
Identify the need for individuals and organisations to manage responsibly and sustainably and behave ethically in relation to social, cultural, economic and environmental issues.

Read the case study given below carefully and complete the tasks given at the end
L’Oréal is one of the largest cosmetic companies in the world and a well-recognized brand name in the cosmetics sector. Even though the brand is popular in over 130 countries with over 25 brands and number of sub-brands, the company recently been accused of number of unethical practices including airbrushing advertisements, misleading claims, animal testing and price fixing. In addition to L’Oréal, Nestle, which own over 29% stake in L’Oréal also been through negative publicity over animal testing, condoning child labour, unethical promotion and misleading advertising. In the recent years there has been growing concerns over environment friendly products particularly products that are purely based on natural ingredients. Public sentiments about ethical issues such as opinions against price fixing, child labour has resulted in drop in reputation on Nestle and L’Oréal.
In the UK, Body Shop had emerged as a popular brand famous for its core values including its support to human rights and environmental care as well as its stand against animal testing. The Body Shop on its own has presence in 33 countries with 2600 brands (Bronstein, 2004).
In 2006, L’Oreal made a bid to acquire Body Shop for £652 million. By acquiring the Body Shop, L’Oréal gets access to these outlets as well the supply chain which could help strengthen its own stores and supply chain. But according to the CEO of L’Oreal Jean-Paul Agon, “Body Shop brand could more than double the size of its store network “in a few years”, thanks to international expansion” (Hope, 2017).
Many critics argue that the main reasons for acquisition of Body Shop by L’Oréal is to correct their suffering as the result of poor reputation, and that L’Oreal wanted to use goodwill of Body Shop to limit damage to the reputation. The announcements that L’Oréal is willing to learn from the Body Shop’s practices is evidence that shows the intention of damage control as reason for this acquisition (Bronstein, 2004).
In 2017, L’Oreal sold Body Shop to a Brazilian company Natura Cosmeticos SA (Trefis, 2017).

Tasks to complete
1. Discuss the impact macro environment had on the current situation faced by L’Oréal particularly the Social, and Ethical factors (500 – 750 words – 20%)
2. What is the organisational culture at Body Shop and L’Oreal. In your view are they compatible and what are the likely benefits or challenges arising out of the compatibility of culture. (500 – 750 words – 20%)
3. Discuss any factors that L’Oreal would have considered before deciding to acquire Body Shop (500 – 750 words – 20%)
4. In your view what are the factors that had effect the L’Oreal acquisition of Body Shop resulting it the failure (500 – 750 words – 20%)
5. The second part of the assignment will involve writing a reflection report on your experience in writing this report. (250 – 500 words – 20%)

This assessment addresses
LO1: Understand the dynamic and changing nature of business and the consideration of the future of organisations within the global business environment.
LO2: Identify the need for individuals and organisations to manage responsibly and sustainably and behave ethically in relation to social, cultural, economic and environmental issues.
LO3: Discuss leadership, management and development of people.
LO4: Discuss the development of appropriate policies and strategies within a changing environment to meet stakeholder interests.
LO5: Discuss the design and development of organisations.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of these methods and therefore of this document? Demonstrate the ability to support and analyse information from published sources.

HNA Assignment outline

  • An essay to explore and demonstrate understanding of the key theoretical themes used to assess health needs and an explanation of practical approach(es) used in a specific Health Needs Assessment, including a discussion of their strengths, weaknesses & appropriateness
  • 1500 words in length


  • In your assignment you will be expected to demonstrate:

– An understanding of the concepts and theories underpinning health needs assessment 

 – An awareness of the different approaches that may be taken to undertaking health needs assessment projects 

 – The ability to critically review an existing health needs assessment report, particularly in terms of assessing its strengths and weaknesses in relation to the purpose for which it was undertaken  

 – Appropriate academic skills

Possible Structure

  • 200 words – Introduction
  • 350 words – An understanding of the concepts and theories underpinning health needs assessment • 350 words – An awareness of the different approaches that may be taken to undertaking health needs assessment projects
  • 350 words – The ability to critically review an existing health needs assessment report, particularly in terms of assessing its strengths and weaknesses in relation to the purpose for which it was undertaken.
  • 250 words – Conclusion


An understanding of the concepts and theories underpinning health needs assessment.

