
Conduct a close reading of the article, keep detailed notes on the author’s thesis, and sources of evidence.

This essay assignment (2-3 pages) is intended to foster your information and data literacy by asking you to compare and contrast an author’s argument about an historical figure or trend that differs from prior interpretations and assumptions discuss in Spring, J. (2018). The American school, a global context: From the Puritans to the Trump Era. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. It is important to also reflect on whether the author’s argument might challenge your own conceptions of the past.

Conduct a close reading of the article, keep detailed notes on the author’s thesis, and sources of evidence. For example, you should note what types of evidence is provided and from what types of sources (primary sources).

You also must compare and contrast the author’s claims with others found in the textbook. How does the author’s argument challenge other scholarly views? How does the authors’ argument challenge your own perceptions of the past?

Evaluate the creditability of the sources used by the author. Do these sources directly or indirectly support the author’s claim? Is the evidence factual or speculative? Does the evidence support other interpretations?

Take a position on the author’s claim based on your evaluation of evidence and your interpretation of the evidence.

Provide a detailed description of the activities leading to achieving the objectives identified, including your rationale behind their selection, their sequence, and your reasoning behind why these methods may work.

IV. Planning

Provide a comprehensive program plan that includes its objectives (that is, measurable improvements in behavior, performance, process, or a tangible item that will result from your program); ethical and legal considerations and their anticipated effect on healthcare reimbursement, policy, and governance; anticipated issue-related outcomes and your plan to address them; how your identified resources will support the success of the program;
target population being served (if applicable); and a timeline for meeting program objectives.

V. Implementation

Provide a detailed description of the activities leading to achieving the objectives identified, including your rationale behind their selection, their sequence, and your reasoning behind why these methods may work.

VI. Evaluation Methodologies

Provide a comprehensive description of how your organization (and potential funders) will know the program is successful. Items to consider include methods for measuring success, who will be performing the evaluation, and how the methods will be selected. You should also include your plan for gathering data, using test instruments, analyzing data, using evaluation for program improvements, and any specific evaluation reports that should be produced.

Reducing maternal mortality due to sepsis in Uganda: What would you propose to do with this money? A detailed justification of your spending is required.

PBL 1: Reducing maternal mortality due to sepsis in Uganda.

Despite significant investment, much from oversees Aid, maternal mortality rates in Uganda have barely declined in recent years and remain amongst the highest in the world. This failure is particularly frustrating given that a WHO blueprint for reducing maternal morbidity and mortality based on provision of skilled birth attendants and better management of obstetric emergencies, in particular sepsis, is well established. Research focused on improving provision of these resources is likely to have a significant impact, and thus the UK’s National Institute for Health Research is offering up to £5 million over 4 years to support research initiatives in this area. What would you propose to do with this money? A detailed justification of your spending is required.

Write about:

  • What preventive methods can be taken?
  • Sensible diagnostic approaches in Uganda

250 – 300 words max, 10 references Harvard APA (*use sources from 2013 – 2020)

Explain your position on this issue and provide evidence to support it.

Identify a current policy or political issue in the current news (within 2-4weeks). Describe the issue and its potential impact on any aspect of healthcare. Explain your position on this issue and provide evidence to support it.  Include ethical, economic, and (nursing) practice perspective. What can you do and how can you do it? Offer possible actions to address the issue. Provide appropriate references and resources. All references have to be professional organization websites, such as .org/.gov. (NO .com)

Identify each item of physical evidence, and fully justify your decision to collect it as evidence.

John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, New York, USA
So far in this course, your study has been concentrated on the origin, developmental stages, and many uses of DNA to solve crimes. You have studied how various body fluids such as blood, saliva, and semen are tested, as well as identified the importance of DNA and nuclear DNA in DNA profiling. Below are several case studies that were solved using the procedures and analyses studied in class, and the application of the information obtained was used to solve the criminal investigation.
Choose only 1 of the cases listed below and explain how the physical evidence recovered from the crime scene was tested and analyzed to solve the crime.

