
Discuss how this change is submitted to the vendor for sizing and estimate of the cost.

Assignment First Portion

For this assignment, you will further enhance your overall Contract and Procurement Plan Key Assignment document by adding in sections for change control, quality control, and overall performance reporting. Addressing these up front adds to the chances of having a successful execution of this project.


The overall project deliverables are as follows:

Update the Key Assignment document title page with the new date and project name.
Update previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
Complete the new content below, and copy it under the sections in the Key Assignment document called Change Control Process, Quality Control Plan, and Performance Reporting Plan.
New content to be inserted is as follows:

Change Control Process
Describe how a change is submitted and provide a sample change request form.
Identify who has control over the review and approval process for the change.
Discuss how this change is submitted to the vendor for sizing and estimate of the cost.
Quality Control Plan
Identify how the outsourced or procured work will be inspected and verified, and by whom.
Discuss the process if the work is rejected due to noncompliance with requirements.
Performance Reporting Plan
Identify specific reports that will be utilized to track performance of this deliverable and in relation to the whole schedule.
Provide mock-ups of the reports (these can be reports that are generated by Microsoft Project).
Determine how often they should be completed and who will receive the reports.

2nd Portion

In the previous weeks, you selected a project to develop your Contract and Procurement Plan Key Assignment around. In Week 1, you provided compelling documentation on make versus buy, which led to determining a contract type that you would outsource the work with. In Week 2, you developed a detailed statement of work, included it in a formal RFP, and developed the section criteria to select the source the contract would be awarded to. In Week 3, you evaluated all of the risks involved with procuring out this work and determined what the overall management and contract administration processes would be. In Week 4, you implemented processes for change control and quality control to reduce some of the risks identified in Week 3.

At this point, you are planning for procurement closure, which includes attention being given to the legal aspects, rights, and responsibilities as well as all of the closure activities. In the final week, you are also revising the Key Assignment draft document based on feedback from your instructor and peers.


The overall project deliverables are as follows:

Update the Key Assignment document title page with the new date and project name.
Update previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
Complete the new content below, and copy it under the sections in the Key Assignment document called Project Procurement Legal Rights & Responsibilities and Project Procurement Closeout.
New content to be inserted is as follows:

Project Procurement Legal Rights and Responsibilities;
Discuss the legal aspects involved with contract management and closure.
Discuss the process to be used to handle any outstanding issues, claims, and disputes, such as through an alternative dispute resolution (ADR).
Document what might be terms for contract termination by either the seller or buyer.
Outline rights and responsibilities of both the seller and buyer as they relate to procurement closure.
Project Procurement Closeout;
Determine the acceptance criteria for determining that the project procurement is complete.
Identify the process for obtaining final sign-offs and final payments to close out the contract.
Determine final documentation to be included in the project procurement closure package.
Identify the techniques that will be utilized to elicit lessons learned.
Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.

Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received.

You’re looking at the examples that show Level 4 and Level 5 work. The way that exemplars work is that you read the example student essay, and then the examiner commentaries. The examiner commentaries tell you the strengths and weaknesses of that essay and the mark that it was awarded. So detailed analysis is something to keep working really hard on.
Articulate informed, personal and creative responses to literary texts, using associated concepts and terminology, and coherent, accurate written expression.
AO2 Analyze ways in which meanings are shaped in literary texts.
AO3 Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received.
AO4 Explore connections across literary texts 14.
AO5 Explore literary texts informed by different interpretations.
It needs to be critical something that would get top marks for an A level piece and to be a knock out for uni.

be a creative and inventive as you want but please just make it good, and refer to the A level marking scheme constantly.

What do athletes experience during athletes return to sport process? How the issues of autonomy, competence and relatedness posited in self-determination theory produce return-to-sport outcomes.

Literature review critically dicussing and interpretating using self-determination theory, facets included in athlete’s return to sport (rehabilitation efficacy, fear of reinjury, social support, psychological readiness to return and re-integrating with team) to answer the research questions: What do athletes experience during athletes return to sport process? How the issues of autonomy, competence and relatedness posited in self-determination theory produce return-to-sport outcomes.

How does the type of evidence (research design) of the two articles inform your area of practice? How might the type of evidence be valued within practice?

Each article is a piece of primary research that has used a different research method. You must use these two articles for this assignment.

