
Demonstrate understanding of everyday expressions dealing with simple and concrete daily activities and needs presented in a clear, slow, and repeated speech.

Class/Subject:  Spanish I


Multiple Intelligences: Visual-Spatial, Verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal.


Performance Objective:

My goal for the students today is  to conjugate the verb ir.

I know they will be successful when students can talk, read and write about where they and others go.


NGSSS Standard(s):


Provide basic information about self and immediate surroundings using words and phrases and memorized expressions.


Demonstrate understanding of basic words, phrases, and questions about self and personal experiences through
gestures, drawings, pictures, and actions.


Demonstrate understanding of everyday expressions dealing with simple and concrete daily activities and needs presented in a clear, slow, and repeated speech.


Demonstrate understanding of basic words and phrases in simple messages and announcements in familiar settings.


Level 1,2,3,

Identify, label, recognize, classify, compare, contrast, apply, choose, distinguish.

Materials:  Board, markers, computer, speakers, projector, internet connection, worksheets, video from realidades uno:PowerPoint.
Entry Skills/Background Knowledge:

Students should know before hand the fact that nouns in Spanish have gender.  They can be either masculine or feminine.


1)      I will play a hip hop song: Adonde vas?


Direct Instruction:

1)      I will display vocabulary (Chapter 4A) in a power point and model pronuntiation.

2)      I will present a power point about the conjugation of the verb IR.


Supervised Practice: (include collaborative practice)

1)      Workbook pg. 71. Las actividades favoritas.

2)      Tic tac toe game.

Independent Practice:

1)      Ir verb dice

2)      Guided Practice Activities 4A-1.  Pgs. 125 & 126

Closure: (exit ticket)

1.       Students will do the post-test in their laptops.

Formative and summative assessment:

Formative: All the activities presented above.

Summative: Students will take a grammar quiz of the conjugation of the verb Ir.

Bellwork :

Write 3 of your favorite leisure activities.


Heritage Language Learners


Students will write a few paragraphs telling about their perfect birthday celebration.  Where are they going to have it? Whom are they going to invite? What food are they going to eat? What kind of music are they going to play?


Students with learning difficulties


Students will review the vocabulary words and create flashcards for any words that they do not know.  I will pair them with a student who is more confident with the vocabulary to practice.  Before the test, I will provide students with practice test, so they can become comfortable with the format.


Student Grouping:

Students are grouped in heterogenous groups.  I place the heritage Language Learners with ESE students next to each other.  ESE students benefit in these heterogenous setting when they can experience “authentic” communication with fluent Spanish-speaking models and can receive assistance and support when needed.



Draw classroom layout on the back





Who can help you achieve overcoming each barrier? How can this person assist you?

Path to Success Paper

Each student will describe a way that they will be successful in their academics or future career. This assignment will enable student to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and potential barriers or roadblocks that exist for them.

Each student will submit a paper of at least 2 full pages in length.

**Each paper, upon submission, will show evidence of the student having used the Lonestar College CyFair Academic Success Center for proofreading and editing prior to completion. Use this link: or make an appointment to visit the Writing Center in person. Take pictures of Writing Center official stamp on your rough draft and editing notes from staff for proof, submitted to the appropriate D2L Dropbox OR submit the online editing notes from Writing Center staff email to the Dropbox.

Use the Smarter Measure results, your Time Analysis paper, the Mini-essays you have written, textbook, and any other outside source to support your thoughts in this paper.

The paper should be double spaced, with 12 point font and 1 inch margins. The paper will be written from a first-person standpoint and discuss 2-3 personal barriers concerning the author and methods to overcome these barriers. The paper should follow the outline below and clearly address the following:

  1. Introduction/Thesis
    1. Include the purpose of the paper as identifying a barrier
    2. Include a description of your identified barriers as addressed in the textbook. (This could be from any section of the textbook.)
    3. Identify at least two personal barriers to be addressed in the paper
    4. Tell the reader why these are significant barriers and that you are including a strategy that can or has helped you overcome these barriers.
  1. Body: What are your barriers?
    1. Give information that clearly tells the reader what the barriers are for you
    2. For each barrier, describe how you know this is a barrier for you. How might this be a roadblock for your academic or future career success?
  2. Body: What are your strategies?
  3. How can you overcome these barriers and move toward being successful?
  4. If you are currently addressing these barriers what are you doing to overcome them?
  5. Who can help you achieve overcoming each barrier? How can this person assist you?
  6. Conclusion: Summarize your barriers and your strategies.

