
How have these historians moved the conversation about your topic forward?

Working Title:

Witcraft: A Prosecution of Gender

This paper seeks to explore the background of witchcraft as a religion in Europe (1500s to 1600s), the eventual prosecution of those practicing or accused of practicing witchcraft, and how women were primarily targeted.  Pulling from the sources listed below, I hope to explore how historians have approached this topic through feminist and gendered methods.  I hope to determine whether utilizing a historiographical gender lens will determine a conclusive causation and interpretation of the witch hunts and trials of seventeenth-century Britain and Europe.

Book List (Must include at least 5 of the books listed):

Malleus Maleficarum, Or: The Hammer of Witches Paperback – February 8, 2011 by Heinrich Godfrey Kramer (Author), Montague Summers (Translator)  Reada Classic Publisher*

*(Only as a mention as a historical reference within the text).

Merry E. Weisner, ed., Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe (choose the most relevant 1-2 chapters)

Brian Levack, The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe 

  1. Rowlands, ed., Witchcraft and Masculinities in Early Modern Europe (again, choose the most relevant 1-2 chapters)

Louise Jackson (1995) Witches, wives and mothers: witchcraft persecution and women’s confessions in seventeenth-century England, Women’s History Review, 4:1, 63-84 To link to this article:

Barry Reay, Popular Cultures in England, 1550-1750 (Longman, 1998). Chapter on witchcraft from.

Witchcraft in Europe, 400-1700: A Documentary History (Middle Ages Series) 2nd Edition

by Alan Charles Kors (Editor), Edward Peters (Editor).

Europe’s Inner Demons: The Demonization of Christians in Medieval Christendom 1st Edition

by Norman Cohn .Religion and the Decline of Magic: Studies in Popular Beliefs in Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century England (Penguin History) Paperback – January 1, 2003 by Keith Thomas.

The European Witch Craze of the 14th to 17th Centuries: A Sociologist’s Perspective

Nachman Ben-Yehuda American Journal of Sociology  Vol. 86, No. 1 (Jul., 1980), pp. 1-31.

Historiography Paper Instructions:

You will write a 12-15pp historiography paper using Chicago style footnotes, Times New Roman, 12 font, double spaced, 1 inch margins. Bibliography required for references.

In this paper, you will write a scholarly review of at least five new works in a subfield of early modern or modern European history. Your goal will be to assess these books as a group and answer the following questions. How have these historians moved the conversation about European history forward? What, in your opinion, is missing from their arguments? What

new questions about European history does their work raise?

Book Requirements:

You will write about five books or an equivalent number of books and articles on a topic related to early modern or modern European history.


12-15 pages, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, page numbers on the bottom of the page. There’s no need for a cover page, but please do be sure to include your name at the top of the first page of your paper.


: Please use Chicago-style footnotes and include a bibliography

. For guidance on Chicago-style citations, see


Historiography is the history of history-writing so a good historiography paper does what any persuasive history paper does: it explores how and why change over time has occurred. In this case, however, what you are analyzing is how historians’ approach to a single topic has changed over time — they may ask new research questions, adopt new methods, or find new archives — and why these changes have occurred.

As the above suggests, an excellent historiography paper will make an argument. It is not simply five reading responses posted together. Rather, you need to put the books you have read in conversation with one another and trace how that conversation has evolved. The following questions are a good place to start.

How have these historians moved the conversation about your topic forward?

How have their approaches and pre-occupations changed over time?

What new questions about does their work raise?

For further information on how to write a persuasive historiography paper see




Hitler and Nazi Germany:What did you learn about the Third Reich from your reading of Joachim Fest’s psychological portraits of the Nazi Leadership?

Please select ONE of the following questions and respond in a well-organized four-paged essay.

1. Can you describe the psychology of SS “desk murders” like Adolf Eichmann and Rudolf Hoss? What is the meaning of Hannah Arendt’s famous phrase, “the banality of evil?”
2. How popular was the Nazi regime? Please evaluate the degree of resistance to the Nazis on the part of ordinary Germans. What forms could resistance take? In your essay, please address the attempts on Hitler’s life and the non-violent protest of the student group known as the “White Rose.”
3. Please discuss Hitler’s foreign policy objectives. Who was Neville Chamberlain? What was the significance of the British policy of “appeasement?” Given Hitler’s man pronouncements on foreign policy, did Hitler believe he had fought the “wrong war?”
4. What did you learn about the Third Reich from your reading of Joachim Fest’s psychological portraits of the Nazi Leadership?

Joseph W. Bendersky: A Concise History of Nazi Germany (New York: Rowan & Littlefield, Third Ed, 2007) ISBN-10: 0742553639
Joachim Fest: The Face of The Third Reich: Portraits of The Nazi Leadership (Da Capo Press, 1999) ISBN-10: 1848857039
Elie Wiesel: Night (Hill & Wang, 2006) ISBN-13: 978-0374500016

Can D freely decide what to do? Is D an autonomous moral agent?

Business Ethics

Case Analysis Instrument

Who has moral responsibility for deciding what to do?
Who are the decision-makers (Ds) in this case? Consider each of them separately.

What are the likely causal consequences of D’s alternative decisions?

Can D freely decide what to do? Is D an autonomous moral agent?

Are there any conditions present that excuse D from morally accountability?

Is anyone coercing D?

Is anyone deceiving or manipulating D?

Does D have all the information that we can reasonably expect D to obtain?

What do the various ethical theories say about whether to hold D accountable for D’s decision?

Does anyone share moral responsibility with D?

Is the organization, of which D is a member, solely or partially moral responsible for the situation?

Whose interests must we consider?
Whose interests will D’s decision affect?

Should D consider the owners of the business? (shareholder view)

Should D consider employees, suppliers, customers, and the local community? Who? (stakeholder view)

Should D consider the global community, posterity, or the environment? Which? (comprehensive view)

What are the relevant ethical considerations?
Ethical theory: Considerations:
Virtue ethics:

– individual virtues?


– community?

– corporate character?

What character traits should D try to exhibit in the decision?

Should D exhibit certain virtues, such as honesty, courage, etc.?

Should D avoid vices, such as sleaziness, timidity, etc.?

How can D contribute to making D’s community/organization flourish?

Does the character of D’s organization help cooperation in a market society?

Does D’s organization have traits that prevent any parties from flourishing?

Does D’s organization need to change its structure? E.g. an ethics policy?

Ethics of care:


– relationships?

– responsibilities?

For which individuals should D show special care?

Should D pay particular attention to anyone’s emotional needs?

Which relationships should D help to flourish?

Does enhancing these relationships give D special responsibilities?




prima facie duties?

– Kantian duties?

What are D’s motives?

Are D’s motives in accordance with justified ethical principles?

What duties should D fulfil?

Does D have any obvious duties that further reflection may override?

Can D claim that everyone can consistently fulfil these duties?

Is D treating anyone as a means rather than an end?

General rights:



– autonomy?

– deception?

– crucial interests?


– harm principle?

Does D have any correlative duties arising from the general rights of others?

Does D have any general rights that others must respect?

Are these rights positive or negative?

Is anyone’s ability to make informed decisions at stake?

Is there any lying or deception going on?

Will D’s decision affect anyone’s crucial interests?

Are these interests really crucial, or are they merely preferences?

Does D’s obligation not to harm others limit D’s liberty of action?

Specific rights:

– contracts?



– promises?


– expectations?

Does D have any correlative duties arising from the specific rights of others?

Are there any legal contracts involved?

Did the parties agree on the contract, or are the terms specified by law?

Are these legal contracts ethically free and fair?

Are there any explicit promises involved?

Do any promises arise from contracts involving offers and acceptances?

Are there any implicit promises involved?

Do any promises arise from customary expectations and practices?



– retributive?


– compensatory?

– distributive?

Will D’s decision treat everyone with equal moral respect and consideration?

Is D deciding to treat people differently for morally arbitrary reasons?

Does anyone deserve praise or blame in the case?

Should anyone receive reward or punishment?

Does anyone deserve compensation for a harm, rights violation, or injustice?

Will D’s decision distribute benefits and burdens fairly?

Does D’s decision promote equality of opportunity?

Is sexual or racial harassment involved?

Are there institutional barriers to women or parents of small children, etc.?

Is affirmative action permitted or obligatory?

Does D’s decision respect property rights and contracts?

Does D’s decision help the least advantaged?

Ethical egoism

– self-interest?

– wide self-interest?

– cooperation dilemma?


Should D decide based only on self-interest?

Which decision is in D’s self-interest?

Should D also consider family, friends, community, or more?

Should D consider others as psychological egoists?

Will D’s strategic decision involve a prisoner’s dilemma situation?



– pain/pleasure?


Should D consider everyone’s feelings such as suffering and enjoyment?

Whose feelings will D’s decision affect?

Can D measure the strength of these feelings and sensations?

Can D add up the quantities involved?

Can D widen the scope of this utilitarian reasoning to include everyone?

Can D see how to maximize net positive feelings?



– wants?

– desires?

– choices?

– preferences?

Should D consider everyone’s wants, desires, and choices?

Whose preferences will D’s decision affect?

Can D measure the strength of these preferences?

Can D see how to add up the quantities involved?

Can D widen the scope of this utilitarian reasoning to include everyone?

Can D see how to maximize preference-satisfaction?

Economic utilitarianism


– willingness to pay?

– cost-benefit analysis?

Should D consider people’s ability to pay for what they want?

Whose financial position will D’s decision affect?

Is willingness to pay a good measure of the strength of people’s preferences?

Should D perform a cost-benefit analysis of the alternative decisions?

How wide is the scope of D’s cost-benefit analysis?

Can D widen the scope of this cost-benefit analysis to include everyone?

Will D’s decision contribute to the efficiency of the economic market?

Will D’s decision create external costs for nearby, distant, or future people?

Indirect utilitarianism

– policies?


– rules?

Has D’s utilitarian, case-by-case decision procedure given a useful answer?

If not, is there a policy that D could follow that will maximize well-being?

Is there a universal rule that will maximize aggregate well-being?

Should D follow a rights-based or virtue-based policy?

Should D’s organization write a good policy to cover this decision?

Absent such a policy, should D decide as if such a policy did exist?

That is, should D apply utilitarian reasoning indirectly?




Are all people involved forming their preferences with full information?

If people had full information, would they have different preferences?

If D aggregated only informed preferences, would this change D’s decision?

Are any of these ethical considerations especially strong or weak?
What are the theoretical weaknesses of each of the above approaches?

Would D’s decision to promote virtue lead to rights violations or utility reductions?

Would D’s decision to care for special relationships lead to partiality and unfairness?

Would D’s decision to respect general rights lead to unjust distributions or to utility reductions?

Would D’s decision to respect special rights lead to unfairness?

Would D’s decision to promote distributive justice lead to entitlement loss or to overall utility loss?

Would D’s decision to maximize self-interest lead to vice, injustice, utility loss or rights violations?

Would D’s decision to maximize self-interest lead to problems with cooperation?

Would D be able to measure and aggregate utility in this case?

Would D’s decision to maximize aggregate utility lead to rights violations or unjust distributions?

Would D’s decision to maximize people’s aggregate financial position actually maximize their utility?

Would D’s decision to follow a utility-maximizing rule be overly harsh and authoritarian?

Do we need to know more about any relevant facts?
Which facts are most relevant from an ethical point of view?

Does our analysis of D’s ethical situation lead us to require more information about the case?

What are the alternatives?
After our analysis of D’s ethical situation, can we see alternative decisions that D should consider?

Which of the alternative decisions is the best from a business point of view?

What is the best decision?
On the balance of ethical reasons, are any of D’s alternative decisions ruled out?

Does D face an ethical dilemma where no decision is ethically permissible?

Does D have several possible decisions that are roughly equal, but better than the other alternatives?

Does D have just one decision that, on the balance of reasons, is best from an ethical point of view?


In what ways have the “racial democracy” of Brazil been questioned? In what ways have the country proven this “identifier” to untrue?

Alexa Whetung

Professor Karl Hardy

LLCU 209

November 1st, 2019

Research Paper Topic – Outline

Topic: Violence

Preliminary Title:

“How the Epidemic of both Sexism and Racism Coexist with Brazil’s High Level of Violence”

Preliminary Abstract:

For this assignment I wanted to share my interest in the areas that have stood out to me throughout this course. Those two areas of interest being sexism and racism, because of the demographic that both these topics fall under, it could be argued that the subject would be quite broad for just one paper. Therefore, I have decided to make both topics, subtopics, that will be the main questions of discussion when looking at violence in Brazil. Not only have I been intrigued by how women and men are treated differently in Brazil when it comes to the consequences of violence, but I have also been interested to learn that due to Brazil being a multi-racial country, it is interesting to see how the colour of one’s skin (whether the individual be female or male) is seen to inflict different kinds of violence in both politics and with law enforcement as well.


