
What health disparities can you find that are relevant to your community (heart disease and stroke)?

APRNs should not only recognize but also make it part of their practice to develop strategies to reduce or eliminate health disparities. Review information from Healthy People 2020 and the CDC Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities websites.
What health disparities can you find that are relevant to your community (heart disease and stroke)?
How can you better advocate for minority groups who have poorer health outcomes?
What specific objectives in Healthy People 2020 can help this effort?

Healthy People 2020 website:

Review the following for integration into your writing/responses:

**References should be scholarly articles no later than 5 years old.

Would you integrate this tool into your advanced practice based on the information you have read about the test, why or why not?

1. Choose the following topic: Hyperlipidemia
2. Next, choose a diagnostic or screening method (related to your choice from the list of health issues above).  You may use one of the following web sites to locate a screening tool, a scholarly article, or a tool from a professional web site of your choice (for example, from the American Psychological Association).
3. Reply to the following prompt:
– Describe the diagnostic or screening tool selected, its purpose, and what age group it targets.
– Has it been specifically tested in this age group?
– Next, discuss the predictive ability of the test. For instance, how do you know the test is reliable and valid? What are the reliability and validity values? What are the predictive values? Is it sensitive to measure what it has been developed to measure, for instance, HIV, or depression in older adults, or Lyme disease? Would you integrate this tool into your advanced practice based on the information you have read about the test, why or why not?
4. You should include a minimum of two (2) scholarly articles from the last five (5) years (3 is recommended).

What opportunities and obstacles are there in promoting the right to self-determination for old people (Mental Health) and their carers.

Ethic Essay question:

What opportunities and obstacles are there in promoting the right to self-determination for old people (Mental Health) and their carers.

Words count – 4125 without bibliography

Essay should consider the following-

Disability and the disabling society-Negative labels, how service provision can devalue disabled people and perpetuate exclusion. Promoting anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive approaches in social work practice.

Ageism and Age discrimination-Societal attitudes to older people, ageism and the role of social work in combating discrimination.

Social work values, power and ethical practice- Focus on working with involuntary/’reluctant’ service users.

Service user and carer involvement: empowerment possibilities and challenges- The complex nature of empowerment- service user and carer movements, barriers and opportunities.

Gender and Gender Diversity-Role of gender in social work, exploring stereotypes of gender identities, feminist social work.

Consider Professional capability framework below (PCF 2,3 and 4)

50 reference – mostly academic British Journals of social work and other academic discipline

Assignment marking criteria


  70+% 60-99% 50-59%
Ability to apply underpinning theoretical ideas, appropriate literature and research findings and use of relevant and up to date sources (25%) Evidence of extensive reading with excellent integration of source material and referencing Very good range of reading, referencing and integration of source material


Generally good range of reading, referencing and integration of source material
Awareness of contemporary social work practice, initiatives and developments (20%) Outstanding grasp of contemporary social work practice and developments applied to the assignment title Very good grasp of contemporary social work practice and developments applied to the assignment title Generally sound grasp of contemporary social work practice and developments applied to the assignment title
Application of a professional value base. Consideration of anti-oppressive practice, ethical issues and dilemmas (20%) Value issues exceptionally well integrated throughout in a relevant and sensitive manner demonstrating very high level understanding Value issues very well integrated throughout in a relevant and sensitive manner demonstrating high level understanding


Value issues well integrated throughout in a relevant and sensitive manner showing a generally good level of understanding
Integration of critical reflection and analysis (20%)


Critical reflection on the assignment title and highly developed ability to think analytically evident in discussion Critical reflection on the assignment title and good ability to think analytically evident in discussion


Generally sound reflection on the assignment title and some evidence of ability to think analytically
Coherent writing.  Attention to spelling and grammar.  Use of required reference system (15%) Exceptionally coherent and well presented.  Free from errors Very good coherency and presentation; free of all but the most minor errors Generally good coherence and presentation with occasional errors and / or lapse of spelling / grammar


What Quality Improvement Tool would you use to visually display the outcomes over time to your team?

