
How has evolving technology (e.g. internet, social media) changed the terrorist threat?

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Radicalisation in
the digital era
The use of the internet in 15 cases
of terrorism and extremism
Ines von Behr, Anaïs Reding, Charlie Edwards, Luke Gribbon
Radicalisation in the
digital era
The use of the internet in 15 cases of
terrorism and extremism
Ines Von Behr, Anaïs Reding, Charlie Edwards, Luke Gribbon
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We live in a digital era. In the UK alone 85 per cent of homes have internet access. As society increasingly
embraces the internet, so opportunities for those wishing to use it for terrorism have grown. The internet
offers terrorists and extremists the capability to communicate, collaborate and convince. In recent years,
European policymakers, practitioners and the academic community have begun to examine how the
internet influences the process of radicalisation: how a person comes to support terrorism and forms of
extremism associated with terrorism.
Many of the policy documents and academic literature in this area focus on online content and
messaging, rather than exploring how the internet is used by individuals in the process of their
radicalisation. The reason for this focus is relatively straightforward. Gaining access to terrorists (those
convicted under UK terrorism legislation) or extremists (identified by the police and multi-agency
partners based on an assessment of risk) is extremely difficult. Obtaining primary data relating to these
individuals’ cases held in court records or by the police is labour-intensive and a logistical challenge.
However, empirical research is needed in order to rigorously test assertions about radicalisation and
formulate evidence based approaches to addressing challenges associated with radicalisation.
In order to begin to address this gap and develop the evidence base in the field, this study is based on
primary data drawn from a variety of sources: evidence presented at trial, computer registries of convicted
terrorists, interviews with convicted terrorists and extremists, as well as police senior investigative officers
responsible for terrorist investigations. The sample size is small: a symptom of both the limited number of
individuals willing to speak with researchers in this field, and the challenge of collecting data on such a
sensitive topic where information in the public domain is limited.
RAND Europe is an independent not-for-profit policy research organisation that aims to improve policy
and decision-making in the public interest, through research and analysis. RAND Europe’s clients include
European governments, institutions, non-governmental organisations and firms with a need for rigorous,
independent, multidisciplinary analysis.
For more information about this project or RAND Europe please contact:
Ines von Behr (
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Table of Contents
Preface …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..iii
Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… iv
Figures ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. vi
Tables ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. vii
Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. viii
Abbreviations ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ix
Executive Summary ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… xi
1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.1. Report structure …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
1.2. Defining what we mean by the internet, terrorism, extremism and radicalisation ………………….. 2
1.3. The internet as a domain of activity for terrorist activities …………………………………………………. 3
1.4. Policy responses to online radicalisation …………………………………………………………………………. 3
1.5. Terrorism, the role of the internet and policy responses in Europe beyond the UK ……………….. 6
1.6. The academic focus: limited evidence on online radicalisation …………………………………………… 8
1.7. Re-balancing approaches to online radicalisation: insights from collected cases …………………….. 8
2. Methodology ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
2.1. Overview of the approach ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
2.2. Literature review and stakeholder engagement ………………………………………………………………. 12
2.3. Primary data collection ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
2.4. Obstacles to data collection ………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
3. Literature review: current understanding of the role of the internet in radicalisation …………… 15
3.1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
3.2. Five themes emerging from the literature review ……………………………………………………………. 16
3.3. The internet creates more opportunities to become radicalised…………………………………………. 17
3.4. The internet acts as an ‘echo chamber’ …………………………………………………………………………. 18
3.5. The internet accelerates the process of radicalisation ………………………………………………………. 19
3.6. The internet allows radicalisation to occur without physical contact …………………………………. 19
3.7. The internet increases opportunities for self-radicalisation ………………………………………………. 20
3.8. Research on interactions between the online and offline worlds is rare ………………………………. 21
3.9. Conclusions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21
4. How 15 individuals engaged with the internet in their radicalisation: case studies and
insights ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22
4.1. Interview approach and objectives……………………………………………………………………………….. 22
4.2. Mapping our hypotheses against primary data findings …………………………………………………… 23
5. Recommendations and conclusions …………………………………………………………………………… 31
5.1. The importance of primary data for further research ………………………………………………………. 31
5.2. The internet as a mode, rather than a single method of radicalisation – mapping literature
hypotheses against real cases ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 32
5.3. Framing possible policy responses ……………………………………………………………………………….. 33
References ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 36
Selected bibliography …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 41
Annex A. Case Studies …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 47
A.1. Case Studies A1-A10 ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 47
A.2. Case Studies B1-B5 …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 58
Figure 1: Referrals (total numbers)/take-downs (total numbers and percentage) February 2010 –
September 2012 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Figure 2: Referrals (total numbers)/take-downs (total numbers and percentage) July 2012 – September
2012 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Figure 3: Stages of data collection …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
Figure 4: Internet access in households in EU-27 and the UK (%) ………………………………………………… 25
Figure 5: Internet use amongst individuals in EU-27 and the UK (%) ……………………………………………. 25
Figure 6: A4’s timeline leading to arrest …………………………………………………………………………………….. 28
Figure A1: A1’s computer registry of search-terms ………………………………………………………………………. 48
Figure A2: A2’s computer registry of search-terms ………………………………………………………………………. 49
Figure A3: Timeline of A1 and A2’s online and TomTom (satellite navigation system) activity ………….. 50
Figure A4: A4’s computer registry of search terms. ………………………………………………………………………. 52
Figure A5: Breakdown of A5’s online activity …………………………………………………………………………….. 53
Figure A6: A6’s use of keywords in online activity synthesised with offline timeline ………………………….. 55
Table 1: Google search for examples of critical keywords ……………………………………………………………….. 3
Table 2: Google search (July 2013) for keywords on internet radicalisation in English ………………………. 15
Table 3: Google search (July 2013) for keywords on internet radicalisation in German and French …….. 16
Table 4: Mapping our hypotheses against primary data findings ……………………………………………………. 24
Table A.1: Case study A1………………………………………………………………………………47
Table A.2: Case study A2………………………………………………………………………………49
Table A.3: Case study A3………………………………………………………………………………50
Table A.4: Case study A4………………………………………………………………………………51
Table A.5: Case study A5………………………………………………………………………………52
Table A.6: Case study A6………………………………………………………………………………54
Table A.7: Case study A7, A8 and A9………………………………………………………………….56
Table A.8: Case study A10……………………………………………………………………………..57
Table A.9: Case study B1-B5…………………………………………………………………………..58
We are enormously grateful to the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), the Office for Security
and Counter Terrorism (OSCT) and Home Office for their support, guidance and help with this study.
In particular we would like to thank Assistant Chief Constable John Wright, National Coordinator of
Prevent and Siobhan Peters, Director of Prevent, OSCT.
We owe a particular debt of gratitude to the police Senior Investigative Officers (SIOs) across the UK
who agreed to spend hours with us going through individual cases. Their determination to learn from past
investigations as well as explore future challenges in policing terrorism online ensured the research team
met the right people and had access to the most relevant material.
At RAND Europe our thanks go to Éanna Kelly, Ben Baruch, Kate Robertson, Jennifer Rubin, Richard
Warnes and Rebecca Schindler for their support, editing and clarity of thinking.
ACPO Association of Chief Police Officers
AQ Al Qa’ida
The United Kingdom’s Strategy for Countering Terrorism
Crown Prosecution Service
CSP Communication Service Provider
Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit
Counter Terrorism Unit
European Commission
European Network of Experts on Radicalisation
European Union
Information and communication technology
Internet Service Provider
Justice & Home Affairs Council, Council of the EU
Office for Security and Counter Terrorism
Radicalisation Awareness Network
Security and Intelligence Services
Senior Investigative Officer
UK Terrorist legislation
Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
Worldwide web

Executive Summary
The internet has brought extensive change in peoples’ lives. It has revolutionised how we communicate
and simplified the way we create networks among like-minded individuals. We live in an era in which 84
per cent of the EU population use the internet daily, including 81 per cent of whom access it from home
(Eurostat, 2012).
This development has led to important changes in the organisation and functioning of society, and as
violent extremists and terrorists form part of this society, it is widely assumed that the internet plays a
particular role as a tool of radicalisation (Aly, 2010; Awan, 2007; Friedland, 2009; O’Rourke, 2007;
Tucker, 2010). There is, however, very limited evidence available to assess this assumption.
Testing hypotheses from the literature against primary data: the case of
15 terrorists and extremists
This paper presents the results from exploratory primary research into the role of the internet in the
radicalisation of 15 terrorists and extremists in the UK. The 15 cases were identified by the research team
together with the UK Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) and UK Counter Terrorism Units
(CTU). The research team gathered primary data relating to five extremist cases (the individuals were part
of the Channel programme, a UK government intervention aimed at individuals identified by the police
as vulnerable to violent extremism), and ten terrorist cases (convicted in the UK), all of which were
anonymised. The team conducted interviews with the Senior Investigative Officers (SIOs) involved with
the terrorists and Channel participants, and investigated the individuals’ online behavior from data
recovered by the police directly from the individuals’ computers. The team then conducted a literature
review and developed a number of hypotheses or assertions found in the literature on the role of the
internet in the process of radicalisation. These hypotheses were tested using primary data from the above
mentioned 15 cases.
The following five hypotheses identified in the literature were:
1. The internet creates more opportunities to become radicalised.
2. The internet acts as an ‘echo chamber’: a place where individuals find their ideas supported and
echoed by other like-minded individuals
3. The internet accelerates the process of radicalisation.
4. The internet allows radicalisation to occur without physical contact.
5. The internet increases opportunities for self-radicalisation.
Evidence from the primary research conducted confirmed that the internet played a role in the
radicalisation process of the violent extremists and terrorists whose cases we studied. The evidence enabled
the research team to explore the extent to which the five main hypotheses that emerged from the literature
in relation to the alleged role of the internet in radicalisation held in these case examinations. The
summary findings are briefly presented here and discussed in greater detail in the full report that follows:
The internet creates more opportunities to become radicalised
Firstly, our research supports the suggestion that the internet may enhance opportunities to become
radicalised, as a result of being available to many people, and enabling connection with like-minded
individuals from across the world 24/7. For all 15 individuals that we researched, the internet had been a
key source of information, communication and of propaganda for their extremist beliefs.
The internet acts as an ‘echo chamber’
Secondly, our research supports the suggestion that the internet may act as an ‘echo chamber’ for
extremist beliefs; in other words, the internet may provide a greater opportunity than offline interactions
to confirm existing beliefs.
The internet accelerates the process of radicalisation
This evidence does not necessarily support the suggestion that the internet accelerates radicalisation.
Instead, the internet appears to facilitate this process, which, in turn, may or may not accelerate it.
The internet allows radicalisation to occur without physical contact
The evidence does not support the claim that the internet is replacing the need for individuals to meet in
person during their radicalisation process. Instead, the evidence suggests that the internet is not a
substitute for in-person meetings but, rather, complements in-person communication.
The internet increases opportunities for self-radicalisation
The evidence from this research does not support the suggestion that the internet has contributed to the
development of self-radicalisation. In all the cases that we reviewed during our research, subjects had
contact with other individuals, whether virtually or physically.
Recommendations and areas of future research
The results from this study are based on a small number of cases and because they constitute a
convenience sample, their narratives will not necessarily reflect the way in which all violent extremists and
terrorists use the internet during their radicalisation; however, it nonetheless allows us valuable insights
relatively unexplored until now, and highlights the importance of cross-referencing, validating and
challenging hypotheses from the literature with empirical evidence.
The first hand evidence gathered for this report confirmed that the internet was widely evident in the
radicalisation process of violent extremists and terrorists who formed the sample for this study. The
evidence enabled the research team to delve into this further, and to explore whether the five main
hypotheses that emerged from the literature in relation to the supposed role of the internet in
radicalisation held true in the cases studied. As indicated above, the primary evidence obtained in this
Radicalisation in the digital era
research supports the suggestion that the internet may enhance opportunities to become radicalised. While
our research supports the suggestion that the internet has expanded opportunities for radicalisation and
that it provides a means through which to filter material that is consistent with one’s beliefs (the internet
as an ‘echo chamber’), our findings challenged other suggestions emerging from the literature. The
detailed information to which the research team gained access suggested a sometimes different picture to
some of the hypotheses put forward in the literature. The study therefore demonstrates the importance of
gathering first hand evidence, or conducting primary research, to be able to gain a more complete picture
of the role of the internet in radicalisation. The internet is one aspect of radicalisation, and it is essential
for future research to look both online and offline to be able to understand the process as a whole.
Our findings suggest that this and other primary research could usefully inform the development of new
strategies and policies, as well as the allocation of resources to address new security challenges raised by the
internet and its role in radicalisation. This enhancing of understanding and informing policy and practice
could be achieved through public-private collaborations, training and/or other initiatives.