Preliminary Research Questions to Answer in Paper:

  1. For how long and why has Brazil been known as being a country of male dominance?
  2. Are women held as subordinate to men when it comes to both familial and community relationships?
  3. Have the societal roles of women continued to be heavily impacted by patriarchal traditions? Why?
  4. Despite the gains made in women’s rights in Brazil, in what ways do women still face significant differences in gender inequality?
  5. Why is little being done in regard to aggression, femicide and rape in Brazil, which is causing an alarming rise in the country’s violence rate?
  6. Being a multi-racial country, is Brazil seen as still being a country of racial abuse?
  7. In what ways does Brazil continue to show issues of racism throughout their legal system?
  8. What is the “whiteness” ideology? And how does it particularly associate to Brazil?
  9. In what ways have the “racial democracy” of Brazil been questioned? In what ways have the country proven this “identifier” to untrue?
  10. Police violence is one of the most internationally recognized human rights abuses in Brazil. Does this brutality have to do with race or the geographical residing of civilians?

Preliminary / Annotated Bibliography:

Schipani, A., & Elliott, L. (2018, May 15). Brazil women bring fight against sexism on to political agenda. Retrieved October 25, 2019, from

  • This source is a news article that surrounds the political issue of sexism in Brazil. Manuela D’Avila throughout the article looks at the political violence women are being subjected to, after a left-wing female congresswoman was described as being “too ugly” to be raped.

Phillips, D. (2019, September 10). Brazil report charts surge in racial abuse and violence against women. Retrieved October 25, 2019, from

  • This news article discusses the alarming rise in racial abuse, sexual assault, femicide and violence against women and LGBT people in 2018, in Brazil according to new figures in September of 2019. This article helps to elaborate on the concept of my paper that both racism and sexism continue to be the major ongoing issues of violence in Brazil.

Trindade, L. V. P. (2019, July 8). Brazil’s supposed ‘racial democracy’ has a dire problem with online racism. Retrieved October 25, 2019, from

  • This article directly applies to racism in Brazil, as it addresses the issue of Brazil continuing to self-claim themselves as being a country of “racial democracy,” when in fact they are not as they continue to strive for the “whitening” ideology. This article specifically addresses the country’s issues towards race throughout the production of online articles.

Roth, K. (2019, January 17). World Report 2019: Rights Trends in Brazil. Retrieved October 25, 2019, from

  • This article surrounds how violence in Brazil is comprised of racism and sexism as member of Congress is called out for endorsing torture and other abusive practices. This person of political power is also known to have made openly racist, homophobic and misogynist statements, and won a run-off election in October 2018.

Garcia-Navarro, L. (2014, November 9). In Brazil, Race Is A Matter Of Life And Violent Death. Retrieved October 25, 2019, from

  • This article is a clear depiction of police brutality in regard to race, as two policemen picked up three black teenagers in Rio de Janeiro. The three hadn’t committed any crime, but they did have a history of petty offenses. The officers drove them up to the wooded hills above the city, where one was shot in the head and killed, one was shot in the leg and the back and left for dead, and another escaped.

Cidade de Deus. (2002). Retrieved from

  • Although this film may be a story of non-fiction, I feel as though information about the city of Rio to be undoubtedly true. This film discusses and displays the poverty-stricken favelas of Rio de Janeiro in the 1970s, where two young men choose different paths and their outcomes are undoubtedly due the state and ways of the country overall.

Skidmore, T. (2009). The Whitening Ideal. Brazilian Mosaic: Portraits of a Diverse People and Culture, 92–95.

  • This course reading discusses the racial reality of Brazil, in comparison to the “racial democracy” the country and many of it’s civilians are thought to be part of. In actuality, the journal discusses how the country on the contrary is part of an epidemic that idolises “whiteness” and what it means to be “white.”

Everyday Violence of Life. (1995). Brazilian Mosaic: Portraits of a Diverse People and Culture, 194–202.

  • This article applies to my paper as it discusses a variation of ways in which Brazil displays its violence. Evidentially, contributing to both ideas surrounding race and sex.



What Is and What Is Not a Spontaneous Order?