Read Chapter 7 in your text Murray, E. (2017). Nursing leadership and management for patient safety and quality care. Philadelphia, PA.: F.A. Davis Company.
The following Web sites offer many resources Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Tools
Society for Quality
Over the past 6 months, patients in the intensive care unit have experienced an increase in central line infections. The nurse leader and manager suspects that the increase is related to more central lines being inserted in the emergency department. A quality improvement (QI) team is being formed to identify the root causes of central line infections.
• Who should be on the QI team?
• What leadership theories and models would you use with this team?
• Outline the steps in the QI process to use in this situation.
• How would the QI team implement an activity to improve the infection rate, and how will the team know the activity worked?
• What Quality Improvement Tool would you use to visually display the outcomes over time to your team?


To what extent do the main agencies in the Criminal Justice System work co-operatively?

2 main agencies in the criminal
justice system
File name: 2_main_agencies_in_the_criminal_justice_system_840431_1794847043.docx (30.75K)
Word count: 1654
Character count: 9388



1 15%
2 11%
3 7%
4 5%
5 4%
6 4%
7 4%
8 3%
2 main agencies in the criminal justice system
Submitted to Colorado Technical University
Student Paper
Submitted to Pennsylvania State System of
Higher Education
Student Paper
Submitted to Los Angeles Harbor College
Student Paper
Submitted to Brickfields Asia College
Student Paper
Submitted to University of Portsmouth
Student Paper
Submitted to Kaplan University
Student Paper
Submitted to South University
Student Paper
Submitted to Stourbridge College
Student Paper
9 2%
10 1%
11 1%
Exclude quotes On
Exclude bibliography On
Exclude matches Off
Internet Source
Submitted to University of East London
Student Paper
Submitted to University College Birmingham
Student Paper
2 main agencies in the criminal justice system
– You have provided a response which demonstrates
an understanding of the role and functions of the CJS
– You have consulted some academic sources
Areas for Development
– You need to ensure that you have clearly understood
what the question is asking of you – you haven’t really
answered the question sufficiently.
– Large proportions of your work focuses on the Justice
System in America, and therefore is not relevant to the
CJS in England and Wales
– You work is largely descriptive, and often doesn’t
relate to the question.
– Your work should be underpinned by a wider range of
appropriate academic sources
– There is a high similarity score, with a significant
proportion of your work showing similarity to individual
papers. In these sections, you have often failed to cite
the sources of your work, and therefore it is unclear
where you have obtained this information from
Writing and Referencing (writing clarity,
presentation, referencing, citation)
– Your work is adequately written
– Your work is adequately structured, however, this is
an area for development for you – I would encourage
you to have a clear idea of the points that you want to
make in your response so that when you start writing
you know what the purpose of each paragraph is and
how this relates back to the question. This will help you
to be focused and concise in your response and strike
a good balance between description and analysis. This
will also support you with proof-reading as you will be
able to check whether your paragraph does what you
intended it to do.
– Scholarship is an area of development, you often do
not cite the source of your information
– You generally reference in accordance with APA
First Marker: Julie Eden 11/11/19
***Please ensure adequate paraphrasing and
referencing , in order to avoid possible plagiarism
claims. You may find it useful to see Gordon
Scruton, Learning Development Tutor at ICJS. ***
Nick Pamment, Associate Head (Students)
Comment 1
Please ensure that you include the full essay question that you are answering.
Please ensure that you are paying attention to the format specified in the assignment brief.
Additional Comment
Sub-headings are not appropriate for academic essays
Comment 2
What does this mean?
You would benefit from spending some more time working on structure. This Basic Essay Structure
Guide may be useful for you.
Additional Comment
A good attempt at an introduction here – well done – however, this needs to be developed further; an
introduction needs to define and explain keywords, phrases or themes and sign-post the reader to
the main points that will be explored in the main body.
Additional Comment
I’m not sure what you mean here?
Additional Comment
What do you mean?
Comment 3
You demonstrate some understanding of the agencies of the criminal justice system and their roles.
However, you have not consistently cited your sources of information here, and this is very
Comment 4
You demonstrate some understanding of the role and function of the police force. However, you have
only made one citation, and this is largely descriptive. How does what you have written relate to the
Comment 5
There are a lot of references in this paragraph to the American legal system. I can see from the
There are a lot of references in this paragraph to the American legal system. I can see from the
similarity checker that this paragraph has a high similarity to a paper submitted to the University of
Colorado – I’m not sure where you have obtained this information as you have not cited your sources,
but it is important to do so, so that we can support you in making sure that you are accessing suitable
Again, this is very descriptive and it is not clear how what you have written relates to the question.
Comment 6
This does not relate to the CJS in England and Wales.
You would benefit from spending some more time working on structure. This Basic Essay Structure
Guide may be useful for you.
Additional Comment
An adequate attempt at a conclusion here, but this is an area of development for you; a conclusion
must summarise the main points that you have made in the main body, and then draw to a
conclusion on your own positionality.

