Demonstrate understanding of everyday expressions dealing with simple and concrete daily activities and needs presented in a clear, slow, and repeated speech.
Class/Subject: Spanish I
Multiple Intelligences: Visual-Spatial, Verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal.
Performance Objective:
My goal for the students today is to conjugate the verb ir. I know they will be successful when students can talk, read and write about where they and others go.
NGSSS Standard(s): WL.K12.NM.4.1: Provide basic information about self and immediate surroundings using words and phrases and memorized expressions. WL.K12.NM.1.1: Demonstrate understanding of basic words, phrases, and questions about self and personal experiences through WL.K12.NM.1.2: Demonstrate understanding of everyday expressions dealing with simple and concrete daily activities and needs presented in a clear, slow, and repeated speech. WL.K12.NM.1.3: Demonstrate understanding of basic words and phrases in simple messages and announcements in familiar settings. |
Level 1,2,3, Identify, label, recognize, classify, compare, contrast, apply, choose, distinguish. |
Materials: Board, markers, computer, speakers, projector, internet connection, worksheets, video from realidades uno:PowerPoint. | |
Entry Skills/Background Knowledge:
Students should know before hand the fact that nouns in Spanish have gender. They can be either masculine or feminine. |
1) I will play a hip hop song: Adonde vas?
Direct Instruction:
1) I will display vocabulary (Chapter 4A) in a power point and model pronuntiation. 2) I will present a power point about the conjugation of the verb IR.
Supervised Practice: (include collaborative practice)
1) Workbook pg. 71. Las actividades favoritas. 2) Tic tac toe game. |
Independent Practice:
1) Ir verb dice 2) Guided Practice Activities 4A-1. Pgs. 125 & 126 |
Closure: (exit ticket)
1. Students will do the post-test in their laptops. |
Formative and summative assessment:
Formative: All the activities presented above. Summative: Students will take a grammar quiz of the conjugation of the verb Ir. |
Bellwork :
Write 3 of your favorite leisure activities. |
Heritage Language Learners Strategies: Students will write a few paragraphs telling about their perfect birthday celebration. Where are they going to have it? Whom are they going to invite? What food are they going to eat? What kind of music are they going to play? |
Students with learning difficulties Strategies: Students will review the vocabulary words and create flashcards for any words that they do not know. I will pair them with a student who is more confident with the vocabulary to practice. Before the test, I will provide students with practice test, so they can become comfortable with the format.
Student Grouping:
Students are grouped in heterogenous groups. I place the heritage Language Learners with ESE students next to each other. ESE students benefit in these heterogenous setting when they can experience “authentic” communication with fluent Spanish-speaking models and can receive assistance and support when needed.
Draw classroom layout on the back |