Chapter 6
Spontaneous Order
Daniel J. D’Amico
Introduction: What Is and What Is Not
a Spontaneous Order?
Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines the word spontaneous as, “1. proceeding from
natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint, 2. arising from a momentary
impulse, 3. controlled and directed internally, 4. produced without being planted or without
human labor, 5. developing or occurring without apparent external influence, force, cause,
or treatment and 6. not apparently contrived or manipulated.”
Dictionary definitions and/or encyclopedic treatments of the fuller term spontaneous
order are more rare, as it is a more complicated and nuanced idea. It is also less widely
used in common parlance beyond the professional fields of social science and economics.
One well-researched and thorough survey,1 “The Tradition of Spontaneous Order,”
by political philosopher Norman Barry (1982), alludes to the apparent tension between
formal definitions, on the one hand, and the more detailed meanings implied throughout
the history of thought behind the longer terminology, on the other:
The simplest way of expressing the major thesis of the theory of spontaneous order is
to say that it is concerned with those regularities in society, or orders of events, which
are neither (1) the product of deliberate human contrivance (such as a statutory code
of law or a dirigiste economic plan) nor (2) akin to purely natural phenomena (such as
the weather, which exists quite independently of human intervention). While the words
conventional and natural refer, respectively, to these two regularities, the “third realm,”
that of social regularities, consists of those institutions and practices which are the result
of human action but not the result of some specific human intention. (7–8)2
1 See also Hamowy (1987).
2 Barry (1982, n. 2) cites Hayek (1967) and Ullman-Margalit (1978) as additional high-quality survey
sources on the history of thought surrounding spontaneous order theory. See also Barry (2008).
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116 Microeconomics
Nobel laureate and Austrian economist F. A. Hayek is most often credited with coining
the particular phrasing spontaneous order, because much of his research program
was focused on elaborating and applying the idea.3 Drawing from Hungarian philosopher
Michael Polanyi’s idea of “polycentric order” (1951), Hayek’s earliest usage of the
fuller terminology is found amid his legal and political theories elaborated within The
Constitution of Liberty (1960). He writes: “When order is achieved among human beings
by allowing them to interact with each other on their own initiative—subject only to
the laws which uniformly apply to all of them—we have a system of spontaneous order
in society” (160). Here Hayek is not offering a full operational definition per se, but
the essence of the meaning of the term is fully intact, namely, that the functional and
desirable aspects of the systemwide patterns governing different individuals cannot be
attributed back to the preferences, interests, or intentions of any of those particular individuals.
The functional and orderly qualities of society develop and persist spontaneously
and distinctively from any of the interests that so happen to constitute it.
In later work,4 Hayek (1973) gives a more detailed exposition and definition of the
concept. First, he defines order more generally: “a state of affairs in which a multiplicity
of elements of various kinds are so related to each other that we may learn from our
acquaintance with some spatial or temporal part of the whole to form correct expectations
concerning the rest, or at least expectations which have a good chance of proving
correct” (36). He goes on to differentiate “made” or “designed orders,” which he terms
taxis, in contrast to cosmos, “unplanned” and or “grown” orders:
[A] spontaneous order or kosmos . . . [i]ts degree of complexity is not limited to what
a human mind can master. Its existence need not manifest itself to our senses but
may be based on purely abstract relations which we can only mentally reconstruct.
And not having been made it cannot legitimately be said to have a particular purpose,
although our awareness of its existence may be extremely important for our
successful pursuit of a great variety of different purposes. (38)
Herein Hayek reemphasizes the defining features of spontaneous orders. The patterned
nature of the order, in a way, helps the various actors within the system better fulfill
their separate goals, because it offers them some reliable predictability from which to
inform their plans. Though beneficial and, for some, even aesthetically preferable (Klein
and Osborn 2009), this orderliness was not historically intended or designed by any of
the individual actors that nonetheless constitute and contribute to it. Furthermore, no
individual could have possibly designed the orderly outcome, neither within the system
nor apart from the system. First, this is because the nature of the knowledge required
to successfully navigate and comprehend even partial facets of the system requires a
3 Boettke (1990), Petsoulas (2001), and Hunt and McNamara (2007) trace the inspirations,
development, applications, and criticisms of spontaneous order throughout Hayek’s work and beyond.
4 Jacobs (1997, n. 7) comments on Hayek’s stated motivations for drafting his later work Law,
Legislation and Liberty; he sought to complete and correct the substantive content of his earlier
expositions because he saw them as inadequate.
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Spontaneous Order 117
direct participation within the system, which is often referred to as tacit5 and/or local6
knowledge (Hayek 1945). Second, the system’s degree of complexity simply surpasses
that which any individual mind could feasibly foresee.
Jacobs (1997; 1999; 2000) suggests that Polanyi’s (1941; 1951) use and understanding of
the term spontaneous preceded and arguably inspired Hayek’s, although Polanyi’s influential
role in the coinage or resurgence of spontaneous order theory is less appreciated.7
Jacobs (1997, 18) notes that Polanyi (1951) first makes explicit use of the full phrasing
spontaneous order and highlighted the phenomenon’s operation throughout a variety
of social contexts prior to Hayek’s (1960) use and later definitional treatments. Bladel
(2005, 23) counters Jacobs and emphasizes theoretical differences between Polanyi and
Hayek. He notes that Ropke (1937, 4–5), a colleague of Hayek’s, described the market
economy explicitly as a spontaneous order even before Polanyi’s use. Much of Jacobs’s
case rests on Polanyi’s uses of spontaneous apart from the fuller phrase spontaneous
order, and his apparent appreciation for the fuller meaning of the theory prior to the
explicit coinage of the complete phrase.8 Such a case can also be made for Hayek’s understanding
and use because his prior economic writings (1936; 1945; 1949a) arguably convey
a full understanding of the concept despite lacking the explicit terminological label.9
Such is similarly the case throughout the intellectual history of spontaneous order
theory more generally. Various thinkers, working on different subject matters, in different
contexts, nonetheless identified and attempted to explain the origins and operational
features of social orderings as unplanned and inherently complex phenomena.10
5 Polanyi (1958) first discusses and explains the relevance of tacit knowledge in social processes;
see Polanyi (1966). Lam (2000) and Collins (2010) are recent contributions explaining the role of tacit
knowledge in the production and maintenance of effective social institutions. On the meaning and
significance of tacit knowledge in Hayek’s work, see Oguz (2010).
6 Local knowledge is most often highlighted as a tool of effective managerial decision-making. Lavoie
(1985) first coined the term knowledge problem when referring to national economic decision-making
lacking tacit knowledge garnered through local-level perspectives and experiences. Ostrom (1990) and
Ostrom (2007) similarly emphasize knowledge problems endemic to centralized management schemes.
7 Polanyi applied spontaneous and cognates to one of these modes, writing variously of “spontaneous
ordering,” “spontaneously arising order,” “spontaneously attained order,” and “spontaneous mutual
adjustment” (1941, 432, 435). In this particular essay, however, he never used “spontaneous order” as
such, preferring “dynamic order,” “dynamic system,” and “dynamic forms of organization” (435). Polanyi
represented “dynamic order” as grounded on freedom and spontaneously emerging from mutual
adjustment of free actions (Jacobs 1997, 15).
8 Polanyi (1962; 1975) explicitly used the full term spontaneous order (Jacobs 1997, n. 6). Gray (1986)
and Cronk (1988) describe Polanyi’s treatment of spontaneous orders confined to the process of science.
Jacobs (1997, n. 11) disagrees. Hayek biographer Caldwell (2004, 294) remains agnostic on the debate
surrounding first use of the term.
9 Jacobs (1997, 1, nn. 1–3) cites Ross (1987), who traces Hayek’s use of the term spontaneous
throughout his early economic writings (Hayek 1936; 1945; 1949a). Barry (1982; 2008) also attributes
the coinage to Hayek. Jacobs (1997, 1, n. 4) cites Roche (1976), O’Brien (1994), Letwin (1977), Moldofsky
(1989), and Cubeddu (1993) as also attributing the term’s origin to Hayek.
10 Barry (2008, 485) notes that similar ideas of self-organization can be found in the writings of
ancient Chinese philosopher Chuang Tzu and sixteenth-century Jesuit priests from the school of
Salamanca. See also Smith (2006).
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118 Microeconomics
Regardless of the term’s specific historical origins, three things are commonly and
rightly agreed on about the intellectual history of spontaneous order theory. First, the
substantive theoretical concepts implied by the term are now relatively well defined and
better understood than in previous decades. Namely, the functional features of society
are as such not because of the planned intentions of particular individuals, authoritative
decision makers, or any individual designers’ intentions. Rather, most social outcomes,
particularly functional and orderly processes, are more often and better understood
as the unplanned by-products of decentralized human interactions. The definition of
spontaneous orders is often well captured by the succinct but accurate description of
social institutions being “the result of human actions but not necessarily the product
of any particular human design.”11 Second, spontaneous order theory traces its origins
throughout a long and rich intellectual tradition. Most notably, the first renditions of
spontaneous order theory were forged amid the Scottish Enlightenment, the intellectual
tradition surrounding the political philosophy of liberalism, and the classical school of
economics.12 Last, in the wake of Hayek’s research and professional success, scientific
interest and appreciation for spontaneous order theory have revived and multiplied.
These latter points of agreement are not coincidental. It is not surprising that the historical
context of the Scottish Enlightenment happened to be the spawning ground of
spontaneous order theory. Nor is it serendipitous that the discipline of economic science
and the particular methodological tradition surrounding Hayek, the Austrian school of
economics, has been most responsible for harboring the greatest appreciation for spontaneous
order theory. Contemporary Austrian scholars continually perform applied
research to expand the relevant cases of observed spontaneous orders. This will be more
fully explained throughout this chapter.
With renewed attention to spontaneous order theory have also come new debates,
disagreement, and occasional obfuscation. Some are made explicitly uncomfortable
by the common use of the term spontaneous order. While it well differentiates from
intentionally designed social systems such as clubs (Buchanan 1965) or formal business
firms (Coase 1937), anxiety remains concerning the connotations of randomness
that the term spontaneous seems to imply, as if the functional features of a spontaneous
order occur through sheer luck or by happenstance. Again, refer to the definitions
from Merriam-Webster’s: “arising from a momentary impulse … developing or occurring
without apparent … cause.” Similar implications admittedly occur throughout the
term’s historic usage. For one example, the fuller quotation of Ferguson’s earliest description
reads: “Every step and every movement of the multitude, even in what are termed
enlightened ages, are made with equal blindness to the future; and nations stumble upon
11 Hayek (1967) adopted Enlightenment era political philosopher Adam Ferguson’s ([1767] 2001,
119) original description of social processes in this way by titling one of his own essays “The Results of
Human Action but Not of Human Design.”
12 Hayek (1967), Ullman-Margalit (1978), Barry (1982; 2008), Hamowy (1987), Otteson (2008),
Petsoulas (2001), and Smith (2006) trace spontaneous order theory throughout the Scottish
Enlightenment and especially in the works of Adam Smith.
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Spontaneous Order 119
establishments, which are indeed the result of human action, but not the execution of
any human design” ([1767] 2001, 119; emphasis added). It is not unreasonable for writers
and thinkers to be dissatisfied with these connotations, just as describing evolutionary
processes as random or chaotic is a disservice and obfuscation to the procedural realities
of natural selection, adaptation, and genetic mutation that occur within biological and
other natural processes.
For some writers, the term emergent order is sometimes synonymously and at other
times preferably used for spontaneous order.13 Within its definition of emergence,
Merriam-Webster’s reprints material from the concise encyclopedia Britannica:
In the theory of evolution, the rise of a system that cannot be predicted or explained
from antecedent conditions. The British philosopher of science G. H. Lewes
(1817–78) distinguished between resultants and emergents—phenomena that are
predictable from their constituent parts (e.g., a physical mixture of sand and talcum
powder) and those that are not (e.g., a chemical compound such as salt, which looks
nothing like sodium or chlorine). The evolutionary account of life is a continuous
history marked by stages at which fundamentally new forms have appeared. Each
new mode of life, though grounded in the conditions of the previous stage, is intelligible
only in terms of its own ordering principle. These are thus cases of emergence.
In the philosophy of mind, the primary candidates for the status of emergent properties
are mental states and events.
An emergent phenomenon is the result of some complex causal procedure, meaning
that the outcome of said process cannot be inferred as a simple summation of its constituent
parts. Hence, emergence successfully refers to the unplanned but structurally
patterned characteristics of complex processes, and the term does so perhaps without
invoking connotations of serendipity or randomness, as the word spontaneous inappropriately
does. It is therefore not surprising that some writers opt to use emergent over
spontaneous, although such equivocation, especially regarding the topic of specifically
human-social processes, has significant analytical consequences.
13 In the plenary essay of the aptly titled journal Studies in Emergent Order, DiZerega (2008) writes,
“Hayek encapsulated the process he described by his term ‘spontaneous order.’ Today other terms
describing the same basic dynamics are in more common use, particularly ‘complex adaptive systems’ and
‘emergent orders’ ” (1; emphasis added). The paper proceeds to use the terms interchangeably, as do most
authors in the journal. Martin and Storr (2008) initially use the terms interchangeably but resolve upon
emergent over spontaneous. Lewis (2011, 171) cites Wagner (2010) as falsely conflating spontaneous and
emergent orders and neglecting to offer definitions. Wagner (2011) concedes this point.
The term stigmergy (Grasse 1982–1986; Beckers et al. 1994; Bonabeau 1999; Elliott 2006; Heylighen
2007; Marsh and Onof 2007; Christensen 2007 and 2008) has been coined to refer to features of certain
logistical traits of some social species and computer software platforms that allow various users to
simultaneously but separately contribute to products and outcomes distinctively more functional and
complex than any of the individuals’ particular actions. Ants secrete pheromones assisting them to
follow one another’s trail to and from food sources. Similarly, open-source software platforms such
as Wikipedia provide a logistical medium particularly convenient for complex collaboration among
dispersed individuals and groups without conscious or concerted collective action or agreement.
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120 Microeconomics
First, spontaneous orders are not the inevitable result of chaotic or random processes.
Active substitution away from the term spontaneous in favor of emergence in part promotes
this confusion. Second, passive and or inadvertent equivocation blurs a more
nuanced and accurate distinction between these two concepts. The intellectual tradition
of spontaneous order theory possesses a unique connotation that is not necessarily
endemic in today’s parlance surrounding the use of the term emergence within the dedicated
fields of study on complexity, agent-based modeling, self-organizing processes, or
stigmergy.14 Conflating terms without attention to the distinct facets of those processes
that are rightly and uniquely spontaneous orders risks modeling such complex human
social phenomena inaccurately.
Finally, the distinctive use of spontaneous puts unique emphasis on the human features
of spontaneous orders relative to how the term emergence is more broadly used.
Following Hayek’s (1973) defining descriptions of spontaneous relative to planned
orders, he writes:
Most important, however, is the relation of a spontaneous order to the conception of
purpose. Since such an order has not been created by an outside agency, the order as
such also can have no purpose, although its existence may be very serviceable to the
individuals which move within such order. But in a different sense it may well be said
that the order rests on purposive action of its elements, when “purpose” would, of
course, mean nothing more than that their actions tend to secure the preservation or
restoration of that order. The use of “purposive” in this sense as a sort of “teleological
shorthand,” as it has been called by biologists, is unobjectionable so long as we do not
imply an awareness of purpose of the part of the elements, but mean merely that the
elements have acquired regularities of conduct conducive to the maintenance of the
order—presumable because those who did act in certain ways had within the resulting
order a better chance of survival than those who did not. In general, however, it
is preferable to avoid in this connection the term “purpose” and to speak instead of
“function.” (39)15
In short, the harmonization processes that occur amid interacting human agents are
distinct from those that occur between other types of agents, specifically because of the
greater range of subjective purposes sought by humans relative to nonhuman actors.
Again, spontaneous orders are identified by the distinction between the intentions of
14 DiZerega (2008) explains that various research fields attuned to emergent orders, such as
self-organizing systems and agent-based modeling, have arisen independently of the Smith-Hayek
tradition. Key examples of these parallel research streams include, but are not necessarily limited to, Ross
(1947) and Holland (1992). See also Harper and Lewis (2012) and the various research surveyed therein.
See also the comments and citations on stigmergy in note 13 above.
15 In reflecting on Barry’s survey, Buchanan (1982) affirms the a-purposivity of complex social
processes. “[T] he ‘order’ of the market emerges only from the process of voluntary exchanges among the
participating individuals. The ‘order’ is, itself, defined as the outcome of the process that generates it. The
‘it,’ the allocation-distribution result, does not, and cannot, exist independently of the trading process.
Absent this process, there is and can be no ‘order’ ” (7).
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Spontaneous Order 121
the agents within the system and the seemingly functional but unintentional aspects of
the system writ large. In the course of acting to pursue personal interests, individuals
contribute to a general condition of social order. While the general conditions of the
social order complement various individual interests, such functionality occurs irrespective
of those interests. This gap of intentionality is precisely the reference point of
the spontaneous terminology. Such interactive purposivity cannot be said to occur amid
nonhuman orders.16
Insofar as emergence can also refer to complex outcomes of nonhuman processes,
equating spontaneous orders with emergence diminishes the focused need for unique
methodological considerations when investigating human social phenomena relative
to other natural-science subject matters. Natural sciences afford a larger and more
appropriate role of mathematical formalism and precise statistical forecasting. Such
techniques are more prone to error and misspecification when applied to human social
processes, because the potential diversity and conflict of subjective intentions is exponentially
greater.17 When spontaneous human social orders are treated as if they are no
different from nonhuman emergent orders, through applied public policies or strategic
initiatives for social change, significant unintended consequences may ensue and are in
many ways inevitable. Hayek ([1941] 1980) argues so boldly as to suggest that the historic
course of real contemporary social problems in the twentieth century were largely the
result of methodological failures within the professional social sciences to account for
the operational features of human society as they accord to spontaneous order theory.18
It is most appropriate for a handbook on Austrian economics to include a chapter
dedicated to spontaneous order, as the theory has played both a significant and an essential
role throughout the school’s intellectual history. One should also recognize inversely,
that were it a dedicated volume to the theory of spontaneous orders, there would need to
be a dedicated chapter, or several, on the Austrian tradition because of its emphasis on
the methodological challenges inherent in the investigation of human actions and complex
social processes.19 Once the idea of spontaneous social orders had been recognized
and somewhat fleshed out, society could be better seen to conform to some degree of
orderly pattern, wherein a variety of systematic relationships could be seen to hold and
therefore could also be scientifically investigated and objectively understood. This is to
say that spontaneous order theory was groundbreaking in that it provided a method to
16 Hamowy (1987, 40) summarizes Merton (1936) and Forbes (1954) as similarly conflating
spontaneous orders with the law of unintended consequences. Schneider (1967) recognizes the similarity
of spontaneous orders as exemplary of unintentionality but highlights their uniquely social functionality
and coordinative effects as essential to spontaneity’s meaning.
17 Hayek (1967, 25, n. 8) surveys Nagel (1961), von Neumann (1951), and von Bertalanffy (1952),
estimating the degree of complexity found in interactive biological processes relative to basic
physionatural operations to be many degrees of magnitude larger. In addition to a substantive difference
of type, Hayek explains that social processes still also possess exponentially larger degrees of complexity.
18 See also Boettke (1997), Mirowski (2002), and Beinhocker (2007), who trace the practical
consequences of methodological failures in professional economics. Huemer (2012) infers such social