Case Study 1
A man and his wife were on vacation in Paris. On the way back to the hotel, they were approached by two men with weapons who demanded their jewelry. A physical interaction occurred in which the robbers violently wrestled the man to the ground and removed his watch and rings while his wife tried to run away. The man and his wife were shot and killed. The bodies of the two victims were pulled into an alley. Multiple scratches were on the body of the male victim, and blood was also found on the female victim because the robbers tore the necklace, rings, and earrings off that she was wearing. The two men committing the crime both had previous records for assault and robbery. How were the men convicted of the crime?

Case Study 2
After 10 years of being free, a man was convicted of a rape after DNA evidence was allowed to be used. The female he raped was not able to make an identification, so the attorney had to get permission to do a DNA profile on the suspect. The suspect had lived as a neighbor of the victim, only a few houses away. This man was considered a family friend; however, after the rape incident occurred, he abruptly moved to another state. How was he convicted or exonerated?

Assignment Guidelines
Address the following in 4–5 pages:
What exactly is DNA profiling? Explain in detail.
How it is used to solve crimes? Explain in detail.
Regarding your selected case study:
What physical evidence would be retrieved from the crime scene?
Identify each item of physical evidence, and fully justify your decision to collect it as evidence.
What type(s) of DNA tests are required to investigate the crime you have chosen? Explain in detail, and fully support your argument.
What is the testing process for the technique(s) used to test each piece of evidence? Be specific, and explain in detail.
After analyzing the evidence, explain how the evidence exonerated or convicted the suspects.

How significant is DNA evidence in determining the outcome of modern court cases? Explain in detail.


Assignment Details;
DNA profiling is used in other kinds of court cases besides just criminal cases. Other cases in which DNA profiling is used are custody, paternity, estate settlement, hair analysis, forensic IT, and many more. Because of the information contained in a single sample, it is very important that the same be obtained and maintained in a manner that does not jeopardize the DNA sample.
Address the following in your main post:
List and discuss the different processes that should be utilized to avoid contamination of DNA samples.
What do you think is the most significant contamination issue with regard to DNA testing? Explain.
Provide 2 examples where court decisions have been made directly because of DNA evidence contamination.
How do you feel about the outcomes of these cases? Explain.
How significant is DNA evidence in determining the outcome of modern court cases? Explain in detail.

What are the characteristics of the key concepts or the main factors or variables?