  • Here you may want to discuss the different types of needs and how these can be classified and measured. E.g. You may wish to make reference to the theories put forward by Maslow and Bradshaw. To demonstrate additional readying, you may wish to include information from Gough and Doyal.  You may also want to provide examples from the content of the early lectures and / or the HNA document to demonstrate your ability to apply this knowledge.

An awareness of the different approaches that may be taken to undertaking health needs assessment projects

  • For this section you may wish to discuss the different approaches to HNA that could be utilised and their suitability to different situation. It would be useful if you provided examples to demonstrate the points that you are making and not all of these will need to come from your HNA document. By doing this you will be able to add to your reference list and demonstrate your wider reading around the subject.

The ability to critically review an existing health needs assessment report, particularly in terms of assessing its strengths and weaknesses in relation to the purpose for which it was undertaken.

  • Here you may wish to use the theories and information that you have presented above to be critical about the HNA document that you have chosen. Analyse the suitability of the approaches used in this situation, could a different approach have yielded different results, and would these have been more or less useful?
  • Consider what needs have been highlighted and what needs may have been overlooked. How have these been measured and could the use of different measurement tools resulted in different outcomes. What are the strengths and weaknesses of these methods and therefore of this document? Demonstrate the ability to support and analyse information from published sources
  • Remember at all times you will need to be considering the suitability of methods on relation to your document and providing specific examples will help you to do this.

Things to remember

  • Reference all your sources – Including the health needs assessment document you are using.
  • Minimum of 10 References

Type of assessment: Essay

Students will be required to review a health needs assessment report, from a selection set by the module leader. The health needs assessment selected must be cited and referenced appropriately in your essay. This essay should be no more than 1500 words in length.

In your assignment, you will be expected to demonstrate

  • An understanding of the concepts and theories underpinning health needs assessment (Maximum 30 marks)
  • An awareness of the different approaches that may be taken to undertaking health needs assessment projects (Maximum 30 marks)
  • The ability to critically review an existing health needs assessment report, particularly in terms of assessing its strengths and weaknesses in relation to the purpose for which it was undertaken.   (Maximum 40 marks)


Public Health Skills BY Coles L and Porter E 2008

Essential Public Health (Third edition) BY Donaldson L J & Donaldson R J 2009

Health Needs Assessment workbook BY Hooper J and Longworth P 2002

Putting Analysis into Assessment BY Dalzell R & Sawyer E 2011

A theory of Human Need BY Doyal L & Gough I 1991

Health Needs Assessment in Practice BY Wright J 1998


Your work must be:-  

  • Word processed / typed
  • Size 12 plain font (e.g., Calibri)
  • Double line spaced throughout
  • Margin width of at least 25mm (1 inch) each side
  • Page numbered (e.g., Page 1 of 10, Page 2 of 10, Page 3 of 10 etc.)
  • Page breaks where necessary
  • Spell checked and proofread
  • Paragraph style should be consistent
  • Either one blank line space (only) with no indentation on the first line of the paragraph, or
  • No space between paragraphs and indent on first line
  • Reference list – double line spacing (normally hanging indent)
  • Appendices – double line spacing if possible
  • Your assignment length/word count (includes all written text apart from figures & tables; reference list; appendices & title page) should be at the beginning of your coursework

Your work must also have a title page, which includes your student number, name of the module, module code and module coordinator’s name.

Explain the debriefing process, or explain why there will not be a debriefing process.

SECTION H: Consent/Assent
Describe the following:

1) How will consent/assent be obtained place. (e.g., signing a consent form in person, online consent form as front page for online survey, etc.)

2) If applicable, what procedures are in place to reduce coercion (e.g., if extra credit is offered, what non-research alternatives are available to students who do not wish to participate in research).

3)  If participants are vulnerable populations, explain how you will follow research ethics guidelines for obtaining consent. (If applicable).

4) If a request for a waiver of consent or waiver of documentation of consent is being sought for this proposal, describe here how the request comports with Federal guidelines as outlined in 45CFR46-listed criteria for a waiver found at: .




SECTION I: Risks to Subjects
IRBs must evaluate the risk-benefit ratio of proposed human subject research. In approving a protocol, IRBs must determine that the benefits outweigh the risks and that risks to subjects are minimized.

Research risk is the probability of harm occurring as a result of participation in research. In non-technical language, address the following:

1) The types of risks (e.g., physical, psychological, social, economic, legal, etc.) the subject may reasonably encounter. Include any likelihood that questions may be sensitive or stressful to the participants.

