
Develop the issue within your essay and include a concluding paragraph.

For this week’s assignment, you will be preparing a written essay using APA format. Refer to the APA resources provided in the classroom and in our online library for formatting questions. Be sure to review the feedback from your previous assignments. Your essay should be 2 – 4 pages of written content, along with a properly formatted title page and reference page. An abstract should not be included. The content for your essay is described below.

Choosing a professional organization focused on a specific segment of the hospitality industry that you are interested in (American Hotel & Lodging Association, National Restaurant Association, ARAMARK, and Compass Group are examples), describe and assess their role and influence within the industry segment.

For the writing assignment, discuss who the group is, their roots, how they influence the industry, and analyze their role in reacting to or preventing a specific issue related to the industry. An example would be how the AH&LA has been engaged with immigration reform or minimum wage or how ARAMARK is incorporating “green” business practices to reduce environmental harm.

Use the school’s online library to conduct further research on this issue. Your essay should outline how this issue came to be important to the industry, what the organization recommends as far as this legislative issue and why, and how this issue has impacted the industry.

Be sure that you clearly define the issue, using a clear thesis statement. A thesis statement basically states what you are proving in the essay. Develop the issue within your essay and include a concluding paragraph. All the supporting resources within the essay should add support to that thesis statement.

Define rite of passage. Identify three phases that ordinarily constitute a rite of passage. Provide at least two different examples to illustrate your answer.

Complete Writing Assignment
Writing Assignment 3
View Grading Criteria
Before you begin, please make sure to review the Unit Examination Instructions pages in the Study Guide.
Choose a question below and type your answer in the built-in text editor. You only need to select one question from the list
O Analyze the relationship between gender and socioeconomic class in industrialized societies. Do gender roles, gender stratification, men’s and women’s participation in the public and private spheres, and/or their ability to acquire and control important resources vary between socioeconomic classes? What are some of the reasons that such differences may exist?
O Define rite of passage. Identify three phases that ordinarily constitute a rite of passage. Provide at least two different examples to illustrate your answer.
O Distinguish between ethnicity and “race.” What does it mean to say that “race” is a social construction?

What are the three fundamental processes in any business? Describe each component carefully and indicate how they are all related to each other.

Complete Writing Assignment
Writing Assignment 2
View Grading Criteria
Before you begin, make sure to review the Unit Examination Instructions pages in the Study Guide.
Choose a question below and type your answer in the built-in text editor. You only need to select one question from the list below:
O What are the three fundamental processes in any business? Describe each component carefully and indicate how they are all related to each other.
O Explain why such forecasting devices as moving averages, weighted averages, and exponential smoothing are not well suited for data series with trends.
O Why is capacity planning important? How is it done? Give examples to support your answer.

How would you judge the effectiveness and usefulness of the Silicon Economics Model?


Sophisticated NPV Analysis at Level 3 Communications, Inc.

Level 3 Communications, LLC, provides integrated telecommunications services including voice, Internet access, and data transmission using rapidly improving optical and Internet protocol technologies (i.e., “broadband”). Level 3 is called a facilities-based provider because it owns a substantial portion of the fiber optic plant, property, and equipment necessary to serve its customers. The company traces its roots to Peter Kiewit Sons,’ Inc., which was incorporated in Delaware in 1941 to continue a construction business founded in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1884. In subsequent years, Kiewit invested a portion of the cash flow generated by its construction activities in  a  variety  of  other  businesses.  Kiewit  entered  the  coal  mining  business  in  1943,  the telecommunications business  [consisting  of Metropolitan Fiber Systems  (MFS) and  related investments] in 1988, the information services business in 1990, and the alternative energy business in 1991. Kiewit has also made investments in several development-stage ventures.