Read these two articles thoroughly

You are required to:

  • Select one element of the research methods section from the two research papers identified above.

This element should be either: sampling; data collection tools   or    data analysis

  • Use contemporary research methods literature to appraise the selected element within the two research articles.
  • Deduce the validity, reliability and or credibility of the chosen element
  • Discuss and debate, within the hierarchy of evidence, the position the two articles hold and their usefulness to your area of practice.

See detailed assessment guidance below.


An Introduction within an academic essay should inform the reader as to what is covered within the essay (refer to the course handbook assignment criteria to make sure you cover all elements)

Main body

  • Why is there a need for research and evidence to inform practice and why is having, an understanding of research methods and types of evidence important for nurses and midwives (see lecture notes, recommended texts and professional codes).
  • State which element of the methods you are looking at (sampling, or data collection tools or data analysis) and why it has been selected that element
  • State which issues (questions) within that element are going to be appraised. It is suggested you use the Moule (2018) Critical appraisal framework tool (which can be accessed from NURS 1547 Moodle or directly from Moule (2018) p160-162) to identify the specific question pertinent to the chosen element.

Appraise one element of the method you have chosen to analyze from the two articles given. This should be one of the following elements:

Sampling or data collection tools  or  data analysis.

Decide on one of the above elements, within that one element you need to appraise in the region of four/five issues that are part of that element (Critical appraisal tool). This can provide the structure for this part of your essay. You can identify these four/five issues by reading the research textbooks and/or looking at the questions in the relevant section of a critical appraisal tool (Moule 2018).

You should be presenting arguments to appraise the value or quality of the approach taken by the researcher’s by presenting arguments to show why the strategies used in that element of the method were used, the advantages and potential disadvantages of these strategies.

  • Following on from the previous paragraph, how may these strategies influence the validity, reliability, credibility of your chosen element (sampling or data collection tools or data analysis) of the study?

You could pose alternatives e.g. if they could have collected their data via questionnaires rather than interviews, but if you do this you will need to explain why you think that.


  • Familiarize yourself with the concept of Evidenced based Practice and the Hierarchy of Evidence – Can you critique the concept of a Hierarchy of Evidence? (HoE)

Nursing/Midwifery practice requires multiple ways of knowing – therefore what type(s) of evidence are the two articles given to you within this assignment – link to HoE (reference)

  • How does the type of evidence (research design) of the two articles inform your area of practice? How might the type of evidence be valued within practice?
  • Paraphrase the findings of both articles and briefly, how might the findings contribute to your area of practice?

Your arguments must be supported with contemporary research methods and evidence-based practice literature (see the reading list in the course handbook for examples).

Ensure you discuss both articles within each question from Moule (2018).

Please note in the main body you should discuss both articles together comparing and critiquing the aspect of the methodology of your choice.

  • Give definitions, and academic references for key concepts identified within the assessment criteria


The conclusion should bring together your main points discussed within the main body of the assignment. No new information should be in a conclusion.

Reference list

This should include the reference to the two articles given to you to use for the essay and all other research and evidence textbooks, articles, professional codes and critiquing tools you have used to support your arguments using the Harvard referencing system.

In addition to the requirement above please note this point as well

In working with the 2 articles as above you must do the following

  1. Is the design justified?
  2. Is it transparent and does the transparency bring worthiness?
  3. Talk about how rigorous the articles are, is the instrument reliable, accurate, and how is the consistency and do you get the same result.

What screening and/or diagnostic tests will you perform/order to ascertain the correct diagnosis and what current screenings will you recommend in adherence to evidencebased guidelines?

Choose cases below for your report and include the following:  A thorough understanding of the topic  A critical assessment of all questions  At least two differential diagnoses, if applicable  At least two pharmacologic treatment modalities, if applicable  A well-developed treatment plan  A thorough patient education plan

Your paper must be 5–6 pages in length not including the title and reference pages. You must reference a minimum of two scholarly sources in your paper.
Use current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Your source(s) should be integrated into the paragraphs. Use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas.