2) Estimate the frequency/likelihood and magnitude of those risks (cite relevant literature, if available).

3) Describe the procedures/process which will be used to reduce or minimize risks:

a.  How the data will be safeguarded (e.g., data is anonymous, assigning pseudonyms, aggregate reporting, etc.).

b. How will subjects be explicitly informed if data will NOT be anonymous (Put “N/A” if using anonymous data)

c. What actions would you take if a participant gets hurt or upset?




SECTION J: Deception/Incomplete Disclosure
If you cannot adequately state the true purpose of the study to the subject in the informed consent, deception/ incomplete disclosure is involved.

1) Describe the deception/incomplete disclosure of information to the subjects.

2) Explain why such deception/incomplete disclosure is necessary.

3) Explain the debriefing process, or explain why there will not be a debriefing process.

SECTION K: Benefits
Describe any direct benefits participants could potentially receive (excluding compensation for participation). If there are no direct benefits, explain what other potential benefits are gained from the research (benefits to society). This cannot be left blank.



SECTION L: Subject Incentives/Compensations


L1. Does this study involve incentives or compensation to the subjects? For example cash, class extra credit, gift cards, or items.

L2. If yes,  provide details about the nature of the payment (e.g. type, amount, when it will be provided to subjects, contingencies for payment, payment schedule, etc.), what records will be retained regarding payment and who will these records be provided to (e.g. signed payment receipt, names and social security numbers provided to accounts payable for check payments, etc.):

Use this area to add any additional information that you believe is relevant to the IRB’s review of your study

SECTION N: Investigator Assurances
As a PI or Co-PI, I certify the following:

  • I have reviewed this protocol submission and acknowledge my responsibilities as Principal Investigator.
  • The information in this submission accurately reflects the proposed research.
  • I will not initiate this study until I receive written approval from the IRB.
  • I will promptly report to the IRB any unanticipated problems and adverse events, as well as any findings during the course of the study that may affect the risks and benefits to the subjects.
  • I will obtain prior written approval for modifications (amendments) to this protocol including, but not limited to, changes in procedures and/or changes in personnel.
  • I have completed the CITI Social and Behavioral Investigator Training Module and have read the Belmont Report.
  • All research personnel involved in the study have been appropriately trained in human subjects’ protection. I accept responsibility for assuring adherence to applicable Federal and State research regulations and APUS polices relative to the protection of the rights and welfare of the subjects enrolled in this study.
  • I have obtained, or will obtain, all necessary permissions from study sites.
  • Unless given Exempt Status, I understand that this study is subject to continuing review and approval by the IRB which will occur at least yearly.

Is there an explicit theoretical framework? If not, are there important theoretical assumptions?

In this activity, you will select and critically review a peer-reviewed journal article from the Hunt Library that supports your case analysis findings and mitigation strategies. Use the following guidelines:

Objectives: What does the article set out to do?
Theory: Is there an explicit theoretical framework? If not, are there important theoretical assumptions?
Concepts: What are the central concepts and are they clearly defined?
Argument: Are there specific hypotheses?
Method: What methods were employed to support the hypotheses?
Evidence: What evidence was used to support the findings?
Values: Are value positions clear or are they implicit?
Literature: How does the work apply to your findings?
Contribution: How well does the research advance ergonomic knowledge?

Briefly describe four assumptions about media globalization that Professor Sinclair presents.

Case Study 2: Advertising, Media and Globalization

  • Briefly describe four assumptions about media globalization that Professor Sinclair presents. 10 points each (40 total)
  • Briefly describe four critiques Professor Sinclair makes of the conventional perspective on media.10 points each (40 total)
  • Briefly describe how Professor Sinclair’s perspective expands our understanding of media globalization. (20 points)

Identify and describe the data you would use to report performance results for the measures you have chosen. What data source could be used to gather information for the measures?

For any healthcare activity, three performance factors can be measured: structure, process, and

outcome. Consider the following hospital admission process:

Upon arrival, the patient reports to the hospital registration or admitting area. The patient completes paperwork and provides an insurance identification card, if insured. Often, patients register before the date of hospital admission to facilitate the registration process.