Include at least 3 quoted references from the textbook and other sources to support your paper. Use at least one resource also cited on the citations page, besides the textbook. Use MLA format to cite the book on a citation page at the end of the paper.

What point will you be making that supports your thesis?What scholarly research will you use as evidence to support your point?

Sociology 2010: Research Paper Outline

Weight: 5%


The research paper outline requires project groups to generate a preliminary argument, map the sections of their research paper, identify key readings, and assign responsibilities among the project group.

Assignment Details

Research paper outlines should include the following elements:

  1. A clear thesis statement that reflects the question being addressed, the general approach of the paper, and the perspective you are taking on the topic.
  2. A list of the sections and sub-sections you plan to include in the paper.
  3. A preliminary reading list for your paper. Outlines should identify at least 4 readings to be used in your research. List these in APA format and provide 3-5 sentences describing the content of each reading and its value for your project.
  4. Use the template provided below to structure and write-up your outline.
  5. If you do not follow the instructions, you will receive a zero for this assignment.


Title of essay:

  1. Introduction
  2. What topic does your essay address? One sentence only
  3. What is your thesis statement? One sentence only
  4. Body of Essay

Paragraph 1: What point will you be making that supports your thesis? One sentence only.

What scholarly research will you use as evidence to support your point? Use APA format

Paragraph 2: What point will you be making that supports your thesis? One sentence only

What scholarly research will you use as evidence to support your point? Use APA format

Paragraph 3: What point will you be making that supports your thesis? One sentence only

What scholarly research will you use as evidence to support your point? Use APA format

(You will add as many paragraphs as you need to support your thesis).



Using empirical evidence, critically discuss the mechanisms thought to contribute to dieting failures.

Applied Exercise and Health Psychology



Detailed Assessment Guidance

The coursework task requires you to research the evidence base for each topic area and then answer five (from the choice of 7) questions academically, critically and concisely. Each answer should be followed with the appropriate reference list (not included in word count). All should then be put together in one document to enable submission to Turnitin.

Choose 5 questions to answers from the 7 possible questions below:

1. To what extent is exercise addiction considered to be dangerous? Critically discuss this question, using evidence from research (800 words).

2.Critically examine the role of exercise as a potential cause of, and as a possible treatment for eating disorders (800 words).

3.Using empirical evidence, critically discuss the mechanisms thought to contribute to dieting failures (800 words).

4.To what extent is exercise a beneficial treatment for those who experience mild to moderate depression and anxiety? Critically discuss this question, using evidence from research (800 words).

5.Compare and contrast the adequacy of  two intervention types in increasing physical activity levels and improving health outcomes (800 words). Note- examples might be exercise referral schemes, green gyms, cardiac rehab etc.

6.Examine the psychological theoretical approaches that attempt to explain a person’s food choices (800 words). Within your answers please consider;

a. Developmental

b. Cognitive  and

c. Psychophysiological theories

7. Evaluate and discuss the quality of evidence underpinning one psychological model used to explain exercise and health behaviour (800 words). Note – examples of possible model to choose might be TTM, TPB, SDT ( can select a different one is preferable)

This assessment relates to the following module learning outcomes (taken from the module handbook):

1. Critically appraise the key theories utilized in health and exercise behaviour

2. Communicate the processes which contribute to implementing an effective behaviour change programme in an exercise setting;

3. Demonstrate awareness of a variety of relationships between exercise and health.

4.  Critically discuss key issues in exercise and health psychology with reference to current research.


Justify your investment positions based on the expected relative inflation rate between two nations.