How did A. W. N. Pugin change architects’ understandings of medieval church architecture in the nineteenth century?

A.W.N Pugin And Understanding Of Medieval Church Architecture In The 19th Century
Augustus Welby Northmore had ideas deeply rooted in the medieval era. He offered an exceptional innovative role in the
Gothic revival style of architecture. Many churches were designed as a result of his remarkable effort especially in Ireland and
Australia. He rebelled against Christianity version as a child terming it as cold and of having sterile forms of the church of Scotland.
Furthermore, he converted into the Roman Catholic Church in 1834. Pugin restructured an entire social program viewing it as a moral
force. His efforts captured the attention in architecture works as he constantly challenged the social structure upon unrest. It is evident
that he fought for a just society that cared for each other.
I chose this topic for my research because Pugin is a very important character in the medieval period because of his
remarkable progress in the architecture field. In order to change architects understanding of middle age church architecture he
published a book named ‘Contrast’ in 1836 which called for the transformation of medieval gothic style and a return of the social
structures. His contrast came at a time when there was social injustice.
In my search, I will discuss Pugin’s perception on Christianity and the effects his work had on the medieval church
architecture. However, I will also discuss the various opposition his work met as some scholars tried to outsmart him. I chose to
discuss more about Pugin because of his radical sentiments that termed Christianity as gothic and gothic as Christianity. All these had
a great impact in the architectural work of medieval church as it affected the construction of most churches.
Dávila Romano, D. (2014). Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin : ideología y teoría a través de sus textos = Welby Northmore
Pugin : Ideology and theory based in his texts. Cuaderno de Notas, (15), 155. doi:10.20868/cn.2014.2965
Gomme, A. (1996). Pugin: A Gothic Passion Paul Atterbury Clive Wainwright A. W. N. Pugin A. W. N. Pugin: Master of Gothic
Revival Paul Atterbury A. W. N. Pugin. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 55(3), 353-356.
Patrick, J. (1981). Newman, Pugin, and Gothic. Victorian Studies, 24(2), 185-207. Retrieved from
Wainwright, C. (1995). A. W. N. Pugin and the Progress of Design As Applied to Manufacture. Retrieved November 20, 2019,
Wedgwood, A. (2004). Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore (1812–1852), architect, writer, and designer. Oxford Dictionary of
National Biography. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/22869

What have been the experiences of researchers in using social media for communicating about their research?

—Main research question : what have been the experiences of researchers in using social media for communicating about their research?
-Focus on a broader range of universities and research centres. Try to include also universities/research centres in developing countries .
-use semi-structured interviews.
-Read more about this method in Alan Bryman’s book “Social Research Methods”.
-A category relevant for this dissertation: science communication.
-For the theory foundations of the proposal and dissertation: first reading: Jamieson et al: The Oxford Handbook of the Science of Science Communication.
– Literature search for empirical studies (that apply methods to studying questions that in a broad sense are related to this topic and research in the British Library book catalogue .

To what extent might these developments best be described as just a ‘storm in a teacup’ or indicative of a much needed overhaul of ICSID?


‘The basic goal of the ICSID system is to promote much needed international investment by offering a mutual dispute resolution forum both to investors that are (rightly or wrongly) wary of nationalistic decisions by local courts and to host states that are (rightly or wrongly) wary of self-interested actions by foreign investors’

(Guide to ICS1D Arbitration second edition 2011 by Reed. Paulson and Blacksburg).


) To what extent can this statement be supported. given the

denunciation of and withdrawal from the 1CSID Convention by a number of Latin American states between 2007- 2012?


2) To what extent might these developments best be described as just a ‘storm in a teacup’ or indicative of a much needed overhaul of ICSID?


0 City, University of London 2019


Why are institutions important in the growth and development.