An identification bracelet, including the patient’s name and doctor’s name, is placed around the patient’s wrist. Before any procedure is performed or any form of medical care is provided, the patient is asked to sign a consent form. If the patient is not feeling well, a family member or caregiver can help the patient complete the admission process.

Identify one structure measure, one process measure, and one outcome measure that could be used to evaluate this hospital admission process. Analyze each of these measures in fundamental terms.

The manager of the hospital registration area wants to improve the admissions process and has asked you design a plan how best to do so, based on the data measures you identified in the previous paragraph.

Identify and describe the data you would use to report performance results for the measures you have chosen. What data source could be used to gather information for the measures?

Why would these data sources be best for gathering reliable data?

Your PPT presentation should be well-rounded with the following information:

  • Describes the problem areas.
  • Clearly describes the hospital admission and registration measurements chosen and provide an analysis of how your data will help improve this process.
  • Provides three actionable recommendations for the manager of the hospital registration

area to consider implementing to improve the hospital’s admission and registration processes.

Analyse the process of supply chain management decision making in a global context.

Assessment Information

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:

LO1.Apply modern international supply chain management principles and practice, including the evolution of modern operations management theory, to global business cases.
LO2.Analyse the process of supply chain management decision making in a global context.
LO3. Apply and analyse appropriate management frameworks which can be used for the planning and control of materials and services, from the viewpoints of quality, quantity and cost analysis.
LO4. Appreciate and utilise the range of tools and techniques available to aid efficient and effective global supply chain managerial decision making.


This assignment is an individual assignment.


The nature of product characteristics requires that supply chain and logistical processes are designed accordingly. Fast moving consumer goods (FMCGs) display characteristics which require the design of processes which are inherently different to products which have innovative/technological characteristics.

This assignment requires you to:

  1. Critically identify and explain the mechanisms of an efficient supply chain. What types of products would require such processes?
  1. Critically identify and explain the mechanisms of a responsive supply chain? What types of products would require such processes?
  1. Compare and contrast the two supply chain processes.

Criteria for Assessment

Criteria Proportion of overall module mark
1. Introduction/summary

· Is the chosen topic well introduced and clearly defined?

2. Efficient Supply Chain Process

· Have the mechanisms of an Efficient Supply Chain been identified and discussed?

· The use of Information Technology

· The use of outsourcing?

· Distribution?

· Manufacturing?

· What insights have been drawn from the literature?

· Are arguments supported by theory and/or practice?

3. Responsive Supply Chain Process

· Have the mechanisms of a Responsive Supply Chain been identified and discussed?

· The use of Information Technology?

· The use of outsourcing?

· Distribution?

· Manufacturing?

· What insights have been drawn from the literature?

· Are arguments supported by theory and/or practice?

4. Presentation, grammar, spelling and referencing 10%
Total 100% (x 30% weighting)


Word Count

The word count is 2500 words.

There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after internal moderation) for work exceeding the word limit by 10% or more.

The word limit includes quotations and citations, but excludes the references list.

How to submit your assessment;

  • Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not submit a copy through Turnitin. Please take care to ensure that you have fully submitted your work.
  • Please ensure that you have submitted your work using the correct file format, unreadable files will receive a mark of zero. The Faculty accepts Microsoft Office and PDF documents, unless otherwise advised by the module leader.
  • All work submitted after the submission deadline without a valid and approved reason (see below) will be given a mark of zero.
  • The University wants you to do your best. However we know that sometimes events happen which mean that you can’t submit your coursework by the deadline – these events should be beyond your control and not easy to predict.  If this happens, you can apply for an extension to your deadline for up to two weeks, or if you need longer, you can apply for a deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to the resit period following the main Assessment Boards). You must apply before the deadline.

You will find information about the process and what is or is not considered to be an event beyond your control at

  • Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment.
  • Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking websites.



As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out research and using this when writing up your coursework. It is important that you correctly acknowledge someone else’s writing, thoughts or ideas and that you do not attempt to pass this off as your own work.  Doing so is known as plagiarism.  It is not acceptable to copy from another source without acknowledging that it is someone else’s writing or thinking. This includes using paraphrasing as well as direct quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and reference the works of others. The Centre for Academic Writing provides documents to help you get this right.  You can also check your understanding of academic conduct by completing the Good Academic Practice quiz available on Moodle.

