sure all tables and charts are referenced in the text. Give each table and chart a title and number consecutive with the order it is mentioned in the text. Notes for tables and charts are independent of Notes in the rest of the paper and should be ordered using lowercase letters, beginning with the letter a (including the Source note, which should be listed first). The sequence runs from left to right, top to bottom. The order of the notes as they appear below the tables or charts are (1) Source, (2) general notes to the table or chart, if any and (3) letter notes.
Times scale/Research
Please follow the timetable on moodle. Since each student is encouraged to develop his/her own timescale the effort at the Assessor/ Faculty level is to subject them to
Note: For Severn Business College Use Only 4 | P a g e
Planning random periodical checks in the view of their submission deadline. Style Sheet Harvard Reference /APA/ Chicago Manual of Style/ MLA Handbook
Use Microsoft Word and keep your formatting very simple. Single/double-spaced, semi-block or full-block lay-out 12 Arial/Times Roman (Italicize or boldface wherever necessary)
Biographical notes
If possible, please explain your background and credentials as it relates to the work you are presenting on. This is not a request for your résumé.
Additional Details
For specific questions on formatting, use the APA/ Chicago Manual of Style/ MLA Handbook as a guide for notes, citations, references, and table presentation.
Supplementary Text and Reading:
 Kelly M., Williams M., (2015) BUSN 7, Accounting: Decisions by the Number, Chapter 8, Cengage  Atrill P and McLaney E (2012) Accounting an Introduction 6e, Pearson Education  Bamber, M., Parry, S., Accounting and finance for Managers, Kogan , 2014  Weetman, P., (2013) Financial and management accounting, 6th ed Edition, Pearson.  Holmes, G., Sugden, A., Gee, P., Holmes, G., (2008) Interpreting company reports and accounts, 10th Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall  Elliott, B., Elliott, J., (2015) Financial accounting and reporting, 17th edition Edition, Pearson, 2015
฀ Your assignment must be handed in with a Declaration Form (student declaration and result form).
฀ Your work must be referenced and any quotations clearly sources. Assignment must be hand in with a Plagiarism Report.
฀ All Assessment Criteria must be answered and properly numbered. You must hand in your own work for assessment for all task.
฀ You must include an Assignment Front Sheet (filled assignment front sheet and filled evidence page number).

In what ways do you see technology playing a part in how managed care is achieving the Triple Aim (reducing costs; improving quality; and expanding access)?

Discuss and answer the following questions in your essay.
1) In what ways do you see technology playing a part in how managed care is achieving the Triple Aim (reducing costs; improving quality; and expanding access)?

2) How do you see social media playing a role in engaging consumers/covered lives in the management of their healthcare?