
Is death the only important measure of vaccine success? Given that the diagnosis of malaria is presumptive in most cases and verbal autopsy is used to attribute cause of death, is the trial to substantiate vaccine efficacy justified?

In the past decade, the rapid rise in the incidence of malaria has been so alarming that it is considered a re-emerging disease. In 2006 alone, an estimated 250-300 million cases resulted in almost a million deaths worldwide. Many of those who die are children: malaria kills one child every 30 seconds. Countries in tropical Africa account for more than 90% of the total malaria incidence and for the great majority of malaria deaths. Factors that contribute to the worsening global malaria situation include the spread of drug-resistant strains, frequent civil unrest in Africa forcing resettlement in endemic areas, gross inadequacy of funds for implementing vector control programs and providing basic health care, and changing rainfall patterns. Since malaria is concentrated in the world’s poorest countries, which lack well-developed and accessible health care infra- structures, most people needing rapid diagnosis and treatment for malaria don’t get it even though the cost per patient may be extremely low by the standards of high-income countries. Historically, vaccines are one of the most cost-effective and sustainable ways to control infectious diseases. Consequently, much malaria research is focused on developing an effective vaccine. Current efforts are concentrating on DNA technologies that might induce an immune response to the different stages of malaria infection. To be effective, any intervention, whether preventive or curative, must be inexpensive and relatively easy to administer and maintain. A North American university is in the process of designing trials to test a multi-stage DNA vaccine. Preliminary studies in the United States of America have been encouraging; immunization of human research participants shows evidence of a strong immune response, and experimental challenge studies in North American volunteers are being initiated. Larger-scale field studies, for Phases II and III, are being planned due to the acute need to find an effective vaccine as soon as possible. If the vaccine were found to be efficacious in malaria-endemic areas, it could potentially save millions of lives. A country in sub-Saharan Africa where malaria is endemic has expressed interest in participating in the vaccine research effort. The African and North American investigators begin to work together to design a study protocol to assess the vaccine’s efficacy for reducing deaths due to malaria in chil- dren younger than 5 years, and particularly in infants. It is thought that the vaccine might work in two possible ways: first, it might prevent vaccinated individuals from getting malaria at all. Second, it might not prevent the acquisition of malaria, but it might prevent those who become infected from becoming seriously ill and/or dying; that is, vaccinated children might get a milder case of malaria. One of the districts in the country, whose total population is approximately 150 000, has put together a very effective epidemiological surveillance system. Trained community health workers visit each home in every village in the district every three months and record all births, deaths, major illnesses, marriages, and migrations. A centralized, computerized, record keeping system is regularly updated on the basis of the community health worker reports. At the same time, most of the villages in this district are remote and only four health posts serve the entire population. Furthermore, in addition to the high malaria burden (18% of annual income lost due to the disease), trained health care workers, lab facilities, and medicines are in extremely short supply. Children younger than 5 years in the study area suffer an average of six bouts of malaria a year; and fatally afflicted children and infants often die less than 72 hours after developing symptoms The investigators plan on randomly selecting potential partic- ipants (children less than 5 years old) for the vaccine trial from the database gathered by the community health workers. A study vaccination team will visit each home, explain the study, and obtain informed consent from the appropriate caregiver and administer the vaccine or placebo, in double-blind fash- ion, to those children whose parents agree to participate. The risks of vaccination are minor, and the potential benefit is prevention of morbidity or mortality due to malaria. The team will then leave the village without implementing any other interventions. The data on subsequent illness and death due to malaria will be collected passively by using the information from the centralized data base that is already in place, as well as active surveillance regularly conducted by the community health workers. The impact on the existing health care structure will be minimal. Since there is no clearly defined immunological marker to measure protective immunity against malaria, and since mortality is by far the most important outcome variable to measure, the study will look at deaths (and, to the extent that health records and verbal autopsies allow, deaths due to malaria) as a study endpoint. Practically, this means that in the absence of a surrogate marker for mortality, the investigators cannot interfere with the “natural” consequences of malaria transmission in the study villages. Yet, the study investigators are aware that due to the presence of the study itself and with relatively little expense, all or nearly all deaths from malaria in the study population could be avoided. If they identified and treated all cases of malaria in the study population, however, they cannot measure the efficacy of the vaccine, which, of course, is the entire reason for the study.