1. Introduction
This chapter sets out the purpose of the study and explains the structure of the report. It begins by
defining key terms before highlighting the importance of the internet as a domain of activity for both
radicalisation and terrorism. In this section we provide a short overview on how the policy world has
responded to online radicalisation, and problems policymakers face in dealing with this phenomenon.
Chapter 1 highlights gaps in public domain evidence on individuals’ engagement with the internet in the
course of their radicalisation. It then outlines the importance of acquiring the necessary empirical evidence
on individuals’ use of the internet in the course of radicalisation, in order to both balance the existing
literature and to provide policymakers with useful insights to inform future policy, strategy and actions in
this field.
1.1. Report structure
Subsequent chapters are structured as follows:
 Chapter 2 outlines the methodological approach of this study, discussing the research questions,
methods and approaches to the research. We pay particular attention to the collection of primary
data on individuals’ use of the internet and the inherent challenges and obstacles faced. A
triangulation approach to primary data collection was followed combining: semi-structured
interviews with the subjects of our case studies; semi-structured interviews with police senior
investigative officers or other staff closely involved with the individual’s case; and a review of the
available information on the case, including trial transcripts (in instances where documents had
been made available to the team) and relevant computer registries.
 Chapter 3 focuses on the analysis of the academic literature, and discusses the state of the current
academic field. We draw five main hypotheses from the literature which play an essential role in
the debate around the phenomenon of online radicalisation.
 Chapter 4 examines 15 individual cases for which primary data has been collected. The cases are
based in the UK and include both males and females, divided into two categories: category A
contains a mix of offenders convicted under UK terrorism legislation and former members of
proscribed terrorist groups who have disengaged from terrorism. Category B contains cases of
individuals who have been identified by the police and multi-agency partners as vulnerable to
extremism and are, or have been part of, an intervention programme. Following brief descriptions
of these individuals’ case histories, the chapter provides a comparative analysis and insights
clustered around five hypotheses (as identified in chapter 3) relevant to the key issues and
experiences of the internet’s role in their radicalisation.
 Chapter 5 presents a brief outline of relevant implications and recommendations for further
research on online radicalisation. It also includes some potential recommendations for the policy
community and reflections on how to use the web to counter radicalisation building on the
results of this study.
1.2. Defining what we mean by the internet, terrorism, extremism and
The internet plays a central role in many people’s everyday lives and while some argue that it is associated
with growing isolation, others suggest that it is associated with greater sociability. As Castells and Cardoso
(2005) argue, “The network society is a hyper social society, not a society of isolation (p. 11).”
Our research suggests that important terms in consideration of this issue, ‘the internet’, ‘radicalisation’ or
‘online radicalisation,’ are left at times under-defined in both policy and academic literature. This
ambiguity of terms is worth highlighting from the outset as defining what constitutes the internet and
radicalisation has an important bearing both on research and on the scope of policy responses.
In one of the few comments on this issue of definitions, Cornish (2008, 3) notes
“the challenge of identifying the digital footprint of Internet-based radicalisation invites
discussion as to the very nature of the Internet. (page 3)”
For the purpose of this study we will define the internet as including all communication, activity or
content which takes place or is held on the world wide web (www) and cloud structures. This includes
new online developments such as social media and networks.
In this report we draw on the UK Terrorism Act 2000 definition of terrorism1 as an action that endangers
or causes serious violence to a person/people; causes serious damage to property; or seriously interferes or
disrupts an electronic system (Part 1(1)). According to this definition, the use or threat must be designed
to influence the government or to intimidate the public, and is made for the purpose of advancing a
political, religious or ideological cause.
Extremism is defined by the British Government as vocal or active opposition to fundamental British
values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of
different faiths and beliefs (Prevent Strategy, 2011, p.107). The definition of radicalisation is contested
because of the many positive or non-harmful connotations that ‘radical’ and ‘radicalism’ have. Whilst we
acknowledge this debate, this study has a different focus and therefore adopts the UK Government
definition applied in the Prevent strategy: “radicalisation is the process by which a person comes to
support terrorism and forms of extremism leading to terrorism” (Prevent strategy, Home Office 2011).
We adopt a definition of ‘online radicalisation’ that is aligned: “a process whereby individuals through
1 UK Terrorism Act 2000:
Radicalisation in the digital era
their online interactions and exposures to various types of internet context, come to view violence as a
legitimate method of solving social and political conflicts” (Bermingham 2009).
1.3. The internet as a domain of activity for terrorist activities
The so called information revolution, with the unexpected rise of the internet since the 1990s, has clearly
been of growing societal significance. The internet offers terrorists and extremists the same opportunity
and capability that it does for the rest of society: to communicate, collaborate and convince. There are
already significant quantities of radical materials available online, and this volume is growing daily. The
following table 1 illustrates today’s wide-spread availability of material pertinent to extremism and
terrorism on-line:
Table 1: Google search for examples of critical keywords
Search Term Number of Results
“how to make a bomb” 1,830,000
“Salafi publications” 46,200
“beheading video” 257,000
Source: RAND Europe’s own observations (based on web results for selected search terms)
An analysis of UK policy documents and interviews with SIOs (senior investigating officers) confirms that
the internet plays a part in almost every national security investigation conducted by the security and
intelligence agencies and police in the UK. Terrorism cases in the UK without a ‘digital footprint’ are
increasingly rare.
Whilst terrorists and extremists can indeed use the internet for a myriad of purposes (disseminating
propaganda and information to radicalise individuals, operational planning and fundraising) – to what
extent does activity online influence offline behaviour and vice versa? We examine this question in order
to understand the importance (or lack thereof) of the internet for radicalisation. What role does the
internet play with regard to the apparent phenomenon of online radicalisation? Is the internet merely a
source of inspiration? Does it accelerate the radicalisation process? Does it translate into action? These
questions are explored in subsequent chapters through the 15 cases that form the primary research for this
1.4. Policy responses to online radicalisation
The malignant potential of the internet has become a primary concern for policymakers and changed the
way in which national security threats are investigated. Governments are increasingly aware of the
importance of the internet in radicalisation. Before describing our research and the findings from our
cases, it is helpful to consider how the policy community is responding to the role of the internet in
radicalisation. This will set the context for further thinking on policy approaches discussed in the last
1.4.1. UK Government’s response to internet radicalisation
The British government has been at the forefront of tackling terrorist use of the internet. Since July 2006,
when the British government made public its strategy to counter international terrorism (CONTEST,
2006), the internet has been identified as a domain “where many types of radical views are strongly
promoted” (UK Home Office, 2006). The growth of the use of the internet, with its ability to connect
people and to facilitate dissemination of information and ideas, has had a significant impact on the
accessibility and flow of radical ideas.
In March 2009 the government published a revised version of CONTEST which set out a more
sophisticated approach to online counter-terrorism. However, the document acknowledged that “the
internet presents significant challenges for CONTEST in general” (UK Home Office, 2009).
The new approach places a premium on working with filtering companies, disrupting the use of the
internet for extremist messaging and increasing the use of the internet to promote alternative views to the
radicalised messages that may otherwise be accessed (Home Office 2009). The strategy also argued for the
development of specialist units to counter the threat of terrorism from online sources and material.
In 2010 the Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit (CTIRU)2 was launched within the Association of
Chief Police Officers (ACPO)3. This unit removes or modifies unlawful internet content, identifies the
individuals responsible for posting such material, and supports the police counter-terrorism network in
investigating and prosecuting terrorist or radicalising activity online. It proactively scans the web for
content that promotes or glorifies terrorism,4 as well as acting on referrals from citizens and public bodies.
Flagged sites’ content is reviewed by specialists and where material is deemed to breach UK law, CTIRU
seeks to remove the site from the internet in collaboration with internet service providers (ISPs).
CTIRU develops and shares new technologies to assess and process internet content, and to improve the
effectiveness of the police response to unlawful material. From February 2010 to September 2012 there
were approximately 3,100 referrals to CTIRU resulting in 410 take-downs of material (a 13.2 per cent
strike rate). Between July and September 2012 there were 341 referrals in total, with 232 (68 per cent)
from the general public via Directgov5 (see Figure 1 and Figure 2). The most frequently-referred sites were
Facebook, Twitter and Blogger and/or Blogspot. There were 105 removals (31 per cent) during this same
2 The Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit:
3 The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO):
4 As defined by the relevant provisions of section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2001, and sections 1–3 of the Terrorism
Act 2006.
5 Directgov was the British government’s digital service and provided a single point of access to public sector
information and services. The site was replaced by the new website on 17 October 2012.
Radicalisation in the digital era
Figure 1: Referrals (total numbers)/take-downs (total numbers and percentage) February 2010 –
September 2012
Source: RAND Europe interview with CTIRU, September 2012
Figure 2: Referrals (total numbers)/take-downs (total numbers and percentage) July 2012 –
September 2012
Source: RAND Europe interview with CTIRU, September 2012
For reasons of security and safety, accessibility and anonymity, terrorists and extremists have shifted many
of their activities from public spaces (such as mosques in the case of Islamist extremist groups) to private
residences, and now to personal computers and tablets. According to Charles Farr, Director General of
the Office for Security and Counter Terrorism (OSCT):
‘violent radicalisation in mosques or other religious institutions comprises no more than 1%
or 2% of the total cases of radicalisation (House of Commons Home Affairs Committee,
Therefore, the process of radicalisation is becoming increasingly covert, posing problems for the security
and intelligence agencies and local police forces in the UK. This shift in terrorist behaviour largely reflects
society’s expanding digital footprint, where everyday activities move seamlessly between online and offline
domains. The shift in activity to the internet supports the observation of the former Chief Constable of
West Yorkshire and ACPO lead on Prevent, Sir Norman Bettison, that “the internet features in most, but
not all, terrorism cases” (House of Commons Home Affairs Committee, 2012).
In response to this shift, engaging with technology industries has been a priority for the British
government. Communication service providers and ISPs set their own terms of use, and some have
introduced ways of identifying content which might breach legal guidelines. For example, YouTube has
introduced a ‘promoting terrorism’ referral flag for videos deemed to be of a terrorist nature6, while AOL
has increased the visibility of the Metropolitan Police Anti-terrorism Hotline7 by ensuring that it is
presented when certain specific search requests are entered (UK Home Office, 2011).
Following a review of the Prevent strategy, in 2011 a new version of the strategy was published. The
revised strategy included a section on the internet in its own right, while the internet was a cross-cutting
theme throughout the document. The strategy stated:
‘[T]he internet has transformed the extent to which terrorist organisations and their
sympathisers can radicalise people in this country and overseas. It enables a wider range of
organisations and individuals to reach a much larger audience with a broader and more
dynamic series of messages and narratives. It encourages interaction and facilitates
recruitment. The way people use the internet also appears to be conducive to these processes
(UK Home Office, 2011).
The revised strategy stated that more work was needed, including:
 The roll-out of a filtering product across government departments, agencies and statutory
 Determining the extent to which effective filtering is in place in schools and public libraries;
 Directing further resources to a police agency, the CTIRU, to take down web sites which breach
legal guidelines relating to extremist material inciting hatred or furthering radicalisation;
 Increasing the number of referrals to the CTIRU and developing CTIRU’s technical, investigative
and international capabilities;
 Increasing the UK’s international work, both with the US, the EU and EU Member States to
explore self-regulatory measures to tackle terrorist use of the internet and seek to optimise existing
projects and initiatives; and
 Prioritising projects to disrupt terrorist and radicalising material on the internet and radicalisers
working in this country (UK Home Office, 2011).
1.5. Terrorism, the role of the internet and policy responses in Europe
beyond the UK
In addition to the UK context discussed above, wider Europe’s terrorist threat is also associated with
scrutiny of the role of the internet. Examples of the influence of the internet in terrorist incidents include
a June 2012 Belgian case, where a court rendered a decision concerning five persons charged with
terrorism-related offences. The subjects were charged with managing websites that were used for
6 Huffington Post, 2010.
7 Anti-Terrorist Hotline: [Last accessed
Radicalisation in the digital era
recruiting people for armed struggle. A link to al-Qa’ida appeared from the content of these websites
(Europol Trend Report 2013:14). An arrest was made by the Dutch police in Amsterdam in March 2012,
in which a suspect had also been searching the Internet for manuals on how to make explosives (2013:17).
Another example occurred in April 2012, when an Italian convert to Islam was arrested, having been
actively engaged in spreading via the internet terrorist propaganda and documents on training in the use
of weapons and explosives (2013:19).
1.5.1. The EU approach with regard to online radicalisation
The EU’s position on internet radicalisation can largely be summarised as a strategy of preventing access
to terrorists in an attempt to disrupt recruitment efforts. The EU’s overall policy on terrorism is
formalised through its 2002 Framework Decision on combating terrorism – a policy instrument that seeks
to define the EU position on terrorism and provide scope to the EU and Member States to combat
terrorism both within the EU and abroad (Council of the European Union, 2002).
From 2005 onwards, the European Commission (EC) and the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council
began placing a high priority on curbing online radicalisation (Ryan, 2007). Disrupting the activities of
networks by examining ‘ways to impede terrorist recruitment using the internet’ became a key EU policy
objective (Council of the EU, 2005a). Further strategies announced the intention to explore possibilities
to address factors conducive to violent radicalisation (European Commission, 2006):
 The European Council supported an information portal called the ‘Check the Web’ initiative,
which aimed at strengthening cooperation and sharing the task of monitoring and evaluating
open internet sources on a voluntary basis8.
 A clause was included in the Audiovisual Media Services (AMS) Directive (2010) which stated
that Member States shall ensure by appropriate means that ‘audiovisual media services provided
by media service providers under their jurisdiction do not contain any incitement to hatred based
on race, sex, religion or nationality’.
 In 2010, the EU-funded ‘Clean IT project’9 was established to start a constructive dialogue
between governments, businesses and civil society to explore how to reduce the terrorist use of the
internet. This dialogue resulted in a set of general principles and an overview of possible best
practices aimed at reducing terrorist use of the internet.
 The Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) is a network within the Home Affairs office of the
EU which seeks to aid and facilitate information sharing amongst ‘first-liners’ – people directly
engaged with at-risk individuals or groups – within the EU.10 First-liners include social workers,
teachers, police, academics, and NGO’s. RAN has particularly focused on the internet, with a
May 2013 meeting addressing the role of the internet in radicalisation (RAN, 2013).
8 ‘Check the Web’ initiative: [Last
accessed 02/09/2013].
9 The Clean IT project: [Last accessed 02/09/2013].
[Last accessed 23/08/2013].
 Workshops on using the internet to foster tolerance and moderation, such as the December 2012
High Level Conference hosted by the RAN (RAN, 2012) seek to exchange knowledge and bestpractice
between EU-level organisations and the private sector. The conference proposed
examples of good practice in implementing ‘counter-narratives’ on the internet which challenge
extremist discourse online, and explored ways in which the EU can collaborate with the private
sector to combat radicalisation online.
 The EU Internal Security Strategy in Action’s ‘second step’ lists several actions that are taken to
address radicalisation. Amongst these was the creation of RAN, but also a ministerial conference
on the prevention of radicalisation, and a ‘handbook of actions and experiences’ to support the
efforts of Member States.
 The European Network of Experts on Radicalisation (ENER) is an EU-instituted organisation,
hosted through the UK-based Change Institute, which establishes a network of organisations and
experts on the issues of radicalisation. The network is an attempt to deepen the Commission’s
understanding of radicalisation through publications, seminars, and workshops.
 Finally, the EU notes that the bulk of counter-radicalisation work takes place at a localcommunity
level, and is thus best handled at a national level. The EU nevertheless offers a
framework to coordinate national policies and facilitate information sharing on best-practices.
1.6. The academic focus: limited evidence on online radicalisation
In terms of the evidence base, a review of literature undertaken for this study suggests that views are
divided and the empirical evidence base is limited. Whilst many studies have emphasised the internet’s
significance (Stenerson 2008, Bakker 2007, Gray 2010, Zeng et al. 2011), others have concluded that the
internet ‘does not appear to play a significant role in al-Qa’ida influenced radicalisation’ (Bouhana and
Wikström, 2011). At the same time, it should be acknowledged that the academic field in this area
continues to develop: the study of terrorist groups’ use of the internet has become an increasingly popular
area. However, research has remained predominantly focused on websites and analyses of virtual
communities (Bartlett 2012). A related area of growth in the academic field is the analysis of online
content and its potential influence on vulnerable individuals. Notably, there has been little attention to
the individual internet users’ experience online and usage of the internet in the process of radicalisation,
that is, whether and how the internet is associated with a person coming to support terrorism or forms of
extremism leading to terrorism. When academic accounts do analyse these individuals’ engagement with
the internet, they often do so by examining secondary sources or anecdotal evidence. The largely and
secondary and/or anecdotal basis of knowledge in this field points to a key gap in the academic research
on radicalisation – namely access to and analysis of primary data on terrorist ‘users’ of the internet.
1.7. Re-balancing approaches to online radicalisation: insights from
collected cases
The core argument of this study is that governments and the academic community have focused on the
general phenomenon of the internet and radicalisation, rather than on a person’s individual experience
Radicalisation in the digital era
online. Many of the public reports and studies look at the internet and attempt to describe how its
messages and content are influencing people at risk of being radicalised. These studies describe the aims
and evaluate the success of a particular terrorist or extremist group’s online presence and media strategy.
In short, they suggest a degree of causality between what is online and the influence on the person reading
it, which cannot be proven. Additionally, the academic community’s focus on content has meant that
efforts have been concentrated on auditing a vast array of jihadist, extreme right-wing and single-issue
protest websites that have appeared online. No doubt this provides policymakers and practitioners with
insights into terrorists’ narratives, marketing strategies, beliefs and organisation. These are all important
factors, but this is only one side of the ‘market’ of online radicalisation, namely, the supply side of
content. The demand side – how individuals choose to engage with material and interact online with likeminded
individuals – remains a gap in policymaking and academic understanding.
The internet’s role in the process of radicalisation has remained difficult to address. In spite of significant
policy interest, action and academic work, little is known about individuals’ experiences of the internet
and their engagement with it during their radicalisation.