Self-plagiarism or reuse of work previously submitted;

You must not submit work for assessment that you have already submitted (partially or in full), either for your current course or for another qualification of this and any other university, unless this is specifically provided for in your assignment brief or specific course or module information. Where earlier work by you is citable, ie. it has already been published/submitted, you must reference it clearly. Identical pieces of work submitted concurrently will also be considered to be self-plagiarism. Self-plagiarism is unacceptable because you cannot gain credit for the same work twice.

Moodle includes a plagiarism detection system and assessors are experienced enough to recognise plagiarism when it occurs. Copying another student’s work, using previous work of your own or copying large sections from a book or the internet are examples of plagiarism and carry serious consequences. Please familiarise yourself with the CU Harvard Reference Style (on Moodle) and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or cheating being brought.  Again, if you are unsure, please contact the Centre for Academic Writing, your Progress Coach or a member of the course team.

Discuss at least 2 ways that cultural or social factors may impact or interact with your topic. Be thorough and complete in this section! Make sure and include the aspects of the topic that you discussed in your introduction. Cite and reference all materials.

You will write 2 papers for this course. For these papers you may choose from a list of topics. Each of the two papers will be worth 100 points each. See the rubric for more information regarding how you will be graded on these papers.
For each of these papers you must complete ALL of the following and include ALL required information discussed below in order to get full credit for your work. Additionally:
You must also properly format and cite your work.
You must use at least 4 scholarly sources, not including your textbook, and may use up to 2 other non-scholarly but credible sources (e.g. WebMD, Harvard Newsletter, etc., not Wikipedia or other similar sites)
Your paper must be a total of at least 7 pages, not including your title and reference pages
You do not need to include an abstract for this paper.
Important Note About Citations: It’s very important that you properly format your paper using APA formatting, and that you cite and reference ALL sources you use in your paper. Any information in your paper that is not completely and solely your original idea should have a citation in the body of the paper and a corresponding reference on the reference page. If you do not know how to do this, please click on the Writing Help tab and access resources there. You may also sign up for tutoring or attend live webinars to assist you in learning to properly format your paper and use citations. If you use information from a source and do not cite it, that is plagiarism, which is a form of intellectual property theft and is a violation of academic integrity standards at Brandman. You could be reported to the University for an academic integrity violation, receive zero points on your paper, or have other consequences, so please do take citing and referencing seriously.
For each paper you will pick one of the following topics about which to write. You should spend time researching information about your topic and thinking about how it fits into the field of Counseling as a whole and refining your thoughts/reactions to this topic before beginning to write.
Topics from which to choose:
1. Psychoanalytic counseling
2. Jungian counseling theory
3. Adlerian counseling theory
4. Person-Centered therapy
5. Gestalt therapy
6. Behavior therapy
7. Cognitive-Behavior therapy
8. Rational-Emotive therapy
9. Choice Theory
10. Social Constructivism as it relates to counseling theory
11. Reality therapy
12. Feminist therapy
13. Solution-Focuses therapy
14. Narrative therapy
15. Family therapy
16. Integrative Psychotherapy
17. Pick a theorist and write about how they developed their theory.
18. Multicultural aspects of counseling
19. The role of counselor values and characteristic in counseling
20. Ethical issue in counseling—you may pick an issue and write about it
1. Introduction: (At least 1 page)
➢ Introduce your topic by:
Defining and describing your topic (use citations!)
Discussing why you chose this topic and what interests you about it.
Briefly describing the aspects of the topic you will discuss in your paper
2. Information About Your Topic: (At least 4 complete pages)
➢ Provide information about your topic by:
Using research, describe and discuss at least 4 elements of your topic. (Use citations!)
➢ Discuss at least 2 ways that cultural or social factors may impact or interact with your topic.
Be thorough and complete in this section! Make sure and include the aspects of the topic that you discussed in your introduction. Cite and reference all materials.
3. Discuss What You Learned/Reaction to Topic: (At least 1.5 complete pages)
➢ Discuss what you learned about your topic from researching and writing sections 1 and 2 and your reaction to the topic by:
Describing and discussing at least 3 things you learned that you found to be interesting and/or surprising.
Discussing one way you could apply what you learned in your career, life, etc.
Discussing at least 2 reactions/thoughts/ideas you had about the material, e.g., Did you change your mind about anything, do you feel differently about this topic,are you more or less interested in the topic, were there things you wished you’d found out but didn’t, were there things you related to in your own life and those to which you didn’t relate, etc? In this section you may include any kind of reaction
you had to what you learned.
Be thorough and complete in explaining your answers! Use citations as needed in this section.
4. Conclusion: (At least .5 pages)
➢ Provide a conclusion by:
Briefly summarizing each of the prior sections
Discussing any final conclusions you came to regarding the topic.

