Does the design have controls at an acceptable level for the threats to internal validity?
Appraising Nursing Studies
- Does the introduction demonstrate the need for the study?
- Is the problem clearly and concisely identified?
- Is the problem presented with enough background material to acquaint the
reader with the importance of the problem?
- Is the purpose of the study clearly stated?
- Are the terms and variables relevant to the study clearly defined?
- Are the assumptions clearly and simply stated?
- If appropriate to the design, are hypotheses stated?
- Does the study use a theoretical framework to guide its design?
Review of the Literature
- Is the ROL relevant to the problem?
- Is the review adequate in terms of the range and scope of ideas, opinions, and points of view relevant to the problem?
- Is the review well organized and synthesized?
- Does the review provide for critical appraisal of the contribution of each of the major references?
- Does the review conclude with a summary of the literature with implications for the study?
- Is the ROL adequately and correctly documented?
- Is the research approach appropriated?
- Was the protection of human subjects considered?
- Are the details of data collection clearly and logically presented?
- Are the instrument(s) appropriate for the study both in terms of problem and approach?
- Are the instrument(s) described sufficiently in terms of content, structure, validity and reliability?
- Is population and the method for selecting the sample adequately described?
- Is the method for selection of sample appropriate?
- Is the sample size sufficient?
- Is attrition of sample reported and explained?
- Does the design have controls at an acceptable level for the threats to internal validity?
- What are the limits to generalizability in terms of external validity?
- Is the presentation of data clear?
- Are the characteristics of the sample described?
- Was the best method(s) of analysis selected?
- Are the tables, charts, and graphs pertinent?
- Are the results based on the data presented?
- Is the evidence sufficient to draw conclusions?
- Are the results interpreted in the context of the problem/purpose, hypothesis, and theoretical framework/literature reviewed?
- Are the conclusions and generalizations clearly stated?
- Are the limitations of the findings clearly delineated?
- Are the generalizations within the scope of findings?
- Does the study contribute to nursing knowledge?