Case Study Option #2: STI Maria is a 46-year-old Hispanic female who comes to your clinic complaining of a lesion in her vaginal area that she recently noticed while bathing. Maria came to the U.S. from Mexico over 10 years ago but her husband was not able to join her until just two months ago. Maria reports she abstained from sexual activity during the years she was separated from her husband and is not aware of any sexual activity on the part of her husband. Maria and her husband have been sexually active since his arrival in the U.S. two months ago. Maria reports she has not been to a health care provider while in the United States because she has no insurance coverage. She has no medical records and has not had any screenings or well-woman exam visits for over a decade. Maria has three healthy, grown children all delivered vaginally without pregnancy or delivery complications. Her mother is 62, lives in Mexico, and suffers from diabetes and hypertension. Her father died from colon cancer at age 55. Maria’s LMP was one week ago and all of her VS are WNL. Upon PE, you note a lesion on the left labia minora that has the appearance of a chancre and you note that it is not painful to Maria when touched.
1. What are your presumptive and differential diagnoses?
2. What screening and/or diagnostic tests will you perform/order to ascertain the correct diagnosis and what current screenings will you recommend in adherence to evidencebased guidelines?
3. What is the pathophysiology? Describe all stages, modes of transmission, any incubation periods.
4. What are the evidence-based treatment guidelines for this diagnosis? 5. How will you explain this diagnosis and plan of care to Maria?

What were the unemployment rates for adult women, teenagers, blacks, Hispanics, and whites? How did these rates compare with those a month earlier?

Format of the Project:

The paper should be written in APA style Research Paper format.

Note that Use of APA Citation Methodology is required for all parts of the assignment

Written projects must be:

  1. Typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, with margins no wider than one inch
  2. Have footnotes or end notes, with correct citations
  3. Have a bibliography of sources used
  4. Include, for each entry, the author, title, city and state of publisher, publisher’s name, year, and page numbers


Consists of three parts

Part 1: The Unemployment Rate

Complete the following exercise

Visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics Web Site . Select Employment Situation Summary.

Write a report (1 – 2 pages double spaced) in your own words to answer the questions:

  1. What month (and year) is summarized? What was the unemployment rate for that month? How does that rate compare with the rate in the previous month?
  1. What were the unemployment rates for adult women, teenagers, blacks, Hispanics, and whites? How did these rates compare with those a month earlier?
  2. What factors make it difficult to determine the unemployment rate?
  3. Why is unemployment an economic problem?
  4. What are the noneconomic effects of unemployment?
  5. Who loses from unemployment?
  6. Please analyze and discuss the significance of the data that you received for this Data exercise. Reflect on what you have learned from this exercise.

Part 2: The Inflation Rate

Visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics Web Site, . Select Consumer Price Index Summary.

Write a report (1 – 2 pages double spaced) in your own words to answer the questions:

  1. What month (and year) is summarized? What was CPIU for that month?
  2. What was the rate of inflation (percentage change in the CPIU) for the month? How does that rate of inflation compare with the rate in the previous month?
  3. Which two categories of goods or services had the greatest price increase for the month?
  4. Which two categories of goods or services had the lowest price increase (or greatest price decrease) for the month?
  5. Who loses from inflation?
  6. Who benefits from inflation?
  7. Please analyze and discuss the significance of the data that you received for this Data exercise. Reflect on what you have learned from this exercise.

Part 3: Unemployment Data by Labor Force Groups and Duration

Write a report (1 – 2 pages double-spaced) in your own words about the tables and graphs 1-3     (see below).

In this paper consider, but do not be limited to the following:

  1. Which years had the highest and lowest unemployment rates? How do the rates compare among these groups?
  2. Compare the unemployment rates by educational attainment. How do the rates compare among these groups? What relationship, if any, do you find?
  3. Compare the distribution of unemployment by duration over these years. Which years had the highest and lowest unemployment duration? What relationship, if any, do you find?
  4. Demographic studies show that the proportion of teenagers and minorities in the U.S. population is likely to increase in the near future. In your opinion, what implications, if any, will this trend have on the natural rate of unemployment?
  5. Please analyze and discuss the significance of the data that you received for this Data exercise. Reflect on what you have learned from this exercise.