Essay question – From the perspective of institutional theory, explain the contrasting growth and development experience of China and sub-Saharan Africa since 1980. (3000 words)

The premise of the question is that since China’s reforms following the death of Mao Zedong, China has experienced remarkable growth. This contrasts with the relatively poor growth of much of sub Saharan Africa (SSA). There are many explanations for economic growth and development, but institutional theory is cited by many as a key driver of growth. Therefore, a major reason why some countries grow faster than others is the nature of their institutional frameworks. This essay requires you to explain institutions, and apply the theory to China and SSA in order to explain the extent to which institutions help us understand the different growth and development experience.

Structure of the essay and what to include


  • An introduction setting out what we are doing and why this topic is of interest and important
  • Give evidence with data as to the divergence in growth and development of China and Sub Saharan Africa (SSA)
  • Include context – 1980 was a turning point (reform) – china GDP per capita increased (use other appropriate variables too to make a comparison to sub-Saharan Africa), leads to divergence.
  • Explain this through institutions. There a lot of reasons but institutions are emerging in the literature as a reason why some nations grow faster than others. (identify some literature and give examples)
  • Remain critical and original
  • Outline the structure of the essay

Second Section

  • Extent to which the essay has identified and explained institutional theories of growth and development
  • Set out clearly what we mean by institutions and explain the basis and nuances of institutional theory and the way it relates to explaining growth and development.
  • Why are institutions important in the growth and development
  • Talk about formal and informal institutions
  • Have to use the readings listed below for this section:
  • Acemoglu, D. and Robinson, J., 2010. The role of institutions in growth and development (p. 135). World Bank Publications
  • Hodgson, G.M., 2000. What is the essence of institutional economics?. Journal of economic issues, 34(2), pp.317-329. (Available on google scholar)
  • Rodrik, D., 2004. Institutions and economic performance-getting institutions right. CESifo DICE Report, 2(2), pp.10-15.

  • Acemoglu, D., Johnson, S., Robinson, J.A. (2001). “The colonial origins of comparative development: An empirical investigation”. American Economic Review 91, 1369–1401.
  • Rodrik, D., “Institutions, Integration, and Geography: In Search of the Deep Determinants of economic Growth,” August 2001

  • Hall, R., and C. Jones, (1999), “Why do Some Countries Produce so Much More Output Per Worker than Others?” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 114, No. 1, pp. 83–116.

Third Section

  • Extent to which the essay has applied theory, with evidence, appropriately to the China and Sub Saharan Africa
  • Having explained the theory, we now apply it and draw upon the evidence from the literature
  • Articulate what the literature is arguing in terms of why China grew so rapidly post 1980 and why SSA lagged – in terms of the relative institutional frameworks and how institutions help to explain the differences in growth.
  • Use 2 graphs of the same variable to compare and show the growth in SSA and China