2. Methodology
This chapter outlines the methodological approach adopted by the research team. It first presents an
overview of the methodology and its rationale. Secondly it explains the literature undertaken, and the
subsequent gathering of primary evidence.
2.1. Overview of the approach
Given the complex and sensitive nature of the topic, unsurprisingly, there is a dearth of publicly available
primary data available for analysis. The research team, however, gained access to first-hand accounts from
radicalised individuals and terrorists as well as experts in counter-terrorism. The task then became one of
understanding key arguments in the literature and assessing their fit or lack thereof, with the data we
gathered. By focusing on collating primary data on the individual’s experiences, we strived to probe key
hypotheses derived from the literature and to outline insights of the patterns of individuals’ online activity
which may be useful to policymakers and practitioners.
Specifically, the study set out to ask the following questions:
 How is the internet used, if at all, in the individuals’ process of radicalisation?
 In what way does a terrorist’s or extremist’s online activity relate to their actions offline?
The research team employed the following methodology: a literature review, a collection of primary data
through semi-structured interviews, and an analysis of trial evidence including computer registries (where
available). The methods used by RAND Europe in this study are introduced in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Stages of data collection
2.2. Literature review and stakeholder engagement
The project team first performed a literature review to identify key themes relating to internet
radicalisation. This methodology consisted of a rigorous and systematic search and review of the literature,
by determining specific search terms and defining exclusion/inclusion criteria. Initial literature was
identified through a systematic search using a combination of search terms, including: a) radicalisation,
extremism and terrorism, b) internet and online and c) role, effect, and influence. The research team
identified further literature by snowballing from the initial literature.
The review focused on answering two related questions:
 What empirical evidence is available in the public domain on radicalisation and the role of the
 What empirical evidence is available on terrorists’ and extremists’ use of the internet during their
radicalisation process?
The research team used a number of internet resources in concert with a hand-search of relevant websites
relating to radicalisation. We also obtained input from academics and policy experts within government
to get an overview of the key issues and ideas currently informing policy. Such stakeholder engagement
allowed the research team to best target the review of the literature through the identification of key
documents, issues and challenges.
2.3. Primary data collection
A review of media reporting and other grey literature identified convictions of individuals for terrorist
offences under UK Terrorist legislation (henceforth TACT) in which the use of the internet appeared to
be an element of the offences, within the timeframe 2001-2012. Additionally, ACPO was approached and
• Literature review
• Expert engagement
• Analysis of computer registries
• Interviews with Senior Investigative Officers (SIO)
• Interviews with individuals vulnerable to or convicted for terrorism and extremism
• Cross-checking with primary and other sources
• Internal workshops and analysis
Radicalisation in the digital era
briefed on the research aims and the cases identified as relevant. ACPO then identified, where possible,
SIOs from British police forces who had led successful prosecutions11 against the individuals we identified
through the analysis of media reports. ACPO also suggested examples of cases which involved use of the
internet in terrorist activities or where radicalisation through the internet was deemed to be an element of
the case. Police forces further provided access to the cases of individuals who had not been prosecuted but
were deemed to be vulnerable to the influence of extremists. These individuals were being engaged under
the auspices of the Channel programme12 – a component of the UK Government’s Counter Terrorism
In some instances police forces with whom we engaged were able to facilitate access to the individuals who
had been prosecuted or to suggest local intermediaries who could facilitate this access. Through this
method of convenience sampling, the study gained access to primary data relating to 15 cases:
 Nine cases involved individuals convicted under the UK Terrorism legislation (TACT) (coded as
A1-A2 and A4 to A10 in the report), one (A3) case related to a former member of an Islamist
terrorist group; and
 Five cases of individuals were identified by the authorities as vulnerable (coded as B1 to B5 in the
 To probe key hypotheses in the literature and to understand and identify patterns of online
radicalisation, the study explored through interviews or examination of trial records and first hand
 Individuals’ level of radicalisation and involvement in violent extremism and/or terrorism – both
in the real world and online;
 The personal circumstances and social relations of the individual who was being radicalised;
 The locations from which the individual used the internet, and for what purpose;
 The reasons why they used the internet instead of other forms of information and/or
 Whether the individual’s use of the internet changed over time and, if so, how; and
 Whether the internet helped to reinforce messages that the individual heard elsewhere.
An interview protocol and ethical framework was sent to all individuals before interviews took place
(Government Social Research 2011). As with the literature review, the primary data collection was
followed by a workshop to identify the key messages for each of the research questions.
11 Successful prosecutions were identified because the subject of our analysis was convicted terrorists.
12 The Channel programme, as described in the Prevent Strategy (2011), is a multi-agency approach to protect
people at risk from radicalisation. Channel uses existing collaboration between local authorities, statutory partners
(such as the education and health sectors, social services, children’s and youth services and offender management
services), the police and the local community to:
 identify individuals at risk of being drawn into terrorism;
 assess the nature and extent of that risk; and
 develop the most appropriate support plan for the individuals concerned.
2.4. Obstacles to data collection
A number of obstacles to using primary data stood in the way of understanding the internet’s role in the
process of radicalisation. The challenges encountered in designing and conducting research for this study
are briefly set out below.
2.4.1. Limited access to primary data
Gathering new evidence of individuals’ experiences of the internet is constrained by procedural, security
and logistical barriers– not least for convicted terrorists and known extremists. Many of the convicted
terrorists in our study are still serving their sentences. The researchers overcame this through engaging
with ACPO – who provided us with otherwise inaccessible data from the individual cases.
2.4.2. Ethical constraints and data protection
There are significant ethical and data protection constraints to obtaining secondary information about
known terrorists and extremists, for example from past investigations. For this reason, it is challenging to
piece together an accurate picture of an individual’s life and experiences. This challenge is compounded
when the subject has been convicted of a crime and might volunteer only limited amounts of information,
some of which may be deliberately misleading. The researchers mitigated the risk arising from this cluster
of concerns by triangulating interviews wherever possible with data from trials and SIO perspectives.
2.4.3. Media-induced bias
Finally, some of the cases we highlight are well known and have been widely discussed in the media or
involve evidence framed in a particular manner. This may introduce bias in how the cases are viewed by
those undertaking the analysis and those reading it. As we discovered during the course of this project, the
wider context (for example around individuals’ behaviours, relationships or state of mind) of a particular
case is rarely picked up outside of the police and security and intelligence agencies, despite the
information being publically available. To address this, we coded the individual case studies to help
neutralise any biases that the researchers or the reader may have regarding specific cases, and allow a more
objective view. This approach had the following benefits: it ensured that the individuals interviewed were
able to discuss openly their experiences and allowed the study to make use of information and data which
could only be provided on a non-attributable basis.
3. Literature review: current understanding of the role of
the internet in radicalisation
3.1. Introduction
The role of the internet in the process of radicalisation has generated widespread interest
from policymakers, practitioners, academics and the media. Table 2 and Table 3 below
illustrate the many results that Google yielded when searching for relevant phrases.
Table 2: Google search (July 2013) for keywords on internet radicalisation in
Search Term Number of Results
“online radicalis(z)ation” 17,360
Out of that PDF files and reports 711
Results on Google Scholar 197
“internet radicalis(z)ation” 3,260
Out of that PDF files and reports 355
Results on Google Scholar 83
13 In relevant cases, British and American spelling was used simultaneously to prevent any omissions,
such as “radicalization” and “radicalisation”.
Table 3: Google search (July 2013) for keywords on internet radicalisation in
German and French
Search Term Number of Results
“Radikalisierung durch das Internet” (German) 10,300
“Radicalisation sur Internet” (French) 18,500
However, the breadth of research does not always correlate with the depth of scholarship.
The study examined more than 150 articles, of which only 18 were empirically derived
From our search the literature can be broadly categorised into four subject areas:
i. A focus on terrorist and extremist websites, with a plethora of studies on why
groups use the internet (e.g. the aims of Al Qa’ida’s media production house,
ii. Description of what is being posted on the internet, by analysing forum data
or videos that terrorist groups upload to the internet;
iii. A focus on how individuals develop extremist ideas condoning violence and
other illegal activity;
iv. An examination of how violent extremists and terrorists undertake operational
research, planning and preparation for their attacks online.
3.2. Five themes emerging from the literature review
Most studies that were reviewed use language which ascribes a role to the internet in
promoting radicalisation. The differing degree to which authors suggest the internet has a
causal role in radicalisation is signified by the terms used in the literature, from ‘facilitative’
(broadening of opportunity) or ‘reinforcing’, to a more enhanced role as an ‘accelerant’ or
the ‘primary or sole driver’ of radicalisation. The literature review culminated in an internal
workshop to identify the key hypotheses from the literature. The following five were
i. The internet creates more opportunities to become radicalised.
14 Bermingham 2010, Chesser 2012, HoC Home Affairs Committee 2012, Torok undated,
Wojcieszak 2010 and 2009, Warner 2010, Weimann 2008, de Koning 2011, Neumann 2010,
Zeng 2011, Bowman-Grieve II, Caiani and Parenti. Dalgaard (PET Denmark) 2010, Gartenstein
Ross (undated), AIVD 2010, Glithens-Mazer (undated)
15 The As-Sahab Foundation for Islamic Media Publication (to give it its full title) relays Al Qa’ida’s
messages externally.
RAND Europe
ii. The internet acts as an ‘echo chamber’.
iii. The internet accelerates the process of radicalisation.
iv. The internet allows radicalisation to occur without physical contact.
v. The internet increases opportunities for self-radicalisation.
3.3. The internet creates more opportunities to become
3.3.1. The Internet helps facilitate radicalisation
Almost all studies ascribe a role to the internet in promoting radicalisation (cf. Precht 2008).
Most studies suggest that the internet is a reinforcing agent or an accelerant, and has
broken down the traditional barriers for individuals wanting to become radicalised
(Pantucci 2011). A handful of studies suggest that the internet is a driver of radicalisation
(Briggs and Strugnell 2009; Homeland Security Institute 2009).
A key text in the literature is Weimann’s (2006) – which counts the number of websites of
terrorist groups and reviews their content. In his widely-cited article, Weimann points to
the proliferation of jihadist web sites: in 1998, fewer than half of the groups designated as
foreign terrorist organisations by the US State Department maintained websites; by the
end of 1999, nearly all these terrorist groups had established their presence online (2006).
However, there is no clear attribution of causality to the increasing number of web sites
leading to an increase in radicalisation online. At most a correlation is suggested: for
example, in Precht (2008):
A recent empirical study of 242 European jihadists from 2001-2006, on
the effects on the internet on radicalisation, found that there is a
correlation between jihadi web sites and propaganda on the internet and
rapid radicalisation.
3.3.2. The internet reaches otherwise unreachable individuals
The obstacles of geography and space in connecting individuals are reduced by the reach
and immediacy of the internet. A number of studies point to the internet’s ability to ‘reach’
those individuals who otherwise would not have been reachable by radicalisers in any other
way (Neumann 2012). The success of Anwar al-Awlaki16 in creating high-quality, highproduction
value content such as Inspire (Al Qa’ida’s web magazine), which advocates
‘jihad from home’ and has been heavily distributed in the West, is cited as broadening the
appeal of violent extremism (Quilliam 2010).
16 Anwar al-Awlaki was a spokesperson and recruiter for Al Qa’ida.
3.3.3. The internet opens opportunities to radicalise a broader range of
A handful of studies suggest that the internet has broken down some of the barriers that
exist in the physical world for certain groups of people to become involved in extremism.
This has been particularly highlighted in the case of women in relation to jihadism (Briggs
and Strugnell, 2011); it may be unacceptable for women to meet in person with extremists
who are men or to join their groups; it may also be unacceptable for them to express
certain thoughts in public in the physical world. However, the internet affords them
greater anonymity (Schmidle, 2009).
Some authors suggest that similar, self-imposed constraints may mean that shy individuals
can benefit from the access that the internet gives them to radicalisation (Torok, 2010;
Transnational Terrorism, Security & the Rule of Law, 2008; Yeap and Park, 2010). The
reduction of signifiers of difference between individuals helps connect like-minded
individuals from across the world, whatever their gender, background or country of
residence. One person now disengaged from the extreme right-wing movement recounts
how the internet ‘was the easiest way to make contacts and to take over and coordinate
responsibilities, to gain reputation and advance’ (Köhler, 2012, p. 6). Bjelopera goes so far
as to argue that:
the interactivity [of the internet] blurs the lines between readership and
authorship that previous generations of terrorists and sympathizers
encountered with pamphlets, newspapers and newsletters. This blurring…
encourages people… to more easily see themselves as part of broader
jihadist movements and not just… [online spectators]. (2011, pp. 101–
3.4. The internet acts as an ‘echo chamber’
Bjelopera (2011) highlights the internet’s role as normalising behaviours and attitudes that
otherwise may carry a risk of being considered unacceptable or inappropriate in the
physical world. The internet provides supposed anonymity (Weimann, 2006) and a degree
of protection and security from detection (Gray and Head, 2009). It also provides
acceptance: information is non-censured and non-hierarchical (Bartlett, 2011). To give an
illustrative example, an individual disengaged from the extreme right-wing movement
communicated that ‘some of them really run riot, placing swastikas wherever they can…
because they think they are acting in a completely extrajudicial space’ (Köhler, 2012 p.6).
The internet has been described as an ‘echo chamber’ (Ramakrishna, 2010; Saddiq, 2010;
Stevens and Neumann, 2009) or a ‘mental reinforcement activity’ (Silber and Bhatt,
2007). The consensus in the literature is that the internet allows individuals to gain easier
RAND Europe
access to the material in which they are interested, which is harder to do in the physical
world where we more regularly come across individuals with different opinions or access
material exposing different views (Briggs and Strugnell, 2011; Shetret, 2011). Moreover,
the internet can give the illusion of ‘strength in numbers’, as Saddiq (2010) points out. As
Schaan and Phillips explain, ‘brought together by online journals, blogs, services and chat
rooms, the participants enter forums where the extremist ideology becomes selfreinforcing’
(2011, p. 24).
3.5. The internet accelerates the process of radicalisation
A feature which supports the notion of the internet as an accelerant in radicalisation is the
fact that it offers a ‘one-stop shop’ for all the information that an extremist may seek out,
or by which they may be influenced. As Stevens and Neumann explain:
[T]he internet can be used by extremists to illustrate and reinforce
ideological messages and/or narratives. Through the internet, potential
recruits can gain… access to visually powerful video and imagery which
appear to substantiate the extremists’ political claims (2009, 12).
All of this can happen in a reduced timeframe compared to accessing the information in
the ‘real’ (as opposed to virtual) world.
Many studies identify the internet as an accelerant of the radicalisation process, by virtue of
the fact that it allows individuals to connect in an instantaneous and continuous way. This
has led to the internet being referred to as a ‘conveyor belt’ (Bergin, 2009).
Pantucci highlights the internet’s role in incubating (and accelerating) terrorism for some:
[T]he internet is clearly the running theme between most of the plots
included in this dataset and it appears to be a very effective tool: it
provides a locus in which they can obtain radicalising material… It
provides them with direct access to a community of like-minded
individuals around the world with whom they can connect and in some
cases can provide them with further instigation and direction to carry out
activities (2011).
Schmidle (2009) points to the role of chat rooms in particular in this acceleration effect, as
extremists can exchange with like-minded individuals 24/7, regardless of borders.
3.6. The internet allows radicalisation to occur without physical
As Yeap and Park explain, ‘individuals have the comfort of accessing radical content from
their own personal space instead of having to go through the inconvenience of physically
attending radical religious gatherings’ (2010, p. 2). The internet therefore implies a much
more limited set of logistical challenges to connecting with others: while the individual
needs internet access, it is not necessary to make appointments and travel to other
locations, for example.
While the internet may present fewer hurdles to interaction than physical meetings, the
argument that radicalisation requires human interaction and physical proximity17 fails to
accept that we live in a digital era where our ‘online’ activities are an extension of our
‘offline’ lives. Friendship, personal relationships and loyalty are no longer the sole preserve
of the physical world, but also exist virtually. Thus, some would argue, that radicalisation
on the internet ‘is not necessarily any different to what would happen with other more
private and less visible sources’ (Silber and Bhatt, 2007).
3.7. The internet increases opportunities for self-radicalisation
Some of the literature discusses the influential role of the internet in enhancing the
likelihood of self-radicalisation. For some authors, self-radicalisation and radicalisation via
the internet is one and the same thing. It refers to a process that is devoid of physical
contact: the full process takes place online, and can include contact with others as long as it
is remote (Change Institute, 2008; Homeland Security Institute, 2009). Bjelopera argues
that ‘internet activity has been central in the development of a “self-starter” phenomenon
and offers would-be violent jihadists a “de-formalised” radicalization experience’ (2011, p.
104). Al-Lami explains that this self-radicalisation essentially consists of ‘individuals
[becoming] familiar with and influenced by radical ideologies without even socialising with
radical groups’ (2009, p. 7). For others, the processes are different. What distinguishes selfradicalisation
from radicalisation via the internet is that it takes place in isolation, and
implies a process whereby no contact is made with other terrorists or extremists, whether in
person or virtually. In this study, self-radicalisation is understood in this way.
The consensus is that self-radicalisation is extremely rare, if possible at all (Bermingham et
al., 2009; Change Institute, 2008; Precht, 2008; Saddiq, 2010; Stevens and Neumann,
2009; Yasin, 2011). This is a challenging assumption to test, given that the available
evidence may not point to relevant online or offline exchanges with other individuals, even
if such exchanges exist or have occurred. However, there is evidence to suggest that in the
large majority of cases, radicalisation does not occur solely through the internet, but
instead involves offline contact. For example, the UK House of Commons Home Affairs
Select Committee report ‘Roots of Violent Radicalisation’ (2012 p.65) confirms that ‘even
those witnesses who attributed a significant role to the internet tended to support that
17 See House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, 2012.
RAND Europe
report’s conclusion that some element of face-to-face contact was generally essential to
radicalisation taking place’.
3.8. Research on interactions between the online and offline
worlds is rare
There is limited information on the way in which people’s online and offline behaviours
interact, which is a key area of focus in this study. From the 150 reports that were reviewed
for the present study, only three studies dealt with the interplay of online and offline
factors in radicalisation in an empirically robust manner. Wojcieszak (2010) examined the
survey responses of neo-Nazi forum users; Warner (2010) examined how media of
different ideological strains impact on students’ political inclinations, while Neumann and
Rogers (2007) drew on interviews from radicals,18 former radicals and intelligence officials
to describe the predominantly supporting role of individuals’ online activity to a wider
radicalisation processes.
3.9. Conclusions
This chapter has sought to provide a targeted overview of the current literature on the
internet and radicalisation with a view to identifying key gaps to which this study can
contribute. As Conway suggests:
[T]here is an assumption that the internet plays a part in some
individuals’ radicalisation… but [there are] no large-scale studies showing
this to actually be the case or measuring the extent of the internet’s role in
such processes. (Conway and McInerney, 2008, p.13)
Although the sample size of the present study is small, we intend to test the five hypotheses
outlined above and explore two key issues in the coming chapters that warrant further
consideration: a characterisation of how violent extremists’ have used the internet during
radicalisation, and the relationship between online and offline behaviour.
18 Radicals or former radicals who were members of, or close to, groups or networks that approved
of and/or facilitated violent extremism.
4. How 15 individuals engaged with the internet in their
radicalisation: case studies and insights
This chapter explores the role of the internet in 15 cases of radicalisation through the data
we were able to access. The chapter draws on information provided by interviews with the
police and individuals, and maps these against the five hypotheses from the literature
review. In a separate Annex we provide an overview of the individual cases as well as
presenting data (such as computer registries) from trials where available. The aim is to
provide the reader with a sense of what these individuals, the police and a review of trial
documents suggested was relevant to the radicalisation processes in each case.
Box 1: Case studies breakdown
4.1. Interview approach and objectives
In order to structure the interview process we set out specific lines of inquiry, while
remaining open to the possibility of finding new information that was not expected. In
designing the interview questions, we hoped to develop a picture of:
 The individual’s background and the context in which they used the internet;
 The approximate age at which the individual began using the internet;
 The social arena preferred by the individual when spending time online;
The 15 cases examined are broken down as follows:
 Nine of the cases are offenders convicted under the Terrorism Act 2000
or Terrorism Act 2006. These nine cases touch on both Islamist terrorism
and the extreme right-wing.
 One case study is of a former member of Al Qa’ida who was active in
Bosnia, Afghanistan and South-East Asia before disengaging from
terrorist activities.
 Five of the cases were referred to the PREVENT intervention programme
which tackles vulnerability (the Channel Programme).
RAND Europe
 The purpose of the individual’s time spent on the internet and whether they
received guidance offline as to what this should be; and
 Whether the individual took substantial breaks from browsing online.
Following from this, we sought to begin understanding:
 The relationship between the internet and offline factors in the individual’s
 The role of the internet at different stages of the individual’s radicalisation process;
 The strengthening / reinforcing mechanism of the internet, if any; and
 The role the internet played in the individual’s journey, if any.
4.2. Mapping our hypotheses against primary data findings
This section will further use the research findings to assess the validity of the five
hypotheses made in chapter 3. Through an analysis of each individual’s online and offline
background, experience, attitudes and activities, this chapter aims to identify cross cutting
themes and to better understand the role of the internet in the radicalisation process.
This section will map the five hypotheses themes from the literature review19 against the
findings drawn from our primary data (Annex A for further details). Table 4 provides a
summary of how well our data fits with the conclusions drawn in the literature. These
findings will be discussed in greater detail below, but it is worth noting that in some
instances our findings have supported and in others they have challenged hypotheses made
in the literature.
19 See Chapter 3 for a detailed exploration of the five themes that emerged from the literature
Table 4: Mapping our hypotheses against primary data findings
Literature hypotheses Does the primary data support the
1. The internet creates more opportunities to
become radicalised.
Yes in all of these cases
2. The internet acts as an ‘echo chamber’. Yes in the majority of these cases
3. The internet accelerates the process of
While there is no agreed length of time or
template for radicalisation, it is not clear that
the internet would have accelerated this process
in the majority of our cases: in these cases the
internet appears to enable rather than
necessarily accelerate radicalisation
4. The internet allows radicalisation to occur
without physical contact.
Not in the majority of these cases: most cases
involve offline activity that could have played a
role in the individual’s radicalisation
5. The internet increases opportunities for selfradicalisation.
Not in the majority of these cases: most cases
of so-called ‘online self-radicalisation’ involve
virtual communication and interaction with
4.2.1. The internet has created more opportunities to become radicalised
There is widespread evidence and support for the first hypothesis in the literature. In all of
our 15 cases the internet provided the individual in question with a capability to connect,
collaborate and convince. This is largely due to the now widespread use of the internet and
increasing availability of extremist content online.
In the UK, internet access had reached penetration rates of 87% of households by 2012
(whilst the figure for the EU-27 at the time was a little lagging at 76%). Internet use
among individuals stands at 89% in the UK and 75% for the EU. Figures 4 and5 show the
growth in internet penetration and frequency of use for both the UK and the EU-27. This
trend is matched, in turn, by a massive increase in the number of Jihadist websites now
available – rising from 12 in 1998 to 4,500 by 2006 (ONS survey data, 2010).
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Figure 4: Internet access in households in EU-27 and the UK (%)
Source: Eurostat 2013
Figure 5: Internet use amongst individuals in EU-27 and the UK (%)
Source: Eurostat 2012
In all 15 cases discussed in this report, the internet acted as a key source of information, a
means of communication, and/or a platform for extremist propaganda. The internet
appears, from these cases, to facilitate radicalisation. A1 and A2 used the internet to learn
how bombs are made; A4 sought instructions on how to build suicide vests; B2 checked
when and where EDL demonstrations would take place. For someone like A7, who grew
up in a socially conservative household which did not allow television, the internet became
a viable medium for accessing knowledge and contacting people and positively fed into his
radicalisation journey.
The internet enables connection with people who, due to potentially greater anonymity,
may have lower thresholds for engaging in conversations that could be perceived as security
risks. For A5, the perceived anonymity of the internet was a key factor and created the
following opportunity:
“the internet…( as a medium) allows those that would otherwise
be scared of being seen with the wrong people to get engaged,
and one which makes the whole process more invisible to the
authorities. ”
Even if some terrorists and/or extremists are skeptical of the internet’s security they may,
like A1 and A2, invest in encryption and deletion software to erase incriminating data
instead of choosing not to use the internet at all.
The internet also opens opportunities for those seeking influence to radicalise a broader
group of people. The lack of internet in the 1970s and 1980s meant that information on
terrorism and extremism was found in books and/or VHS videos and cassette tapes. These
needed to be identified, bought and circulated. The reach of the messages contained in
these books or cassettes was limited. Contrast that limitation with the new reality
illustrated in our cases: members of terrorist groups in Pakistan reached out to A10 to
discuss military training whilst A7, A8 and A9 spread the word of the ‘al Qa’ida cell’ in the
UK across the internet.
As described by A3, who grew up when VHS and cassettes were used to spread radicalised
messages, the internet enables you to take your audience from “retail to wholesale levels”.
For B2, the dissemination capacity of the internet is very appealing:
“The net was the best way of getting our messages further afield I
think. It’s better than all the leaflet runs the BNP used to do.
Look how fast it is and how far it can get your stuff out – literally
all over the world and no trudging around council estates putting
leaflets through letterboxes and having dogs chasing after you! ”
A3 shared with us an approximation of the widening pool for recruiters:
“The internet is like a fishing net, catching surface fish, not
bottom fish. We used to catch one at a time, now we catch 100-
200 in a year.”
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As a former radicaliser, A3 made clear in his interview the benefits of the internet over
other instruments. Before the spread of the internet he had to spend a lot of his time going
from cafés to Chicken Cottage restaurants (a halal fast food chain), selling his ideas.
4.2.2. In most cases the internet acts as an ‘echo chamber’
In Chapter 3 we learned that the internet allows individuals to seek material that they are
interested in, and to reject that which does not support their worldview. The internet can
give the illusion of strength of consensus in numbers and, as such, can act as a normalising
agent (Bjelopera, 2011).
Several of our subjects helped to demonstrate this mechanism in operation. A1, A3, A5,
A6, A10 and B2 all actively contributed to web forums that promoted the discussion of
extremist topics. For B3, the intuitive strength of the internet is how it localises likeminded
people, removing the sense “that it’s just you with these feelings”. In the offline
world, we’ve already seen how A4 searched from mosque to mosque for a like-minded
group, someone with whom to share his views. Having not found anyone, he took his
search online.
A4 kept away from chat rooms, not willing to debate. His key word searches (see Annex A
Figure A4) reveal that he went online primarily to gather information, rather than to
A6, on the other hand, was willing to have his worldview tested. He welcomed debate
online. If he found himself ignorant on a topic in a debate, he would go offline, learn more
about that topic, and return to battle it out again. His online appearances dropped after
such incidents, but he would return after a period of time (see the sometimes long gaps in
A6’s online activity in Annex A Figure A6).
On the whole, however, most of the information recovered by the police and shared with
the research team suggests that the convicted terrorists examined in this study were not
generally looking at information that may have challenged their extremist beliefs. It is,
however, important to note that this finding may be due to the fact that the information
recovered related to a late stage of the individual’s radicalisation, or to the fact that they
accessed this information from different profiles or computers. In fact, the police made
clear that it is challenging to attribute information recovered from computers to
individuals and to be confident that this information is representative of the individual’s
usage of the internet. ‘Tech-savvy’ individuals can use separate computers from different
locations, they can hold multiple user names, break into others’ profiles, or erase
information from the computers they use.
4.2.3. The internet enables rather than accelerates the process of
Based on the 15 cases above, it is hard to ascertain whether or not the internet accelerated
the process of radicalisation. The relative significance of the internet as an accelerator,
amongst all conceivable sources of radicalisation, is difficult to discern with such a small
sample size and without fuller information on what else individuals might have been doing
at the time and outside of their internet use. More factors would need to be considered
before being able to provide a complete picture of all contributors to radicalisation.
The impact that seeing videos daily and having access to constant and immediate
communication had on the speed of radicalisation for any of the individuals mentioned
above is therefore not clear from the narratives. As noted by A3, the experience of each
individual online is inherently subjective: while the internet might make information easier
to find, the impact of doing so may differ from individual to individual.
For the majority of our cases, the internet appeared to facilitate the process (explained in
some detail in 4.3.1 above), and this in turn may or may not accelerate it.
In the case of A1 and A2, it is likely that the process of radicalisation built over a number
of years. A5 eventually rejected the internet as a path to radicalisation (in his interview he
expressed dismay at the infighting that took place in chat rooms, and how this drove him
offline). A4’s experience also indicates that the internet did not necessarily accelerate his
radicalisation process. As shown in Figure 6 below, his periods of inactivity online before
his arrest indicate that external factors may have accelerated his radicalisation as much as or
more than his online activity.
Figure 6: A4’s timeline leading to arrest
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4.2.4. Most cases involve offline activity that could have played a role in
the individual’s radicalisation
The case study evidence suggests that online and offline factors both play an important and
interconnected role in the radicalisation process. From the case summaries above, it
appears likely that there is an iterative process through which events and developments in
the physical world feed into online behaviour and vice versa. This evidence suggests that
the internet is not a substitute for but rather complements in-person communication.
Before the convictions of A1 and A2, newspapers reported that their radicalisation
exclusively took place online. Although a review of their online activities does show that A1
and A2 downloaded extremist material, even from the small picture above we can