Table 1. Civilian unemployment rate by sex and age, 2000-2018 (Unemployed as percent of civilian labor force in group specified)

Year By sex and age
Men  20 years  and  over Women   20 years  and  over Both sexes 16–19
2000 3.3 3.6 13.1
2001 4.2 4.1 14.7
2002 5.3 5.1 16.5
2003 5.6 5.1 16.5
2004 5.0 4.9 17.0
2005 4.4 4.6 16.6
2006 4.0 4.1 15.4
2007 4.1 4.0 15.7
2008 5.4 4.9 18.7
2009 9.6 7.5 24.3
2010 9.8 8.0 25.9
2011 8.7 7.9 24.4
2012 7.5 7.3 24.0
2013 7.0 6.5 22.9
2014 5.7 5.6 19.6
2015 4.9 4.8 16.9
2016 4.5 4.4 15.7
2017 4.0 4.0 14.0
2018 3.6 3.5 12.9



Table 2. Civilian unemployment rate by education attainment (25 years & over), 2000-2018 (Unemployed as percent of civilian labor force in group specified)

Year By educational attainment (25 years & over)
Less than a high school diploma High school graduates, no college Some college or associate degree Bachelor’s degree and higher 4
2000  6.3 3.4 2.7 1.7
2001 7.2 4.2 3.3 2.3
2002 8.4 5.3 4.5 2.9
2003 8.8 5.5 4.8 3.1
2004 8.5 5.0 4.2 2.7
2005 7.6 4.7 3.9 2.3
2006 6.8 4.3 3.6 2.0
2007 7.1 4.4 3.6 2.0
2008 9.0 5.7 4.6 2.6
2009 14.6 9.7 8.0 4.6
2010 14.9 10.3 8.4 4.7
2011 14.1 9.4 8.0 4.3
2012 12.4 8.3 7.1 4.0
2013 11.0 7.5 6.4 3.7
2014 9.0 6.0 5.4 3.2
2015 8.0 5.4 4.5 2.6
2016 7.4 5.2 4.1 2.5
2017 6.5 4.6 3.8 2.3
2018 5.6 4.1 3.3 2.1



Table 3. Unemployment by duration, 2000–2018 (Thousands of persons)

Year Unemployment Duration of unemployment
Less than 5 weeks 5–14 weeks 15–26 weeks 27 weeks and over Average (mean) duration (weeks) Median duration (weeks)
2000 5,692 2,558 1,815 669 649 12.6 5.9
2001 6,801 2,853 2,196 951 801 13.1 6.8
2002 8,378 2,893 2,580 1,369 1,535 16.6 9.1
2003 8,774 2,785 2,612 1,442 1,936 19.2 10.1
2004 8,149 2,696 2,382 1,293 1,779 19.6 9.8
2005 7,591 2,667 2,304 1,130 1,490 18.4 8.9
2006 7,001 2,614 2,121 1,031 1,235 16.8 8.3
2007 7,078 2,542 2,232 1,061 1,243 16.8 8.5
2008 8,924 2,932 2,804 1,427 1,761 17.9 9.4
2009 14,265 3,165 3,828 2,775 4,496 24.4 15.1
2010 14,825 2,771 3,267 2,371 6,415 33.0 21.4
2011 13,747 2,677 2,993 2,061 6,016 39.3 21.4
2012 12,506 2,644 2,866 1,859 5,136 39.4 19.3
2013 11,460 2,584 2,759 1,807 4,310 36.5 17.0
2014 9,617 2,471 2,432 1,497 3,218 33.7 14.0
2015 8,296 2,399 2,302 1,267 2,328 29.2 11.6
2016 7,751 2,362 2,226 1,158 2,005 27.5 10.6
2017 6,982 2,270 2,008 1,017 1,687 25.0 10.0
2018 6,314 2,170 1,876 917 1,350 22.7 9.3




What do you consider as the key points when designing and conducting experimental  research?

Quantitative Research.

This module introduces the general process of participants and sample selection, instrumentation, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, and results reporting in quantitative research. We will review the specific procedures for designing quantitative research (including both survey and experimental methods) by using the given checklists.

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

  1. Define survey research and experiment research
    2. Design survey research and experiment research plans by using the checklist
    3. Explain the research process and requirements in quantitative research
    4. Identify the threats to internal validity and external validity.

To achieve these objectives: read [Chapter 8 of the textbook]review/watch [Module 5 Resources]; and complete the [Discussion Forum].

  1. Johnson, K. R., Park, S., & Bartlett, K. (2018). Perceptions of customer service orientation, training, and employee engagement in Jamaica’s hospitality sector. European Journal of Training and Development, 42(3/4), 191-209.
  2. Joo, Y. J., Park, S., & Lim, E. (2018). Factors influencing pre-service teachers’ intention to use technology: TPACK, teacher self-efficacy, and technology acceptance model. Educational Technology & Society, 21(3), 48–59.
  3. Park, S., Kang, H., & Kim, E. (2018). The role of supervisor support on employees’ training and job performance: An empirical study. European Journal of Training and Development, 42(1/2), 57-74.
  4. Park, S., & Kim, E. (2018). Fostering organizational learning through leadership and knowledge sharing. Journal of Knowledge Management, 22(6), 1408-1423.