complexity to support passivity over activist preferences and strategies for social change.
19 See Menger ([1883] 1985) and Mises ([1933] 1978) as classic examples.
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122 Microeconomics
investigate human behaviors and social processes through objective science in a way
that was untenable before then. One could argue that with spontaneous order theory, the
Scottish Enlightenment in effect invented social science as a positive research program.
This chapter is a defense and explicit support for the terminology of spontaneous
order, properly understood. Although it is not a rejection of the term emergence in all
of its own uses. In other words, emergent and spontaneous have similar meanings, but
they are differentiable. They are neither totally exclusive nor oppositional ideas. They
have unique definitions with overlapping applications, but they still have separable and
nonsynonymous meanings. Simply put, “emergence refers to a broader domain of phenomena
than does spontaneous” (Wagner 2011, 217). In this vein, all spontaneous orders
possess emergent qualities, but not all emergent processes are necessarily spontaneous
orders. Figure 6.1 portrays a simplistic Venn diagram to visualize this distinction. A subset
area representing distinctive spontaneous orders is nested fully within a larger set of
emergent orders.
Spontaneous orders possess a unique feature relative to nonspontaneous emergent
orders, namely, the presence of multiple and likely conflicting human intentions that are
shaped subjectively by the unique preferences and choices of individuals. Spontaneous
orders proceed in ways that promote and contribute to human social coordination
and cooperation. The institutions that develop as a consequence of and facilitator to
human coordination and cooperation require unique methodological considerations to
understand their developmental and operational processes relative to the coordination
mechanisms that occur in nonhuman emergent orders. How do social scientists retain
positivity while describing and analyzing the behaviors of agents and groups who possess
normative preferences?
The next section specifies the definitional differences between emergent and spontaneous
orders by offering a conceptual framework to distinguish between the scientific
nature of the agent types of an orderly system and the degree of complexity derived
from those agents’ interactive behaviors. Examples are offered for each category. The
Humane Social Orders
Emergent Orders
Physical, or
Non-human Social
Figure 6.1 Spontaneous relative to emergent orders.
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Spontaneous Order 123
necessary features for each type of social order to prove sustainable are identified. The
presence of purposeful human intention contributes to the development of distinctive
institutions in the human social realm unparalleled in complexity and coordinative
potential by any other subject matter throughout the natural sciences. Animals and
certainly inanimate objects do not communicate with languages as detailed or abstract
as those of humans. They do not truck, barter, and/or exchange goods and services and
hence possess no monetary currencies or market price exchange ratios. Many species
often do conform their behavioral patterns to social standards akin to moral norms or
even rules of law, although nonhuman actors do not reflect back on the desirability or
optimality of their orders, whereas humans do. And herein lie the determining factors
of society’s progression through coordination and cooperation or its destabilization
through discord and strife.
The following section surveys the intellectual history surrounding spontaneous order
theory in an attempt to complement and justify the framework laid out in the previous
section. Smith’s and Hayek’s research programs have been particularly influential
in shaping spontaneous order theory. As social scientists, both sought to develop
consistent models to account for processes of social change across varied institutional
realms—language, morality, legal and political norms, and economic development.
Both saw the phenomena of economic production as uniquely human and obviously
complex beyond the potential of human design. Both sought unique methodological
frameworks to cope with the distinct challenges of this subject matter; thus, they are
most recognized for significantly shaping the theoretical tradition. While economic science
provided the most ideal theoretical techniques for identifying and explaining the
operational features of spontaneous orders, several writers throughout the spontaneous
order tradition have noted the fate of harmonious social operation to rest on the
interplay between spontaneous processes of material prosperity with moral social and
cultural perceptions regarding the causes and consequences of prosperity and its associated
social changes.
Different Categories of Order
There is a need for a separable terminology when referring to complex human social
processes relative to similar orders found amid nonhuman agents and groups. This is
simply because the conditional factors of individual human choices are distinct from
those facing nonhuman conscious agents, comparable to how processes of nonhuman
conscious agents are significantly distinct in complexity from nonconscious objects. In
other words, the predictability of the order that develops amid a community of human
people is significantly more complex than that found amid a flock of birds or a school of
fish, in much the same way as the degree of complexity amid a flock of birds is significantly
greater than the patterns of operation amid balls on a billiard table. Billiard balls
do not act but are acted upon. Birds act but do not make distinctive plans and intentions
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124 Microeconomics
apart from their biologically shaped instincts and needs for survival. While the difference
in agent type may be a matter of degree rather than type, the social experience of
humans is of a significant difference in type relative to nonhuman social contexts. By
interacting in an environment made up of intelligent and intentional interacting agents,
human social systems emerge and require institutional regularities, informational signals,
and enforcement mechanisms to help promote coordination and cooperation.
In all such cases, order can and does emerge, although the human condition allows
for the development of social institutions that are of both a greater degree of complexity
than and a distinctive type of complexity from those forms of coordination mechanisms
common amid nonhuman processes. In particular, human languages, legal and political
rules, commonly accepted moral norms of conduct, and decentralized economic
decision-making through the advanced division of labor and market price signals are
all uniquely human institutions considerably more complex than any of the behavioral
patterns found in nonhuman systems.
This section provides a framework to categorize different types of complex orderly
processes. Figure 6.1 first clarifies the degree of complexity demonstrated within different
types of orders by listing the relative number of conscious agents within an orderly
system. Separate rows are included for zero agents, one or few agents in relative harmony
to one another, and many competing agents. Second, a distinction is made regarding
the nature of the agents within the supposedly orderly phenomena. Biophysical
processes or nonhuman systems are differentiated from human ones. Each cell within
the body of the figure is labeled with its own letter, A through F, and will be explained
below. Processes within cells A, B, C, and F exhibit sufficient characteristics to warrant
the title of emergent orders, while only processes within cell F ought to be considered
spontaneous orders. Cells D and E are planned orders or examples of designed taxis, as
Hayek (1973) used the term.
Subject Type
Bio-physical Humane
Number of
Zero A: sunflower seeds,
honeycomb, snail
shells, flower pedals
D: a garden, architecture,
interior design
One or few in harmony
to one another
B: schools of fish, flocks
of birds, ant colonies,
E: sports teams, business
firms, formal
organizations or clubs
Many potentially
competing against
one another
C: ecosystems, species
evolution, planetary
F: market prices,
commodity currencies,
the division of labor,
private property rights,
the common law
Figure 6.2 Classifications of order.
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Spontaneous Order 125
Beginning in the upper left corner, cell A lists various examples of complex patterns
observed in the natural world. Such patterns conform to the basic definitional characteristics
of complex orders. The individual components of the orderly system have particular
features. A sunflower seed is a particular shape and size, as are the hexagons of a
honeycomb, the spirals of a snail shell, and the petals of a flower. When fitted together,
these noncomplicated parts generate a pattern with its own size, shape, and proportioned
characteristics distinctive from those features of its constituent parts. If one were
to view the individual components of the order apart from the order itself, it would be
difficult to foresee or predict the complex pattern.
Cell B is similarly focused on nonhuman complex orders, just as in cell A, but cell B
includes examples of processes that possess a greater degree of complexity than those
in cell A. This greater complexity is a function of the fact that the agents in the system,
while not human, are somewhat autonomous. They engage in their own unique behavioral
actions based on their own individual perceptions, influences, and stimuli. In
other words, there is a similar emergence of order amid the patterns of seeds on the face
of a sunflower and the orderly flow of ants within a colony’s mound, but there is a significant
difference between the two. Ants walk about in accordance to their own individual
actions. In the context of interacting with other ants, any individual ant faces a degree of
variability in the potential outcomes of its behavior unparalleled by the distribution of
seeds on the face of a sunflower.20
Orders within cell C demonstrate yet another level of complexity beyond those found
within cells A or B. Not only are the agents within cell C autonomous relative to one
another, but they are of various different species from one another, and as such they
are most often in conditions of conflict and or competition with one another regarding
food, territory, sexual mates, or all of the above. While planets and terrestrial objects
would not seem autonomous, their distinct properties of movement relative to one
another and interactive effects on others suffice to be included in cell C.
Interspecies competition is most common. Species exist as innate predators and/or
prey to one another. Interspecies coordination is also common but only as a function
of optimized interspecies competition. Different species contribute to the functioning
of a vibrant ecosystem in harmonic symbiosis with one another, but the health and
vitality of any nonhuman ecosystem depends on the relative success of some species
20 There remain different meaningful types of order found with cell B characteristics. First, lower
organisms such as slime molds and some social insects such as ant colonies and beehives perform
coordinated behaviors amid such large groups; some have inferred the collective unit itself as the more
relevant organism. Different types of agents, drones versus worker bees, for one example, operate more
akin to organs with specialized functions rather than independent agents themselves. Tullock (1994)
and Resnick (1994) describe the emergent qualities of social species. Seabright (2004) notices that social
species share much higher rates of genetic homogeneity relative to others. Equipped with biological
adaptations such as bio-determined divisions of labor and stigmergic mechanisms (see note 13 above),
lower organisms can form groups of hundreds of thousands of agents, whereas more intelligent species
maintain smaller group sizes. De Waal (1990) describes the proto-legal and moral norms evolved and
required to resolve conflict amid various ape species. Differences across social norms are primarily
shaped by biological factors such as gendered differences and sexual reproductive habits.
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126 Microeconomics
and/or populations over others (Forsyth and Miyata 1987). Foxes and rabbits have yet
to discover an institutional arrangement wherein both species may thrive without the
episodic predation of rabbits by foxes. Interspecies cooperation or symbiosis is not
impossible but is more rare and typically the result of unique evolutionary conditions.
Cell D is the first type of order listed within the human category and is also the first
nonemergent type of order surveyed thus far. Examples such as gardens, architecture,
and interior design are orderly insofar as they promote particular functions and purposes.
Good gardens are usually both aesthetic and conducive to the healthy growing
of the plants therein. But such orders are the result of direct planning insofar as they are
intelligently designed and constructed by a gardener; hence, they are not fully emergent.
Walking through a forest and stumbling upon a well-groomed garden, while the
observer could remark on the well-ordered nature of the garden, he would obviously not
infer that the garden had developed naturally without some intelligent designer.
That being said, a successful garden must operate within the natural parameters
beyond the gardener’s design or control. The gardener may desire to optimize the growing
and cultivation of a particular plant or crop, but his ability to do so will be determined
in part by his ability to identify, tap into, and harness the unplanned natural
conditions of his environment and the interactive conditions of the fauna he chooses
to plant.
Cell E is another nonemergent form of order, but it does express a degree of complexity
beyond those orders found within cell D. While cell D orders result from the application
of human intelligence imposed on nonhuman entities, cell E results from a singular
or unified human intention being imposed on and accepted by other human agents.
Firms, organizations, clubs, and formal governments are all orders with cell E characteristics.
21 Here again, the success or failure of the particular intention chosen by the order’s
designer will hinge on his ability to identify, tap into, and harness the unplanned and/or
emergent conditions operating within the population of individuals he has selected to
work with.
Now, fully within the realm of human social interaction, one could make a distinction
within cell E of voluntary versus coercive arrangements akin to Smith’s ([1776]
1904) distinction of “raping, pillaging and plundering” relative to “trucking, bartering
and exchanging.”22 The coercive arrangements like those conflicting interests across species
in cell D orders are zero sum, meaning that one agent gains at the others’ expense.
But unlike cell D orders, human agents have a significantly greater capacity to counterreact,
be it through foresight, evasion, and/or cooperative retaliation. Smith’s ([1759]
1790) comments on the personality types of “men of systems” bear relevance here:
The man of system, on the contrary, is apt to be very wise in his own conceit; and is
often so enamoured with the supposed beauty of his own ideal plan of government,
21 For thorough investigations of decision-making within the firm and formal organizational settings,
see Coase (1937) and Williamson (1981; 2002).
22 See also Oppenheimer ([1908] 2012).
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Spontaneous Order 127
that he cannot suffer the smallest deviation from any part of it. He goes on to establish
it completely and in all its parts, without any regard either to the great interests,
or to the strong prejudices which may oppose it. He seems to imagine that he
can arrange the different members of a great society with as much ease as the hand
arranges the different pieces upon a chess-board. He does not consider that the
pieces upon the chess-board have no other principle of motion besides that which
the hand impresses upon them; but that, in the great chess-board of human society,
every single piece has a principle of motion of its own, altogether different from that
which the legislature might chuse to impress upon it. If those two principles coincide
and act in the same direction, the game of human society will go on easily and harmoniously,
and is very likely to be happy and successful. If they are opposite or different,
the game will go on miserably, and the society must be at all times in the highest
degree of disorder. (233–234).
Sustainable coercive relationships such as slavery or conscription required unique
enforcement technologies and costs. Over time, such balances of power endure gales of
creative destruction as changes in the conditional factors affecting the costs and benefits
of coercion alter its equilibrium conditions (Acemoglu and Robinson 2012). For one
example, the invention of the cotton gin radically increased the value of a marginal slave
worker but lowered the net demand for the quantity of slaves writ large.
In contrast, voluntary cooperation mechanisms are a uniquely human institutional
arrangement wherein multiple parties may benefit despite alternative, competing, and/
or conflicting interests. Private property rights, contracts, rules of law, arbitration, and
dispute resolution are all mechanisms to aid and facilitate the harmonization of the individual
designers’ intention with the surrounding conditions of environmental resources
and the ulterior motives of other human agents. Hence, again, we see that the relative
success of an individual plan is at least in part determined by its ability to nest compatibly
amid a broader condition of unplanned interactions (Koch 2007).
Last, cell F is reserved for spontaneous orders properly understood. Rather than
individual human actors within a system comporting their behaviors to a particularly
designed intention, each of the members of a spontaneous order pursues intentions of
his or her own accord. Here it is perhaps important to emphasize that all such behaviors
are not necessarily harmonious or without conflict. In fact, systemic disorder and
instability can be and often are stable outcomes for a variety of social contexts (Martin
and Storr 2008). Although the contributing conditional factors of such disorderly states
are similar to those that accommodate spontaneous order outcomes, the results of such
processes do not conform to Hayek’s proffered definition of order as providing predictable
reliability. Such disorderly states are also possible under cell B and cell C conditions.
Seabright (2004) and Beottke, Caceras, and Martin (2013) suggest in comparison that
the potentials and realities of conflicting disorderly states far surpass orderly alternatives;
hence, ordered outcomes are all the more demanding of account and explanation.
Although the potential for disorder is great and arguably surpasses that for order,
it has been theoretically (Demsetz 1967), historically (Ellickson 1991; Anderson and
Hill 2004), and even experimentally demonstrated (Kimbrough, Smith, and Wilson
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128 Microeconomics
2010) that human agents are inclined to conform their behaviors to not conflict with
other human agents to the extent that conflict is costly and or uncertain. Given humans’
greater capacity to impose costs amid conflict, this provides a greater incentive and
greater potential for coordination in cell F than in other cells. To the extent that agents
can recognize that their own plans may be better fulfilled under conditions of nonconflict
coordination, individuals will prefer conditions of peaceful coexistence relative to
conflict. Hence, cooperation and coordination in human societies without formal state
enforcement mechanisms are feasible in relatively smaller and homogeneous groups
(Landa 1994; Zerbe and Anderson 2001; Greif 2002; Dixit 2004; North, Wallis, and
Weingast 2009) but rarely observed in large-scale heterogeneous social orders.23
Agents may intentionally conform their behaviors to rules of conduct and/or institutional
patterns that explicitly signal nonthreatening intentions to others and accurately
communicate information regarding interpersonal behaviors so that individuals within
the system are best informed regarding how they may navigate action without conflict.
Such institutional participation inadvertently contributes to a social environment more
conducive to and accommodating for the fulfillment of ever greater and more diversely
selected plans and agents. Institutional mechanisms such as language, property rights,
contracts, rules of law, moral norms, market pricing mechanisms, and an advanced division
of labor, though not designed by any individual actor, crucially aid and assist the
plans of the participants within them because they funnel and churn knowledge more
systematically and effectively amid the members of the system.
The History of the Spontaneous
Order Tradition
Equivocation between emergent and spontaneous orders obfuscates the meaning
that theorists intended to convey throughout spontaneous order’s history of thought.
Although common parlance of spontaneity implies that the subject matter develops as
23 Samuelson (1964), McKenzie and Tullock ([1975] 2006), Landes and Posner (1975), and Cowen
(1992) all highlight public-good dilemmas surrounding the provisions of law, security, and punitive
enforcement. The positive externality conditions and high potential for free riding surrounding
law-enforcement services are presumably inherent and logistical, thus limiting the potential for
spontaneous order to sufficiently support large-scale heterogeneous networks of anonymous exchange.
In contrast, Friedman (1979) argues that multiple equilibriums are possible in alternative societies.
Benson (1992), D’Amico (2010), and Allen and Barzel (2011) trace criminal institutional changes and
consequences through legal history. Gambetta (1993), Kaminski (2004), Leeson (2008a), Leeson and
Skarbek (2010), and Skarbek (2010; 2011; 2012) explain functional punitive enforcements in criminal
networks wherein group interests are conveniently aligned against formal state enforcement by the
nature of their illicit intentions. Hoebel (1954) shows similarly for remote tribes. Leeson (2008b; 2009;
2014) and Benson (1989a; 1989b; 1990) argue that self-enforcing exchange is more durable than is
commonly recognized and at least possible in some larger heterogeneous cases.
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Spontaneous Order 129
if from nowhere and/or operates through random happenstance, spontaneous orders,
as described by their most noted contributors, are decidedly not the inevitable result of
chaotic interactions and/or serendipity. Spontaneous orders are instead the unintended
result of certain structural features inherent to the processes of human decision-making
and human interaction. Although they are unplanned, such phenomena are not random.
The history of thought specifically surrounding spontaneous order theory, stemming
most notably from Smith amid the Scottish Enlightenment, academically resurrected
by the research program of Hayek, and continued by the contemporary scholarship
associated with the modern Austrian school of economics highlights the unique methodological
considerations necessary for investigating and accurately understanding
human behaviors and complex social processes relative to subject matters more common
throughout other natural sciences. The tradition of scholarship most responsible
for developing the idea and terminology of spontaneous order theory has continuously
been an effort to conduct objective positive social science, given the realization that
human beings and human societies are more complicated subject matters and require
unique methodological considerations compared with other natural subjects. In short,