Final Project
You are required at the end of the course to submit a final project in the form of a paper in which you assume the role of an investment manager investing for your clients’ funds in stock and foreign currencies, futures, options, oil, gold, silver, and other commodities based on profit sharing. For this final
research project, you are required to research the foreign currencies and select two foreign currencies as soon as possible after initial consultations with your mentor regarding what directions to pursue. You may use Yahoo Finance at to find stocks or foreign currencies. Or you can use Bloomberg at ( for finding the major world currencies or news about the stocks, currencies, and economies.
You are required to research the foreign currencies and select two foreign currencies to invest in for the account of one of your clients who has given you $20,000.
Use $20,000 of your client’s account in the two foreign currencies which you have selected to invest in based on a margin of 2% which gives you a high leverage (50 to 1), meaning you can invest up to $1,000,000 or 50 times of your client’s balance either in currency spot market or currency futures. To keep things simple, use the currency spot market and you are recommended to choose two hard currencies such as the Euro, British Pound, Japanese Yen, Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar, New Zealand Dollar, or Swiss Franc. The following are some more requirements for research project:
1. You may take a long or short position in each foreign currency or long position in one or short position on the other.

2. Justify your investment decisions based on a trend (uptrend or downtrend) analysis.

3. Justify your investment positions based on the relative inflation rate between two nations. For example, if the inflation rate is higher in the United States relative to the Euro Zone, all else equal, the Dollar would depreciate against the Euro.

4. Justify your investment positions based on the expected relative inflation rate between two nations. For example, if the inflation rate is expected to be higher in the United States relative to the Britain, all else equal, the Dollar would depreciate against the British Pound.

5. Justify your investment position based on the relative interest rate between two nations. For instance, if the Australian banks pay higher interest rate than the U.S. banks, investors or speculators would move their funds, all else equal or all other variables stay the same, to Australia to take advantage of the higher interest rate.

6. Similarly, you may justify your investment decisions based on expected interest rate between the
Copyright © 2016 by Thomas Edison State University. All rights reserved.
two nations. For example, when Investors expect higher interest rate in Canada, they would  invest in Canadian denominated assets that, in turn, would cause the Canadian Dollar to  appreciate, all other variables held fixed, .
7. You may justify your investment decisions based on some other macroeconomic or fundamental
analysis such as the unemployment rate, Gross Domestic Products, Trade Balance, and Capital
Flows that you have learned from the textbook or some other outside materials.
8. Select the two currencies in your portfolio which have negative correlations or a weak correlation  for the reduction of risk and risk management purpose.
9. Calculate your return for each investment and overall return.
10. Prepare your findings in an 8-page research report paper based on the APA format.
You will produce your final project in four different stages as part of your course work:
Stage 1
By the end of Module 1 you will inform your mentor which foreign currencies you are thinking of researching. Your mentor will help you with feedback regarding your choices and how to proceed with your research.
Stage 2
During Module 2 you will organize the information you have gathered into an interim report that you will share with your classmates and mentor during a synchronous event. Your mentor will coordinate arrangements for sharing your report and taking part in the discussion.
Stage 3
After participating in the Module 2 synchronous discussion forum and reflecting on any suggestions, advice, observations, etc., made by your classmates and mentor, you will decide on which foreign currencies you would like to invest (choose two hard currencies). You will update your interim report to include this choice and a brief explanation regarding why you have selected these particular foreign currencies. You will submit the updated interim report to your mentor for grading at the end of Module 3. During Module 3 you will also participate in a second synchronous event during which you will have the opportunity to discuss your final project further.
Stage 4
By the end of Module 4 you will complete and submit your final project paper.
If you have questions about the requirements of the final project, be sure to discuss them with your mentor well in advance of the final submission. Consult the Course Calendar for the due dale.
% Final Project Evaluation Rubric.
Copyright © 2016 by Thomas Edison State University. All rights reserved.