  1. Is death the only important measure of vaccine success? Given that the diagnosis of malaria is presumptive in most cases and verbal autopsy is used to attribute cause of death, is the trial to substantiate vaccine efficacy justified?
  2. Sometimes ethical considerations can affect study design. In this study, how does the ethical obligation of improving malaria care and treatment affect the study design?
  3. The case study does not indicate that any provision has been made for an ethical review by the country where the research is being conducted. If the North American partners insist that the review conducted in the United States of America is adequate, what should the host country do? In the host country, who has the ethical obligation to ensure review by a local committee – researchers, government health staff, public health authorities, regulatory bodies, or others? If the host country does not have the capacity to provide ethical oversight, what options are available?

Evaluate the different market research methods that could be applied to a B2C and a B2B context.

Consumer Behaviour and Insight
Assessment Brief 2019/2020 Academic Year
This is the Assessment Brief for Consumer Behaviour and Insight. Please refer to this document for further information regarding the delivery of the module, learning
outcomes, assessment tasks and submission dates.

Course HND Business Academic Year 2019-2020 Unit Number & Unit Title Unit 37: Consumer Behaviour and Insight Assignment Author Assessors Assignment Title Consumer Behaviour and Insight Date issued.
Formative Submission Deadline Summative Submission Deadline Group Deadline Group Deadline BA8

Purpose of this assessment
The assessment is designed to test students’ knowledge and understanding of the consumer’s decision-making processes, from needs recognition through research, the evaluation of alternatives, purchase and post-purchase evaluation. Is expected that students will be able to explore the underpinning theories and frameworks, and to relate these to real-world examples.
An important part of marketing is to understand the processes behind how a consumer decides to purchase a product and service. Scenario 1 You have been appointed as the new marketing associate for a company of your choice. The marketing manager is in the process of compiling an annual marketing report for the London strategic business unit and needs you to provide an informative overview of the trends in consumer behaviour for your target market in the consumer sector. Task 1
The report will have to be based on one chosen organisation only. The organisation should trade in both B2C and B2B sectors.
The report must have three sections:
Section 1: Map of ‘Path to Purchase’ of the product/service
1. Evaluate (with a rationale of the selected product/service) the five different stages of the consumer’s decision-making process and analyse the factors that influence that process. Use a B2C context.
2. Evaluate the black box model of consumer behaviour. Explain how it influences marketing decisions.
3. Map out the consumer’s decision-making process for one product or service. Use B2C context for a chosen organisation.
Section 2: Research and Data in Consumer Behaviour
4. Compare the similarities and differences of the decision-making process (purchase decision-making) of B2C and B2B, with reference to the chosen organisation.
5. Evaluate the different market research methods that could be applied to a B2C and a B2B context. Use examples relevant to a chosen organisation.
6. Justify how market research can influence the stages of customer/consumer’s decision-making process, supported by examples. You can use both B2C and B2B contexts. Use relevant to a chosen organisation examples.
Section 3: Influence on the decision-making process
7. Evaluate a minimum of 2 factors that influence the decision-making process (you must include two of the following: personality, motivation, learning and perception, cultures and sub-cultures, using the appropriate theoretical models). Illustrate your evaluation using specific examples of promotional activities of your chosen company.
This provides evidence for ALL LEARNING OUTCOMES
Word count: 2000-2500 words. Students will not be penalised for exceeding this count. Submission Format
This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs, subsections and illustrations as appropriate and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 2,000–2,500 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.
Formative assignment
Discussion Forum Activity
Watch the following video:
During week five you will be asked to see the following video before coming to class. Then, as a group you are expected to conduct independent research and present a 500-word essay-type answer to the following questions:
1. What aspects of Netflix organisational culture strike you as unique?
2. Why is Netflix able to produce good quality entertainment that generate high viewership (e.g. Orange is the New Black)? How do they collect and utilise data to understand consumer behaviour?
3. Illustrate with examples how new technologies influence consumer behaviour, with specific reference to Netflix organic development from a small DVD rental company to a global streaming, content creating, and entertainment organisation. How do they differ from their main competitors?
You will be given a total of 2 hours to answer the questions as a group, followed by a class discussion with your peers. After the class, you will need to submit your work in an online discussion forum where your lecturer give you feedback.
Please note that non-submission of formative work will lead to a classification of an AT-RISK student, which might jeopardise the submission of summative work and subsequent progression of your studies.
Word count: 500 words maximum per post
This formative task is designed to test understanding of LO1 and introduce students to concepts that related to LO2
The current Assignment Brief covers the following Learning Outcomes Grading Criteria Learning Outcomes Pass Merit Distinction Task No. Evidence
LO1 Demonstrate the ability to map a path to purchase in a given category, including the decision making process P1 Explain and analyse the stages of the consumer decision making journey for a given
P2 Explain why it is important for marketers to map a path to purchase and M1 Evaluate how marketers are responding to the decision-making process, applying relevant concepts and models.
LO1, 2 & 3 D1 Critically evaluate the application of appropriate theories, concepts and models that
influence and impact upon the decision making process, supported
1 Report with cover page, table of contents, adequate sections on each topic, reference list and appendices (if necessary) understand consumer decision-making. by specific examples and contexts.
LO2 Evaluate appropriate forms of research to understand influences on the decisionmaking process
(B2C and B2B)
P3 Compare and contrast the key differences of the decision-making process in the context of B2C and B2B, providing specific examples.
P4 Evaluate the different approaches to market research and methods of research used for understanding the decision- making process in both B2C and B2B contexts. M2 Provide a coherent and justified evaluation of how different factors influence decision-making and buying behaviour, supported by specific examples.
1 Report with cover page, table of contents, adequate sections on each topic, reference list and appendices (if necessary)
LO3 Evaluate how marketers influence the different stages of the decision- making process (B2C and B2B) P5 Evaluate how marketers can influence the different stages of the decision- making process of B2C and B2B, giving specific examples.