appreciate the more nuanced interaction with, and likely effect of, personal relationships.
A2, we have seen, was influenced in her radicalisation by A1. A1 was active offline – he
attended a conference and received a disc with extremist content. A personal relationship
was also prevalent in the case of A5 who claimed the motive of growing closer to his dad,
who was active on extreme websites, for his move towards online radicalisation.
Our research also showed that offline factors can sometimes be more influential than
online factors in the radicalisation process. A10 was, for instance, first approached by a
terrorist facilitator from Pakistan at the central mosque in Dewsbury. This meeting
pointed A10 to search for online information on bomb-making and other extremist
material. Following their introduction at the mosque, A10 and the facilitator began to
communicate regularly online, where A10 was ‘groomed’ for a UK mission. This case
suggests that the internet was primarily a resource for information, rather than the focus of
A10’s radicalisation. Similarly, A6’s path to radicalisation, and affiliation with al-
Mujahiroun, began with a physical meeting during a march in front of the US embassy. A3
was radicalised in Bosnia in the 1990s (before the advent of widespread internet use).
4.2.5. Most cases of so-called ‘online self-radicalisation’ involve virtual
communication and interaction with others
On the whole, we have seen very little evidence to support the existence of any ’selfstarters’
in our cases. Amongst those in law enforcement and policymaking circles, the
notion of ‘self-radicalisation’ appears largely defunct. To help illustrate this point, it is
helpful to consider the UK’s definition of radicalisation as found in the Prevent strategy:
(Radicalisation is) a social process particularly prevalent in small
groups. Radicalisation is about ‘who you know’. Group bonding,
peer pressure and indoctrination are necessary to encourage the
view that violence is a legitimate response to perceived injustice.
(UK Home Office, 2011)
Any suggestion of self-radicalisation is avoided. The case of Roshana Choudhry,
mentioned earlier in the report, is seen by experts as an outlier. The Crown Prosecution
Service has reviewed the case several times in order to understand whether she had links to
known terrorist or extremist networks. It is considered that she remains one of a small
number of cases where so-called ‘self-radicalisation’ via the internet took place.
The majority of the cases that we reviewed during our research, however, involved virtual
and/or physical contact between individuals. For category A case studies, the trail of online
and offline interactions is fairly clear. A1, for instance, used five Facebook accounts to
engage with other extremists online; A3 was surrounded by extremists from a young age;
A5 followed his father into extremism; A6 and A10 were targeted by terrorist facilitators
while A7, A8 and A9 had a radicalising effect on one another.
5. Recommendations and conclusions
Tackling terrorism and violent radicalisation have been priorities for the European Union
(EU) and its Member States following the US, Madrid and London bombings in 2001,
2004 and 2005 respectively. Initially, the concern was mainly with Islamist radicalisation
but within a decade, and most notably as a result of Breivik‘s coordinated attacks in
Norway, the perspective on the threat posed by radicalisation has once again widened to
include the more traditional threats of right- and left-wing extremists, and nationalistseparatists.
The Boston bombings in 2013 acted as a reminder to the policy world and the
public that the threat of terrorism is ongoing, and re-emphasised the importance of
research and policy action in the field of internet radicalisation20. As noted earlier in this
report, on the whole, terrorism cases in the UK and the rest of Europe without a digital
footprint are increasingly rare.
However, the internet is obviously only one part of the whole picture of radicalisation and
terrorism; it is important not to amplify its significance. If the internet can have a
radicalising effect, then it is but one of several plausible sources of radicalisation, including
schools, faith-based organisations, prisons, work-place environments and even families and
friends. It remains to be established what is its relative significance.
This chapter takes the findings and insights from the current study to develop
recommendations for further research and policy action.
5.1. The importance of primary data for further research
The internet offers terrorists and extremists increased capability to communicate,
collaborate and convince others to join in their beliefs. In recent years, practitioners and
the academic community have begun to examine how the internet influences the process of
radicalisation; how a person comes to support terrorism and forms of extremism leading to
terrorism. The majority of policy documents and academic literature reviewed for this
study predominantly focus on online content and its potential influence on vulnerable
20 The Tsarnaev brothers, it is reported, were influenced to a big extent via Jihadist websites.
individuals, rather than exploring how individuals use the internet in the process of
The analysis of the supply side of radicalisation (what is offered by the medium) seems to
be over-represented in the academic research, whereas the demand side remains neglected.
The reason for this is relatively straightforward: access to terrorists (those convicted under
UK terrorism legislation) or extremists (identified by the police and multi-agency partners
based on a risk assessment) willing to speak to researchers is extremely difficult. Access to
primary data understandably remains a significant challenge. However, such access is
possible, as this study demonstrates.
A more sophisticated strategy that also targets individuals rather than solely focusing on the
supply side, i.e. the medium, will require more research, but is an approach that is likely
pay great dividends, providing a more accurate picture in the long term. Rather than using
an either-or approach, it is hence essential for further research to find the right balance
between both aspects.
The results from this work were based on a small number of cases and we cannot claim
that they are representative of the wider terrorist population; they do not necessarily reflect
the way in which other violent extremists and terrorists use the internet during their
radicalisation. However, even this small number of cases has provided information with
which it has been possible to test, validate and challenge some of the suggestions drawn
from the literature to date in this field. In doing so, our study demonstrates the importance
of gathering empirical evidence when seeking to explore a complex phenomenon such as
online radicalisation. This analysis could therefore serve as a useful starting point for
further research in the domain of online radicalisation.
5.2. The internet as a mode, rather than a single method of
radicalisation – mapping literature hypotheses against real
The primary evidence from this study confirmed that for all 15 individuals we researched,
the internet had been a key source of information, of communication and of propaganda
for their extremist beliefs. The internet may furthermore enhance opportunities to become
radicalised, as a result of being accessible to a large and growing number of people
irrespective of gender or ethnicity, and enabling them to connect with like-minded
individuals from across the world. This access to people online may provide greater
opportunity than the offline world to confirm existing beliefs and avoid confrontation with
information that would challenge these. The hypothesis that the internet works as an echo
chamber can therefore be supported by this study.
RAND Europe
However, the hypothesis that the internet allows radicalisation without physical contact
cannot be supported. In all our cases the so called offline world played an important role in
the radicalisation process. The subjects had offline contact with family members or friends
who shared their beliefs. The internet is therefore not replacing the need for individuals to
meet in person during their radicalisation. The same argument is true for the process of
self-radicalisation which could not be supported by our cases and according to our research
is more an exceptional phenomenon than the rule.
From this study it appears that it would be useful to analyse the interplay between the offand
online world. That an individual possesses a USB stick with extremist material, has
Facebook accounts exhorting violent jihad, or has watched beheading videos is not
necessarily evidence of ‘radicalisation’ or ‘online radicalisation’. Rather, it suggests that a
wider investigation of the individual is necessary in order to understand why they have
acquired, posted or watched such material in the first place. This evidence, and the role of
the internet in their radicalisation, must be placed within the broader context of the
individual’s personal history and social relations.
One of our overall conclusions therefore is that the internet has to be seen as a mode,
rather than a unitary method, of radicalisation (the internet can play an important role in
facilitating the radicalisation process; however, it cannot drive it on its own). Instead, the
internet appears to enhance the process, which, in turn, may or may not accelerate it.
5.3. Framing possible policy responses
For practitioners, the increasing reach of the internet (from laptops to smartphones and
tablets) raises numerous challenges. Based on interviews with police, security and
intelligence officials, the authors’ judgement is that relevant agencies will need to re-assess
the thresholds and criteria for investigation and intervention, as opportunities to access and
engage with extremist material increase. This need poses a number of issues, not least
whether relevant agencies have the appropriate resources.
5.3.1. Differing approaches and regulatory environment
Given the challenges they face in this field, governments are likely to benefit from taking a
range of approaches. Counter-radicalisation programmes implemented in Western
countries differ greatly from one another, and from non-Western programmes, in terms of
aims, structure, budget, and underlying philosophy. Each national experience is shaped by
the political, cultural, and legal elements unique to that country (Vidinio & Brandon
2012, p. 7).
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2012) report on this subject outlines the
challenge governments face when attempting to tackle terrorism-related content on the
internet. Approaches vary, with some states applying strict regulatory controls on Internet
Service Providers (ISPs) and other related service providers, including in some cases the use
of technology to filter or block access to certain content. Other states adopt a lighter
regulatory approach, relying to a greater extent on self-regulation by the information
sector. Most ISPs, web hosting companies, file-sharing sites and social networking sites
have terms of service agreements that prohibit certain content; some terrorism-related
content might contravene these contractual restrictions.21
5.3.2. Investing in people
It is widely agreed by the people interviewed for this study that the use of the internet by
terrorists and extremists is a critical issue for the police and other agencies, and responding
to this challenge will require greater investment in people and resources. In order to do so
the police and government authorities will need to invest more in their digital literacy skills
in the long run. The senior officers interviewed for this project are aware that they require
more training and resources for tackling online crime, including terrorism and extremism.
They all believe that as technology and threats evolve, so too will the need for further
investment in training and equipment. Education and training should have two aims: to
increase the digital awareness and to improve the digital resilience of supporting
5.3.3. Identifying red-flags
The police and relevant agencies might require closer relationships in the future with
companies such as Facebook and Google to assist them in identifying red flags for
vulnerable individuals. For example, in one of our case studies, A1 created Facebook
accounts which Facebook closed due to their inappropriate use of beheading videos.
However, this was never followed up with UK police forces, and A1 opened other
Facebook accounts with similar identities (the identities were sequential: the last digit of
the new identity would differ by one). Facebook did not go a step further than what was
strictly necessary to identify or flag this pattern with the police.
Therefore, a more collaborative and innovative relationship between Internet Service
Providers (ISP’s), social media companies and the police might be essential. However, what
needs to be clear as well is that ISP’s are not watchdogs in the service of the governments.
What is required instead is an effective collaboration between the police forces and ISPs to
prioritise, as well as detect and tackle online extremist activity. It remains to be seen how
interested ISPs are in working in close collaboration with police forces and governments.
21 See the EU’s Clean IT Project:
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5.3.4. Bridging ethical concerns
In a policy debate on the role of the internet governments should reflect on some of the
ethical dilemmas as well as the operative ones – when to intervene and how to balance
security and civil liberties. While it is the duty of governments to protect their citizens
from terrorism, people’s privacy needs to equally be protected to the fullest extent possible.
Digital technologies have become an integral component of modern day life. Governments
must be aware of the thin line between observing the web for security purposes and the
creation of a ‘surveillance society’. Recent events in 2013, where a whistle-blower revealed
activities of secret services (i.e. NSA) wiretapping citizens, demonstrate the fragility of this
thin line. Government action must therefore tread carefully around this line and find a
balance between the security of the population as a whole and for those who might be
subject to surveillance. If care is not taken in working at this interface of surveillance and
privacy, then the privacy of most citizens, who are not affiliated with radical ideas becomes
at risk. The danger of becoming too visible for governments and/or private companies
should hence be taken into consideration when thinking of new approaches to protect the
internet from the spread of radical ideas.
5.3.5. Forming an effective and appropriate counter-narrative
Hundreds of millions of euros have been invested in counter-terrorism policies and
interventions. Yet more than 12 years after the September 11 attacks, there is widespread
recognition that governments still find it challenging to measure the effectiveness of their
counter terrorism work and to learn from it.22 With respect to the internet and
radicalisation, policymakers will have to adopt increasingly innovative methods to disrupt,
take down and/or filter unwanted content. One part of such a continuous approach is to
evaluate past and present activities in this area as in others.
The British government has undertaken some evaluation of its counter-narrative work
online; however, for legitimate reasons it has not made this work public, as doing so could
damage any gains made, especially those gains that have supported civil society groups.
That said, the absence of a robust, comprehensive evaluation of counter-narrative work
online is a concern – not least because it is not clear whether the work is well targeted or
effective in changing the attitudes or behaviours of those vulnerable individuals engaging
with radicalising material online. Unlike recent reports that have called for more counternarrative
work, the authors believe that independent assessment of the many counternarrative
projects would be beneficial to inform and help guide future activity.
22 See official and scientific documents: European Commission‘s Expert Group on Violent
Radicalisation (2008); Reding, A. et al. (2011); Rabasa, A. et al. (2010); Disley, E. et al. (2010);
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Annex A. Case Studies
A.1. Case Studies A1-A10
With the exception of A3, a former member of al Qaida who has now disengaged from terrorist activities,
the first nine individuals interviewed by the study team are offenders convicted under the Terrorism Act
2000 or the Terrorism Act 2006. We outline their backgrounds below, including details of their ethnic
origins, family and other relationships, criminal backgrounds and/or education. Descriptions of the online
and offline behaviour of each individual are also included in Tables A.1 – A.8. Obviously some of the
information we had access to is pre-selected by the investigating officers, so we cannot give a complete
picture of all factors and aspects that relate to their radicalisation.
Table A.1: Case study A1
A1 is a British male who was born in Pakistan and came to the United Kingdom at a young
age. During trial proceedings, it was indicated that he lived with his mother. He had a
criminal record which included a range of offences such as shoplifting and aggravated assault
during the period 1991 to 2011.
Online activity
A1’s computer registry activity indicates that he used the internet on a daily basis at home.
Figure A1 is a word cloud23 from A1’s computer registry of search terms.
23 A word cloud indicates through relative size of lettering the relative frequency with which words were searched.
The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text.
Figure A1: A1’s computer registry of search-terms
The above provides a picture of A1’s everyday browsing, shopping and information gathering
interfused with search terms synonymous with radicalisation. For instance, ‘green bird’ refers
to the foundational Islamist book In the Hearts of Green Birds (which relates stories of ‘heroic
martyrdom’), while there are also attempts to acquire information about where to buy guns –
‘decommissioned AK47 for sale’). By early 2011, A1 was accessing bomb-making websites
(see the predominance of ‘potassium’ and ‘chlorate’ above in A1’s search history),
downloading beheading videos, and had added Roshanna Choudary24 to his internet
favourites. A1 was also present in peer-to-peer sites. A1 had created five Facebook accounts in
total (registered under adopted pseudonyms), each one shut down due to inappropriate
content. A1 was security aware in his online behaviour and purchased encryption and file
deletion programmes.
Offline activity
While the above description suggests extensive online activity that may be related to
radicalising, A1’s radicalisation may not have taken place exclusively online. Although there is
no evidence to suggest the internet had a catalytic radicalising influence on A1, he stated in
court evidence that he attended an Islamic conference in 2010 at which he was given
extremist material on a CD. In mid-2011, A1 purchased bomb-making material, including
quantities of hydrogen peroxide and other ingredients. A1 also spent time in a number of
prisons – an experience which might have served as a possible driver of radicalisation (House
of Commons 2012).
24 Roshanna Choudary is a former student at King’s College London accused of the attempted murder of Stephen
Timms MP.
RAND Europe
Table A.2: Case Study A2
A2 is a British female of Pakistani heritage and is married to A1. The couple first met on
the internet. No available evidence suggests that A2 was involved in any form of
extremism before meeting A1 (prior to her conviction in 2011 she had no criminal
record). The general characterisation of A2’s change in behaviour (as relayed in witness
reports in court) was a change of direction from an outgoing personality to a more insular
and subservient one.
Online activity
Police reports suggest A2’s online activity was very much in-step with A1’s. A2 also
accessed bomb-making websites, downloaded beheading videos (using torrent facilities –
see ‘btjunkie’ listed in A2’s search terms in Figure A2 below), and added Roshanna
Choudary to her internet favourites (also a prominent search-term below).
Figure A2: A2’s computer registry of search-terms
Prominent among A2’s search terms were keyword searches for public armed forces events.
Police would later find coordinates to a nearby air force base saved in the satellite
navigation system she shared with A1. Maintaining security online was also seen as
important – settings were set to delete. It’s apparent from Figure A3 below that accessing
online extremist material became an increasingly prevalent activity for the couple:
Figure A3: Timeline of A1 and A2’s online and TomTom (satellite navigation
system) activity
Offline activity
Present in other mediums, beyond the internet, was a saturation of extremist media that the
couple used (books, television, audio in the car). A1’s court evidence suggests that A2 also
attended the same Islamic conference at which A1 was given extremist material on CDs).
Table A.3: Case Study A3
A3 grew up in Saudi Arabia and was educated in the Salafistic religious context. In his early
life, the internet was absent, and information on ‘radical Islam’ was passed around circles
of friends and acquaintances. In the mid-90s, A3 decided to follow in the footsteps of some
friends and travel to Bosnia. Upon witnessing civilian deaths in Bosnia25, his radicalisation
was, he argues, inevitable:
After everything you’ve seen, you don’t want to go back to
25 The war between Bosnia and Herzegovina took place between 1992 and 1995 and was a result of the collapse of
former Yugoslavia.
RAND Europe
normal life – you feel so detached at that moment from social
life, especially if you have a near-death experience. People seem to
be having frivolous conversations; they don’t have aspirations
beyond their own daily life. You start thinking of yourself as elite,
a vanguard, and you look for other people like you.
Online activity
A3 spotted the potential to use the internet as a recruitment tool, taking his audience share
from “retail to wholesale levels”. He identified the spread of the internet, from limited
hubs such as internet cafes to every home, as making his job as a recruiter easier. Day to
day, A3 was involved in translating violent extremist messages in different languages to
English and uploading these onto an extremist website. A3 also identifies the advent of
online video as overcoming a limitation that radicalisers had with hard storage devices such
as VHS. A3 argued that the internet was important but not transformative for his (and
others’) radicalisation activities:
The internet is just another platform. One which allows those
that would otherwise be scared of being seen with the wrong
people to get engaged, and one which makes the whole process
more invisible to the authorities.
Offline activity
A3 judges that he was radicalised prior to the advent of the internet. He is sceptical about
how far online activity translates into offline behaviour change. Soon after his time in
Bosnia, A3 was identified as a good speaker and became a recruiter and fundraiser. Once
he left Saudi Arabia A3 was active for 12 years before he disengaged from terrorist
Table A.4: Case Study A4
A4 converted to Islam on the first anniversary of 7/7 at a prominent Birmingham mosque.
Trial documents suggest that A4 was a drug user and was on methadone at the time of his
arrest. A4 was described in witness statements by those who knew him as a ‘loner’; a
comment that reflects his decision to drop out of school for a period of time. Community
members noted A4’s gradual change of behaviour and adoption of violent extremist views.
Acting on community concerns, a police search of A4’s flat uncovered explosives and a
suicide vest.
Online activity
A4 used the internet from an early age and continued this use through college. The police
have established that most of his extremist activity was on the open internet and therefore
not encrypted. He did not actively participate in chat rooms but he did search them for
answers to questions regarding Islam. The internet gave A4 information on issues ranging
from religion and violent extremist propaganda to instructions on how to build suicide vests
and explosives (as can be seen from Figure A4 below):
Figure A4: A4’s computer registry of search terms.
Offline activity
A4 had a copy of Milestones26, a book often referenced as a key text in radical Islamist
extremism at his address, but police suggest that the internet was his extremist library.
Originally, A4 claimed that his decision to search for answers online was a result of being
unsuccessful in finding a suitable mentor in the mosques he searched. A4 has been described
as having a compulsive personality and had a previous criminal conviction. Trial documents
suggest that in the months leading up to his arrest, he had a number of friends with whom
he shared information about what he was doing and thinking. He was arrested after a tip-off
from the local community.
Table A.5: Case Study A5
A5 is a white British male from the North of England. Following the separation of his
26 Milestones is a book by Sayyid Qutb in which he makes a call to re-create the Muslim world strictly based on the
Qu’ran. The book, the author and his thinking had influence on Islamic terror groups and extremists.
RAND Europe
parents, A5 moved in with his father. In one of his interviews, A5 noted the strong
influence of the racist views held by his father. At that point, his father was a member of an
online right-wing group. A5 became involved in the group without his father’s involvement
or knowledge. Following the arrest of his father for terrorism offences, A5 was also arrested
and charged with a number of offences that included inciting racial violence.
Online activity
A5 observed that he had used the internet for “as long as I can remember’”. He began to
engage in online debates (the largest portion of his time spent online as we can see in Figure
A5 below), contacting group members of the online right-wing group via Skype and MSN
Messenger and developing friendships with white supremacists from across Europe. We can
also see below that A5 searched for extremist material and chemicals/explosives.
Figure A5: Breakdown of A5’s online activity
According to A5, his online activities made him feel part of a group and important. He
became a committee member and was approached numerous times to help other members
(such as helping to create images and leaflets). A5’s online right-wing group activity lasted
for one and a half years. He claims that, following this period, endless debate online grew
quite tiresome.
Offline activity
As noted above, A5’s father is a prominent figure in his life. Interview evidence indicates
that A5’s father regularly reprimanded him for listening to rap music and watching
television programmes which featured ethnic minorities in prominent roles. Moreover,
according to his testimony his father threatened to “hang him if he was found sleeping with
[a] black woman”. A5 became curious about his father’s interests and started to search his
father’s extreme right-wing websites. A5 suggested that his personal relationship with his
father offline was a factor in his radicalisation and online behaviour; A5 acknowledged that
he developed a more ‘friendly relationship’ with his father when he told him about his
online activities. A5 was mindful not to discuss his online behaviour more widely, however,
fearing the stigma. Other than spending time online, A5 would receive some books (like the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion27) from his father.
Table A.6: Case Study A6
A6 is a British Asian who, according to police and social services reports, is considered as
coming from an unstable family. At the age of 15, A6 moved into an area of London that
was intensively targeted by recruiters of the now-proscribed group al-Muhajiroun28. A6
socialised with a group of friends in al-Muhajiroun and trial evidence suggested that he was
influenced by them in his pathway to radicalisation.
Online activity
A6 used the internet to discuss religious issues and police reports suggest that he set out to
teach and influence others. This activity was mainly undertaken through postings and blogs,
and he also gained administrative rights to a prominent Islamic forum. Below, we can see a
representation of A6’s online activity and keyword searches. The spike in activity comes
directly after the conviction of Roshanna Choudary.
27 The Protocols of Zion is an anti-Semitic hoax purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination.
28 Al-Muhajiroun is a banned Salafi-Wahabi Islamist terrorist organisation that was based in Britain. Michael
Adebolajo, the man accused of killing Lee Rigby in a terrorist attack in Woolwich, attended al-Muhajiroun meetings
and demonstrations.
RAND Europe
Figure A6: A6’s use of keywords in online activity synthesised with offline timeline
Recovered posts on Islamic sites suggest A6 would not accept moderate discussions quoting
the Qur’an to counter violent messages. A6’s postings suggest that he considered it a
Muslim’s duty to undertake jihad. A6 was engaged in this extremist online activity at the
time of the trial of Roshana Choudhry. Angry that Choudhry was convicted of her offence,
A6 posted messages on the internet, claiming that she was a heroine and that other people
should follow in her footsteps. He encouraged his readers to ‘pick up the sword of jihad’, and
provided them with information on how to find their local Member of Parliament. He also
created links to knives for sale on Tesco’s website.
Offline activity
A6’s affiliation with al- Muhajiroun began with a physical introduction to a member during
a march in front of the US embassy. A6 would travel to Dorset every weekend to take part
in da’waa stalls. A lot of his spare time was channelled towards preparing for his time on the
stalls (i.e. designing leaflets). Spurred by his online debating experience, A6 was also
working hard at building up his skills to speak offline (he would practice by making
homemade videos).
Table A.7: Case Studies A7, A8 and A9
A7 is a British Asian of Indian heritage. Trial evidence and police accounts suggest that A7
is a young Muslim from a very socially conservative family resident in a town in which
ethnic communities are known to self-segregate. After attending a state primary school, his
family enrolled him in an Islamic school. By the age of 15 he had attained the status of
hafiz, a title awarded to those who know the Qur’an by heart. In his early teens A7 struck
up a close friendship with two individuals, A8 and A9 (also discussed below).
A8 and A9 are British Asian brothers of Indian heritage. Trial evidence suggested that their
parents, who lived next door, were largely unaware of their sons’ extremist activities.
Online activity
A7, A8 and A9 created a ‘resistance group’ with an online profile, claiming an al Qa’ida
sponsored remit and threatening national political figures. They made numerous videos
using social media software, including images of them practising ambushes and playing with
a self-loading pistol and two machetes. When A8 and A9’s house was searched, police found
‘an arsenal’ of weaponry and military equipment including crossbows, knives and machetes.
Live ammunition also was recovered at the address. All three downloaded a vast quantity of
extremist material onto A7’s laptop, various USB sticks and mobile phones.
A7 published material on the internet which was designed not only to persuade people to
commit murder in the UK, but also to spread the idea that al Qa’ida had established an
organisation in the UK and to invite support for it. For more than a year A7 regularly
posted messages on two websites and distributed material by posting links to information
on topics such as bomb-making. He used multiple identities that he would regularly play off
each other in order to build his status online.
Offline related activity
A8 and A9 developed an interest in survival training and equipment which may have been
influenced by material they identified online. A8 and A9 were regular visitors to outdoor
pursuits shops in their town as well as the local hunting/fishing shops where they procured
some tools that could be used as weapons. Offline, the ‘resistance group’ practised military
manoeuvres in the local park and surrounding countryside. When the police arrived at the
home of A7 they found gasoline, Hezbollah bomb-building manuals, a suicide bomb belt, a
missile, explosives and detonators inside.
RAND Europe
Table A.8: Case Study A10
A10 is a British male of South Asian origin. His family lives in the north of England and
police accounts suggest they were well-respected among the local community. A significant
change in A10’s offline attitudes and behaviour led his school to raise concerns.
Online activity
At a young age, A10 began to do his own online research into the conflicts in Afghanistan
and Pakistan and western foreign policy. Through the internet, he was identified and
approached by a terrorist facilitator in Pakistan who made regular visits to the UK. Trial
documents suggest that the facilitator discussed a range of issues with A10 – including how
someone might smuggle a sword through airport security – feeding and shaping his
interests. Interview evidence suggests that by this point A10 began to discuss arrangements
for military training in Pakistan. A10 had collected a large quantity of material from the
internet by the time of his arrest, including extremist material, information on chemical
weapons and instructions on how to make napalm.
Offline activity
It was his introduction to a terrorist facilitator at the central mosque in Dewsbury that
inspired A10 to search online for information on bomb-making and extremist material.
Following his introduction at the mosque, the facilitator and A10 began to communicate
regularly online. Evidence suggests that A10 was being groomed for a mission in the UK.
A.2. Case Studies B1-B5
With the exception of A3, the individuals listed above were all convicted of terrorism offences. In order to
understand the challenge facing the police and multi-agency partners, this study also reviewed a small
sample of people deemed by the police to be at risk of radicalisation. These individuals were referred to
the police by local government organisations and considered to be within the remit of the Prevent
intervention programme, Channel. Due to the potentially on-going nature of the intervention strategies
around these individuals the information we can convey is limited, high-level, and focused on providing
illustrations of the role of the internet in radicalisation.
Table A.9: Case Studies B1-B5
B1 is a 15 year old male student based in the UK. Concerns about B1 were raised by one of
his secondary school teachers. B1 had told the teacher that he had been looking at al Qa’ida
online and supported their agenda. He also expressed a desire to travel abroad to an al
Qa’ida training camp. The incident was referred to community policing (Channel) who
made the subsequent discovery that B1 was being influenced by an older figure online
(based in the US). Identifying that B1 was potentially being radicalised over the internet,
Channel assisted the school in making a referral to Child Services. At the same time, in
cooperation with the school and police, Channel arranged for B1’s computer to be seized
and examined in order to identify the purported radicaliser(s).
B2 is a middle aged white British male and a member of the English Defence League
(EDL)29. B2 joined the EDL shortly after seeing its members demonstrating in towns and
cities across the UK. In his own words, his determination to join stems from witnessing an
influx of “holier than thou” persons of Muslim faith into his neighbourhood, who he alleges
were involved in illegal behaviour (i.e. drug-dealing). B2’s online activity mostly gravitated
around engaging with fellow EDL members and organising future demonstrations. B2
enjoyed trading insults with members of an opposition website – the Muslim Defence
League (MDL).
For the future, B2 is committed to the EDL:
I’ve been to all of the demos so far and will keep going to them
because I believe in what we are doing. Somebody has got to stand
up and I don’t see anyone else doing anything.
29 The EDL is a far-right street protest movement. The group opposes what it considers to be a spread of Islamism,
Sharia law and Islamic extremism in the UK.
RAND Europe
B3 is a middle aged Asian female who has been diagnosed with a mental illness. She is a
regular user of the internet and particularly Facebook. B3 has extreme views (admitting that
some of her thoughts are not for moderates) and while she does not believe in violence, she
becomes more vocal about her political views and beliefs when on her medication. Recently
B3 threatened a female and was detained in hospital due to her deteriorating condition.
B4 is a white male, aged 16 with autism and behavioural issues. His mother had expressed
concerns about her son becoming an animal rights activist. When police officers visited the
home of B4, it became apparent from speaking to the family that B4 spent most of his time
in his bedroom unsupervised on the internet, and had posted several videos criticising
people who eat meat. However, a review of material on his computer found no extreme
B5 is a white male and has been described as a loner who spent most of his time on the
internet. B5 sent an email to his school head teacher threatening to kill him and other
teachers unless he received a £30,000 ransom. According to B5, there were a number of
explosives planted around the school building. When questioned by police, B5 admitted to
having looked at explosives on the internet.