What were the causes of the British American War for Independence? What happened to lead many subjects to rebel against their government?

1. What were the causes of the British American War for Independence? What happened to lead many subjects to rebel against their government? How did the rebels gain their independence despite being outmatched militarily on land and on the sea?
2. Who gained and who lost as a result of British-American independence?

3. What were the key sites of conflict in the new republic?

Interpret financial information in relation to a company’s mission and vision for aligning recommendations to attain strategic goals.

Prompt: For this assignment, you will place yourself in the role of a controller as you review the Starbucks case study and apply your knowledge and understanding of accounting principles to resolve issues and formulate recommendations. You will present this milestone in the form of a report. You will receive feedback on each milestone, with the expectation that you will make any necessary revisions and then compile the milestones together for your final project submission.
For Milestone One you will analyze financial statements for Starbucks Corporation for fiscal 2010 through 2012 for financial analysis calculation and interpretation. You will then address linkages between financial results and operating strategy. As part of Critical Element I: Financial Indicators and Trend Analysis, you will begin by reviewing the financial statements and footnotes that are part of Starbucks’ annual report. Once you complete your review of the financial statements, you will focus on the gross profit ratio and return on assets and address the tasks in parts B and C of Critical Element I. Finally, you will perform a horizontal trend analysis to create a pro-forma financial statement. This assessment addresses the following course outcomes:
 Analyze financial accounting information from transactions through financial statement preparation for reporting results to internal and external users of information.

 Interpret financial information in relation to a company’s mission and vision for aligning recommendations to attain strategic goals.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in your milestone submission:
I. Financial Indicators and Trend Analysis

A. Analyze various ratio analyses and compare them to the financial statements and footnotes. Note any similarities or differences.

B. In reviewing the gross profit ratio, 2010 and 2011 were consistent versus a slight decrease in 2012. If management is looking to increase the gross profit ratio by 4%, what changes would need to be made in the components of gross profit (i.e., how much would sales increase if prices remained the same?)? Defend your response.

C. Analyze the return on assets (ROA) and discuss the advantages or disadvantages if Starbucks should expand assets by 5% but remain stable with sales.

D. Perform a horizontal trend analysis on the revenue components of Starbucks’s consolidated statements of earning and develop a pro forma financial statement for the next year, noting that coffee inventory will increase by 20% and same-store sales will remain flat. Ensure all information is entered accurately.
III. Interpret Financial Information Based on the case and researching Starbucks corporate philosophy:

a. Summarize how Starbucks meets its mission of “creating a reservoir of trust with their customers, partners, and communities that is deeper than at any time in their history.”
b. What considerations would need to be identified in the financial statements if Starbucks carries out its commitment to hiring veterans and military spouses? Why?

c. As controller, what are three challenges related to meeting this goal?

