
MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (PORTFOLIO): Prepare very simple Budgeted Income Statement and Balance Sheet.

Assignment Details:
This assignment makes up 50% of your overall final grade for the IY418 module.
It is a portfolio of work that you will complete with a final submission date in week 5.
You are required to submit a draft copy from week two.
You will receive feedback on your work from your tutor so that you can improve.
You have decided to start a new business, but the problem is that you don’t have enough funds to do so. This means that you only have very limited savings and your family and friends cannot provide you with the necessary funds either. You decided to consider external funding for your business idea as you think it is a very good business idea. You must write a Proposal Report about your business idea, your forecasted costs and budgets and how you intend to secure funding.
Report Structure
• Cover page with the name of your group • Table of contents • Executive Summary
Section 1
Business Idea (15%):
This section will introduce your business idea and should include a summary of the following key points. • What is your business idea? • What are the unique selling points of your product? • What type of business (legal type) are you looking to start, and what are the reasons for your option?
• What is the estimated general start-up cost? Provide a summary break-down of the key components. • Explain what kind of start-up costs will be incurred by the business. • What will the business capital structure be? (the combination of debt and equity). • If your business requires external funding, provide a summary of how much this funding requirement is. • Summarize the outline structure of your reports. E.g. this report is divided into 7 sections. Section 2 discusses the budgeted financial statements. Section 3 discusses the cash flow forecasts etc.
Section 2
Financial Statements (30%)
• What is ‘budgeting’? • Explain the purpose and importance of budgeting. • Define Budgeted Income Statement and Budgeted Balance Sheet. • Explain the purpose and importance of Budgeted Income Statement and Budgeted Balance Sheet. • Explain what your estimates are based on. • Prepare very simple Budgeted Income Statement and Balance Sheet.
Section 3
Cash-flow Forecast (40%) • What is a ‘cash flow forecast’ • What are the benefits and disadvantages of a cash flow forecast? • Identify cash inflows (money in) and cash outflows (money out) per year. • Prepare a cash flow forecast for 5 years and identify what your estimates are based on. • Explain any changes in cash inflows and cash outflows over the period of 5 years. • Analyse the closing cash balances per year. • Consider whether additional funding might be required in any of the years. • If yes, what funding would you consider and why? Alternatively, you may consider how the surplus of cash should be managed.
Section 4
Cost – Volume Profit Analysis (40%) • Explain ‘break-even analysis’ • What are the benefits and disadvantages of creating a break-even analysis? • Create a break-even analysis for your business – what can your business learn from the break-even analysis based on your estimated costs?
• Estimate the target profit for Year 1 (or Year 2) and calculate how many units must be sold to achieve this target profit. • What should be the sales revenue in order to achieve this target profit. • Explain ‘margin of safety’ Calculate the margin of safety for your business based on your target profit. • Discuss how changes in costs, volume and selling price may affect the profitability. Support the discussion with the relevant calculations
Section 5
Investment Appraisal (40%)
• Define investment appraisal and discuss its purpose and importance for the business. • Explain four investment appraisal techniques (Accounting Rate of Return, Payback Period, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return). • Consider the pros and cons of each technique. • Conduct the investment appraisal using the following techniques: Accounting Rate of Return, Payback Period and Net Present Value. • Identify and discuss the risks associated with the above investments.
Section 6
Sources of Finance (40%) • List and explain various internal and external sources of finance that are available to the business in general. • Choose 4 possible sources of finance that you might consider to fund your business idea. • Evaluate the pros and cons of each of these sources of finance. • Indicate what is your preferred source of finance from the range of possible funders and why. • You must indicate and explain the costs associated with this choice and justify why it is acceptable and the most advantageous for your plan. • Explain why the other sources of finance were not selected specifically to this proposal. • Explain what the impact on your business idea would be if you don’t get the necessary funding or if you have selected an inappropriate form of finance.
Section 7
Conclusion (15%):
• You must end the proposal with a conclusion in which you briefly summarize everything that you have said in your proposal.
• Emphasize the potential of your idea and express the hope that you will be given the funding. • You must convince your potential financier of the success of your idea. • Group Reflection: a reflective discussion of the project work as a group (including the challenges faced and how you tried to overcome them) and what you learnt from the group project.
Section 8
• The list of References (part of individual mark) List all the references you have used in-text throughout the report in alphabetical order. • Remember to use the Harvard referencing style

Explain how those strategies support the current structure and contributes to organizational success.