How is the accounting treatment of the following asset’s valuation (after acquisition) different between 1FRS and US GAPP?

(2) GAAP and IFRS have their own “Conceptual Frameworks” for financial accounting.

– What roles does IASB’s Conceptual Framework play? Is it different from the FASB?

– What are the contents of IASB’s conceptual frameworks? is it different from the FASB?

Note: see the 2018(new) Conceptual Frameworks.

(3)   Explain ‘Rulebased vs. Principle                    Rargaclii in setting accounting standard

– Show the benefits of each approach

– Any kind of problem in adopting those approaches.

(4)  Explaining the accounting treatment for the impairment of Goodwill and Infinite-
life Intangibles (other than goodwill).

(5)  Answer 1 question out of the following 2 questions

1)    How is the accounting treatment of the following asset’s valuation (after acquisition)

different between 1FRS and US GAPP?

  • Property, Plant & Equipment
  • Biological product
  • Research and development costs

Does economic growth and technological/organizational needs, as well as factory/office work and urbanization, change national/business cultures, and not vice versa?

MN3305 Business in International Comparative Perspective

Assignment 1

Maximum 2,500 words

You should focus on the five nations studied on the course. You should also look carefully at the course guide on how to answer the assignment, paying due attention to applying theory and ideas, supporting arguments with case material and evidence, a clear integrated analytical structure, making direct comparisons a theme throughout, and ultimately answering the question as set and appropriately understood in the context of whole taught course.

※(Five nations: UK, Germany, USA, China, Japan) Please focus on a few countries from these five nations.

Assignment title:

National Culture and Business Values

Is the argument that national culture has ultimately determined the nature and competitiveness of major economies convincing?

Key Topic Issues to Be Considered:

  • The point is to understand various cultures and the literature on Protestantism and Confucianism, but to deal with it quickly, and focus on attributes with specific business implications (work ethic, education/training, thrift and finance systems/investment, emphasis long termism etc). Use real case examples to prove your points of differences. This is never a question just about Japan, or Confucianism, but must be comparative. Students must also be aware of criticisms of culture as an explanation of economic success. This is question with difficult concepts and a clear analytical structure and precision in argument are vital. The point is to show very quickly how vaguer ideas about national culture shape specific national business cultures and how these are linked to particular business systems and management, and the last should be the focus of your discussion.
  • Work ethic. Consider HR systems, hours of work, entrepreneurship and rewards. In this section, always give specific case/management examples. Don’t talk vaguely about culture or work ethic. The same applies to the following sections.
  • Education/training systems – by state and firms.
  • Saving ratios, finance systems, investment patterns, attitudes to waste.
  • Long Termism. Are some systems of capitalism more long termist than others? Is this due to culture?
  • Does economic growth and technological/organizational needs, as well as factory/office work and urbanization, change national/business cultures, and not vice versa?

Course Objectives and Marking:

For assignments, marks will be awarded for the appropriate use of comparison across nations, industries, companies and business functions. You should answer each question with reference to at least two countries and preferably more, even where only one country is cited in the question. A proper balance between theory and evidence and the appropriate use of national, industry or corporate examples in each answer will receive favourable consideration.


In Business in International Comparative Perspective, you will receive marks for fulfilling the following specific criteria:


  • Answering the question.

You need, naturally, fully to interpret the set question; to consider key words or phrases; to decide how all parts of the question are connected (although possibly asked in two parts, there are connections that should be reflected in your answer); to devise an analysis and/or essay structure that allows you to answer the question fully; and, through analysis and thought, to determine the key issues, debates and subject matter as opposed to the peripheral or irrelevant.


  • Knowledge of Cases and Evidence.

It is impossible to gain high marks unless you demonstrate knowledge of countries, institutions, industries, firms, and organizational functions. Evidence enables you to avoid annoying generalizations and sweeping statements. While some cases may support one interpretation of an issue or question, other cases may not. Use your cases and evidence within an analytical structure designed to answer the question rather than just mentioning cases and authors in turn and without clear purpose.


  • Knowledge of Theory and Literature.

You need to demonstrate an understanding of major authors and theories whenever relevant. But please avoid repeating the work of others at length. Often a short summary is sufficient, and the questions on the course direct you to critique and not exegesis. You should employ theories and concepts as a means of shaping your use of evidence, and theory and evidence should be synergic and not separate.


  • Analysis and Structure.

This is the main characteristic that defines a good assignment. You are expected to know the major literature and offer evidential support as a basic part of studying for the course. The point is whether you have thought about the material, and whether you can use it to argue coherently and analytically in response to a set problem. The insights implicit in your analysis should be reflected in the design of your assignment structure, which, in turn, should be apparent to the marker.


  • Comparisons.

It should be no surprise on this course that you have to offer comparisons. It is better to avoid the sequential outline of cases, by which is meant a discussion of (say) the US, Germany, the UK, Japan and China in turn and separately. The approach causes problems in the design of an analytical structure, and it is not directly comparative because you treat each example separately. Place evidence from each nation within the issues set by an analytical structure: that is, if you were to discuss comparative human resources, place choices of evidence from Germany, UK, US, Japan and China into most of the assignment sections dealing with key issues such as training, management education, employment systems, trade unions, etc.


Knowledge of Theory and Cases

Students are advised to use the theoretical insights and the corporate and industry examples covered in both lectures and seminars. With respect to the industry cases studied, and their relevance to particular assignment topics, the following points may be noted.


  • Material on pharmaceuticals is especially appropriate for R&D issues, managerial enterprise, the state and government regulation, multinational enterprise, education and human resources, national competitive advantage, culture, and to some extent other topics.
  • The steel industry is especially appropriate for the state, managerial organization, late development, technology, finance, national competitive advantage, production and operations, and so on.
  • Trade, banking, financial and retailing services are especially suited to national competitive advantage, state/regulation, technology, culture, multinational enterprise, human resources, finance, and so on.
  • The electronics industry is especially suited to national competitive advantage, clusters, R&D, human resources, production management, finance, managerial enterprise, the state, culture, late development, and so on.
  • The car industry is especially appropriate for production management, managerial enterprise, human resources, the state, multinational enterprise, finance, national competitive advantage, culture, late development, and so on.
  • Aerospace is especially suited for managerial enterprise, the state, R&D, human resources, national competitive advantage, production management, culture, finance, and so on.
  • Textiles is especially appropriate for clusters, culture, human resources, national competitive advantage, and so on


Furthermore, although each topic is treated and assessed separately, they inevitably share themes. For example, the late development question involves a number of other themes such as the role of the state, banking and finance systems, corporate governance and the management of key functions such as R&D or training systems. The topic of technology management involves late development, the state, human resources/training, managerial organization, and the international transfer of knowledge and FDI.

Describe how organisations comply with this piece of environmental legislation

A comprehensive summary of a topic with links to relevant sources of information, links to research, relevant subtopics, future considerations and graphics.
A piece of international legislation relating to the environment that is implemented in Ireland, preferably EU but potentially the UN or WHO also.
Legislation chosen: Seveso-III (Directive 2012/18/EU)
The following should be completed regarding Seveso-III (Directive 2012/18/EU) in Ireland (The Chemicals Act (Control of Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2015 (S.I. No. 209 of 2015 ) (the “COMAH Regulations”), implement the Seveso III Directive (2012/18/EU)):
– Describe its regulatory framework;
– Outline the nature of the law (Common and Statute law, and civil and criminal law);
– Describe the scientific evidence justifying this law;
– Describe how organisations comply with this piece of environmental legislation;
– Outline the civil and criminal penalties for non-compliance (if such exist) with this piece of environmental legislation; and
– Explain how and who is responsible for its regulation at a national level (in Ireland).

Further requirements:
– provide a comprehensive range of appropriate references with working web links for each source of information provided.
– Harvard citation and bibliography structure.

What prestige score would you predict for a daughter whose father had a prestige score of 72?