M3 Critically evaluate how marketers influence each stage of the decision making process with
reference to relevant methods and models applied.
Report with cover page, table of contents, adequate sections on each topic, reference list and appendices (if necessary) Student submission and declaration The following declaration will be inserted in the Turnitin link for both formative and summative submissions: ‘I certify that by submitting the work for this assessment on Moodle (and via Turnitin) it is my own work and all research sources are fully acknowledged using the Harvard system of references. I certify that there are no personal or mitigating circumstances that have affected my work.’ By submitting such document, you acknowledge that your work is your own, and abides by the DGHE code of conduct, and Pearson regulations. Please note that in case of academic malpractice DGHE reserves the right to decline to accept the work for assessment purposes, and/or conduct an investigation, which might result in an oral presentation, oral or written exam, or any other appropriate form of examination. Further information can be found in the academic integrity and misconduct policy, the assessment policy, and the student handbook.

What are the main supply chain challenges that Dell is now facing? Provide your recommendations to solve them.

Why has Dell’s direct supply chain been so successful?

As the leader in the computer systems company, Dell is always looking for ways to reduce waste, time, costs, and pass that savings on to their customers. They have a continuous focus on their customers with their carefully tailored to fit standards-based computing solutions.

They are the worlds leading computer systems company. They design, build and customize products and services. From corporations to individuals in their homes. They believe that they are successful due to their consistent focus on customers through carefully tailored standards-based computing solution. They communicate directly with their customers through internet, person or phone. Understanding of their needs is instantaneous, it enables them to effectively and efficiently deliver world class products and services that keep their customers coming back time and again.

Today’s economy forces organizations to run their IT departments leaner, faster, and smarter with fewer people and lower costs. This requires greater productivity and increased efficiency and that requires IT solutions to deliver solutions straight to the bottom line. The kind of IT solutions that offer an overall low cost of ownership and big return on investments. Dell offers a complete product portfolio that is designed to drive down costs and help ensure interoperability. Each product adheres to the highest levels of quality and reliability through rigorous engineering, manufacturing, and testing processes. Technology business research continuously recognizes dell as the industry leader in enterprise product quality.

Dell products are manufactured at 6 facilities around the world. The process begins only after a customer enters an order and every system is built to order based on the customers specifications. This allows dell to provide customers with exactly what they want in their computer systems. Dell works closely with suppliers to minimize the amount of inventory by giving them long term volume forecasts. Their pull to order cycle, automatically requests the material needed for each order every two hours. The material is then delivered to the factory from their supplier’s logistic centers. Since there are no warehouses, parts inventories are low. This is Dells direct model at work and allows them to pass a substantial savings onto their customers while delivering product in a matter of days. Their commitment to quality is evident throughout each step of their manufacturing processes. From the moment a customer’s order is received it is tracked every step of the way through the manufacturing process. Through cell-based manufacturing, each operator builds a complete system. Every system is thoroughly tested before it goes to the customer. The focus on quality continues when putting the product into the box and loading it onto the truck.