In 1995, Kiewit distributed its MFS holdings to stockholders. In the seven years from 1988 to 1995, the company had invested approximately $500 million in MFS. At the time of the distribution to stockholders in 1995, the company’s holdings in MFS had grown to a market value of approximately $1.75 billion. In December 1996, MFS was purchased by WorldCom in a transaction valued at $14.3 billion, more than a 28:1 payout and a 52% annual rate of return over 8 years for investors. Following its enormously successful investment in MFS, Kiewit decided to sell unrelated assets and focus its energies on the telecommunications business. In December 1997, the company’s stockholders ratified the decision of the Board to effect a split-off from the Kiewit Construction Group. As a result of the split-off, which was completed on March 31, 1998, the company no longer owns any interest in the Construction Group and adopted the name “Level 3 Communications, Inc.” The Kiewit Construction Group changed its name to “Peter Kiewit Sons,’ Inc.” The term Level 3 comes from the layered set of protocols, or standards that are often used in the industry to describe telecommunications networks. The company’s strategy generally calls for services to be provided in the first three levels of these technical specifications.

During the first quarter of 2001, Level 3 completed construction activities relating to its North American intercity network. In 2003, the company added approximately 2,985 miles to its North America intercity network through acquisition of certain assets of Genuity Inc., a Massachusetts-based provider of communications services. Level 3 has also completed construction of an approximately 3,600 mile fiber optic intercity network that connects many major European cities, including Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Geneva, London, Madrid, Milan, Munich, Paris, Stockholm, Vienna, and Zurich. Level 3’s European network is linked to the North American intercity network by a transatlantic cable system that went into service during 2000.

In December 2000, the company signed an agreement to collaborate with FLAG Telecom on the development of the Northern Asia undersea cable system connecting Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. During the fourth quarter of 2001, the company announced the disposition of its Asian operations in a sale transaction with Reach, Ltd. Although the company believed that Asia represented an attractive longer-term investment opportunity, given current volatile market and economic conditions the company determined that it was necessary to focus its resources, both capital and managerial, on the immediate opportunities provided by the company’s operational assets in North America and Europe. This transaction closed on January 18, 2002. As part of the agreement, Reach and Level 3 agreed that Level 3 would provide capacity and services to Reach over Level 3’s North American intercity network, and Level 3 would buy capacity and services from Reach in Asia. This arrangement allowed Level 3 to continue to service its customer base with capacity needs in Asia and provide Reach access to the Level 3 intercity networks in North America and Europe.

Today, Level 3 has grown to become an international communications and information services powerhouse headquartered in Broomfield, Colorado. Level 3 is one of the largest providers of wholesale dial-up service to Internet service providers (ISPs) in North America, and is the primary provider of Internet connectivity for millions of broadband subscribers through its cable and DSL partners. The company operates one of the largest communications and Internet backbones in the world. Level 3 provides services to the world’s ten largest telecom carriers, the top largest ISPs in North America, and Europe’s ten largest telecom carriers. A key contributor to the company’s success is its highly sophisticated approach to capital budgeting.

To help investors, employees, customers, and the general public understand the economics of its business and the company’s approach to capital budgeting, Level 3 has posted on the Internet what it calls a “Silicon Economics Model” ( Level  3 has developed this model in an effort to demonstrate in a simplified format the dynamic relationships that exist between pricing strategies, cost compression, demand growth, and capital budgeting in an optimized net present value discounted cash flow model. In other words, the model represents an effort to demonstrate the effects of important economic relationships on capital budgeting decisions and the value of the firm. Because of its simplified nature, the Silicon Economics Model should not be interpreted as an attempt to predict Level 3’s future operating performance or financial results. Level 3’s internal optimization model contains tens of thousands of variables and relationships that for the sake of simplicity are not duplicated in this model.

In order to produce a model for public use that is not overly complex, several simplifying assumptions have been made in the Silicon Economics Model. The effects of market competition are not explicitly modeled, and only a single service offering is considered. In practice, Level 3 offers a wide variety of services in various geographic locations that have differing degrees of demand elasticity. The model places no limits on demand growth, such as would be imposed by limitations on Level 3’s internal operating systems or external supply chain requirements. Capital expenditures (CAPEX) are modeled using an initial (one-time) infrastructure cost plus an incremental cost per unit. Cost-saving improvements in technology are modeled as a reduction in unit cost, or annual cost compression rate. Operational expenses (OPEX) are modeled using a fixed annual infrastructure cost, variable cost represented as a percentage of revenue, per-incremental-unit cost (activation related), and per-total-unit cost (support related). Cost reductions over time in these latter two categories can be modeled by specifying an annual productivity improvement factor. Network expenses (NETEX) are modeled as a cost per incremental unit. This unit cost is reduced at the same rate as the activation and support-related operational expenses.