Dissertation 2019‐2020 – Gheorghe Multescu.
Assignment 1 – Interim Research Paper Contents This element of assessment comprises the submission of a Interim Research Paper that provides an introduction to the research methodology, the theoretical framework and the literature review for the study area. What is an Interim Research Paper? Full details of the contents of the Interim Research paper are shown in Appendix 5 of this document. The main constituents of the paper are an interim literature review and preliminary research methodology which reflects the extent of the work undertaken by you at this stage of the dissertation. The Interim Research Paper should be seen as a complete submission and not as an introduction to the main Dissertation submission. The research question should be clearly identified, as well as the aims and objectives. The typical components of the Interim Research Paper, as shown in Appendix 5 are: Abstract Keywords Introduction (background to the topic) Lit Review Research Methodology Findings and Discussion (from the analysis of the lit review) Conclusion and Further Research Always remember that this is a “stand alone” exercise and, even though you should be able to transfer most of the contents to your final submission, no reference to this should be made on the paper. The Interim Literature Review in the Interim Research Paper The literature review should demonstrate that you have a comprehensive knowledge of the research, theoretical and empirical, that relates to your proposed area of research. A literature review is NOT merely a summary of other people’s work. It is a critical look at the existing research in a particular area/topic. Of course this will mean that you do summarize some of the relevant research in your chosen topic. However, you must EVALUATE this research. This will include detailing how the research is related and its relevance to your dissertation. You must not simply provide a description of individual research. To maximize your grade you must select the important aspects of the research (e.g. the methodology) and clearly indicate how it relates to the other relevant studies (e.g. What other methodologies have been used? How are they similar? How are they different?). A good review must provide the theoretical context for your research. How to write a good review By undertaking a review of your chosen topic you will of course enlarge your knowledge. You should also improve and demonstrate your skills in information seeking and critically appraising the relevant research.
Dissertation 2019‐2020 – Gheorghe Multescu
The idea of the literature review is not to provide a summary of all the published work that relates to your research, but a survey of the most relevant and significant work. A good review must: x be organized to demonstrate how the research is related to your dissertation and the research question you are developing x synthesize results into a summary of what is and is not known x identify areas of controversy in the literature x formulate questions that need further research In general, students should make sure that the following questions are answered:
x What do we already know in the immediate area concerned? x What are the characteristics of the key concepts or the main factors or variables? x What are the relationships between these key concepts, factors or variables? x What are the existing theories? x Where are the inconsistencies or other shortcomings in our knowledge and understanding? x What views need to be (further) tested? x What evidence is lacking, inconclusive, contradictory or too limited? x Why study (further) the research problem? In a theoretical framework you would include an outline of existing theories which are closely related to your research topic. You should make clear how your research relates to existing theories. How are ‘research questions’ in the field framed? How does your own research relate to such framings? You should make your own theoretical assumptions and allegiances as explicit as possible. Preliminary Research Methodology in the Interim Research Paper Start by explaining the paradigm and approach on which the paper is based, and then identify your research methodology. Your discussion of methodology should be linked to this theoretical framework. At this stage you do not have to describe the methodology to be used in great detail, but you should justify its use over other methodologies. For example, you could explain the reasons for using: • a certain paradigm or theory • an inductive or deductive approach • qualitative or quantitative research • a case study of a specific kind • surveys, correlational experiments, field studies, etc. • certain dependent or independent or moderating variables • a particular sampling frame and the size of a sample You could also explain how you are proposing to: • have access to the data • analyze the data Always be aware that for this exercise you are not required to obtain primary data.
Dissertation 2019‐2020 – Gheorghe Multescu
Submission Please note. For both submissions the hard copy and the electronic copy via Turnitin should be submitted by the deadline to avoid penalties. The hard copy will be used to establish the penalty points. The Interim Research Paper (Interim Submission) is a formal submission, which will be assessed in accordance with the criteria outlined in the Module Outline. The mark allocated for this submission will have a weighting of 25% of the overall module mark. Provided your Interim Research Paper is of adequate standard, it will be perfectly acceptable to include most of the content in your final submission. The Interim Submission will be expected to be around 4,000 words in length (10% tolerance accepted) and should incorporate the following elements: • A clear title for your research area • A rationale for the selection of the topic • Your research goals, expressed in terms of: ƒ Aim ƒ Objectives ƒ Either proposition(s) or key question(s) • A literature review (i.e. a first draft of the literature review which you expect to include in your final submission) • An introduction to the theoretical framework, research approach and proposed methodology for the study • A comprehensive list of references
The 3 compulsory tutorials to be held prior to the submission of the Interim Research Paper will not be assessed but, as they are essential to ensure the smooth progression of the work, attendance will be recorded and non-attendance will be penalized. Students’ interim submission will not be assessed if the tutorials have been missed, and you will lose all marks attributable to this element. Appendix 3 contains the attendance record sheet that should be signed by the Supervisor after each compulsory tutorial, and attached to the Interim Submission. The compulsory tutorials are informal, and the arrangements should be initiated by the student. Assignment 2 – PDP Submission You are required to submit a portfolio not exceeding 1500 words (excluding illustrations, forms and diagrams) utilizing the structures to be provided during the PDP sessions, which addresses the following:
x Personal profile – CV; x SMART goals to be developed during the dissertation x SWOT analysis applicable to your career progression
Dissertation 2019‐2020 – Gheorghe Multescu