Dell focuses resources on what matters to their customers. With a highly efficient supply chain and manufacturing organization a focus on standards based technology developed collaboratively with their industry partners and a dedication on reducing costs for businesses.

What are the main supply chain challenges that Dell is now facing? Provide your recommendations to solve them.

The issues that supply chain is currently experiences is essentially competing with the online market.

Why did Dell decide that selling its products via retail outlets was a viable solution? Do you agree with this distribution strategy? Why or why not?



Chopra, S. Supply Chain Management. [Capella]. Retrieved from


Discuss a personal nursing philosophy. Apply what you have learned about nursing theory in this course.

Discuss a personal nursing philosophy. Apply what you have learned about nursing theory in this course. Identify a nursing philosophy that best matches your personal philosophy. Discuss a nursing framework or theory that fits that philosophy including how it fits your personal philosophy. Identify a possible situation in which that framework or theory would be a poor fit and discuss why it is a poor fit for that situation. While it is an important skill to be able to match a theory with a situation, it is also critical to understand when a theory or framework does not fit a situation.

Format: APA 6th edition
Length: 5 pages, excluding title and reference pages
References in the last 5 years

Discuss the factors that you believe give America (or your country of choice) such an advantage.

Trade is the exchange of goods for goods or labor service for money (indirect). Trade is based on what people can do well given their factor endowment (knowledge, abilities, skills, and resources). International trade is the exchange of good, services, and capital across international borders. International trade is based on the concept of comparative advantage, which is the country’s ability to produce a good or a service at a lower opportunity cost than other countries. Factor endowment is generally what determines the country’s comparative advantage. It is assumed that if every country is specialized in producing what they are good at producing (meaning lower opportunity cost), every country will have more goods and services and more income.

For your initial post, answer ONE of the following questions.

  1. Take a closer look at our local economy or a country of your interest and pick a good or a service that you believe America (or your country of choice) has a comparative advantage in producing. Discuss the factors that you believe give America (or your country of choice) such an advantage.
  2. In addition, which is better for a country—to export more or to import more?
  3. Moreover, what is the impact of trade surplus (exporting more than importing) and trade deficit (importing more than exporting) on GDP, employment, and the exchange rate of the country’s currency?


Explain why managing information is equally or more important to the company than moving products.

For your Unit 5 assignment, you are to research and write about your company’s Information Management System and respond to the following questions. You can research your responses in your textbook, in the Capella library, and on the Internet:

Describe their information management system (IMS).
Does their IMS give them a competitive advantage over their competition?
How does the IMS help coordinate between supply chain partners?
Explain how the IMS helps monitor orders and inventory levels, and satisfy customers.
Explain why managing information is equally or more important to the company than moving products.

Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document in 800–1000 words. All written assignments should follow APA style and formatting guidelines for attributing sources.

Discuss how your company should choose a discount rate were it to be taken over by a diversified owner and explain what theory lies behind that method.


Essay Topic

  1. How does an owner-manager of a non-financial firm deal with risk? Answer the question specifically in relation to each of the following: a) risk as sensitivity to potential deviation from forecast values of variables that make up Net Present Value (cashflows, project life, initial expenditure etc) (b) risk in respect of the financial return or NPV that should be controlled for by correct choice of a discount rate (c) the same risk as in (b) but discussing how it might be dealt with by certainty equivalent calculations (1000 words approx.)
  2. Discuss how your company should choose a discount rate were it to be taken over by a diversified owner and explain what theory lies behind that method. (1000 words approx.)
  3. Discuss in your own words the views that are contained in readings (1) and (2) and comment how they support (or not) what you have said in 2. (1000 words approx.)


Note: neither your lecturer nor your class teachers will be able to give you advice on completing this assessment which must be done independently. Plagiarism is taken very seriously.  It is very important that you use your own words rather than just using slight modifications of other authors’ work. See your guidance on plagiarism matters – no plagiarism of any sort is acceptable and carries stiff penalties. Plagiarism is not excused by citing a work that you use. You are not permitted to use payed-for-assistance to write any part of the answer; in some circumstances you may be asked to demonstrate orally your individual understanding of what you have written.