Users can see the effects of varying assumptions on operating and financial performance by choosing different input parameters on the “Data Entry” worksheet. All default input values can be changed. The model will produce the net present value of consolidated cash flow for any choice of input parameters. Details concerning the calculation of expected revenue, capital expenses, operational expenses, and cash flow that are graphed by the model can be reviewed and are displayed on the “Details” tab of the model. Five three-dimensional charts are automatically produced to illustrate the sensitivity of net present value to four primary input parameters, including the annual price reduction rate, price elasticity of demand, annual CAPEX compression (cost- reduction) rate, and annual OPEX and NETEX compression (cost-reduction) rate. For simplicity, all other operating and financial parameters are held constant. The price and elasticity chart displays model sensitivity to the pace of price reduction and price elasticity; price and CAPEX illustrates effects of price reductions on capital spending. Price and OPEX and NETEX shows impacts of the price reduction rate and operational and network expense compression rates; price and total cost shows sensitivity to the price reduction rate and total cost compression rate. CAPEX and OPEX and NETEX, shown in Figure 17.4 gives the relationship between the capital expense compression rate and operational and network expense compression rates. For illustration purposes, input assumptions are an initial demand of 8.5 million units, an initial price of $200, annual price reductions of 25%, a discount rate of 25%, and a 2.25 price elasticity of demand.

Finally, Table 1 below shows the net present value implications of these model input assumptions for the discounted net present value of the enterprise. It is important to remember that these data are for illustration purposes only. They are not predictions of actual operating and financial results for Level 3 or any other company.

  1. Describe the essential components of Level 3’s Silicon Economics
  2. Explain how Level 3’s Silicon Economics Model differs from more standard and simplified approaches to capital For comparison purposes, you may want to consider valuation spreadsheets compiled and maintained by various independent analysts and investors on the Internet (
  3. How would you judge the effectiveness and usefulness of the Silicon Economics Model?

Which forces are most important to this firm’s continued success and why? Where is the firm in the industry value chain?

Firm Characteristics
•Whitepaper format
•Approx. 2-4 pages
•Porter’s 5 Forces, Value chain, Core Competency & Business strategy, Threats to Longevity
Choose a firm that you might want to work for one day (or a firm in an industry in which you want to work). The firm should be publicly traded, so that you can gather the necessary data about it.
As though you were presenting a market analysis in a professional setting, create a whitepaper describing the firm in detail. To do this write a description of the firm’s characteristics that answers the items below. I expect this will take 2-4 pages, but focus on clear presentation of content rather than length. Cite any sources used including any chart or image sources incorporated into the document.
Your whitepaper should address the following:
• Define the firm’s industry
• Describe the firm relative to the 5 forces
• Determine the strength of the forces
• Which forces are most important to this firm’s continued success and why?
• Where is the firm in the industry value chain?
• What is the firm’s business strategy?
• How can/does IT enable these strategies?
• How sustainable are these strategies?
• Explain the greatest threats to the firm’s continued success
• How can these threats be minimized?

Discuss the pros and cons of each method. Determine and justify which evaluation design you will deploy for your organization.

HRM3410 – Training & Developing Human Resources

Training Plan Project Instructions – Part III

Project Overview:

Through the completion of a three-part Training Plan Project, you will walk through the process of creating a training plan that an organization can use to train its workforce. First, you will interpret the strategic issues of human resource planning that shape and guide an organization’s human resource (HR) management program, to help the organization reach its goals. You will also discuss the process of constructing a needs assessment that includes all person, tasks, and organizational elements. Next, you will identify various learning styles theories and their impact on transfer of training. You will also explore various training tools and methods and determine the use of appropriate training tools and methods for the specific training outcomes. Finally, you will identify outcomes used to evaluate a training program and determine how you will specifically evaluate the outcome of the training. Throughout, you will ensure that all training in in compliance with EOE.