the process of coordinating human intentions contributes to the formation of institutions
and societal outcome patterns that require uniquely gauged methods in order to
accurately identify, understand, and/or compare objectively without systemic error or
unintended consequences.
Each of the theorists surveyed in this section highlights a particular facet of the spontaneous
ordering of economic production and material prosperity. The increased population,
density, and diversity afforded by material abundance often inspire subsequent
cultural, moral, and ideological change. This feeds back on the stability of economic
prosperity. The processes of individual perception, collective coordination, and reactive
cooperation of such sociological processes are a distinctively human process in need of
uniquely human, socially scientific, methodological considerations to accurately understand
and objectively assess. Contemporary research and parlance surrounding the
more general term emergence are less uniquely focused on distinctively human social
The idea of spontaneous social order was at first an inferred conclusion regarding the
essential causes of the conspicuous social changes surrounding Enlightenment writers
nested within the early stages of the industrial revolution. Spontaneous social ordering
through processes of interindividual interaction was, in effect, a basic alternative
hypothesis to the previous dominant theories that associated prosperity with the superior
foresight and/or divine rights of ruling authority. Having endured similar political
arrangements for relatively long periods of previous history, ruling intentions were
simply insufficient explanations for the distinct levels of prosperity, human population,
and social diversity all found more systematically throughout the developed world amid
industrialization than ever before. One could simply not proclaim to be a philosopher
dedicated to investigating and understanding human behavior and human society without
devoting significant attention to those unique features of the human social world
distinctive from all other times, places, and sectors of the natural world.
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130 Microeconomics
Though not a researched piece of formal social theory or political philosophy per se,
Bernard Mandeville’s lyrical fable The Grumbling Hive: or Knaves Turned Honest (1705)
was nonetheless one of the earliest presentations of the spontaneous order theory and
arguably was most responsible for first popularizing the idea throughout the eighteenth
century. The poem was quickly republished with additional commentary under
the modified title The Fable of the Bees: or Private Vices, Public Benefits ([1714] 1992).
Both publications gave rise to heated debate and provided significant theoretical inspiration
for subsequent theorists and classical liberals throughout the Enlightenment
Mandeville’s poem remarkably conveyed a relatively complete essence of spontaneous
order theory as a hypothesis for explaining the causes and operations of complex
social order, namely, that the prosperous, functional, and generally peaceful welfare of
human society rests more on the unplanned processes of interacting human individuals
than they stem from the plans of ruling authorities or moral theorists. Mandeville’s
poem was even so bold as to allude to and explicate a nuanced model of socioinstitutional
interaction, in other words, how economic prosperity relates to society’s moral
and cultural qualities and vice versa.
Just as prosperity is not the planned result of authority, neither is the virtuous or
depraved character of society, or the general moral patterns of people within it, the
product of conscience philosophical reflection or explicitly planned moral campaigns.
In short, moral norms are themselves spontaneous orders, and individual moral beliefs
are developed within this context.
Mandeville’s narrative implied, first, that private vices did not necessarily contribute
to broader moral depravity, let alone any sort of material consequences, as many
at the time and arguably still today tend to presume. Such is evidenced merely by the
simultaneity of prosperity, increased opportunities for vice, and peaceable social functioning.
If self-interest, competition, consumption, and vice are so socially problematic,
then why amid the observed periods of the greatest increased opportunities and expressions
of these behaviors has society undoubtedly progressed materially, culturally, and
Thus every Part was full of vice,
Yet the whole Mass a Paradise;
Flatter’d in Peace and fear’d in Wars,
They were th’ Esteem of Foreigners,
And lavish of their Wealth and Lives,
The Balance of all other Hives. (Mandeville [1714] 1992, 24)
Second, the subtitle of the second publication refers to “Private Vices, Public
Benefits”; insofar as self-interested and competitive behaviors are contributors to social
order, supposed vice and vanity may be inevitable correlates to prosperity. The freedom
required to afford producers and innovators the environment to make and trade
goods and services will also provide the requisite freedom to accommodate and afford
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Spontaneous Order 131
a broader variety of civic behaviors, many of which will inevitably strike against previously
held moral sensibilities.
Finally, Mandeville implies a specific theory of culturally and ideologically driven
social change, hence the descriptor “grumbling” in his original title. Concerted moral
campaigns cannot refine their efforts solely to eliminate supposedly harmful vices without
also casting aspersion on the general behaviors of self-interested consumption,
profit seeking, and competition. Thus, they tend to throw the material progress baby out
with the unvirtuous bath water or kill the ornery goose that happens to lay golden eggs.
Here, Mandeville is significantly ahead of his time in recognizing that the maturing process
of cultural and moral evolution occurs in stride and is related to a society’s material
prosperity. Given Puritanism’s popularity and political influence at the time, it is not
surprising that Mandeville’s essay provoked such contention. In contrast to the social
harms invoked by moral crusades, regulators, and prohibitionists, vice appears marginally
After Mandeville, Ferguson ([1767] 2001) is often credited with having first recognized
the concept of spontaneity when describing the functionality of legal and political
systems. His turn of phrase is frequently echoed to convey a succinct but essentially
accurate definition for spontaneous order theory:
Men in general, are sufficiently disposed to occupy themselves in forming projects
and schemes: But he who would scheme and project for others, will find an opponent
in every person who is disposed to scheme for himself. Like the winds that come we
know not whence, and blow whithersoever they list, the forms of society are derived
from an obscure and distant origin; they arise, long before the date of philosophy,
from the instincts, not from the speculations of men. The crowd of mankind, are
directed in their establishments and measures, by the circumstances in which they
are placed; and seldom are turned from their way, to follow the plan of any single
Every step and every movement of the multitude, even in what are termed enlightened
ages, are made with equal blindness to the future; and nations stumble upon
establishments, which are indeed the result of human action, but not the execution of
any human design. (119; emphasis added)
As Hamowy (1968, 257–258) explains, Ferguson, like Mandeville, also recognized the
correlation between material prosperity and the moral attitudes of society:
Many mechanical arts, indeed, require no capacity; they succeed best under a total
suppression of sentiment and reason; and ignorance is the mother of industry as
well as of superstition. Reflection and fancy are subject to err; but a habit of moving
the hand, or the foot, where the mind is least consulted, and where the workshop
may, without any great effort of imagination, be considered as an engine, the parts of
which are men. (Ferguson [1767] 2001, 182–183)
24 Such was coincidentally the similar intellectual setup and public reaction to Block (1976).
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132 Microeconomics
Ferguson also parallels Mandeville in his recognition that economic prosperity may
invoke cultural processes that are potentially self-defeating to prosperity. Specialized
populations in the division of labor may not afford the time or energy to comprehend
the operational features of the social system they live within, contribute to, and
benefit from.
But if many parts in the practice of every art, and in the detail of every department,
require no abilities, or actually tend to contract and to limit the views of the mind,
there are others which lead to general reflections, and to enlargement of thought.
Even in manufacture, the genius of the master, perhaps, is cultivated, while that of
the inferior workman lies waste. The statesman may have a wide comprehension of
human affairs, while the tools he employs are ignorant of the system in which they are
themselves combined. The general officer may be a great proficient in the knowledge
of war, while the soldier is confined to a few motions of the hand and the foot. …
The practitioner of every art and profession may afford matter of general speculation
to the man of science; and thinking itself, in this age of separations, may become
a peculiar craft. …
[T] he labourer, who toils that he may eat; the mechanic, whose art requires no
exertion of genius, are degraded by the object they pursue, and by the means they
employ to attain it. Professions requiring more knowledge and study; proceeding
on the exercise of fancy, and the love of perfection; leading to applause as well as to
profit, place the artist in a superior class, and bring him nearer to that station in which
men are supposed to be highest; because in it they are bound to no task; because they
are left to follow the disposition of the mind, and to take that part in society, to which
they are led by the sentiments of the heart, or by the calls of the public….
We look for elevation of sentiment, and liberality of mind, among those orders of
citizens, who, by their condition, and their fortunes, are relieved from sordid cares
and attentions. …
[Thus,] in every commercial state, notwithstanding any pretensions to equal
rights, the exaltation of a few must depress the many. (183–186).
Perhaps not coincidentally, just as Jacobs (1997; 1999; 2000) has inspired dispute regarding
whether Hayek or Polanyi originated the term spontaneous order, Hamowy (1968)
surveys Rae (1895), Carlyle (1910), and Oncken (1909), suggesting that the innovative
origins surrounding the idea of the division of labor was a point of personal conflict
and made accusations of quasi-plagiarism between Ferguson and Smith. Smith’s ([1776]
1904) opening sentences in the first chapter of his economic treatise define the division
of labor and cite it as the primary source for the greatest influence upon material
The greatest improvement in the productive powers of labour, and the greater part
of the skill, dexterity, and judgment with which it is any where directed, or applied,
seem to have been the effects of the division of labour.
The effects of the division of labour, in the general business of society, will be more
easily understood, by considering in what manner it operates in some particular
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Spontaneous Order 133
manufactures. It is commonly supposed to be carried furthest in some very trifling
ones. (13)
Smith proceeds with applied descriptions of the specialized division of labor within a
pin factory, the decentralized production of a common woolen coat, and eventually the
inventory processes of corn houses as they operated in conjunction with various tax
codes under the corn laws.25 In all such cases, Smith highlights the self-regulating and
equilibrating results of profit-seeking market decision-making. Herein Smith’s initial
outlines of the classical model of the economy first took form.
Hamowy (1968, 259) suggests that Smith’s insights regarding the division of labor are
more limited to the economic sphere, compared with Ferguson’s more sociological, cultural,
and political applications. Smith ([1776] 1904) does address the cultural consequences
of expansions in the division of labor and the material progress it engenders:
In the progress of the division of labour, the employment of the far greater part of
those who live by labour, that is, of the great body of the people, comes to be confined
to a few very simple operations, frequently to one or two. But the understandings of
the greater part of men are necessarily formed by their ordinary employments. The
man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operations; of which the
effects too are, perhaps, always the same, or very nearly the same, has no occasion to
exert his understandings, or to exercise his invention in finding out expedients for
removing difficulties which never occur. He naturally loses, therefore, the habit of
such exertions, and generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a
human creature to become. The torpor of his mind renders him, not only incapable
of relishing or bearing a part in any rational conversation, but of conceiving any generous,
noble, or tender sentiment, and consequently of forming any just judgment
concerning many even of the ordinary duties of private life. (book V, chap. 1, part 3,
article 2)
While it is textually accurate to say that Smith’s observations regarding the causes and
consequences of the division of labor were relatively limited to the economic sphere
of human society, a wider review of his broader sample of writings demonstrates an
attempt to fully survey the totality of human social interaction by means of a unified
theory of human behavior and socioinstitutional operation. Spontaneous order was in
essence the mechanism of operation found throughout various social arenas, from language
to morality, economic production, and legal policies. In all applications, there is
an inevitable interplay between individual human actions via rational decision-making
on the one hand and the existence of structural institutional rules and incentives on
the other.
Again, Smith’s coining of the phrase “invisible hand,” when referring to the
self-organizing properties of buyers and sellers in the market economy, is commonly
inferred as synonymous with spontaneous order (Nozick 1974, 18–22; Ullman-Margalit
25 Leonard Read’s I, Pencil (1958) adopted this same pedagogical technique to great popular success.
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134 Microeconomics
1978) and most often referred to its centrally found location (Klein and Lucas
2011) within his most economically oriented work:
But the annual revenue of every society is always precisely equal to the exchangeable
value of the whole annual produce of its industry, or rather is precisely the same
thing with that exchangeable value. As every individual, therefore, endeavours as
much as he can both to employ his capital in the support of domestic industry, and so
to direct that industry that its produce may be of the greatest value; every individual
necessarily labours to render the annual revenue of the society as great as he can.
He generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how
much he is promoting industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest
value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led
by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Nor is it
always the worse for the society that it was no part of it. By pursuing his own interest
he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really
intends to promote it. I have never known much good done by those who affected
to trade for the public good. It is an affectation, indeed, not very common among
merchants, and very few words need be employed in dissuading them from it. (Smith
[1776] 1904, 455–456)
However, as Hamowy (1986, 78) notes, Smith’s ([1759] 1790) earlier work on moral theory
also used the “invisible hand” phrase and generally comported to the same idea, that
the functional and harmonizing facets of cultural mores and social norms are more the
product of unplanned interindividual human behaviors than they are the direct result of
conscientious philosophical reflection:
They consume little more than the poor, and in spite of their natural selfishness and
rapacity, though they mean only their own conveniency, though the sole end which
they propose from the labours of all the thousands whom they employ, be the gratification
of their own vain and insatiable desires, they divide with the poor the produce
of all their improvements. They are led by an invisible hand to make nearly the same
distribution of the necessaries of life, which would have been made, had the earth
been divided into equal portions among all its inhabitants, and thus without intending
it, without knowing it, advance the interest of the society, and afford means to the
multiplication of the species. (184–185).
Hamowy (1986, 78) also refers to Macfie (1971) rightly noting that Smith’s ([1795]
1982) first mention of “invisible hand” is found in his “History of Astronomy,” probably
written but not published prior to Theory of Moral Sentiments:
For it may be observed, that in all Polytheistic religions, among savages, as well as
in the early ages of Heathen antiquity, it is the irregular events of nature only that
are ascribed to the agency and power of their gods. Fire burns, and water refreshes;
heavy bodies descend, and lighter substances fly upwards, by the necessity of their
own nature; nor was the invisible hand of Jupiter ever apprehended to the employed
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Spontaneous Order 135
in those matters. But thunder and lightning, storms and sunshine, those more irregular
events, were ascribed to his favour or his anger. Man, the only designing power
with which they were acquainted, never acts but either to stop, or to alter the course,
which natural events would take, if left to themselves. (vol. 3, section 3).
This chapter lacks the forum or expertise to definitively resolve such matters of historical
usage and/or creative authenticity among authors, although the context of
Smith’s initial use of “invisible hand” within his dedicated material on specifically
nonhuman subjects and scientific methodology does seem pertinent. In other
words, viewing the range of Smith’s applied subject matters, one sees an attempt to
develop a theory of human decision-making universally applicable in all variety of
social realms: political-legal, cultural-moral, and economic. Smith’s forays into nonhuman
natural sciences also appear to be explicit attempts to forge methodological
techniques capable of identifying and comprehending the operations of complex
systems. With both a theory of individual decision-making and a method for understanding
complex interaction in hand, Smith’s economic analysis hosted his most
systematic contributions to spontaneous order theory. The quantifiable nature of
market prices and material production provided analytical traction of spontaneous
order processes within the economic sectors more so than in other institutional arenas
despite their uniquely human identity, such as language, moral norms, or legal
It is not coincidental or unwarranted that Smith is given prominent attention for most
early and systematically identifying and developing the theory of spontaneous orders.26
It is arguably his particular attention and dedicated analysis of economic processes that
afforded him this vantage. Hence, it is within the tradition of economic science, and the
Austrian tradition’s unique attention to methodology therein, that the most significant
attention and insight regarding spontaneous order theory have stemmed from in the
wake of Smith.
Most notably, Carl Menger’s (1892) account of the spontaneous origins of monetary
currency from amid the incentives and procedural behaviors of agents within a barter
economy subsequently inspired the research programs of Austrian figureheads Ludwig
von Mises and Hayek. Mises’s ([1912] 1953) initial goal was to incorporate a theory of
money consistently into the broader model of individual decision-making and economic
production. Hayek (1945) in turn traced the communicative and epistemic value
conveyed by monetary prices in an exchange economy to promote material production
and social harmony.
Hayek’s initial definitions and applications of spontaneous order theory have been
sufficiently summarized above, although it is worth pointing out how significantly
his latter insights regarding social morality paralleled other enlightenment thinkers.
26 Hamowy (1986, 65) cites Kettler (1965), who notes that “Hume found Ferguson’s style both
unsystematic and inexact.”
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136 Microeconomics
Hayek (1941) lays out a detailed model of social change wherein social harmony and/
or systemic problems hinge critically on the presence of accurate methodologies
within the professional social sciences. His shorter essay, “Intellectuals and Socialism”
(1949b), proffers an account of the apparent animosity toward market processes popular
among professional intellectuals. In his final work, Hayek (1988) explicitly refers to
Mandeville’s insights regarding the sociological effects of prosperity. He outlines how
tensions arise among instinctive moral beliefs, designed moral beliefs, and evolved
moral beliefs.
Throughout the long and active history of thought surrounding spontaneous order
theory, a variety of key contextual factors were critical in shaping its substantive content
and applications. First, the historical conditions and knowledge of comparative social
environments provided thinkers in the tradition with the common vantage to recognize
the complex nature of material prosperity and social progress. All began from the
basic premise that advanced material production and social harmony conformed to a
sufficient degree of patterned operation so as to be investigated and understood scientifically.
In turn, these contributors shared a deep appreciation for gauging scientific methodology
to suit the needs of human social science.
In a way, spontaneous order theory is both the alpha and omega of a shared research
project in positive social science. With its discovery and elucidation, thinkers could
utilize the spontaneous order framework as a baseline for comparative institutional
analysis. Given the incentive structures of interacting individuals, their diverse interests,
and the resource constraints of a particular social context, theorists were left to
ask what moral, legal, political, and economic institutions are likely to evolve. How do
they compare with those real institutional attempts to manage social welfare by design?
Spontaneous order provides the ability to identify and diagnose natural social problems
apart from those social problems stemming from unintended consequences of
failed plans.
Spontaneous order is the omega of social science insofar as it became for many
of its key theorists the critical subject matter to continuously identify and comprehend
its procedural operation in all walks of human association. To understand
human action and human association essentially requires a keen recognition of
spontaneous orders in society and a thorough comprehension of how they operate.
Hence, the intellectual tradition stemming from Smith to Hayek and beyond has
been keenly focused on both tracking the institutional histories and operations of
spontaneous orders throughout social contexts and methodologically reflecting on
how best to identify and comprehend social meaning in a complex world of human
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Spontaneous Order 137
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How can International Tractor Motors use the Binomial Distribution to approximate tractor sales in similar countries?