Full paper template for interim research paper: Your paper title here Monty Sutisna1 and Lee Ruddock1 1School of the Built Environment, University of Salford, Salford, M5 4WT, United Kingdom
Email: M.Sutrisna@xxxxxxxxxx; L.Ruddock@xxxxxxxxx
Abstract: The abstract of your paper should be written in a single paragraph within 300 words limit. A good abstract should give a brief overview of the paper including the background and/or rationale, the research methodology, and the findings from the research at its current stage. It is also a good practice to explain how the findings from the research can help or at least useful in solving problems or minimizing gaps in the specific area/field/communities/industry. Keywords: Up to 5 keywords should be provided in alphabetical order separated by commas (should be the same as your Topic Approval Form) Introduction The introduction section should provide an overview of the paper as well as its background and context. Starting from general to provide the ‘big picture’ moving down to specifics, this section should provide a rationale that justifies the research, i.e. why there is a necessity to conduct a research on this particular subject. This can be done by providing evidences of problems that needs solution and/or identified knowledge gap in a specific domain, level, geographical location, society, sector, industry, and so on supported by key references. As the response, a clear research agenda can be described specifying research aim and objectives in order to clarify the purpose of conducting the investigation. Following this, the author needs to describe in general how the research can be or had been done to satisfy the aim and objectives, i.e. a brief discussion on the research methodology. This should highlight the research design, data collection methods and data analysis conducted or to be conducted in the research. Research limitations, scopes and boundaries should be explained as well to manage the expectations of the readers/audience. The findings of the research at this stage have to be outlined here emphasizing on the originality and general contributions of the investigation and preferably specific contributions of this paper. It is also a good practice to clarify who exactly will or expected to benefit from such investigation. This should be closely linked to the research rationale, aim and objectives.

Literature Review Similar to the background and context discussed in the introduction section, the literature review should flow from general to specific. There is no strict set of rules that prescribes the numbers of references that should be presented. However, as a rule of thumbs, every claims or important statement in the paper should be supported by at least one reference (can be academic or more industry related articles). References should be reasonably recent, key references and seminal works relevant to the field of study should be included. The referencing system used should be the Harvard system. There are several variances in styles that can be adopted, however for consistency, the following style should be applied in writing the interim research paper: (Sutrisna and Ruddock, 2009), (Ruddock et al., 2008; Sutrisna et al., 2008). Even though it is called the literature review section, the actual title of the section 2 does not have to be “Literature Review”. It can be other titles that might better represent the content of this section. Nesting Sub-sections Starting from section 2 onwards (except for section 6 References), nesting subsections can be added whenever necessary by selecting Heading 2 or heading 3 as appropriate. In order to format the numbering, right-click on the subsection title, choose Bullets and Numbering, select customize and choose the appropriate level and start at as appropriate. The Level of Sub-section Nesting Authors are not advised to use more than three levels of subsections’ nesting. The use of too many nesting levels will reduce clarity and may be confusing for the readers of the article. Research Methodology The research methodology should clearly discuss the framework, approach and/or the research design, data collection, and data analysis to be adopted in the research. One of the most important issues to be discussed here is the appropriateness of the selected methodology, i.e. the justification of why this particular methodology (consists of research approaches, tools, and so on), is the most appropriate choice compared to other alternatives. This is the opportunity for the authors to demonstrate their awareness and understanding (appropriate for the level of study) of the research tools commonly used in their field and how this knowledge is used to inform them in constructing a robust methodology to tackle the research problems/questions. Some papers present very early stages of the research. This should not prevent the author to discuss potential research methodology that can be adapted based on the nature of the research problems/questions identified or type of data expected at this stage. Research is iterative in nature and researchers continuously modify their research methodology in light of new information and changes in circumstances.