Part II:  Training Evaluation

In Part I of this project, you identified the training needs and established the objectives for training. In Part II, you determined the design of the training programs and the methods you will use to deliver the training. Now, in Part III, you will design a process for training evaluation.

Due to the costly and time-consuming nature of training, proper evaluation is essential. Evaluation also provides metrics for continuous improvement.

  • (300-400 words) Levels of evaluation – reaction, learning, behaviors, and results.
    • Review each of the four methods at which training can be evaluated and
    • Provide your recommendations for implementation based on your organization, the training program planned, and workforce needs.
  • (300-400 words) Training evaluation metrics – training is costly and the ability to clearly measure and report results can help to elevate the HR function to a higher level within the organization as a true business partner.
    • Cost-benefit analysis – determine the estimated training costs, identify potential savings results, calculate potential savings, and conduct costs and savings benefits comparison.
    • Return-on-investment (ROI) – walk through the steps of calculating the ROI for the training programs you have recommended and determine if there is likely a benefit to implementation.
  • (300-400 words) Training evaluation designs – there are three basic methods to design training evaluation: post-measure, pre-/post measure, and pre-/post measure with a control group.
    • Discuss the pros and cons of each method.
    • Determine and justify which evaluation design you will deploy for your organization.


Each section of the Training Plan Project should be prepared in APA format including a title page, section headers, in-text citations, and a reference page. A minimum of three professional and reputable sources are required for this section of the project.

Part III of this project will be 3-4 pages of body (900-1200 words) plus title page and reference page.

Should Wiedeking listen to the Rennist brand community? Why or Why not ? Should he engage with them? If so, how?

Porsche-The Cayenne Launch.

  • What is the value of the Rennist online brand community to Porsche?
  • Should Wiedeking listen to the Rennist brand community? Why or Why not ? Should he engage with them? If so, how?
  • Imagine you are a new Cayenne Owner. How does the Rennist brand community affect your Porsche ownership experience?

What are the main causes of poverty in the United States? How does discrimination impact poverty and income in the United States?

Follow the outline format guide (see attached) for a 2 – 3 page outline including the following information.
1. Your introductory paragraph, including your thesis statement
2. Your topic sentence for each paragraph, including the major points you use will to support your position. Include in-text citations and an APA style reference page.
3. Your topic sentences will address each of the following 7 areas.
• What are the main causes of poverty in the United States?
• How does discrimination impact poverty and income in the United States?
• How do education and housing impact poverty in the United States?
• What are the health and social impacts of living in poverty?
• What are some examples of policies that have been created to address poverty in the United States? Which of those policies do you think is the most effective and why do you think so?
• Do you think the current economic system in the United States allows people to easily get out of poverty? Why or why not?
• what do you think should be done to help address poverty and income inequality in the United States?

What is the underlying theory? Describe the underlying theory/ies that is directly related to your research question, i.e., why X causes Y and through what channels the causality takes place.

The impact/effect of electric vehicles on automotive industry.

  Does electric vehicles have an impact on the automotive industry?

Will it cause changes to the automotive industries ecosystem?  Which includes manufacturers, end customers and government regulations.

Electric vehicles                                 Automotive industry




  Why is this question important? (i.e. the motivation of the study)


· Why is the question interesting?


· From whose perspective are you undertaking this study?


· Who will benefit from this research and why?


· Provide evidence (citing papers or showing data) to your claims.

It is interesting because the topic revolves around a recent scenario of emergence of electric cars and how it will change

the world around us in the coming future and to research the depths of the situation to get more knowledge about the future

of the automotive industry which as a result makes it more motivating to study.

Germany will stop the sale of all new petrol and diesel cars from 2030, Scotland from 2032,

and France and the UK from 2040.


The business perspective of the already existing automotive companies, who have been in the market from centuries,

And are the market leaders of gasoline production cars.