*Assignment Details:

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 11, 12 and 13 of your text. Review the How to Strategically Align Employee Compensation with Your Company’s Objectives (Links to an external site.) article.

According to Stevens-Huffman (2012), “While compensation alone won’t ensure the attainment of the business plan, customized, strategic alignment of total rewards increases the likelihood of success.” (para. 2). Consider your current organization or one that you are familiar with and recommend two compensation and benefits strategies. Explain how those strategies support the current structure and contributes to organizational success. Your original response to this discussion should be a minimum of 250 words.


Make an appointment and attend a meeting with three rural health care leaders in a rural health care facility.

Items being graded on. Must include all of the following:

Make an appointment and attend a meeting with three rural health care leaders in a rural health care facility.

Develop 3 questions to engage the communication on inquiry of EBP in the rural health care facility.

Provided a detailed analysis of the meeting along with the completed RCRCPG tool, and reference form.

Discussed, at length, in writing personal knowledge gained from the experience and identified 3 things you may have done differently if you were one of the nurse champions.

Describe the application of statistics in health care. Specifically discuss its significance to quality, safety, health promotion, and leadership.

Statistical application and the interpretation of data is important in health care. Review the statistical concepts covered in this topic. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss the significance of statistical application in health care. Include the following:

1. Describe the application of statistics in health care. Specifically discuss its significance to quality, safety, health promotion, and leadership.

2. Consider your organization or specialty area **ONCOLOGY** and how you utilize statistical knowledge. Discuss how you obtain statistical data, how statistical knowledge is used in day-to-day operations and how you apply it or use it in decision making.

Three peer-reviewed, scholarly or professional references are required.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Experiment with various classification methods and propose a final model for identifying customers who will respond to the targeted marketing.

Data Analysis Case Problem – Week 7

Review the attached Excel spreadsheet and answer all the Case Study respective questions.

Case Problem: Grey Code Corporation

Grey Code Corporation (GCC) is a media and marketing company involved in magazine and book publishing and in television broadcasting. GCC’s portfolio of home and family magazines has been a long-running strength, but they have expanded to become a provider of a spectrum of services (market research, communications planning, web site advertising, etc.) that can enhance their clients’ brands.

GCC’s relational database contains over a terabyte of data encompassing 75 million customers. GCC uses the data in its database to develop campaigns for new customer acquisition, customer reactivation, and the identification of cross-selling opportunities for products. For example, GCC will generate separate versions of a monthly issue of a magazine that will differ only by the advertisements they contain. They will mail a subscribing customer the version with the print ads identified by their database as being of most interest to that customer.

One particular problem facing GCC is how to boost the customer response rate to renewal offers that it mails to its magazine subscribers. The industry response rate is about 2%, but GCC has historically performed better than that. However, GCC must update its model to correspond to recent changes. GCC’s director of database marketing, Chris Grey, wants to make sure GCC maintains its place as one of the top achievers in targeted marketing. The file GCC contains 99 variables (columns) and 50,000 rows (distinct customers).

Play the role of Chris Grey and construct a classification model to identify customers who are likely to respond to a mailing. Write a report that documents the following steps:

  1. Explore the data. This includes addressing any missing data as well as treatment of variables. Variables may need to be transformed. Also, because of the large number of variables, you must identify appropriate means to reduce the dimension of the data. In particular, it may be helpful to filter out unnecessary and redundant variables.
  2. Partition the data into training, validation, and test sets.
  3. Experiment with various classification methods and propose a final model for identifying customers who will respond to the targeted marketing.
    1. Your report should include a chart of the Class 1 and Class 0 error rates for various values of the cutoff probability.
    2. Recommend a cutoff probability value. For the test set, what is the overall error rate at this value? What are the Class 1 and Class 0 error rates at this value?
    3. If GCC sends the targeted marketing to the model’s top decile, what is the expected response rate? How does that compare to the average industry rate?


Evaluate business performance and the role of HR in business planning and the change management agenda.