Essay requirements. You should produce a well-structured essay.  Be sure also include your own personal view of the issue throughout and not just replicate the material in the notes or readings. The essay should relate to the course content.

For submission guidelines see BLE along with any other guidance given by your undergraduate office

Ensure that you submit by the due date you have been assigned

Develop a set of recommendations that would improve the quality of the content marketing and the use of storytelling, to more effectively engage with the target market(s) of your chosen organisation.

1- Assess the relevance of the 5S framework for designing an effective online communications strategy.
2- Examine the role that content marketing and storytelling plays in engaging with customers online
3- Select a company of your choice and critically evaluate its use of content marketing and storytelling within its overall online marketing communication strategy. (This is my part on the assignment)
4- Develop a set of recommendations that would improve the quality of the content marketing and the use of storytelling, to more effectively engage with the target market(s) of your chosen organisation.

Assignment Guidelines;
1. You are expected to engage with the relevant literature on areas such as online communications strategy design and implementation. You are encouraged to read the articles that have been posted . These articles provide you with an initial platform from which to develop the assignment at the beginning of this project. As a starting point, please read chapter eleven in the Fahy and Jobber text. This is the core text for the Marketing Management module.
2. You should also engage with the relevant literature generated by your chosen organisation from secondary sources i.e. material that is available on the website.
3. This is a group assignment (maximum of five per group).
4. Your chosen company can come from services, business to business or consumer marketing sectors.
5. Effective assignments should analyse the organizations current online communications strategy with regard to its target markets, segmentation and positioning. Effective assignments should make use of relevant concepts and theories and apply them to the analysis. Groups should avoid re-stating, being descriptive or being narrative. Groups are encouraged to reflect on other frameworks besides the 5S approach (discussed in chapter eleven of the text and introduce them to the assessment of your
chosen company and proposed recommendations.
7. Include a full set of references. As a general guide, you should have a minimum of twenty-five different citations consisting of both academic texts and academic journal articles and industry references (e.g. Industry Reports, business and newspaper articles etc.)
9. The assignment should consist of 3,500 words. This excludes appendices and references. However, you should avoid the inclusion of too many appendices.
10. Students should avoid describing the elements of online communications strategy in the main body of the text. It is appropriate to include a brief overview in an appendix. The focus
within the main body of the text should be on an evaluation of the present strategy employed by the organisation and its use and application of the relevant techniques.
10. The assignment should be presented in REPORT format.

Describe how project files, such as Microsoft (MS) Word, MS Excel, MS Project, and MS Visio, will be shared with team members. Be sure to explain the rationale behind your choice.

In this assignment, you will create a presentation for your organization to explain how successful collaboration can improve success and provide competitive advantages.

Scenario: Your organization has used a variety of collaboration systems developed by some project managers. Some of these systems were successful while others were not. Your organization has one unique challenge—many of your employees are staffed at other locations or work from home (telework). You would like to standardize the collaboration process to improve team communication for all company projects. In your presentation, you should include the elements listed below.
◾Explain why collaboration information systems (IS) are important from the organization’s perspective.
◾Discuss how collaboration tools can improve team communication.
◾Identify three tools that will be used for synchronous communications and three tools that will be used for asynchronous communications. Be sure to explain why you made these choices.
◾Describe how project files, such as Microsoft (MS) Word, MS Excel, MS Project, and MS Visio, will be shared with team members. Be sure to explain the rationale behind your choice.
◾Explain how the task list for managing tasks will be shared with team members. Be sure to explain the rationale behind your choice.
◾Discuss how this new collaboration IS could provide competitive advantages for your organization.

Use of images, graphics, and diagrams is encouraged.

You can use an industry of your choosing or examples from your personal or professional experiences in developing this assignment.

Be sure to follow the 7×7 rule (i.e., there should be no more than 7 words per line and no more than 7 lines per slide). You are required to use speaker notes to discuss the bullet points on your slides.

You must use at least two academic resources to support your presentation, and you must cite (in APA format) any information on your slides or in your speaker notes that came from these sources.

We often talk of an employer’s ‘duty of care’ to their employees. But just what does this duty consist of?

Assessment Task: 2,600 -word Report




We often talk of an employer’s ‘duty of care’ to their employees. But just what does this duty consist of?