Business, public and the government will benefit from this study as the shift to electric was once considered far off and

unlikely for many people, the rising concern for climate change and sustainability has helped sway public opinion towards

the need for transportation based on alternative energy. As more people invest in electric vehicles, the automotive industry

is bound to experience some serious changes.



  What is the underlying theory?

Describe the underlying theory/ies that is directly related to your research question, i.e., why X causes Y and through what channels the causality takes place. In other words, what is the economic explanation which says that if we change X that would change Y. Cite few high quality papers that discuss these theories (seminal and the most recent ones).

Underlying theory here is that how the conventional auto industries that are manufacturing fossil fuel burning vehicles

are affected by the electric cars.

Already existing literature suggests that the electric car production is negatively affecting the conventional industries as

the time is passing by and till 2025 there will be a heavy shift as the production of electric cars will increase from 1 million

today to around 25 million.

  What is (are) your specific hypothesis (hypotheses)?

Here please state each of the specific hypothesis that you want to statistically test. Each hypothesis should be very precise and clearly predict the direction of relation between the key variables (concepts) of interest.


H1: Ceteris paribus, better disclosure standards leads to higher firm valuation.

Note: Here it clearly states that if we keep everything else constant (Ceteris paribus) there is a positive relation between the conceptsdisclosure standards and firm valuation. Thus, in the following equation if is firm valuation and  is disclosure standard then we should expect β1 to be positive in sign and statistically significant.

You can have more than one hypothesis.


H1: Ceteris paribus, better decision-making leads to higher firm valuation.


Y it=∝ +β_1 X_1t+〖β_2 X〗_2t+〖β_3 C〗_1t+⋯+〖β_n C〗_nt+ γ_t+δ_i+ϵ_it



H1: Electric vehicles will impact the sales of conventional automotive industry negatively

H0: Electric vehicles will not impact the sales of conventional automotive industry negatively

What is your specific contribution that is not there in the literature?


· Which area of literature is your study contributing [cite few high quality (4*) papers (see the web link below) related to this area of literature].


· Cite high quality (4*) papers that are closely related to what you are proposing and state how your study is going to be different from them.

· Explain what new we will learn from your study that we do not know from existing literature.

Note: This is the most important part of your proposal. Your contribution needs to be considered significant and material enough. The ‘contribution’ is considered ‘meaningful and significant’ if you can convincingly achieve any one or more of the following:

· It addresses a real world problem

· It significantly impacts knowledge in which you generate a novel question that is interesting and material enough to be investigated.

· It fills a significant gap (lack of understanding) in the literature

· Generates and advances theory

· Produces salient novel and unexpected results

· Addresses a hard-to-solve research issue

· Introduces new procedures/models

Following cannot be considered significant contribution:

If it merely reconfirms a theory/conjecture/question using different dataset or conducting the tests in a different context (jurisdictions/economic periods etc.) unless you can convince that the dataset and/or context is very unique and the investigation is producing (or expected to produce) something different or unexpected result than we already know.

Journal rating list:

The topic I have chosen addresses an upcoming real-world scenario and revolves around a concept that is very new.

with the help of relevant theories, I will compare the financial impact of electric vehicles on the automotive industry.

With the help of primary research and literature this topic could also fill in the lack of understanding of the topic

as the scenario is quite recent and in-depth research could further clarify certain problems that could be

relevant to the future.


The sector could either be affected in a positive way or it could possibly it could heavily impact the economy

which could result in a potential downfall for the sector. Machinery, expertise could be quite expensive for the

financial aspect of the business as it is quite niche.




We add to the ongoing debate of whether Eco motor cars deters or encourages the financial sector to do better

after being legalised.




  Show the general regression equation with your dependent variable, key independent variable/s and the control variables.


Example model:

Is the dependent variable for ith firm and t year

Are independent variables of interest (you can have one, two or more).

Are control variables

Is the time fixed effect,   is the unit (firms) fixed effects and  is the error term



  What data do you propose to use to test your hypothesis?


· Specifically define each of your variables and describe your data.

· Complete the variable description table below.

Global data plc
  What method/s will you apply to test your hypothesis?

Explain why this method is ideal for empirical estimation of your econometric model.

What are the advantages of this method over others?