Analyze your patient case using root cause analysis and develop a plan of improvement utilizing the quality improvement model, Plan, Do, Study, Act. 

Research a case study involving a patient situation in which there was an adverse event or a near miss. The case study should have the following details:

  1. A patient related situation exists that needs improvement.
  2. There is a chain of events leading to a decrease in quality of care.
  3. The situation is interdisciplinary and relies on a team approach for improvement.

Based on this case study, you will complete an in-depth case analysis that includes:

  1. Create process map of the current state to describe the occurrence, as well as an ideal process map.
  2. Analyze your patient case using root cause analysis and develop a plan of improvement utilizing the quality improvement model, Plan, Do, Study, Act.
  3. Describe the changes and test plan that are created, as well as the challenges of becoming a “change agent”.
  4. Discuss the leadership model that you will use to help you succeed.

Write a paper with the above information. The paper will be in APA format and no more than 5 pages, not including title and reference pages. This assignment is due at the end of Unit 4 and is worth 10% of your final grade.

Use the following outline to assist you with case analysis:

  1. Overall Process Map:
    • For the patient in this case study, draw a picture or a diagram of the overall care process. Flowcharts and stick figures can be used in the process map.
    • Show the major steps in the story.
  1. What contributed to this adverse event?
    • From the overall care process map, create a list of things that went wrong in the care of the patient.
    • Group these problems and errors into sensible categories. Examples include “communication breakdown” and “equipment failure.”
    • Use the “ask why five times” method and/or a fish bone diagram to organize your thinking.
  1. The Ideal Process Map
    • Draw a picture or a diagram of the ideal overall care process for the patient. Use diagrams or a process map here rather than text.
  1. Find an evidence-based practice guideline related to your topic.
  • What does the guideline state about your topic?
  • How can the guideline be used to improve the patient’s care?
  1. Process Improvement
    • Identify at least one process in the case that, if improved, could have moved the patient’s care closer to the ideal.
    • For the process you identified, create an aim statement for improvement.
      • A good aim statement specifies “how good, by when, for whom.”
      • The aim statement you create will be your process improvement measure.
  1. How would you know the changes made a difference?
    • Suggest at least two measures that could be used to
      • Track the progress of your improvement effort (process measures)
      • Assess the impact of improvement on the targeted population (outcome measures)
      • Monitor the costs associated with improvement (balancing measures)
  1.  What changes will you make?
    • What changes in the current system of care would you recommend testing? (i.e., are there small-scale, incremental changes that would be beneficial? Are there new care processes that need to be designed and implemented?)
  1.  Plan Your Tests
  • Provide a plan to test the changes you have proposed.
    • What questions do you hope to answer with this test, and what do you predict the answers are?
    • What changes will be tested?
    • How will the changes be tested (consider small scale early)?
    • Who will run the test?
    • Where and when will the test take place?
    • What information is important to collect?
    • Why is it important? Who will collect the data?
    • Who will analyze the data prior to study?
    • Where will data be kept?
    • When will the collection of data take place?
    • How will the data be collected?
  1.  Write out all the steps of your Plan, Do, Study, Act quality measure.
    • Include a specific aim statement that describes your process measure
    • Define your numerator and denominator for your measure
    • Describe your tests, as listed above in number 7
    • Analyze the data you might see if there was not an improvement
    • Plan the actions you would take to improve the process
  1.  What challenges might leadership face?


  • What is a “Change Agent” and what are the challenges associated with making changes in an organization?
  • What Leadership Model will you use to help achieve the changes?
  1. Follow the rubric below and the assignment instructions.
Criteria Level of Achievement

Points Possible

Process Map and Ideal Process Map

Weight 15%

100.00 %

Presentation contains excellent pictures and /or diagrams /Flowcharts showing the major steps in each of the overall care processes and of the ideal care process.

Root Causes

Weight 20%

100.00 %

Presents an excellent categorization and listing of problems and errors that occurred in this case. There is evidence that the “ask why five times” method and/or fishbone diagram was used to organize this section of the presentation.