Employers have a duty of care to their employees, which means that they should take all steps which are reasonably possible to ensure their health, safety and wellbeing. Demonstrating concern for the physical and mental health of your workers shouldn’t just be seen as a legal duty – there’s a clear business case, too.  It can be a key factor in building trust and reinforcing your commitment to your employees, and can help improve staff retention, boost productivity and pave the way for greater employee engagement.

Legally, employers must abide by relevant health & safety and employment law, as well as the common law duty of care. They also have a moral and ethical duty not to cause, or fail to prevent, physical or psychological injury, and must fulfil their responsibilities with regard to personal injury and negligence claims.

Requirements under an employer’s duty of care are wide-ranging and may manifest themselves in many different ways, such as:

  • Clearly defining jobs and undertaking risk assessments
  • Ensuring a safe work environment
  • Providing adequate training and feedback on performance
  • Ensuring that staff do not work excessive hours
  • Providing areas for rest and relaxation
  • Protecting staff from bullying or harassment, either from colleagues or third parties
  • Protecting staff from discrimination
  • Providing communication channels for employees to raise concerns
  • Consulting employees on issues which concern them.

An employer can be deemed to have breached their duty of care by failing to do everything that was reasonable in the circumstances to keep the employee safe from harm. Employees also have responsibilities for their health and wellbeing at work – for example, they are entitled by law to refuse to undertake work that isn’t safe without fear of disciplinary action.


You are a deputy manager in a UK organisation.  You were recently sponsored to a national conference on ‘Employer’s Duty of Care’ by your organisation and you have just returned to work. The chief executive of your organisation has asked you to write a 2,600-word report based on the theme of the conference. 

You may consider all aspects of an employer’s duty of care to its employees including the requirements listed above.

You may also consider all relevant legislation in your report including The Equality Act 2010 and The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.  This will assist you to analyse, evaluate and reason your points of view.

General Marking Criteria

These are the broad guidelines used by lecturers when grading your assignments. Please follow these to ensure you get good grades overall.


Weighti ng Grade 1st 2.1 2.2 3rd F
% Subject specific knowledge and understanding





Authoritati ve handling of complex material


Demonstrates sound knowledge

Satisfactory general knowledge of main issues  

Limited knowledge of course material


Factual knowledge inaccurate





Clear evidenc e of theory into practice Sound evidence of theory into practice Satisfactory evidence of theory into practice Little evidence of theory into practice  

No evidence of theory into practice





Excellen t range of relevant informati on  

Good range of relevant information

Adequate range of relevant information Superficial use of relevant information  

Information not wholly relevant

  Critical analysis and thought development





Attention to detail, precision of thought


Logical, generally thorough


Logical, but some lapses in attention to detail

Lack of attention to detail, imprecise analysis  

Weak or little analysis






Clear arguments

, clear justificatio n


Good arguments, good justification


Adequate arguments some justification


Descriptive with undeveloped arguments

Lacks synthesis, statements only, no justification





Extensiv e and in depth


Wide and in depth


Adequate evidence of reading


Limited evidence of reading

Lacks evidence of relevant reading









Well structu red and lucid


Coherent soundly structured

Reasonably lucid adequate structure  

Imbalance in given information


Lacks structure






Sound organisati on, correct use of



Correct use of guidelines but with minor errors

Adequate use of guidelines with minor errors  

Some major errors in use of guidelines


Guidelines not followed








No errors


Minimal errors in proof reading

Some minors errors in proof reading  

Some major errors in proof reading


Inadequate proof reading






Referencin g and annotation correct

A few references and annotation incorrect Some references and annotation incorrect Several references and annotation incorrect  

Major errors or lack of referencing


Guidelines for the presentation of written work

o  Written work should be word-processed in order to demonstrate your professional abilities linked to ICT.

o  Use an appropriate and systematic layout: 12pt font and double spacing.

o  Proof-read your work

Further reading:

–     Collins, Employment Law, Chapter 2 Regulating the Workplace pp 35-36 and Chapter 5 Co-operation see particularly pp 101-110.

Deakin & Morris, “Implied Term of Mutual Trust and Confidence” on pp 361-366 & Sources of Contractual Terms on pp 260-267 & “Assessment” section on pp 409-413

Hugh Collins, Employment Law, Chapter 5 esp heading mutual trust and confidence

Employment Rights Act 1996

Employment Relation Act 2004

Equal Pay   Act

Data Protection Act

National Minimum Wage Act

For further info access ACAS website.

Thank you!