International Tractor Motors (ITM) had recently undertaken an ad campaign aimed at agricultural owners in a certain country in Asia. The ad campaign was devoted to promoting the new IT-8 large specialty tractor. Four sales associates were assigned to sell in different medium to large farms throughout the country for many days. One associate was assigned to the northern part of the country. Another was assigned to the southern part. The other two were assigned to the west and east, respectively. Because of regulations, a sales associate can sell at most one IT-8 tractor per day and only one such tractor per farm, too. A sales associate was successful if he/she sold a tractor during the day. Thus, ITM can sell at most 4 tractors (4 total sales) per day in this country.

Download the file titled Tractor Successes. It contains a scatter plot of the number of successes versus frequency. To compare the results to the Binomial Distribution, complete the following:
Explain why this tractor sales scenario can be a binomial experiment.
Using the Tractor Successes scatter plot, construct a frequency distribution for the number of successes.
Compute the mean number of successes. The formula for the mean is as follows: LaTeX: \frac{\sum{(x⋅f)}}{\sum f}∑ ( x ⋅ f ) ∑ f
The terms x represent the total number of successes (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) and f is the corresponding frequency (number of days where x successes occurred).

Explain what the numerical result means.

From the frequency distribution, construct the corresponding relative frequency distribution.
Explain why the relative frequency distribution table is a probability distribution.

Then, use Excel to create a scatter plot of the probability distribution:

Select the two columns of the probability distribution. Click on INSERT, and then go to the Charts area and select Scatter. Then choose the first Scatter chart (the one without lines connecting).

Using the frequency distribution, what is the tractor sales success average? In part 3, note that the numerator in the formula for the mean is the total number of successes. The total number of trials is the denominator of the formula for the mean multiplied by 4. What does this average mean?
The Binomial Distribution is uniquely determined by n, the number of trials, and p, the probability of “success” on each trial. Using Excel, construct the Binomial Probability Distribution for four trials, n, and probability of success, p, as the tractor sales success average in part 5. Here is an explanation of the BINOM.DIST function in Excel: (Links to an external site.)
For example, In Excel

=BINOM.DIST(7,15,0.7, FALSE)

represents the probability of 7 successes out of 15 (n) trials. The 0.7 is the probability of success, p.

Using the above value of n=4 with probability of success, p, as the tractor sales success average in part 5, what is the probability of at least two successes?

Using the formula for the mean of the Binomial Distribution, what is the mean number of successes in part 6 above?
In Excel, create a scatter plot for the Binomial Distribution. The instructions for creating a scatter plot are in part 4 above.
Use the results above to compare the probability distribution of tractor sales successes and the Binomial Distribution. Compare the means in parts 4 and 6, too.
If the probability distribution of tractor sales successes and the Binomial Distribution differ, explain why that is so.

Do you think the Binomial Distribution is a good model for the tractor sales success scenario? Why or why not?
How can International Tractor Motors use the Binomial Distribution to approximate tractor sales in similar countries?
In what other scenarios can International Tractor Motors use the Binomial Distribution? Explain.
Submit your Excel file in addition to your report.

The paper must be written in third person.
nclude a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and a reference page.
The introduction should describe or summarize the topic or problem. It might discuss the importance of the topic or how it affects you or society, or it might discuss or describe the unique terminology associated with the topic.
The body of your paper should answer the questions posed in the problem. Explain how you approached and answered the question or solved the problem, and, for each question, show all steps involved. Be sure the Word document is in paragraph format, not numbered answers like a homework assignment.
The conclusion should summarize your thoughts about what you have determined from the data and your analysis, often with a broader personal or societal perspective in mind. Nothing new should be introduced in the conclusion that was not previously discussed in the body paragraphs. Your conclusion should emanate from (be aligned with) your findings.
Include any tables of data or calculations, calculated values, and/or graphs associated with this problem in the body of your assignment.

Did the researcher acknowledge their own role in the research i.e. did they address reflexivity?