Is this method most recent and sophisticated enough to address the concern of various forms of endogeneity? Particularly, how does it deal with:

·  Omitted variable bias and alternative explanations

·  Reverse causality

·  Sample selection bias

Read the following paper to understand the concept of these issues:

Provide evidence (citing papers or showing data) to your claims.



Difference-in-Differences (DiD) is shock based method whereby credible causality could be established using the shock
as exogenous event/shockthat triggers changes in the independent variable.
In this study, we use DiD approach to determine the effect of electric vehicles on the financial sector of the

automotive industry and its financial activities.


Variable description table

Sample size:For how long this data set is available and for how many firms. Clearly discuss the sample selection.

Frequency:Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly

Variable Description

What is this variable? What is the unit? If constructed, how it is constructed? What concept does it capture and why? What is source from which this was obtained?

Economic justification of including the variable (cite papers that use them).


Dependent variable/s


Automotive industry  
  Automakers NA
  Production NA
Key independent variable/s ( Electric vehicles  
Control variables


Vehicle prices  


Cite all the key papers (8-10) in this proposal and place a reference list here.



Fama, Eugene F., Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, and Behavioural Finance (February 1997). Available at SSRN: or


Altuwaijri, Basmah, Investors’ Sentiment and the Stock Market Behaviour: An Empirical Analysis of the Saudi Stock Market (December 24, 2016). Available at SSRN: or

Essays, UK. (November 2018). Comparative Study on CSR Behaviour Across Industries in Mauritius. Retrieved from


What is the prevalence rate, any culture and/or gender-related diagnostic issues, functional consequences, and comorbidity for this particular diagnosis?


The Addictions Case Study assignment is designed to help you make application of course content to a potential counseling situation. The assignment is divided up into three parts: Part 1 – Case Conceptualization; Part 2 – Diagnostic Impressions; and Part 3 – Treatment Plan.

For Part 2 – Diagnostic Impressions, again using the “EDCO 740 Addictions Case Study

Narrative,” you will write a short paper in current APA format (about a 5-to-7 page summary, not including the title and references page) taking what you wrote in Part 1 and from the narrative, then documenting your diagnostic impressions of the client. For this assignment, you are only required to use one source: the DSM-5 (however, you can add more if desired).

In your write-up, using the DSM-5, you will need to answer (each bullet is about a paragraph – review the rubric below for more detail):

  • What is the primary diagnosis for this client? Put your full diagnosis in bold and list the criteria the client meets from the DSM with supporting statements from Marci’s narrative.
  • What is the prevalence rate, any culture and/or gender-related diagnostic issues, functional consequences, and comorbidity for this particular diagnosis?
  • What are the differential diagnoses to be aware of for this client (choose only one/those that THIS client could be dealing with, not all that the DSM may show)?
  • What are any secondary and tertiary diagnoses for this client? Put your full diagnosis in bold and list the criteria the client meets from the DSM with supporting statements from Marci’s
  • What is the prevalence rate, any culture and/or gender-related diagnostic issues, functional consequences, and comorbidity for this particular diagnosis?
  • What are the differential diagnoses to be aware of for this client (choose only one/those that THIS client could be dealing with, not all that the DSM may show)?

Note that each diagnosis you give needs to have the ICD-10 F-code (without the parentheses), the

name of the diagnosis, the severity, and any appropriate specifiers.

Divide your paper as follows (showing each heading below as level 1 and level 2, starting on p. 2 – no abstract is needed):

Listing of Criteria Met

Primary Diagnostic Impression

Prevalence, Culture/Gender Issues, Functional Consequences, Comorbidity Possible Differential Diagnoses

Secondary Diagnostic Impression(s) Listing of Criteria Met (Secondary Diagnosis 1)

Prevalence, Culture/Gender Issues, Functional Consequences, Comorbidity Possible Differential Diagnoses

Listing of Criteria Met (Secondary Diagnosis 2)

Prevalence, Culture/Gender Issues, Functional Consequences, Comorbidity Possible Differential Diagnoses

(Continue on in the same manner for any additional secondary/tertiary diagnoses you find)