1 Understand the key contemporary business issues and main external factors affecting different organizations and the impact on HR.
1.1 Assess a range of different factors which impact on an organizations business and its HR function.
2 Understand how organizational and HR strategies and practices are shaped and developed.
2.1 Analyze the forces shaping the HR agenda.
2.2 Compare different tools for analyzing the business environment.
2.3 Explain the key stages in strategy formulation and implementation and the role of HR.
2.4 Examine HR’s contribution to business ethics and accountability.
3 Know how to identify and respond to changes in the business environment.
3.1 Evaluate business performance and the role of HR in business planning and the change management agenda.
3.2 Assess and utilize different sources of business and contextual data for planning purposes. AVADO Learning Limited. Registered in England with number 06177616. Registered office: Landmark House, Hammer smith Bridge Road, London, W6 9EJ. VAT Registration number: 918560018. Authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority – Interim Permission Number 611566
Assessment activity
Assessment Criteria
You have been asked by the CEO to compile a report on ‘The developing role of HR within present day business’. Your report should include;
• An analysis of internal forces which can shape the HR agenda, you could include for example; structure/model of the HR function, HR strategies, strategic objectives and stakeholder expectations.
• An assessment and summary of a range of different external factors impacting on an organizations performance and explain how they affect the HR function.
• A table comparing two different environmental analytical tools e.g. SWOT, PESTLE, Porter’s 5 Force’s, etc.
• A summary of the key stages of strategy formulation and implementation. You should refer to the role of HR in each of the stages summarized. You should also highlight HR’s role in; i) Business Ethics and ii) Accountability. You should reference all key models and literature used.
• A table or chart illustrating a range of ways business performance is measured in the organization for different purposes. You should also highlight with examples, the role of HR in; i) Business Planning and ii) Change Management.
• An assessment of how different sources of business/internal and contextual/external data should be considered and used when planning e.g. internal information within the organization including HR metrics, industry information e.g. trends in HR, competitive information, government information.
Evidence to be produced: A report equating to 4000 words in total. Remember to relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the way organizations operate, in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts, articles and other publications and by using organizational examples for illustration. All reference sources should be acknowledged using Harvard-style referencing, and a bibliography provided where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).

What are some of the cognitive challenges that students face when learning information literacy skills? What are some ways you can address them in your practice?

511 Week 07 Overview – Instructional Design: Essential Questions and Planning for Learning.
Week 07 Assignment 01: Cognitive Recall Assignment: Cognitive Science

Value: 100 points
Grading Category: Cognitive Recall Assignments, 25%
Assignment Context
Actively recalling information is one of the best ways to make learning stick because it helps us take information from our working memory and embed it in our long-term memory. For this reason, we’ll reflect on each of the major learning theories we read about in Learner-Centered Pedagogy the week after we read and discuss them.
For this assignment, you should write a one-to-two page response in a Word document addressing the following questions:
1. What are some of the cognitive challenges that students face when learning information literacy skills? What are some ways you can address them in your practice?
2. How can an understanding of the cognitive science of learning improve librarians instructional design practices in and out of the classroom? What’s one takeaway for your own teaching?
3. What are some evidence-based practical strategies librarians can take from the cognitive science of learning to better organize their instruction to help make information literacy learning stick? Choose one to discuss more in depth.

Locate and select a research article that addresses current best practices for assessing and managing the disorder you selected.

Application – Best Practices
Paper details:
For over 20 years, the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study has conducted research trials to examine factors that impact risks and development of conditions that impact women such as heart disease, breast and colorectal cancer, and osteoporotic fractures in postmenopausal women. Health care providers use results from these trials to develop guidelines for delivering care to patients. In your role in clinical settings, you must be familiar with these guidelines, and you must be aware that through clinical practice, guidelines frequently evolve and change. Often, what is considered a best practice today might not be a best practice in the future. For this Assignment, you compare guidelines outlined in the WHI study to current best practices for assessing and managing conditions.
Review the Women’s Health Initiative article in this week’s Learning Resources. Select one disorder presented in this study.
Locate and select a research article that addresses current best practices for assessing and managing the disorder you selected. Be sure that the research article you select is from a reputable source.
Consider the similarities and differences between the best practices presented in the WHI study and the article you selected. Think about the potential impact of differences in best practices on women’s health.
Consider whether the best practices in the article you selected should be used in clinical practice.
To Complete:
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
Describe the disorder you selected from the Women’s Health Initiative study.
Explain the current best practices for assessing and managing this disorder as suggested in the research article you selected.
Compare the best practices presented in the WHI study to the current best practices presented in the article. Explain how the differences in best practices might impact women’s health.
Explain whether you think the current best practices in the article you selected should be used in clinical practice. Support your position with evidence-based research.

What was the purpose of the study (research questions, purposes, and hypotheses)?

Findings of a Quantitative Study


Bahreynian, M., Qorbani, M., Khaniabadi, B. M., Motlagh, M. E., Safari, O., Asayesh, H., & Kelishadi, R. (2017). Association between obesity and parental weight status in children and adolescents. Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology9(2), 111-117. doi:10.4274/jcrpe.3790


What was the purpose of the study (research questions, purposes, and hypotheses)?