Findings and Discussion In this section, authors should discuss all the findings emerging from conducting the investigation so far. Even for early stages of research (e.g. the paper may only aim to report an initial literature study), what have been synthesized from the literature should be discussed. This may be done by highlighting the similarities and/or differences from a variety of literature sources on the issues being investigated and the contextual nature of the similarities/differences (such as geographical locations, culture or many other factors that may influence the discussion in those different literature sources). Conclusion and Further Research In this section, the author should summarize the whole discussion presented in this paper. This can be done by briefly reminding the reader about the origin of the investigation and how the research has been designed and conducted, followed by the findings so far and who can benefit from the results. However, repetition (cut and paste) from previous sections of this paper should be avoided. Thus this section should provide a holistic view that summarizes those items rather than repetitively describing them as before. New materials should not be introduced in this section, except for the further research as explained below. The summary should then followed by flagging potential of further research emerging from the investigation. For ongoing research this may include the next stages of the research that will be conducted by the researcher to complete the research. Ideally, this section should demonstrate the contribution of the research and also this paper (as summarized) as well as inspiring other researchers to further develop the body of knowledge in the relevant field. Acknowledgement In some cases it is necessary for the author to acknowledge that this paper is a part of a larger research project. If no acknowledgement is necessary, this section should be deleted from the paper. References Author1, Initials., Author2, Initials. and Author3, Initials. (Year), ‘Article Title’, Journal Title, Volume (issue no.), pp 34-45. Author1, Initials., Author2, Initials. and Author3, Initials. (Year), Book title, Publisher, Place. Author1, Initials., Author2, Initials. and Author3, Initials. (Year), ‘Article Title’, In: Editor(s), Book Title, Publisher, Place, pp 34-45. Author1, Initials., Author2, Initials. and Author3, Initials. (Year), ‘Article Title’, In: Editor(s), Conference Proceeding, Publisher, Place, Dates of Conference, pp 3445 Author1, Initials., Author2, Initials. and Author3, Initials. (Year), ‘Article Title’, Publication/Publisher, , viewed: 31/12/2007.

Discuss author(s) qualifications to conduct the study, including educational preparation and clinical experience of author[s].

Critique #1 Answer Sheet:

Authors, Title, and Abstract

  1. Discuss author(s) qualifications to conduct the study, including educational preparation and clinical experience of author[s].

The authors were qualified to conduct the study since they were affiliated with the American Heart Association. James Langabeer and Tiffany Champagne-Langabeer had doctorate degrees while Carlos Perez Aldana had a Master’s degree. The three writers mentioned above worked professionally at the School of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. Timothy D. Henry worked at the Division of Cardiology at Cedar-Sinai Smidt Heart Institute. In contrast, Larissa DeLuna and Nora Silva worked at the SouthWest Affiliate of the American Heart Association (Langabeer et al.). Therefore, all authors were sufficiently qualified to conduct the study.

  1. Discuss the clarity of the article title (type of study, variables, and population stated).

The article has a clear title that identifies the purpose of research, the intervention, and the population of interest. Hence, readers can know that the authors seek to examine the effects of adopting a community population health initiative to regulate hypertension in Hispanics.

  1. Discuss the quality of the abstract (purpose, design, sample, intervention, and key results presented).

The abstract is brief and accurate since it provides an overview of the sections covered in the paper. The background provides the purpose of the paper while the methods and results section summarizes the procedure used while conducting the study. The design, sample, intervention, and key results are outlined in the abstract too.

Literature Review/Background

  1. Briefly describe the clinical problem that prompted the study. This is not the research question, but the clinical issue that needed investigation.

The clinical problem that prompted the study involves the classification of hypertension as a major contributor to cardiovascular disease in the US. Moreover, the researchers mentioned that cardiovascular health had ethnic and racial variations. The Latino community had historical issues with hypertension (Liao et al. 11)

  1. Discuss the data provided for the significance of the clinical problem,and whether or not you believe it is an important problem for nursing science.

The study showed how the prevalence rates for hypertension affected 115 million adults or 46% of the country’s population (Langabeer et al.). The American Heart Association (AHA) committed to reducing the deaths due to stroke and cardiovascular disease by 20% in 2020.

  1. Identify the major topics discussed in the background section and evaluate whether there were any missing ideas or topics.

The major topics discussed in the background section include hypertension, cardiovascular health, and community-based programs. All relevant ideas were duly covered in the discussion.

  1. Briefly explain whether the background section included sources current at the time of the study (ie. within 5 years of publication).

The background section included current sources published within the last five years.

  1. Discuss whether the studies were critically evaluated and synthesized to provide a clear summary of the current knowledge about the problem of interest.

The studies mentioned in the background section were critically synthesized and evaluated to provide a comprehensive summary of current knowledge about the problem.