Provide your responses per each question.

  1. Select one quantitative research in [Readings] and provide your comments on population and sample, instruments, variables, and descriptive analysis. You can select other articles if you do not want to use [Readings].
  2. What do you consider as the key points when designing and conducting experimental  research?



Which career counseling strategies would you use to help with the changes resulting from job loss?

Job Loss Case Study

For this assignment, assume a large employer is closing in the community. In the Longevin family, the grandfather, Joe (age 60), the daughter Angela (age 40), and the grandson, Peter (age 20), are all losing their jobs. When Joe was 42, he was diagnosed with depression, but he has controlled this for the past few years. You may embellish this scenario as needed, including cultural implications and assessment results. Use Job Loss Case Study Template (linked in Resources) and address the following elements in this assignment:
•Analyze the early, middle, and later developmental stages of career development for a case study. ◦Analyze the three developmental career stages of Joe, Angela, and Peter.

•Analyze the interrelationships pertaining to work, mental well-being, family, and other life roles and factors. ◦Discuss how job loss might impact each person in terms of their relationships and mental well-being for the case study.
◦Discuss how family roles and responsibilities may shift as a result of job loss in the case study.

•Which career counseling strategies would you use to help with the changes resulting from job loss?
•Select developmentally appropriate career assessments that would be helpful to guide your work with each client in this case study. Name one assessment you would use for each person and describe the criteria you used to make this choice.
•Assess the cultural appropriateness of the assessments you chose for each client.
•Based on the assessment results and the effects of job loss you identified, select and apply career counseling strategies to the case study that would facilitate skill development for the planning and management of career, education, and life-work.

Review the Job Loss Case Study Scoring Guide to understand the grading expectations for this assignment.

Submission Requirements
•Communication: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the counseling professions. Write effectively through the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and APA format. Use scholarly resources that support your analysis through clear, concise, well-organized, and grammatically correct writing that incorporates appropriate APA style conventions with few errors.
•APA Requirements: Follow current edition APA style and format.
•References: Include at least three references, including your text.
•Length: 3–5 pages.
•Safe-assign: For this assignment in this course, use the Safe-assign Draft option to check your writing and ensure that you have paraphrased, quoted, and cited your sources appropriately. Run a Safe-assign report, saving your paper as a draft. Based on your Safe-assign results, make any necessary changes to your paper before submitting your assignment to your instructor for grading.

Why is retention such a major focus for human resource managers? How does focusing on retention add strategic value to the organization?

Assignment 1

Read ALL directions below before starting your assignment. You may find it helpful to print a copy and cross off or highlight as you complete each expectation. Good luck!

HRMN300 Assignment 1 – Spring 2020


  • Submit your assignment as an attachment in your assignments folder.
  • Your assignment cannot be accepted via messages, email or conferences.
  • Submit to the assignment link by the due date stated in the syllabus for credit. A missing assignment will be assigned a 0.
  • Respond to all four questions below on a new, blank word processing document (such as MS Word).
  • Develop each answer to the fullest extent possible, discussing the nuances of each topic and presenting your arguments logically.
  • In addition, include citations from the class content resources in weeks 1- 4 to support your arguments.
    • Each answer should be robust and developed in-depth.
    • You are expected to demonstrate critical thinking skills, as well as an understanding of the issues identified. Some questions may also require personal reflection and practical application. Your responses will be evaluated for content as well as grammar and punctuation.
    • All writing must be your original work. PLEASE do not copy or quote anything. Sources are just that, a reference. Once you locate the information, read and interpret the data. What does it mean to you? Type your own thoughts and own words. Then, include in-text citations to support your ideas. This is not a research paper.


  • Include a Cover Page with Name, Date, and Title of Assignment.
  • Do not include the original question, only the question number.
  • Each response should be written in complete sentences, double-spaced and spell-checked. Use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins on all sides. Include page numbers according to APA formatting guidelines.
  • In addition, you will want to include citations in APA format at the end of each answer. Include a minimum of 3 references for each answer.