  1. Many analysts have noted a “gender” gap in U.S. elections, with women more likely to vote for the Democratic candidate. A sample of university faculty has been asked about their political party preference. Do their responses indicate a significant relationship between gender and party preference for this group? (10 points)
Party preference Male Female Totals
Democrat 10 15 25
Republican 15 10 25
Totals 25 25 50


  • What is the column variable (independent variable)? What is the row variable (dependent variable)? (2 points)
    1. Independent Variable: Party Preference
    2. Dependent Variable: Gender
  • What is the value of column marginal? (1 point)
  • In order to examine whether there is a significant relationship between gender and party preference for this group, please first state the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis (two-tailed) (1 points)
    1. H0: Gender and party preferences are independent.
    2. Ha: Gender and party preferences are not independent.
  • Since two variables are both nominal level variables, chi-square analysis should be conducted to examine the relationship between gender and party preference. Please conduct chi-square analysis and report the findings.
  1. Construct an expected frequency table (1 points)
  2. Construct a computation table and calculate the Chi-square value (see example on lecture week 11_chi-square, page 10). (2 points)
  3. Given the alpha level you selected and degree of freedom, compare chi-square (critical) and Chi-square (obtained), make the decision and state conclusion (1 points)
  • Compute column percentage for the table to clarify the pattern of the relationship. Which gender is more likely to prefer the Democrats? (2 points)
  • Women are more likely to prefer the Democratic party at 30% while men prefer the Republican party with a majority of 30%.
  1. Occupational prestige score for a sample of fathers and their oldest daughter are presented below. Analyze the relationship between father’s and daughter’s prestige (5 points)


Family Father’s Prestige Daughter’s Prestige
A 80 82
B 78 77
C 75 68
D 70 77
E 69 60
F 66 52
G 64 48
H 52 57


  1. Compute the slope (b) and find the intercept (a) (Hint: construct the computation table as Table 13.3 in Healey’s book) (2 points)
  2. State the regression line (equation). (0.5 points)
  3. What prestige score would you predict for a daughter whose father had a prestige score of 72? (0.5 point)
  4. Compute r and r2 and interpret these two indicators in a sentence or two.

(2 points)


Identify and discuss the effects of non-verbal behaviour on interpersonal communication in professional workplace settings.

Professional Communication Skills
Module Guide for Students
Semester I
Lectures: Monday 3pm – 5pm : Rm 5.17
Seminars: Mondays 5pm – 6pm GFLT
Jon Pettigrew MBA
Contact Details………………………………………………………………………….3
1. Academic Information about this Module…………………………………3
2. Module Programme………………………………………………………………….4
3. Attendance……………………………………………………………………………….7
4. Learning Resources…………………………………………………………………..8
5. Module Assessment………………………………………………………………..10
Contact Details
Module Leader: Jon Pettigrew MBA
Rm 5.04 – Monday 1pm – 3pm Standard Tutorial Time : in advance when possible
1. Academic Information about this Module
Module Aims
This module has the overall aim of preparing students for competent
professional/cross-cultural communication in their future careers. It should also
equip them with skills that will enable them to function with more confidence
and competence during the rest of their degree programme. More specific
module aims include:
• To develop in students an understanding of the role of language and
‘culture’ in effective professional communication
• To provide an introduction to the theory behind professional
communication in cross-cultural contexts informed by recent research
• To develop in students an understanding of how these theoretical
frameworks can be applied to real-life, real-time cross-cultural
professional interaction
• To provide the opportunity to practice a range of professional
communication skills including oral and written presentation, teamwork
in diverse groups, project management, and negotiation
• To develop students’ general cross-cultural understanding, awareness
and communicative effectiveness
• To develop students’ critical thinking and research skills
• To develop in students an understanding of current thought on best
professional practice in professional communication skills in crosscultural
The core textbook for this module is:
• Hargie O. (2011). Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory
and Practice (5th Ed.). Hove: Routledge.
Specific chapters may be relevant for particular module sessions as outlined in
the module programme below. The book is available in Robinson Library as hard
copy and e-book:
2. Module Programme
All lectures take place in Rm 5.17
All seminars GFLT – Ground Floor Lecture Theatre
TEACHING WEEK 1: week commencing 30 September 2019
Mon30Sep LECTURE 1
15.00-1700 Module outline
➢ Introduction to skilled interpersonal communication
Corresponding chapter(s) in Hargie, 2011:
Chapter 1: Communicating effectively: the skills approach, pp. 1-13
Chapter 2: A conceptual model of skilled interpersonal communication, p13-43
TEACHING WEEK 2: week commencing 7 October 2019
➢ Skilled non-verbal behaviour
Corresponding chapter(s) in Hargie, 2011:
Chapter 3: Communicating without words: skilled nonverbal behaviour, pp. 43-83
17.00-1800 SEMINAR 1 & 2 – lecture follow-up and small group discussion
TEACHING WEEK 3: week commencing 14 October 2019
Mon 14 Oct
➢ The skill of participating and leading small groups ➢
Introduction to student presentations
Corresponding chapter(s) in Hargie, 2011:
Chapter 14: Working with others: skills of participating in and leading small groups,
pp. 433-473
SEMINAR 3 – lecture follow-up and small group discussion
TEACHING WEEK 4: week commencing 21 October 2019
➢ The skill of negotiation
Corresponding chapter(s) in Hargie, 2011:
Chapter 13: Working things out together: the skill of negotiating, pp. 399-433
TEACHING WEEK 5: week commencing 28 October 2019
➢ The skill of questioning
➢ The skill of reflecting
Corresponding chapter(s) in Hargie, 2011:
Chapter 5: Finding out about others: the skill of questioning, pp. 117-155
Chapter 6: Showing understanding for others: the skill of reflecting, pp. 155-177
TEACHING WEEK 6: week commencing 4 November 2019
LECTURE 6 – no lecture or Seminar on current – Fri29Sep19 plans_V1’1
Preparation for Presentations
TEACHING WEEK 7: week commencing 11 November 2019
Student group presentations – all students to attend
TEACHING WEEK 8: week commencing 18 November 2019
➢ The skill of self-disclosure
➢ Introduction to written assignment
Corresponding chapter(s) in Hargie, 2011:
Chapter 9: Telling others about yourself: the skill of self-disclosure, pp. 237-277
TEACHING WEEK 9: week commencing 25 November 2019
➢ The skill of assertiveness
Corresponding chapter(s) in Hargie, 2011:
Chapter 11: Standing up for yourself: the skill of assertiveness, pp. 313-349
TEACHING WEEK 10: week commencing 2 December 2019
➢ The skill of persuasion
Corresponding chapter(s) in Hargie, 2011:
Chapter 12: Using your influence: the skill of persuasion, pp. 349-399
TEACHING WEEK 11: week commencing 9 December 2019
➢ Opening and closing interactions
Corresponding chapter(s) in Hargie, 2011:
Chapter 10: Opening and closing interactions: the skills of set induction and
closure, pp. 277-313
TEACHING WEEK 12: week commencing 6 January 2020
Reading week for this module – no formal classes
❖ Please note the following:
• Week 7 (15th November) will consist of student group presentations. All
students must be present on this day as the presentations are an integral part
of this module.
• Reading week for this module will be week beginning 6th January 2020 –
there will be no formal classes in this week.
3. Attendance
Given the practical nature of much of this module, it is especially important that
you attend all lectures and seminars. Attendance will be monitored regularly and
repeated absences will need to be explained.
4. Learning Resources for this Module
Recommended readings
The texts below are intended to support the core text and to provide more
contextual reading. Please note that additional references will be given during
lectures, especially to relevant empirical work. See below for an annotated
bibliography (all texts are available through the Robinson Library).
Barker C. (2002). Making Sense of Cultural Studies: Central Problems and Critical
Debates. London: Sage. A very good general introduction to some of the
problems inherent in the study of culture and identity.
Freed, A.F., & Ehrlich, S. (2010). “Why do you ask?” The function of questions in
institutional discourse. New York: Oxford University Press.
Hargie, O. (2006) (Ed.). Handbook of Communication Skills (3rd Ed.). Hove:
Routledge. Includes useful chapters to complement Hargie (2011).
Harwood, J., & Giles, H. (Eds.) (2005). Intergroup Communication: Multiple
Perspectives. New York: Peter Lang.
Hofstede, G. (2001). Cultures and Organisations: Software of the Mind. New
York: McGraw Hill. Controversial and much criticised, but highly influential,
especially in research into cross-cultural communication in business,
management and marketing. Takes a largely uncritical and essentialised
approach to ideas of culture, nationality and individual agency and identity.
Kerry, T. (2002). Explaining and Questioning. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd.
Larson, J. (2010). In search of synergy in small group performance. New York:
Psychology Press.
Piller, I. (2011). Intercultural communication: A critical introduction. Edinburgh:
EUP, in particular Chapter 6 ‘Intercultural communication at work’.
Rugman, A.M., & Hodgetts, R.M. (2003). International Business (3rd Ed.). Harlow.
Prentice Hall.
Schneider, S.C., & Barsoux, J-L (2003). Managing Across Cultures (2nd Ed.).
Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Usunier, J-C., & Lee, J.A. (2005). Marketing Across Cultures (4th Ed.). Harlow:
Prentice Hall. Most especially interesting to International Marketing specialists.
Once you have been fully registered for this module you will be able to access the
relevant Blackboard pages. These will include this student guide, lecture notes,
assignment guidance, power point slides and any other relevant materials.
Please ensure that you check Blackboard regularly during the programme.
Journals and databases
All the journals below are available either as printed copies in the library or as
electronic journals which can be accessed via the university library website.
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.
Useful journals include the following:
Communication Quarterly
European Journal of Personality
Human Communication Research
International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Journal of Language and Social Psychology
Language and Intercultural Communication
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Personnel and Guidance Journal
Quarterly Journal of Speech
5. Module Assessment
Two pieces of work will be formally assessed:
• 30% of the assessment mark will be given for the student group project
presentation (including an associated handout)
• 70% of the assessment mark will be for the individual written assignment
Details are given below and more will be given later in the programme.
You will also be given some short tasks to complete between lectures, either as
follow-ups, or as preparation. These may be individual or group activities.
Although these are not assessed directly, failure to complete them will put you at
a disadvantage during sessions.
Research Project Presentations (Week 7 – 15th November 2019)
• Students will be divided into project teams and will be expected to work
together to produce a presentation and related handout for other module
participants. Presentations will be video recorded for assessment purposes
and feedback exercises.
• Research will consist of (a) a literature review and (b) a critical evaluation
of at least one recent empirical article investigating an aspect of
crosscultural professional communication.
Written assignment
A critical analysis of an aspect of professional communication (2,500-3,000
words). Full details of the written assignment will be given in Week 8 of the
module (22nd November).
Deadline: Friday, 17th January 2020 at 1pm.
Possible essay titles
Choose one of the following essay titles, or contact Jon Pettigrew
( if you wish to formulate your own question. If
you wish to do this, you must obtain permission in writing by 13th December
1. Discuss the role and importance of skilled interpersonal communication in
one of the following professional contexts:
• Health Care
• Education
• International Relations
• Marketing
• (International) Management
2. Outline what we know about the processes of professional communication
occurring in one of the following functions:
• Questioning
• Assertiveness
• Self-disclosure
• Reflecting
You may relate this to one particular professional context.
3. Consider the ways in which personal, situational and cultural factors may
impact upon the process of professional communication. You may relate this
to one particular professional context.
4. Identify and discuss the effects of non-verbal behaviour on interpersonal
communication in professional workplace settings. You may relate this to one
particular professional context.
5. Select a ‘speech event’ from the media (such as television, newspaper, radio,
etc.) that shows an aspect(s) of professional communication. Describe,
explain and analyse this speech event in relation to no more than two of the
skills discussed in the module. (Audio-visual data does not need to be
submitted but a video-link and/or full transcript is required).
Whichever essay topic you choose: Note that most credit will be given for
work drawing on a wide range of sources, most importantly including recent,
empirical studies.

How did this cinema challenge previous modes of production and the mainstream ideology of the movies?

SME5011 North American Cinema
Many of the Hollywood studios were being merged into new conglomerates, something which continues to this day. For the first time, filmmaking was not necessarily the most important source of revenue for the parent company.
The New Hollywood prospered at a time when youth culture and the counterculture were prominent partly due to the baby boom. Consequently, rock’n’roll, sex and drugs are themes for some of these films; other films mediate the context of Vietnam and the civil rights era. New levels of violence were present in films like Bonnie and Clyde and The Wild Bunch (Sam Peckinpah, 1969). Critics like Robin Wood (see further reading) have argued that New Hollywood narratives were more critical of the dominant ideology than previous Hollywood films in recent times, sometimes through their very ‘incoherence’ (as Wood argues).
New Hollywood is often seen as coming to an end with Jaws (Steven Spielberg, 1975) and Star Wars (George Lucas, 1977). The blockbuster era popularised action/adventure and ‘high concept’ movies aimed at a more mainstream, perhaps younger market. Thomas Schatz (module reader) argues that there is considerable overlap between the New Hollywood and blockbuster eras.
Week 5: New Hollywood
The New Hollywood or Hollywood Renaissance is generally dated from 1967 or so, when Bonnie and Clyde (Arthur Penn, 1967) and The Graduate (Mike Nichols, 1967) did well at the box office (eventually) and received various Oscar nominations. Mark Harris’s Scenes from a Revolution details this year and its implications for US cinema.
Hollywood had been reliant on historical and biblical epic cinema and big-budget ‘roadshow’ musicals. The Sound of Music (Robert Wise, 1965) was one of the biggest hits of the decade, well after the heyday of the classic MGM musicals such as Singin’ in the Rain (Gene Kelly & Stanley Donen, 1952). However, Hollywood failed to replicate this success with a succession of costly flops.
Bonnie and Clyde and The Graduate were noticeably more ‘mature’ narratives, stylistically and thematically more challenging than earlier films in the decade. One reason for this would be the breakdown of the Production Code in the sixties. The code, in place since 1934, laid restrictions on sex, violence, criminality, language and other elements and these were gradually challenged as the sixties progressed, until a system of film classification was introduced, a variant of which persists today.
New Hollywood introduced a generation of new directors, actors, producers etc to the public eye, many of whom remain famous, such as Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese. Many of these directors and producers had risen through film school, perhaps working on exploitation movies for Roger Corman, before themselves working in productions outside the studio system but financed and distributed by the major (and minor) studios. Many of them were inspired by international cinema coming from Europe, including the New Waves coming from France and (to a lesser extent) the UK.
SME5011 North American Cinema
Reading (Module Reader)
• Schatz, T. (1993) ‘The New Hollywood’ in Collins, J., Radner, H. & Preacher Collins, A. (eds) Film Theory Goes to the Movies, London & New York: Routledge
Further Reading
• Biskind, P. 1999, Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex ’n’ Drugs ’n’ Rock ’n’ Roll Generation Saved Hollywood, London: Bloomsbury
• Bordwell, D. & Staiger, J. 1998, The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style and Mode of Production to 1960, London: Routledge – see chapter 30, ‘Since 1960: the persistence of a mode of film practice’
• Cook, P. & Berninck, M. 1999, The Cinema Book, London: BFI
• Dixon, W.W. & Foster, G.A. 2008, A Short History of Film, London: I.B. Tauris, – see chapters 9 and 10
• Harris, M. 2008, Scenes from a Revolution: the Birth of the New Hollywood, Edinburgh: Canongate
• King, G. 2002, New Hollywood Cinema, London; New York: I.B. Tauris
• Kramer,, P. 1998, ‘Post-classical Hollywood’ in: Hill, J. & Church Gibson, P. The Oxford Guide to Film Studies, Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press
• Kramer, P. 2005, The New Hollywood: From Bonnie and Clyde to Star Wars, London & New York: Wallflower
• Langford, B. (2010) Post-Classical Hollywood: Film Industry, Style and Ideology Since 1945, Edinburgh University Press
• Neale, S. 2000, Genre and Hollywood, London & New York: Routledge, pp.242–55 ‘The post-studio era’
• Wood, R. (2002) Hollywood from Vietnam to Reagan – and Beyond, New York: Columbia University Press, chapter 4, ‘The Incoherent Text: Narrative in the 70s’
Seminar Discussion Topics
• How was the Hollywood studio system breaking down in the 1960s?
• Identify some of the stylistic and thematic aspects of the New Hollywood.
• How did this cinema challenge previous modes of production and the mainstream ideology of the movies?
• How does Bonnie and Clyde work at the level of a) genre, b) narrative and c) representation of the characters? Try to compare and contrast it with previous films on the module.

Does the alleged difference of treatment fall on the grounds of article 1? 

“The Withdrawal of British Citizenship from Shamima Begum: A Human Rights Perspective.”


In February 2015, three schoolgirls from Bethnal Green fled from Gatwick to Syria aiming to join ISIL and become symbols of the Jihad. Amongst them, Shamima Begum, 15 years old. Four years later, the girl the media calls “the IS bride” has indeed become a symbol, of Britain’s lost youth who rejected Britain, whom Britain now rejects.

In February 2019, held in Al-Hawl camp by the Syrian Democratic Forces and nine-months pregnant, she made a controversial public appearance in the form of an interview with the Times, in which she simultaneously admits that she would like to come back to the UK to give birth to and raise her child, and that she does not regret joining ISIS. These declarations sparked public debate and a strong response from the then Home Office Secretary Sajid Javid to revoke Shamima from her British citizenship.

I would like to conduct my research on the assessment of this decision against The European Convention of Human Rights. The Convention has been studied in full, however, due to the limitations of the project, only a selection of relevant articles will be discussed.

The intention of this research is to hopefully begin to shed some light on the complexity of the case and to analyze whether the UK’s decision is in accordance with Human Rights laws or a hot-headed response to the pressure of public opinion to make an example out of Ms. Begum, while Asma Al-Assad, the wife of Bashar Al-Assad whose regime has been charged for war against humanity, has not seen her British citizenship revoked and is still free to travel to the UK.


On 17th February 2015, three schoolgirls from Bethnal Green Shamima Begum (15) [Begum], Kadiza Sultana (17) and Amira Abase (17) flew from Gatwick Airport to Istanbul and subsequently travelled by bus to Urfa, close to the Syrian border. They then crossed the Syrian border, apparently with the aim of joining ISIL. Later that spring, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe gave evidence to a parliamentary select committee to the effect that they would not be subject to criminal charges if they were to return to the UK – ‘if they return home there are no terrorism issues here.’[i]

On 13th February 2019, held in Al-Hawl camp by the Syrian Democratic Forces and nine-months pregnant, she made a controversial public appearance in the form of an interview with the Times[ii], in which she simultaneously admits that she would like to come back to the UK to give birth to and raise her child, and that she does not regret joining ISIS. These declarations sparked public debate and a strong response from the then Home Office Secretary Sajid Javid to revoke Begum’s British citizenship (20th February 2019)[iii].

According to the Home Office Transparency Report 2018[iv], the UK government uses a range of methods to tackle to threat of terrorism, and have increasingly made use of their powers to remove UK citizenship:

“We continue to seek to prosecute foreign fighters where there is evidence that crimes have been committed, and to ensure that they do not pose a threat to our national security. In addition to seeking prosecution, the powers covered in this report have been and will be used to reduce the cohort of overseas individuals of national security concern who can return, and to mitigate the threat they pose. Where appropriate, we have used nationality and immigration powers to deprive individuals of their British citizenship and to exclude foreign nationals from the UK who presence here would not be conducive to the public good. We have also disrupted the ability of people to travel abroad, and to return to the UK, including through the lawful temporary seizure of passports at the border, and the introduction of Temporary Exclusion Orders (TEOs).”

The power to deprive nationality cited by the Home Office is based on the 1981 Nationality Act:

“The Secretary of State may deprive an individual of their British citizenship if satisfied that such action is ‘conducive to the public good’ or if the individual obtained their British citizenship by means of fraud, false representation or concealment of material fact…..”