Critical Appraisal
This assessment for this part of the Qualitative and Blended stream of the Research Methods module is a 1,250-word critical appraisal (+/- 10%) of a research paper provided by the module leader reporting applied qualitative research in the context of public health and social care.
It counts for 50% of the RM module final grade. The purpose of this is to develop your skills of critical appraisal and specifically in relation to qualitative research. While you may not be interested in conducting qualitative research yourself, given its growing use in public health, social care services and research as well as the wider recognition of its value as part of the evidence base, it is important you are able to both understand and appraise its methodological quality.
To be critical does not mean to be negative. The intention within this coursework is to encourage you to question information and opinions presented in material which you use professionally, ultimately using this process to present your evaluation or judgement of the research area or series of texts.
Your critique should follow the framework provide (see Appendix A) which is a modified version of the well-known CASP criteria and include a commentary on all aspects of the chosen paper including overall design, sampling, data collection methods, reflexivity, ethics, analysis and interpretation, and the overall credibility and generalizability of the findings. There should also be a short commentary on the potential for application of the findings in a public health/social care context.
• Avoid binary answers (yes or no). You must expand on your answers.
• Avoid copying and pasting directly from the article. Use your own words
• Check for your similarity score prior to the submission
• Always prove read your work before submission As stated in the module handbook you need to submit an electronic copy of your assignment by 20th of December 2019 before 23:30pm
Marking Grid (Critical Appraisal)
Question one
Ambiguity and confusion present, vague/ largely irrelevant or inadequate answer, major omissions or factual errors.
Student defines qualitative research or give reasons why qualitative research is used without answering the question fully.
Student gives one reason why an author may choose to use qualitative research, but does not give adequate example from the paper.
[Subjective, window in time, it answers questions such as why, explores issues in depth, explores perceptions and individual’s socio-cultural contexts which affect decision making]
Student gives good reason for using qual research but gives an example from another source
Clearly answers both sections of the paper giving one example of why an author may choose to use qualitative research and gives a relevant example from the paper.
Tick 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4marks 5 marks
Question two
Student states implied aims and RQ
Answer states students implied Aim and RQ and links them to the implied reasons why the researcher carried out research design through stated methods, but answer does not critique whether the research design and methods used were clear justified and/ or appropriate
Answer states whether Aim and objectives of research are stated, and answers if either the research design or methods used were justified or there was an implied link to aim of research.
Answer states whether Aim and objectives of research are stated, and answers clearly if the research design and methods used were appropriate.
Clear critique of Aims and objectives in relation to the methods used and research design stated. Tick 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Question three
Answer states perceived sampling approach used by the author without critique.
Answer critiques sampling approach or selection approach included in paper.
Answer critiques sampling and selection approach used and states if any justification is included.
Sampling and recruitment are partly analysed in regards to how they were described and the critique includes analysis of author’s justification.
All elements of sampling and recruitment are clearly analysed in regards to how they were described, carried out and justified.
Tick 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Question four
Student states which methods were used to collect data
Clear critique of data collection methods
Critique of data collection methods stating either strengths or weaknesses of these.
Clear explanation of the methods of data collection and analysis used by the researcher to collect information is given including some strengths and weaknesses.
Comprehensive explanation of the methods of data collection and analysis used by the researcher to collect information, including all strengths and weaknesses Tick 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Question five
Student answers yes or no to this question only.
Is there any evidence of the author acknowledge their role in the research or the impact of the research on the researcher?
Answer critiques whether the researcher acknowledged their own role in the research giving at least one example.
Answer includes two or more examples of how the researcher could influence the research and findings.
Students states examples of how the reflexivity could have been strengthened? Tick 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Question six
Student answers the question with a yes or no answer only.
Answer states how ethics are addressed in the paper.
Answer includes some critique of how ethics were addressed in the paper.
Answer comprehensively critiques how effective the author addresses ethics in paper
Answer includes all of previous answers and includes ideas of how to improve how bias is addressed Tick 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Question seven
Student answers first part of question only with a yes or a no.
Answer includes partial analyses of how the findings are presented.
Answer states clearly if the findings are appropriately presented?
Answer critiques if findings presented answer the research questions or aim of the study.
Student explains how the research findings could be improved. Tick 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Question eight
Student answers question with a yes or a no.
Student gives one reason why research could be relevant in context of public health
Answer gives two reasons why the findings reported could have wider relevance
Answer gives two or three reasons why the findings reported could have wider relevance
Answer gives critique of how paper could have wider relevance including changes that could strengthen its relevance and impact Tick 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Question nine
Answer discusses paper changes without answering question clearly
Answer correctly Identifies one aspect of the paper that could be improved without linking it to criteria (framework)
Answer correctly Identifies one aspect of the paper that could be improved in relation to the criteria (framework)
Answer correctly Identifies one aspect of the paper that could be improved in relation to the criteria (framework), describing how this change could improve paper
Answer correctly Identifies one aspect of the paper that could be improved in relation to the criteria (framework), describing how and why this change could have such impact Tick 2 marks 4 marks 6 marks 8 marks 10 marks Mark (For 100% multiply mark by 2)
Overall Assessment Criteria
Fluent academic writing, good structure, correct use of Harvard referencing.
Questions 1 – 5 are addressed
i.e. overall design, sampling, data collection methods
Questions 6 – 9 addressed
i.e. reflexivity, ethics, analysis and interpretation
Question 10 is addressed
i.e. commentary on the potential for application
Excellent presentation with a high level of professionalism and accuracy.
Correct Harvard referencing used.
The five questions
are answered correctly, demonstrating effective use of the sub-questions and their application to the article.
The four questions
are answered correctly, demonstrating effective use of the sub-questions and their application to the article.
The question is answered in full addressing all three sub-questions (as relevant) and coming to a conclusion about the value of this research paper, in relation to public health. Excellent links made to the students own field of expertise.
High Merit
65% – 69%
The paper is very well presented in an engaging style and complies with all the conventions of academic writing. Correct Harvard referencing used.
The five questions
are answered correctly, demonstrating effective use of some of the sub-questions and their application to the article.
The four questions
are answered correctly, demonstrating effective use of some of the sub-questions and their application to the article.
The question is answered in full addressing all three sub-questions and coming to a conclusion about the value of this research paper. Some links are made to the wider topic area of students work.
Low Merit
60% – 64%
The paper is written clearly, has a clear structure, and is grammatically correct. Correct Harvard referencing used.
The five questions
are answered with some of the sub-questions as a guide
All four questions
are answered correctly with some of the sub-questions used as a guide
The question is answered addressing some of the three sub-questions and coming to a conclusion about the value of this research paper. No wider references are made.
High Pass
55% -59%
The paper is written with clarity in parts and it has a structure, with English mostly grammatically correct.
All five questions answered, but not correctly with sub-questions not addressed.
All of four questions are answered but not correctly and sub-questions not addressed effectively.
The question is answered coming to a conclusion about the value of this research paper but not addressing some of the three sub-questions.
Paper has a structure but weak grammar or clarity.
Most of the five questions answered, but not correctly with sub-questions not addressed.
Most of the four questions are answered but not correctly, sub-questions are not addressed.
The question is answered but not correctly and only addressing some of the three sub-questions. Student comes to an incorrect conclusion re: value of this research paper.
0 – 39%
Below standard sentence construction, grammar and expression fail to give a clear picture. Correct Harvard referencing not used.
Poor attempt to address all five questions or the sub-questions.
Poor attempt to address all four questions or the sub-questions.
The question is not addressed in full with little to no evidence of drawing a conclusion regarding the value of the paper.
Appendix A. Framework for the Critical Appraisal
Your own Answers
Question 1
(5 marks)
Give one reason why a researcher may choose qualitative methods for their research and illustrate your answer with one example
• Is a qualitative methodology appropriate?
• Does the research seek to interpret or illuminate the actions and/or subjective experiences of research participants?
• Have the researchers justified the research design? (e.g. have they discussed how they decided which methods to use?)
Question 2
(5 marks)
In the chosen paper, was there a clear statement of the research question and/ or aims of the study? Do these match with the overall design and methods chosen?
• what the goal of the research was
• why it is important
• its relevance
Question 3
(5 marks)
Were all elements of sampling and recruitment clearly described and justified?
• if the researcher has explained how the participants were selected
• if they explained why the participants they selected were the most appropriate to provide access to the type of knowledge sought by the study
• if there are any discussions around recruitment (e.g. why some people chose not to take part)
• Was the recruitment strategy appropriate to the aims of the research?
Question 4
(5 marks)
Is there a clear explanation of the methods of data collection and analysis used by the researcher to collect information? Identify any strengths or weaknesses in these
• if the setting for data collection was justified
• if it is clear how data were collected (e.g. focus group, semi-structured interview etc)
• if the researcher has justified the methods chosen
• if the researcher has made the methods explicit (e.g. for interview method, is there an indication of how interviews were conducted, did they used a topic guide?)
• if methods were modified during the study. If so, has the researcher explained how and why?
• if the form of data is clear (e.g. tape recordings, video material, notes etc)
• if the researcher has discussed saturation of data
• Were the data collected in a way that addressed the research issue?
Question 5
(5 marks)
Did the researcher acknowledge their own role in the research i.e. did they address reflexivity? If yes, how? If not, how do you think this might have influenced the findings?
Consider whether it is clear:
• if the researcher critically examined their own role, potential bias and influence during:
• formulation of research questions
• data collection, including sample recruitment and choice of location
• how the researcher responded to events during the study and whether they considered the implications of any changes in the research design
• Is there any conflict of interest?
• Has the relationship between researcher and participants been adequately considered?
Question 6
(5 marks)
Has the researcher addressed ethical issues? Were these comprehensively addressed?
• if there are sufficient details of how the research was explained to participants for the reader to assess whether ethical standards were maintained
• if the researcher has discussed issues raised by the study (e. g. issues around informed consent or confidentiality or how they have handled the effects of the study on the participants during and after the study)
• if approval has been sought from the ethics committee
Question 7
(5 marks)
Are the findings appropriately presented? Do you consider that the findings presented answer the research questions or aim of the study?
• if the findings are explicit
• if there is adequate discussion of the evidence
• both for and against the researcher’s arguments
• if the researcher has discussed the credibility of their findings (e.g. triangulation, respondent validation, more than one analyst.)
• if the findings are discussed in relation to the original research questions
Question 8
(5 marks)
After reading this paper, do you consider the findings reported to have any a wider relevance in the context of health or social care?
• if the researcher discusses the contribution the study makes to existing knowledge or understanding (e.g. do they consider the findings in relation to current practice or policy, or relevant research-based literature?)
• if they identify new areas where research is necessary
• if the researchers have discussed whether or how the findings can be transferred to other populations or considered other ways the research may be used
Question 9
(10 marks)
Identify one aspect of the paper that you would improve in relation to the criteria specified above, describe how and why in your answer

Are online consumers protected from geo-blocking practices within the European Union?

Article Navigation
Are online consumers protected from geo-blocking
practices within the European Union?
Maria Lorena Flórez Rojas 􀀴 􀀴
International Journal of Law and Information Technology, Volume 26, Issue 2, Summer 2018, Pages
Published: 28 March 2018
Cite Permissions Share 􀀭
Geo-blocking as a technological protection measure directly affects e-commerce in the
European Union, reinforcing discriminatory practices in the online world. The first
attempt to fight discrimination in cross-border trade was Article 20 of the Services
Directive, which describes the non-discrimination principle. However, this provision has
failed in practice due to its large interpretative uncertainties and lack of enforcement. In
this view, discriminatory practices have been a constant in the online market and they
have intensified due to the use of new geolocation technologies. This article presents the
possibility to use provisions of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
(TFEU) to tackle geo-blocking practices. The article also considers the new proposal on
addressing geo-blocking and it gives some insights regarding the problems of
applicability and scope that can open the possibility for consumers to use Article 18 TFEU
as legal bases for cases related to geo-blocking practices.
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SUPERVISOR         Dr xx

Leadership models in management consulting companies in Europe & Middle Est – success or failure

Project submitted in partial fulfilment

of the requirements of the

Master of Business Administration

of the

University of Cumbria


Key words: leadership, management, KPI


Business School

Leadership models in management consulting companies in Europe & Middle Est -success or failure


Leadership is seen as determining factor in success or failure of an organization, however, its practices vary among different types of industry.

Various leadership styles are used in the same company, depending on geographical areas, depending the market influencers, local culture, final customers and the employees. Leadership and strategic management have been under study  in the last century, therefore this dissertation will  aim to  focus on identification of leadership styles applied in a specific industry sector, management consulting & project management services and the direct effect on growth or downsize of the business, success or failure and aim to find recommendation of the management style mix that would potentially lead to success instead of failure.

This thesis analyses the extent to which the managers are applying a clear management methodology, identify the best practices or lack of them and aim to identify the differences in management style used in the same company but different geographical areas. As a direct result of investigation, thesis aims to analyses the business results (customers satisfaction resulting in positive reputation for company, expansion in new geographical areas, growth in turnover or loss of business, reliability and customers).

Accordingly, the study examines the similarities and differences, add the economic context (which will be different depending on the geographical area) and as final step aim to explain why the leadership style can be successful in Middle East (UAE, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) and a failure in other regions as Europe or Asia.

AIM – to identify in a specific industry service area (management consulting & project management) the current leadership methods used by managers to grow and the lead the businesses

This project will investigate the awareness of managers in applying effective leadership models in running strategically the business

It will analyses the extent to which theoretical practices are followed and attempt to explain any differences found

If similarities are found, the study aim to identify the influence of regional/ cultural factors that can lead to different results

Study aim to recommend a better leadership mix for the chosen

Dissertation to be mainly concerned with management consultancy and project management sector. If insufficient data will be obtained, study will expand to fields where statistical data are currently published.


The project will use the various teams’ managers performance and leadership style, alignment in the company and to which extent the leadership methods are used, will identify the applied KPI for various departments in the company and compare the results. Study will identify potential applicability of new mix and investigate the different benefits.


                 What facts or information I need to gather?  How will I access these?

A thorough examination of literature pertaining to leadership styles will be carried out and identify the limited number of models applied to the selected industry sector.

Literature review:

There were many attempts to define leadership in last centuries and decades. As per Stogdill (1974), “there are almost as many different definitions of leadership as there are persons who have attempted to define the concept”. It is interesting to note that the definitions given to leadership increased from 650 definitions at the end of last century to almost 1400 definitions in 2014.( statement issued by Kelerman into an interview to Volkmann, 2012).
In his article “What is Leadership”, published by Albert  Silva in  Journal of Business Studies Quarterly; Antioch Vol. 8, Is. 1,  (Sep 2016) an effort is made to develop a definition that may satisfy different viewpoints and provide a better base for the study of leadership.
The first attempt to define  leadership is dated 2500 years back and was formulated by Confucius, Plato  add that a ” leader would be wise”( Takala, 1998) and Machiavelli complete with ” leader  should have good virtues and should be intelligent to have the support of the people  (Machiavelli, 1513/1992).
Stogdill (1957) defined leadership as ” the individual behavior to guide a group to achieve the common target”. He also extended the definition to “goal setting and goal achievement”.
Another definition given by Lee and Chuang (2009) is “the excellent leader not only inspires subordinate`s potential to enhance efficiency but also meets their requirements in the process of achieving organizational goals”.

In his book ” What managers do”, John Kotter has an interesting view on different attributes of leaders that are often confused with managers. ” People say ‘leadership” but describe “management”, talk only about commanding style.” He is observing that ” leadership is different from management, and the primary force behind successful change…is the former not the later”. Without enough leadership, the probability of mistakes increases greatly, and probability of success decreases accordingly. “In ‘Cases of leadership” Laura Guerro and W. Glenn Rowe identify  many components of leadership, as  “leadership is a process, involve influencing others, happens in a context of a group, involves good attainment and goals are shared by leaders with their followers” which gives us a better picture of the differences between leadership and management.

Three are identified 3 types of leadership: situational, transactional and transformational leadership.