Question 1:

  1. Discuss the evolution of the HR role from administrative to strategic. What factors were involved in this transition? Why is it important for HR to be involved in the organizational strategic planning process? What types of skills are needed by HR professionals today and why are they important (name at least 3)? How are they different from the skills needed 20 or 30 years ago?
  2. Reflect on the HR function in your current organization or an organization you have worked for. Evaluate the HR role in the organization and discuss the alignment between HR priorities and the organizational strategy (do not name the organization). In other words, did you see evidence of a strategic focus?  Why or why not?


Question 2:

  1. Select three functional areas of HR (i.e. recruiting, selection, training and development, compensation etc.) and, for each one, discuss how that function supports the HR and organizational strategy. Provide specific examples of goals and outcomes that support organizational success.
  2. Consider the organization you work for or one you have worked for in the past. Evaluate the effectiveness of the HR function overall and at least one specific functional area (do not name the organization).  Share at least one HR program or initiative that you found particularly effective and discuss how it supported the organization’s strategy.  Why was it effective?


Question 3:

  1. Why is retention such a major focus for human resource managers? How does focusing on retention add strategic value to the organization?
  2. How would you go about developing a retention program for your organization? What might be some of your biggest challenges? What type of metrics would you need to obtain and what methods would you use?


Question 4:

  1. Discuss the interrelationships between recruiting, selection and retention. Why is it important to consider retention as part of the selection process? How would you evaluate your recruiting and selection programs to determine the impact on employee retention?
  2. Consider your organization or one where you have been recently employed. What are some strategies used by human resource managers to retain employees? Are they effective?  Why or why not?

Demonstrate practical knowledge of international marketing and operations management principles.

Assignment Task: Report (2500 words, +/- 10%)

You are required to produce a report, which evaluates how the BrewDog Company can successfully enter the American market with its new none-alcoholic drink “Punk AF” in terms of their market entry options and operational approach.

Your report will need to:-

1. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the alternative market entry approaches Brew Dog could adopt in entering the US market with the product ‘Punk    AF’

2. Choose the most appropriate ‘market entry approach’ you believe the company should adopt in entering the US. Justify your recommendation and outline the operational challenges the company will face in adopting your chosen approach.

You must ensure that your choice is logical / well justified and meets all of the essential requirements (see below).

Essential Requirements:

  • You must base your work and justification using both marketing and operations approaches, either those taught on the unit or from the recommended reading. So the report should include:

–   A brief introduction to the Brew Dog company;

– Identification and evaluation of alternative market entry strategies organizations may adopt when entering into international markets

-Appreciation of the nature of Brew Dog as a company, its products and how these are considered in your discussions.

– Awareness of how operational factors may impact and influence the successful market entry approach you have suggested.


1.Demonstrate practical knowledge of international marketing and operations management principles.

2.Explain key theoretical aspects of international marketing and operations management.

3.Identify strategic links between International Marketing  and Operational Management strategies.

4.Develop research skills in examining international markets from a marketing and operations perspective.

Assignment Details and Instructions.

The assignment should also contain the following:

·  The output should be structured as a report. This includes a brief introduction to the BrewDog company, together with a summary of your main investigation. Your report must be appropriately referenced using the MMU Harvard Referencing system. All references cited must be listed alphabetically at the end (not included in word count). Headings must be used to structure your report. Font”Calibri”12pt”or”Arial”11pt. Structure: Include the correct title, a brief introduction, main body (discussing the main issues), conclusion and list of references.


Students will be penalized if they copy material or re-use the work of others without full acknowledgement (your work must be written in your own words and referenced appropriately).

Assignment Support / Guidance:

In addition to this assignment brief, support will be offered in seminars.  The expectation is that ALL students attend and engage in these sessions.

It is not possible to provide help / support given via email to any student or to provide formative feedback on draft assignments.

Early Career/ World Class Professional Skills (PLOs) being assessed or developed/assessed.

This assignment will help further develop your information gathering capabilities, critical analysis and thinking skills as well as enhance your written communication skills for employability and life-long learning.

1. Identify data and interpret information through analysis and synthesis with literature    (PLO1)

2. Enhance effective communication skills (PLO2)

3. Identify and explain global context (PLO4)

Also take note of the comments and expectations outlined in relation to being professional in the detailed tasks above.