Evidence Based Practice

Weight 15%

100.00 %

Discusses the Evidence Based Practice guideline and the implications for improvement in the patient case. Includes at least two guidelines from scholarly sources.

Improving Part of the System and Measures

Weight 10%

100.00 %

Describes more than one process that could have moved the care process closer to ideal. Includes well developed aim statement for each process identified.

Plan, Do, Study, Act

Weight 10%


Identifies all the elements of the performance improvement measure including the aim statement, the numerator and denominator that is collected and analyzed, and the actions taken to improve the measure, and the reevaluation of the data. Describes a specific plan in detail that will test and evaluate the proposed changes.

Leadership Challenges and Solutions

Weight 15%

100.00 %

Provides an excellent description of the obstacles that the organization’s leaders must overcome to implement the proposed plan.

APA Format

Weight 5%


Correct APA, no grammar or spelling error


Demonstrate skills of critical appraisal with regard to the evidence put forward to validate theoretical approaches.

MSc Accounting and Finance, MSc Finance, MSc IBE
Assignments 2A: Semester 1 2019-2020. Weight 30%
Assignment 2A: Derivative Markets, Regulation of the Banking & Securities Industry,Central Banking and Risk Management Learning Outcomes assessed.
● Exhibit a thorough understanding of the main theoretical frameworks which have been used to analyse developments in financial markets and of their key assumptions and methodologies.
● Demonstrate skills of critical appraisal with regard to the evidence put forward to validate theoretical approaches.
● Apply the theoretical and empirical knowledge obtained in the module to the analysis of the impact of financial markets and institutions on businesses using funds and the regulatory issues which arise from this impact.
● Demonstrate an ability to apply academic knowledge and skills in practical contexts.
● Demonstrate an ability to engage in problem solving in ways appropriate to both participants in & regulators of the financial system.
● Demonstrate an ability to apply formal modelling techniques in the context of financial theory.
Objectives Part 2A
Part A of your Second Assignment is designed to assess your attainment of specific learning objectives from the second half of the module, weeks 7 to 11 focusing upon the following areas: a. Linear and non-linear derivative instruments and how they are used to transform and mitigate exposure; b. the appraisal of how financial institutions identify, measure and manage risk; c. comparing the key features of Supervisory and Prudential Regulation of the Banking and Securities Industry; and d. the role of Central Banks as lenders of last resort.
The Assignment requires you to answer both objective computational questions as well as provide discursive interpretation of your results. In total, there are three questions with subparts. Together the three questions count 30% towards your overall grade for the Module and is marked on the basis of 100%.
Submission date
Give the file(s) which you intend to upload a name which begins with your student number.
For example, ‘12345678 Assignment 2A.
For students who are registered with the Dyslexia/SpLD Service, any submission through Moodle and Turnitin will trigger a notification of a Blue Card and no further action is needed.
Assignment length
The three questions of Part A of Assignment Two have a combined maximum length of 750 words. You have discretion with regard to how your total word count of 750 is used across the three questions. The word count does not refer to your computational results which you will be interpreting and explaining. Please answer the three questions in the order provided. On
your third question, any words exceeding the maximum allowed amount will not be marked.
Presenting coursework for assessment
Please refer to the module guide for presentation requirements.
Marking, moderation and return of coursework and feedback
Refer to the module guide for how this module is marked and moderated, as well as feedback arrangements. All marks are provisional until review by the Examination Board.
Use of Moodle for Submitting Assignments
This assignment will be submitted through Moodle. The University does rely upon web based tool that supports the development of good academic practice when preparing written work for assessment. Features and functionalities such as text-matching tool allows academic staff to check assignments for improper use of sources or potential plagiarism by comparing it against continuously up-dated databases (including web-pages and other student work).
Authenticating your coursework
Refer to the module guide for advice on authenticating your coursework.
Marking criteria
Your Second Assignment is designed to assess your attainment of specific learning objectives.
The Assignment requires you to answer three objective computational questions as well as provide discursive interpretation of your results. You will be assessed for the correctness of your answers to objective components and the quality of your discursive interpretation. Each question is graded on the basis of 100% marks each.
You should perform calculations, as required, for each question in an Excel Spreadsheet. The results including graphs from Excel must be copied into your word document for submission.