Situational leadership– as defined by Graeff,1997; Grint,2011) requires a rational understanding of the situation and an appropriate response, rather than a charismatic leader. Task-oriented leaders define the roles for followers, give definite instructions, create organizational patterns, and establish formal communication channels (Bass, 2008; Hersey & Blanchard, 1969; 1979; 1996; 1980; 1981). Instead, relation-oriented leaders practice concern for others, attempt to reduce emotional conflicts, seek harmonious relations, and regulate equal participation (Bass, 2008; Hersey & Blanchard, 1969;1979; 1996; 1980; 1981; Shin, Heath, & Lee, 2011).Therefore SLT define a manager as task or people oriented.

Criticism of situational leadership-Nicholls (1985) identify 3 weak points referring to consistency, continuity and conformity. Bass (2008), Glyn & DeJordy (2010)- states that no particular leadership style was universally effective.

Transactional leadership focuses on changes that occur between leaders and followers (Bass 1985,1990, 2000, 2008, Burns 1978). Transactional leadership allows leaders to accomplish their performance objectives, motivate followers to achieve goals, avoid risks, and improve organizations efficiency (Sadeghi& Pihie,2012) and allows followers to fulfill their performance objectives on clear organizational objectives.

Criticism of Transactional leadership- Burns (1978), conclude that these kinds of relationship are temporary and lead to resentments between participants. Also, other scholars consider that it doesn`t take into consideration situational and contextual factors related to challenges into an organization. (Beyes,199; Yukl,1999; Yukl &Mahsud,2010).

Transformational leadership is defined by Burns (1978) as “one who raises the follower’s level of consciousness about the importance and value of desired outcomes. The transformational leader convinces the followers to put the organizational interests first while moving the follower need from level of safety and security to level needs for achievement and self-actualization (Bass, 2008, p 619). A Transformational leader inspire the followers and impress through their behavior.

The criticism of Transformational Leadership was done by (Beyes, 1999; Hunt 1999; Yukl 1999,2011).

The criticism of Transformational leadership brought by Burns (1978) argued that Transformational Leadership practices lead followers to short term relationship of exchange with their leader and have a little evidence on influence on groups, teams or organizations.

These are not the only classifications of leadership. Leadership can be divided in 2 categories- directive and participative.

Directive leadership is defined as” leader behaviors that seek team members’ compliance with directions about how to accomplish a problem-solving task (Bass, 1990; Bass, Valenzi, Farrow, & Solomon, 1975).Characteristics of a directive style are: setting clear directions (Somech, 2006), managing interactions of team members (e.g., Korsgaard, Schweiger, & Sapienza, 1995; Sagie, 1996),and planning the team activity.(Griffin, 1980; Keller, 2006).

Participative leadership is defined as “sharing of problem solving by consulting with team members before making a decision (Bass, 1990; Bass et al., 1975). The main characteristics of the leader using this style are: he lets the team member to decide how they want to work. The leaders reserve the role of providing guidance or consultation on working style and is less controlling. (Wageman, 2001, Amabile, Schatzel, Moneta, & Kramer, 2004).

All those definitions are not telling us if the leadership style is good or bad. In their book “The 5 practices of exemplary leadership”, James M. OKuzes & Barry z. Posner try to define the best practices:

“Model the way-High performance leadership starts with aligning values with actions-that builds credibility. “Inspire a shared vision. Only then can we become the inclusive leaders our organizations need to respond to the challenges of our fast-changing world (Hanif Qadir-CEO, Active Change Foundation).” Challenge the process-exemplary leaders are pioneers at taking the initiative in searching the innovative ways to improve their own work, that their teams and their organizations” (…)” Enable others to act-empowering leaders make sure when they win everybody win. They share power and information the spotlight for the job well done (….).” Encourage the heart- exemplary leaders know that getting extraordinary things done in organizations is hard work, and yet they rise to the call to inspire others with courage and hope”.

Leadership can have good or bad results and there is a high connection between the leadership style and organizational performance. As per Avolio (1999) Lado, Boyd and Wright (1992), Rowe, (2001)” Understanding the effects of leadership on performance is important because leadership is viewed by some researchers as one of the key driving forces for improving a firm’s performance. Effective leadership is seen as a potent source of management development and sustained competitive advantage for organizational performance improvement. Mehra, Smith, Dixon and Robertson (2006) states that “organizations are looking to efficient ways to enable them outperform others and a longstanding approach is to focus on the effects of leadership. Team leaders are believed to play a pivotal role in shaping collective norms, helping teams cope with their environments, and coordinating collective action”. There are scholars that were focusing to identify the missing links between leadership and organizations performance that concluded “That despite a hypothesized leadership-performance relationship suggested by some researchers, current findings are inconclusive and difficult to interpret” (Fenwick and Gayle 2008).

To what refers the organizational performance? “Organizational performance refers to ability of an enterprise to achieve such objectives as high profit, quality product, large market share, good financial results, and survival at pre-determined time using relevant strategy for action” (Koontz and Donnell, 1999). Organizational performance can also be used to analyze the profitability, market share and product quality compared with other companies in the same field. Organization performance is a measure of team members efficiency using as reference realized revenue, profit, growth and development of the enterprise.

How all those concepts about leadership are applied in Europe and Middle East? Which are the differences, and which are the factors that will influence the organizational performance based on different leadership styles and cultural differences?

In European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology in article “National Culture and Leadership Profiles in Europe: Some Results from the GLOBE Study” there is a discussion about clusters identified in Europe based on culture. (Hofstede, 1991; Ronen & Shenkar, 1985)-states that different culture groups may understand differently what leadership means. Globe project had selected 21 European countries to discuss about the leadership prototypes and it was identified that there are 2 main clusters North- Western European and South Eastern – European cluster. It is concluded /discussed that the leadership prototypes in these clusters mirror to a certain extent the differences in culture. Based on researches it was impossible to identify a single European management style or culture and Europe is different from other parts of the world.

In “An introduction to the special issue on leadership and culture in the Middle East, Ali Kabasakal, H., & Dastmalchian, A. (2001, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 50(4), 479-488) the authors use the data part of GLOBE project- scale study of leadership in 61 countries( Robert House, Mansour Javidan, Peter Dorfman).Ikhlas A. Abdalla and Moudi A. to extract information about Kuwait, Iran, Qatar& Turkey to analyses leadership in Arab countries.

Al-Hamoud wrote the second paper entitled “Exploring the Implicit Leadership Theory in the Arabian Gulf States”-where he discuss similarities and differences between Kuwait and Qatar in terms of desirable leader attributes.

The third article written by Ali Dastmalchian, Mansour Javidan, and Kamran Alam is entitled “Effective Leadership and Culture in Iran: An Empirical Study ‘‘. The study reports a comprehensive account of Iranian societal culture and compare Iranian findings with other nations. Using the GLOBE leadership instrument, Dastmalchian, Javidan, and Alam develop seven dimensions of effective leadership that reflect the cultural values of Iranian society.

The fourth manuscript ”Society, Organizations and Leadership in Turkey’‘,focuses on societal and organizational culture and effective leadership characteristics in Turkey(Selda Fikret PasÎa, Hayat Kabasakal, and Muzaffer Bodur ).They have used qualitative data collected in Turkey for the GLOBE project and quantitative data obtained in an independent research project. The authors link the relationship between observed leadership behaviors and organizational culture in Turkish organizations. Beside this they discuss the perceptions of Turkish managers regarding outstanding leader attributes.

Ronen & Shenkar, 1985)- concludes that out of the Globe study nine geographic clusters have been segregated: Anglo, Germanic, Nordic, Latin European, Latin American, Near East, Far East, Arabic, and Independents. Based on Hofstede’s (1980).

Near East category- Iran and Turkey, Greece and the former Yugoslavia

Arab countries-Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and UAE.

All four societies that are analyzed in this Special Issue are predominantly Muslim. Thus, it would be expected that Islam would have an impact on at least some cultural dimensions as well as implicit leadership characteristics that are perceived to be effective.


An analysis of the results of current applied leadership management models for selected sector will be performed, positive results and negative results will be segregated and identify the gaps as well as improvement opportunities. It is in the scope of dissertation to identify the results of the same leadership model applied in different divisions (regions) and determine the external/internal factors that influence the dynamic outcomes.

To reach the objective of the study the following information will be gathered:

Current thinking on leadership methods utility – current textbooks and recent journal articles

Information on actual practices in the industry (limited to KSA, UAE, Balkan Region)

Methodology to be developed, but likely to include questionnaire or interviews with both Management team and Departmental Managers.

In case the responses will be limited and insufficient for an analysis, data will be gathered from published researches that relates to chosen sector and public statistics.

Determination of a limited number of KPIs that will be representative & commonly used in the sector, that will sustain the performance analysis, the rationality of choices

Opinions on other available strategies and not used (limitations, lack of knowledge)

Identify potential benefits determined by implementation of other metrics.


The research will be carried out in two stages: first the managers will be sent a questionnaire via email or Linked-in (as a resource for questionnaires will be used Survey monkey and questionnaire model will be adjusted to the purpose of research) and second, where possible, a limited number of interviews will be done via phone with managers having an experience of 20-30 years in the field. The research will be rather qualitative than quantitative.

Methodology will be determined at a later stage for qualitative research. Data validity will be discussed and limitations of the process of obtaining data.

Collected data will be then structured and analyzed in comparative tables per geographical areas. The results will be analyzed with the aim to identify the essential factors that lead to success or failure of the company in the past 5 years.

Possible opportunities to conduct interviews with selected managers in selected countries

Analysis likely to be limited to several interviews and will be based more on qualitative research than large statistical research.

In case insufficient responses, analysis will be performed based on published statistical data.


Contribution of the research will be a critical analysis of the gaps / or lack of real leadership methods in place in the chosen industry area with the aim to recommend the mix of leadership style and adjustment to regional context that would lead to business growth, expansion to new regions and retain valuable employees.




This proposal is strongly related to:


Leadership, Management, effects, performance.


Name any tutor(s) you think might be appropriate to supervise your dissertation.






How, if at all, would your answers to (1)(a), (b) and (c) differ if the relevant principles were those applicable to unregistered land?

Ariel and Bianca operate a business designing and manufacturing beauty pageant gowns. In 2016 they wish to purchase the Workroom, a two storey building, title to which is registered. The first storey is suitable for the installation of manufacturing equipment and the second storey consists of three apartments. The purchase price of the Workroom is £500,000. Ariel and Bianca can only afford to contribute £150,000 each to the purchase price. Ariel approaches her grandmother, Courtney, who suffers from arthritis, and Courtney offers to contribute £200,000 to the purchase of the Workroom. Ariel, Bianca and Courtney agree that Courtney will move into one of the apartments so that Ariel and Bianca, who will share a second apartment, can help to look after her. The Workroom is conveyed into Ariel’s sole name. The manufacturing equipment is installed in the first storey and Ariel, Bianca and Courtney move into the agreed apartments.

In 2017 Ariel’s friend Darienne moves into the Workroom’s third apartment and pays a monthly rent. In 2018 Darienne is offered a lucrative job, on a two-year fixed-term contract, in Las Vegas. She tells Ariel that the job will allow her to save money to buy her own property. Ariel asks Darienne whether she would be interested in purchasing the rented apartment on her return from Las Vegas at the end of the contract and Darienne agrees that she would. Ariel grants Darienne an option to purchase the apartment. Darienne immediately clears all her property out of the apartment and flies to Las Vegas. In early 2019 Ariel and Bianca agree that Bianca should embark on a comprehensive marketing trip to America. They plan an itinerary which will take six months to complete, and Bianca leaves in March 2019. Ariel becomes increasingly dissatisfied at having to run the business and take care of Courtney on her own.

In July 2019 Eureka expresses an interest in purchasing the Workroom and Ariel immediately removes all Bianca’s belongings from the apartment they share. Ariel arranges to show Eureka around the property at a time when Courtney is attending a hospital appointment. Eureka inspects the second storey and Ariel explains that her grandmother occasionally stays in one of the apartments. As Eureka is inspecting the first storey, Courtney returns early from her appointment. Puzzled by her presence, Eureka asks Courtney, “Have you any interest in any of this?” Believing that Eureka is referring to the business, Courtney responds “With my arthritis? Of course I don’t have any interest.”

Eureka offers Ariel £900,000 for the Workroom. Ariel is about to accept the offer, but she experiences an attack of conscience and informs Eureka of Darienne’s option to purchase one of the apartments. Eureka replies, “Well, that’s a shame, I was planning to rent all three apartments out. That changes things, I shall have to reconsider.” Anxious to complete the sale of the Workroom, Ariel informs Eureka that she will accept £750,000 for the property, and Eureka agrees to this. The Workroom is conveyed to Eureka in August 2019. Ariel tells Courtney that she has booked a month-long retreat for her at a health farm, and once Courtney has left for the retreat Ariel leaves for Puerto Rica. She sends letters to Bianca, Courtney and Darienne, explaining that she needed to make a completely fresh start.

(1)          Advise –

(a)  Bianca, whether she has any interest in the Workroom enforceable against Eureka;

(b)  Courtney, whether she has any interest in the Workroom enforceable against Eureka;

(c)  Darienne, whether she has any interest in the Workroom enforceable against Eureka.

(2)   How, if at all, would your answers to (1)(a), (b) and (c) differ if the relevant principles were those applicable to unregistered land?

(3)          Comment critically on the specific principles of law that you have applied in answering (1) and (2).