Structure of this section

  • Structure needs to be thematic for this section so by theme.
  • Themes are specific institutions (legal systems, intellectual property rights, corruption, copyrights)
  • Create sub headings and talk about SSA and China under these themes – talk about what happened in the countries
  • As SSA is a large state, within the explanation, use 1 country that has done really well like Botswana, 1 country that has done really poor and 1 country that is in the middle as examples to explain points being made – like why did Botswana manage to reform but not SSA (other countries in the region)
  • This will be the biggest section
  • In this section, connect things to general theory throughout the themes when comparing China and SSA
  • Example : In China, the breakup of communes and household responsibility system, changed incentives as more inclined to produce food. The incentives led to higher incomes and more savings and more investment = C+I+G – harrod domar model of growth – that’s how china got rich – show how these ideas relate to each other
  • WHY HASN’T AFRICA DONE THIS? China had a strong authoritarian state hence why could do it which shows some institutions are more important than others.
  • At the end of each theme, link it back to the question.
  • USE EVIDENCE!!!! Nancy Birdsall for SSA Evidence. Connect evidence to theory.
  • For example: Nancy Birdsall talks about weak institutions (lack of incentives for saving and investments) Savings = Investment, WITHOUT Investment, YOU DON’T GET A BOOST IN Consumption + Investment + Government spending WHICH IS GROWTH.
  • Use most of the readings listed below for this section
  • Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson (2010) WHY IS AFRICA POOR?, Economic History of Developing Regions, 25:1, 21-50, DOI: 10.1080/20780389.2010.505010
  • Do No Harm: Aid, Weak Institutions, and the Missing Middle in Africa – Nancy Birdsall – Draft January 15, 2007 Revised March 19, 2007
  • An African Success Story: Botswana – Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, James A. Robinson, July 11, 2001
  • Sumner, A. and Glennie, J., 2015. Growth, Poverty and Development Assistance: When Does Foreign Aid Work?. Global Policy, 6(3), pp.201-21
  • BOTSWANA: A DEVELOPMENT-ORIENTED GATE-KEEPING STATE – ELLEN HILLBOM – African Affairs, 111/442, 67–89 doi: 10.1093/afraf/adr070 © The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal African Society.
  • Jerven, Morten(2010) ‘AFRICAN GROWTH RECURRING: AN ECONOMIC HISTORY PERSPECTIVE ON AFRICAN GROWTH EPISODES, 1690-2010′, Economic History of Developing Regions, 25: 2, 127 — 154 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/20780389.2010.527685
  • Green, S. (2003) “Reforming China’s economy. A rough guide.” Royal Institute for International Affairs, Cambridge University Press
  • Perkins, D. H. (1988). Reforming China’s economic system. Journal of Economic Literature, 601-645.
  • Hou, J. W. (2011). Economic reform of China: Cause and effects. The Social Science Journal, 48(3), 419-434. File
  • Perkins, D. (1994). Completing China’s move to the market. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 23-46.
  • Qian, Y. (2002). “How Re form Worked in China. “William Davidson Institute Working Paper No. 473. Ann Arbor, MI : William Davidson Institut
  • Chan, K.S., Xu, X. and Gao, Y., 2015. The China growth miracle: The role of the formal and the informal institutions. The World Economy, 38(1), pp.63-90.
  • Tasneem, Naila, Institutional Innovations in China: Can China Serve as an Alternative Development Model? (September 1, 2015). International Conference on Institutions, Reforms, and Economic Development, Peking University, 2015. URL
  • Knight, J.B., 2014. China as a developmental state. The World Economy, 37(10), pp.1335-1347.

Final Section

  • Extent to which the essay has drawn conclusions from the analysis that are coherent and logical.
  • This is the conclusion. On balance, given the evidence, how and to what extent do institutions help in explaining the differences in growth and development between China and SSA
  • This essay focuses on a few things but many more aspects that contributed to the reasons
  • Keep the conclusion balanced and vague – china reform led to remarkable growth of development , institutional nature and incentives, many institutions (property rights) haven’t reformed. SSA haven’t been able to reform institutions due to China’s reform only working in China as only effective with the amount of labour that was provided, reform happened at the correct time.
  • Institutions matter but literature tells us that they have to be context specific.
  • Some reforms were right for china therefore cannot apply this to other country and expect the same outcomes. Knowing what that is, is difficult.
  • Difficult to compare SSA as a region to China as a country.


General tips

  • Write with clarity and precision – don’t waste words with long explanations or detail
  • Draw upon theory – always
  • Collect notes first and then what goes in and what can be left out
  • Don’t overwhelm the reader with data or quotes – use sparingly to support key points
  • Harvard referencing – include a bibliography at the end
  • Key literature is provided – use about 25 sources
  • A good answer will be well written, clear, precise, well structured, refers to theory and answers the question.
  • Remain critical and evaluative.

What did ordinary Germans in the Third Reich know about the Holocaust, and why does it matter to historians?

The course is assessed by an essay of 5,000 – 5,500 words, including all footnotes, but excluding your bibliography.
Please refer to the MHRA system for the use of references (as footnotes at the bottom of the page or pooled at the end of the essay as endnotes), which should be numbered continuously throughout.
I’ve attached the marking criteria and I aim to achieve between merit and distinction

Some book suggestions: Nazi Terror: The Gestapo, Jews and Ordinary Germans, by Eric A. Johnson
Concentration camps in Nazi Germany, by Nikolaus Wachsmann
What We Knew: Terror, Mass Murder, and Everyday Life in Nazi Germany, by Eric A. Johnson
Backing Hitler: Consent And Coercion In Nazi Germany, by Robert Gellately