  1. Evaluate whether or not the background section provided support for the current research study. In other words, whether a gap(s) in research knowledge was/were clearly described.

The background section provided sufficient support for the current research study through verifiable facts and statistics. A gap in research knowledge was described in the form of contradictory findings related to lifestyle interventions and the efficacy of home-based BP monitoring (HBPM) (Langabeer et al.).

Research Problem, Purpose, Research Questions/Hypotheses

  1. State the study purpose and evaluate whether or not the purpose clearly addresses the gap in nursing knowledge identified in the background section.

The purpose of the study was to examine the effects associated with establishing a community-based HBPM intervention mainly directed to a Hispanic population. The purpose clearly shows that a gap in knowledge exists as to the efficacy of community-based initiatives for Latinos.

  1. If there are research questions and/or hypotheses, list them, and discuss whether they logically follow from the research problem and purpose. If questions/hypotheses were only implied, rather than explicitly stated, describe that.

The questions and hypotheses were implied rather than explicitly stated. In harmony with previous studies, the researchers questioned the lifestyle interventions that could be used to address cardiovascular disease (Gray et al. 55). Furthermore, the study questioned whether HBPM was effective for patients from specific populations (Langabeer et al.). The researchers hypothesized that the AHA-sponsored community health intervention would change the behaviors of Texas-based Latinos.

Theoretical Framework

  1. Describe the theory/framework that supported the study, and list the important concepts in the theory framework.

The framework used to support the study involved the HBPM and its application in the diagnosis and self-management of hypertension. Significant concepts in the framework included the self-management and self-engagement of patients. Consequently, the researchers hoped that the HBPM framework would help patients to enjoy improved social, emotional, and physical health outcomes.

  1. Evaluate the clarity of the presentation of the framework. If it was vague or had missing elements, describe those.

The framework was quite clear since all essential concepts were discussed.

  1. Discuss how well the theory’s concepts were linked to the study variables.

The theory’s concepts were linked to the study variables since improvements in behavior would prove the theory’s efficacy.

Works Cited

Gray, J. R., Grove, S. K., & Sutherland, S. (2016). Burns and Grove’s The Practice of Nursing Research-E-Book: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Langabeer, J. R., Henry, T. D., Perez Aldana, C., DeLuna, L., Silva, N., & Champagne‐Langabeer, T. (2018). Effects of a community population health initiative on blood pressure control in Latinos. Journal of the American Heart Association7(21), e010282.

Liao, Y., Siegel, P. Z., White, S., Dulin, R., & Taylor, A. (2016). Improving actions to control high blood pressure in Hispanic communities—racial and ethnic approaches to community health across the US project, 2009–2012. Preventive medicine83, 11-15.

What are the implications of your argument for how and what management students should be taught? In particular, if empathy is necessary, can it be taught?

In the article entitled ‘Management’s three eras: A brief history,’ McGrath (2014) writes that ‘what is demanded of managers today is empathy (more than execution, more than expertise.)’
a) With reference to the evolution of ideas about managers and managerial work during the twentieth century, explain to what extent you agree with McGrath’s statement, and why.
b) What are the implications of your argument for how and what management students should be taught? In particular, if empathy is necessary, can it be taught?
It explains the details of the essay in the word document from page 26 onwards.

Critically discuss psychosocial elements that impact upon the person living with the long term condition.

The word count for the assignment is 2500 words, below is a very rough idea of how to allocate these words and is intended to be a guide only.