In these circumstances, the test of ‘conducive to the public good’ may include actions which constitute threats to national security, including acts of terrorism, and ‘unacceptable behaviour’, which may cover the glorification of terrorism. Given the previous statements of Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe regarding the lack of threat posed by Begum and her fellow travelers, it could be inferred that the removal of nationality from Begum was based on her apparently ‘unacceptable behaviour’. These powers of removal have been used increasingly by HM Government in recent years, with 14 people in total losing UK Citizenship in 2016, and 104 people losing UK citizenship in 2017[v].

Under the Nationality Act 2014, the UK Government may also remove British citizenship in a ‘subset of ‘conducive’ cases, where naturalized citizens have behaved in a matter ‘seriously prejudicial to the vital interests of the UK’[vi]. This applies even if the individual in question would be rendered stateless, but has the possibility of acquiring citizenship of another country.

However, the fact that the 1981 and 2014 Acts exist in UK law is not to say that the correct procedures have been followed or the conditions for removal of citizenship met[vii], nor is it to say that such action is compatible with international law or conventions.

In Begum’s case, it seems that the Home Secretary felt there were ‘reasonable grounds’ as required by the law, in the fact that Begum’s mother is a Bangladeshi citizen that under the Bangladesh Citizenship Act of 1951 she could acquire citizenship of Bangladesh by descent. In addition, until Begum turns 21, she is allowed to be a dual national of Bangladesh, under the same 1951 Act.

There have been at least two successful appeals against the removal of UK citizenship through the Special Immigration Appeals Court in recent years (December 2017 and November 2018).[viii]  In both cases, citizenship had been removed on grounds of national security and terrorism and on the basis of entitlement to Bangladeshi citizenship. The grounds for the successful appeals were similar, in that Bangladesh does not allow for dual citizenship, and that the state practice of Bangladesh was to not grant citizenship in such circumstances. In addition, on February 20th 2019 there was a public statement by Abdul Momen, a Minister of the Bangladesh Foreign Ministry that citizenship would not be granted in the case of Begum[ix]. Momen also said that, should she travel to Bangladesh, she ‘could be hanged for terrorism’.

Citizenship is recognized of crucial importance for the rights of an individual, with Arendt describing it as follows:

“Man …. can lose all so-called Rights of Man without losing his essential quality as a man, his human dignity. Only the loss of a polity itself expels him from humanity.”[x]

Krieger’s interpretation of Arendt describes the condition of ‘statelessness’ as

“….the violation of the indispensable human right…..”[xi]

Whilst the context of Arendt’s discussion of statelessness was different (Totalitarianism), and followed an extended period of her own personal statelessness (1937-1950), it’s clear that citizenship is a significant platform for the expression of one’s individual rights. Begum’s loss of citizenship has wide consequences for her ability to travel, where she can reside, and what protections and services she can access for her and her family[xii]. It may also affect her ability to access a fair trial, and in acting against her, but not her fellow travelers from the UK, the decision may have been discriminatory.

In this essay I will examine whether the actions taken against Begum are compatible with the UK’s obligations under international human rights law and conventions, and suggest avenues for future research into this subject.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (please replace this section by article 8 of the ECHR)

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights[xiii] (UDHR) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, with the United Kingdom voting in favour. Although the UK remains a member of the United Nations, the Declaration is not enforceable in law in the UK. The most relevant article to Begum’s current situation is Article 15:

  • Everyone has the right to a nationality.
  • No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.

Given the removal of Begum’s UK citizenship by the Home Secretary, and the negative response from the Bangladesh authorities to the possibility of her attaining Bangladeshi citizenship, it seems that Begum’s rights under 15 (i) have been violated. Even if she were able to attain Bangladeshi citizenship, public statements suggest that she would be subject to prosecution with the potential for capital punishment, it seems unlikely that this is a route Begum is likely to pursue. Given that, Begum is de facto without nationality and its associated rights at present.

The question of whether her nationality was arbitrarily deprived by the Home Secretary would require greater scrutiny of the motivations and reasoning behind the decision. She has been treated differently than others in a similar position, such as Sultana and Abase who travelled to Syria with her in 2015, ostensibly for the same purpose. Although Sultana is reported to have died in a Russian airstrike in May 2016[xiv], it seems that Abase has not had her UK citizenship withdrawn. It also seems that schoolfriend Sharmeema Begum (no relation), who travelled to Syria in 2014, reportedly for the same purpose, also remains a UK citizen. By contrast, Aqsa Mahmood, who travelled to Syria from the UK in 2013, did have her UK citizenship withdrawn in 2017, as part of a group of ‘150 suspected jihadists and criminals’ who lost citizenship and were barred from returning to the UK. Mahmood’s situation may be slightly different in that she was believed to have been part of an ISIS unit, the al-Khansaa Brigade, designed to enforce Sharia law. Regardless, the evidence of Mahmood or Begum’s activities in Syria may not be fully known to UK authorities, and may not be sufficient to form the basis of a decision on citizenship.

There is also a contrast between the stated policies of the UK Government on citizens participating in ISIS-related activities in Syria, and their actions in Begum’s case. Commissioner Hogan-Howe felt able to tell a UK Parliamentary committee in 2015 that she would be unlikely to face criminal charges if she were to return to the UK. The UK Government’s CONTEST strategy[xv] for countering terrorism suggests that the removal of citizenship is a possible penalty for individuals such as Begum, it also discusses the use of Temporary Exclusion Orders (TEOs) which can be issued by the Home Secretary and a judge to manage their return to the UK and ‘impose obligations upon the individual once they return to help protect members of the public from a risk of terrorism’. Indeed, within the CONTEST guidance, a very similar case to Begum’s is given as a case study, detailing how a TEO was used for a UK citizen, rather than withdrawal of citizenship. One of the material benefits of using a TEO for this purpose is that it allows the Police and Crown Prosecution Service to investigate whether criminal offences have been committed, and to deal with them appropriately.

It can be argued that the actions of the UK authorities in Begum’s case were arbitrary, given they inconsistent treatment of other UK citizens in similar cases at the same time, and given the discretion to use TEOs in the Government’s own guidance.

Given the trans-national scope of the UNHR, there is also a sharp contrast between Begum’s treatment and those of nationals of other countries, which supports the implication of arbitrary treatment.

German national Linda Wenzl travelled to Syria in July 2016, and was reported to have joined ISIS as a member of the al-Khansaa brigade and wife of an ISIS member[xvi]. She was captured in Syria by Iraqi soldiers in July 2017 and imprisoned in Iraq[xvii]. She was tried in Iraq and in February 2018 was sentenced to 6 years in prison for being an ISIS member and entering Iraq illegally[xviii]. Her German citizenship has not been withdrawn, and she is currently serving her sentence in Iraq.

Another example is French citizen and alleged ISIS member Djamila Boutoutaou, who was also arrested by the Iraqi authorities. She was tried in 2018 for her association with ISIS and in April was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment[xix]. Although Boutoutaou is of Algerian extraction, and thus potentially has a claim for a second citizenship, France has not withdrawn her French citizenship despite her conviction.

The final argument in favour of Begum’s treatment being arbitrary is the timing of the action. Although she was widely-known to have traveled to Syria to join ISIS in 2015, there was little discussion of her case publicly, and she did not have her UK citizenship withdrawn at the same time as Mahmood and many others in 2017. Given the fact that the decision was made public less than a week after Begum’s interview with The Times, and the associated publicity, it may be that the UK Government responded primarily to the publicity, rather than the specifics of the case. Clearly perception plays a huge role in politics, and the inference that the UK Government was not being tough enough on UK ISIS members may have persuaded them to make an example of Begum. Given the decision ignored the possibility of using other measures such as TEOs, and given that the police had stated she was unlikely to face criminal charges, potentially the sudden withdrawal of citizenship was primarily motivated by political considerations.

Given Begum has de facto lost her nationality, and that there are grounds to suspect (but not necessarily conclude, without knowing the full basis on which the decision was taken) that the action was taken arbitrarily, it seems that potentially both parts of article 15 may have been violated by the decision of the Home Secretary.


European Convention on Human Rights

Article 6

Article 8

Article 14

Article 15


  1. Article 8 + Article 14
  2. definitions of both articles. Article 14 is a parasitic article, almost never used on its own.
  3. Pro Shamima case:

Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, DJ Harris

  • p.766: In recent cases, the Court defined discrimination as ‘treating differently, without an objective and reasonable justification, persons in relevantly similar situations’.
  • p.767: Article 14 is only invokable in combination with other rights in the Convention. It is a “parasitic” provision. Ambit test: aspects of the case need to be similar. The similarity lies in the fact that 4 girls in total left (including the original Sharmina Begum), and only SB’s citizenship got revoked.
  • p.768: Where a right falls outside the Convention, in theory the State has no obligation to avoid the discrimination. However the principle behind Fretté vs France is that if the State adopts a law, it should do it in a non-discriminatory way.
  • Does the alleged difference of treatment fall on the grounds of article 1?
  • P.769: Situations are analogous: “persons in relevantly similar situations”.


Avenues for future research

Whilst the case of Begum highlights a number of issues relating to the loss of her citizenship, I have not addressed the situation of her children, all three of whom unfortunately have passed away in Syria. Given these children were born in Syria but to a UK mother, they had a claim for UK citizenship, but it’s unknown whether these claims were exercised. Given it is reported there are a number of children in a similar situation in Syria, future research could examine their legal position, and whether the UK Government is obligated to assist these citizens abroad. At present, it seems that the UK Government is unwilling to support a repatriation of these citizens, and it has been reported that the Home Secretary has blocked such an attempt[xx].

In addition, it would also be valuable to examine further the Human Rights implications of the operation of the Special Immigration Appeals Court, given this is the UK body of appeal for Begum and those in a similar situation. Given the fact that intelligence material may have been relied upon by the authorities to make their original decisions, evidence may be presented to a Special Advocate, who is unable to discuss it with the individual or their lawyers. This may be incompatible to an individual’s right to a fair trial under article 6 of the ECHR, and the right to an effective remedy under Article 8 of the UDHR.

References & Bibliography

[i] British Citizenship Revoked, Bangladeshi Citizenship Uncertain – What Next for Shamima Begum?; Dr Rumyana van Ark, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – the Hague; 11th March 2019

[ii] Shamima Begum: Bring me home, says Bethnal Green girl who left to join Isis; Anthony Loyd, The Times; February 13th 2019

[iii] Shamima Begum: IS teenager to lose UK Citizenship; BBC News website; 20th February 2019

[iv] HM Government Transparency Report 2018: Disruptive and Investigatory Powers (CM 9609); HM Government; July 2018, p26

[v] HM Government Transparency Report 2018: Disruptive and Investigatory Powers (CM 9609); HM Government; July 2018, p27

[vi] HM Government Transparency Report 2018: Disruptive and Investigatory Powers (CM 9609); HM Government; July 2018, p26

[vii] Shamima Begum: Lawyer says teen was ‘groomed’; Hanna Yusuf and Steve Swann, BBC News website; 31st May 2019

[viii] British Citizenship Revoked, Bangladeshi Citizenship Uncertain – What Next for Shamima Begum?; Dr Rumyana van Ark, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – the Hague; 11th March 2019

[ix] Bangladesh’s Foreign Minister tells ITV News Shamima Begum is ‘not our problem’; Rohit Kachroo, ITV News; 2nd May 2019

[x] Origins of Totalitarianism; Hannah Arendt, 1951, p297

[xi] The Historical Hannah Arendt; Leonard Krieger, The Journal of Modern History, Volume 48, No. 4, December 1976, p682

[xii] British Citizenship Revoked, Bangladeshi Citizenship Uncertain – What Next for Shamima Begum?; Dr Rumyana van Ark, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – the Hague; 11th March 2019

[xiii] Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Humphrey, Cassin et al, United Nations General Assembly; 10th December 1948

[xiv] Islamic State brides – where are the female jihadists now?; Sunita Patel-Carstairs, Sky News website; 14th February 2019

[xv] CONTEST, The United Kingdom’s Strategy for Countering Terrorism (Version 4, CM 9608); HM Government; June 2018, pp49-51

[xvi] At 15, she joined ISIS after converting to Islam. Now this German teen wants to go home; Rick Noack, Washington Post website; 24th July 2017

[xvii] Teenage Isil bride from Germany captured in Mosul; Josie Ensor and Justin Huggler, The Telegraph; 18th July 2017

[xviii] Iraq: German ‘Islamic State’ bride sentenced to 6 years in prison; Deutsche Welle website; 18th February 2018

[xix] How Europe is handing off its ISIS Militants to Iraq; Pesha Magid, Foreign Policy website; 15th June 2019

[xx] Priti Patel blocks rescue of British ISIS children; Mark Townsend, The Guardian; 16th November 2019

Additional bibliography: Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, DJ Harris

International Human Rights, Alston and Goodman

Human Rights Act 1998

Guide on Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights, by the European Court of Human Rights, PDF

Guide on Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, by the European Court of Human Rights, PDF

Guide on Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, by the European Court of Human Rights, PDF

Human Rights and Terrorism, Hoffman, 2004

The Discrimination Grounds of Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Gerards, 2013

What are the primary objectives of counterintelligence, and why is it so important?


Part 1
What are the primary objectives of counterintelligence, and why is it so important? Complete the following tasks:
Summarize the primary objectives of counterintelligence.
Explain why counterintelligence is important to homeland security (HLS).
Part 2
There are 18 fusion center guidelines as established by the Department of Justice. Select 3 of the 18 guidelines, and complete the following:
Clearly define and explain the significance of each guideline.
Summarize how each of the 3 chosen guidelines relates to fusion center capabilities and management.
See the following resources that can assist you with the Week 3 Assignments:
Counterterrorism – U.S. Department of Homeland Security
The counterterrorism section of the DHS website is dedicated to counterterrorism programs and recent efforts by the federal government. In addition, the site provides counterterrorism resources such as various publications and international activities
Justice Information Sharing – U.S. Department of Justice
The U.S. Department of Justice – Office of Justice Programs on Information Sharing has a vast amount of resources that assist in promoting information sharing.
National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)
The NCTC home website contains a variety of intelligence related information such as legislation, fact sheets, interviews, speeches and testimony, and the annual report on terrorism (Click Pressroom, scroll down to Legislation and you will see The Intelligence Reform and Prevention Act of 2004).

Are the average minutes of on-task behaviors higher before or after recess?