In addition, you must upload your Excel spreadsheet to complete your submission. There should be one Word Document covering all Three Questions. There should be one Excel spreadsheet covering all three questions, having separate tabs labelled Q1, Q2 and Q3.
Q1. The Skipton Building Society, like virtually all financial institutions, views asset and liability management as a key concern. Management wish to ensure that there is an adequate spread between return on assets and the cost of funds, liabilities. They are also concerned with the interest rate sensitivity of assets and liabilities as well as their respective liquidity. A key asset for Skipton is in the form of 30-year mortgages with floating interest rates that adjust on an annual basis. Skipton obtains most of its funds by issuing 5-year Certificates of Deposit.
It uses the Yield Curve to assess the market’s anticipation of future interest rates. It believes that expectations of future interest rates are the main driver affecting the Yield Curve. Assume that the Yield Curve is steeply downward sloping. Based upon the information provided and your understanding of what drives their business model, please answer the following questions:
a. Why is it important to assess the sensitivity of assets and liabilities in a financial institution such as Skipton? (9 marks)
b. If the time-weighted value (duration) of assets is not the same as that of liabilities, in effect, what is the financial institution doing and explain why this may or may not be problematic. (8 marks)
c. What do we mean by Liquidity Matching and why should this be important to an institution such as Skipton? (8 marks)
d. Why or why not do you think Skipton should use financial futures as a method of hedging? (8 marks)
Q2. You manage equity investments for a hedge fund based in Mayfair. Your fund specializes in U.S. shares and plans to hold these securities over a long-period. You are worried that share markets may experience a temporary decline over the next three months and your portfolio of U.S. shares will follow the market downward, losing value. You are considering using options on the S&P 500 Index futures (options on futures) to manage your risk and thereby transform or mitigate your fund’s exposure. The S&P 500 Index is trading currently at $3,000 which is the full value of the Index. The following options on the S&P Index futures are available and all expire in three months.
2800 $108.00 $108.00
3200 $80.00 $143.00
As information, Option Contracts on the S&P Index are for 100 units. (So, for example, on the strike price of 2800, you pay $10,800 and One Contract on a Strike of 2800 would hedge $280,000). Given the above information, please answer the following questions:
a. If your portfolio is presently valued at $8,000,000, approximately how many Index Option contracts should you use in order to hedge your entire portfolio against falling value? Please show and explain your calculations. (11 marks)
b. How would hedge your portfolio so that your approximate loss would not exceed 7% from present value? What would be the cost of such a hedge? Please explain and show your calculations. (11 marks)
c. Given your belief that the share market in the next three months may fall, how might you reduce the cost of having down-side protection. With an example, please explain and show your calculations. (Hint: What “position” in what options would correspond to a “bearish” market view?) (11 marks)
Q3. People’s Bank, a new start-up bank has begun operations with the following assets and liabilities:
Reserves: £ 33,500,000 £3,500,000 in Bank Capital(Equity + Retained Earnings)£50,000,000 commercial loan: 3- year loans, simple interest paid monthly at 0.75% per month or 9.38% annually (AAA rated with Risk Weight of 20% under Standardised Approach) £130,000,000 in checking accounts – deposits  £50,000,000 in mortgages: 200 Standard 30-year, fixed nominal annual rate of 5.25% each for £250,000 each.
(Risk Weighting of 50% under Standardised Approach)
Given the above facts, please answer the following questions:
a. Explain and calculate the minimum reserves the Bank must hold if Required Reserves are 10% and of what may they consist? (5 marks)
b. What are the Bank’s Risk Weighted Assets and Tier 1 Capital ratio (5 marks)
c. What does it mean for a bank to be “adequately-capitalized” and do you think People’s Bank is in that position? Please explain why. From a systemic perspective, why is it important for banks in general to have sufficient capital? (5 marks)
d. If because of Central Bank policy, mortgage rates increased to 10% how would it affect the market value of People’s mortgage book? Why? How would it affect People’s “market value” and its required capital? (5 marks)
e. What Central Bank policy might explain the increase in interest rates and, most likely, how was the increase in interest rates engineered to happen? (5 marks)
f. If Bank regulators force People’s Bank to sell its mortgages to recognise their change in market value, how would this impact the bank’s capital position? What would be the effect upon reserves? (5 marks)
g. If there were an economic panic leading to a “run on the bank” (depositors taking their money out) what impact would it have upon required reserves? What policies or measures might prevent the “run” from happening? (4 marks)