The purpose was to assess the relationship between the BMI of children and that of parents.

How was the sample obtained?

The sample was obtained through a random selection of students in elementary, middle, and high schools throughout the country.

What inclusion or exclusion criteria were used?

The participants of the study had to be children and adolescents in elementary, middle, and high school. Considering that the study aimed to establish the relationship between the child and parental obesity, it was apparent that all of the children or adolescents had parents, either a mother or father.

Who from the sample actually participated or contributed data (demographic or clinical profile and dropout rate)?

From the sample of 25000 students, 23043 completed the study. 50.8 percent of these participants were boys while the rest were girls. More so, 73.4 percent of participants were from urban centers and the rest from rural areas.  88.3 percent of mothers who participated were housewives, while 44.38 of the fathers were either white-collar workers or laborers. Also, about 50 percent of the families owned personal computers and cars. The mean parental weight was 70.9-±13.8 kg, while that of children and adolescents was 42.50±17.0 kg. Finally, 9.4 percent of mothers and 17 percent of fathers had university degrees.

What methods were used to collect data (e.g., sequence, timing, types of data, and measures)?

Measurements were used in the collection of data on the participants. The weight of both parents and their children was measured.

Was an intervention tested?                                             Yes  ü No

  1. How was the sample size determined?

To determine the sample size, the researchers developed 48 clusters including 10 students from each province of the country.

  1. Were patients randomly assigned to treatment groups?

Selection of participants was done through cluster random sampling.

What are the main findings?

Obese parents were at a higher risk of having obese children than their normal-weight counterparts.


Is the study published in a source
that required peer review?                                               ü Yes   No   Not clear

*Did the data obtained and the
analysis conducted answer the
research question?                                                           ü Yes   No   Not clear

Were the measuring instruments
reliable and valid?                                                           ü Yes   No   Not clear

*Were important extraneous
variables and bias controlled?                                         ü Yes   No   Not clear

*If an intervention was tested,
answer the following five questions:                                Yes   No   Not clear

  1. Were participants randomly
    assigned to groups and were
    the two groups similar at the
    start (before the intervention)?  Yes   No   Not clear
  2. Were the interventions well
    defined and consistently
    delivered?  Yes   No   Not clear
  3. Were the groups treated
    equally other than the
    difference in interventions?  Yes   No   Not clear
  4. If no difference was found, was
    the sample size large enough
    to detect a difference if one existed?  Yes   No   Not clear
  5. If a difference was found, are
    you confident it was due to the
    intervention?  Yes   No   Not clear

Are the findings consistent with
findings from other studies?                                      Yes   Some   No   Not clear

Are the findings credible?                         ü Yes All   Yes Some   No

Clinical Significance

Note any difference in means, r2s, or measures of clinical effects (ABI, NNT, RR, OR)

*Is the target population clearly
described?                                                                       ü Yes   No   Not clear

*Is the frequency, association, or
treatment effect impressive enough
for you to be confident that the finding
would make a clinical difference if used
as the basis for care?                                                         Yes   No   Not clear

Are the findings
clinically significant?                                ü Yes All   Yes Some   No

* = Important criteria



This study provides significant insight into the role played by parental obesity in child and adolescent obesity. The research showed that the weight status of parents is a significant predictor of obesity and overweight among adolescents and children. This study links shared family dietary habits as a contributor to the childhood obesity crisis in different parts of the world. For clinical practice and application, this study emphasizes the urgency for implementing family-centered preventive programs as opposed to the current programs that focus on treatment. Overall, the study is of excellent quality, considering the methodology and use of experts to conduct the sampling and data collection through measurements of BMI. More so, the sample size and countrywide coverage, including rural and urban centers, confirm the generalizability of the study results. However, while the authors state that the self-reports on parental BMI are reliable, I think this aspect, to some extent, reduces the accuracy of the data due to the stigma associated with obesity.

Develop 3 questions to engage the communication on inquiry of EBP in the rural health care facility.

Items being graded on. Must include all of the following:

Make an appointment and attend a meeting with three rural health care leaders in a rural health care facility.

Develop 3 questions to engage the communication on inquiry of EBP in the rural health care facility.

Provided a detailed analysis of the meeting along with the completed RCRCPG tool, and reference form.

Discussed, at length, in writing personal knowledge gained from the experience and identified 3 things you may have done differently if you were one of the nurse champions.