ISSN: 1307-9298
Copyright © IEJEE
March 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, 449-456
Effect of Recess on Fifth Grade Students’
Time On-task in an Elementary Classroom
Alicia Cooper Stappa,*, Jenny Kate Karrb
DOI: 10.26822/iejee.2018438135
28 November 2017
20 February 2018
28 February 2018
a,* Correponding Author: Alicia Cooper Stapp, School of Education, Department of Teacher Education, University of Mississippi, USA.
b Jenny Kate Karr, School of Education, Department of Teacher Education, University of Mississippi, USA.
Recess is an integral part of the school day where children are afforded the opportunity to create and organize games, socialize with their peers,
and explore nature. When implemented effectively, recess has the potential to offer significant academic, physical, and social benefits (London,
Westrich, Stokes-Guinan, & McGlaughlin, 2015). However, the amount of time allocated to recess in elementary schools across the United
States has significantly declined over the past two decades. A reduction in play time can be attributed to increased educational mandates,
which have lead to vigorous and ongoing debates about the important role recess plays in elementary schools. Thus, this quantitative study
examined the effect of recess on fifth grade students’ time on-task in an elementary classroom. Participants on- and off-task behaviors were
observed and documented on a task frequency chart prior to and after recess. Findings from the study indicated that providing fifth-grade
students with daily recess significantly increased on-task behaviors in the classroom.
Keywords: Recess, time on-task, elementary classroom, instructional time
Expanding learning time policies is increasingly popular in
educational reform across the United States. Subsequently,
academic instruction occupies most of a child’s school
day with the underlying goal of increasing academic performance
(Woods, 2015). This reallocation of time during the
school day to address academic concerns is not fading; if anything,
the trend is increasing. In the Pennsylvania State Education
Association’s (PSEA) 20/20 Vision for the Future (2010),
authors note that increasing instructional time is critical to
improving student achievement. However, critics argue that
a change in instructional time does not have a significant impact
on student achievement and can be a catalyst for behavior
problems (Baker, Febrega, Galindo, & Mishook, 2004; Silva,
2007). To combat long periods of instruction, a number of
countries embed unstructured recess breaks throughout the
school day with the understanding that providing physical
activity improves attentiveness in the classroom (Pelligrini &
Bohn, 2005). This strategy is scarcely practiced in the United
States, as the foci remains steadfast on increasing academic
achievement. Therefore, breaks from academic instruction,
such as recess, remain at a high risk of being diminished or
eliminated altogether (Ramstetter, Murray, & Garner, 2010).
Decrease in recess time
The Center on Education Policy (2008) examined the impact
of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act on recess and found
that 20% of school districts decreased recess time, with an
average decrease of 50 minutes per week (Center on Education
Policy, 2008). Burriss and Burriss (2011) examined the
effect of policy and practice on outdoor play and learning via
questionnaires. The surveys completed by representatives
from 173 randomly selected school districts in the United
States indicated that 32.3% of respondents believed that
there had been a decrease in time for outdoor play and only
5.3% believed there had been an increase (Burriss & Burriss,
2011). These reductions allocate more time for English and
math instruction (Brusseau & Hannon, 2015).
Although the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 requires
that Health and Physical Education curricula be included
as part of a child’s well-rounded education, it does not
mandate time for recess or outdoor play. Ultimately, the decision
to implement or remove recess is at the discretion of
each state, school district, or individual school. Without daily
recess, students find themselves in sedentary environments
a majority of the school day. The effects of such sedentary
behaviors can be detrimental to students’ physical activity
levels, social development, and academic achievement (Mc-
Manus et al., 2015).
Time on-task
An extensive body of research has examined how recess
affects students’ social (Barros, Silver, & Stein, 2009; Jarrett,
2002; Ramstetter et al., 2010), physical (Erwin, Ickes, Ahn, &
Fedewa, 2014; Ling, King, Speck, Kim, & Wu, 2014; Springer,
Tanguturi, Ranjit, Skala, & Kelder, 2013), and academic abilities
(Brusseau & Hannon, 2015; Chang & Coward, 2015; Pelligrini
& Bohn, 2005). However, few studies have examined
the effect recess has on students’ time on-task in the classroom,
prior to and following a period of recess. According
to Karweit and Slavin (1981), the amount of time that students
spend on-task, or engaged in learning, is an important
factor contributing to academic achievement. In classrooms
where students spend limited amounts of time on-task, a
vast amount of instructional time is lost. Conversely, a greater
amount of instructional time is displayed in classrooms
where students spend a majority of time on-task (Karweit
& Slavin, 1981). Furthermore, a beginning teacher evaluation
study indicated that students who spend more time engaged
in the learning process have higher levels of academic
achievement (Berliner & Tukinoff, 1976). Thus, it is imperative
for elementary classroom teachers to utilize methods
and strategies such as physical breaks from the classroom
that may help increase time on-task.
© 2017 Published by T& K Academic. This is an open access article under the CC BY- NC- ND license. (
March 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, 449-456
Effect of recess on social development
While the academic and physical benefits of recess are
perhaps the most documented factors that can be used to
advocate for increased recess time for children, recess has
the multifaceted potential to affect the whole child in ways
that exceed academic and physical benefits (Ramstetter et
al., 2010). In direct contrast to classroom activities where
children cannot make the choice to withdraw from an activity,
at recess, children are free to join in or leave play
situations according to their own discretion. This “open
setting” that children encounter at recess enables them to
engage in diverse and abundant social interactions that
they may not experience otherwise (Jarrett, 2002, p. 3).
Additionally, this open and unstructured recess period
provides time for children to acquire social skills that may
not be developed within a structured classroom environment
(Ramstetter et al., 2010).
Effect of recess on academic achievement
Research suggests that social interactions have important
cognitive implications. However, the opportunity for
communication with peers is not the only aspect of recess
that benefits students’ academic achievement (Pellegrini
& Smith, 1993). Elementary students in Shanghai, China
receive daily recess time that amounts to almost 40% of
an entire school day. Even though these students spend
more time away from academic work every day, their ability
to perform well on academic tasks has not declined. In
fact, these are some of the world’s highest achieving students,
and they repeatedly receive top honors in multiple
areas on the Program for International Student Assessment,
the “most-watched international comparison exam”
(Chang & Coward, 2015, p. 15).
Donnelly and Lambourne (2011) examined the effect of
providing “90 min/week of moderate to vigorous physically
active academic lessons intermittently throughout
the school day” (p. S38) on the academic achievement of
students in 24 elementary schools in northeast Kansas. A
third party of trained psychologists measured academic
achievement by administering The Wechler Individual
Achievement Test. This test assesses reading, writing,
mathematics, spelling, and oral language skills. Performance
on this standardized test indicated an improvement
of 6% among students involved in physically active
academic lessons compared to a 1% decrease for students
in control classrooms. Thus, concluding that physical activity
can have a positive impact on academic achievement
(Donnelly & Lambourne, 2011).
Effect of recess on childhood obesity
Increasing elementary children’s physical activity levels at
school is also an essential element to reducing childhood
obesity (Chin & Ludwig, 2013). Obesity is an increasingly
present issue among elementary school age children
across the globe. A national report, Prevalence of Obesity
Among Children and Adolescents: United States, Trends
1963-1965 Through 2007-2008, indicated that the prevalence
of childhood obesity has tripled since 1976, when
only 6.5% of children ages 6-11 were classified as obese
(Ogden & Carroll, 2010). Recent statistics indicate that
approximately 17% of all children and adolescents in the
United States are affected by obesity (Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention [CDC], 2016). Globally, the trajectory
of childhood obesity is steadily increasing and is cited
as one of the most “serious public health challenges
of the 21st century” (World Health Organization [WHO],
2017). DeOnis, Blossner, and Borghi (2010) noted that if
the obesity epidemic continues, nearly 9% of all preschool
aged children around the world will be considered obese
by 2020 (DeOnis, Blossner, & Borghi, 2010).
One of the causes of obesity can be attributed to a child’s
lack of energy expenditure during the day. The average
child sits for approximately 8.5 hrs each day (McManus
et al., 2015). When a child’s energy expenditure is not
equal to energy intake, weight gain is inevitable. The energy
balance can only be recovered through increased
physical activity and healthy eating behaviors (Ling et al.,
2014). Fernandes and Sturm (2011) examined the effect
of physical activity at school on obesity prevention among
8,246 elementary students in 970 schools. Initially, body
mass index (BMI) was calculated using each participant’s
height and weight. Each participant’s teacher reported the
frequency of physical education classes and recess. The
amount of time each student participated in physical activity
at school was then calculated. Data was collected periodically
throughout the study, and results indicated that
meeting the National Association of Sport and Physical Education’s
(NASPE) recommended time for recess “was associated
with a decrease of 0.74 BMI percentile units” (Fernandes&
Sturm, 2011, p. 178). Thus, providing evidence to
suggest that reducing physical activity at school can have a
detrimental effect on elementary students’ overall health.
Recess as a mental break
In addition to the social, academic, and physical reasons
for providing elementary students with daily recess, people
of all ages and in all professions benefit from breaks in
their daily routine. According to Jarrett (2002), breaks are
necessary for “satisfaction and alertness” (p. 2). Studies
have also shown that short, structured breaks throughout
the school day can improve physical activity levels,
academic achievement, and concentration (Pelligrinini,
Huberty, & Jones, 1995; Caterino & Polak, 1999; Barr-Anderson
et al., 2011). One of the most critical aspects of
recess is that it provides a break for elementary students
in the day’s routine. This break in routine can also be described
as a “period of interruption” (Ramstetter et al.,
2010, p. 522). A period of interruption followed by a period
of concentrated instruction is necessary for optimal
cognitive processing in children (Ramstetter et al., 2010).
When recess is provided as an unstructured break during
the school day, the stresses and distractions that normally
interfere with cognitive processes are diminished.
It is important to note that transitioning from one academic
subject to another does not provide a cognitive or physical
break (Barros et al., 2009). Only the unstructured free
time that recess can provide, affords elementary students
the opportunity for mental change and physical release.
The benefits that come from this energy release reach far
beyond a break from rigorous academic work and cognitive
processing, as they have the potential to improve
many aspects of the classroom (Barros et al., 2009).
As aforementioned, research continually indicates that
physical activity has a positive impact on the academic, social
and physical development of children. Taking this into
account, the researchers’ anecdotal observations in the
field revealed that elementary students became increasingly
off-task as recess drew closer and increasingly ontask
after recess breaks. This evidence led the researchers
to believe that studying the effects of recess on fifth
grade students’ time on-task in the classroom would be
relevant and beneficial to elementary educators, administrators,
policymakers, parents, and students. The present
study aimed to address the following research questions:
1. Do on-task behaviors in the classroom increase or
Effect of Recess on Fifth Grade Students’ Time On-Task / Cooper Stapp & Kate Karr
decrease after a 25-minute period of recess?
2. Are the average minutes of on-task behaviors higher before
or after recess?
3. Are the average minutes of off-task behaviors higher
before or after recess?
Participants and setting
This quantitative study examined the effect of recess on
fifth grade students’ time on-task in an elementary classroom.
The present study took place in a fifth grade general
education classroom in Northwest Mississippi. Participants
were selected through non-probability purposive
sampling and were inclusive of six female students and
six male students, ages 10-12. Ethnicities of the participants
were 66.7% Caucasian, 25% African American, and
8.3% biracial. Participants involved in this study exhibited
a wide range of ability levels as determined by their academic
achievement. Academic achievement is representative
of performance-based outcomes that identify the
extent to which a student has met specific learning goals
within the context of the learning environment. For the
present study, academic achievement levels were determined
by analyzing data from a formal standardized test
entitled STAR that assessed both reading and mathematics
skills. According to the criterion for the STAR assessments,
37.5% of the participants tested above grade level,
30.8% of the participants tested at grade level, and 31.7%
of the participants tested below grade level. Prior to the
study, consent was obtained from the classroom teacher,
librarian, and art teacher to conduct observations in their
classrooms. Parental consent and children’s assent was
not required, as there were no interactions with the participants
during observations and no interventions were
Instrument and observations
An on-task and off-task frequency chart was utilized to
document observations of participants’ on- and/or offtask
behaviors in the classroom prior to and following
a 25-minute recess period (See Appendix A). The whole
interval recording (WIR) protocol was utilized within the
on- and off-task frequency chart to collect data, wherein
the behavior that occurred during each time interval was
recorded (Fisk & Delmolino, 2012). This type of data collection
system is known as discontinuous, as it divides the
observation into equal duration intervals and notes the
occurence or nonoccurence of a behavior within a given
interval (Mudford, Taylor, & Martin, 2009). The reserachers
chose WIR by utilizing a guide Fisk and Delmolino (2012)
developed to aid reserachers in selecting valid and reliable
measurement systems based on the current body of research
and the context of their study. Space was allocated
in the task frequency chart for participant observations,
six male and six female. Twelve observations were completed
over a six week period from September 12, 2016
– October 19, 2016 on Mondays and Wednesdays for 30
minutes during the morning. The observations took place
prior to recess in a fifth grade classroom and after recess
in the school library or with the art teacher in the regular
academic classroom. This type of observation is known as
a controlled structured observation, as the observations
were completed under the same conditions during each
session and could be easily replicated. The observer did
not have contact or interaction with the subject, as the
sole intent was to observe behaviors in the most natural
environment possible. Systematic time sampling was utilized
during observations to acquire different samples of
behavior at predetermined time intervals over the course
of the observations. Sytematic time sampling, as opposed
to random time sampling, enables observations to be
generalized during the time in which the observation occurred
(Bakeman, 1997).. Observations were divided into
5-minute intervals, wherein each 5-minute time interval
included two codes that represented on-task or off-task
behaviors. These behaviors were documented during the
5-minute time intervals for each participant. The list of
on- and off-task behaviors observed for during this study
were derived from the literatüre, wherein the most common
recurring on- and off-task behaviors in the classroom
setting were identified. Moreover, behaviors on the onand
off-task lists were based on both quantitiative and
qualitative studies noted in the literatüre that addressed
actively engaged behaviors (on-task) which were correlated
with student productivity and disruptive classroom behaviors
(off-task) which were connected to less productive
students (Dalton, Martella, & Marchand-Martella, Rathvon,
1990; Sun & Shek, 2012). The behaviors observed for included,
but were not limited to the following:
ON (on-task)
• answering questions asked by teacher;
• looking at or writing on academic materials;
• receiving assistance from teacher or teacher’s
• raising a hand and waiting to be called on;
• reading a book when finished with work; and
• looking at teacher or speaker.
OFF (off-task)
• playing with materials;
• staring into space/looking around class/stretching;
• laying head down;
• scribbling on paper;
• talking to a classmate about non-academic matter;
• talking to the teacher when not asked a question
• singing or talking aloud to oneself; and
• out of seat or walking around class without permission.
During each observational period, the code that correlated
with the participant’s behavior for each 5-minute interval
was circled. The code was determined by analyzing
the behavior that was exhibited a majority of the 5-minute
time interval. Upon final data collection, descriptive and
inferential statistics were utilized to summarize the data
sets. Two double bar graphs were created to display the
average number of minutes each participant spent ontask
and off-task prior to and after recess. The average
number of minutes each participant spent on-task before
recess and after recess was also converted to percentages
and used to create a table that identified each participant’s
average percentage of time on-task before recess, average
percentage of time on-task after recess, and average
increase in time on-task from before to after recess. The
double bar graphs and table were then compared to determine
the overall increase or decrease that recess had
on fifth grade students’ time on-task in the classroom. Additionally,
a paired samples t-test was completed to determine
if the difference in increase of time on-task prior to
and following recess were statistically significant. One of
the assumptions of the paired t-test is that the two groups
are normally distributed. Thus, the Shapiro-wilk test was
utilized to test for normality.
March 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, 449-456
Even though time allocated for recess in elementary
schools has decreased across the United States (Hausenblas
& Rhodes, 2016), the justification for educational policy
may rest on the assumption that reducing recess time
increases instructional time, therefore improving academic
performance. On the contrary, the present study’s findings
indicate that including recess in a school day’s allocated
time schedule in fact, increases time on-task. What is
known from research is that time on-task is a strong indicator
of academic engagement and achievement. Thus,
this study adds to the breadth of research that argues
recess should be included as a vital component of an elementary
child’s school day.
Results for research question 1
Results revealed that each of the 12 participant’s average
time on-task increased from before recess to after recess
(See Table 1). Student 5 had the greatest increase
in time on-task, from 20.8% time on-task prior to recess
to 60.4% time on-task after recess. Student 2 showed the
lowest percentage of time on-task before recess (18.7%)
and remained at the lowest percentage of time on-task
after recess (56.2%). However, this student showed great
improvement in time on-task following recess (37.5%).
Student 3 displayed the smallest amount of increase in
time on-task, from 64.5% before recess to 75% after recess.
Though there was not a large increase in time ontask,
this participant had the highest percentage of time
on-task before recess and still showed an improvement in
time on-task behaviors immediately following a period of
recess. The overall average increase for all participants in
time on-task from before recess to after recess was 33.7%.
Results for research question 2
During the 30 minute period following recess, 100% of the
participants spent more time on-task than off-task (See
Figure 1). Only one participant (Student 3) had a less difference
between the average amount of time spent ontask
and off-task during the period of time immediately
following recess. Student 3 spent 19.375 minutes on-task
before recess and 22.5 minutes on-task following recess.
This is a 3.125 minute increase in time on-task from before
recess to after recess.
Figure 1. Participants’ average time on-task and average
time off-task after a period of recess.
Results for research question 3
Results also indicated that only two of the twelve participants
observed, Student 3 and Student 9, spent more
time on-task than off-task during the period of observation
before recess (See Figure 2). Only two more of the
twelve participants observed, Student 1 and Student 10,
spent near equal amounts of time on-task and off-task.
Student 1 spent 47.9% of time on-task and 52.1% of time
off-task, and Student 10 spent 45.8% of time on-task and
54.2% of time off-task. Even though the amounts of time
these two participants spent on-and off-task were similar,
Student 1 spent 1.25 more minutes off-task than on-task,
and Student 10 spent 2.5 more minutes off-task than ontask.
The remainder of the twelve participants spent more
time off-task than on-task on average during the period
of observation before recess. In summary, 83.3% of the
participants observed in the fifth grade classroom spent
more time off-task than on-task during the 30 minutes prior
to recess.
Figure 2. Participants’ average time on-task and average
time off-task before a period of recess.
Paired t-test
A paried samples t-test was completed to compare the
means of time on-task before and after recess for a single
group. Prior to completing the paired t-test, a Shapiro-wilk
test was conducted to test for normality of the data. Results
indicated that p> .05, indicating that the data was
normal. Results of the paired-samples t-test revealed that
the mean time on-task before recess (M= 36.59, SD= 13.70)
varied from after recess (M= 70.27, SD= 9.61) at the .05 significance
level (t= 13.17, df= 11, n= 12) (See Table 1).
Table 1. Participants’ average time on-task before recess, average
time on-task after recess, and average increase in time
Before Recess
Average time
After Recess
Average time
increase in
time on-task
S1 47.9% 85.4% 37.5%
S2 18.7% 56.2% 37.5%
S3 64.5% 75% 10.5%
S4 20.8% 60.4% 39.6%
S5 27% 70.8% 43.8%
S6 25% 60.4% 35.4%
S7 37.5% 66.6% 29.1%
S8 33.3% 77% 43.7%
S9 52% 81.2% 29.2%
S10 45.8% 81.2% 35.4%
S11 35.4% 66.6% 31.2%
S12 31.2% 62.5% 31.3%
Note: Data analysis showed that when the difference in mean time
on-task prior to and following recess were compared (p= .00001),
the results were statistically significant, p< .05.
To conclude, when the behaviors of participants were observed
prior to a period of recess 100% of the participants
Effect of Recess on Fifth Grade Students’ Time On-Task / Cooper Stapp & Kate Karr
displayed an increase in time on-task. Participants spent,
on average, between 3.125 and 13.125 more minutes ontask
in the classroom after a period of recess. Therefore,
the findings from this study indicate that a 25-minute period
of recess significantly increased fifth-grade students’
average time on-task in the classroom.
Similar to results of previous quantitative studies (Jarrett,
2002; Pellegrini & Bohn, 2005; Ramstetter et al., 2010),
this study supports the theory that short breaks which
include physical activity during the school day enable
students to remain on-task for longer periods of time. A
study by Foran, Manion, & Rutherford (2017) also found
that teachers perceived students to be more focused after
participating in physical activity. While numerous studies
have been conducted that indicate students who are physcially
active during the school day earn higher grades,
are more focused, and perform better on achievement
tests (Hillman, Erickson, & Kramer, 2008; Rasberry et al.,
2011), much less is known about why this actually occurs.
To address the “why,” researchers have recently begun to
examine the changes in the overall physiology of the brain
that occurs when children participate in physical activity.
Recent brain imaging technology has enabled reserachers
to examine children’s brain malleations during physical
activity and correlate them to a child’s learning and development
(Hillman, Erickson, & Kramer, 2008). Ploughman
(2008) also noted that changes in the brain, such as increased
neurotransmitters identified through EEG tests,
oxygen saturation, and growth in the brain-derived neurotropic
factor are all correlated to cognitive development
for children. Thus, this provides evidence to suggest that
the changes in brain physiology that occur when students
participate in physical activity at school, such as recess,
have the ability to improve cognitive functions needed
for success, such as attention and focusing on tasks in
the classroom. Therefore, recess needs be considered an
essential element of the school day and should be taken
into consideration when daily schedules are developed in
elementary schools. Future research should take this into
consideration when addressing the connections between
children’s physical activity, changes in brain physiology
and performance in the classroom. Contrary to arguments
utilized by those who eliminate recess time, findings of
this study indicate that recess positively affected the ontask
behaviors of fifth grade students in the classroom.
The effect of recess on each participant’s time on-task indicated
statistically significant outcomes, however, there are
a number of limitations that may have factored into the results.
One of the limitations was the location of the school
at which participants were observed and the time of year
when the research was conducted. The research was conducted
in the state of Mississippi, during the months of
September and October. These months are particularly
warm, which may have had an effect on the findings by
altering participants’ activity levels at recess. Another limitation
of this study was the subject matter participants
learned during observational periods, both before and
after recess. On Mondays, participants attended a library
class following recess, and on Wednesdays, participants
attended an art class following recess. Studying different
subjects could have influenced participants to demonstrate
more on-task or off-task behaviors depending on
interest level of the subject. A third limitation of this study
is the time of day in which students participated in a period
of recess. If recess had been offered earlier or later in
the school day, the findings of this study could have been
different. Furthermore, this study only examined the ontask
and off-task behaviors of twelve fifth grade students.
A larger sample size of fifth grade students may aid in further
validating the findings of the present study.
Observational data was collected while the researcher
stood in the back of the classroom to provide the least
amount of distraction possible. The purpose of being
minimally distracting was to guarantee that participants’
on-task or off-task behaviors were genuinely reflective
of their typical classroom behavior and were not affected
by the observations that took place. If the observations
did produce distractions, they would be considered
a limitation of the research study. The amount of recess
time participants were provided is another limitation of
this research study. Participants’ daily schedule allocated
25 minutes of recess, but on occasion participants would
receive less than or more than 25 minutes of recess depending
on when assignments were completed, weather
conditions, and other varying circumstances.
Lastly, the variety of assignments that participants completed
during each observation period before and after
recess could be considered a limitation. Some tasks could
be considered much more engaging and interactive, which
could cause participants to demonstrate more on-task behaviors.
These engaging or interactive tasks included cooperative
learning activities or timed multiplication tests.
Conversely, some tasks that participants were assigned
could be considered more mundane and required a higher
level of self-discipline from participants to complete,
such as listening to the teacher read texts aloud or completing
worksheets. This could have caused participants to
demonstrate more off-task behaviors.
Conclusion and recommendations
Findings from this study indicated a positive association
between allocating time for recess and on-task classroom
behaviors. However, future research might include a larger
sample size with a similar design. It would also be advantageous
to include a group of more varied participants to
provide further validation of this study. Other opportunities
for future research may examine the effects of recess
when provided to students at different times throughout
the school day, the effects that longer or shorter recess
periods have on time on-task, how recess affects students
in different grade levels, and/or how the effects of recess
may differ between gender.
In summary, this study provides a small, albeit significant
insight into the behavioral and subsequently academic
advantages of providing elementary students with a recess
break during the school day. Findings demonstrated
that recess significantly increased on-task behaviors of
fifth grade students in an elementary classroom. While
it is recommended that children receive at least 60 minutes
of physical activity each day, the stark reality is that
many students in countries across the world, including the
United States, receive short recess breaks or no breaks at
all due to educational policies that have increased instructional
time. Thus, it is critical that administrators, educators,
and policymakers find the intricate balance between
allocating time for recess and academics to ensure that all
elementary school children are afforded the opportunity
to succeed at their highest potential.
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March 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, 449-456
On-Task and Off-Task Behaviors
On-Task (ON)
Off-Task (OFF)
Student Minute 0 Minute 5 Minute
S10 ON
S11 ON
S12 ON