d. Starbucks is planning to open 1,500 new stores within the next 10 years. Evaluate the feasibility of opening stores in China, Brazil, and the Czech Republic. e. Rate each of the three locations with regard to prior sales history.
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 2- to 4-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.
Critical Element Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value Case Study 1: Financial Indicators and Trend Analysis: Compare Meets “Proficient” criteria and is well qualified with concrete examples (100%) Analyzes various ratio analyses and compares them to the financial statements and footnotes, supporting the comparison with similarities and differences (90%) Analyzes various ratio analyses and compares them to the financial statements and footnotes but does not support the comparison with similarities and differences (70%) Does not analyze various ratio analyses (0%) 10 Case Study 1: Financial Indicators and Trend Analysis: Gross Profit Ratio Meets “Proficient” criteria and defense is well supported and contextualized (100%) Identifies changes that would need to be made in the components of the gross profit to increase the gross profit ratio and defends response (90%) Identifies changes that would need to be made in the components of the gross profit to increase the gross profit ratio but does not defend response (70%) Does not identify changes that would need to be made in the components of gross profit to increase the gross profit ratio (0%) 5 Case Study 1: Financial Indicators and Trend Analysis: Expand Assets Meets “Proficient” criteria and shows keen insight into the relationship between expansion of assets and sales (100%) Analyzes the ROA and discusses the advantages or disadvantages of expanding assets by 5% while remaining stable with sales (90%) Analyzes the ROA and discusses the advantages or disadvantages of expanding assets by 5% while remaining stable with sales but discussion lacks depth or detail (70%) Does not analyze the ROA (0%) 15 Case Study 1: Financial Indicators and Trend Analysis: Horizontal Trend Analysis Performs a horizontal trend analysis and develops a pro forma financial statement for the next year (100%) Performs a horizontal trend analysis and develops a pro forma financial statement for the next year but contains inaccuracies (70%) Does not perform a horizontal trend analysis (0%) 15 Case Study 1: Interpret Financial Information: Mission Meets “Proficient” criteria and summary is exceptionally clear and contextualized (100%) Summarizes how Starbucks meets its mission (90%) Summarizes how Starbucks meets its mission but summary lacks depth or detail (70%) Does not summarize how Starbucks meets its mission (0%) 5 Case Study 1: Interpret Financial Meets “Proficient” criteria and justification is well supported with concrete examples (100%) Identifies considerations that would need to be addressed and justifies response (90%) Identifies considerations that would need to be addressed but does not justify response (70%) Does not identify considerations (0%) 10

Information: Considerations Case Study 1: Interpret Financial Information: Challenges
Meets “Proficient” criteria and shows keen insight into potential challenges a controller may face (100%)
Identifies three challenges related to meeting the goal (90%)
Identifies three challenges but they are not related to meeting the goal (70%)
Does not identify challenges (0%)
Case Study 1: Interpret Financial Information: Feasibility
Meets “Proficient” criteria and cites scholarly research to illustrate claims (100%)
Evaluates the feasibility of opening stores in China, Brazil, and the Czech Republic (90%)
Evaluates the feasibility of opening stores in China, Brazil, and the Czech Republic but evaluation is cursory or lacks detail (70%)
Does not evaluate the feasibility of opening stores in China, Brazil, and the Czech Republic (0%)
Case Study 1: Interpret Financial Information: Rate
Meets “Proficient” criteria and rankings are well supported and logical (100%)
Rates each of the three locations with regard to the prior sales history (90%)
Rates each of the three locations but does not take prior sales history into consideration (70%)
Does not rate the three locations (0%)
Articulation of Response
Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format (100%)
Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization (90%)
Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas (70%)
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas (0%)

Discuss this paradox and provide a substantiated argument as to whether or not it is the leader or it is the context.

Paradox – One of the oldest and most debated paradoxes is the fascinating debate as to whether history is shaped by heroic change agents or whether leaders and their followers are primarily and more decisively shaped by their times by events, and by the economic, social, and physical circumstances in which they live.” (Cronin & Genovese, 2012 p. 23)

Discuss this paradox and provide a substantiated argument as to whether or not it is the leader or it is the context. Support your work with at least 7 scholar sources. Paper must consist Title page, Introduction, Appropriate headings, Conclusion and References

What did Michael Eisner do to rejuvenate Disney? Specifically, how did he increase net income in his first four years?

Read attached file and answer below questions. please write those questions first and write answer
1. Why has Disney been successful for so long?
2. What did Michael Eisner do to rejuvenate Disney? Specifically, how did he increase net income in his first four years?
3. Has Disney diversified too far in recent years?

In the video, why are the colonists (Pilgrims) better with private than with common property?

Watching on you tube and answer these questions /watch?v=uGcU06fhKq8
1) In the video, why are the colonists (Pilgrims) better with private than with common property?
2) Why does working for one’s self actually make the group better off in the long run?
3) Why are property rights so important?
4) What does Paul Solman mean when he says that private property creates an incentive to work harder?

Federal Agencies ( and State Governments (

5) a. Select one state government agency and what does it do?=
b. Select one federal government agency and what does it do?
c. Explain why do you think the state and federal government agencies are important?