An essay to explore a long term condition that will need to consider the physical and psychosocial impacts on the individual and then by focusing on one impact, discuss how shared decision making contributes to their quality of life (2500 words)

Introduce your work: sign-posting content and demonstrating appropriate structure and flow of discussion.(150-200 words)

Criteria 1: Select a long-term condition and consider the impact that this has on the individual’s physical body. (350 words)

  • You may select a long term condition that has been covered within the module or one that you have experienced within your clinical practice
  • Ensure that you have researched the physiology and aetiology of the condition
  • Ensure you discuss the physical impact the LTC has on the body
  • Include some relevant statistics and you could include some global epidemiology . (350 words)


This essay will illustrate a long-term condition and the impact has on the individual’s physical body, hypertension. Moreover, the essay will focus on the physiology and aetiology of the condition. In particular, it will discuss the physical impact the LTC has on the body together with some relevant statistics some global epidemiology. Hypertension is the leading risk factor for stroke and cardiovascular disease. Bakris and Ragavendra ( 2012) state that over 90% of persons with normotensive blood pressure are at risk of stroke, heart disease or any other cardiovascular disease.

The physiology and aetiology of the condition

The physiology and aetiology of the condition are reflected on the health belief of the client group is based upon the social class as not every individual could afford the same medical treatment. For instance, a person from a high social class is more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and be more prone to diabetes than an individual from a lower class, as life becomes more comfortable, more sedentary, and less physical activity (Roth and Stamatakis, 2010).

Relevant statistics

Evidence shows that for a person from the lower class although the life itis hard to manage because of the lower-income, can not afford to be sedentary as in his day to day activity of living has been incorporating walking return to work, shopping, pick up the children from school, family maintenance (Roper , 2003)

Gault (2016) explains and firmly demonstrates that self-critical thinking is displayed when people struggle to care for themselves or engage in unhelpful or self-defeating health behaviours, such as smoking, drinking habitually or stress-related eating.

Criteria 2: Consider at least two psychosocial issues that can affect the individual living with the chosen long-term condition. Discuss each one using contemporary literature and research. (600 words)

  • These may include anxiety, depression, stigma, isolation, emotional stress, employment issues, self image, fatigue/insomnia, self-harm behaviour eg alcohol abuse. You may also explore guilt and blame
  • Consider how the above affect quality of life, self-care, concordance
  • Support your discussion with literature, research papers
  • (600 words)

Although are many psychosocial issues that can affect the individual living with long-term condition hypertension, that can affect the quality of life, self-care and concordance. The most common significant are  depression and fatigue/insomnia. Carrier (2016) states that TO BE PARAPRASE one of the ….

Criteria 3: With reference to the chosen long-term condition and recognised physical and psychosocial issues associated; identify and discuss how nurses make decisions. You should consider evidence based decision making along with the values of shared decision making (800 words)

  • Consider the key areas where decisions are made by nurses with the patient about their care. (two or three areas)
  • This will vary considerably depending on which LTC you have selected.
  • These decisions should be supported by evidence from the literature you have read.
  • These might include; decisions regarding nursing treatment, medications, place of care, referrals, care planning, sign posting, accessing voluntary sector organizations
  • Ensure you consider factors influencing decision making such as; nurses knowledge, local and national guidelines and policy, availability of resources, location of treatment, patient’s level of understanding and capacity, the MDT and family support (800 words)

Criteria 4:  Consider the self-management model and critically discuss how the concepts of self-management can enable and improve quality of life for the individual. (300 words)

  • Explore what the literature states around self-management models.
  • Present views that both support and criticize their effectiveness.
  • Discuss how patient empowerment can improve quality of life but also consider the barriers to self-management (culture, age, literacy levels, language) . (300 words)

Criteria 5: Analyze and relate relevant evidence based practice to the chosen long-term condition. Consider what aspects of evidence based practice are pertinent to delivering nursing care to the individual with the chosen long term condition and provide a conclusion for the essay. (this will be achieved throughout – allow 200 words approx. for a conclusion)

  • This will be achieved throughout, higher grades will be achieved by using current and relevant literature from a range of resources.
  • Provide a succinct conclusion (paragraph) that summarizes key points. No new information should appear here.

(allow 200 words approx. for a conclusion)

Learning Outcomes Assessment

  1. Identify and discuss the impact that the disease has on the persons’ physical body.
  2. Critically discuss psychosocial elements that impact upon the person living with the long term condition.

3.Identify and analyze how the adult nurses’ role is enhanced through the concept of shared decision making.

4.Analyze and apply the concept of self-management for enabling quality of life in long term conditions.